#but that's because we're all part of the same 'hahah that character WOULD do that' hivemind
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roxirinart 3 months ago
feeling like now's a great time to publish this
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ladysomething 9 months ago
I just saw your answer to that anon who wanted vulnerable alpha and you mentioned an alpha being vulnerable during a rut and I've always had this idea in my head for that but I've never encountered a fic that dealt with it and now I desperately want to read one. So if you or any of your followers know of any lestappen fics that explore that side of the omega verse recommendations would be greatly appreciated tyvm 馃槉
On topic of wygig, I actually really like this chapter. A chapter like this had to happen to break the kind of.... status quo that we had established until now? Charles didn't trust Max, did all these schemes behind his back, so far without consequences and found a way to also enjoy himself while doing it. It was bound to all come boiling down at one point when Max realized that he was played. It's called culmination of a building story. If everything continued going as it was the story would become repetitive (at least to me).
Honestly if people want to read the smut and skip the actual character development we have going on, they should go to the pwp part of ao3. I myself am enjoying the angst. Maybe it's because I've read worst angst than this with characters that are even more morally gray than Max is, but this is the perfect amount for me. I get why people are upset and have strong negative feelings towards Max rn but I've read enough angst to know we just need to sit back and enjoy.
I love stories like this that are not straight forward and honestly we are MISSING heavy plot in this fandom. I've read the same Charles to rbr where Max is a perfect cinnamon roll that apologizes to Charles even tho Charles is the one insufferable story like 15 times in this fandom. Finally some actual fucking plot going on.
Hope no one gets offended by my words, just wanted to let you know the story is great, it is not too much morally gray, I trust you when you say Max has his reasons, and I love the characters you created (yes, even Max), because reading the comment section on ao3 made me feel like you might consider toning it down after and I didn't want that to happen.
Sincerely, p&p anon
p&p anon!!! it's been so long!!!
I've never really read about alphas being vulnerable to the extent that Charles/omegas are. but somebody else might know of one??
also ... those are some strong words hahahah. but I get it, we're all very invested in the story at this point. I've been dragging you all along for 100k+ and like 3 months, so. I'm with ya.
and please rest assured - I'm not going to tone it down. my actual response to people being mad at Charles was actually "ok maybe I should make Max WORSE" hahah. Which I've decided against, just so you all know, I'm just gonna keep going with the story I plotted out originally!
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zalrb 2 years ago
the summer i turned pretty 1x03 review -- "you mean conrad?"
Oh god, the infinity symbol. Why would you pour that on her pancakes tho. Why is that the moment for the Moment.
"Looking like a vision in floral." She looks NORMAL. You guys are making it seem like she's Arwen coming to Frodo in an ethereal light and bringing him back from the brink of death.
Why would you get your daughter a present because it includes your best friend's favourite poem? That doesn't make any sense. That should be a gift for Susannah. This isn't how you show how close all of you are.
"You excited to see Taylor?" How long has it been since you last saw her? Like a week?
"You're the main character, not Taylor." Is she though?
"I do not want to be cancelled by the sailing community" that's not what being cancelled IS.
stop. saying. extra.
"I just really want to look good next to you" you know, you wouldn't have to try this hard with Jere, Steven.
Yeah, Steven, play with your boyfriend
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I don't understand why this volleyball scene is so long.
"I know, I just ... care." Do you though?
So if Nicole is the girl this season then who the fuck is Aubrey?
Nicole, honey, you can do SO MUCH BETTER than Conrad.
"Suddenly you care about clothes, you have new friends, you have a boyfriend." OK a) they're making it seem like Belly was dressing as a slob and she her wearing a baggy shirt and shorts isn't the same vibe, it's like when Teen Wolf was trying to say that Kira looked so un-put-together and messy and my girl was looking like this
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please be serious. 2. Nicole literally sat by the pool with Conrad and watched you and Belly play water volleyball together. It's not like you and Belly went to get a banana split and then Nicole dropped by and she was like I invited Nicole too, that's OK right? and then you watched as they had all these inside jokes and Belly's trying to include you. You are still very prominent Taylor. 3. Same thing. Jere picked you two up it's not like she came to pick you up from the bus station with Cam Cameron and you walk to the car and see them making out and you have to be like "erm erm". *cries in frustration* DETAILS. And if these things happen later, they shouldn't they should happen BEFORE this conversation.
Where are Steven and Jere they are my only source of marginal entertainment this season because of pure head canon.
"Just promise me one thing, we'll always be best friends?" She comes her for three months out of the entire year, Taylor.
Right, Aubrey was his girlfriend from before and Nicole is a new disposable chick.
"You think you could talk to him?" see, if they were as close as they were meant to be, Laurel wouldn't need direction to speak to Connor about opening up. She'd just do it.
Why would you have a Midsommar theme? White people realize it's a movie about white supremacy right?
See Jere's being an ass here with the whole her lips touch a dead animal's lips but calling him Cam Cameron is just a dumb way to be a dick.
And Cam showed you the fuck up with that quick peck, Jere, so shut up you child.
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Taylor is a good friend though, I just find her supremely annoying but that's a best friend.
OK so if you're going to play Best Friend by Saweetie, this is not the scene you play it at
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for thirty seconds until they walk into the party. Especially when you're rolling up looking like this
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If anything, what should happen is Taylor should do her up, look proud at her work and when they roll up to the party, she's NOTICED by people and Taylor should look her proudly and the song should be playing. JUST GIVE ME A SHOW.
Oh Jere and a disposable Black guy to make out with.
What kind of likkle stiff kiss is this?
*staring at Conrad* for WHY. I love how we're three episodes deep and I have NO IDEA why she likes him.
Yeaaah Lola tries too hard to act like she's having a good time.
So does Jeremiah.
Hahah I like how they skipped over the super rape-y part of Summer Lovin'.
Yeah, see again, this makeout is very just staged. If it's a stupid, drunken mistake, it should be a little sloppier.
"Oh my God I am so sick of hearing about this fucking deb ball." Did Belly ever mention it?
It's literally been one day, Taylor. And aren't you supposed to know that Belly has her Cousins life anyway?
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It has been. a day. And Belly has been acting EXACTLY the same. She just finally wears the clothes you want her to.
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So, she is but she hasn't done anything to you, Taylor, for you to say that.
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We literally never see this, though! She just looks at him from time to time in a way that's supposed to be wistful but she can't access the nuance for that.
I remember I was obsessed with this guy in high school and I took a picture of him and his friends when we all went on a class trip to the States, I really just wanted a picture of him but I wasn't going to ask him to JUST take a picture alone so I took the picture and then I was looking at the picture on the bus but like zooming in so I could only see him and my friend was like WHAT'RE YOU DOING? and looked over and saw what I was doing and then we both decided that she never saw that and THAT was super embarrassing. I should be seeing THAT type of "omg I feel like I'm in high school again" shit from Belly.
Give me a gen z version of this shit
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"I can't deal with this right now. I gotta go." I mean why? What are you doing, Belly?
See I know the whole thing is Jeremiah is supposed to be friending Cam Cameron up to deflect but it's not giving him the layers they think it is.
And he's not good at playing drunk.
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she is TERRIBLE.
"Can I ask you something..." "Is that it?" "Yeah, that's it." Why are they acting like the moment to ask him has passed when he still has to drive her home?
Like is that car ride silent?
"They should be in his desk" where she will find the infinity necklace.
"He's been acting weird for months. Just forget him." Lol, do you two like each other?
"And today you can't stop obsessing over Conrad" and like I know that we use that word liberally and this is partly because the acting is terrible but the scene needs more room to breathe. Like I feel like what should happen is she sees the bracelet and she mulls about it quietly and Jeremiah keeps asking her about Cam Cameron and she gives monosyllabic responses and then he's like Bells, where are you? Like you're barely speaking and then she should talk about Conrad in a rush where she just can't stop talking and it's like verbal diarrhea and then she takes a deep breath and Jere's just like wowwwwwwww
Honestly, Belly.
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Oh my god Belly, you should be yelling at him for making out with Taylor when he's dating someone else.
For your best friend dying, this is a very cold conversation. Like they're trying to be Beaches but they're not being Beaches.
My mom was OBSESSED with that movie omg.
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the-firebird69 9 months ago
I'm going to get to work on making a prototype and use the same molds and we have some vents to put in and I have a channel say duct it's not really that hard you just put the duck on it I need to get to work on it and really there's a way to make the cage fast we know how to do that and I designed the invader so this should be not too hard and to make it a drop on and I'd like to get the keep the interior of the Corvette it makes so much damn work taking all that picky **** out putting picky **** back in and you said you can change the seat covers or you put a have new ones you put over it and they lace up in the back i'm going to do that because we'll have our own and I want to try and get the name and if you can't he says you'll have to name it something else
We're talking above and he lost the thing because these idiots are screwing with it and saying there's too many characters in small and we made smaller and smaller and they wouldn't let it work. We don't know why there are a bunch of jerks and they don't understand it and really they're **** and it's it's not even John Cena is willing to let the car go kind of and we can't seem to get anything done at all we have to have BG do it and he comes up with tricks and in a method of doing it we want to try and do this it might even become a Corvette there's a class card that it is and it will compete with the Pontiac Banshee and I went through some of the politics and then people don't wanna work with Cena or have the name and people don't wanna work with Biden of ours and it's too impossible and BG is starting to be grumpy with us we'd be on our own but we need the car for certain things I was too slow get spotted we do have tack for the shield and cloak in the metal doesn't cast off the shield too good so yeah we can make it out of a cadmium all so yeah we can make it out of a cadmium alloy it's a good idea and he says the sound is reduced with the air intake and that's interesting and the trough gives you control and it's for flight and that's more interesting it runs in a straight line so you don't turn into a blender and that's nice to know and fun he also said that you start off with a kit car and it's fast enough and the change of window so it opens like Batman but it looks like it does now and you simply make the front of it part of the fuselage it's rear engine and you don't need a trunk hood that big and you make the rear part of the fuselage in the top and it looks like glass it's like spandrel like the black rear wheel well I followed it too and he says it in advance in the rear it'll be very fast especially made out of a special metal alloy and also we can make it with a standard VA and you're making a drop on like the Vader and if we made this car it would be for us in their kit car mostly us to go after Tommy F and that's why we cant get it done
terry c
You see how it is we wnat ot use it for the car and as a ki car. and it is fast and really really fast. and earlier stingry, about 2017 well they started earlier so the first ones are fast and well built too. we change some items and have. rear rins an tires and front are larger. suspension then. and add in hydrolic air yes. speed shop stuff. and into a kit. theyi order it no. we supply it. and new body but same design and same dimensions so our bud can have one lol he will be too tall hahah yikes fun ok all want one. vent out th eback. i agree. the ocode is right. we use it now damn ok damn and him in one too i see it ok wow. fun
john r
we do see it. he says it wow and thats why. and money ok we see. it.
terry c
we work on it now
and right now
john r
and they will ok
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petrichoraline 1 year ago
I agree with everything you said, Cathrine is delightful, naive but stands her ground and she's only going to get better with age. Yeah, the whole age gap is a bit... But considering the time period it was written in I just imagine him younger idk. The action part is when they're in the abbey ig, that's the most fun part and I'm not going to spoil it to you ofc but I'd do the same as Cathrine if I was in a place like that lol maybe without saying certain things tho. I would love to know your thoughts on the novel, by the end I did like henry, he did show up and out when he needed to. I'd have to say that my favorite austen romance is persuasion, the man did annoy me in the begining even tho ig I understand that one considering their history but his letter in the end has to be the best austen letter, I'm not a fan of love letter in general but since they already have a history together it hits differently idk also talking about relatable heroines Ann Eliot my beloved, the people pleasing is next level (but we're working on that)
I waited to finish the novel to reply and now I understand what you meant hahah, a lil warning about spoilers ahead for anyone who might come across this that wants to read Northanger Abbey
Catherine's imagination running wild annoyed me a bit only because she was using it on a real person and in such a way but I understood she's an avid reader seeing patterns in real life and im sure her subconscious craved to make a villain out of the general - he was too attentive and polite for her to have an excuse to say anything bad about him though he was the most dreadful part of her experience in the abbey. but the way she talked to henry about it, I can't help but laugh, she feels so at ease with him and trusts him so much that she forgot all about manners and common decency and asked him questions that so obviously show her suspicions- like what heroine would share she suspects his father of murder with her crush 馃槶 propriety and common sense were sent out the door faster than her lmao
as for henry yeah, he did show up when it mattered and related the information to her in a very considerate way, he was also extra caring after she ran away in tears all ashamed when her suspicions were revealed so all in all you can tell he can be a little shit when he's in a silly goofy mood but also be extremely sensitive in certain situations, we love a man with a high eq 馃槃
the novel itself... I am not going to lie to you, I am a bit disappointed - I pushed through some boring parts in the hopes of some grandiose drama but things were resolved in a very bland way. the conclusion to the engagement situation is related through letters, we don't see either the thorpes or james himself at all, later on we only hear about what went between the general and john and I get it creates this feeling of "we're done with them, let's wrap it up, chop chop!" as if we didn't spend half the novel with those characters around. the way catherine moves on isn't technically quick but in writing it feels like it. aside from that part being rushed, so was the ending- eleanor having a fiance and catherine not knowing anything of it does make a bit of sense because she is a more discreet person but tying the whole thing together with "and his servant left behind the washing bills from so many chapters ago!".. I wouldn't call it lazy but it was a random choice. (I did find the part where she says she can't name the fiance cause the structure of a novel wouldn't allow it entertaining tho); the resolution for the thorpes was very similar to a fairytale - bad guys left vexxed, good guys in complete bliss. in sense and sensibility the "bad girl" at least got a man out of the whole ordeal lol so I was expecting some twist or another but it's fine, just as austen was done with the characters, so was i lol
I think most of all I wanted a more dramatic moment of getting together for henry and catherine but I suppose the whole point is this it's a regular story with regular characters where the only dramatics spawn from some very common behaviours in people in higher society. the final chapter was just rushing everything which honestly isn't a bad thing considering i was not too curious even three chapters prior as to how it all ends, I think austen mightve known it was gonna be predictable anyways so might as well not waste much thought and time on it.
I did like the book, as I do with every austen book, because it's an experience - I like the humour, I like the writing style (though some sentences could do with being shortened, I have to reread again and again when I'm sleepy sometimes), I think the fact there are less descriptions of surroundings and more cheeky commentary on society and fun dialog works for me very well. this novel is no different in these aspects than the ones I've previously read and im glad about it. when it comes to characters, I'm fond of Eleanor particularly but I appreciate the Morlands as well - they seem very simple in their thinking but very loving and caring, they give their children freedom and support them unreservedly, im sure henry and eleanor would love to be in their company in the future (im also so happy for eleanor and I hope his family is the warmest and help her heal from all she's endured)
it was a fun read and im satisfied i finished it regardless of anything, also very glad I got to talk with someone about it 馃槉
the letter in persuasion you mention sounds exactly like the type of profession of love i want, here I just mostly got austen describing events and we didn't even get to see catherine find henry at the door, we had to follow her mother to the bookshelf upstairs 馃槀 so a letter in the character's own words sounds great!
people pleasing would drive me up the wall, that's why I was so happy with catherine but! relatable it is. so I will probably yell at her with affection and understanding hahah (I'm sure you're doing great, one "no" at a time)
i think I'll probably think of other things to say on the matter after i've posted this but alas :') sending you hugs, thanks once again for talking to me about it <3 I hope I haven't disappointed you with my answer, I'd love for you to correct me if I've said smth wrong but also just share whatever 馃挀
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mariemariemaria 3 years ago
I couldn't put my finger on it why peoples reaction to the finale bothered me so much and made me feel weird as an irish gay person but I just realised that it's cuz it feels like people are reducing clare's whole character to just being a lesbian and ignoring the other parts of her identity of being a teenage girl from an irish family in derry during one of the most tumultuous times in northern irish history like a show like derry girls is so important because of how little representation northern ireland gets in particular irish/catholic people in northern ireland and young people/ teenage girls in northern ireland so I understand that if you're used to seeing the all the parts of your identity except for your sexuality represented in media that that's all you would want from the show but that's not what I want I don't want clare to be just a lesbian I want her to be a northern irish teenage lesbian from an irish catholic family in derry and I want to see all that comes with that like I want to see a character that fully represents me as a young irish gay person and I get that lgbt people from outside of northern ireland mighnt feel represented in clare but that's not what the show is for its to represent northern ireland and clare is to represent being lgbt in northern ireland and northern ireland specifically
Yes omg because you're saying what I'm thinking but was too afraid to say bc I didnt want to get my head bitten off by an American lmao but ur exactly right. Like Clare coming out at the end of s1 was so important to me as a bi catholic from northern ireland and obviously it's important representation no matter where you're from, and that is part of the appeal of derry girls in a wider sense, but being from northern ireland amidst the homophobia of the DUP and the debates around same sex marriage like it just hit different idk. But the entirely of Clare's personality isnt that she's a lesbian. She's anxious, intelligent, studious, friendly, a walking cack attack (it's the way God made her!) and being gay is important to a degree of course but it isnt all that she is and it isnt her personality.
The representation part is definitely important and probably isn't something that people who arent educated about this time period will know. Like I feel if you told an average leftie American (I hope this doesnt come across as me picking on Americans, it's not meant to, and tbh it could easily apply to British people as well) that Catholics were oppressed in the UK (because NI is part of the UK, whether we like it or not) as recently as the 1970s (and arguably beyond) they would make a call out post about you or something lmao. But that's the truth and it happened within living memory. So for me, as well as yourself, the gay representation is important, but so is the good representation of Catholics, of the working class, of Derry, of teenagers, and especially of girls and women. Like if you pick any piece of media about the troubles, chances are it'll be about men, written by men, directed by a man, and women will barely be involved. Which is insane considering we're half the population and that women lived through the exact same shit men did. And of course, the positive representation of Northern Ireland as a place. Like of course it was difficult, and it certainly does not sugar coat that, but people weren't just sitting around all day being depressed or making bombs or drinking or whatever, as is often portrayed. Most people just had to get on with their lives, and they did so well, and with a fair amount of laughter and joy involved too.
Those are just some of my thoughts. Thank you for your message, it feels good to know that someone else feels the same as I do regarding Northern Irish gay rep. Sorry for the state of my writing, I am so tired rn hahah
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egcdeath 4 years ago
It鈥檚 always me (part 2 hahah). I saw that you reblogged other prompts and so... here we are again 馃挄
Thank you (again) and I hope you have a good day 馃挄 sorry, again, for the long post
" you stayed? " + " well, of course i stayed. you're here, where else would i be? " -> this one with Steve and maybe the reader got hurt during some mission
" oh! i found this in the mall, i figured it might be something you'd like! " -> maybe this with Ransom and his beloved biscoffs (again) hahaha
"we should grab some coffee together, sometime. " + (WAYS FOR YOUR CHARACTERS TO MEET - meet cute) "coincidentally, we're both at a hotel, leaving our room at the same time. turns out we both had a one-night stand and it was terrible" -> maybe this with Andy
You can change which character to associate these prompts; I chose Andy, Steve, and Ransom because I'm a hoe for them 馃槣 I hope they are not impossible to write.
ps. You鈥檙e my favorite tumblr writer, but I鈥檓 not gonna quit anonymity because I鈥檓 too shy to do it 馃槚
hey nonnie!! i鈥檇 love to crank some more drabbles out and i am super grateful for all of your requests. if i don鈥檛 post them today i鈥檒l try to post them throughout the week!
i cant believe i鈥檓 anyone鈥檚 favorite tumblr writer, i am super flattered. please feel free to shoot me a message off anon at any time! i promise i don鈥檛 bite 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 i鈥檇 love to get to know you
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