#but that’s not the point I can’t live without these anymore 💔💔💔💔
j0kers-light · 1 year
Chapter 21 review
Chile why you not giving us more details on readers pass😩🙄 got me all excited to finally hear what happened to her and just to get cliffhangered😭😭
I’m surprised joker ain’t stab Morgana when he seen her😂 reader really is changing joker for the better without her knowing
I feel like Florence is dead even though there’s another side of me saying she is. But it just doesn’t make sense to kill Florence and let Morgana live since they know about him🧐 I at first thought since joker told neo to handle Florence that Neo would just kidnap and hide her but then in the chapter joker said he had to handle the whole Florence situation so I’m guessing he killed her. (By the way I don’t really care if she’s dead or alive in my opinion🤷🏽‍♀️ after how she treated reader I give less fucks about her🙄🤣)
I know you said there was going to be a new person in the story which I didn’t think it was the nurse Sarai I thought it would be a a certain clown girl🤡 herself from jokers past🫣🤔
Look I’m really REALLY trying to like Bruce in this story but he makes it SO difficult 😤 but reader LITERALLY said she didn’t see him that way and she was with some other dude and he ain’t taking the hint🤦🏽‍♀️
MY THEORY: I think for the next chapter Florence is dead which will affect joker and readers relationship to downfall. She gets mad at him curse him out blah blah blah and she says she don’t want to deal with him anymore which makes him sad and turn himself into the GCPD police since he feels like he don’t want to cause anymore heartache and problems for her and can’t move on in life without his light✨😩
I ain’t gonna like I would like both their exes to come at some point to fuck some shit up. Whoever the guy was to fuck yo the readers mental so bad I hope joker give him a slow death where the reader participates in killing him😈 Harley Quinn is literally my favorite villain or all time and if she is going to be in the story if she goes against reader it is going to be heartbreaking 💔 🥲
That’s all just wanted to share my thoughts ✌🏽🫶🏽
Hey hi anon!!
I love love love love your thoughts!! You are close but not quite on the money 🤭
This story is far from being over beloved!
I like cliffhangers lol but there’s a reason why I’m dragging Y/n’s past out. It will be confirmed next chapter but resolved much later.
Joker is learning patience and how to better understand other people’s emotions from Y/n! Joker was ready to snatch Morgana up but he stopped himself. He listened to what she had to say and he definitely can’t kill her now since his Light warned him not to. She said, “You hurt my friends..” plural. Joker in trouble.
Now onto the Flo/Morgana situation. Morgana is smart. She’s keeping her mouth shut and proving her worth as a friend to stay in good with J. Florence on the other hand is threatening to expose Joker to the authorities on top of yelling at his Bunny AND she made you cry which is the catalyst for you having your PTSD episode. You were stressed from that interaction and couldn't handle when Bruce accidentally said your trigger. She has a lot more tally marks against her than Morgana does.
I will say this: Florence left your apartment building alive.
Sarai isn’t a new character, she’s a returning role from chapter 7 🤭 So the new character is still at large.
And yes, Harley Quinn will make an appearance in His Lighthouse. I love her too much not to include her.
I love Bruce and in any other story I'd root for him BUT! I needed a male anti character and......... *stares at Bruce* you're up babe.
Now this next chapter theory of yours 🤭 I love you but
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Joker does surrender to the GCPD but its not time for depressed J yet. Him and Y/n are still going strong. Two more hurdles gotta happen for Joker to feel like he’s backed into the corner and forced to surrender.
The theory on exes. Oh boy. Y/n's ex has a big role here.. and he's not done. 👀
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taegularities · 2 years
Omg the first scene w the door😭😭😭 how jk felt her presence just proves how strong their connection is, it was so sad seeing how bad oc needed closure even though she knew she couldn’t handle it
“If you’d stayed just a little longer, you would’ve realised that his heart beats in unison with yours. That he felt a glimpse of your presence straight from the hallway, too, opening without you even brushing the cold of the door.”
I’m crying😭😭😭
I feel like the jk kitchen scene where he reminisces how oc made his place feel like home and now it’s just a big empty reminder of what went between them like this line broke me💔 🤦🏾💔:
“His thoughts operate in a spinning circle, and its inevitable beginning and ending is always you.”
It’s so sad seeing oc’s mental health deteriorate so fast and this horrible hole she’s put herself in where’s she’s constantly thinking abt him and the messages. I feel like jk was always a man of actions rather than words, so even though he didn’t say much he always showed her how he felt, but bc they couldn’t see each other really bc of the pap, the text messages are all she really had to hold onto and him never replying to her knowing they couldn’t see each other for a while💔💔
Jk’s birthday😣😣 can’t believe they’re gonna have to spend it apart
I wonder if their friends know more abt jk than oc in the sense of how he deals w situations bc first oc mentioned that jimin told her to find distractions instead of dwelling on the situation and Eun says she doesn’t want to give unnecessary hope, but she knows jk loves her. Do they know (or just assume) that jk may just never try to open up fully to oc, so it’s better for her to grieve, move on, rather than just hope jk might come around and explain himself? Idk if I’m expressing myself right, but it just made me wonder
“But no suffering is endless.”
Eun is such a great friend I love her 🫂
Oc really portrays how it is to live in a toxic household for most people, minus the fashion designing business mogul🙄, but you can see how much she hates being in her house and how small her parents make her feel, but at the same time she doesn’t want to completely shut them out and cut contact bc she’s aware they’ve done much for her and doesn’t want to show that’s she’s not grateful for what they have
I have a strong feeling jks painting is going to convey his feelings abt oc or portray their relationship, but I wonder what it could be🤭 they have so many sentiments, I wonder what’d he paint to encapsulate their relationship
Zara is like the older sister Oc needs in her life omg I love her❤️❤️❤️ it’s really that tough love that can get ppl to open their eyes and really see. I wonder why oc has never seriously considered moving out of her parents house, I know she’s thought abt it, but she really had the means, and maybe the issue is a lot of her money is her parents money, but like Zara said, she can find a job somewhere small and nice and she’ll make her own income and not have to worry abt depending on them anymore.
“To which he shook his head, clicking his tongue before he said, “Nothing. I just like how easy it is to bring you joy.”
It has literally become my favorite jk quote ever omg my heart
“Inch by inch, he pushed into you, telling you, “Take whatever you want, angel. It’s yours
Also the whole situation of how yoongi broke his leg has me screaming 😭 he’s literally always in his phone honestly
But this🥲
“You don’t know when it happens, but at some point, immersing yourself in their talks becomes easier. You keep drawing dozens of little things on his cast, and he never complains”
Reminds me of when she doodled on jks arm🥲
It being so awkward between them really broke me bc I forget there could ever be a moment where they’re not head over heels in love💔
Hoseok was so charming in his scenes idk🤭 I’m kind of falling for him:
“His eyes are nearly squinted shut, tiny dimples near each corner of his rosy lips. He has a reputation of casting light through gloomy clouds, and right now, you can’t help but agree.”
Likeeeeee he really is the sunshine of this cloudy day…week…2 weeks
“Hoseok angles his head… and then says, “Just. I’ve been thinking of you a lot these days.””
STOPPPPPPPP WHY AM I GETTING BUTTERFLIES?!!?!! IM REALLY TEAM JK&OC I SWEAR😭 maybe he didn’t even mean it like that
“Eun, a never-faltering jokester, adds her two cents, cocking an eyebrow as she intrudes, “Or you were hiding something bigger.
Of course she knows.
You just didn’t think she’d mention it. A serious conversation will explode between you when you’re alone with her again. For now, your clenched jaw and fiery glare must suffice.”
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 WHAT DID I MISS
“You keep your smile on, but you feel it weaken. Hoseok is really trying. Wants to fix you, wants to be there… as he used to wish.”
🥲🥲🥲🥲 they really do share a past, I am eager to learn more
“I want you to be happy. You can’t be that with me.”
Jk is so sweet, but so dumb omg💔
“You sob into the kiss, and he breaks apart from you just briefly.
My heart is shattered and I don’t think it can be repaired. #rip⭐️
“He tells you, “Because I don’t belong to your world. My plans for the future, my life, none of it will ever be good enough for you or for your surroundings.”
Her parents words really stuck w him. I feel like it obviously affected him more than he wanted to let on that he genuinely thinks he’s not good enough for her, i remember when he used to tell everyone she’s way cooler than how the articles present her and she’s not like her family in anyway💔
I love jk but he really should’ve left her alone when she ran out😭😭 I mean I expected him to follow her, but the kiss. I feel like it did more damage than anything and will only cause an even bigger rift between them, then was there before
I wrote half of these at 3am while delirious so if they don’t make sense my apologies, but this was such a good read
I’m so sorry for the long review, but I really love this series and felt the need to document my feelings along the way
I really loved reading and can’t wait for what’s yet to come 🤭
STAR, MY BELOVED !!!! oh my god, this huge ass review? i don't know what i did to deserve you, but... *rips out heart* please take this, okay?
you're actually one of very few who mentioned the first scene! the way they felt each other's presence? do we really need further proof that they're actual soulmates? :( same goes for the kitchen scene. don't think anyone mentioned the feeling of emptiness in it, so i'm grateful that you talked about those details 🥺
and yeah.. tbh, i wrote oc' feelings thinking about my last relationship? and how it felt fighting my way through the break up. it's almost ridiculous how fast your mental health gives up on you and how every moment spent awake just... ugh, idk, is torture, kind of? which is what our baby is going through now. you're so right, he's definitely a man of actions, and the fact that she can't see or touch him anymore makes her more miserable. bc the ultimate proximity is gone...
jk's birthday !! oh my god, i'm so scared to get to this part bc 💔 a lot of little things are gonna happen and come together to Big Sadness. and the bit about their friends knowing more than they're saying? a very very interesting theory. i'm not gonna say much, but yes, definitely keep in mind that both friend groups are deeply intertwined (taeun/yoonmin...) 🤐
i love eun, too, we don't talk about her a lot, so yesss! 🥺
ahhh star, you've absolutely understood why she's not moving out yet. yes, she hates being there, but it's hard for her to leave everything behind after kind of being trained to follow her parents' footsteps? so breaking out of it is hard, but i hope she still does. toxic households aren't very yay 🥲
jk's painting... what could it be indeed ehehehe
and zara, i love her fr, bc i absolutely think as well that oc needs some tough love and someone to speak to her without sugarcoating anything. oc has definitely considered moving out! but didn't cos of the reasons stated above... but maybe something's finally gonna happen now :')
hahaha the favourite jk quotes 😭 AND YEAH YOONGI IS HAHAHA he's always on his phone so this was a little homage to it 🤣
you remembered her doodling on his arm? star, you really do have my heart 🥺
your reactions to hobi though 🤣 also.. you didn't miss anything 👀 maybe things still need to be revealed 👀 who knows 👀
the #rip⭐️ had me SCREAMING LMFAOOO you're so funny </3
so true, so true. her parents words stuck with him, which is a big reason for *gestures* all this. a big big reason for his stubbornness. and he still knows that she's not like her family, like.. he genuinely puts her on a pedestal and thinks super highly of her (you'll see in 7.5), but he just.. ugh he needs to open up more, that's it.
it's no issue at all that you wrote this at 3am, all your thoughts were probably still more coherent than mine in this very response, so don't worry at all 🥺 i'm just so fkn thankful that you reached out at all... i honestly do not take such a long and thoughtful review for granted, so :( i can't tell you how hard this made me smile.
thank you so much, star. i appreciate tf out of you, you don't even know 🤍
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Can I request about Harry Potter x reader? Lovers to Enemies?
The reader got ridiculed over and Harry even cheated the reader.
(Y/n) joined to Voldemort’s side when she can’t take of Harry’s bullshit. Voldemort thinks it was a joke but (y/n) proves that she was worthy to be a death eater.
(Y/n) did got her revenge on Umbridge and killed her off. What shocking the most is (y/n) stepped in to protect Voldemort and had a duel with Harry who seemed distracted when he learns that (y/n) was now working with Voldemort. (Y/n) wont feel a thing towards Harry anymore as she nearly the one who came close to kill him. when Voldemort loses and dies, (y/n) disappeared into thin air and vows vengeance for Voldemort.
Hello dear guess what your the first official person to request a one shot which is amazing thank you for considering me ✨ *virtual hugs*
Soo this is my first request I hope you like it if not sorry I'm not an expert mega writer.
Alright so for this request alot of angst is involved and this time with the reader being a eater without further ado letss get into it:
Death eater reader X Harry Potter
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Betrayal to my heart💔
Potter...when you think of potter you often think of the infamous boy whom lived. Kind, courages and famous willing to go out of his way to help people In need. Well not this time.
Y/n was sitting in the bathroom of Hogwarts within the Gryffindor common room crying. "Bastard!" You screamed as tears come over your face running with snot and puffy eyes. How could the one boy you fell in love with break your heart he was supposed to love you until the dark lord is gone. Y/n looks at the necklace he gave her "remember me when we fight together y/n" your face in anger threw the necklace at the wall. You wore Gryffindor robes with expensive decor you should've just dropped Harry from the start.
"Harry...potter...Harry how could you" you mumble to yourself as you sit there in the porcaline bathroom. Your hands wiped your tears away looking into the mirror when a whisper approached. "Yyyyyy/nnnnn comeeeeee tooooo meeeee" you heard in interest you came closer to the voice that came off like a snake. "Commeeeeee" the voice hisses it sounded as if it were coming from the forbidden forest.
As you ran through the Hogwarts castle you came across the back looking past Hagrid's hut out side to the forbidden forest. "Merlin it's all the way out there but- that's where professor Dumbledore said not to go" before leaning against the walls of hogwarts. You cringe at the memory of when Harry broke your heart.
"ginny i-" he whispers as she came closer kissing the boy y/n loved dearly on the lips. You came in round the corner as you saw the horrible sight "traitor" you tear up running to the Hogwarts bathroom.
You grew furious and determined striking out of the room towards the forbidden forest. "Potter shall pay...no rue the day he messed with me" you ran towards the forest in the middle of the night. As you ran for what seemed like hours a gust of wind blew across your hair. "Gah must be a storm coming" before a black mist appeared with a hiss "hahaha foolish girl" a pair of red eyes appear within the fog when a man with a smooth face smiled evily. "M-merlin it's the dark lord" he sneers and points his wand at your throat "I shall kill the girl the boy loves-".
You cut him off "actually we aren't together anymore I-i hate him" you stutter while holding your hands in the air. "and I-i" a rise of hatred came over you as you shout to the dark lord "I shall join your army as your henchmen, a soilder, a death eater to kill the boy I loved".
Voldermort had a meciless laugh escape his lips. "Whyyy ssshould I let a foolishh girl like you join myyyy armmyyy" before you grabbed your wand "I hate potter and I want revenge". Voldemort mutters out "Avada-" you scream back "EXPELLIAMUS!" You shout as a red light shot through the green curse knocking Voldemort between the trees.
"I'm powerful...I have more knowledge then you think I can give you all the information of potter if you let me" you glare at him. The dark lord smiles as a power hungry greediness hurls over him. "I indeed take back my word for you as foolish but dear child...this is no easy task" you stand your ground. "I-i don't care I want to kill him" before he grabs your arm "very well- so determined and your eyes are full of hatred" he grabs your arm and presses his wand revealing a tattoo within your arm. "You ssswear your loyalty to me" you mutter "yes of course" a mark with a snake and skull appears. Your skin felt as though it were burning but you ignores it...it felt so right Soon the boy whom lived shall die before your very eyes.
Voldemort smiles "you will need training Bella can teach you as I...need information we shall strike once the moon rises high" he apparates as he put his slim fingers around y/ns shoulders.
Days...months pass by as you train within your army. Becoming powerful by the day the dark lord praises you. Your apperance changed you no longer have your usual uniform but a dark hood with your hair shorter. Your wand is a different shade almost as if your no longer innocent. "Your ready y/n" he applauded proudly.
He raises above the army "tonight we shall strike and y/n shall lead us to the entrance". As the crowd cheered you looked over proudly. "I'm going to show potter no mercy!" You scream proudly.
As the army apparates you teamed up with Bellatrix and Fenrir following behind you run into the doors of Hogwarts prepared to await whatever stood in your way. "Oh Merlin it's her" a short lady in pink sneered her face cringing like a frog. "Who do you think you are entering my school" before you grow furious "AVADA KEDAVRA!" A green light shoots her back she stood still dead. The woman manipulated you and tortuered you when you trained in the orders army.
Voldemort starts to shout "now!" As the army breaks in while the students slept. Every boy and girl dying over the death eaters. Harry rushes down as the sight was brutal dead students all over the grounds of the main entrance. As you look up smiling "oh hello potter" you cackle evily. Harry quickly rushes to grab his wand "y/n what did you do!" He grew scared as to your new apperance and mark on your arm. "Stupify" you shout as he ran up the stairs you begin to follow him. "y/n stop this isn't you...what happened to the kind girl that wouldn't hurt anyone" before you shout "you caused this potter!" Before chasing him again up to the very top of the castle.
The final showdown Harry against y/n when Voldemort appeared behind you "very good child" you smirk "of course master". Harry grew confused "m-master you...a death eater?!?". You growled "Silence potter" as the dark lord places his arm around your shoulder "very good but I shall kill the boy y/n" as Harry shouts "expelliamu-" "stupify" you shout protecting the dark lord. "Hahahaha foolish boy I never gave up here I am" before he shouts "AVADA KEDAVRA!" A green light shoots out before Harry shoots back a red light.
All of a sudden the red light shot out as Voldemort shouted once more Harry with the love of his parents screams "EXPELLIAMUS" as Voldemort couldn't handle the power. Harry shoots with his wand as Voldemort falls flat the light hitting him in the chest he falls to the ground. "He's dead...master is dead" you grew wide eyed.
You begin to sneer "I'll get you potter and your mudblood friends every last one! Hahahahhaa!" You disappear into thin air aparating out of sight. "Merlin what happened im sorry...Merlin I'm sorry" he sighs as his scar starts to hurt.
A lovers betrayal caused by potter's demise never to be repaired always broken. A betrayal to y/ns heart.
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spentfaith · 3 years
 @feybled​ sent:  💔 - 13. a please kiss.
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Moments like these had always come a dime a dozen when it came to Saturo. Flashbacks of memories, painted in gold and light, of times where Gojo had posed the exact same question. Where the question had been slathered in innocence, dripping with honey and gold as Geto would abide the request with a single beat out of step. Tangle their limbs together and lose himself within Gojo’s essence. Easier times. Happier times. Why couldn’t time have stopped then and there?
‘Just stay’. Two words, heavy as lead and as pointed as barbed wire, dragged down his throat as he swallowed them straight from Gojo’s mouth. Loading the bullets into the chamber with every syllable, all Suguru could do was look at Gojo, pathetic and desperate.  “You know I can’t, not anymore Saturo.”  The light had filtered in so picturesquely through the split in the blinds, hitting only Gojo as he lay half propped up on the bed, making his eyes look like the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Which they were. This wasn’t supposed to be this hard, nor was it supposed to become this complicated.   One last time. One last time.   Again and again. Whatever willpower still lived within Geto, he used it to tear his gaze from the six eyes that had trapped him so.
It would kill him. Saturo would kill him. This he knew well, not now but eventually. Who had ever come close to being a match to either of them? While his world grew so dark, so dirty, he refused to let anyone be dragged with him. 
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He was stupid to think this time wouldn’t be like the others, like they both wouldn’t crumble and collide again. Damn Saturo and his infinity. Before Suguru had even made a stand for the door, he felt lips against his. Soft and familiar, there was no mistaking them, no mistaking him and the way his hand gripped Suguru's wrist, or how the other hand cradled his jaw. He often forgot just how fast Gojo could move. He kissed him back, but only for a moment, pulling back an inch and gaze averting to anywhere but those damn eyes. 
“Stop making this harder than it already is.” Came the words, sad and empty and without weight, wishing this wasn’t the reality they’d been pushed to. But despite his words, there was no attempt to move from either of them. “I don’t want you anymore. You need to let me leave, Saturo.”   Let me push you away! The silence had become tangible, but the first and only movement came from Geto this time, inching closer again to close the gap and kiss him. Kiss him for what he promised was the last, and kiss him with whatever he had left to give. 
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staysuki · 3 years
bruh tumblr s new update rly sucks :// the pictures only load after you refresh it multiple times :<<
i personally believe the middle child curse 🙇 tho i can t relate bc im the eldest. jae screaming at the camera is so accurate af. i remember watching his twitch streams :"> i miss them so much. i thought i d be able to see more jae x mark x bambam among us plays, but nO not anymore :<< AND daph (39daph) x jae horror games. pls, their phasmophobia live got screaming with laughter huhu
"you think you're on my top priority list?" 💀 damn, a seungmin x haechan rivalry 👀 interesting. seungmin s so sweet here :< a simp but whatever, its the thought that counts ❤️💖💗💓 oke ahha the she's nobody hurts slight but FAXXXX. told ya, changbin might fall for what he thought was y/n 🤥
anyways, kinda sad that it s only 12 chapters short 😭 pero pag ayaw, wag nga daw pipilitin 😌 though, at this point, i can t really tell how the relationship of the 2 leads will improve. they seem to really dislike each other (one sided). ugh but this seungmin is just my type 😔💔
disappear wells ✨ este good luck with whatever you will be doing !
and i relate 100% lol there s always a word at the back of my mind and for some reason, i can t remember it :<< like di ako mapakali ✨ i can t continue on my day without remembering it. kinda sucks, xD with tears.
- ␈
IT RLY DOES 😭 pictures doesn’t even load for me anymore, i just go on the website— wHY tUmbLR 😭💔
i know so many people who are victims of the middle child curse 👉🥴👈 but i’m both the youngest and oldest so i get the best of both worlds (youngest in actual fam, oldest in fam i grew up with). i miss jae’s streams sm, i honestly cried when he was prohibited from streaming anymore :((( but i hope he’s okay tho.
i hate this seungmin fic so i’m glad it’s over now 🥲. honestly all my seungmin fics so far have been terrible (there’s only two) and idk why and i hate both of them sm ugh. maybe in the future i’ll try my luck again but honestly i’m so done 😭💔. idk why i can’t write a proper seungmin fic ugh.
anyways, i was gonna disappear because i was going to finish the seungmin fic (i thought it was gonna take longer) but i literally just glued myself on my chair and toughed it out 😔. i also even got to finish a ton of work so that’s good. i’m still here ig idk. i’ll post more of hyunjin’s smau to make myself feel better 🤧
i feel that, what’s worse is that i always use the word for fics and it’s always at the back of my head ugh. also i like how the smallass emoji became your sign now 😭
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xtoxicwasteofspacex · 3 years
I’ve been trying like hell to fight the urge to kill my self all day. I’m doing all of this stuff for her and it means absolutely nothing. I’m sacrificing so many things in my life for her and it means nothing. Because in the whole amount of time we were together, I meant nothing. She wasn’t in love with me. I wasn’t the love of her life. And now apparently I’m easy to ignore. I’m disposable. Damaged goods. How can you not care about someone so much that you can move on in less than three weeks of being separated? How can you look at the person you claimed was your everything at one point and feel absolutely nothing? And I’m so TIRED. I’m tired of everyone acting like I have to stay here for my son. Why? All he ever does is see me cry. He hears me hurting all day long. He wakes up in the middle of the night to ask me why I’m crying. I can’t give him a place to live with just me and him. I can’t give him one home with two mommies. I can’t be the mom that he needs because I’m depressed. I’m suffocating and my entire world is crashing down on me. And I’m alone. And it doesn’t matter. Because I don’t matter. She’s moving on. She’s going to be happy. And I should be happy about that. But cutting myself isn’t working anymore. And I really think death is going to win because no matter what anyone says, there are people that you can’t live without. And it is possible to die of a broken heart. But I don’t think I can wait for that to take me out anymore 💔.
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