#but that was when i was like. oh so. huh. 1) nanako get out of there 2) that wouldve worked on me when i was 16.
juricore · 2 months
literally scared to rewatch oniisama e cause i remember there being a distinct shift from me looking at rei and going "LOLLLL 🤣 we get it she's giving lesbian byronic hero" to like. oh. aha. and that shift probably happened somewhere around the thing with the cigarette
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goatyuuji · 8 days
JJK 269: 😐😐😐
*Sigh* i can't figure out where this story is going man, i just- i just wish it's going in the right direction man, please don't let them tokyo revengers jokes become a reality...........Moving on....
So karma....KARMA has been one of the biggest things in JJK, which i fucking loved. Gojo not cremating Geto properly, baam! karma in form of Kenjaku hijacking Geto's body, Miniko & Nanako thinking they can negotiate with King of Curses, baam! they dead, Mahito underestimating Yuuji, baam! instant karma. I fucking love Gege's pen work when it comes to karma and religious themes tbh. JJK really beautiful in a way where it potraits the concept of fucking around and finding out.
So why, pray tell me, does Yuuta not suffer the consequences of his actions when he decided to use his dead teacher's body to get back to fighting Sukuna. You are telling me he gets to go back into his body just like that??? no consequences whatsoever after he defiled his teacher's body to use him as a powerup??? man.......ok then.
One more thing that pissed me off this chapter is the way Kusakabe said 'Gojo should have executed Yuuji'…..huh? HUHHHH???? By that logic Gojo should have also killed Megumi because none of them (except gojo & sukuna) surviving a 1v1 with Mahoraga if Megumi summons it on their ass 😭😭… LIKE WHAT IS THIS LOGIC, how are you gonna blame your incompetency as a sorcerer on fucking teenagers who have no choices at all. Like instead of executing teens, how about training and getting strong enough to fight and win, ever thought of that…maybe Sukuna was right when he said these grade 1 mofos should not be allowed to say nothing. Kusakabe lucky that Choso ain't there with them when he said that shit, my man Choso would have fucked him up for saying that about his younger bro.
I won't even joke about the new shadow style school or whatever was introduced in this chapter...I didn't understand one thing and i won't even try to understand it because them saying 'simple domain is a secret among sorcerers' was a joke enough for me when ALMOST EVERY ONE IN THIS FIGHT KNEW HOW TO DO A SIMPLE DOMAIN and even used it against Sukuna, like dpmo with the 'oh it's a secret, oh we gonna monopolize on this' plotline I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. This is worse than Gojo bringing up Nobara's mom in last chapter, like where the fuck are we going from here man??????
In conclusion: Maybe Sukuna should have killed all of them, especially Mei Mei.
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damn-stark · 10 months
Chapter 15 The start of something new
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Chapter 15 of Sugar
A/N- Two of the strongest sorcerers make jokes about dicks and boobs 😗
Warning- Swearing, angst!!, FLUFF!! Talks of death, violence and blood, spoilers, long chapter.
Pairing- Choso x fem!reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Takes place during- Before 2x06
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
*1 YEAR LATER. 2018*
From Unknown: Y/N Gojo, we will grant you and your allies who were a part of the Night Parade last year, a complete pardon from all crimes if you execute the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori.
“What happens when this gets in the way, huh?” You tease Mimiko as you move strands of her long bangs over her eyes.
Mimiko chuckles, and you proceed to give her a gentle but pressing reminder. “Remember to put it up when you’re out on missions, okay? As long as it doesn’t go with your technique it can just get in the way.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Mimiko brushes you off, letting you let her go to walk to her sister standing across from her. “Now you, remember what I told you.”
Nanako sighs and steps back before shifting her feet to get into her fighting stance. “Distance,” she mutters.
You nod. “And quick on your feet,” you remind her and nudge her foot forward with yours so she can get in the proper position. “You lag when you have to use your technique, so quick thinking okay?”
Nanako nods in comprehension, and you step to the side to watch them both. “Weapons up,” you tell them as you rest your hands on your hips.
“This is heavy,” Nanako complains as she lets her blade falter in her hand.
“It’s an extension of your arm,” you tell her. “And it’s for your benefit. For the both of yours. My friend Mei-Mei’s technique also isn’t ideal for fighting, but that’s why she learned to swing her axe, and she’s the best at it. She’s a grade 1 sorcerer because of how skilled she is. You guys are almost there, just a bit more. So arms up, light on your feet,” you advise them and feel your cursed worm spirit wrap around your neck as it crawls down from the branch. “Firm grip, but not too—”
“Tight,” Nanako groans, making you smile.
“Oh, you got it?” You chuckle. “So why am I seeing your knuckles whiten?” You rebuttal with a smirk that the worm on your shoulders mimics. Meanwhile, Nanako glances down at her hand and huffs before she loosens her fingers around the handle of her blade.
“Okay,” you breathe out as you notice that their stances are good to start another round of sparring.
Nevertheless, just as you part your lips again to tell them, a sweet voice calls out for you. “Mama!”
“Oh no,” Nanako grumbles.
You blink and glance over to see where Satori’s voice came from, and much to your surprise you see your brother grabbing Satori upside down by her ankle.
And of course, your daughter is amused by your brother's crazy antics and laughing her little head off.
“Look what I found on the way here!” Satoru shouts as he points to Satori with a beaming grin that matches your daughter's smile.
He’s not supposed to be here, he’s supposed to be out on a weekend-long mission. So the question begs to be answered, what is he doing here, and why didn’t he give you a heads up?
Is this about the message you got a few days ago?
It has to be.
“Why does he keep walking in the house unannounced?” Mimiko asks as she moves over to stand beside her twin sister.
You sigh. “Trust me I’ve been asking myself that same thing for years,” you mention as you watch your brother approach you and your girls. “He would barge in my room like that when we lived together.”
Satoru finally reaches you under the vibrant tree and grabs Satori’s hand to lift her and hang her around his shoulders instead.
“Brother,” you greet with a puzzled look. “What are you doing here? You didn’t call or text.”
Satoru shrugs and holds onto Satori’s hands as she hooks them under his chin and rests her cheek on the top of his head. “I thought I’d surprise you guys, you know? I finished my mission early since it was easier than expected and I wanted to come visit.” He smiles and looks up at your daughter. “Like the surprise?”
“I love it,” she of course agrees because she loves the man. They’re inseparable when he’s over, or when you’re hanging out with him. And he acts like how you imagined, a man child, they’re like best friends.
Then again it’s a good thing that he has fun with her, he seemed to help her through her grief. And she helped him relax from all the stress he’s put through. Or so you like to see it that way.
“Oh! And he brought me a gift!” Satori shares enthusiastically. “And he brought one for Nana and Mimi too!” She adds and lifts her head to look at her sisters. You follow her line of gaze and see the girls avoid eye contact so as to not look at your brother or acknowledge him.
“They’re inside,” Satoru tries to talk to them. “I’m sure Satori can show you. So why don’t you, Sugar?”
You stiffen and swallow thickly at the sound of the nickname he calls her. Out of so many he could’ve come up with, he chose that one after it started off as some joke when he told Satori about how you would call Suguru that in your youth. He found it fitting for Satori, or maybe it’s a way to be closer to the best friend he lost, but he’s called her that ever since that day.
And you can’t say that it bothers you in a bad way, because it doesn’t, it just reminds you of him so you don’t feel upset that he calls her that. It’s sweet really. it just always catches you off guard when Satoru calls your daughter Sugar. You half expect to see Suguru…
“Really? Okay!” Satori obeys and lets Satoru help her off his shoulders. When her feet hit the ground she grabs Mimiko's hands. “Come on, come on!”
“Nanako, Mimiko,” you call out sternly.
The twins know what you mean by your voice alone and sigh before they peer back. “Thanks,” they both grumble at your brother before they follow Satori back inside the house.
“I’ll win them over soon enough,” Satoru interjects as you both watch the girls retreating figures.
You huff out softly and turn around to face your brother and change the subject. “So are you going to tell me what’s up, or what? You sent Satori off so I’m sure this isn’t some leisure visit.”
Satoru watches Satori for a moment longer before he slowly turns and faces you with a sly smile. “Aren’t you smart? And why do you keep lugging that thing around?” He points at the worm around your neck.
You shoot him a glare and caress the cursed worm's chin. “He’s my son,” you tell him again. “I’m so serious.” You laugh softly.
“It’s…off-putting,” he grumbles and you see his nose scrunch in disgust.
You roll your eyes and glare at him. “You’re off-putting,” you sass him.
“Whatever,” your brother mutters before he points at the path towards the lake. “Walk with me.”
This is about the message, isn’t it? It has to be. He’s being too serious, and too mysterious.
“Is everything okay?” You can’t help but probe as Satoru begins to get ahead.
Satoru shrugs lazily. “Depends on your definition of okay. I’m sure you’ve heard about the recent rise in curses and accidents at the school.”
You keep your pace behind him and respond honestly. “I haven’t been following up on recent news if I’m honest.”
Satoru peers back and you see his eyebrows knit together behind his eye cover. “You haven’t talked to Hakari or Kirara?”
You nod. “Yeah, I have. I was just with them this morning, but we didn’t talk about that. At least it hasn’t been brought up. All I know is that another one of your students was supposed to be killed but wasn’t. You had a hand in that?” You ask kind of rhetorically since you know the answer.
“Yep,” Satoru agrees with pride. “Actually that’s why I’m here.”
Wait! Does he want you to train another student?
You’ll gladly do that again, Hakari and Kirara turned out to be a blessing in disguise if you’re honest. They’re like your kids—no they are your kids. It hasn’t been a year since you met them, but they never made it hard to get along with, they actually accepted you pretty quickly. Of course, they had their suspicions, but you bonded quickly. Even if they knew that you had a hand in what they call the Night parade.
“Need me to take in another problem child?” You ask kind of hopeful.
Satoru scoffs softly. “No. It’s not exactly like that, it’s more of a job really. I…need your help.”
You blink in disbelief and stop in your tracks, Satoru hears you and stops to turn and face you with a frown
“Don’t make it a big deal,” he mutters as he sees how fast your mind is beginning to churn.
“You need my help?” You ask for clarification as a smirk tugs on your face.
Satoru sighs. “I do,” he admits quietly. “These higher-ups have been busting my balls trying to undermine me to kill this kid,” he explains and turns to continue, causing you to do a little jog to reach his side now—“recently they had the kids from Kyoto try and kill him at a school event.” You exhale deeply and he lifts his hand to swipe his eye cover off as he brushes his hair back.
“They didn’t manage to hurt him, but they got close before these smart curses working with some mole interrupted,” he adds, piquing your interest more than you thought possible.
Then again why should you be surprised?
“Sounds like you’ve all been busy,” you comment lightheartedly. “Is everyone okay?”
Satoru nods. “Some destruction, but everyone’s okay, they just went in to steal three of the nine cursed wombs and other cursed objects.”
Your smile falls and you watch your brother with concern at the mention of those Cursed Wombs. But it passes quickly and you grow smug. “You should’ve let me take them when I had them,” you remark.
Satoru feigns a laugh. “Funny. Anyway! With this mole, with the higher-ups wanting to kill this kid, and with trouble brewing, I need your help,” he says again, making your cockiness fade and a soft smile tug on your lips.
“The kid is strong, but I can’t put anything at risk anymore with what's unfolding. I wanted you to watch over him, be like a shadow. You won’t help him in missions unless some serious threat cuts in, or you see that it’s actually dangerous. So you’ll be like a glorified assistant manager, and with more responsibility,” he continues as you reach the lakeshore.
“What about Nanami?” You bring up and watch your brother sit on the bench facing the lake. “Can’t he help?”
Satoru sighs. “He mentored the kid for a bit, but this is different. I don’t need him, I need you.”
You stay on your feet beside him and scoff softly. “I’m a retired sorcerer now Satoru. This,” you say and steal a glimpse at your community. “This is me now. I don’t do that now.”
“You’re semi-retired,” he points out. “You still go out on missions.”
“Yes!” You quickly argue. “But that’s to train Hakari, Kirara, and the twins. I’m not…” you trail off and drop your head. “I’m not who you’re looking for. Not anymore,” you whisper and think about Suguru.
“Whether you like it or not, who I’m looking for is still there,” Satoru says softly as he picks a pebble off the ground. “You help people, y/n, they need your help, so don’t do this for me. Do this for them, for your own future. What’s happening beyond these walls might just put in danger all you’ve built.”
You pull the cursed worm off your shoulders and hug him against you. “Does this threat have to do with Sukuna and his vessel Yuji Itadori?”
Satoru skips the pebble across the body of water before he shifts around and meets your gaze with a perplexed look. “Yes…exactly, how did you guess?”
You feign a laugh and pull your phone out to show him the message you were sent recently.
“They found me,” you tell him. “I don’t know how, but they did.” You scoff and shake your head in disapproval. “They really think I’m going to be at their beck-and-call.”
Satoru hums and drifts his eyes to you. “What did you say?” He asks almost hesitantly as if he doesn’t want to hear the answer.
Yet when you lean over you begin to grin, so he pushes his doubt aside and leans close to you as you point at your clever response that consists of, “(.)(.) boobies.”.
Satoru then turns his whole body to meet your gaze seriously, but that only lasts a few seconds because you both then burst out laughing like immature teens.
That shared moment lasts for a few minutes, and when your laughter dies down you both proceed to look out at the lake, and you watch a pair of swans land on the water.
“I won’t force you to help,” Satoru says seriously once again. “I mean you have your life here and your job out there, I’m glad that you do, so I won’t force you to disrupt what you have going on. Not after what happened.”
“Not even with the power I hold?” You quiere.
Satoru nods softly. “Not even with that,” he whispers. “Not after what you’ve been through, I owe you that much at least, don’t I?”
You snap your eyes away from the swans to watch your brother with a soft and watery gaze.
Ever since you’ve reunited, the topic about the day he broke your heart hasn’t come up. It’s been a thorn in your sides that holds a tension between the both of you. Not letting you try to mend what’s clearly broken.
“What will you do with the kid?” You have to ask.
Satoru sighs. “Feed him all of Sukuna’s fingers and then execute him…unless there’s some other way to keep him alive and still kill the curse inside him.”
“Risky,” you mutter. “But you can’t shoot down an idea until you’ve exhausted all other options.”
Satoru nods in agreement before he adds. “He deserves a chance anyway.”
“Yeah,” you add without even knowing the kid. All you know is that he’s young and he’s…one of the people you told yourself you wanted to help so many years ago. But even now that dream of helping young and old sorcerers is still very much alive. That hasn’t changed even through everything.
Besides, doesn’t your brother deserve to be helped? He’s not one to ask, not as soft-spoken or as serious as he is now. So doesn’t he deserve to be helped even if he’s hurt you, and you’ve hurt him?
“And…” you begin to lean towards your answer. “Do you think I’ll be well received back in Jujutsu Society? I am a wanted criminal no? You have orders to kill me?”
Satoru smirks. “Yeah, so what? I’ve had them for a year and never lifted a finger. Nor will I. You’re my sister through it all. I can't protect you if you’re dead now can I?”
Your throat begins to sting as tears well in your eyes. Hearing him say that after all that has happened is surprising. It’s relieving to hear too.
“But if you accept,” he says. “I wouldn’t worry about it. They won’t dare and touch you, you’re too strong, they need you. The message they sent proves it. You’ll be okay. It’ll all be okay. I know it.”
There’s those special words, “it’ll all be okay,” so simple yet they hold so much power because there are times when those words are uttered and everything is the complete opposite. That’s why you hate those words. They don’t ease you anymore, they actually make your breathing a bit deeper as you’re struck with uncertainty.
But you don’t share that negativity, you just hum and walk around your brother to sit beside him on the bench. Silence proceeds to fall over you, causing the worm curse to drape back around your shoulders.
You should really debate about what he wants from you, it can be dangerous. This isn’t some ordinary kid, he’s carrying Sukuna, the worst curse of them all, the famous and legendary King of Curses. But how can you say no to your brother?
“Okay, I’ll help,” you assure your brother.
Satoru glances at you and protests. “There’ll be risks. Not only with Yuji, but with the other curses I’m sure, I mean—”
“You can explain it all to me later,” you cut him off. “I’m sure there’s a lot to tell, and there’s shit I need to catch up on.”
“Satoru,” you brush him off. “I know the risks. Being a sorcerer is about risks. Besides, this—no, accepting your offer is to follow my dream. He’d be upset if I didn’t. And I want my kids to see that. All five of them,” you laugh softly and look over at your brother to meet his gaze. “I need them to see me fighting for what I believe in so they can continue to do the same.”
The corner of Satoru’s lips tug to a soft smile before he grins. “You’re crazy.”
He shakes his head. “It’s just crazy hearing you say all this. I knew you’ve always been the kinder one out of us, but I don’t know,” he shrugs. “It's weird—You’ve grown up. I’m proud.” He says and touches his chest as he feigns a sad look
You roll your eyes lightheartedly and nudge him to the side with your shoulder. Satoru laughs and you both continue to smile softly.
“I’ll say this before I bore you with what’s happened,” Satoru interjects. “Be nice to Yuji Itadori, I think he’s a fan of yours.”
You snort. “Why do you say?”
“Well not so long ago, we were out, and uh,” Satoru laughs. “We passed by this magazine stand, right? He stops and picks up this fashion magazine and points you out. I will not repeat what he told his friends,” he grumbles with slight disgust, making you chuckle.
“But!” He continues. “He knew you, he’s a fan, so be nice.”
You shoot him a pointed look. “I’m always nice,” you counter. “You’re the annoying one.”
Satoru smirks and mumbles. “They don’t know you’re a sorcerer or my sister so it’ll be a great surprise. I’ll definitely earn some cool points.”
You hum softly. “I’m sure,” you whisper happily while you look back at the pair of swans with a soft smile, and watch them swimming towards each other from across the lake with growing relief in your heart over this sweet moment that you shared with your brother.
Breathe, breathe, after all, you've already done the hard part, you walked through the school barrier, you’ve walked up those hundreds of steps, and you’re on school grounds. You’ve done the hard part, so now all you need to do is continue moving down the path of haunting memories. You need to move on and brush the pain away that threatens to paralyze you. You need to stop thinking about the moment you lost him. You need to continue being strong.
You let out a deep breath and look up from the ground to look at the building ahead. There’s someone you need to talk to before you meet Yuji Itadori and the rest of his first-year class. Albeit you’re nervous to talk to her, with every step you take towards the med-bay your heart races a bit faster, and your throat feels like it’s closing up.
She’s going to be upset. It’s been 11 years since you last talked to her. Eleven years!
You would turn back and avoid Ieiri Shoko—Dr. Ieiri Shoko, but now with this new job you’ve taken for your brother, you’ll be at school often so you’ll run into her, and if you don’t then you’ll just be thinking about her. So it’s better now. Plus, you’ve been meaning to talk to Shoko, you’ve just been nervous.
But it all ends now! You just need to walk into her medbay and talk to her!
Alas, when you reach the door, you hesitate. What if she hates you and doesn’t want to try and be friends again? What if she can’t get past her disappointment?
But you also miss her, you miss gossiping with her, you miss your inside jokes. No one—not even Yuki has been able to take her place throughout the years, Shoko has always been your best friend and you miss her, so you need to just grow some balls and walk inside.
Hence after a deep breath, you slide the door open and take a confident step inside. And luckily the moment you walk in the medbay, you see her with her back turned to the door, with her long brown hair neatly draped over her doctor's coat and a mug in her hand.
“Take a seat, I'll be with you in just a moment.”
Her voice has changed since the last time you saw her, and compared to those videos you have of her and you on your phone from your youth. It’s a lot more soothing now, she seems to have managed that for her patients and students.
“I hope you can pencil me in,” you break your silence and walk over to the bed, noticing her shoulders tense and her pen stop moving—“it seems that I’ve stopped eating my apples.”
You hear a soft scoff before she drops her pen and sits up. You sit on the edge of the bed and put the present you brought her next to you.
“It’s been a while, Gojo,” she addresses you nonchalantly.
You scoff. “Last name bases? Come on, we’re closer than that,” you tease.
Shoko lets out a feigned laugh and spins her chair around to face you now, letting you see that she's grown into quite a beauty. Albeit she also seems to have grown more exhausted, her eyebags are visible and concerning.
“We were,” Shoko quips. “You stopped talking to me for 11 years, so it begs the question, what are you doing here?”
You grab onto the edge of the bed and shrug. “I came to see a friend,” you mutter. “And I told you I’ve stopped eating my apples.”
Shoko rolls her eyes.
You smile. “It was funny,” you refer to your joke.
“Ehh, I’d hardly call it a joke,” she counters. “But it’s passable, I guess.”
You smile wider, but it quickly falls into an apologetic frown. “I know it’s been a while,” you get right to the matter. “I know I should’ve called or texted. I did want to, trust me I did, but I was scared of how you’d react.”
Shoko’s eyes narrow to a puzzled look and she doesn’t hesitate to probe. “Why would that matter?”
You drop your gaze and shrug. “Because you’re my best friend. I mean I had the others, but your opinion mattered the most, you were my person…that’s why it mattered—it matters.”
You slowly lift your eyes and see her studying you with a small frown.
“Sounds more like you’re in love with me,” she retorts.
You snort and chuckle. “Hilarious. You wish I was. Too bad I’m too much into dick, or else I definitely would’ve married you.”
A sly smirk tugs on her face, but then that expression tugs to a scowl. “You know, I understand why you kept your distance. You were let down, you probably just wanted to distance yourself from it all, and I admired you for that, but then I came to find out that you and Mei-Mei have been talking!”
Your jaw drops and you quickly explain yourself. “Listen, listen it was not on purpose, she ran into me, okay? And I guess after that, I don’t know, we would hang out occasionally. She was my source in some way. And!” You add and slide off the bed. “I told you it wasn’t easy talking to you. I couldn’t handle your disappointment.”
Shoko draws in a deep breath and averts her gaze to exhale and drop her faint scowl. “Why would I be disappointed?” She asks.
“For leaving with Suguru after what he did, and for what I did all those years after.”
She hums and stays quiet for a moment. You step back and lean against the bed as you wait patiently, as you watch her thoughts churn behind her dark eyes.
“Nah,” she says. “Did I think it was stupid? Sure, but I was never disappointed. I was hurt, you know? When I found out you had a kid, and when I found out you got married, I guess it hurt not hearing that from you. That’s all, but I was never disappointed or mad at that.”
A shaky breath escapes past your lips and you nod softly as you take in what she said, and as her words hurt your heart. “I’m sorry,” you whisper and cross your arms over your chest. “I should’ve told you, I wanted to but I was scared, and I’m sorry. And I could say how much I wish that I could take it all back, that I wish you could’ve been there for all those things, but what’s the point in dwelling in the past? We can’t,” you sigh deeply. “Turn back time no matter how much we want to. So I’ll just tell you that I want you to be in my life from now on. I miss you. No one has ever been able to take your place. No one.”
Shoko holds your gaze gleaming with tears and stays quiet for a moment before she offers you a teasing smile. “So you are in love with me,” she teases.
You chuckle.
“I,” she continues more seriously. “Missed you too. I mean I would see you all the time on magazines, screens outside stores, and you know, runways, but it was never the same. You were unreachable.”
The corner of your lips tug to a soft smile and you can’t help but fill with bliss.
“But I’m glad you’re back now,” she says and finally gets out of her chair. “Utahime works in Kyoto, so it’s boring here.”
You giggle and run over to throw your arms around her. Shoko seems caught off guard, but she doesn’t fail to gently return your embrace.
“Let’s never do that again,” you coo. “I really did miss you.”
“I missed you too, y/n.”
You grin and pull back but grab her shoulders. “You need to sleep more,” you point out and study her face from up close. “And eat more.”
Shoko laughs softly. “Are you mothering me? I kinda like it, it's hot.”
You flash her a smirk and step back. “I assume Satoru told you then?” You probe.
Shoko nods. “Yeah,” she says. “That’s all he talks about when he can. He’s like an old grandfather with those pictures in his wallet. He talks about how they have matching slippers, and what games they play.”
You beam at her and nod. “Yeah, they’re pretty inseparable,” you muse. “He’s good to her.“
“Not surprising considering he’s a man-child,” she disses your brother.
You hum in agreement and she then reaches over and grabs your shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she says in a soft and sorrowful voice. “For what happened. And I’m sorry I didn’t go help you through your grief after. I’m sorry.”
You swallow thickly, and don’t dwell in that grief…you can’t. So you draw out a deep breath and take in what she offers with sincerity. “Thank you, Ieiri. I’m…okay now. Thank you.” You sigh shakily and step back towards the bed to pick up the gift bag. “This is for you, Doc. Just something small that I hope you like.”
You step forward again and you’re about to hand Shoko her gift, but your phone buzzes so you take your phone out in case it’s one of your kids. However, you see that it’s actually your brother.
Satoru: Where are you? We’re waiting for you!!!
So many exclamation marks. Tsk.
You: I’m here and on my way now :)
You proceed to sigh as you put your phone away and hand Shoko the gift with an apologetic smile. “I need to go,” you let her know. “I'm late to meet the students, but! Let’s hang out. Let’s go for a drink tomorrow night, yeah? We can catch up and have some fun!”
Shoko smirks and doesn’t hesitate to agree. “As long as you pay.”
You scoff softly and nod. “You bet,” you say and hug her one more time before you head to the door. “I’ll see you later, okay? My number is in the bag.”
“The gift is not just your number, is it? I’d chuck something sharp at you if it was,” she remarks.
You snicker and shake your head. “No?” You tease. “Maybe. Find out.” You laugh mischievously and quickly walk out of the room. Once you’re down the hall you can’t help but smile with relief.
Finally! After a decade you’re finally talking to your best friend again. It feels amazing after so much gloom. So now you can continue with your day and meet this kid with a more upbeat attitude and not so much worry that you’ll face some awkward and tense situation.
Hopefully, he doesn’t hate you after what you did last year. He might’ve not been here last year, but the word spreads so here’s hoping he doesn’t have any odd feelings about it. Hakari and Kirara didn’t, but this kid could be different.
Regardless, when you start approaching the courtyard where you’re meant to meet up, you begin to hear voices travel up the hill. They’re loud and you mostly only hear a girl and boy arguing, whilst your brother's voice interjects.
When you make it up the hill, not one out of the three students notices you right away, your brother does though. “You’re late,” he complains.
You shrug. “I was catching up with Shoko,” you brush him off.
Finally, the students stop arguing and look over at you to see who has caught their teacher's attention. And the moment their eyes land on you, the girl with short ginger hair grabs onto the tall guy with pink hair and begins to shake him gently.
Your brother had described who they were so you can place a name to a face right away; the girl shaking the boy is Nobara Kugisaki, and the boy with pink hair is the guy you’re here for, Yuji Itadori. And lastly, the tall skinny guy lurking behind them both is none other than Megumi Fushiguro. You know about him the most, he's Toji Zen’in’s son.
They look identical—except for the hair actually, Toji had oily flat hair, and this kid looks like he has a sea urchin on his head.
“Hello!” You greet the students warmly and offer them a small wave.
“You’re late!” Satoru repeats.
You hum in agreement and just ignore him as you strut over to reach the students.
“She’s coming over here,” you hear Yuji Itadori whisper before he snaps his head to the side and whispers sharply at the girl. “Stop stabbing your nails into me!”
“Stop talking,” Nobara Kugisaki hisses.
You stop before them and offer them a wider smile. “Hi, I’m Y/N Geto,” you introduce yourself without thinking about what you said, you just smile and bow.
“Yes,” Yuji says breathlessly as his eyes grow wider and stick on you. “You are.”
Nobara pushes him aside and bows quickly before she throws her hand out. “I’m Nobara Kugisaki, call me Nobara, huge fan since your first ever feature in the vogue magazine!”
You shake her hand and flash her a sweeter grin. “Thank you, that’s very cool. That was a long time ago, you make me feel old.” You laugh softly.
Nobara drops her hand and her eyes widen with panic. “Well, you don’t look it. You look great! You look amazing.”
You snicker. “I was just pulling your leg. It’s okay,” you assure her.
Nobara lets out a nervous laugh before her eyes roam your long-sleeved denim coat you wear as a mini dress, and then fall on your expensive knee-high brown boots that coordinate with your purse from Prada.
“I love your whole look,” she muses. “It’s amazing.”
You shoot her a beaming smile. “Thank you so much. You’re sweet.”
One of the guys behind her snorts, and she slowly twists her head around and shoots them a glare before looking back at you. “You look pretty.”
“And old,” Satoru cuts in with a teasing look.
You glare at him and snap back. “Says you. Anyway,” you sigh and step towards Yuji. “You must be Yuji Itadori, nice to meet you.”
The boy blinks repeatedly before he bows. “I’m Yuji Itadori! It’s very nice to meet you too!” He proceeds to stand up straight and you study his face for a moment before you move to Fushiguro before you can dive in and study Itadori harder.
“And you…god,” you gasp in disbelief. “You look just like him.”
“Right!” Your brother agrees with you.
“Hello,” the boy mutters nonchalantly. “I’m Megumi Fushiguro. You must be Gojo’s sister.”
You smile and nod. “Yeah. So he did tell you about me, good. He sucks at explaining shit,” you say before you flash Fushiguro a smile. “It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you too.”
Fushiguro glances at Satoru, and your brother simply smirks.
“Wait, wait,” Nobara cuts in and steps in front of Fushiguro. “You’re his sister. There’s no way!” She laughs.
“Yeah, I know—”
“You’re too cool to be his sister,” Nobara cuts Satoru off, causing him to scoff, and you to smirk proudly.
“Yeah well don’t I know that,” you play along and step back to face all four of them better. “Well, can I just say I’m honored to meet you all. My brother has only said great things. Uh,” you breathe out. “I’m sure there’s questions, but let me ask mine first. Itadori, can I take a closer look at you?”
The boy doesn’t hesitate to nod his head, letting you get closer and narrow your gaze to take a closer look at the slits under his eyes.
“So he just lives inside you,” you ask, hoping you’ll get some reaction from the famous Sukuna that you’ve only read from history books in your family home, and heard about from different sorcerers. “That’s…so cool. Weird, but cool. I am sorry it happened though, it must be annoying.”
“Yeah, he’s just there talking all the time,” Itadori shares. “He’s super annoying.”
You hum and step to the side to face Itadori directly, causing his cheeks to slowly grow a pink tint on them as he holds your gaze with a widened look.
“It’s okay,” you assure him. “I won’t hurt you. Just curious. My husband would’ve gotten a kick from your situation.” Your smile falters, but you don’t show your sorrow, you just step back and smile at Itadori. “Amazing, truly, I can’t wait to get to know you more.”
Itadori’s cheeks grow redder before he quietly mumbles, “Likewise—”
“Wimp!” A sixth voice cuts him that's a lot deeper and huskier than what you’ve heard anyone have here, so you know who it is right away.
“Was that him?” You probe in awe.
Itadori covers his cheek and nods stiffly. “Yep, like I said, he’s annoying.”
“Why don’t you step closer you jezebel,” the voice cuts in again, and this time you see a mouth growing on the back of Itadori’s hand. “I’ll give you something real to look at.”
It's strange, odd even though you find yourself charmed and allured by the sound of his voice; even if he just insulted you with some old derogatory word.
You still gasp in disbelief though, and feel slightly offended by what he just called you, whilst Satoru chuckles like he's heard the funniest thing in the world.
“That’s not funny,” you grumble at Satoru. “He’s an asshole, I—”
Your jaw drops but this time you spat back right away. “Dickhead at least I have a body of my own and don’t rely on a child to stay alive. Prick.”
“Do you want to say that again?” Sukuna snaps.
You part your lips, but Satoru walks over and pats your back. “Just leave it alone, he’ll be relentless.”
He turns you around and you grumble. “I’d like to see him come out.” You then peer back and don’t see Sukuna peek out anymore, so you drop your shoulders and focus on the kids instead. “So questions? I hope Satoru let you know why I’m here.”
“I did.”
“Yes he did, he said you’d be helping me until the special grade curses are exorcized,” Itadori says as the three of them begin to follow you down the hill to finally head out and do what Satoru had planned. Which should worry you because he’s being ominous about what you’re going to do. He did make a promise about doing what you want to do to bond with the students, but he’s him, he likes to butt in and be inconvenient.
“But,” Itadori adds. “When he said sister, I never thought it’d be you, Mrs Geto.”
A smile twitches on your lips at the sound of that title being used for you. Yet no matter how much you like it, it hurts to hear it when it’s not coming from Suguru’s own lips, when he’s not whispering it in your ear as he tries to seduce you or make you smile. It slips from your own lips, but it’s when you’re not thinking, it hurts later on when you think about it.
Plus, Mrs Geto is too formal, especially because Itadori is not your student or anything. And he and his friends might feel more comfortable if it’s just your first name. “Just y/n, please.”
“Oh. Really?”
You look back and nod softly
Itadori flashes you a bright smile that causes you to be hit with a sweet deja vu. However, it’s not him that flashes in your head like if you’ve lived this already, no, you actually see…Haibara. Seeing Itadoris smile felt like seeing Haibara show off that sweet and charming smile of his again. It feels so surreal.
“Okay, thanks, y/n!”
You offer Itadori a soft smile and let your gaze linger on him for a moment longer as you keep seeing your friend in him.
“Can I ask,” Nobara interjects, making you slide your eyes to her now—“What are you doing here? You’re a famous celebrity, so why are you here? I know I wouldn't be here if I had your fame.”
You hum softly and answer honestly. “Well, modeling is more of a hobby really. Something I set myself to do,” you share proudly. “It was always a dream so I went out and tried it. Plus I knew it’d piss my parents off that I was everywhere so that’s another reason why I pursued that career, but, it’s not really my job, I help sorcerers, like yourselves. That’s why I’m here, I’m helping. You can do both, you know.”
“Cool,” Nobara whispers.
“I guess,” Satoru grumbles.
“Uh, Gojo, mentioned what you do in a short and terrible way,” Fushiguro interjects, “so could you explain it? I’d like to know before we get sent out on whatever mission Gojo has up his sleeve.”
Mission? He never said anything about any mission.
“Well I have an elemental manipulation cursed technique,” you share and turn around to walk back so you can roll your sleeve up and show them the dragon mark on your arm. “I can create flames using my cursed energy,” you continue and tap into your fire, making the dragon glow red-orange before the flames travel to your fingers and make the veins and flesh under your fingertips glow before flames bask them.
Nobara and Itadori gasp in awe while Fushiguro stays nonchalant.
“And I can also manipulate it,” you add. “Just like air, water, and the earth, but I can’t make any of that, just fire. That’s pretty much the gist of it.”
“That’s what I said,” Satoru rebuttals.
You make the flames disappear before you spin around to face ahead as you continue walking.
“You just said she was like a real-life avatar,” Fushiguro counters, causing Satoru to pout.
“Well it’s true,” he whispers.
You giggle and as you’re nearing a crossroads you come to a sudden halt and feel your eyes widen, and a bright grin spreads on your face as you catch Nanami walking over.
“Kenny!” You exclaim as if you hadn’t talked to him just last night.
Said man stops walking and lifts his head, and before he knows it you run over and wrap him in an embrace.
“What are you doing here?!” You ask excitedly and pull back to face your best friend.
“Now that I am here,” he says nonchalantly. “I’m having a terrible feeling. Your brother called me and said it was an emergency.”
You scoff and walk around him to slide your arm around his shoulders and face the others now around you two.
“You know her too, Nanamin?” Itadori interjects as he points at you, causing you to scoff with amusement as you hear the nickname he used.
“How come you didn’t say anything?!” Itadori demands to know.
You rest your chin on Nanami’s other shoulder and smile as you glance at him as he retorts. “Was I supposed to?”
“Yes! She’s famous!”
Nanami shrugs. “Well, here she is. Y/N is my best friend. Y/N, I hope your brother introduced them.”
You nod. “We’ve all introduced ourselves. But anyway, Kenny and I were classmates,” you share without shame. “We were in the same year. I’ve known him since his emo phase.”
Itadori and Nobara grow curious and you grow enthusiastic. “He had bangs and long hair,” you giggle. “And he was always so moody and angsty…”
“I think I have a picture. Do you have one Satoru?”
Your brother nods eagerly and you both reach for your phones, but before you can get them, Nanami steps away from you and he interrupts louder. “What is this about? Why did you call me, Gojo?”
Satoru smirks and keeps his hands in his pockets. “I told you already just some fun bonding stuff. I wanted y/n’s return to be a surprise, but it seems you already know—”
“Told him the moment you left,” you interject proudly.
Satoru hums with discontent. “Well you ruined it but anyway. My plan is still going to happen, so Nanami, please put on a smile, we're not high schoolers anymore.”
You snort and Nanami snaps at him. “I’ll punch you.”
“Gojo!” A familiar voice suddenly calls out.
You look back and see Yaga walking over to your brother, and he doesn’t take long to spot you amongst the crowd.
“Girl Gojo?” He mutters with disbelief.
You shoot him a pointed look and press on that with smugness. “I still hate that.”
“What are you doing here? Satoru explain this right now—”
“I hear you’re the principal of this school now,” you cut Yaga off whilst you continue walking to the car. “No wonder it still looks like shit.”
Yaga’s lips curl to a scowl, and you simply smirk before you look away and lean toward Nanami to whisper, “Satoru didn’t tell them I was coming did he?”
“Based on that reaction, no. Somethings never change.”
You hum in agreement and don’t wait for Satoru to catch up, you end up reaching the car and you run into another friend.
“Ijichi, my man!” You greet excitedly as you let the students climb to the back of the car first.
Ijichi’s face grows red and he gapes like a fish.
“Maybe this surprise thing was worth it,” you tease the man before you climb in the car to sit behind the driver seat, while Nanami sits beside you behind the passenger seat.
“Y/N,” Ijichi mutters as he gets in the driver's seat. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey, you know each other too?” Itadori cuts in as he leans forward.
You cross your leg over the other and nod. “Yeah, he was a first year when Nanami and I were second years. We’d all hang out.”
Itadori hums. “I would’ve thought Ijichi was older,” he says.
You laugh softly. “Satoru stresses him out, huh?”
“Well,” Ijichi parts his lips. Yet before he can continue Satoru appears, making Ijichi go quiet as you watch your brother jog to the car to catch up.
“Hey,” you add curiosily and lean forward to grab Ijichi’s shoulder. “Do you still have a crush on Ieiri?”
“Y/N,” Nanami warns.
You brush your friend off and nudge Ijichi. “Aw come on, we all knew. So tell me are you still in love with her?” You laugh, and from the corner of your eyes, you see the door open as your brother gets in.
“He totally is,” he quickly butts in. “He blushes like crazy when she talks to him.”
You giggle, and Ijichi grips onto the steering wheel.
“How’d you even hear?” Ijichi mumbles to Satoru.
“Uh, Nanami’s window is open,” Satoru points back as he closes his door.
Ijichi sighs and starts the car with a long and worried frown on his face.
“Hey, do you kids like boba?” You ask as you start planning where to go and eat. “I think I’m feeling some boba.”
“I love boba,” Nobara and Itadori both exclaim.
You smile and sit back. “Maybe some ramen after some leisure activities? We could go to that ramen place we like to go to that has that nice old lady cook, Ken?” You ask.
“Yeah,” Nanami agrees. “That place is good. Not sure how she’d feel when you walk in without Satori,” he points out.
The car starts moving, and you hum. “Yeah, that’s true, but oh well. We can go back with her another time.” You then look back over your seat to speak to the students. “Do you guys like ramen? I was thinking maybe we could get some lunch after we do what I have planned. Unless you guys want something else.”
Itadori and Nobara look at each other with disbelief so Fushiguro cuts in for them. “Ramen is good, miss.”
You giggle at the title but nod in comprehension. “Cool, now, Satoru, did you bring your wallet? I forgot mine at home.” You lie as you look at him and put on your seatbelt.
“No, I’m not paying for anything, you waste too much money,” Satoru quickly rebuttals.
You gasp and lean forward. “Huh? Come on, it’s my birthday month, you owe me! Ten years worth of presents.”
“Come on,” you try to bribe your brother. “Just today. Plus it's not just for me, it’s for all the students and me,” you add with a small smile. “And Satori. And the twins.”
Satoru hums before he deadpans, “no.”
You cross your arms over your chest and grumble under your breath. “Suguru would never do this to me.”
You proceed to look out the window and watch the passing cars, you lift your eyes and see the cloud-littered sky rolling in grey and thicker clouds as rain begins to approach. You then glance at the people around you and you can’t help but smile down at your lap as you feel nostalgic.
Being in a car like this, being driven by someone in a business suit, and having your friend and your brother riding with you reminds you of your days as a student. And it should be bad, it should make you sad since in that time both Suguru and Haibara were alive, but when you look back at that time now, when you ignore the bad parts, you can’t help but feel all warm and happy when you get hit with past memories.
“I’m surprised the twins didn’t come along,” Nanami breaks the silence.
You look away from your lap and meet his gaze behind his goggles. “They’re with Larue today. Plus, they don’t like Satoru, so they avoid spending time with me when he’s with me.”
Nanami hums and then follows with another question. “And Satori?”
“Well,” you roll out and check the time on your phone. “Right now she’s supposed to be with the horses, so she should be taking care of that pony she was gifted,” you direct a bit spitefully at your brother.
Satoru hears your tone and quickly rebuttals. “She said she wanted a pony, so I got her one. And you have horses on the farm, so what’s the big deal?”
You lick your lips and explain as patiently as you can. “The deal is that you didn’t ask if you could get her a pony. You came with the pony.”
“I said. ‘I’m buying a big gift. Is it okay?’ You said yes,” he argues.
You sigh deeply and maintain your cool. “No, no. You didn’t specify. I thought you were going to get her a bike, or rollerblades. Not a pony, come on, Nanamin, back me up.”
“No, I'm staying out of it.”
You groan and continue nonetheless. “All I’m trying to say is that you have to let me know when you want to do that kind of stuff, okay? That’s all I’m trying to say.”
Satoru draws in a deep breath, and just as he breathes out to respond, Itadori cuts in with a question.
“You have a farm and horses?”
You peer back and nod softly. “Yeah, I have a community for sorcerers,” you let him know and notice the curiosity glimmering in his eyes. “It’s not big, we’re fifty people strong, but they have their own homes. We try to be as sustainable as possible without relying on non-sorcerers. We grow our crops, we have a greenhouse.” You add with a soft smile. “We have a farm with chickens, goats, cows, and horses.”
“Oh, that’s so cool! I want to ride a horse,” Itadori says as he leans forward.
“Maybe you and your friends can come over one day and go horseback riding, you can see the community for yourselves. Now I might be a bit biased, but our community is really beautiful and nice, so I’ll definitely arrange dinner or something so you can all see it!”
Itadori hums and blinks before he probes. “Is that why you hardly answer questions about yourself in interviews?”
You chuckle and nod. “Yeah for the most part. The other part is that I just don’t like non-sorcerers.”
Itadori laughs but you don’t mirror him, you stay with a serious expression on your face, so he quickly realizes you’re not joking.
“Is that what you mean by not relying on non-sorcerers?” Nobara cuts in as she catches that you’re being serious too.
You don’t back down and try to downplay your emotions for their sakes, you simply nod and give them your harsh truth. “Yeah, that's exactly it. Sure there’s still things they make that we use, you know, like my clothes. I’m not as strict as my husband was with that.”
“Can I ask,” Itadori says in a serious way now and with a perplexed look on his face. “Why is it that you have indifferences with non-sorcerers.”
“Itadori,” Fuhisguro warns quietly.
You shake your head and spare him a glance. “It’s fine. I don’t mind,” you assure him and look back at the pink-haired boy. “I have bad experiences with non-sorcerers. I think that they’re the reason curses are born, they're why—they’re the root of this plague we have to take out, that we risk our lives for, and that we lose our lives for. Perhaps they’re not all bad people, but I can never find it in me to care for them again, it’s that simple.”
Itadori’s lips part, and his eyes furrow slightly as he takes in what you said. As this image of you probably breaks the person you really are comes out and burns away that illusion.
Perhaps this is why they say you should never meet your idols.
“I’m sorry if that ruins any illusions of me,” you try to comfort him. “And I know that nothing I say will make my views any better, but just know that I would risk my life for people like you, and you,” you point at Nobara, and then look and point at Fushiguro. “And you. I fight for sorcerers, I built my community for sorcerers so they can find a home in this mess, so they can find help where there is none because people fear them. That’s my truth.”
Itadori’s eyes slowly drift down as he stays quiet and thinks, letting you sigh softly and take one last look at all of them processing your words before you turn back around and continue to look out the window.
This time instead of feeling nostalgic as you reminisce about your youth, you feel your heart ache as you think back to that group mission, the one where Suguru found you beaten and disheveled by that non-sorcerer. He saved you that day, he was your light in that void of darkness. And he’s gone now, he can never be that source of comfort to you ever again.
You sigh deeply and look at your left finger for comfort, for a piece of him, but you remember now as you look at your naked ring finger, that you took your rings off after you couldn't handle the deep ache that you felt every time you looked at them.
They’re safely tucked away in your jewelry box now. And his ring…is with him forever…
“Y/N,” you hear Nanami call out, so you lift your head and meet his gaze. He’s wearing his goggles so you can’t see what he feels, you only see a simple and faint frown, so you take that as concern and offer him a soft and assuring smile.
When you glance out the window again to see if you’re close, you notice that Ijichi passed the exit you need to take to get to the shopping center you wanted to go to.
“Wait!” You interject and sit up straighter as best as you can. “We missed the exit. We’re supposed to go to the shopping center.”
“What?” Ijichi asks worryingly. “But Gojo said we’re going to the mission.”
You snap your eyes to your brother looking out the window with a shit-eating grin on his face, and at that moment you know that he’s been lying. He was never going to take you shopping, or let you bond in a good way with the students, he’s taking you on a mission!
“You!” You growl and slam your finger down to unbuckle yourself and jump over behind his seat to slap your hands over his eyes. “You liar! I’ll burn your eyes out!”
Satoru cackles and grabs your wrists. “I never said we’d go shopping.”
“You could’ve said!” You sneer. “I am not dressed for a mission. Liar!”
“Please, sit down,” Ijichi quietly tries to cut in,
“We’re going to crash,” you hear Fushiguro mutter before Nanami interjects too.
“You’re embarrassing yourself y/n.”
“Only person who's going to be embarrassed Is Satoru when he can no longer use those six eyes of his!” You snap and press his head back, making him laugh harder before he suddenly goes quiet and you feel something wet and squishy on your hand.
“What?” You gasp but stop as you realize it was your brother's tongue that touched you. “Ew! Oh my gosh, ew!” You shout and sit back down but keep your hand out as you feel his saliva on your palm. “That’s so gross!”
You turn to try and wipe your hand on Nanami, but he catches your wrist and shakes his head. “Don’t you dare.”
Your disgust grows, and Satoru laughs menacingly from the front.
“Nanami, it’s drying,” you whine. “It’s drying on my hand!”
“You’re being dramatic.”
You gag and squirm your hand away and turn, making Nobara lean away, and causing a laughing Itadori to lean towards Fushiguro so you wouldn’t touch them either.
“I need hand sanitizer!”
“Here,” Fushiguro says in his nonchalant voice and reaches into his pocket to take out a small hand sanitizer.
You lean over and he squirts some on your palm, letting you rub your hands together rapidly so you can get rid of your brother's saliva before it becomes a part of you or something.
“Thanks, kid, you’re a lifesaver,” you tell him and sit back down.
“You’re almost 28 years old,” Nanami points out.
You shoot him a narrowed look and shrug. “So? That’s still gross and they’d understand if they have siblings. Do you guys?”
“No,” Nobara and Itadori share.
“Yeah,” Fushiguro is the only one that shares that similarity.
“Older or younger?” You ask.
“Older sister. But we don’t get along like that.”
You hum and muse, “yeah, because she’s your sister. An older sister would’ve been nice. Instead, I’m stuck with this rare case.”
“I am a rare case, I’m special,” Satoru says,
You scoff under your breath and nod. “That you are my dear brother. That you are,” you say sarcastically.
Abandoned amusement park? Does he actually want to accomplish your death sentence and kill you?
“Is this your idea of a joke?” You sneer. “You should’ve told me.”
A smirk twitches on his lips. “It was a surprise. Surprise.”
You narrow your gaze on him and he lifts his hand to lower a veil.
“Bond with them,” he says and steps back to lean against the car. “We can go wherever you want after. I’ll even let you use my card.”
You huff out and keep your eyes on him until the veil lowers and you can no longer hear him.
“There’s no point dwelling on it any longer,” Nanami says over his shoulder as he follows after the eager students. “You should’ve seen this coming too.”
You flip your brother off before you swiftly turn on your heels and storm after Nanami.
“I'm not changed for this,” you complain, “nor did I pack clothes or the right shoes for this.”
“When are you ever wearing the right shoes?” Nanami quips, making you roll your eyes over to him and groan dramatically.
Nanami drifts his eyes to you and a faint teasing smile tugs on his lips.
“I hate you both,” you grumble and pick up your pace to get past the entrance of this ugly and desolate park. “You kids need to be careful. It’s too quiet here so either the curses are hiding, or they’re waiting to attack. Eyes peeled and stances ready.”
You proceed to reach into your pocket and pull out a small and rolled-up worm curse. He figures out you need him without needing to be told and unrolls himself into his given size, letting you drape him around your neck and scratch his chin thereafter.
“So do you guys have any more questions?” You ask the students.
Itadori slows down and slowly peers back, he parts his lips but when his eyes land on what’s around your neck his eyes widen and he shouts. “Hey! Watch out, around your neck!”
Both Nobara and Fushiguro look back and they look just as confused, but you look at them nonchalantly.
“This?” You point to the worm. “He’s okay. He’s mine. His name is Worm.” You smile and scratch the top of his head, causing it to lean towards your touch, and making the students look at it disgusted.
“He’s very cool and convenient. Suguru took him in a decade ago, and after he died we bonded,” you let them know and walk past them as they stand there in bewilderment. “Now he’s with me all the time. If he’s not on me, he’s in my pocket.”
“That’s so gross—”
“I don’t want to hear it,” you cut Fushiguro off. “He’s helpful. He’s very helpful.” Plus why is he being so judgy? His father owned the worm before Suguru and you did.
“Don’t listen to them,” you tell the worm. “They just don't know you yet. You helped a lot in Egypt.” You smirk and give it one last pet before you sigh and glance around at the abandoned rides invaded by greenery, and ugly-looking by all the rust build-up.
Chills run up your spine as you spot a clown ride hidden between the tall golden grass. “Ew, if we run into a clown cursed spirit I will burn Satoru’s eyes out of his skull.”
“Whatever it is,” Nanami interjects. “It’s big so you might just have to do that regardless.”
Your friend falls beside you and keeps an eye out for any curses while you lean over and whisper. “Don’t you think Satoru relies a little bit too much on his students? He or you could’ve come to do this mission alone. I mean they couldn't identify what grade the curse lurking here was.”
“I suppose he trusts you with them,” Nanami says, making you avert your gaze. “But sometimes, yes I do. But…it’s his way of teaching. He’ll never let anything happen to them that’s for sure.”
You hum and mumble with disappointment in yourself. “I wouldn't know really.” You’ve only seen him interact with your daughters, and he’s nice with them, but you don’t really know what he’s like with his students. It’s a consequence of being apart for so long.
“He wouldn't let anything happen to them,” Nanami reassures his statement.
You hum again as you nod.
“Hey!” Nobara interrupts from behind. “What are you two talking about over there?!”
You peer back and quickly throw something out. “Taxes?”
“You suck,” Namami whispers.
“It’s October,” Fushiguro points out.
You shrug. “I’m a millionaire, I have to start somewhere.”
“Tax evasion,” Nanami says, pulling your attention back to him. “Add that to your list of crimes.”
You feign a laugh and push him to the side. Nanami smiles again, and this time you hear gasps coming from behind you as they see that rare gesture on a serious man.
“I can list my crimes,” you joke.
Nanami scoffs. “It’s nothing to show off actually. So focus, or…maybe that clown curse will sneak up on you.” The corner of his lips tug wider as he walks ahead, and you fake more laughter.
“Can I ask,” you hear Nobara say as she walks up to you. “Why did you defect from the school? Was it for that husband of yours?”
You laugh softly and shake your head. “No, he helped me leave, but no…” you exhale deeply and glance at Nanami. “I decided to leave after I failed to save my friend. It was on a mission, but I failed to save him. I failed my own goal of helping my friends, so it was my last straw. Some things happened after but that’s why I left. I knew I wouldn't be happy if I stayed at school, I couldn't be who I wanted to be so I defected and never looked back. I’m better because of it.”
Nobara ponders for a moment before she quietly brings up something. “But you’re a special grade.”
You nod softly. “Yeah, I always have been. But that’s because of my technique and its potential. I unfortunately had a lot to learn about myself,” you share with her. “I wasn’t naturally skilled like my brother, my technique took a while to really grasp and control. The elements…” you pause and lift pieces of dirt off the ground and spin them around on your palm with the wind, so she can see.
“…Are hard to control,” you continue. “They’re alive, they’re strong, so I struggled, but I learned. I’m still learning, but I’m strong now,” you say and drop the dirt and let the wind go. “Just like you will be too.”
Nobara meets your gaze with disbelief and you nod confidently.
“I’ll tell you something,” you whisper so she could be the only one to hear. “As a woman, many people like to doubt us and our power. They see us and even if we’re special grade or first, they see weakness. That’s why we can gain the upper hand and show off how strong we are. Never let anyone tell you that you can either be strong or a woman. You can be both. Be both and beat their ass.”
Nobara grins and nods eagerly. “Nicely put, I like that!”
You smile and when you meet her gaze your smile falters. “You’re not freaked out? By my views I mean? I understood if you were.”
Nobara looks away. “Well I can’t say I agree with you, or that I ever will,” she says. “I can’t see you the same as before, but I like to think I'm a good judge of character. If you were bad you wouldn't be here risking your life for Itadori. Besides, Gojo talks about you all the time. He might be weird, but if you were bad he wouldn’t trust you with his students.”
Your eyes widen with shock, and you have to quickly pick on that matter. “Really? What does he say?”
It’s probably just about Satori though.
“Well,” she says. “He likes to talk about what you’d do as kids. He’d talk about the things he’d teach you, and that you were always his best student…”
Your eyes begin to sting and a smile tugs on your lips.
“He mentions your uh, years in high school. He really likes to tell stories about his youth with you and his friends. I just never thought it’d be you. He never said your name, and even if he did I never pieced it together. And he likes to mention that we can have lives outside of being sorcerers, just like you.”
She’s a first-year, so you can't know if he’s talked about you to his other students before, you’ve never asked Hakari or Kirara. But now that Nobara has mentioned it, it just seems unbelievable; he’s never mean towards you when he’s at your house or when you spend time together because of Satori, but deep inside you always think that he is mad over the things you’ve done, over the life you chose to live.
The doubt is still pretty much a lively thing. You feel it poisoning your mind every time you see him or talk to him. It just repeats itself over and over again. He’s still mad at you. He's still mad at you…
He’ll never forgive you or look at you the same.
It’s a pesky thing really.
“Hm, well how nice of him,” you muse nonchalantly. “I wish he’d follow his own advice and live a life for himself.” You look ahead and notice a tent ahead so you aim for that to check for any curses. “Now, do you think Itadori will…talk to me again?” You look back and see him walking beside Fushiguro. “He’s been quiet since I’ve talked about my views in life.”
Nobara follows your line of gaze and shrugs. “Yeah once he sees you’re not bad, he’ll warm up again. Just give him time.”
You stretch your arms out and share a comprehensive hum before you sneak over to the tent.
You don’t sense any cursed energy, but you have to make sure so they don’t get a jump on you.
Nevertheless, when you open the flap and peek inside you just see trash.
“Nothing,” you let everyone know before you look at the three students walking over to try and take a peek too. “Do you guys sense anything?” You question them and step aside.
The three of them pop their heads inside and stay quiet as their eyes roam the inside.
“No,” Fushiguro answers for all of them.
You nod. “Good. Always keep your guard up. When there are strong curses they hide. And then they attack when they see your back turned,” you give them some friendly advice before you step out.
“Another thing,” you add. “Clothes. This will apply once you’re out of school mostly. If you decide to stay as a sorcerer that is then clothes matter. Right now your uniforms help, but once you’re out you’ll find something that helps you with your technique, or just simply when you’re fighting. For example, I have two outfits, my jumpsuit, and a dress.”
“A dress?” Itadori questions.
You nod. “It's a light dress that helps me feel the flow of the wind,” you explain right away so they don’t think you’re weird for fighting in a dress. “It helps me also with the flow of my cursed energy, and transferring it to the elements around me. Of course,” you say smugly. “If you see me wearing my dress you should run the other way. I only ever wear it when I mean business. When the fight is extreme. So mostly against another sorcerer.”
“So,” Itadori interjects and walks forward. “Do you change mid-battle, or how does that work?”
“Uh, I burn off my jumpsuit. I wear my dress under my things. Or I use it over the jumpsuit, I just fix it you know so it’s not obvious and it looks like a part of the jumpsuit. It’s cool.”
“You burn it off? Nice.”
You smirk and nod. “Except that I have to carry extra clothes with me everywhere, but!” You exclaim and pet the worm's head. “That’s why I have him, he keeps everything for me.”
The worm smiles and you beam at it, getting weirded-out reactions from the kids.
“Y/N,” Nanami calls out and pulls your attention to him—“there. Pay attention.”
You follow where he points to and see a closed-off roller rink. Before you can reach the entrance you all come to a stop and search for any sign of a curse.
And right away when you focus, you sense a big amount of cursed energy that makes you think it might be a first-grade curse.
So it’s dangerous. For the students.
“Itadori and I will go around the back, you, Fushiguro, and Nobara take the front. Let’s do it like we did in the old times, yeah?” You ask with a small smile.
Nanami sighs but nods in agreement. “Sure. Be careful.”
You nod and then point ahead before you lead the way around the back of the roller rink.
“What do you mean like old times?” Itadori queries.
You smile over at him. “We’d surround the curses,” you reminisce. “Try and get a jump on it and just coordinate our fights so we could work as a team. It’d work all the time…” you trail off and frown as you think back to the one time and the last time it didn't work in your favor.
“We’ll do that again,” you brush off the sorrow. “You take the right, I’ll take the left. Meet up in the middle and jump it. If it gets too bad you take your friends and wait for Nanami and me outside though, understand?”
Itadori narrows his eyes and seems to want to argue but he sighs and nods stiffly. “Fine,” he mutters.
You scoff in amusement and look at the back door you’re approaching. And just before you can reach it, you think of getting out a blade and reach for the worm.
Without any hesitation, the worm opens its mouth and pushes out your blade that you pull out without thought.
“Oh, what?!” Itadori freaks out. “How did it do that?”
You narrow your eyes on the doorknob and slowly wrap your hand around it as you answer. “That’s his skill. He can keep stuff inside without changing size, something as big as a car and down to a penny without ever losing it,” you whisper as you open the door. “That’s why he’s a good companion.”
The worm turns his head to look at Itadori beside you, and from the corner of your eyes, you see Itadori reach for the worm's mouth.
“No,” you stop his attempts. “It doesn’t work that way. He only works with whom it’s bonded to—or serving if you want simpler terms. You’ll just get swallowed or a handful of sticky saliva.”
“Yeah, but it’s cool.” You smirk and the worm smirks too.
Itadori nods even if you see that he looks creeped out by the worm and you with matching expressions. “Yeah,” he mumbles. “It actually is.”
You proceed to reach for the worm's mouth again, and this time you pull out two daggers. “Here,” you nudge Itadori. “Use them. Just in case. If you don’t need to use your cursed energy, don't waste it, be resourceful, your life may depend on it. Or if that’s not your case, then it’s always just good to carry something extra just in case.”
“Oh,” he mouths and gently grabs the weapons. “Thank you…they’re sticky.”
You glance at him and nod. “Yeah, you get used to it.”
You then tap into your fire and summon flames to your palm to bask the length of the blade in flames so you can see through the darkness that invades the roller rink.
“I’ll go right, you go left,” you remind him a bit quieter. “You get into any trouble, shout, or text me,” you pause and reach for the worm’s mouth to pull out a card. “Here.”
His eyebrows raise in disbelief and he whispers loudly. “For me?”
You nod. “We’ll be working together a lot so it’s better to be friends than acquaintances.”
Itadori meets your gaze and nods with a look of surprise on his face. You offer him a tiny smile before you begin to move towards the right side.
The roller rink is quiet so you make sure to step quietly to keep it that way and double-check the rooms you pass so there aren't any curses hiding around.
And for the most part, the ghost is clear except for when you reach a bathroom door and follow a blood trail to the end of the bathroom. Only a curse isn't lurking there eating a person, there’s only a person bleeding out from his side.
“Help,” he says hoarsely as he slowly looks up at you. “Please something attacked me—oh, I know you. You’re famous, yeah?”
You study the bleeding man and don’t sense any high levels of cursed energy so it means he’s a non-sorcerer.
“What attacked you,” you ask as you come to a stop a few feet away.
The man clutches onto his side and begins to cry, making your face slowly twist with disgust.
“I don’t know,” he cries, “my friend was attacked by something invisible, and it tried to get me too but I managed to run away! Please help me. Please.”
You slowly lower the blade in your hand and lower your chin to express feigned pity and concern.
“I will,” you lie and slowly stride to him as the flames that basked your blade dies and leaves the bathroom dark. When you step on a pool of his blood a smirk tugs on your lips and a menacing look paints in your gaze. You proceed to reach for his hand, but before you can touch him you swing the blade and slice his throat.
“Time for lunch,” you mutter nonchalantly to your worm as the man falls limp on the cold ground. “Come find me when you’re done,” you let your worm know as you pull him off your neck and put him down by the dead man.
One thing you doubt will ever change throughout your life is your hatred for non-sorcerers. You can’t exactly find any easier way to rid this world of them without the help of Suguru, so you’ve put that dream on hold. But that hatred will never change.
Nevertheless, you walk out of the bathroom and ignite the blade again. Before you can walk out of the hall and come across the rink, you hear a creepy cackle, meaning they’ve found the curse. Great.
It better not be some clown or a large spider-like curse. Please, please no.
You reach the double doors and let out a deep breath before you slowly push the door open. As you peek through the crack you groan as you see a large body with a ridiculous dull clown costume, and bright red hair sticking out the sides.
Really? Really?! A fucking clown?
Clowns are fucking scary…
“You’ll pay for this Satoru,” you whisper and drift your eyes past the clown curse and spot Nanami in front of it with his blade out, but you can't see Nobara and Fushiguro, nor can you see Itadori around.
Which is good. No matter how much you should teach them, why should they be on the front lines facing something above their grade if you’re here?
As long as you can, you’ll protect people like you. Even if you hardly know them.
Which is why you tiptoe out before the students get angsty, and quietly watch Nanami kick the clown in the rink.
The clown quickly tries to swing its claw for hands at your friend, but Nanami dodges and slides past it. When he lands behind the clown curse he spots you walking out the back doors, so you hastily point your eyes to the side so the clown won’t see you so you can catch it by surprise.
Nanami nods stiffly as he reads what you want without being told, and pulls the clown's attention to the side, letting you continue to quietly maneuver past turned-over tables and broken wooden chairs. When the clown turns abruptly you quickly go down and hide behind a table.
And as you do you spot Itadori at your far left side hiding behind a booth with greenery growing around it. His brown eyes find you and he steps forward to help his mentor, but you put your hand out and he stops. You don’t want to give out your presence so you mouth to him.
Itadori quirks one eyebrow up in confusion, causing you to sigh deeply before you close your hand to signal him to hold.
He understands now so he mouths, “oh,” before he nods once in agreement.
You scoff in amusement and continue to move on ahead in your crouched position. When you reach the rink you finally spot Megumi and Nobara on metal vents above ground. So it means Nanami is actually following along with your old plans.
It’s surprising that he is. Even if you agreed to it moments before you still can’t help but be surprised since it’s been so long since you’ve worked together. It makes you happy and eager honestly.
Regardless, you step into the rink and before the clown can see you, you scurry over, and when you get close enough you change your pace to a sprint before you hop off your feet. As gravity pulls you back down you pull the blade up, and just as you get close you rapidly swing down with force and slice down the clown's back, making it cry out and try to swing its arm back.
Yet before he can touch you, you push yourself off his back to land on the floor swiftly and slide back.
The clown's eyes land on you, and it begins to growl, showing sharp black teeth. It then tries to turn completely, but you use your technique and trap its feet using pieces of the ground. Nanami then follows by swinging his blade across its chest.
And the power of his swing is so strong that the clown goes flying back. Albeit just before you can see it hit the ground, a large brown bird shikigami appears from nowhere and grabs the clown with its talons. It then takes it across the rink and slams it against a wall to zap it with purple electricity before it lets it go and disappears through the shadows.
The wall behind the clown crumbles, welcoming in natural light from the outside, while the clown itself tumbles down.
You know it’s not done yet though, it got weakened, but it’s done fighting. However, Nanami and you still approach it cautiously. And just as predicted the clown suddenly throws its hands out and they suddenly stretch out towards Nanami and you.
You get ready to attack, but then in a blink of an eye, you’re surprised by how fast Itadori slams his body against the clown’s arms before he wraps his own
arms around one and pushes it towards the other. When the arms are pressing against each other a dozen nails impale both arms.
Nobara lands before Nanami and you, and with a simple snap the nails implode and blow both arms to pieces.
“Wow,” you gasp through the silence with a proud smile. “Satoru once again has an impressive bunch here.”
“He owes us for lying though,” Nanami mutters.
“Yeah, he’ll pay,” you agree and listen to the clown begin to cackle again. “Careful,” you warn the kids. “It’ll probably heal its arms back.”
Megumi jumps off the vents and lands beside Nanami, while you narrow your eyes on the clown and begin to walk towards it. The clown then suddenly goes quiet, and before you know it the clown throws its body out as it enlarges so big its head hits the ceiling. It then reaches for a flower on its chest and when he presses it water shoots and aims at Nobara, so you change your pace to a run.
However, when you get close to her you slide forward on your feet, and then lift two fingers to use your technique and split the water in half before it could touch Nobara or you.
The clown cries out at its failure, and you flash it a cocky grin while you also manipulate the water to travel around Nobara and you.
“Cool,” Nobara muses before you shoot the clown's own prank water at its eyes.
The moment water hits the clown's eyes, you see steam rising and watch the clown try and grab its eyes as the water seems to melt away his eyes.
“Well,” you joke to lighten the mood. “Good thing we didn’t get splashed by that huh?”
Nobara scoffs, and Itadori uses this time while it’s distracted to run over and throw it a strong right hook that hurls the clown to the side. And rather than stumbling, you see Megumi meet it with a punch that sends it back to the left.
You take advantage of this moment and sprint forward before you hop and impale the curse through the jaw.
The clown begins to laugh menacingly, but before it can attack, both Megumi and Itadori come at it from the sides and use the daggers you had handed Itadori to impale the clown's eyes.
With that last move, the clown goes limp and you pull your blade out and let yourself fall to the ground. When Megumi and Itadori land on their feet, the clown's corpse begins to disappear, bringing an end to this fight.
“It's over,” you assure them and let out a deep and relieved breath. “Good job.”
“Save it until we see if the veil fell,” Nanami counters you and walks past you to walk to the gap left on the wall.
You quickly follow after him and push yourself past his side to poke your head out. Luckily rather than seeing a dim sky you can’t help but smile as you see the vivid blue sky and fluffy grey clouds.
“See,” you nudge Nanami. “Over!” You spin around on your heels and shoot the kids a grin. “Great job everyone, you all did amazing. Great teamwork, and great quick thinking!”
They all seem to look a bit surprised by your compliment but they smile softly and take your compliment with a sweet thank you.
Your worm curse finally shows up and the moment he sees you he drags himself as fast as he can to reach you.
“Why don’t we get out, huh?” You suggest. “Maybe get some well-deserved boba.”
When the worm reaches your feet you pick him up and hang him around your neck before you put away your blade and step outside through the gap.
“Y/N,” you hear Itadori call out before he falls beside you.
“Hm?” You hum and look at him with a curious look.
Itadori holds the daggers out and offers you a faint half-smile. “Thanks for letting me use them, they came in handy.”
“Oh,” you say and smile. “No problem.”
Instead of grabbing them, you offer him an assuring nod, and he grins and tucks the daggers in the worm.
“Sick,” he laughs.
You smile softly at him in admiration as you see a flash of Haibara again. They also have the same sweet look in their eyes, that warm kindness and bright glimmer even after they’ve seen the worst thing imaginable.
“Look,” you interject softly. “I’m not sorry for the way I think. I have my reasons, I won’t preach my views to you either, I just hope,” you sigh and earn his undivided attention. “That we can look past our indifferences. At least while we work together. It’d be very awkward if we had tension.”
Itadori drifts his eyes away and looks ahead before he responds in a kind voice. “I don’t agree with the way you think, but I’ve gotten to know your world and I can say that it isn’t easy, and I can never know what happened that made you think the way you do,” he says in such a deep and wise manner even though he's only fifteen years old.
“But I do respect you,” he continues, catching you by surprise. “You helped fight this curse today. You didn’t have to. You helped Nobara and you didn’t have to. For that I respect you. Besides, Nanami and Gojo trust you too, and I trust their judgment, so I trust you too. Plus you’re so much cooler now that I’ve seen you in action.”
You laugh softly.
“I’m looking forward to working with you, y/n,” he finishes saying, making your smile soften.
“I’m looking forward to working with you too,” you mirror sweetly.
Itadori offers you a tiny smile, making you pat his shoulder and give him another compliment. “You did good kid. Now, do you want to see some pictures of Nanami when he was in high school? I have videos saved here too.”
“Oh, can I?!” He exclaims.
“Y/N, don’t you dare!” Nanami shouts.
You peer back and pull your phone out in a taunting manner. Your friend glares at you and you turn your phone on and unlock it before you go to your camera roll.
“You never change,” he mutters.
You smirk. “You’re so annoying,” you mock him by saying what he’d tell you all the time when you were students yourselves.
“You’re almost 28.”
“You’re almost 28,” you mimic him, making his lip curl to a soft scowl. “Anyway!” You laugh and click on the folder where you have the old pictures. “This is us. And that’s him.”
Itadori takes your phone away from you and laughs. “Whoa! Nanamin your hair!”
You giggle and see Nanami clench his jaw.
“I want to see!” Nobara exclaims before she runs over and pushes Itadori slightly as she holds the phone to look too.
“You can scroll through that folder,” you assure them. “You’ll find Ieiri and Satoru there too.”
“Hey, look, it's Master Gojo!” Itadori shouts excitedly, making Fushiguro quietly walk over to look at the pictures with his friends too. You, on the other hand, slow down to catch up to Nanami.
“Reminds me of us,” you muse softly.
“Except neither of them is a spoiled rich girl,” he tries to get back at you for revealing pictures of his youth.
“Your hair is pink and super short!” Nobara points out.
“It was a phase!” You counter.
“A mistake,” Nanami corrects you and laughs quietly. “I told him it was too light.”
You giggle. “He got the measurements all wrong. He wasn’t good at math.”
Nanami shakes his head in agreement with your comment. “No. No, he was not.”
You sigh deeply and your smile fades. “You think everything’s going to be okay?” You ask quietly as you watch Nobara, Itadori, and Fushiguro talking and smiling as they look through the pictures and watch the videos you have saved—“they deserve better than what we had.”
Nanami lets out a deep breath and nods stiffly. “They do, but there’s no way of knowing,” he doesn’t hide the truth.
You’re thankful for that even if it gives you a bad feeling in your gut.
“All we can do is hope and fight for them to get better, right?” You add another question to feel some comfort through the bad feeling forming like a storm.
“Yeah,” Nanami whispers. “That’s right.”
You hum softly in comprehension and continue to watch them with admiration and a soft smile even though the storm continues to brew within you.
A/N- Let’s enjoy these moments :/….
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154
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akatsuki-shin · 9 months
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The most painful thing about Geto's story for me is seeing his change from the beginning up until the moment before his death.
Probably it's because I watched the flashback in its chronological order (Season 2 Ep. 1-5 --> JJK 0 Movie), so I could get a better view and feels of his transition.
When he was still a student, putting aside all the shenanigans he pulled with Gojo and his other friends, we saw Geto as someone logical and level-headed. He has ethics, morals, and responsibility. To put it simply, if there's someone in that world who understand "with great power comes great responsibility" the most, it would be Geto.
Even after the trauma of witnessing those cult members happily giving standing ovation to Riko's death, he was still level-headed. He was in a dilemma, he was depressed, he started to hate and question "why do I have to protect these people at the cost of my comrades/my own kin?" But he still retained his logics and level-headedness.
Even at the very last seconds before he snapped upon seeing Mimiko-Nanako being tortured by the villagers, he was still trying to speak and explain things to them instead of just instantly went on a rampage on the spot. Had those people not insist on slandering and accusing Mimiko-Nanako, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't explode and massacred the entire village.
To be honest, when I watched the movie, the Geto Suguru who has become a cult leader who hated all non-sorcerers looks like a fake personality to me. Everything he said and did was the exact opposite of all the principles and moral values he used to speak of in the past. Throughout the movie, I kept asking myself "huh, is this really the same person?"
But his "fake personality" here wasn't meant to deceive other people. In fact, for me, I feel like he's actually been deceiving himself into believing that this is indeed the correct path for his life, the one he had chosen, and the one best for him.
Why did I say this? Because actually, even when he was falling into depression and ended up a villain, his true/real personality never actually disappeared.
Geto is a very caring and nurturing person. When asked if he wanted a sweet or savory snacks as souvenir, he didn't think about what he himself wanted but "Oh, I have a friend who likes sweets and he usually gets some, as well, so better get the sweet ones."
Despite already "fixing" himself into the villain role, he still took care of Mimiko and Nanako properly. He was like, what, 17-18 years old when he met them and he actually raised them into fine, healthy, proper young girls — outside of their hatred for non-sorcerers (which was caused by their personal childhood experience, so that's understandable).
And this real personality of his finally came out again near the end of the movie right before he died, when there was only Gojo there with him to listen to him speak about what he'd truly been feeling all this time.
When Geto said there was no way he could truly be happy/smile from the bottom in his heart in this world, IMO it's his most honest feelings. Because no matter which path he took, his internal conflict would never disappear for as long as he lived.
In canon, he took the most extreme way of eradicating all non-sorcerers. But had he not become a villain like this, had he chosen to live "normally," graduating from school, becoming a proper Jujutsu sorcerer, perhaps becoming a teacher with Gojo, his dilemma would persist when watching his comrades and students getting hurt and dying to protect the ignorant non-sorcerers every day.
And I'm sure he has already considered that possibility, as well, at some point before his death.
Geto Suguru isn't the kind of villain who wholeheartedly believed that he is in the right. IMO, he educated Mimiko-Nanako and his family (Miguel cs) into believing in the "justice" of Jujutsu Sorcerer Supremacy more for himself, to convince himself over and over again to stay in the path he already chose to take. Because deep down in his heart, he knew that there are actually other ways he could take — but he is already too far gone to turn around (and it's not like choosing a different route will give a better result because as I've explained above and he himself said, he already knows that there is no way he can truly be happy in this world).
This is a character who only appeared for not even 20 chapters in the manga; he also only got like 5 episodes + 1 movie in the anime. But his depth, background, and personality is that solid and his presence is that strong despite only existing in Gojo's flashback.
Beyond ships and all romantic headcanons out there, to be honest, if there is no Geto Suguru, I think the current Gojo Satoru now would not exist.
Yes, Gojo may still become the strongest sorcerer. Yes, he may still become a teacher and fight for the good purposes.
But he wouldn't have come to that much realization just how rotten the morality, regulations, and bureaucracy in the Jujutsu world is, to the point that he decided to dedicate himself to that extent to raise and nurture a new generation of sorcerers who can bring change to that rotten world.
(Disclaimer: Obviously, this is my personal opinion, so no need to take it as the truth and it's perfectly fine if you think differently. ^^)
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tailsisfluffy · 7 months
So I am playing Persona 4 Golden for the first time. Keep in mind that the only other Persona game I have played is Royal. Right now I just finished the first dungeon.
A few thoughts and encounters:
-Yosuke is actually pretty smart. Thought he was going to be the unintelligent comic relief righthand guy that flirts with girls stereotype. And he felt like he started off that way. Granted, I was going to love anyways because I tend to love the best friend, i.e. Ryuji. But as soon as he became my partner, he just sobered up? Real detective vibes? Taking charge instead of charging for the most part? My dude, I wanted him to be the leader when he asked but of course that NO button is a lie.
-I need one of those volume UI that lets you control the volume of each specific person because Chie really needs to be turned down. Like, she is even louder than the music, and this music is loud. She's like a commercial between shows, volume twice as high.
-What the fuck are these teachers?
-Why, Why, do you show me more club doors and I only get to join two? I mean, I was a band kid in highschool, but I would have loved to join the Home EC club.
-Speaking of Home EC, Nanako over here making breakfast and warming up dinner. I thought she was like 12 but wiki says she's 6-7. What?
-Oh. I see the 6-7 now. She won't stop with the Junes. Please stop.
-So do all the Persona mascots have a crush on a human team member? Teddie over here not knowing about the romantic stuff until it suddenly struck him. He literally meets Yukiko once and suddenly knew everything on that.
-It was probably the wine, but I spent five minutes laughing at that lady in the store. It wasn't because she resembled a Ghibli character. It wasn't the eyes. It was those tiny ass glasses that she had on the tip of her nose. How is she seeing? Even if they are for decoration they make no sense. What!
-This dude really selling weapons under the "art" label, huh?
-Lady, I do not know what the "Sub-menu button" is. Why do I keep running into you? I know who you are but I can't stop."
-"I won't let you go out this late" Well, screw you. That first night I got that notification that I could sneak out, all I did was stand right outside the front door to prove I can. Nanako over here being a real one not saying anything. That's what you get for not being home, Dojima. Your charges are partners in crime now.
-Tiny Glasses lady is doing Ghibli things. She's a witch. No other explanation.
-Y-you're telling me that the only way to get anything is by the Shuffle? Which is only activated when you do an All Out Attack. Which you have to kill the Shadow during said Attack? 😭😤😞 I miss Royal mechanics already.
-*Sobbing and raging at just the first dungeon because I only have 3 Personas because I can't fuse anything because I can't activate enough shuffles.*
Well, I guess this was more than a few. 😅 Let's see how the game progresses.
-It feels like ranking up attributes is taking forever. I'm still at level 1 in all of them.
-The concept of time is really screwed here. "Did you see her interview from a few days ago-?" You mean last night? Teddie moaning about being left alone and I'm like "Dude, it's barely been two weeks and you've been in this realm your whole life by yourself. Even Yosuke called him out on that. Stop trying to guilt trip us.
0 notes
lils-of-the-valley · 3 years
Summer Time (Family) Madness
What’s up! I finally wrote something and didn’t post it at 1 am! That doesn’t mean I proofread it though (RIP I'm so tired I posted it to the wrong blog so I had to redo it)
First | < Previous | Chapter 8 | Next >
Apologizing to Emily was a lot harder than Langa had anticipated. He knew he could be stubborn, but Emily was worse. She did everything in her power to avoid him: locking herself in Nanako’s room as soon as he left his, turning away from him if she had the misfortune of being in the living room when he got back from work or the skatepark, eating at a different time from Langa and his mother. No matter what Langa tried, she refused to acknowledge him. He didn’t exist anymore to her.
And Langa had tried reaching out to her, both physically and metaphorically. He had tried grabbing her arm, forcing her to acknowledge him, but he was just shaken off the same way he had shaken her off three days prior. He had tried being gentler, calling her name the few times he did see her leave the room to get food, but he had been ignored. Langa had even tried texting her an apology, but the text had never been opened, the little checkmark never appearing next to his text. Emily was rightfully pissed, Langa understood that, but after 72 hours, he was starting to get annoyed again. She could have at least given him a chance! It had been three days, for crying out loud!
“Seem familiar?” Nanako asked over her cup of tea. Langa didn’t miss the amused smile on his mother’s face or the way her brown eyes were staring straight through him. Recently, she was really starting to pick up on whatever Langa was feeling, which he wasn’t sure if he was grateful for or absolutely mortified about.
“I-!” Langa bit the inside of his cheek as he pushed his pancake around his plate. “Okay, fair.”
“Look, I talked to Emily this morning. She’s still pretty mad at you for snapping at her and refusing to tell her why, but she seems ready to talk about it. It wasn’t my place to explain your actions, but I did encourage her to give you a chance to apologize. Which,” Langa shrunk in his seat the way his mother was looking at him, “I really shouldn’t have had to do, Langa. You’re an adult now; you shouldn’t need to have your mother fixing your problems anymore.” Nanako sighed, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she took a long sip of her tea. “But, here we are. I don’t even want to imagine the chaos that would have been if your father and I had decided to give you a little brother or sister. I don’t think I would have survived those fights if I’m struggling with just you and your cousin.”
Langa had asked a few times for a baby brother or sister when he had been younger. He had been in kindergarten and watching the children arrive with siblings made him envy them. The closest thing he had to a sibling was Emily, and he only say her during the summer. But those kids, they had a friend all year long. And they didn’t have to meet anyone new because siblings were family and family wasn’t scary. Not like all the kids whose faces were starting to blur together.
As he got older, he grew to be content with being an only child. He didn’t have to share at home. Everything at home was his: his toys, his parents, his room. As he grew older, he heard the other kids complain about their siblings, how they were hogging the tv or finished the last of the cereal without telling anyone. So Langa was happy with being alone. It was perhaps selfish of him, but he was glad he just had to deal with another kid just during the summer. Playing with Emily in the summer was more than enough.
But as he got older, Langa also wondered what it would have been like to have a real sibling, someone constantly buzzing around him. Would they have snowboarded with him? Would they have looked up at him? Would they have played with him? Would they have fought a lot? And would Langa have been a good brother, like Reki was? Would he have been able to help his sibling with their homework or their daily problems? Would he have been able to give and give and give so much like Reki did? Would have been as kind as Reki when-
Langa shook his head, shaking away the thought of Reki. He had to stop thinking of Reki all the damn time.
“Maybe it would have been better if I had a sibling. Maybe I would actually know how to say sorry?”
A light chuckle shook the teacup his mother was holding to her lips. “Maybe. But it’s never too late to start learning! I really think you should go see Emily. Oh! And bring her breakfast while you’re at it! It’ll be bonus points for you!”
Langa gave his mother a curt nod before moving to the kitchen counter to prepare a plate of pancakes for Emily. If there was one thing Langa knew, it was that food always cheers people up. Food was a universal peace offering that no one could refuse. Nobody could refuse a good plate of fluffy pancakes drowned in maple syrup. Or at least, Langa wouldn’t have been able to refuse. Hopefully, Emily wouldn’t refuse.
The confidence that Langa had built up lasted a grand total of three minutes, just enough time to assemble the plate and make his way to his mother’s room. Everything had been clear in his head: he would knock and apologize to Emily, offering him the pancakes. It was a simple plan, but when it came time to execute it, Langa froze. The words jumbled in his head and his hands refused to cooperate. He had to knock. Form a fist, lightly tap the door, that was all. Yet it felt like the most difficult thing to do. His fingers only tightened around the plate, not wanting to let go of it.
What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? If, a big if, Emily opened the door after he finally fessed up the courage to knock, then he would have to say something. He’d have to say sorry. He would have to say sorry, but for what? For being cold and distant and…. Like himself? No. That was making excuses. It was a bad habit of his, apologizing and making excuses for himself. Like when he had that big fight with Reki- No! He was not thinking of Reki. He was thinking of Emily and how he was going to say sorry for shouting at her. He was thinking of Emily and how he was going to apologize for being inconsiderate and too in his own head to realize that he was hurting her and straight-up selfish. He was going to apologize instead of ignoring the situation until it went away.
With a deep breath, Langa raised his first. One knock. Silence. Two knocks. Movement in the room. Three knocks. The door creaking open.
Emily stood in the doorway, staring up at Langa, her eyes devoid of their usual warmth. Her eyes flickered between his face and the plate he was holding up for her, a peace offering. There was no sign of cheeriness in her face, only a deep frown. She was small, but she seemed so big. Small, but intimidating.
Langa shifted from foot to foot, pushing the plate into her hands. “It’s, it’s for you. Mom made it. Thought you’d like some.”
Finally! Finally, she took the plate, though she didn’t seem any closer to wanting to listen to Langa. But she didn’t turn away. She just stood there in the doorway, plate in hand.
“And I- I just…” Langa inhaled sharply. He could do this. He could fix this. “I’m sorry.”
It was stupid. It was so stupid. He felt like a little kid on the playground, small and childish, sent off to apologize for breaking the other kid’s plastic shovel. He felt like a child who had no clue how to apologize. Sorry. I’m sorry. It was all he knew how to say. He didn’t know how to truly, properly apologize. He had never cared enough about people to feel the need to say more than just sorry.
“Did your mom send you to apologize or is this really from you?”
“Me! I’m sorry, I mean it.” Langa did mean it, but Emily didn’t seem completely convinced yet. “I… shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I’m sorry.”
“Alright, alright,” she shifted her weight onto one foot, leaning into the doorframe, “don’t need to overuse it. I know we’re known for constantly apologizing, but you know damn well that that’s just a stereotype. You don’t actually have to say sorry every other word.”
“But I feel like I should.”
Emily sighed. “Alright. Don’t overdo it either. But,” she glanced towards the kitchen behind Langa, right where Nanako was sitting, sipping her tea and finishing her breakfast, “can we talk in your room? Like, don’t get me wrong, I love Auntie Nanako, but it’s just… feels weird doing this in front of her. Like we’re back at the grandparents and we have to apologize for breaking whatever before going home and the parents want to make sure we’ve properly apologized? Yeah, it’s… it’s really weird. No offense to your mom or anything.”
“I get it, no worries. Reki’s the same way.”
Emily raised an eyebrow, an amused smile playing on her lips. “You really never stop thinking of him, do you?”
“I-!” He didn’t. He had to stop, but somehow Reki always found his way back into Langa’s head. “He’s my best friend. And the only one of my friends who’s come over. So it’s just, it’s a coincidence.”
“Uh-huh, sure, sure.” Emily brushed past Langa, making her way to his room with her breakfast. “You keep telling yourself that, buddy.”
“I’m serious!” Langa huffed, stuffing his hands in his pockets and refusing to acknowledge the heat forming in his cheeks as he followed his cousin. “You know, for someone who’s pissed at me, you sure are in a good mood.”
“Oh.” Emily stopped in front of his closed-door before turning to him with a grin. “I stopped being mad at you like two days ago.”
Two days ago. That was impossible. Just last night she was leaving the kitchen as soon as Langa was coming in, kicking his shoes off. Just last night she was locking herself in his mother’s room, refusing to even look at him. It was impossible that she wasn’t still mad at him. It didn’t make sense.
“Yeah, I’m just really petty.”
It was the way she was saying it, just shrugging as she pushed the door open. It was how nonchalant she was about it, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“You…” Langa sighed. Reasoning was impossible. “You made me suffer for three days, brushing me off, refusing to eat at the same time as me, basically telling me to go fuck myself for… for what reason?”
“You were insufferable for three days, so it was only fair that I made you suffer the same amount.”
“You,” Langa said with a huff and entering his room right behind his cousin, “are impossible.”
As Emily got comfortable on the floor, her back pressed against the closet door as she got ready to eat, Langa let his whole body flop onto his bed. It had gone better than he had anticipated, but it had still been exhausting. The spiraling insecurities always took a lot out of him. But as soon as his body sank into his mattress, his face hitting his pillow, everything melted away. Everything felt better, the weight of his mistakes lifted from his shoulders. And the sound of Emily struggling to cut her pancakes with her fork reminded him that things would be okay. He hadn’t broken everything important to him.
Langa shifted on his bed, folding his arms and tucking them under his chin as he looked over at Emily.
“I’m serious though. I am sorry about being insufferable and all. Just…”
“It’s fine, really. Apology accepted, Langa. Just,” Emily stopped picking at her plate, her brown eyes falling onto Langa instead, “can I finally know why you were acting all shitty and whatever?”
Why had he acted the way he did? The answer was terribly obvious, but it was also stupid. Terribly stupid.
Silence emptied the room completely. Emile blinked at Langa, a forkful of pancakes hanging between her mouth and her plate as she gapped at him. It was stupid. So stupid. Langa should have lied. He should have found another reason. Now he seemed stupid because he was and this whole situation was stupid because of Langa’s stupid heart that was constantly beating in his chest at a speed that was probably alarming and-
“You…” Emily inhaled sharply, putting her plate and fork down onto her lap and brought her hands together to her mouth. Then her hands were pointed in Langa’s direction and he sank into his pillow. “You were an asshole to me for three days because of your boyfriend?”
Heat raced through his body as Langa jolted up. “He’s not-!”
“Fine! Your ‘best friend’ or whatever you wanna call it! What- What the actual fuck, Langa?”
“I don’t know! I don’t…”
Langa shouldn’t have been laughing. He should have been serious, trying to explain his mess. But Emily was laughing, her hands in her face as she wiped away tears, and it was hard to not laugh with her. Maybe she had also realized that everything was ridiculous. Maybe she had finally realized that Langa was absolutely ridiculous.
“I don’t know, Emmy. I really- It made sense, or maybe it never really did?”
“No, it does not make any sense. You do not make any sense, you twig!”
“I just… I was mad, okay? I don’t know who I was mad at – probably myself most of all – but it was just easier to take it out on you since, since, you know, you kinda, I mean, if you hadn’t come to DopeSketch then maybe?”
“You were pissed at me because your not-boyfriend suggested teaching me how to skate? You… what the fuck?”
Langa dropped back into his pillow, resisting the urge to scream. It sounded so much worse when said like that. It sounded so much worse when talking about it. If only he could disappear forever and avoid the absolute humiliation of having Emily half-screaming at him, half-laughing at him. It was worse than… than anything, really. Langa was ready to dig his own hole to hide in.
He peered over his pillow, not ready to let go of it quite yet. It was a rather effective shield.
“Yes? I mean… It’s not the skating part that bothered me. It’s the-”
“Part where it sounded like he was asking me out?”
Langa chewed on the inside of his cheek, nodding hesitantly into his pillow. He was aware that he was acting like a child who was caught doing something wrong. He was aware that he looked stupid and foolish. He was aware that he was supposed to be able to handle himself just a little better than that, but what was he to do? The pillow was the only thing keeping him safe.
“Langa! You useless-!”
Langa almost missed Emily pinching the bridge of her nose, looking more exasperated than he had ever seen her.
“You… Look, first off, he wasn’t asking me out. And second of all, if you had stuck around an extra 20 seconds, you would have known I turned him down.”
Emily had turned Reki down. She had refused him. What kind of monster refuses anything from Reki?
“What? Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why’d you turn him down?”
Emily clicked her tongue as she stared up at the ceiling. “Well, it’s pretty simple, really. Your ‘friend’ there,” Langa cringed at the air quotes, “really did sound like he was asking me out, which apparently actually wasn’t his intention. But even if it had been his intention, he’s basically a kid. He’s not even 18, is he?”
“Next week.”
“So he’s not even 18, which is… weird? I don’t know, even if he was 18, it would still be weird for me. Not that was the main point of this. The most important part of this,” Emily straightened out, leaning closer to Langa, “I know you like him. Hell, I think everyone knows that you’re basically head over heels for him.”
“Everyone but him,” Langa mumbled into his pillow, completely defeated. There was no point in moving out of the fluff.
“I… I don’t think you’re giving the kid enough credit, Langa. I don’t think he’s as dense as you paint him to be.”
“Oh great. Yay for me. I get to fuck up yet another friendship.”
“I… also don’t think you’re messing up your friendship.” Langa could hear Emily shuffle on her side of the room, the fork clanking against the ceramic plate. She was probably starting to feel sore from the hardwood floor. “Look, I don’t know shit. The only news I’ve gotten of you in the past three years has been from your mom talking to grandma who would then tell my mom. And from the time I’ve been here, well, I’m just your dumb, airhead cousin. My opinion isn’t worth shit, but it kinda looks like it might be reciprocated?”
Langa propped up onto his elbows, huffing as he stared at Emily. “It’s not. And all you’re achieving right now is giving me false hope.”
“No! That’s not-! I didn’t mean… I was talking to Reki, after you stormed off like a big baby.”
“Gee, thanks. False hope and making fun of me.”
“And like, I was telling him that I was flattered and all, but that I had to turn down his offer since, you know, I’m heading back home in a couple of weeks. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone to try something with an expiration date and he doesn’t seem to be the type to just wanna hook up or whatever.”
Langa buried his face in his pillow again, hands over his ears. “I don’t wanna think about it, I don’t wanna hear about it. I don’t wanna think about it, I don’t wanna hear about it. I don’t wanna think about it, I don’t wanna hear about it. I don’t-”
“I didn’t say that to him, you twig! Now listen to me! I don’t wanna talk about sex with you, anyway!”
Langa’s face was flushed and panicked as he lifted it from his pillow for what felt like the thousandth time in a very little amount of time. His voice was high-pitched, only accentuating his horror. “I don’t wanna talk about sex with anyone! Especially not- No!”
“Aw, it’s okay, little baby Langa. I won’t disgust you with that. But I will tell you that Reki is so cute when he’s flustered. Like, he’s adorable, isn’t he?”
“I… will not answer that.”
Emily raised an eyebrow, a smile stretching across her face.
“Right. I forgot, you probably find him cute even when he’s passed out cold, snoring and drooling into his pillow.” Langa stayed quiet, chewing at his lip. “But yeah, turns out that it was just genuine desire to get me to try something new that would keep me busy? He was so embarrassed at the whole miscommunication thing and thinking he was asking me out. But so very cute. Just wanted to pinch his cheeks and squish his little face! Ah! I can’t wait for you to ask him out! Like, it’ll be so cute! And dumb! Because look at you!”
Embarrassed didn’t even begin to describe whatever it was that was twisting in Langa’s body. There was the heat of embarrassment, the desire for Emily to just shut the fuck up, but there was also the lightness of familiarity and fun. Falling back into the easy banter was nice. It was much better than being mad or being ignored. It was… comforting to know that there was someone he could talk to like this.
“This feels homophobic.”
Emily stared at him with a deadpan expression which made him snicker.
“When’s the last time you made that joke?”
“Whenever the last time you spoke to me and forced my hand.”
“I did not- Go to Hell!”
Oh, she was making this just too easy for him.
“But,” Langa cocked his head to the side, not bothering to hide his amused smile, “isn’t that where all the gays go?”
Exasperation stained Emily’s face as she reached out to him, her hands making a choking motion. Oh, how he had missed the jokes. How he had missed being annoying and obnoxious.
“How? How have you not outed yourself yet?”
Langa shrugged. “Simple. I don’t know how to say half of this shit in Japanese, so I can’t say it. Plus, new place, new life. Only you get the privilege of dealing with how I was back in Canada. But you bet your ass that I’m thinking it, even if I’m not saying it.”
“I’m sure you’re also thinking of someone’s ass-!”
It was a reflex, throwing the pillow at Emily. It was the only thing Langa could think of to get her to shut up. But the moment the pillow collided with the girl, her whole body curling to defend herself from the attack, Langa knew he had fucked up. Metal and ceramic clattered across his floor, half-eaten pancakes and an ungodly amount of smuggled maple syrup pooling on Emily’s lap and at her feet. Both froze, staring at the white pillow soaking in the sticky mess they had created.
“Damn, all this because you can’t take an ass joke.”
“I will choke you.”
“Kinky. Keep it for your boyfriend.”
So Emily was even worse than him. At least, when it came to obnoxiously dumb jokes. When it came to cleaning, both sucked, just staring at the floor instead of doing anything. At this rate, Langa would be better off just buying himself a new pillow; there was no way he would manage to get all that syrup out of it. But moving meant acknowledging the problem, and Langa was not ready for that. Or maybe he just didn’t like cleaning up messes.
“If my pillow is trash, I will murder you.”
Reluctantly, Emily picked up the pillow, holding it far from herself. A large stain had formed on the pillowcase, having probably seeped through the fabric and into the pillow’s fluff. Her face twisted in disgust. She also didn’t seem keen on cleaning and laundry.
“I invite you to try, but people have been trying and failing for the past 20 years.”
Langa sighed, finally pulling his legs off his bed and crouching down in from of the flipped plate. How was he supposed to clean this up? Where did he even start?
“Just help me clean your mess.”
“My mess? Excuse me? You’re the one who hit me with a pillow and caused this!”
The fork. He would start by picking up the fork. And maybe the plate. Leaving it on the floor was just risking breaking it. Hopefully, it wasn’t chipped.
“Go get the cleaning products. I think mom keeps them under the sink in the bathroom. And throw my pillow into a bag or something. We’ll have to go to the laundromat later.”
Emily sighed, finally pushing herself off the ground. She still held the pillow with the tip of her fingers, very far from her body.
“Fine! I’ll keep you company later, but you’re cleaning your floor! I’m not touching anything sticky and gross.”
“It’s maple syrup. How is that gross?”
“Just saying that I don’t know what trash you’ve put on your floor and I am not scrubbing it.”
“Just go get the stuff before this leaks through the floorboard.”
Emily huffed one last time before exiting the room. While he waited, Langa could hear his mother questioning Emily. “What was that noise?” “What are you looking for?” “Did you and Langa make up?” A smile pulled on the corner of Langa’s mouth. He knew his mother would ask questions and that was the only reason he had sent Emily to fetch the cleaning products. He knew if he had gone himself, then he would have had a thousand questions to answer which he absolutely did not want to do.
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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grandducktale · 4 years
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As explained in my -- prologue post, -- I’ll be playing through Persona 4 the Golden, and despite knowing/having access to a guide to obtain the true ending for the game, I’ll be making alternate theories based on what I observe in my playthrough. 
Credits to Cyberman65 for some of the screenshots here, as I didn’t want to start a new playthrough to fill in the screenshots I was missing. 
My negative thoughts will be RP’d as Dagda, for example: You are aware that Persona 4 the Golden is a Video Game, kid? And one about murders, too? You sure you’re not the REAL culprit behind all of this, for wanting to play such a game? You wanna be like the hero of a television show, don’t you? But the hero of a television show is no true hero at all. .
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Hey, that’s not true! Persona 4 is about stopping murders! Wanting to play a game about stopping the bad guys doesn’t make you a bad guy! And fiction can influence real life, for the better!
Huh. There’s that italized text again. Weird. Guess my finger slipped. 
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So my gameplay difficulty is set to normal. I could do very hard if I wanted, but Persona 4 is long enough as is. Let’s begin. 
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First, a disclaimer.
Wait, so this game’s about the power of the unconscious and mythology, and they say any similarity to real life is pure coincidence? Smells like red deer droppings, “kid.” 
Eh all games have these disclaimers, nothing too weird. Life influences art influences life influences cosplayers having weird RP sex at sweaty convention halls
We meet this guy, purportedly named Igor. He welcomes me or the camera to the Velvet room, though it is a limousine.
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Bulging eyes, long nose, crossed hands, death stare - he really seems trustworthy doesn’t he?
Eh no more or no less than a green guy with his jawbone showing and a literal question mark on his face. Besides, true ugliness is on the inside.
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Igor claims that I have an intriguing destiny.
There’s a book called “The Darwin Awards” filled with folks who had intriguing destinies.
Maybe this one is actually intriguing, though!
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So the Velvet Room, or limo, or whatever is said to exist between dream and reality.
In other words, in your subconscious, right?
Well no, I’m pretty sure this is a video game screen, with a .png portrait, and 3D rendered models. Though I’ve had dreams about video games before, so column a and column b. 
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So tautologically, I am bound by some sort of legal contract, otherwise how could I be here?
A contract? Singular? Think of all the EULAs you sign, terms of use, even the permission to go on field trips slips you agreed to. 
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Oh, maybe I’m not tautologically bound by a contract. So wait am I trespassing, have I already signed the contract in the future, or-
Maybe contracts only have as much power as you think they have
Maybe contracts only have as much power as you allow them to have
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Sort of? The tarot draws from life, so in a way it is a conceptual mirror. But I’ve flipped a coin while thinking to myself really hard that if it landed heads a steak hoagie would manifest in my hand, and while the coin landed on heads, no such hoagie appeared. 
Aye, there’s no steak save what we make for ourselves
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A disaster happens, followed by confusion and hesitation. If that’s fortune telling, then I don’t think a single sentient being ISN’T a fortune teller of some kind. 
Perhaps this game is actually just a bachelor’s party and Igor is lamenting the player character’s soon to be gone single status. Why else have a limo? 
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Will the mystery be “Why didn’t the old dream guy wear a seatbelt after predicting a misfortune at his limo’s destination?” 
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Ah going for the old deterministic sell because I’m in your limo, are ya? What if I just deleted the game and watched paint dried? Fate = Not intriguing = Defied! 
Alright so yada yada yada he wishes me luck on the mystery and the anime cutscene plays. Time for me to stop just recapping and start theorizing based on differences or details I didn’t notice during Persona 4′s Endurance Run.
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So this under 18 girl who we might encounter later on advertises a diet soda labeled calorie magic. If it possesses fantastic properties, that remains to be seen.
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Now the above scene I vaguely remember from Persona 4, but I’ll mark it as noteworthy because 
1. The protagonist is shown saying farewell to his class(more accurately, his teacher saying farewell on his behalf, and his classmates being upset). This implies that the student is well liked. The teacher says “Now hold on, there’s more”, as if to assuage the students disappointment. 
2. When on a train, the protagonist is wearing a traditional Japanese school uniform as opposed to the dress code the school he leaves abides by. Dress codes might be important. 
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Now in Persona 4 Golden, the mystery starts out with the media reporting on an scandal, alleging that Enka Singing star Misuzu Hiiragi’s husband, Inaba Politician Taro Namtame, cheated on her with Mayumi Yamano(woman on the right).
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As the protagonist rides on the train, his head aches and a blurry scene plays that seems to show Mayumi Yamano being assaulted. 
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Having a memory of assaulting a woman and waking in a cold sweat - you sure you’re playing as the “detective” in this game?
Was it the memory of assault that made the hero wake in a cold sweat, or the memory of the velvet room?
Well, in any event... the hero gets off the train, and meets his uncle, Ryotaro Dojima, and his cousin Nanako(the younger girl).
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Oh come on, what are the odds you could show this screencap to some rando and convince them it was a game about being a male prostitute? Is he the hero’s uncle, or is he his “uncle?” 
Giving earnest compliments doesn’t hurt anyone.
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 Hm. Since Dojima is very specific about calling himself the hero’s younger brother, and not the hero’s uncle, I guess it might be an incorrect deduction to say he is the hero’s uncle. 
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He is at once both close and distant from the protag.
No matter how ya look at it kid, it’s a power move. Not calling himself your kin, but reminding you of when you were a bawling infant, mewling, weak, and wetting yourself. 
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Uncle or the protagonist’s mother’s younger brother, Dojima views Nanako as the protagonist’s cousin. Nanako is shy.
Here’s where the divergences from Persona 4 start to happen.
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An unfriendly looking girl wearing kneesocks picks a piece of paper up off the ground and claims that the protagonist dropped it.
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The protagonist handwrote a note for Dojima’s address. Always good to be prepared analog style. Doesn’t this game take place in 2011?
That’s all the space I have for part 1. Next post will build on some of the differences, a character’s proactive and suggestive nature, and even some of the trivia learned at school. 
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ya-like-space · 4 years
A Gentle Heartbeat
It was a weird thing when Souji asked him to spend the night. They’d just finished rescuing Yukiko, and Chie had taken her back to the inn. It was just him and Souji left at their table at Junes. Souji had tapped him lightly on his shoulder.
“Hey, I know things have been really hectic lately, and you don’t have to if you don’t want to but,” Yosuke could hear the hesitation in his voice, “do you want to spend the night this weekend? Dojima-san said that-”
"Yes," Yosuke said so quickly it had startled the both of them. Souji jolted, and Yosuke had blushed in embarrassment. “Yeah, I’d uh.. I’d like that partner.”
Souji had given him a small smile, and Yosuke had prayed that he wouldn’t change his mind.
It had started off a little weird, neither of them had any idea how this worked. As it turns out, Souji had also never had anyone spend the night either, disproving Yosuke’s theory about his sleepover history. They end up putting some dumb action film on, and ripping it to shreds with mockery.
“You’d think with a name like ‘The Plight Of Man’ it would be like, at least a little good?”
Souji flicks off the TV.
“Seriously! I mean, it was quite literally about a man buying pretzels. How is that an action movie?”
“I have no idea.” 
“By the way, where’s Nanako?”
“She’s over at a friends house, but she should be home soon.”
“Big Bro! I’m home- Oh! Yosuke-nii!”
“Speak of the devil! Hey Nanako-chan.”
Neither of them had heard the door when she had come in, and were about to go up to Souji’s room.
“Nanako! Will you be alright if we head up to my room for the night?”
She nods her head, signaling she’d be fine. Knowing that, the two head up to Souji’s room. This wasn’t the first time Yosuke had been up there. It was just last week when he was in Souji’s room. The space was… surprisingly bare. He’d expected him to have a multitude of things. Or at least, some nick knacks and other junk. If there wasn’t a futon in the room, you probably wouldn’t even know someone was staying there. 
Suddenly, a loud boom resounded throughout the room.
“What was that?”
Souji turned to look at him, “It was probably just thunder. Don’t you remember? The weather report said there was gonna be a huge storm tonight.”
“Huh? Oh. Yeah. Guess I forgot after no one showed up on the 
Midnight Channel last night.” 
Yosuke let out a nervous chuckle.
“So partner. Whatcha wanna do?”
“I um- I actually bought a gaming system a couple days ago. How about we try it out?”
Turns out Souji had gotten an old PS2 after Yosuke had mentioned seeing it at a second-hand store in the shopping district. He didn’t have many games, but he did have Street Fighter. And Yosuke played a mean M. Bison. Though Souji only mildly sucked at the game.
It feels like everything has finally fallen into a comfortable place. They ended up playing the game late into the night, long after Nanako had gone to bed. The storm was raging on outside the windows. Glancing at the alarm clock on his shelf, Souji saw that it was half past 1.
“Hey, Yosuke?”
“Yeah partner?”
“I’m gonna go grab the spare futon from downstairs.”
Souji set his controller down, pausing the game.
“Alright. Need any help?”
“Yeah, actually. It’s a little hard carrying it up the stairs by yourself. Could you give me a hand with that?”
“Of course!”
The two made their way down to the hall closet, successfully dragging the spare futon back up the stairs. They set it up only a little ways away from Souji’s futon, pushing the table up against the couch.
Yosuke’s mind is racing when they lay down for the night. He feels his heart beating out his chest, but he doesn’t know why. He chalks it down to nerves, since he feels more content and comfortable than he’s been in a very long time. There’s something about Souji that just makes him feel safe and accepted. Like for once in his life, someone actually cares about him. He falls asleep with a smile gracing his lips.
Not long after, he wakes to… well, he isn’t quite sure what woke him up. It definitely wasn’t discomfort; he didn't think he’d ever felt more comfortable in his entire life. Every part of him was relaxed, and he pushed his face further into his futon, attempting to delve deeper into it. The futon gently wrapped its arms around him.
Yosuke sighed, and gripped it back. It was then he realized he could feel a slow rise and fall underneath him.
Then a thought occurred to him: Futons don't have arms, and they definitely don't breathe. He raised his head up, opening his eyes a tiny bit. His thoughts were still fuzzy with sleep. The wall hadn't been that close, had it? And he hadn't been so high up, and futons didn't breathe, slow and deep, and holy crap he was laying on Souji.
Well. Shit. How does he deal with this? If he moves too suddenly, Souji could wake up!
Yosuke feels Souji shift beneath him.
“Yosuke? I can hear you thinking from here, what's wrong?”
He scrambles to get off Souji. 
“S-sorry partner. It won’t happen again.”
Souji slowly sits up, looking at Yosuke, who had moved back into his own futon. He didn’t really understand what had happened, but he knew he felt significantly less warm now.
“I- I don't really know how that happened, but I um-”
Souji cuts him off before he could finish.
“I didn’t mind.”
“You didn’t?”
He moved towards him, blushing as he lightly pressed his lips against Yosuke’s cheek.
Not quite meeting his gaze, he speaks softly, “I… really like you Yosuke.”
It was at this point when Yosuke’s brain just stopped working. Souji likes him? Why? He could've picked anyone else! Compared to him, everyone was a better choice! So why him?
“You like me? But why? I’m a horrible choice!”
Souji looked at him and blushed.
“Because... well, you’re my partner Yosuke. There’s no one I’d rather be with.”
“I- I like you too Souji.”
"Good. Now come on, let's go back to sleep."
Souji held his arms out and fell back.
“Yosuke," Souji whined, “Come on. I’m tired, and you’re comfortable.”
Yosuke hesitantly crossed the distance between them, nudging himself between Souji’s arms, and laying his head down on Souji’s chest.
It takes a while before he relaxes and stops trembling, before his mind calms down, and he falls asleep to the gentle beat of Souji’s heart.
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@souyoweek2020​ Day 3 | feel
Woo boy. Okay, i’m not gonna lie, this fic was a pain in the ass to write. It took me like 3 more hour than usual. I do really like it though, so it was definitely well worth it. Only 4 more days! I’m gonna be sad when this is over.
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snowpeawritings · 5 years
11. Waiting P.1
“Philemon seems to enjoy seeing his Wild Cards live on with their lives…”
Persona 4 Golden X FeMC!Reader
4/25/MON-Evening | Dojima Residence
"Do you even know what you're doing?"
You pay no heed to the incorporeal being as you scored the meat with the knife. The residence doesn't have a lot of cook books, probably because of Dojima's absence and Nanako's proficiency based on eggs, so you decided to wing this recipe and hope for the best.
It wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't for the being criticizing the ingredients and your methods.
"This meat isn't full. I've seen pork plumper than this."
"What is this sauce? Why does it taste so sweet?"
"What is this metal contraption that produces fire?"
The grip on your knife only worsened and you were thankful that your hands were free of marinade. The sounds of the TV droned on, reminding you that Nanako is there, sitting attentively and listening to her surroundings.
With a sigh through your nose, you placed the lunch inside the box in an ordered fashion. The ginger pork on the steamed rice was placed in a way the sauce wouldn't be marred as diced spring onions were sprinkled nicely on the pork. In two cup dividers were cherry tomatoes and leftover potato salad. It wasn't like the tonkatsu that you made before but you feel like you've perfected this recipe.
"Success...!" You congratulated yourself. The dish turned out perfectly!
Izanami hummed beside you, looking over at the lunch. "It looks... Adequate."
You let out a tired groan, something that was noticed by Nanako as she began to question what was wrong.
4/26/TUE-Lunchtime | Classroom
Once the teacher dismissed the class for lunch, you sighed as you patted yourself on the back once more for answering for your friends. It was definitely more painful to have Jiraiya and Tomoe argue over the class's heads as Izanami tried to diffuse the situation. It would've been comical if it wasn't for the fact that you had to focus on the lesson and maintain your grades.
You took out your lunch from your bag and looked around. Yosuke was chatting with one of his friends, Chie was busy trying to discreetly teach Tomoe the basic ethics of today. Maybe you should invite one of them for lunch.
A small shriek broke your trail of thought. You turned your head to see Chie cupping her face in her hands as Tomoe tilted her head to the side. From behind you, Jiraiya laughed at the girl's embarrassment as Yosuke groaned at all three of them.
You remember Kou and Akane from music club and you wondered if they were available.
4/28/THU-After School | Chinese Diner Aiya
You remember going to this restaurant with Daisuke yesterday to talk about Kou and ever since, you’ve wanted to try the Rainy Day Mega Beef Bowl Challenge.
The diner was bustling as usual, the exception were the sounds of defeat of people who fell victim to the 3,000 Yen toll and with the few who triumphed over the well-seasoned meat and pounds of rice. Beside you, sitting on a stool, was Izanami, who watched the old man behind the counter yell orders above the noise.
“Chinese...” Izanami started. “I’ve forgotten the taste of baos that my husband would get me.”
You raised your eyebrow. “You have a husband?”
She nodded, though it seemed like she was unsure. “I... think so. I remember somebody whom I was close to...”
You racked your brain on your Shinto beliefs. With the spare time you had, you picked up the myths about the gods since it seemed important to know who was your partner. Before you could say something, a waiter slammed a giant bowl in front of you.
The legendary beef bowl definitely lived up to its name. The mounds of beef seemed to be endless, the mouth-watering seasoned meat suddenly made you sick. And then you remembered that there was rice underneath the protein hell pile.
You and Izanami blinked owlishly at the beef bowl, the noises in and out of the diner droned to a silent static as you seem to cower at the sight of the king of beef bowls.
This feat will be remembered through eternity.
“Izanami,” you whispered to her as you picked up your chopsticks, “make sure this lives on in the history books.”
You didn’t need to look at her to see her nod solemnly. “You will be remembered as a hero.”
You could feel the dread that the beef bowl gives but it doesn’t stop you from separating your sticks and thank the Aiya for this challenge.
> ...
“The beef bowl...” Izanami gasped. “It feels as though it’s taunting you!”
Her words fell deaf as your stomach bulged from the meat. That’s right. Just meat. You couldn’t even make it to the rice as the mountain of meat defeated your over-confidence. Still, despite the grueling defeat, you seemed to have a deeper understanding on how the beef bowl seems to be, the strategy to win the challenge has been embedded in your knowledge, and your diligence paid off to skim off most of the meat. 
“Aiyaaa!” The owner drawled out. “Looks like you failed the challenge! Too bad. That’ll be 3,000 Yen.”
You scowled at the man then the beef bowl. At least the materials you sold to Daidara covered your expenses.
4/29/FRI-Evening | Dojima Residence
“Due to the weekend rainfall, clear skies seem unlikely in the area.”
The reporter continued with the weather as you watched it intently. Izanami sat beside you, Nanako opposite of you in front of the table as Dojima relaxed on the couch. A steaming mug of hot chocolate was in your hands, as you refused to eat anything since you were still full from the beef bowl. You were proud to say that you’ve reached a bit of rice as you felt your stats increase.
“A thick fog is expected tonight and remain until tomorrow morning, with heaviest concentration in the Inaba area. Anyone planning to go out tonight should take care. Now for our hourly weather breakdown...”
“More fog, huh...?” Dojima sighed. “There’s been a lot of that lately. Hopefully it’s not a sign of more trouble.”
You didn’t even need to turn around to see his eyes droop in exhaustion. You focused back on the TV only to notice Nanako holding the remote in her hands and switching the channel.
“Ah-ah-ah.” Dojima tutted. “What did I say about changing the channel without asking?”
Before she could even respond, the TV droned about Junes and it being open for Golden Week. Immediately, Nanako perked up at the commercial, singing the theme song as she seemed excited about the establishment.
Izanami chuckled at her enthusiasm. “She’s so precious.”
“Dad!” Nanako exclaimed. “They’re going to be open during Golden Week!”
He laughed a little. “I heard. Do you want to go somewhere during the long holiday?”
Nanako’s eyes widened as she stood up “We can go somewhere?!”
He smiled at his daughter’s enthusiasm, then turned his head to you. “How about it? Got any plans yet?”
You took a cursory glance at Izanami as she nodded her head eagerly. You nodded at the man. “No plans yet.”
“Then let’s all go together somewhere!” Nanako cheered. “Junes! Junes Junes Junes!”
You giggled at her. You haven’t seen her this happy at all lately.
However, Dojima sighed. “You’re sure you want to go Junes? We can go there anytime...”
“Let her have her fun.” You said. “Not like we can spend all Golden Week in the store.”
“Alright alright...” He relented. “Anyway, time for bed. It’s late.”
Nanako’s smile was wiped off her face when she heard that, but she immediately sprung back to life by singing the Junes theme song.
After Nanako went to bed as you bade Dojima a good night, you changed into your pajamas and went up to your room. You pulled back the curtain and looked out the window. The fog rolled in, making you barely see anything.
“The fog settled in fast.” Izanami remarked. “I know we saved Yukiko but I wonder about what will show tonight.”
You drew back the curtain, staring at the TV with a nervous expression. “Probably nothing, but we can’t be too sure.”
You sat back down on the sofa next to Izanami, heaving out a sigh at the events that happened in the castle. “Yukiko is coming back to school tomorrow so we can ask her about how she even got in there.”
Izanami watched your relaxed expression, turning her head to the TV, then turning her head back to you. “What do you think of what her Persona will be?”
You shrugged lazily. “I don’t know, but I do know that we have to show her the ropes when we have free time.”
“You don’t have to stress yourself over this.” She said softly. “There’s always time for that, you’re still young after all. There’s no shame in backing down.”
You stared at Izanami’s yellow eyes, wondering where that caring attitude came from. You... really don’t know how to respond to that.
Before you could even reply something, the TV turned on by itself. The static noises permeated the room but the screen showed nothing. Then, the TV went silent.
“Well, guess that’s that.” You said, standing up from your sitting position. You, frankly, didn’t want to talk more about the awkward self-care so you dragged yourself to your already made futon and lied down. “Night, Izanami.”
Your Persona didn’t even try to bring back the previous conversation, which you were thankful for. She sighed before settling herself on the sofa. “Night, _____.”
Persona Time
| Amagi Inn |
In the personal room of Yukiko inside the Amagi Inn, the 2nd-year girl stirred in her futon before opening her eyes to the sunlight. She let out a tired groan, feeling like her body went on a triathlon but her mind went through the bar exam. All that training didn’t seem to prepare her for the soreness in her muscles and she didn’t even do anything in the television except watch as her friends get burned.
“I should apologize for causing so much trouble...” She murmured to herself, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
“O-Oh!” A meek voice gasped in surprise. “Y-You’re awake! Thank g-goodness!”
The voice immediately made Yukiko’s eyes snap open as she sat up and whipped her head to the source of the voice. When her eyes landed on a whole mess of pink, she stiffened.
“Oh dear...” The Persona muttered as she watched her master faint and fall asleep again on her futon.
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unnamedcrane · 5 years
Am I still myself, anymore? (ch.1!)
Am I still myself, anymore?
Instead of being 12 and writing my first fanfic, I'm nearing my senior year and writing my first fanfic so pray for me guys.
Anyway original idea belongs to CRUSIFIXdroid on wattpad and this fanfic is my "spin" on her story "It all started by one single tear" (https://my.w.tt/YGeqGzeENY) which you should absolutely check out! But keep in mind that it has major spoilers for danganronpa v3.
Oh and just like original this is also x Rantaro x mastermind Kokichi fic and has lots of spoilers.
Hope you enjoy my mediocre writing and if you have any questions or advice I would be more than happy to hear it!
(also don’t be surprised if I change the title sometime in the future)
Chapter 1 "New Danganronpa"
I woke up confused in dark,confined space. 
“where the hell am I?” 
Was my immediate thought. After stumbling around a little, I fell out of what appeared to be school locker.
 “Ow what the actual fuck?!” I was starting to get annoyed by everything that was going on. Ignoring that feeling I tried to keep my cool by dusting off my school uniform and patting my brown hair down. 
 As soon as I started to think about how could I even get here, locker right next to the one I was in a second ago began to shake violently and suddenly this prick Rantaro Amami fell out.
“oh hey Nanako-chan, glad to see you he-” Before he could finish I cut him off and glared. 
 “Okay cut the bullshit Amami I really don’t want to deal with your crap right now, If you would kindly shut the fuck up and just find a way out of this shithole that’d be sweet.” I send him the fakest smile I could muster in the moment
Just when I was about to leave the classroom we were in, he walked up and towered over me. 
 “or what?”
 he pierced me with his light green eyes. I scoffed and pushed him aside.
 “oh please… we’ve been over this before fuck boy, but I guess you never learn huh? Whatever I’m done talking to you anyway, asshole.”
 I turned around and glanced at him while leaving the classroom “I hopefully won’t have to see your pathetic ass ever again.”
Rantaro was always such a fucking bother. After winning Danganronpa he just started to think that he owns everyone, seriously how pathetic can you be? He and everyone else in that little group of his just think that they’re the hottest shit, and it’s sad honestly.
After leaving classroom A, I started to walk down the corridor in the direction of something that looked like a big cage. Unfortunately I didn't see any way to get inside. I went further down into another hall. I then saw some kind of eating area and passageway with two doors. 
I also noticed my “best friend” - Kokichi Ouma.
” Oh Kokichi! Fancy seeing you here.” 
He turned around seemingly scared “N-Nanako?” he stuttered in quiet voice.
“How nice that you didn’t forget your “best friend” weeb. And here I thought that you were completely hopeless. Anyway, I don’t care what you and that fuckboy Amami are doing here but do you know where the exit is, twerp?” I said in a condescending tone 
Kokichi is...was my best friend some time ago,but it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Everything has changed after “That” and no one will stop me in achieving my goal, especially not him. He left me then so it’s only right for me to leave him too.
I tapped my foot impatiently while glaring at him.
 “Well? I don’t have all the time in the world weeb”. 
He snapped his big violet eyes back to mine “U-um I really don’t know anything either… I’m extremely sorry Nanako, but why Rantaro is here?” he said meekly. 
Good. He should be sorry.
“You’re very lucky that I’m busy right now. And maybe you should ask Mr. Fuckboy yourself huh? You’re both the bestest of friends aren’t you?” 
That was sarcasm of course. Rantaro always was the one to bully kids in our grade even before me.
“I-I’m sorry that I asked I shouldn’t have… b-but! I saw other people from our old school heading towards the gym…”
“How nice of you to finally say something useful twerp, but later I’ll make sure to remind you why you should just stay in your place.”
I came up to him the same way Amami did to me earlier. He shivered and tried to hide behind his hair
 “Hopefully I won’t have to see you again today you pitiful twat”. I smirked.
I let him go and continued to walk down the corridor. I usually don’t think about our encounters like this one, but there was something odd about him today. He seemed more jittery and less scared than normal which was unusual especially for him. By the time I started to speculate what could be the reason for that, I reached the gym.
 I opened big doors to reveal all my classmates from middle and primary schools. Most of them looked scared or perplexed by the situation. 
“Okay is this some fucked up reunion, because really I could spend my time way better than meeting ...well all of you weebs, full offense”. 
Some of them were shocked by my outburst, but there were a few that were just angry. I didn’t really care about them, I just needed to get out of here.
 “Who are you calling a weeb you...weeb!” Kaito Momota yelled. He never was the smartest kid in our class but seriously even he could come up with something better.
“Oh damn Momota you’re a real brainiac aren’t you?” Before he could speak up again I continued “Well anyway is there anyone actually intelligent here or is it only you morons?” 
Abruptly the door opened behind me and Rantaro came in with Kokichi just behind him. He was even more jittery now. Does he know why we are here? 
“Fourteen...hmm… do any of you saw anyone else?” he asked.
”W-why..?” Kokichi asked with hint of excitement to his voice.
“Well only two more “students” and there is going to be sixteen of us and that can mean only one thing.” 
It suddenly clicked. 
Does that mean that I was chosen? “You mean that we got into Danganronpa, don’t you fucker?” 
Everyone were either bewildered or excited. “That’s right princess.” He winked at me.
 While everyone was trying to wrap their heads around it and some of them even started talking about what ultimate they’re hoping to have, our two missing students showed up.
Shuichi Saihara more sweaty than usual and our bitch queen Kaede Akamatsu. 
Suddenly everything went black and we heard unmistakable high pitched voice of black and white bear “Testing..testing...Hello,howdy it’s your favorite plush bear host Monokuma!”
I smiled to myself. 
Well let this killing game officially begin. 
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angevon · 6 years
Souyo Nov 2017 Writing Challenge (prompt list)
Day 24: Party/Festival
Souji - AO3, ffnet
Yu - DW, Pillowfort, Tumblr (read it below)
Heh, yes, that’s right, 2017... this is over a year late now... But this is a cute one and hopefully worth the wait. It’s an AU of the Culture Festival Event. Instead of a group date, there’s a kissing booth!
It was the first day of Yasogami High's Culture Festival. Yosuke trudged up the stairs to the second floor. He didn't want to take part in some stupid group date cafe, and he was pretty sure no one else did either. Why'd everyone in class vote for that?
At the top of the stairs, though, he stopped and stared, because an unbelievably long queue of fellow students and other festival-goers was lined up outside his classroom. There was Saki-senpai's little brother, and Hanako Ohtani, and that girl who liked being on the roof, and that one old lady in her mourning garb, and...
Yosuke was speechless for a long moment. "W-wait," he finally said. "Are you all here for the group date cafe?"
"What group date cafe?" asked Kou, who was standing in the line. "That doesn't sound like fun at all."
"We're not doing a group date thing," Chie said. She wasn't in line. By the big 'Ask me anything!' sticker on her blouse, she was part of the festival staff, helping visitors find their way around the school. "Come on, Yosuke, you were there when we made the decision in class." She rolled her eyes. "Of course you weren't listening."
"I don't remember," Yosuke admitted. "But I can't say I'm all that disappointed we aren't doing that, even if it was my idea and all."
Kou laughed. "That sounds like one of your ideas."
Yosuke made a face, then asked, "So what are we doing? This hall is more happening than Junes on a sales day."
"Our class is doing a kissing booth, you dork," said Chie.
"What, really?" Yosuke blinked in surprise. Then he narrowed his eyes at Kou. "Wait, you wanna kiss someone other than—oof!"
Kou nudged him hard in the ribs. "Ahaha, no," he said, eyeing Chie with a vaguely panicked expression. "But no one can resist the guy they got at the booth."
"'Guy'?" Yosuke's expression flattened. "It's not Teddie, is it? I mean, he's always charming people at the store."
"Guess again," said Chie.
"It can't be our class rep. I mean, he's got the glasses going for him, but that's not a wide enough appeal."
"One more try."
Yosuke's crossed his arms and thought. Anyone watching him could pinpoint the exact moment the truth dawned on him. "N-no way," he stuttered. "Yu?!"
Chie's toothy grin told him he was right on the money.
"Why don't you get in line, too?" Kou said. "There's room for one more. Or five," he added, as a few more students lined up behind him.
"I don't want to kiss Yu!"
Chie tilted her head. "Well... you're in the minority here."
Bewildered, Yosuke glanced down the long line once more. Some of the students weren't even from Yasogami. Wait, was that a cat!?
"Huh," he said.
He thought of how he'd always wanted his first kiss to be something special under the moonlight. His tentative plan to fake a yawn and stretch his arm out and lazily put it around his girlfriend's shoulders, and then he'd move in and they'd gaze into each others' eyes and...
A kissing booth wasn't romantic at all. Yosuke wondered how many people were going to ruin their first kiss with Yu like this. A lot, by the looks of it. Heck, even Nanako-chan was in line—she waved at him when she noticed him looking—but she was just a little kid so it didn't mean anything.
"You wanna be the only guy who hasn't kissed Yu?" Kou asked.
Yosuke scowled. "Come on, don't make it weird."
"I, for one, am getting a kiss," Kou said.
The line moved then, and Kou moved with it, putting him inside the classroom. Yosuke stared after him, still frowning.
He remembered all the times Yu had listened to him without judgement. How he'd told off those annoying girls at Junes on his behalf, and how he'd always looked after him in the TV World. And when he thought about it, well, Yu did have a really cute smile.
They were best friends, and the truth was that Yu was important to him.
Avoiding everyone's eyes, Yosuke got in line. He could feel Chie sneering at him, but fortunately, she was soon distracted by a student asking for directions to a different event.
Despite its length, the line moved quickly, and soon enough he was inside the classroom, where the line looped around a few desks. He could see the kissing booth situated at the far end, next to the chalkboard. A thick red curtain hung around the front of the booth to allow some privacy. Yosuke appreciated that. He knew he wouldn't want an audience.
One by one, like a production line, people went behind the curtain to get their kiss and left with wistful smiles on their faces. It couldn't be much of a kiss, Yosuke figured, since it happened so quickly. It'd just be in and out. No need to get all nervous about this. Heck, Yu'd probably just kiss his cheek and that'd be it.
Yeah, there's nothing to worry about, Yosuke thought as the line continued to move. It was just a kiss from Yu. His best friend in the whole world. Besides, he was just one person in this big crowd. No one could judge him for being here. He could just point out that they were in line too. And he knew Yu. Yu wouldn't think anything—
"Next?" Yu's voice came from behind the curtain.
Startled, Yosuke glanced around before realizing 1) that he was next and 2) that Yu had called "Next" for him more than once.
With the combined strength of all the glares of everyone in line behind him hitting him full force, Yosuke couldn't hesitate any longer. He hustled around the curtain. Standing there resting his arms on the booth's counter and looking totally relaxed, was Yu.
Totally relaxed only for a second, anyway, because he was startled most ungracefully when he saw Yosuke approach. Yosuke wondered if he was okay, but within seconds Yu had composed himself. "Yosuke," he said, with a somewhat glassy smile as if he hadn't nearly just fallen over. "I didn't expect to see you."
Yosuke waved a hand. "Uh, w-well, it was Chie's idea to come here," he claimed. "And I gotta support our class, you know?"
"Oh," Yu said. "Of course. Umm, okay, then... come closer."
Yosuke nodded, determined to get this over with and move on. He stepped closer and closed his eyes and waited.
Nothing happened.
He opened his eyes. Yu was simply looking at him. Spacing out, maybe? No, it wasn't exactly looking, more like gazing at him in a way that reminded him of a puppy.
"Yu?" Yosuke asked.
Yu blinked back to himself. "Oh. Sorry. Umm, here."
He leaned over the booth's counter and gently set one hand behind Yosuke's head, pulling him a little closer. With the other hand he cupped Yosuke's face. Despite himself, Yosuke's heart began to beat faster. This was closer than he'd ever been to his best friend. His cologne was strong, maybe he'd put it on extra thick today. As for himself, Yosuke hoped he didn't smell as nervous as he suddenly felt.
He closed his eyes, because this would be too embarrassing to watch. Yu's presence drew closer. Warm breath played over his face, building anticipation, and then...
Yu was kissing him. It really was just lips on lips, a simple kiss. Yosuke sighed softly and prepared to draw back as the kiss ended.
Except it didn't end. Yu's soft lips lingered. Then his tongue darted over Yosuke's lips. Confused, Yosuke opened his mouth, and Yu apparently took this as a sign.
The kiss deepened.
Yosuke's alarmed sound was cut short by the realization that this felt good. Yu's hand, steadying the back of his head, was gentle as it threaded fingers into his hair. Yu murmured softly into his mouth, and Yosuke found himself murmuring back. He tasted faintly of mint.
When they finally parted, all Yosuke could do was stare and lick his lips. Yu was staring back at him, too, an odd look on his face that Yosuke didn't recognize.
Yu broke the gaze first. "You should probably go," he said.
"H-huh..." Yosuke managed. Slowly, he remembered where he was. At the Culture Festival, right. He was holding up the line. Other people wanted to kiss Yu, too.
And with a kiss like that, he couldn't blame them.
"R-right," he said. "Uh..."
Yu's eyes were already looking past him, as if he could see around the curtain to the next person in line.
Yosuke stepped away, unsure of what he was feeling. On his way out of the classroom, he didn't notice how the next person in line kept checking his watch.
In a daze, he wandered around the Culture Festival, but didn't find anything he wanted to do. After passing a takoyaki stand, he thought of eating, but he wasn't hungry. The taste of mint was still there in his mouth, making him think of how it'd got there, how it had been passed to him by Yu's tongue. He didn't want to wash it away just yet.
Eventually he ended up on the roof, where some of the Investigation Team were gathered: Rise, Yukiko, Kanji, and Naoto. Chie was absent, probably still helping out somewhere.
Rise sent him a playful look as he sat down to join them. "Soooooooo," she trilled. "How was it, Yosuke-senpai? Don't deny it, Chie-senpai told me you went for it."
Yosuke crossed his arms and tried to shrug nonchalantly.
"Yeah," Rise agreed with a nod. "I wish it'd been more than just a peck. Senpai's lips felt like they could do so much more."
"I must admit I'm a little disappointed too," Yukiko said.
"Wait," Yosuke said. "It wasn't just a..."
"Still," Rise said, "I thought you wouldn't go for it, Yosuke-senpai. Way to go! You've matured so much since I've known you. Don't worry, a tiny peck like that isn't weird."
A... peck?
"It wasn't..." Yosuke shook his head and caught Kanji's eyes. "Wait, did you do it too? The kissing booth?"
"Uh, yeah?" Kanji replied. "Senpai's the man. He taught me a lot, y'know. 'Course I gotta support him."
"Support him with your lips?" Yosuke's voice grew louder as he began to panic. "Wh-what kind of kiss was it?!"
Kanji's brow knit together. "Dunno what you mean. Was just a peck."
"Just a... Naoto, did you do it?"
"But of course," Naoto replied. "I can't deny I was curious."
"But what was it like!"
"I could describe it as no more than a peck. It was on my cheek, for the record."
"A peck? A peck?" Yosuke stood up suddenly, and the world reeled around him, partly from his panic and confusion, and partly from the blood rushing from his head.
"Yosuke-senpai?" Rise asked. "It's all right. We all kissed Senpai, or were kissed by him anyway. So we're all in the same place. Oh, but I wonder... does that mean we indirectly kissed everyone else too?"
Yosuke opened and closed his mouth, and then sat back down. He palmed his forehead and splayed his fingers through his hair, trying to calm down. The revelation that Yu had given him and only him much more than a peck was too much for him to process.
"Nah," said Kanji. "Senpai had a whole jug of mouthwash back there. He washed out real good every time."
"That much mouthwash can't be good for him," Naoto remarked. "But I suppose he'll be fine if it's just for the festival."
Yosuke nibbled his lower lip. So that's why the minty taste. It had faded from his tongue by now, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed about that. Maybe... he could visit the booth again later?
The door to the rooftop opened and, to everyone's surprise, Yu joined them.
"Hi," he said, breathlessly. It had to be breathlessly, Yosuke figured, after all that kissing. But then, if he'd only given everyone a peck of a kiss, he wouldn't need much breath for that. "They finally let me have a break."
"You..." Yosuke began.
Yu smiled at him, then addressed the rest of the group. "How's the festival?" He sat down between Yosuke and Rise.
"The haunted house wasn't scary," Yukiko said. "This boy kept following me around inside it. It was very uncomfortable."
"For him, you mean?" Rise said.
Yukiko's eyes glinted in the sunlight.
The group continued to talk about the festival, but Yosuke wasn't listening. The kissing booth wasn't supposed to mean anything. It was just a stupid school event, but now, now...
Now Yu was right next to him and Yosuke didn't know what to think. He found himself watching his mouth. His lips were kind of red, probably from kissing people all day. Had it really been just Yosuke, or were there others he'd kissed so deeply? Which of these scenarios was he more okay with?
Yu was his best friend, and best friends didn't kiss with tongue, right?
At some point during the conversation, Yu wet his lips with his tongue, and Yosuke found himself mimicking the action.
All of a sudden—or so it seemed to Yosuke—Rise was getting up, followed by the other underclassmen. "We gotta get back to our class's booth," Rise said with a dramatic sigh. "We're just doing a bake sale. It's so boring."
"I dunno, the cupcakes are hella cute," Kanji said. "You oughta come by and get one for Nanako-chan, Senpai."
"I will," Yu promised.
"I'll come with you and get one for Chie," Yukiko said.
"See you later, Senpai~~"
In the middle of his crisis, Yosuke now found himself alone with Yu. He wasn't anywhere near ready for that.
Though Yu didn't seem to be either. He was fidgeting with his fingers in his lap. The awkward silence lasted for some time. Finally, Yu spoke. "Yosuke? You've been awfully quiet."
"Why?" Yosuke blurted out. "Why was my kiss different?"
Yu's eyes widened. "It wasn't—" he began, but he saw the look on Yosuke's face and stopped attempting to deny it. His eyes darted away, and then back again. Finally, he mumbled, "...Why do you think?"
Yosuke opened and closed his mouth. "Me?"
Yu didn't answer.
"Me?" he repeated. "Of all those people... you really wanted to kiss me?"
Yu was blushing. Yosuke was pretty sure he'd never seen this before. It was flattering.
"That was my first kiss," Yosuke told him.
"It wasn't mine," Yu said.
"Well, yeah! You were kissing people all day!"
Yosuke laughed, and soon Yu was laughing too. The tension between them lessened into something more comfortable.
"I couldn't help it," Yu said. "I didn't want to kiss any of them, not really, but everyone had voted for me to man the booth, so... I didn't have a choice. And then you were there, and... I wanted something more."
"After the kiss you gave me, I kinda want something more too," Yosuke admitted.
Yu stared at him. "Really?"
Blushing, Yosuke set his hand conspicuously between them. Yu watched it, and like a wary feline, he slowly brought his own hand closer. Yosuke didn't pull his hand away. Finally Yu placed his hand on top, and Yosuke turned his hand so they were holding hands.
Yu's goofy smile after that was its own reward.
"You were my first kiss," Yosuke said. "And..."
"And?" Yu prompted.
"I think," Yosuke said, "I want you to be my second kiss, too."
As they closed the distance, Yosuke could only think: and third, and fourth, and fifth, and...
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reeny-chan · 3 years
Hi all! Thought I’d share a snippet of my old (but still good!) fic, Persona 4: Simulacrum! It takes place 6 years after the Investigation Team solved the murders in Inaba, but despite their strong bonds, Souji returns to find that not a single one of his friends remembers him. Will he be able to solve this new mystery, or has he lost his friends forever?
Nanako was flying toward Souji before anyone could even think, the knife's razor-sharp point at a direct line for his stomach. He instinctively side-stepped and thrust his arms out, trapping her wrist with both hands. He then yelped in pain and surprise as she drove her free fist into his ribs, his arms buckling just enough to allow her to bring the knife's edge to his cheek. He let go with one hand and slipped under her knife hand, the blade scraping his cheek as he tried to block her punches. She swung again, but he managed to deflect it while still holding tightly to her knife hand. At first he was trying to defend himself without hurting her, but the way this fight was going he had to concentrate nearly all his attention on keeping her from twisting out of his grip. He was surprised with just how strong and nimble she was, and wondered for a split second if he'd be able to stop her without hurting her.
She brought her free hand up to snatch the knife, which gave Souji his opportunity. He caught that hand, pulling it hard away from the other one, locking them into a face-to-face grapple. She screamed. “You're hurting me! I'm just a girl!” Souji said nothing in reply, concentrating solely on keeping her arms separated. “Not so dumb, huh?” she said, and she quickly head-butted him in the chest, bringing her mouth up and baring her teeth. Before she could bite down he brought up his knee to her stomach, resisting his instinct to kick and instead pushing her away. He tried to keep her arms closer together, simultaneously keeping out of range of her head and having to keep the knife away from his flesh. They were practically dancing in a circle now, Nanako trying every possible way to turn around his grip so she could slip free. She hooked a foot around his and yanked back. Souji quickly shifted his weight to the other foot so the one Nanako kicked could dismiss her attempt to throw him off balance. He found himself having to constantly shift his center of gravity between his feet to keep upright. If she managed to topple him, he knew she would quickly embed the knife into his flesh. She was growling and grunting like a wild animal as Souji did his best to protect himself without harming her in the process.
Taro had been trying to inject himself into the fight and stop it, but their moves were so unpredictable that the knife had almost slashed him several times. He took advantage of a momentary slowdown in the circular dance to try once more to grab Nanako, but she glanced at him and immediately forced Souji to spin the other way, slashing the knife across the air a centimeter in front of Taro's nose.
“Taro-san, stay back!” Rise said, grabbing his arm and pulling him away. “He's trying not to hurt her. We can't distract him!”
“I can't do nothing!” Taro said, pulling a card from his pocket and holding it up in front of him. “Guys, forgive me. Persona!”
Nothing happened. “Personas don't work in the real world,” Rise said, yanking him back further. “We can't do anything without hurting them both.” They heard a woman's scream, and Rise saw that they had been seen, and a crowd was starting to form. That could either be very good or very bad. If the police came, they would at least be able to stop Nanako, but would they all end up in jail?
Nanako heard the cries and, gritting her teeth in exertion, smiled. “Guess we've...got more attention...than I wanted...”
Souji was doing his best to ignore the audience. He was more worried about the knife blade that Nanako was still trying to worm her way into him. He wished he'd taken more self-defense courses when he was younger; he probably could have ended this fight by now. As it was, while he didn't note any particular style to Nanako's fighting, she was so limber that it almost seemed she was double-jointed.
Nanako took an aggressive step forward with her right foot, putting the knife closer to his face and forcing him to step to his right. She took a second forceful step, forcing him to step again to the right, and she repeated, starting a rapid spin. Souji, already tired from their trip into the Shadow World before this fight had even begun, began to lose his focus. His head began to feel like it was full of water, and it was enough of a distraction for Nanako to break the knife hand free. In surprise Souji brought up his foot to Nanako's chest and pushed her away hard, the knife slicing his jeans and nicking his shin. As he fell backward, his balance gone, Nanako stumbled and smacked her head on the upper frame of one of the TVs. Her torso still had momentum and kept moving backward, and she fell through the screen, the only part of her still in the real world being her legs below the calf. She screamed, her voice echoing as it passed back through the screen.
“Nanako, no!” Souji cried, scrambling across the floor and grabbing her ankles. Taro dove down and tried to help, but Nanako started kicking, one foot connecting with Souji's jaw, knocking him into Taro. Both her feet then disappeared into the screen, leaving only twin ripples behind. “I won't let you do this to me again, you demon!” Her voice started fading quickly.
“Nanako!” Souji screamed, diving through the screen after her.
“Oh my God,” Taro said. He turned to Rise. “Come on, we have to help them!” He jumped through the screen.
“Nanako, we're coming!” Rise said as she leapt in after him.
Souji tucked and rolled to the left as he landed, trying not to fall where he thought Nanako would be. Instead the floor in front of the TV was clear, and Nanako was standing frozen at the archway. There were quite a few swarms before her and she was panting heavily as she stared at them. The knife was gone from her hand; he saw it lying on the floor near where she had landed when she first entered.
“Nanako,” Souji said, just as Taro and then Rise emerged from the TV behind him.
Nanako spun around. Her eyes were wide, her skin pale. “N-no...not again...”
“Nanako, please calm down,” Souji said, taking a step forward. “Let me explain.”
She shook her head in rapid side-to-side jerks. “N-no!” she said. “This isn't...this wasn't...she can't...wasn't supposed to...come here!” She turned and charged her way through the swarms.
“Nanako, no!” Souji shouted. He started sprinting after her, ducking underneath one of the larger, thicker swarms.
“Senpai, wait up!” Rise shouted as she and Taro started to run after him.
“No, Nanako's...” Souji started, but he couldn't think how to finish that thought. He wasn't sure what was happening to her, except that she seemed to be coming completely unhinged. She was bad enough in the real world, but now, being in the Shadow World, this new Shadow World, he had no idea what to expect.
Nanako was running for all she was worth, but appeared to be in a panic and was tripping over things on the ground and her own feet. She managed to look back at Souji and scream, “You stay away from me, demon!”
“Nanako, please stop!” Souji shouted.
“Nanako-chan, it's me, Rise-chan!” Rise shouted. “Please, listen to me!”
“This isn't good,” Taro said. “If those Memflies get her...”
“I know!” Rise said. Her head was pounding with the exertion and her own overpowering fatigue, but she forced herself to continued on. “Believe me, I know!”
Souji burst his way out the front doors, just barely dodging a collection of swarms, to see Nanako standing in the middle of the parking lot. Once again she seemed to be frozen in place. He kept quiet as he approached this time, but she must have heard his footsteps and she spun around. “What is this? What have you done to me?”
“I didn't do this,” Souji said. “Please, let me explain.”
Before he could continue, though, he saw her head start to shake violently back and forth. It stopped a few times, and each time it did her expression changed from terrified to smug, from cheerful to furious. Eventually the shaking stopped and her face settled on a contemptuous sneer.
“So this is where you've been hiding,” she said. “Some kind of – what, a simulation of Junes? This your dream world or something? Got your own hookers to go along with it? Or maybe it's little girls with you. Yeah, that must be it, you hentai!”
Souji had no response. He tried not to listen to the hateful words, but even after these days of hearing Nanako utter her bile against him, it wasn't any easier to dismiss them. No matter what she said to him, though, he still loved her and feared for her safety. He had no idea what had caused the Memflies to attack Rise, and was worried that they may do the same to his Little Sis.
“Nanako-chan, please,” said Rise, breathing heavily as she caught up to Souji. “This isn't what you think. Something's wrong with everyone. We're only trying to help.”
“Help?” Nanako said. She shook her head and looked straight at Souji. “If you'd wanted to help, Big Bro, you would've come back a long time ago.”
“I couldn't...w-wait, what?” Souji said. “You...you remember?”
Nanako opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it. She glanced around, and then down at herself. “I – I do remember,” she said, looking back at Souji. “There was always... something about you. Every time I saw you it kept fighting to come forward. It hurt a lot. But it doesn't hurt so much anymore. No, that's a lie.” She spread her arms out. “It hurts more now, because I remember. You left me, and you stayed away for so long. Kept breaking your promise to come back. Just like Dad, breaking promises all the time. I hate you so much. You and Dad. Both of you can go to Hell for all I care!”
“No, that's not true!”
That last statement had been made with Nanako's voice and had come from her direction, but her lips did not move while they were spoken. A blue aura suddenly appeared around her body, a heatless flame that flashed bright white for a fraction of a second. After the flash another Nanako stepped forward out of the first. She looked identical to the other, down to the heavy black clothing and clinging wet hair, but she was not surrounded by the blue aura. Souji could see that this one's eyes were not the empty, bloodshot ones he'd seen in Nanako these past few days but were very alive, and very frightened. She was walking slowly, her head bobbing lazily as if she'd just woken from a deep sleep. “Big...Big Bro, what's...what's happening...to me?” she asked.
“Big Bro, save me!” the other Nanako retorted mockingly. As the new Nanako turned to her clone and struggled to keep standing, Souji could see that the other Nanako's eyes had turned yellow. At that moment it all became clear. Somehow the other Nanako, the Nanako he'd dealt with since arriving in Inaba, was indeed Nanako's Shadow . “Big Bro, I need you so much! Please come visit me. I've been a good little girl for you! Feh!” Shadow Nanako spat on the ground. “Makes me want to puke.”
Rise's hands were at her mouth. “Nanako-chan, no...” When they'd rescued Nanako years ago her Shadow had failed to emerge. Ever since, Rise had come to think of the girl as more pure than any of the rest of them. Even after all that Souji had told her today, even after seeing the girl's behavior herself, Rise still had trouble believing it all. Now she had to make herself understand that Nanako had grown up and, like them, was a flawed human being. “Your Shadow,” she said.
“Oh, don't even,” Shadow Nanako said. “Little miss idol with the perfect life. Try coming down to earth and seeing what us little people have to live with!”
The new Nanako was staring at her other self. “What...what are you?”
“I'm you,” Shadow Nanako said, grinning. “I'm the real you, the one you don't let anyone see. You want everyone to like you so you hide me from them, but in the end you're just so disappointed in everyone. You can't count on anyone, not even Daddy, not even Souji, your 'Big Bro', because in the end they'll all break their promises and fail you.” She closed her eyes. “All these boys at school look at me like I'm some freak. They're afraid to come near me because they all know I'm the cop's kid, the girl who was kidnapped. The boys at school want nothing to do with me. Daddy wants nothing to do with me. Big Bro wants nothing to do with me.” She turned her yellow gaze to Souji. “You promised me! You promised ! You liar!” Tears started to run down her cheeks. “How dare you! Who do you think you are? Trying to teach my Dad how to be a father? You were always so much more concerned with your friends and your schoolwork and your job and your fighting Shadows than you were spending time with me! Well, I don't need anybody , least of all not a gray-haired selfish idiot like you!”
“No! Don't say things like that! They're not true. I – I don't feel that way...” Nanako said, her voice becoming less sure as she continued. She took a few tentative steps away from the Shadow.
“Of course you do,” Shadow Nanako said. “You're just afraid to admit it to yourself. You hate Daddy, and you hate Big Bro.”
“No, that's not true!” Nanako shot back in a screaming sob, sounding much more sure of herself now.
“Nanako-chan, wait!” Rise started.
“No, let her,” Souji said. “It's just like before, with the rest of us. She has to face herself like this. You know it just like I do.”
“What the hell is happening?” Taro said. He had remained silent and watched the whole exchange, but the sheer insanity of what he was seeing before him had become too much. Souji had mentioned something like this to him, about facing oneself in the Shadow World, but he couldn't have imagined just how surreal it was to see it happen to someone. It made his head swim.
“That one, the one with the yellow eyes, is her hidden self,” Souji said. “She has to face it. It's a long story.”
“Of course, you know everything , don't you?” Shadow Nanako said, her voice mocking again. Now, though, it was blended with another voice, deeper, with a growling to it. “Everything about love and life, cooking and killing. Big Bro, always so smart. Well, you're the stupidest one of all!”
“No, stop it!” Nanako cried. “You're not real! You're not me! You're nobody!”
Shadow Nanako looked at her, eyes wide. Then she threw her head back and laughed. “Yes, yes! Say it again!”
Nanako, however, couldn't find the strength to say any more. She started to back away as her Shadow's aura doubled, and then tripled , in intensity. Rise shouted, “No, they're being drawn to her!” Souji and Taro saw what she meant; Memflies were streaming through the air and collecting in the Shadow's aura, polluting the blue until it became pitch black. Glowing red embers rose from the ground and added to the aura, giving it the sooty, smoldering appearance of a coal fire into which her form vanished completely.
Souji tried to run to Nanako but was thrown backward by a sudden flash of energy from within the dark cloud. The Shadow's booming voice said, “Oh, coming to the rescue again? Well, this time I don't need it!”
Nanako crumpled to the ground as Souji, Taro and Rise were held back by the sheer intensity of Shadow Nanako's power. They could only watch as her body grew out of the black aura, the dark energies painting her flesh all different colors as they did so. As she expanded her hair spread out from her long, unkempt locks becoming a wild, stark white mane. Her face was streaked with colors that seemed to melt and flow downward, simultaneously evoking images of a punk rocker and someone who had been violently slashed in the face and was bleeding profusely. Her clothes turned so dark that they seemed to absorb the light around her, and spikes sprouted from all over her body. In her hand appeared a knife that was half as long as her new form was tall, with a jagged edge and dripping with a thick ichor that swirled red and black just like the liquid dripping from her face. Her outfit completed itself with gleaming black knee-high boots, the heels ending in points so tiny Souji couldn't even see where the tips touched the ground. She stopped growing when she was about eye-level with the tops of the light poles.
She emitted another burst of light, and when the light cleared they beheld Shadow Nanako's form in full. They could just barely see the girl's face in the painted one above them, though it was a perverted, twisted version of the girl they knew. It was far worse than the jaded, angry Nanako, for this one had apparently purged itself of the good, kind Nanako they knew. It was dancing in place, tossing the giant knife from hand to hand.
“I am a Shadow, the true self!”
*gasp* Nanako has a Shadow? Will Souji, Rise, and Taro Namatame be able to rescue her? Come on over to AO3 and find out!
0 notes
echoeblo · 7 years
Justices, randomly chosen Dare to Write prompts, Kei/Brown, Katsuya/Maya, Nanako and Teddie, Goro and Sae
37 - Keiue, “kiss like a punch”
“They started it,” Kei states simply, as if he hadn’t just broken a few bones of delinquent students. He rubs his nose and sneers, blood draining from it steadily.
“That doesn’t mean you...” Brown tries, but pauses. He knows Kei thinks things through, but he never starts physical fights. Getting on people’s bad sides was a habit of his, though. “Look, let’s just put this behind us, okay?”
Kei’s sneer grows and Brown watches, unsure of how to proceed. Pretending he hadn’t watched Kei’s nose get smashed in by an angry classmate was hard enough, but seeing Kei retaliate was something Brown hadn’t expected. “Look, we need to get your nose treated...”
“Those louts are probably in the nurse’s office,” Kei adds pointedly.
“Then we’ll get help elsewhere. Do any of your, uh, ‘servants’...? Can they help you?”
Kei turns away and doesn’t reply for a short time, and Brown wonders if he had said something offensive to the other.
“... my parents will be mad if I come home like this,” he answers lamely, “and the doctors around town wouldn’t hide this from them.”
“Eyes everywhere, huh?” Brown asks, laughing nervously. Kei doesn’t answer.
“... Yamaoka used to clean me up after fights.”
Brown freezes, unnerved. “Oh...” is all he can muster. Kei keeps looking to the side, refusing to meet Brown’s eyes. Brown hesitates before sitting next to Kei and putting a hand on his back, leaning forward to properly look at Kei’s face. “Hey, I’ll go buy a first aid kit. Maybe Reiji can help...? He probably knows a lot more about first aid than I do.”
Kei snorts. “He gets in fights daily! I’d be more concerned if he didn’t know anything about first aid! Though the buffoon probably doesn’t know anything else.”
Brown laughs again, feeling more at ease at Reiji’s expense. Kei turns to look at him and quirks his eyebrow.
Thoughtlessly, Brown pulls Kei into a kiss, startling him. They pull away soon and before Kei can complain, Brown pulls him into a hug and rubs his back.
“I know it’s rough with Yamaoka gone. I love you too, though, so please, let me take care of you.” He rubs circles into Kei’s back and nearly jumps when he feels fists ball at his back. Kei starts shaking and Brown holds him closer, closing his eyes and listening to Kei’s broken sobs.
A wet liquid touches his shoulder and he accepts it as tears before it starts pooling and dripping, and he becomes acutely aware of how wrong his guess was. Panic sets in quickly but Brown tries to force it down as he pulls out his phone.
“I’ll ask Reiji to pick up a first aid kit,” he says, and Kei tries to pull away. “I’ll tell him we’re in class 3-4.”
Kei scoffs. “Even though we’re in 3-1?”
“It’ll give us some time to put ourselves together,” he answers honestly, and Kei nods, leaning back against Brown.
150 - Katsumaya (sell my soul)
“She will never wake up again.”
The voice comes from behind him and Katsuya turns swiftly, putting himself between the two on the floor and the intruder. He gasps as he sees a mirage of the woman behind him, a perfect copy except for her confident stance and startling red eyes.
She smiles, much less candid than any of Maya’s smiles.
“Who are you?!” Katsuya demands, putting his hand on his gun and drawing it.
“I’m a shadow, the true self.”
“That’s not big sis!” comes a cry behind him, and Katsuya turns to meet the crazed eyes of his brother. His hand is holding Maya’s lifeless one and he’s kneeling beside her. “That’s Nyarlathotep, the god that tormented us on The Other Side!”
A laugh draws his attention back to the clone. She holds her hand to him, crystallized light dancing on her palm.
“This is her ideal energy,” she says. As if sensing the man’s confusion, she continues, “The part of her that drives her forward, her dreams and ambitions and energy.”
“Ideal energy...? Is it related to kegare?”
“It is the opposite of kegare. This is her persona and all of her willpower. She needs it in order to keep living.”
Katsuya tenses. “Give it back,” he says, unsure how she even would.
The mirage smiles at him, a mocking smile that sends a chill through Katsuya, and before he can react, she crushes the crystal in her hand. Tatsuya yells something behind him, but his distress is muted by the laughter of the monster in front of him and the dust falling from its palm.
He regains his senses and reaches for her, tries to grab her tie, but the world shifts around him and he finds himself standing in a floating room instead, surrounded by a sea of flickering lights.
“This is...” he starts, before jolting and turning around. “Tatsuya!” he yells, but the boy had already gone quiet, staring behind Katsuya and gripping Maya’s hand tighter.
Tatsuya’s shaking and pale.
“It seems she has lost her sense of self,” comes a voice to their side, and Katsuya turns to the calm being.
“Philemon, what’s the meaning of this?!” he yells, grabbing Philemon’s shirt and lifting him off the ground.
“She has lost her sense of self,” he repeats. “And without a self, one cannot exist. She will pass away soon.”
Katsuya’s hands grip into the fabric. “Isn’t there anything you can do about it?!”
The being watches him. “I am unable to do anything,” he repeats. “You, however...”
Philemon looks between the brothers and the unconscious woman. “Every person has a self. Without this self, their identity and motivation will crumble until they fade away into shadows.”
“What can I do?” Katsuya asks, and Philemon continues watching him.
“Every person has a self.”
Katsuya grips harder, knuckles becoming white, and he opens his mouth to yell before Tatsuya cuts him off with a quiet, “He means we can give up our own personas to her.”
“Our own...? Won’t we die?” he asks, lessening his grip.
Philemon nods and Katsuya feels another chill run through him.
He puts Philemon down and takes a step back, looking at the two on the floor.
“I’ll do it,” Tatsuya says, hand to his heart.
“No, you won’t!” Katsuya answers, and Tatsuya opens his mouth to protest before Katsuya puts a hand over his mouth. “I won’t let you get hurt. Not on my watch. Never again.”
Tatsuya’s eyes go wide for a moment before Katsuya removes his hand and turns back to Philemon. “Take mine,” he says simply, and Philemon nods. He puts a hand to Katsuya’s chest and a light forms under it, crystallizing and shining bright. His body becomes heavy and his mind foggy, but he continues to watch.
The light shatters and moves into the woman’s body, and her hand twitches. Tatsuya’s snapped out of his stupor by the action and he grips her hand tighter, unsure whether to look at Maya or Katsuya.
“Big sis...?” he asks tentatively, and Maya groans, bringing her hand to her forehead dramatically.
“Five more minutes,” she grumbles, and Katsuya lets out a breathy laugh as he walks over and kneels beside her, refusing to look at his brother.
135 - Teddie & Nanako (vantage point)
“I don’t know where I belong...”
The voice is uncharacteristically small, and Nanako pauses her piano practice to turn around.
“What’s wrong?” Nanako asks, and Teddie looks at her with vulnerable eyes.
“Ever since I moved in here, I’ve been living in his old room. It was comforting at first, but now the room is filled with my stuff.”
Nanako tilts her head. “Is that bad?”
“I feel like I’m just taking his place. If I make this place ‘mine’, then where will be ‘his’? I don’t want to take his place.”
Nanako hums, watching the boy thoughtfully. She turns back to her piano, playing a few chords in the silent room - a lullaby her mother used to sing, and one she had never forgotten.
“I can show you your place,” she offers, covering the piano and turning back around. He looks up at her with sparkling eyes.
“Really?” he asks, and she smiles and nods.
“Let’s get our shoes on,” she says, and Teddie hops off the couch.
It’s hot outside, a pleasant breeze in the air. Cicadas chirp from the trees as Nanako grabs Teddie’s sleeve and drags him across town.
“There’s only one place I can think of for you,” she says.
“Where’s that?” he asks, and she smiles at him before pulling to a run up a hill.
At the top and out of breath, Nanako pulls Teddie to the railing. She turns around and leans against the rail, gesturing for Teddie to follow her.
“This is my place?” he asks, clearly confused, and she giggles.
“No, silly!” she says and gestures to the town below. His eyes show confusion for a moment before understanding clicks, and tears well up in his eyes.
He hugs her close and she hugs back. “This town is your home,” she says, and he cries louder.
349 - Sae and Goro (petrifying)
“The ship’s collapsing!” comes the voice within his headphones, and Goro grits his teeth, biting back his sarcastic response.
She really doesn’t need to tell them, considering the dust and cracking all around.
“This way!” he yells instead, directing his attention to his partner. The rest of the team is waiting at the dock, safe, and Goro feels a short wave of relief at having his closest friend at his side.
“Got it!” she yells back, following close behind him. He jumps a table and pushes shadows and masked guests aside, refusing to let them slow him.
His mind starts to itch and the scenery around him blurs, as if his third eye is activating on his own, and he forces down images flooding his brain.
Focus on the now, he thinks, gritting his teeth. They approach a door and the fogginess tells him that it’s locked, that they need someone to go to the security room below.
He slows in front of the door enough to push its handle down and throw himself against it.
The metal doesn’t budge and he bites his tongue, trying to force down the buzzing and images. They’re memories, a distant part of him says, but what memories exist from the future?
Goro closes his eyes as tens of echoes pass through his mind, and he doesn’t even need to hear his fortune telling ally to know that the door’s locked, that—
“Someone needs to go to the security room!”
The room stills and Goro opens his eyes to the pitch black around him. He looks up and meets his own gaze.
“Are you going to let her die again?” he asks himself, and Goro stares as he remembers, remembers all those past lives and failures.
“She always dies because of you, you know. In every world she meets you, she dies far too early, leaving her sister to fend for herself.”
“You know how this mission ends,” he says, and Goro takes a deep breath as he recalls the iron wall dripping in deep red blood, a broken body pinned against it by a sword as the water rises.
He takes a shallow breath. “I know,” he answers, his voice heavy. He closes his eyes as his reflection turns into a purple butterfly, and when he opens them again, he’s back at the door, unable to proceed.
“Let’s go,” Sae yells, grabbing his arm, but he brushes it off.
“I can run faster,” he says, and she looks at him incredulously. He gives her a reassuring smile, unsure for the first time in his life if it is fake or candid.
She seems just as confused as he is, but she nods. “I’ll wait for you,” she says, drawing her sword and preparing to guard the area.
He shakes his head. “Wait for me with the others,” he orders, then takes off to the security room, running as fast as his legs can go. His limbs protest the strain - climbing was always his forte, not running - but he ignores them, knowing full well that they wouldn’t have much more work to do after this.
He skids to a halt in front of the control panel, already knowing which buttons he needs to press. The doors unlock and water starts pooling around his feet.
He looks at the screen with Sae on it, quietly praying that she won’t wait for him. He grabs his mask and closes his eyes, focusing instead on the presence behind him.
9 notes · View notes
ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: Talents
WARNING: This post may be a bit long.
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>The fishing pond in Ichigaya.
This is the riverside Where lowlifes gather The ones stuck here All have foul mouths
Success is hidden behind the clouds here Our future and the sky are both gray
The air's dirty The water's just as bad My asthma's worse I'm feeling weak
A place even God wants to leave An experience I can see Only with my eyes
Can't live luxuriously It's choking me But it's my home
I won't give up, but I'll shout my name I made up my mind
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So, what do ya think of my rhymes?
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Uh... This isn’t technically a river. It’s a fishing pond.
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Well, at least you’re honest.
>Miki Makimura, the proclaimed Witch of Track and Field from Kamigaku High School and a member of her school’s Women’s Stride Club, only came here to do some fishing. She and her team were in the city for the E.O.S. While she was here, she ran into Panther, Shiho, Rise, Nanako, Gwen, Kamala, Chloe, Iso, and (coincidentally) Becky. While they were fishing, these young men showed up, rapping, and getting in the girls’ way.
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I doubt honesty is going to help right now.
Miki: Why are you here, Wamu? Did you come all the way here from our hometown just to see me?
Wamu: I needed an honest opinion and you were the first one that came to mind.
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That, and we’re entering the Open Mike Nite at Dream FES.
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And Kukun was starting to miss Miko Kuroda.
Kukun: ... Can we please call her by her real name?
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(just shakes his head)
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(does the same)
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Still, it’s a good song. Now if you please, we’re busy. So can you please leave?
Wamu: Why? We still have some time before the show. Why don’t we have some fun?
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(whispering to Gwen) Any ideas?
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(whispering) We already outnumber them. Maybe we can get them to back off... But no using our powers.
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(also whispering) That could be difficult. (begins nodding to Nanako)
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... That man with the hat and necklace... Sounds like Big Bro.
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I don’t think so. Senpai is a much better gentleman than this clown.
Wamu: Now I’m just hurt. Especially hearing it from Risette.
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Is this guy just begging for it?
Wamu: Come on, I think we’re going to have a fine time.
>This is starting to look bad.
?????: Excuse me! I think they don’t want to spend time with you.
>They quickly turn to see the new comer at the pond.
Wamu: (unimpressed) Oh great, it’s the mermaid.
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That’s right! The Mermaid from the Great Sea! ... And the Spider Queen!
Wamu’s gang: (except Kukun) Huh?
>Then, someone comes down from the fishing shop’s roof and grabs Wamu’s neck.
Kakun: Miki, wait!
>Quickly, she let’s go of Wamu’s neck.
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Sorry. I guess I got caught in the moment.
Miki: Hey, Miko. You brought Akira.
Miko (real name: Miki): Picked him up from the train station as promised. Your family is here, too.
Miki: That’s great, thank you.
Miko: Good. And as for you boys...
Wamu: (clearly scared, but not showing it) Tch! Whatever. C’mon, guys, let’s grab a bite before the show.
Kukun: See you, tonight, Miki.
Miko: Looking forward to it, Mayuta.
>With that, Wamu and his gang leave while rapping. Me, Fox, Skull, Diego, Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie pass them as we come in.
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Are you girls alright?
Panther: We’re fine.
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I can’t believe they would gang up on girls just enjoying their day.
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I agree. It’s so brave of Lady Ann to stand up to them like that.
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Am I even going to ask why you’re wearing that, Teddie? It’s like 90 degrees out, and it’s almost night.
Teddie: Because the ladies just love the original Teddie. And it’s part of my act tonight. I’m the Singing and Dancing Magician. A 1... A 2... And a...
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Akira: That’s amazing! I applaud you!
Nanako: (also happy) I liked that, too.
Iso: (confused) Umm, he just jumped out his costume. Not really magic.
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For Nanako, it might be.
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I’m bearly happy to hear that from you, Sensei. And especially from you, too, Nana chan.
Diego: (unimpressed) Kiss up.
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Anyway, we came to see if you’re ready. They want us for one last rehearsal before the show.
Miki: The show? You’re in the Open Mike Nite?
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A lot of us are. I know I’m already a member of KUROFUNE, but one of the performances my friends are about to do still need me.
Becky: I see...
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Just hope you remember your summer homework.
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Could you not remind us. ‘Sides, I already finished mine.
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You have!? You!? Ryuji Sakamoto!?
Skull: Well, Harry and Peter helped.
Becky: (actually relieved) Oh, I see.
Joker: Anyway, we should get going. Everyone’s waiting for us.
Panther: Hold on, I just cast my line. I’ll just-
>Suddenly, Panther’s fishing line started moving.
Panther: Looks like I just got something!
>We quickly helped Panther reel something out of the water... It was an old shopping cart.
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Shiho: Guess that Wamu guy was right about one thing. This water isn’t exactly taken care of.
>So, we leave... I actually saw what happened... What the Miko girl did... I think about what happened earlier.
>Me, Fox, Skull, and Diego were just exploring an unfamiliar part of the city our next break from Dream FES. Then suddenly, we heard something running. It sounded close. Curious, we just hid and saw what was running... It was Moyuru Koda. He was running real fast like an animal... Even the way he ran seemed inhuman. Then, he stopped.
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Junichi, hurry up! We have to find it!
>Then, his boyfriend, Junichi Kotoba, finally caught up to him.
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Slow down, Moyuru! I know you’re in a hurry, but it’s not going anywhere.
Koda: Sorry. It’s just- AHH!
>Koda quickly clutches his chest in pain.
Koda: It’s... It’s getting worse. We have to find it... Now!
Junichi: Koda, please. I’m sure it’s somewhere here. We looked it up in the directory.
Koda: But... Junichi... AHH!
>Koda was now really holding himself real tight.
Junichi: Moyuru?
Koda: Junichi... RUN!
>Junichi backs off as, to our horror... Koda’s shirt explodes away... To show a mouth.
WARNING: This next scene might be a little too much. But please don’t flag it.
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Junichi: I’m not leaving you!
>Then, Koda changes.
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>Junichi, however, refused to run. The thing that Koda turned into was now charging at him... But then he stopped. Junichi noticed that he was touching a some fence. Then, Koda changes back into a human.
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Wh- What just...
>Junichi looks at the fence he just touched. Koda looked and saw an opening. They both look inside.
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Koda: (in relief) We... We did it. We found it.
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I know that place. I think I see it sometimes when I’m walking around the city for inspiration.
Skull: (a bit confused) Huh? What are you talkin’ about, Fox? I don’t see...
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What the eff! A building just appeared in that lot!
>It is then, Koda and Junichi heard us.
Koda: What!?
Junichi: How did you...
???? and ????: Please, don’t get upset!
>We look to see the voice came from the building.
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Diego: (a bit surprised) Yikes! Those two seem familiar.
>No doubt about it. These two young girls remind of Lavenza when she got split and became Caroline and Justine.
Blue-haired girl: (surprised) Oh my, you’re naked!
Pink-haired girl: (also surprised) You’re naked!
Koda: (realizing) Oh!
Junichi: Hold on, I have your spare clothes.
>After quickly getting dressed, Koda and Junichi follow the girls inside.
Blue-haired girl: You have to come in, too.
Pink-haired girl:  You come in, too.
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????????: Is there anyone else around?
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>As if they I was under a spell, I do what the twins say. My friends fallow. Inside, there are two more inside... I was surprised to see who they are.
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Bet you thought you saw the last of us, didn’t you, Inmate?
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It would seem that way.
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You... Split again.
Blue-haired girl: (angry) Hey, you’re twins again because we’re here, aren’t you!?
Pink-haired girl: (also angry) Not cool.
Caroline: Sorry if we just wanted to have a little fun.
Justine: All joking aside...
>In a flash of light, the Velvet Twins were one again.
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I’m here because the owner of this shop asked me to come.
Joker: The owner?
????????: She is talking about me.
>The two girls then open a door. We go inside.
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Koda: Are... Are you the owner?
Man in kimono: I am. I am aware that you came here seeking me.
Koda: And you know why?
Man in kimono: From what Maru and Moro just saw, yes.
Koda: Then, can you help us? I’m sure that if anyone came at least control this... demon, you can.
Man in kimono: That depends. When people find this store, they think it is just a coincidence. However, there is no such thing as coincidences in this world. Only inevitably. You managed to find this shop... Because you have a wish that you really need to be granted... And I believe it has something to do with these four. That’s why Lavenza is here.
Joker: What do you mean?
Man in kimono: ... Tell me, what are your names?
Koda: You don’t know who I am? Or him? (points thumb at Skull)
Man in kimono: ... I don’t get out much.
Koda: ... Moyuru Koda.
Junichi: Junichi Kotoba.
Joker: Ren Amamiya.
Fox: Yusuke Kitagawa.
Skull: Ryuji Sakamoto.
Diego: Diego Mercury.
Man in kimono: (smiling) Diego Mercury... That’s not your real name.
Diego: Try to understand. There’s reason to why I use it.
Man in kimono: (still smiling) Very well. I shall respect it.
Joker: And what about you?
Man in kimono: ... Kimihiro Watanuki... And before you say anything, yes, my name means April 1, my birthday.
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I see.
Watanuki: Koda, you came because you wish for me to remove the demon you have merged with.
Koda: Can you?
Watanuki: Perhaps. But you should know, I require compensation. No wish is free.
Koda: We’ll pay you any price if it means things will go back to the way they were... Hold on, I think I left my wallet outside.
Watanuki: I’m afraid money will not be needed. In this shop, the price must be of equal value. Something that you have that you love just as much as you wish for. (draws closer to Koda) What is it that you value more?
>As if to answer, Koda’s eyes... Turn to Junichi.
Watanuki: I see.
Koda: I love Junichi. More than anything... But can I really give it up for just one wish? The real reason for this is so I can be with him. To be with him, but gone...
Watanuki: The decision is only yours to make. If you are truly unsure... I shall give you time to think of it.
Skull: I still don’t know why we’re here. How do you even know Lavenza?
Lavenza: My master was good friends with the previous owner of this shop.
>She turns us to a portrait on the wall.
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Lavenza: To many, she was the Space Time Witch, but to those who knew her, she was Yuuko Ichihara... Which is not her real name.
Fox: That does answer one question.
Watanuki: You four are here because I sensed that these two will need you in the future... And not just him.
Joker: What do you mean?
Watanuki: There are two others... Miki Kuroda and Akira Fudo.
Koda: I know those two. They go to Kamigaku High School and they’re members of the track team. What do they have to do with all this?
Watanuki: ... I have already told you all that I know. What lies after that is beyond even my powers.
Lavenza: Yes. The only person who would know is my master, the contract has already been fulfilled.
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And he may not come back until Persona 6... If ATLUS decides to make it.
Koda: I see... I think.
Watanuki: The offer for the wish will stand until you make a decision. When you are ready, you know where to find me.
>Koda and Junichi nod.
Watanuki: And the four of you and your friends will make sure to keep an eye on them as well.
Joker: Us?
Lavenza: That is probably why I came. Because in case something happens...
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The Trickster might be needed.
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I understand.
>Koda and Junichi just stare... Then they realized something.
>We were now at the front door when they stopped us.
Koda: Hey!
Skull: What is it?
Koda: It’s... It’s about what you just saw and what you’ve been told...
Joker: It’s a secret. Don’t worry... We happen to have a secret of our own, so rest assure that it’ll be safe.
Koda: You’re secret? ... You mean that you guys are the Phantom Thieves?
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Oh my!
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Holy shit!
Diego: How did you know?
>Koda and Junichi just stare past us to Lavenza.
Koda: Call it a hunch.
Junichi: Then it’s a deal, we won’t tell your secret if you don’t tell ours.
Joker: ...
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Sure, we’re down with that.
>The others agreed.
Koda: Really? That’s... That’s a calm way of agreeing.
Joker: I can sense that the love you two have is true and I know you don’t want to see it die. I know. Me and Yusuke are like that, too.
Fox: That’s true. (smiles a bit)
Joker: I know that you are a demon... But you have the heart of a human. That’s a rare sight. Usually the demons we face are... Difficult. But you’re different, Koda san. Be happy for that. I think it’s your love for Junichi that’s helping you now.
Koda: (unsure) Really? Last I checked, he lost a leg because of me.
>Junichi rolls up his pant sleeve to show a prosthetic leg.
Junichi: But I’m still a member of our track team. I finished my physical therapy with Moyuru’s help. Now I’m a running again, even though I was made the starter. But I don’t blame him for this. There were a lot of demons that appeared at the Black Sabbath. For all we know, anyone of them could have taken my leg and not Moyuru.
Koda: And what about that time I was unfaithful to you after? That guy is now in the hospital because of me.
Diego: What do you mean?
Koda: I overheard you talking with Black Panther and Thor. They probably told you about what happened a couple months ago. A gay prostitute was found with hug bite marks on his back in a hotel... That was me. I did that.
Joker: You did?
Koda: Don’t worry, he survived, but the sight of me turning into a demon turned his hair white from shock and now he’s in a vegetative state. They think it was an Inhuman. But I know the truth. I did that to him. Not because I’m an Inhuman... But because I’m a demon.
Joker: How do you know?
Koda: I was there when the Terrigen Mist came to Japan. I was exposed, but nothing happened. In fact, I didn’t become a demon until that night at the Sabbath while we were in America. And they just wrote that off as just things getting out of hand due to drugs.
Joker: I guess that’s good... Sort of.
Koda: Either way, I’m just thinking you need to be careful. There might come a day...
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I’m sure it won’t come. Don’t worry.
>Koda gets closer to get a better look at me.
Koda: You don’t seem like the kind of person who would lie... So yeah, I guess... Thanks. I owe you.
>Koda has trust in me. And I can trust him with our secret.
I am thou, thou art I… Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh they chains of captivity.
With the birth of Balance Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power…
Confidant: Moyuru Koda
Arcana: Balance (This Arcana is made up for this Confidant.)
Rank: 1
Ability: Kawa
Allows you to visit Kawa High School, but only on days when Koda has practice.
>Skull’s phone rings. He checks it.
Skull: It’s a text from Keigo. He says they need us there for one last rehearsal before the show.
Junichi: Then I guest we should go.
Skull: Are you guys also in the Open Mike Nite?
Koda: Yeah, we already paid to use the Dream FES System. We’re doing a cover of one of DearDream’s songs.
Diego: I see.
Junichi: Are you guys entering, too? I know Ryuji san is already with KUROFUNE, but it never hurts to perform with your friends.
Skull: That’s right. We’re just performing a few song from Dancing in Starlight.
Diego: That reminds me, we promised we’d take the girls to the stadium on the way.
Joker: Yeah, Makoto, Haru, Futaba, and Akechi should be there by now. And the others. Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie said they would go to the fishing pond to get the girls with us.
Koda: We should go there, too. You go to your other friends.
Joker: Right. See you soon.
>With that, we leave the store. Koda and Junichi leave for Ikebukuro.
Skull: I still wish I knew how I couldn’t see that place at first.
Lavenza: You couldn’t see the shop because you have no need for it. However, your leader, in a way, does. And because you have such a strong bond with him, that allowed you to see it.
Skull: Really?
Fox: That would explain it...
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Wait. Does this mean I have a wish that needs granting!?
Diego: And me?
Lavenza: ... You should hurry.
>She points to... A young strong woman and a skinny young man walking along. I recognize one of them.
Miko: Well it has to be here somewhere, Miki texted me.
Akira: I’m sure we’ll find it. There aren’t that many fishing ponds in this city.
Miko: I’m sure you’re right, Fudo. But it’s not like... Hold on.
>Miko listens carefully... Rapping and beat boxing.
Miko: Over there.
>She runs in the direction of the rapping... In the same manner as Koda did.
Akira: Hold on, I’m coming! (runs after her)
Diego: Isn’t that... The people Watanuki talked to us about?
Joker: Right, let’s go.
>We chase after them.
>End of flashback.
>The Dream FES stadium was filling up with people who will either be watching the Open Mike or entering.
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>Backstage in the dressing room.
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Alright! Is everyone ready?
Panther: Where is everyone else?
Skull: Yuto and Keigo don’t have to perform tonight, so they’ll be watchin’ from the VIP seats with the other idols and our royal guests. Harry, Peter, and the others are with them.
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Where’s Kasumi chan?
Joker: She and her gymnastic club have their own act. She with them in another dressing room. As are Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie, and the other people performing. They have their own dressing rooms.
Queen: I see. I hope we see them, soon. I wonder what they’ve got in store.
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I guess we’ll know soon.
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Alright then, let’s get to it.
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Everybody in?
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Ready as we’ll ever be.
Diego: (looking a little down) Why don’t I like the sound of that?
>On stage, the MC comes.
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Good evening, Tokyo! The Dream Festival proudly presents the Open Mike Nite! Now it’s your turn to shine tonight. We’ve got a fine line up for you. As always, I’m your MC. Joining me tonight to host with me are legendary idols. Give it up for Haruto Mikami, Rise Kujikawa, and Blue Rose!
>The crowd applauded.
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Welcome, everyone, to Dream FES’s First Annual Open Mike Nite!
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It may not be a contest this time, but we’ll tell you just how great you are at performing!
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(sorry, but it should be small enough, so don’t flag) This Festival of Dreams will show all light. Now let’s get together and shine though the night!
MC: So true! Now, let’s move on with our first act. They came from the west, their rapping supreme. Just a few words to just make you scream!  Ladies and gentlemen, Wamu and the Gang!
>Wamu and his gang come on stage.
Wamu: Alright, Tokyo, get ready for the power of our rhymes! Our rhymes speak only the truth! Now, world, prepare!
>Wamu and his gang begin their rapping. After they finished, people applauded... Though, a little shaken by the words in their song.
Wamu: This next one is made by Kukun.
Kukun: This next song goes out to a very special lady. I’m sure she’ll like it.
>In the audience, Miko was intrigued... A memory washes over her... That day at the snapdragon garden.
DISCLAIMER: The following song belongs to its creator. Devilman Crybaby is the property of Go Nagai and Netflix. Please support the official release.
MC’s voice: That... Was... Super!
>Miko snaps back to the present.
MC: So, judges, what do you think?
Haruto: That first rap definitely speaks the truth. Our world may not be perfect, but it’s our job to change all that.
Rise: We have the Phantom Thieves to tell us that. And that second rap... That sounds more like a confession. Kukun, Mayuta, or whoever you wish to be called, you must really like this person.
Kukun: ... More than you know.
Blue Rose: That’s actually quite sweet of you. Just remember, sometimes, reality can be more painful. But don’t give up... I know I learned to live with such things.
Wamu: You mean with Wild-
Blue Rose: (quickly and angrily) Moving on! Next act.
MC: Out next performers made their first show at LMB. Now they’re here for all to see. Here to dance all night to the day. Give it up for Yu and Yosuke!
>Yu and Yosuke come on stage.
Yosuke: Don’t go easy on us just because we’re friends, Rise chan!
Rise: Don’t worry, Yosuke senpai, I’ll be as brutal as you want me to be... I’ll even put on a black shirt and start talking in a snobby British accent.
>No one could help but laugh at that joke.
Haruto: Now I believe you signed up to use the System. So everyone, ready your Dorika!
Yu: We actually have a surprise for you. For this year only, we have a new Dorika for you all!
>In the audience with Kagami Tsurugi and her party... Which at the moment consists of herself, young fashionista, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, her friend, Alya Cesaire, and their other friends, Mylene Haprele, Alix Kubdel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Le Chien Kim, and Max Kante.
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A new card?
>They searched the deck. They found it.
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Tatsumi E.?
Yu: It’s short for Tatsumi Empire. Another up and coming designer like yourself. Ladies and gentlemen, for this one night only to debut his design, let’s welcome the creator of Tatsumi Empire, Kanji Tatsumi!
>Everyone applauded as a reluctant Kanji Tatsumi comes on stage.
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Uh... Hi... I’m Kanji... And these are my... Designs.
Yosuke: (laughing a bit) C’mon, Kanji, that’s all you have to say?
Kanji: Sh- Shut up! I can say more. You’ll love my clothes! They’re super cool and really cute... They’ll give you diabetes!
Haruto: (a little confused) I’m not sure if that’s how the saying goes, but still I’m sure we’ll love it. Shall we?
Yu and Yosuke: Yes, let’s do it! Together!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
Yu: Behold, the truth!
Catch Your Cheers!
Yosuke: Now’s our chance! You ready?
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Dancing All Night Series! Complete!
>Yu and Yosuke perform Backside of the TV (Lotus Juice Remix). It was one of the best performances the crowd has ever seen.
MC: That was a really awesome show, you two! I’d say you’d even give KUROFUNE a run for their money.
Yu: Not really. We’re just amateurs.
Haruto: Still, you two are such great talents. If you ever get tired of the physiology game or Junes, we have a place for you at D-Four.
Rise: Sorry, Haruto san, but my senpai are already spoken for by Takura.
Blue Rose: I don’t think it would matter... They could start their own productions if they wanted to.
Yosuke: Thanks, Blue Rose san, guess I know what I’m doing after college.
MC: And how is college coming along, Yosuke san?
Yosuke: ...
MC: Oops, that’s a little personal, so I’ll stop right there.
Yu: Anyway, thank you for seeing us tonight! Enjoy the rest of the show!
Yosuke: A- And don’t forget, the outfits we used are from Tatsumi Empire!
>They leave the stage.
MC: Are next act is also from the sticks. He claims to have some tricks. I hope you all are beary ready. Here he is, the Dancing Magician, Teddie!
>Teddie rolls on stage.
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This performance goes out to all you lovely ladies out there. Now, my honeys, you Teddie Bear will now enter your hearts. Bring on the music!
>Teddie performs Likea Dream come True (Never More ver.).
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And bear you have it.
MC: That was... Not like anything I’ve ever seen.
Rise: (unimpressed) Are you kidding? All he did was jump out of his suit.
Blue Rose: I agree. Anybody can do that.
Teddie: (unhappy) I’m hurt, Rise chan!
Haruto: But you have to admit, I can feel the energy from your dance. You should be happy about that.
Teddie: (cheered up a bit) Thank you, Haruto. You’re almost as generous as Sensei.
Haruto: You’re welcome... I think.
>Teddie leaves.
MC: Our next performers maybe strange, but they hope to fill the world with change. They maybe Inhumans and have powers, but tonight is their finest hour. Give it up for The Atyran Experience!
>With that, Haechi, Iso, Jaycen, Inferno, Chloe, and, to our surprise, Ms. Marvel, come on stage.
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(vocals) I still can’t believe we let you talk us into this.
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(drums) Come on, I think this might help with our relationship with the rest of the world.
Chloe: (keyboard) He’s right. And what could help with stuff like that than with music?
Iso: (guitar) You say that, but will it really work?
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(also on guitar) It has to. Dante and Chloe had us work so hard.
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(bass) Hope you’re right.
Haechi: (sighs in defeat) Fine. But don’t blame me if we screw up.
Chloe: That’s the spirit.
Inferno: We are The Atyran Experience and we’re here to foster peace between humans and Inhumans! 1! 2! 3! 4!
>The band begins playing. They’re not so bad. They even worked their powers in the act. At first, the audience, except for the Inhuman Royal Family, all our our friends, Chloe’s friends, Miki, Akira, Miko, Miki’s family, Phoebe, Coop, and the Tsurugi party, cheered little. But as the song went on, their cheers became more and louder. Then they finished. The whole crowd was applauding.
MC: That was The Atyran Experience, ladies and gentlemen!
Inferno: Sorry that this is the only song we know. We kinda came up with this on the fly.
Haurto: I see. You must be quite the genius to think of something like this on the go.
Inferno: I just have experience. I’ve played drums before.
Blue Rose: Experience can only get you so far. After that, you need skills. Then again, it really worked for Wild Tiger.
Rise: That’s right. Now he’s living a happy life with his husband.
Inferno: That’s good to hear... Though I doubt I’ll find my soulmate so soon.
Haechi: (now feeling real awkward) Can we finish this?
Rise: Anyways, you all did wonderful.
>With that, they leave.
MC: For our next act, he’ll get us fallin’ in love. Like stars, she shines above. Let’s now begin the show. Give a great welcome to DJ Nino!
>The audience applauded as Nino Lahiffe comes on stage.
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For this performance, I asked my main boi to perform the dancing part of it. Let’s hear it for Adrien Agreste!
>The audience (especially the girls) cheered as Adrien Agreste comes on stage.
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I guess I’m up for it. The question is... Who am I dancing with?
Nino: I’ve already figured that... It’s the cure girl the pigtails between Alya and Kagami.
Marinette: (freaking out) What!? Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!
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I’m going to have to talk to Nino later.
>Marinette reluctantly gets on stage.
Nino: Alright, now that that’s done, let’s kick this party into overdrive!
>Nino performs DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love with Marinette and Adrien dancing together. When they were done, the audience really cheered.
Haruto: Now they look like such a great couple.
Rise: 可愛い!Just like me and Senpai!
Blue Rose: They do make such a good team... Just like Ladybug and Cat Noir.
>Marinette and Adrien are just left silent. She returns to her seat.
MC: Our next performance, Adrien is in it. They have name that can get you to dig it. They came from Paris, France. Let their song really get you to dance. Kitty Section!1
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Rose Lavillant: Evening everyone, our name is Kitty Section!
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Go for it, Kitty Section! You’ve got this in the bag!
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Remember, Kim, this isn’t a contest.
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I love you, Ivan!
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Marc: I’m really looking forward to this.
Nathaniel: So am I... I wonder if I should ask Blue Rose to tell Origami Cyclone I said hi.
Rose: Let’s start the show! One, two three!
>Kitty Section with Adrien play I Love Unicorns (2.0).
MC: That was Kitty Section! Now let’s see what our idols have to say.
Haruto: I think it was great. You don’t see something like this with just any rock group. You guys have a style on your own.
Luka Couffaine: You actually have Marinette to thank for that. She designs our costumes.
>A spot light shines on Marinette. She blushes.
Juleka Couffaine: Yeah, they’re so awesome.
Ivan Bruel: Real awesome.
Rose: We’re Kitty Section!
Kitty Section: Thank you and good night!
>The crowd cheered as they left and the MC returns.
MC: The next up is Inhuman, too. But his time with us ain’t through.
>The next act comes up.
Diego: Hey Joker, it’s that bouncer we see in Shibuya sometimes. I didn’t know he was an Inhuman.
MC: I didn’t know you were an Inhuman. And you work as a bouncer in Shibuya.
Bouncer: You’d be surprised by what you learn about me.
>Then, a third eye opens on the bouncer’s forehead. Then, he shout some light out of it and a sculpture of a building appeared where it hit. He hits it again and it disappears.
Bouncer: Relax, that only happens on stuff my third eye creates. If I use it on anything or anyone else, nothing will happen.
MC: That’s good to hear.
Bouncer: But here’s someone I didn’t create. He offered to help with my performance. He’ll be DJing my act.
MC: Really? Who would that be?
????????: That would be yours truly.
>The crowd was shocked to see who just appeared.
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Bet you didn’t know that apart from being a superhero, I’m also a great DJ... Almost as great as Nino.
Alya: (whispering, but now real upset) Now I’m really going to have a word with him later.
Bouncer: Now, let’s get this show on the road!
>With that, the bouncer and Carapace perform Heartless. The bouncer uses his power to add visuals. The audience was amazed.
MC: Spectacular! Really Spectacular!
Haruto: I must say, I’m impressed. The Atryan Experience used their powers in their act, and so did you.
Rise: That’s true. You made us feel like we were actually inside the song.
Blue Rose: I know I’ve used my powers in my shows, too, but this is just one of the greatest I have ever seen. Have you tried going to Sterbild to join Hero TV?
Bouncer: There’s just a couple of things wrong with that. First, I’m not a NEXT, I’m an Inhuman. And second, I don’t think the other Inhumans would be happy about that.
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I do not see any harm in it. Though, we will have to see if you will be safe there. What do you think, Blackbolt?
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(just nods, he agrees)
Bouncer: Well, that’s my show. Thank you, Tokyo!
>The bouncer and Carapace get off stage.
MC: Are next performers are from Neo Yokio. Think we should give them a go? They’ll give you glamour and all that jazz. Let’s give a welcome to Arcangelo and Kaz!
>The crowd cheered as the two Neo Yokioians came on stage.
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Now this is just a great turn out. Is that right, Kaz Kaan?
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Yeah... (whisper) Why am I up here with you?
Arcangelo Corelli: Because Aunt Agatha said so.
Kaz Kaan: (melancholy as usual) Right. I can’t believe I’m doing this... Did Charles tell you that story he told me on Christmas?
Arcangelo Corelli: ... Maybe. (smiling) Now, shall we (you pink-haired prince)?
>Kaz Kaan just grimaces, but agrees. They begin performing Friend Like U.
NOTE: This song was made originally for Christmas. So some of the lyric have been altered for Dream FES. Example: “I’m only rappin’ for you ‘cause it’s Christmas” will sound like “I’m only rappin’ for you ‘cause it’s Dream FES”.
>After the song, the crowd cheered. Mostly the girls for Arcangelo Corelli. Not that there weren’t any for Kaz Kaan.
Blue Rose: You two are suppose to be from an alternate version of the city I’m from, right?
Arcangelo Corelli: Neo Yokio may not be a city of heroes, but we are a city of glory.
Haruto: Seems like it. You guys have a flare that just won’t go out. I admire that.
Rise: But sometimes, it doesn’t take much to fall from glory. Just watch your step.
Kaz Kaan: That’s sound advice... (whispers to himself) Kind of reminds me of Helena.
MC: Anyway, let’s thank Arcangelo and Kaz for joining us here tonight!
>The audience applauded as they leave the stage.
MC: The next act are by locals, but their skill are just beyond. Though one of them’s already with KUROFUNE, they have a strong bond. These guys are just without end. Please welcome, Ryuji and friends!
>The crowd goes wild as we come on stage.
Skull: Good evenin’, Tokyo! How you all doin’?
>They cheer.
Skull: Though I’m already with KUROFUNE, it never hurts to perform on stage with your friends, right?
Joker: I’m just happy to be here tonight.
Fox: I’m more of an artist, but for tonight and for my friends, I am willing to dance!
Diego: Time to shine and light the stage!
Crow: As am I!
MC: I see even the Detective Prince wants in on the action.
Crow: Just something I do on the side. Ryuji san is my best friend after all.
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You know it, buddy!
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Indeed, I do.
MC: Now from what I’ve heard, you will be using the Dream FES System.
Diego: Except for me and Akechi. We’re good as is.
MC: I see. Performing with people who are using the system, how bold. So, shall we get this show started?
>The crowd cheered.
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Then let us begin!
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Tonight, we’ll show Life Will Change!
Dorika Time!
>In the VIP seats.
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Hey look, new cards have been added. Look.
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NOTE: I apologize for the use of the ATLUS logo. They are the original creators of the clothes.
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This looks cool.
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These look just like the ones they wore in the original Dancing in Starlight videos.
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I think that’s the point.
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A little over used, but okay.
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I think they’re good. Can’t really beat the classics.
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You sound like my dad. But it’s not far off.
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I think I’m starting to understand why Stark is interested in the Dream Festival System. There’s almost no limit to this.
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Just try not to go over board over it. Remember the conversation?
>Harry, Alistaire, and John all blush.
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Ollie, there’s a time and place for everything. This is not one of them.
Ollie: (surprised) Oh, I’m sorry.
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What do you mean?
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I’ll tell you later.
>Then, Aleksei walks up to Flash and, to everyone’s shock, lifts him by the shirt.
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Now, Friend Flash, I’m sure the last thing you want is to embarrass your friends by revealing their secrets for everyone to hear. And I’m sure you wouldn’t like your secrets to be revealed. Would you?
Flash: (a little shaken) N- No.
Aleksei: And I’m sure you wouldn’t want to see me upset about seeming friends embarrassed. Because if you think the Hulk’s temper is bad... Do you want to see what happens when you anger a rhino?
Flash: N- No.
Aleksei: Then, what are we going to do?
Flash: Keep it quiet.
Aleksei: (putting flash back down) Very good.
Flash: (thinking to himself) Damn Russian Rhino.
Harry: Wow, Aleksei, I didn’t know-
Aleksei: (worried) Oh no, we better hurry. Dorika Time is almost over.
Harry: Never mind.
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Is he always like this?
Peter: Depends on the situation.
>They load the cards and launch the cards in the air and at the stage.
Catch Your Cheers!
Skull: Ima gonna charge into your hearts!
Catch Your Cheers!
Joker: I seek the Treasure within!
Catch Your Cheers!
Fox: The beauty of tonight will show!
(Reminder: The following images are not in violation of the Tumblr policy as they do not actually contain sensitive or adult contain. They only show the upper half. Please do not flag.)
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Dancing in Starlight Series! Complete!
(I also apologize for the transformation end scene. Still not a good artist.)
>We perform Life Will Change. We reworked it so that Diego, who is in human form, and Crow can dancing too. This includes recording the song ahead of time since we usually play the song live (with me on guitar and vocals, Fox on bass, Skull on drums, and Diego on keyboard)... Well, I warned them about my singing.
MC: (after we finsihed our song and he is surprised) Wow! They weren’t kidding when they told you you sound like Lyn Inaizumi! How is that even possible!
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Haruto: Actually, we can work on that. If you ever get tired of the barista game, you might have a place with us at D-Four. Especially if Ryuji san makes it into the Top Three.
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I’ll think about it.
Fox: Actually, I’d rather work on the art of the CD. I actually have a few ideas.
Blue Rose: I’m sure you do. Actually, I’m about to release a new CD soon and we could use an artist of your talent.
Fox: I’ll be sure to consider it.
Rise: And Diego, that move just now... Just like a cat and not like some bear I know.
Teddie’s voice from backstage: Teddie discrimination isn’t cool at all!
Haruto: Anyway, I”m starting to think why Harry Osborn considered you as an idol. You might even make it to the Top Three. Good luck, Ryuji san!
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I won’t let you down, Haruto san! And that goes double for KUROFUNE and my friends and family!
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We love you, Ryu kun!
Skull: I keep saying...
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Ah, screw it! I love you too, Mom!
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I think you’ve finally made him like the pet name.
Mrs. Sakamoto: He already did. (makes a satisfied smile)
Skull: Alright, MC, our other friends are here, too. give ‘em great intro.
>We got off stage.
MC: Alright, Ryuji, I’ll welcome the girls. Their song will reach the whole world. Their appearance alone is just what we all prize. Here they come, Last Surprise!
>Everyone, mostly the men, cheered as Panther, Queen, Oracle, and Noir came on stage.
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This next song is where we got our name.
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It’s fitting since we are unpredictable.
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Don’t bother getting ready for us.
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Because nothing can prepare you for what we have in store.
Panther, Queen, Oracle, and Noir: You’ll never see it coming!
>With that, they perform Last Surprise. Good thing they’re using their regular Dancing in Starlight costumes. The press would have a field day and the men would lose themselves in their other outfits.
Rise: Amazing! Makes me wish me and my girlfriends did that in LMB.
Oracle: Maybe the next time we meet. We might set up something at our school.
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(from here seat) Why me?
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Well, at least things won’t be dull.
Blue Rose: Actually, I should get my own girlfriends to try a show with me. Since Kotetsu and Barnaby have their hands full these days.
Rise: Will Dragon Kid be alright with that?
Haruto: She will if you tell her that it’s for training.
Blue Rose: I’ll have to think about it. Anyway, you all did a wonderful show. I hope to see you perform again soon.
>The girls bow happily and leave the stage... They walk past Koda and Junichi.
Junichi: Are you ready? We’re next.
Koda: (worried) A little.
Junichi: (putting an arm around Koda) Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.
Koda: I know... I’m starting to wonder if I should have taken Watanuki’s offer.
Junichi: Are you? Are you going to take it?
Koda: ... I’m still thinking about it.
Junichi: Well, whatever you choose... I’ll never stop loving you.
Koda: ... I know. Thank you, Junichi.
>What they don’t know is that I watched this. I think I understand Koda a little more.
Rank Up!
Confidant: Moyuru Koda
Arcana: Balance
Rank: 2
MC’s voice: Next is the super student and his partner true. Nothing can tear these two. Give it up for Moyuru Koda and Junichi Kotoba!
Junichi: (smiling) Come on. Let’s do this.
Koda: (smiling confidently) Yes. Together.
>With that, they come on stage.
Koda: Good evening, Tokyo! Now before we begin, let me set something straight: No, we’re not exactly here for the End of Summer. I mean, we might see it, but we’re not in it. Our school doesn’t even have a Stride Club.
Junichi: We thought of starting one, but we could never find the time.
MC: Maybe you’ll have time after this. You never know.
Koda: I see. We’ll think about it. Right now, we’re here for this night. And we enter a world of dreams and light.
Junichi: I even paid on the fly that we can use the System. So we can make this night even more awesome.
Koda: You really paid a lot of money for me? That’s so sweet of you.
Junichi: Thank you.
MC: Indeed it is... Japan really needs more couples like this no matter the gender.
Koda: Now, let’s do this together!
Junichi: And together, we will purify the darkness in your hearts.
Koda: Cast out the demons that plague your minds.
Koda and Junichi: We will go forward with NEW STAR EVOLUTION!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Koda: How fitting. Let’s go for it!
Junichi: Evolution is part of the future. And us!
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>They change clothes.
Dear Future Series! Complete!
MC: (after song) That was absolutely marvelous!
Haruto: That was quite the show. You should take a leap from Ryuji san and Galaxy Standard. You can be idols and athletes.
Koda: Thanks, but we should be fine. Sorry, Kanade kun.
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It’s okay, Koda san. We know you have your reasons. But just in case you change your mind, give me a call. Okay?
Koda: (smiling) Yeah, I’m sure
Rise: Still, you have such talent. No wonder you’re the Super High Schooler. But you’re still you. You should be happy for that.
Koda: Yeah...
Blue Rose: And you’re in a gay relationship. That also makes you quite modern.
Junichi: Well, if Kotetsu and Barnaby can do it, so can we.
Koda: Yeah... (embraces Junichi tearfully) I love you, Junichi!
Junichi: (smliling) I love you, too, Moyuru.
>The two men kissed. The whole audience cheered wildly. They leave the stage.
MC: How beautiful. Now, for your next act...
>While the other acts were on stage, I meet up with Royal to see how her performance was coming along. I saw they has set up a huge bucket over the stage.
Joker: What’s in the bucket?
Royal: Gold glitter. We got the idea from Flashdance and Elvira. Near the end of the song, I’ll douse myself in it. It will be spectacular.
Joker: I see...
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Just hope they don’t think you ripped it off.
Gymnast 1: Hey, are we ready? They’re about to call us soon.
Royal: Yes. I think we are.
Gymnast 2: Then let’s get started.
>They leave to get ready for the final act... Suddenly, I hear something above.
Joker: ?
>I look up and I’m sure I see a shadow headed for the bucket. I use my Third Eye to see what was going on. It looked like they had a hood up, so even I had trouble seeing what was under it... I see I’m not the only one who noticed.
Carapace: I see why you’re friends with Spider-Man. You’re quite the spotter.
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We’re not done talking! But yeah, that looks suspicious.
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Want to take a look?
>We go up. Carapace smiles as two more shadows appear.
>On stage.
MC: Our last act for the night will surly be a sight. They dancing with the rhythm is seems. Makes you feel like you’re in a dream. Let’s welcome the Shujin Gymnastic Team!
>Royal and her team come on stage.
Royal: This is the first time we’re doing something like this. We hope you will enjoy it.
>With that, they perform the iconic Maniac.
>On the catwalk above the stage. Me, Rena Rouge, and Carapace get close to the hooded figure. Using my Third Eye again, I finally see who it is.
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Call me a boy, would you!? You’re lucky I can’t chop you down because then that bleached bitch and that crap Canadian will come after me. So I’ll take a leap from the Elvira movie you talked about.
>Roxie Ritcher, the artist/half ninja and Ramona Flowers’s 4th Evil Ex, was also holding a bucket of what was unmistakably tar and feathered pillows. We step in.
Rena Rouge: Don’t even think about it, Ritcher!
Roxie: Back off, Volpina! You, Shell Shocker, and this geek who could pass off as a Japanese version of Gideon have nothing to do with this.
Rena Rouge: That’s Rena Rouge! I’m not Layla!
Carapace: See, this is what I was going to say. I got a message from an anonymous source that there was going to be trouble here at Dream FES. Guess they were right.
Roxie: Well, it doesn’t matter. Unlike the last time... I didn’t come alone.
>Suddenly, someone rushes between us.
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やめて、パンク! 近づかないでください!
>Rena Rouge gets out her flute, Carapace takes his shield, and I draw my gun.
????: The flute and shield we can buy, but a model gun that only shoots pellets is useless.
???: True. But I guess you work with what you can. I fear what is becoming of our country.
>The two more people come in.
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Kyle: Normally, we don’t fight on our own.
Ken: We let a robot do that.
Roxie: (upset.. er) Yeah, well normally, I don’t rely on men for help! But you were the only ones available in my contacts.
Kyle: ... I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.
Carapace: Good... Because we’d like to introduce you to our own back up.
>Suddenly, two more people swoop down and take out the ninja.
Roxie: Great, now we have to deal with the bug and the cat.
>The two figures show themselves.
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More like spider and bird.
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Yeah, those two may be Paris’s greatest heroes, but we’re Earth’s mightiest heroes.
>Both Roxie and the K. Twins back off.
Roxie: I only wanted to teach that Yoshizawa bitch a lesson because she mistook me for a boy and humiliated me in the middle of Kichijoji. I’m not giving up! I’ll get her soon enough... And you’ll see her for what she truly is.
>She was eyeing me. Then, in a puff of smoke, she was gone.
Kyle: By the way, how did you even find out about out plan?
Hawkeye: Don’t you know? We’re the Avengers. We practically know everything.
Black Widow: That, and a little thing called the Internet.
>Black Widow takes out a phone to show... that Ken had posted the plans on his blog.
Kyle: (irritated) Ken?
Ken: ... Alright, so I couldn’t help it. I really wanted to show up those damn twins from Ouran Academy.
Kyle: Well, can’t really argue with that. Very well, until we meet again.
>With that, the K. Twins leave.
Black Widow: Well, that should take care of things. Thanks, Carapace. Your skills with a shield might even rival Captain America’s.
Carapace: Really?
Black Widow: ... Not really.
Hawkeye: Stung. Though, I wish I new what she meant by what she just said.
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That would be spoiling it. 
Black Widow: Right, not until Halloween. Still, I think we should keep an eye out. Thank you, Carapace, Rena Rouge. As well as you, Ren Amamiya. You’re a good friend to Parker and Osborn.
>I nod and Black Widow and Hawkeye leave.
Rena Rouge: The performance is about to end. We should head back... And we still have to talk.
Carapace: I already told you. Besides, I doubt someone like Hawk Moth watches Dream FES.
Rena Rouge: We’ll see. Oh, and Ren Amamiya... I hope your friend makes it in the Top Three.
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Thank you.
>With that, we leave the catwalk.
>Back on stage, Royal and her team finisher their performance with Royal dumping glitter on herself.
MC: AMAZING! Aren’t they great? Aren’t they spectacular?
>The crowd cheered loudly.
Haruto: I know it’s already been done, but they was no doubt a really great show. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.
Royal: You think so?
Rise: Absolutely. If this were the Olympics, you would totally get a gold medal.
Royal: I’m sure... Just as long as we don’t end up like a certain gym teacher.
>Cricket sounds.
Royal: (turning red) I’m sorry! That was in poor taste!
Blue Rose: You just made a mistake. We all do. Still, we love your performance. Thank you.
Royal: You’re welcome, Blue Rose san!
>Royal and her team bow. Then, the MC comes back on stage.
MC: Let’s welcome back the other talents that showed up tonight, shall we?
>The audience cheered as we came on stage with the other performers of the night. We bow to them.
MC: Well, that’s our show for the night. Remember, our grand finale is this Saturday. That night, we will be holding our competition to see which Rookie Idol will make their CD debut and our final song for this year’s Dream Festival.
>The crowed went wild.
MC: Well, until then everyone, this is your MC saying thank you and goodnight!
>The audience applauded.
>We’re so close to the end... Skull, good luck, brother.
0 notes
calystegiaidol · 7 years
[[I said a while back that Kanami had some 260 voice lines. Well... I had time in the car so I, uh, wrote them all down. Under the cut.
Note: They’re not really formatted to match her inflections and what not.]] 
P Studio
Persona 4 Dancing All Night
How’s that? Good? Bad?
I’m gonna do my best.
Here goes!
What?! Me?!
Uhhh… I-I’ll try my best.
All righty! I just have to do this!
Okay! Go me!
I’m supposed to wear this, right?
Sure! I’ll give it a try!
Whoa! You think it’ll look good on me?
Uhhhhhh… this is embarrassing! But I’ll try it!
Yay! What a fantastic costume!
Yes! I love costumes like these!
Whoa! N-now this is… new.
Uh… Is this okay to wear?
Hahaha! Leave this to me!
Okay. Time to show what I’m made of. Woohoo!
Yes! M-my heart’s pounding but I’ll give it a try!
I’ll be sure to make the most of this opportunity.
All right! One must seek out new challenges!
Ahh! You think I’m really up to this?
Whooooa! Y-y-you really think I can do this?
I’ll go out and dance with a smile!
1 and 2 and 1 and 2! Dance to the rhythm!
Woo! I’m looking forward to this very much!
Yay! Bring you’re A-game!
I’ll cheer you on until I’m hoarse! You can do it!
Ooo! This is what I was waiting for! Good luck!
Go do your best Yu-san! You’re so cool!
Oooooo! A dancing hunk! In other words, a dunk! How cool!
This is totally unfair! Rise-senpai’s friends are all so cool or so cute!
W-whoa! That’s amazing! She’s a kung-fu master! Huwa-ta! (you know, the chie sound)
That looks so fun! Just watching this is making me all excited! Wheeeeeeee!
Wow! What a beautiful lady! She’s going to be dancing right? Yay!
Oooo! She’s so stylish and cool!
Woohoo! Rise-senpai’s dancing! This is so exciting! I-I’m… so hopeless.
Just having her on stage changes the atmosphere! I wish I could be like her!
Whoa! H-He’s gonna dance in costume?! Doesn’t it get hot in there?
So adorable!~ I’m a little round and pudgy too, but he’s definitely cuter!
Whoa! He looks intense! But I feel like he might be good.
Uhhhh.. your brows all scrunched! Loosen up!
Uh! Are you nervous?! Y-You need to relax!
I like the vibe you’ve got going! Show us a fun dance!
Ooo! So cute! You’re the best Nanako-san!
Nanako-san! If you’re ever in trouble I’ll come help in an instant! Go! Fight! Win!
Margaret. You’re so beautiful.
Go, go! You’re the best!
Here goes!
1, 2, 3!
This is going well!
I’m joining in too!
Excuse me for butting in!
Let’s get fired up and do this!
Ohhh.. I can’t hold back anymore! I’m coming in!
Let me join!
Excuse me for joining in!
Let’s dance Nanako-san!
Nanako-san and I make Kanakokko!
Whoa! You’re so good Yu-san! Awesome!
Oooo! Pretty amazing Yu-san!
Oh my gosh that made me dizzy! But it was fun anyway!
Ooo! Yosuke-san’s on fire! Go! Go!
That was great Chie-san! Very good!
Such awesome legs! I admire them!
Whoa! Yukiko-san! Are you really an amateur?
You’re really elegant! So light and sparkly!
The invincible Rise-senpai’s dance is so cute! Ahhh~
Woo! Rise-senpai are you really making a comeback?! That’s the best!
Mr. Bear Suit’s dance is so exciting and fun!
That was a lot of fun Mr. Bear Suit! Loved it!
So intense! Like a huge explosion of power!
Your kick ass dance was intense Kanji-san! Totes amazing!
You’re on fire Naoto-san! 100%!
I think you could be an idol Naoto-san! You’re so cute and cool!
Wow! Nanako-san you’re so good!
Kanakokko is on fire! Hehehe!
Margaret, you’re beyond perfect!
I’ll strive to become a mature lady like Margaret!
Woohoo! Wow this is amzaing!
So cool! So cute! So impressive!
Very nice! Good job!
Whoa you’re glowing! So sparkly!
It’s okay! Don’t let it bother you.
No worries! You’re doing totally fine!
You can do this! Go! Fight! Win!
Don’t let it bother you!
Ooo how fantastic!
You might be better than me!
Impressive! I super admire you!
What was that just now?! Can I do that to?
Looking great Yu-san! Way too cool!
You’re so cool! Like completely and utterly rad!
Whoa! Yosuke-san’s dancing puts the pros to shame!
Yosuke-san’s living up to his name! ...No?
Whoa! You’re very cool Chie-san!
Wow! I wanna be able to dance like that too!
Wow! How beautiful! I’m so jealous!
Whoa! Are you really an amateur Yukiko-san?
Whoa! Rise-senpai is always so impressive! I admire you a lot!
Yes! You’re lovely and unbeatable Rise-senpai!
Damn. Even in costume he dances so well!
He’s starting to look cool! What should I do?
Whoooa! You’re so intense! That’s really cool~
You’re super amazing! And a blond to boot!
Whoooa! Incredible! You’ve got skills Naoto-san!
So nice! So cool! So jealous!
Oooo! Absolutely adorable!~
Uh~ Nooo~ I’m gonna die of cute!
*sing-song voice* The charms of a mature woman!~ *exasperated* I’ve got none of that.
So smooth! What do I need to do to dance like that?!
You’re tensing up a little bit! Try to stay relaxed!
You have to put your mistakes behind you! Dance like you mean it!
All that practice wasn’t for nothing! Keep on going!
You can still make it! Turn those tables around!
You have to believe in yourself! Let’s do this Yu-san!
Y-You have to stay calm Yu-san!
Huh?! What’s wrong?! I know you can go for it!
Nooo! Hang in there Yosuke-san!
Show me your guts! Your passion! Fight on!
Dancing is a martial art too! It’s a battle with yourself!
You have to recover! I know you can Yukiko-san!
No! Yukiko-san’s in danger! Hang in there and go for it!
It’s at times like these that you can’t worry!
Now that’s our Rise-senpai for staying calm! She’s electrifying, so amazing!
Time to make a huge comeback Mr. Bear Suit!
It’s not over yet! Let’s go all out from here on!
It’s the moment of truth Kanji-san! I’ll be cheering you on!
Waah! Time to get serious! Don’t give up yet!
Naoto-san! You can still come back from this!
Forget everything else, and dance with an empty mind! Like me!
Nanako-san, keep going and don’t let it bother you!
Tada! Your charm can still win them over Nanako-san!
Margaret isn’t doing so hot! Nooo! Don’t lose!
She’s not affected at all! *gasp* This is amazing to see!
Yeah! Let’s get this show on the road!
Entering Fever Time! Here goes!
Time to use every ounce of strength we have! Let’s all get fired up!
Whee! This is the highlight of the show!
I can’t stop anymore! This is so much fun!
All righty! Let’s nail this Nanako-san!
Wow!~ Yu-san really can do anything!~
You could be a star with that level of skill! I guarantee it!
Woohoo! Yosuke-san and I had a totally rocking time together!
We blasted right through that! Totally on fire, ahhh so much fun!
Super great moves Chie-san!
Whoa! The Fever Time Kung-fu dance! Wow! Hwuah-ta!
How fantastic! You’re a proper Japanese lady!
Hehehe! The two of us totally lit up the stage!
We’re an invincible duo! We exploded with energy on stage!
Oh gosh! That was seriously the best thing ever!
Fever Time! Fever Time! Go go go!
Dancing with you is such fun Mr. Bear Suit! How will I top it?
Whoa! Kanji-san’s moves are so powerful!
Your sense of rhythm is amzing! You’re no ordinary guy!
Forget all the complicated stuff… and just dance!
Naoto-san is cool through and through! She’s the raddest!
Awwwww~ What a precious little angel!
Thank you! That was our special double-act: Kanakokko!
Adult sexiness vs idol cuteness! What did you think?
Haha! We’re sexy and young!
Ohh I’m out of practice! This ain’t good…
Noo-! Oh dear…
Oooo nice moves!
What a charming duo!
Now then! Go! Fight! Win!
Looks like they’re both on fire!
Whoa! They’re great at livening things up!
Eee! A full blast of girl power!
Whoa! They’re both so cute I could die~
They’re so in sync I could watch them all day!
Oh my! These two are perfect for each other!
Wow!~ Men’s dances are pretty strong stuff!
Ohhhh myyy!~ *gasp* The girls will coming running to see this!
My excitement level went… Bam! Through the roof!
So beautiful! I just have to learn from this!
Oh gosh! Those two are pretty bold!
That was so cool! I just have to keep my eyes on these two!
You’re looking great!
*quiet panting* I’m sorry..! Please, let me rest for a bit. It won’t be long!
Yay! 120 points out of 100! …Huh?
Yes! Yes! I did it! I can’t believe I actually got a perfect score!
Wooo! A perfect score! I did it! I did it!
Ohoho! That went totally awesome for me! Yup!
How was that? Have I gotten better?
Dancing is so much fun! I’m in such a good mood!
All right! I can’t be satisfied with this! I’ll try even harder!
Well, I knew I could do that much. I gotta practice more to get better!
I gotta try even harder! All right! Go! Fight! Win!
Uhoh… Tomomin might yell at me for this.
I need to take on more and lessons! I just have to practice harder!
Whuuuh… that was close. Too many mistakes.
Awwwnh… the path of an idol is harsh as ever.
I’m no good! It’s to the point that I mistake when the trash day is!
What am I doing?! Stupid me! Useless slowpoke Kanami!
That was so intense that I’m all dizzy! It was great!
Oh what fun! Hehe! …Oops. Sorry. I… couldn’t help it. Ehehe! Hee hee hee!
That was amazing! I’d definitely like to request an encore!
Thank you so much! That was extremely well done!
What the heck?! How are you that perfect?! *gasp* I don’t understaaand!
That was too amazing Yu-san! I don’t feel like I could ever top that…!
Whoa! That’s amazing! You didn’t make a single goof!
You’re a god of dance Yosuke-san! People from Inaba are scaaary!
Nooo! If you show off like that my confidence will melt like a candle!
That was sweet~ I’m head over heels for you Chie-san!
I’m so jealous… I wish I could pull off moves that awesome!
Amazing! Yukiko-san was like a celestial maiden! So cool!
Ahh! Rise-senpaiiiii! You were so marvelous that I could die!
Nooo! It’s no use! I haven’t gotten closer to your level at all!
So amazing! That was tons of fun! You’re the best Mr. Bear Suit!
I see that long legs aren’t that important when it comes to dancing!
Wow! That was flawless! So perfect it’s… scary!
Amazing! Kanji-san looks scary but he’s a great dancer!
Wow so smooth! You were on another level Naoto-san!
That’s it! I’m done! Geniuses really do exist! I can’t dance that good!
Woo! You’re the best Nanako-san! Totes adorable!
Nanako-san, you’re a prodigy! No… a genius! This girl’s got skills!
Wow! Your dance is top-notch pretty lady! It’s out of this world!
Whoa… whaaaaat?! That was perfect! Too perfect lady… (she almost sounds suspicious xD)
Whoooooa… I admire you so much!
So perfect! I guess she has more life experience to draw on… Ahhhhhnnn…
Wonderful Yu-san! You were in spitting distance of perfection!
Ahhhhn… Are you really an amateur? You’ve been training your whole life, right?!
These skills… *gasp* Is a Junes job the secret? Let me work there too!
So cool! You’re the dancing shop employee Yosuke-san!
Whoooa! Can I be like Chie-san if I learn Kung-fun too?
Whoa! You have an amazing sense of rhythm Chie-san! Woohoo!
Amazing Yukiko-san! I was moved by your hospitality!
Oooohhhh! She’s prettyyyy, has a great body, AND a stunning dancer! Life isn’t fair!
She’s got moves like that after a long break? Rise-senpai is incredible!
I knew it Rise-senpai! I gotta step up my game too! I’ll try even harder!
*gasp* Is there a secret to the suit that gives you intense dance powers?
Wha? How?! How can you dance so much with that costume on!
That was powerful dance! Hmmmmm… maybe I should put on some muscle!
He can dance, knit, and even cook! You’ll make a great wife Kanji-san!
Wow! It’s so cool that you’re smart AND you can dance!
So it’s possible to be both smart and a good performer! Very neat!
That was too wonderful! When I was little I wasn’t… that… good… Huh… Oh dear…
How is a little girl so good?! Inaba folks are pretty scary.
Those sharp moves! That much be the secret to your sexy bod!
That was soooooo close! You can get a perfect next time!
The most important part comes next! Try to get even better!
Ohhh! You really nailed that part! You’re on a roll!
You still have stamina to spare? Wow! I better work hard too!
It’s not good to hold back! Release your inner spirit!
That was so good Nanako-san! Keep taking lessons and you’ll hit the big time!
1, 2, 3… *gasp* Oh gosh! Isn’t this a new record?
Babam! This is amazing!
I’ve never seen anything like this! It’s a new record!
That’s Nanako-san for you! What a scary little girl…!
Tada! Level up! Ba da bing!
Whoooa! Your moves are getting better! You’re really improving!
Your dancing is looking up Nanako-san!
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