#but that sliver of a chance that theyre not keeps me up and night and makes me want to puke and drives me insane
zedif-y · 2 months
i kind of. hate being such a chronic worrier
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junipedia · 4 years
Hunting season
Dull. This day feels dull. I mean that’s how Oregon weather usually is, grey thick clouds layered over the sky like a weighted blanket threatening to fall with water at any moment. Heavy underbrush making the already crowded  woods feel even more claustrophobic. Sneakers seeming to sink further into the wet moss with every step like the woods itself was trying to reclaim you. The snap of a twin you'd hear every once and awhile filling your imagination with every reason besides a rational one as to what it could have been. As unsettling as the woods here are, they bring a sense of comfort and peace like even if something was watching you out there it had no fowl intent with you. Night on the other hand was when those vicious creators came out to prowl. Those snaps of trees turning into something that could be hunting you, chasing you. The paths you thought you knew so well turning into a maze of inkyblack darkness that's reaching out for you…
    The snapping sound was louder today than it usually was. My face pointed towards the tops of the dying trees, half expecting to see something looking back at me but just being met with a flock of geese flying overhead. The snapping started up suddenly, whipping my face back down to eye level trying to see through the thick ferns and weeds. It sounded like a bulldozer headed straight for me. “Oh my fucking god, Athena” i let out the heaviest sigh of relife once I saw the fluffy tail zig-zagging around. I stood upright and rubbed my face, someone must have let her out after I had already left. The only way back to the house was the way I had come. Which was a steep forgotten road that always seemed to stay a bit to be taken care of for being abandoned. Athena rushed past me hitting the breaks when she got to the bottom of the hill. She stopped though her always wagging tail stopping and dropping in between her legs. I stopped. She only ever did that if she was scared or was seeing something she didn't like. I just stood and watched her. If there truly was a threat there she would let me know, show some sign that the area was suddenly dangerous. it couldn't have been a person because if that was the case she would have started barking. In less than a minute her tail was back up and she was trotting away like she was only seconds ago.
“That's a big dog” perched between the underbrush a person sat hunched over making intense eye contact with the canine. He dealt with big dogs but he'd usually know about them beforehand. Well, it wasn't like he DIDN'T know about Athena. He'd been out here watching this family for a while now. He didn't have any tv or media so he liked watching the family's he was camped near for however long he was staying. He'd been in these woods for a while playing cat and mouse with the hunting dogs that the people on this hill owned. Watching this family was the only source of entertainment. He thought it was funny how they argued almost exactly how his family would have, the only reason it was different was that instead of these parents holding it against each other they would sweep it under the carpet only to let it bubble over and resurface in later conversations. The oldest was the most fun to watch. Seeing how each day she drove herself into the ground trying to be the best for everyone just to let them down like she had feared. He thought her name was ironic because it held so much truth, she was just a scared little bunny adopted by wolves trying to also just be a wolf. He stared back at the dog waiting for it to do something. He'd actually grown fond of the pooch so it brought a sliver of warmth when she didn't bark or snarl at him.
    “Athena!” I walked to join her, giving her a scratch behind the ears. She wasn't acting strange anymore meaning whatever had spooked her must have left before i could see it.
Walking away I popped my knuckles against the opposing hand.
Pop crackle snap
I stopped, those were cracking joints but. Not my joints. I turned back in the direction id came from. Athena was already long gone from the house so if something was there I'd have to see for myself. I raised my hand up near my face pressing down on one of my fingers until it let out a loud pop. I waited but sure enough a louder crack came from in front of me somewhere. Hesitantly taking steps forward i'd let out a pop only for it to be followed by a louder more aggressive one. I crouched down thinking it could have been in the trees. I brought my hand to my chin and turned it, letting out a chorus of snaps. 
Silence. A slow breath escaped me from relief that is until a grotesque song of crunches and bones grinding together. I turn my heaad my eyes meeting with wide crazed one frantically trying to focus on me but the spastic movemts of its shoulders and neck making it hard to look at one thing. I couldn't even make a noise, i knew there was a homeless camp near my house but i had never actually seen any of them. It grabbed my shoulders so tight it was painful. My back hitting the ground causing the air to slip out of my lungs. Its shoulders were still rapidly moving as it pressed its hand around its jaw covering my mouth. My hands shot up and tried to push at its face and chest. I didn't know what to do. It was on me weighing me to the ground. The hoodie it had on covering its body type hiding how strong it could really be. There was nothing i could do, it was obviously stronger than me. 
Something must have switched in my brain to say “move idiot if you don't you'll probably die in these woods” I opened my mouth as wide as i could, biting down on the top of its hand. Blood seeping into my teeth and gums. The strong taste of iron filled my mouth as I heard the crunch of the bone I had hit. A mixture of saliva and blood pooling out of my mouth all around and down my chin. It didn't move, didn't even flinch.
Bears trap
He panicked. What else was he going to do, his tics had ever reacted that badly before to someone else's. He held her down, his hand almost covered half her face. He tried to tilt his head to look at her but it just came off as more jerks and pulls from his muscles`just like a bunny” he thought, if he moved his hand just right it could break her in just an instinct. Just like that she’d be gone. His thoughts were interrupted by the crunching of his hand. He watched her try and basically chew her way away from him. “The bunni thinks she's a wolf now” he watched her for a second again before taking his other hand and picking up a good sized rock.
    “This is it” I watched him raise the rock, tightly closing my eyes. The only thing I felt was an extreme headache before I just went numb and limp.
      “Why is it so cold” was my first thought when I started coming again. Sitting up the familiar sound of a tent zipper opening caught my attention. I tried to sit up and  got trapped in the thin sleeping bag I had been in.This was the first time I had seen him at least somewhat up right. He was at least a foot taller than me, leaning into the tent like he was the one cautious of me. He crawled into the tent looking at me, his eyes not as crazed as before but still holding a feeling that at any moment this bomb could go off. He didn't speak as he inched closer and closer. He then reached his hand out. His finger shook as I leaned back but was trapped by the tent. A hot pain running through my back as he touched my forehead where the rock must have hit me. The mask covering his mouth hid what emotion he was truly portraying at the moment. The hand he touched my head with was bandaged, reminding me of the bite I had given him. I raised my hand and wiped my mouth, sticky red blood still coming off meaning that it really hadn't been all that long since all that had happened but just long enough to get dark and colder outside. I opened my mouth but didn't even get a chance to speak before he beat me to it “just dont just dont yell” it took me back to hear him. 
This obviously isn't an adult just by the voice. His voice was raspy and almost menacing.  Even if he was my age he was still just a kid. We didn't say anything for a while, just analyzing each other like it was a mutual agreement that we would let each other realize what was actually happening before doing anything rash. Yeah, he may have basically kidnapped me but that didn't mean I had to be a dick to him. I don't know how long we stared at each other, it could have been hours or only minutes but after that he crawled further into the tent and simply laid down. Almost like he was just watching me to see if i would do anything to try and leave or get away from him. The only thing keeping the tent illuminated was a small battery operated lantern that was barely bright enough to light up the small tent. He sat up again and looked at me just to turn the lanter off. I could hear him shifting around, maybe to take his mask off. We just laid in silence for what felt like forever. “Aren't you cold” even though I was staying quiet it sounded like I was yelling in the small tent. There was no answer for a moment just the sound of him moving around again. I thought maybe he was asleep before I heard a deep inhale. “no” there was a long silence again before he spoke ”are y-you cold cold?” i hesitated before answering “yeah….i guess i am pretty cold”.
 Again there was silence before he moved. I felt him come closer to me before feeling one of his arms touch me. This wasn't right. Not even twelve hours ago he had been the one to bash me over the head with a rock to take me to whatever kinda temporary camp this was. He must have read the room because he stopped and waited. I really took a moment to think about what was happening. Everything was happening way too fast but at the same time the little I've seen of him has shown me that even if he is my age he's clearly unstable. If I didn't let him do what he wanted he could blow at any moment and I really don't know what he's capable of.
He waited for another moment before moving towards me again. He stiffly wrapped his arms around me, even though it was awkward and uncomfortable the warmth he gave off was a nice change from the harsh forest cold.my mind must have just fallen unconscious at some point because the next thing i knew the tent was lit with the dull sunlight that was managing to come through the overlay of clouds. He wasn't next to me anymore but the smell of smoke burned my nose as I could hear the sound of fire crackling and snapping outside the tent.I slowly unzipped the front and peaked out. He was sitting with his back to the tent facing the homemade fire pit that he had made.
Toby hated the fire. He hated all the pain that it has caused him but it was something that he simply couldn't avoid. One of the things he liked about the fire now was that he could tame it, control when it grew and when it withered away. He looked down at his bandaged hand. He hadn't slept last night, he was too nervous to make even the slightest movement just in case it would wake her. The warmth she had given off was...new. “Why did you let me hold you?” he spoke down into his hands, the zipper making him turn around to face her.
They both froze like deer in the headlights again.
No mask. He wasn't wearing his mask right now. He looked so normal. He just stared at me for a while and I stared back at him.  Him turning back towards the fire was enough for me to snap back out of it. He poked the fire with a stick, moving a few blackened sticks around to stir up the fire causing embers to rise up into the early overcasted sky. I scurried around him and sat on the opposite side of the fire, watching him through the flames. His eyes shot up at mine like he suddenly felt my eyes on him. His stare was so intense i wouldn't say lifeless no, there was something buried deep behind those eyes doing something to him. I looked back down into the fire, what was there to talk about? Did he even want to talk? I just want to go home.
“Were you cold l-last last night?” I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows together. ‘This man bashes me in the head with a rock but is worried I was too cold?’ I shifted my weight, pulling my legs closer to myself. “I was fine.” There was a long silence after that before either of us even thought to move. He was the first one to move, getting up and grabbing something from the tent. “Where are you going?” he actually seemed shocked that I asked “getting more fire-wood” the moment he said that my eyes snapped back towards the fire. This could be my chance to run.
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commanderserwin · 4 years
modern AU; one of us.
[ c o n t i n u a t i o n ]
↦ pairing(s): erwin smith x reader
↦ word count: 3.7k
↦ @bluebellhairpin​ request: You said you wanted this, so prepare thy self; a modern!Erwin x reader fix based off that ABBA song 'one of us'. So like they both together but they are really distant and its obvious to others that theyre still pining for each other but they never spend time together - then eventually they do, and they just can't help that the fluff-meter goes way up. I think youd write that well.
↦ author’s note(s): yes, yes, yes, it’s late!! but this is what my braincells came up with after spending hours listening to that song!!! enjoy & thank u !! ♡♡♡
[ c o n t i n u a t i o n ]
love does move in mysterious ways. it makes you feel lightheaded thinking of the person you love; on cloud nine, and every time your lips would touch, it ignites everything inside you. it's what makes your toes curl, grin widely, butterflies in your stomach; all the good things. but sometimes, love makes you lose the sense of yourself. it makes you feel so occupied, like time revolves around them, giving yourself whole to them, without even saving a piece for yourself. love is love-- but it is cruel, suffocating, difficult; maybe it's just the responsibility of loving.
the ceiling became your friend and your enemy, always looking-- seeing how you cried your eyes out, screamed into the pillow, wrap yourself in your blanket, or even when your tears has run out and you're looking with your mouth agape-- throat dry, and eyes tired. the ceiling has always listened to you, and you often wonder what it would say if it would speak. would it make fun of you? would it scream into your face? would it bring sense into your brain? would it ask the same question you are asking yourself? why did you do it? why did you break up with him?
second anniversary. two years together. a celebration over a nice dinner, that turned sour and the epitome of break-up.
you stared at the bathroom mirror, looking right through your eyes, breathing hard as your heart thudded louder than ever. the tiny monologue of your brain echoed, making you clench the sink as you placed on your best dress and shoes, as you applied the lipstick with shaky hands. his footsteps echoed in the silent apartment, making you jump when he finally opened the bathroom door.
erwin leaned on the doorframe, his smile gracing his beautiful face. “you look very beautiful.”
you know erwin loves— loved you very much. but you weren’t prepared when he took out a red velvet box from his jacket and that’s when you clammed up, sweat forming on your temple when you realized what was happening.
shit, you thought, this cannot be happening.
“is that... is that-,” you stuttered, watching erwin walk closer from his reflection on the mirror as you clutched the sink. you can’t look at him or else you’d only vomit the words you that has always been stuck at your throat.
erwin kissed your cheek, as his lips brushed your ears, feeling his smile widen when he imagined how you’d look when he would finally pop the question. “no, i got you a gift.”
by then, you have started to breathe normally again. but your body tensed up when you felt erwin’s lips graced over on the curve of your neck, his lips planting soft kisses on your skin, his hands making its way to snake around your waist. he kissed your shoulder, looking with you through the mirror for both of your reflections.
you looked like you wanted to get away, but erwin’s too high off of you to actually notice. his eyes watched you, as he opened the box right in front of you. there sits a dainty diamond necklace, and your knees has started to buckle, feeling his hands clasp them over to your neck. erwin is too sweet, and you don’t know how and why you could do this to him. he is everything you have hoped for yet your mind has tangled the thoughts in yours, screaming; get it over with. he’s not for you. end it. and you listened.
suddenly, erwin’s back on the doorframe, tapping on it gently to get your attention. “i got us a reservation at that restaurant. come out whenever you are ready.”
“okay,” you murmured, watching the diamond reflect its colors through the light. “i’ll be out soon.”
“i love you.”
erwin didn’t miss the hesitation in your actions and lips, and his heart fell. that tiny crack is enough for his mind to think every possible way he has ever made you think twice because of him. sure, two years is nothing comparing to the other relationships out there, but you two were solid. trust upon trust, as if nothing could tear you two down. but that tiny sliver... it painted his mind that maybe something is wrong and he’s too blind to see what is was.
“i love you,” and it tasted like poison.
the restaurant was packed to the brim, and you were thankful that erwin chose a booth seat, away from the loud crowd. he sat in front of you, his fingers tapping lightly as he read the menu. erwin couldn’t help but peek through it, watching at how your eyes would flit back to reality and the gnawing thought in your mind. he didn’t push it because it was nothing; and that’s what he wanted to believe. wanted.
“erwin?” there it is. erwin lowered down his menu, his blue eyes piercing through you. he gripped the menu for a second, before calming down as he parted in mouth in question.
“do you want to share the chicken parmesan with me?” you stuttered, feeling his eyes too heavy on you. how long could you keep this up? you thought.
“sure,” erwin nodded, reading his menu but the words has started to become a daze to him; his mind going back to you, over and over again.
soon, all the food has arrived, and the table turned awkward as the two of you ate, the quiet chewing the only sound from the both of you. erwin would try to smile and nod, sharing his food with you, and it’d make your heart ache— thinking maybe you shouldn’t do it. how could you break his heart?
“say it to me,” erwin murmured, hands beside his plate as he looked at you.
you were like a deer caught in the headlights, as you pulled the plate closer, a ghost of a smile on your lips. “what do you mean?”
“don’t lie to me.”
“i’m not lying,” you lied, sighing loudly as you placed the fork down, hand trying to reach for him but he retreated it. “erwin...”
“whatever it is,” erwin whispered, crossing his arms. he just wanted the truth.
it’s literally now or never, and he’s giving you the chance to speak up, and you took it with all your might.
“i need a break. from us.” you sighed, biting down your lip. erwin remained impassive, as he continued to look, beckoning you to continue. “i think we’re better off without each other.”  
“it’s not you. it’s me.”
erwin couldn’t help but run his hands down his face, eyes closed as he tried to digest your words. he’s heard those words from movies and books, and he refuses to believe that he is hearing it now, and it’s coming from you. it was the classic excuse from the films, and he couldn’t really fucking believe it.
“god,” erwin groaned, palming his eyes. “are you serious?”
“i’m sorry,” and you meant it.
erwin took a deep breath, using a few minutes to talk some sense into himself. breaks in relationships were deadly— not knowing when or how it’ll come back to life after one lets go; unsure if it can still be mended. it’ll snap relationships in half, but he trusts you enough that you’ll come back.
“okay, we can do that,” he whispered, stretching his hand, as he gripped the fork again. erwin has believe it’s going to get better.
“okay?” you whispered back, lips quivering and you have no idea why you were crying. it felt too easy, but you grabbed on to that. it already feels lighter now that you’ve said it.
“it’s only a break,” erwin repeated, staring at you. he began to eat his food, never meeting your eyes again for the rest of the dinner turned the opposite way around.
it was two years of spending birthdays, christmases, new years, together. two years of absolute bliss, always waiting to go home to each other, ready to be held in each others arms. two years of hiding each other’s gifts— receiving and giving them. two years of giving each other candies that they like, leaving cups of tea or coffee by their work tables, or leaving warm towels on the sink when it has gotten colder. the most mundane things and you’ve missed it so much that it has left you daydreaming of it all.
the ceiling has already started to mock you, watching your impassive face tear up at the scenarios playing in your head, as you wished to take it all back. the tears fell to your ears as you laid on the bed, thinking of him.
erwin did the same thing. but he’s already on the verge of giving up.
after that dinner, erwin parted ways with you, his feet dragging in your apartment as he insisted to get his things he left around. he found himself walking into your bedroom, opening your closets where his spare jeans and shirts were when he would spent the nights with you. he looked around, thinking of what more could he get rid off.
you followed him around like a lost puppy, thumbs fiddling with each other, mouth shut as your mind rambled: 'no, leave your shirt,' 'leave your toothbrush,' 'don't get your house slippers,' while you could only watch him. your heart crushing at the sight of him. your eyes followed his every movement, watching him turn in your bedroom, and he made his way towards your bedside table. it was messy, full of his pens and books he would leave, and there sits a small frame with a drunken polaroid; both of your cheeks flushed, eyes wide, and teeth showing as both of you smiled, his hand flushed against your shoulder to pull you any closer when he took that picture.
"no!" you called out, walking past him to take back the polaroid from his hand. you looked up at erwin, and it was then you realized he was crying. tears fell on his cheeks slowly, dropping into your hand as you pried his hand off of your favorite memory. "i want to keep it."
"it's only a break," you sighed, meeting him back to the living room as he clutched his things in his arms.
he nodded again, mustering up a smile one last time until he stood up in front of you. he bent down slightly, his hand cupping the back of your head as he placed a kiss on the crown of your head. he didn't want to let go. not like this, and he blames himself for actually letting go. erwin finally made his way towards your door, hand hovering as he took took a deep breath, opening it... and hoping it won't be the last time he closes it. he found a home in you, and he could only watch as it crumbled as he walked further and further away.
that break turned into days, and weeks, and months, closing in on a year— and he could only accept reality that there is no getting back together, the you and him... gone.
"stop looking at your phone." mike looked over at erwin as he spun in his office chair, using his feet to move over to his friend. mike took the phone in erwin's hand, shaking it in the air as he shook his head.
"she's not going to text you," mike muttered, patting hard erwin's shoulder as erwin only pierced daggers onto his friend's stupid face. "it's been a year, move on."
erwin only rolled his eyes, grabbing the phone as he tucked it in his pants, pushing mike away, "i have moved on."
mike pushed his chair, tapping on their other friend's chair, as he spun around to nudge their shoulder. "he said he's moved on."
"oh, erwin," hange sighed, spinning around in her chair as she shook her head in pity, "you haven't. she hasn't, too."
"enough," erwin turned around, grabbing a pen to twirl it around in his fingers. he listened to his friends behind him mumble about his wretched relationship, lazily looking at the screen as his work blinked in red for all the deadlines he has to meet. his eyes read the words with a low sigh, fingers still twirling the pen, but he placed it down right after while he read his computer screen— his hand finding for the gadget in his pocket like second nature. he flicked his eyes down, looking at the time, and for his notifications. no texts.
ever since that anniversary dinner, he used to still text you. it was the usual 'good morning's,' and 'don't forget to eat,' wherein you would still reply to him with the same things. but, those messages stopped; and he has already lost hope.
"there goes the phone again," mike muttered, typing away on his own as he glanced at his computer screen, "just wait until you see her during lunch."
"you ready?" levi tapped his phone on your shoulder, nibbling on his lip as he waited for you to get your purse. he wouldn't miss a day without commenting on that small polaroid photo you placed against your small penholder, that it has become his habit. levi opened his mouth, but he only got pushed in the process as he clutched his phone tighter, watching you stand up.
"don't say it," you muttered, fixing the photo as it moved in the process of you standing up. you looked at it for a second, before looking back at levi as he shrugged at you. "do we really have to spend lunch with... them?"
"who?" levi asked, as he matched your steps, joining the rest of your co-workers on the line for the elevator. "hange, mike, and your ex-boyfriend that you dumped? yes, of course."
"you're an asshole, sometimes, levi," you murmured, waiting for the elevator to arrive. he rolled his eyes in return, used to your comment. "why do we even have to?"
"you can go or not," levi pointed out, busy with waiting for the elevator. "it's not like you don't have a choice."
that shut you up. you still haven't got the slightest clue as to why you are really joining them for lunch. you do have the choice, you're just not choosing wisely because deep down you wanted to see him. it was weird at first, especially during the first week. it just dawned on you that you broke up with him, and yet you're standing just right in front of the table, locking eyes at him, wondering: 'what are you doing here?' then you realized. this was always how your lunches ended up. it also didn't help that he works at the same building as him, considering this is where you met him. so it shouldn't surprise you that good, whenever you see him around. but what surprises you the most, is that you always longed for the lunches, the glances over the food, the simple gestures of passing food to each other, making sure you have enough water, or to even point out a spot on your lips that you have missed. the most mundane things that you tried to dampen whatever you were feeling, because you know there could never be what the two year relationship was.
"hey," levi called out, entering the elevator as you stood there dumbfounded. "you coming or not?"
"it won't be that bad," levi commented.
"still," you breathed deeply, crossing your arms as you dreaded for the elevator to reach the lobby. "the date's coming up, you know."
"does it count as could've-been-third-anniversary or first-year-breakup?"
"god," you cursed, stepping out of the elevator as he follows, "fuck you, levi."
both of you waited by the entrance watching the people walk by with their own lunches as they made fare on the streets in a hurry. you didn't even need to turn around to know the trio were down already because hange already tugged you outside with her hand, holding it dear as the men were all left behind to follow.
"so, where should we eat?" hange asked, glancing at you as she guided the group towards her favorite restaurant.
"seems like i already know where," you smiled, following hange's footsteps at every turn to get there.
hange only hummed in response, leaning in closer as she surveyed the solemn look on your face with sad eyes. you only rolled your eyes at her, pulling away when she held on tighter, nudging her chin towards the men behind who was busy talking. "what about the date?"
"if i hear the word date one more time, i will not hesitate to push you over that garbage can," you whispered in her ear, smiling as hange only laughed loudly, finally entering the restaurant.
the restaurant was exactly how you would imagine it. bustling during lunch hour, quick waiters writing down the table's orders, the amount of people just surging to get their take-outs and to sit on a booth. thankfully, hange was the 'usual' customer so she can easily slither the whole group into a table.
mike only raised his brow when you and erwin took the furthest seats from each other, not even having the decency to hide the smile on his face. he huffed a little when levi and hange moved too quick to grab the other seats, having the last two seats as across from each other. you took the seat with a smile, dragging it as hange talked to the waitress for the orders that she memorized for everybody. hange sat on the head of the table immediately pulling out papers that she handed everybody in a squeal. then, she turned serious as she presented the paper.
"an itinerary," she unfolded the papers, using the clipped pen on her blouse as she discussed it over the loud music. she read the paper while your eyes almost bulged out of your face, memories flushing right at your mind. "for next week."
"nice," mike remarked, quickly reading it over with his own eyes.
it's the seven hour drive towards the beach. it was planned almost a year ago before that fucked dinner, somewhat a gift for all the hard work all of you are putting out. and you completely forgot about it. you knew this thing like the back of your hand, and you wanted to be out because everything you had planned involved erwin. down to all the couply-beach outfits that both of you had sworn to not do, but for shits and giggles, both of you agreed to do so.
"i... i..." you stuttered, holding out the paper as you racked a story to get out and everybody looked at you, even erwin, and that made you more nervous. "i have to check my schedule, i'm busy with work."
"no," levi mused, reading his paper, "boss accepted our week leave, or did you forget?"
the beach is over seven hours away in a quaint town picked by you and erwin. the restaurants were picked by hange and moblit, the hotel picked by levi, and the other activities were picked by nanaba and mike. a group outing, and you wanted out. this is pure cowardice on display because you have no idea on how to spent a whole week away from your comfort zone, and near erwin. you aren't ready for being near him for what you have done, and suddenly guilt comes crawling up your body, almost eating you alive.
"i have to check mine, too," erwin added, tucking the paper underneath his plate. his eyes wondered around the table, and eventually glanced at you while you were thankfully busy skimming it again. "you never know what's going to happen."
“yes,” you agreed, “i have unfinished work and drafts that i need to do over the week. so. i really have to check my schedule.”
“i’m betting on her to drop out of first,” mike winked at you.
“i’m on erwin,” levi shook hands with mike while hange only smirked.
“it’s like the battle of who gets to avoid each other the best,” hange commented, turning to levi and mike while they all laughed. “but we still like each other, blah, blah. yeah, okay.”
meanwhile, erwin and you were glued to your seats, mouths wide open, as they clearly read what was happening.
"still, what a lame excuse," hange muttered, clasping her hands on the table as the food finally arrived. everybody digged in, handing plates around to get fair shares of everything. levi handed his plate to hange to mike to erwin to you.
it was that sudden touch— sparks, where erwin’s fingers brushed yours when he handed you his plate, and it felt like the whole world stopped by that shared look. erwin only cleared his throat, avoiding your eyes as you hung your head low, turning to levi, a second after that felt like eternity. still, lunch went on as usual— as best as the two of you could avoid each other.
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wickedsingularity · 4 years
Avalanche [one-shot]
Fandom: MCU Pairings/characters: Bucky Barnes x reader (but not really), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, mention of Wanda Maximoff Words: 3757 Warnings: Lime, repressed emotions, accidental exhibitionism
Note: Something @iguess-theyre-mymess​ gave me an idea for when I was doing NaNoWriMo last year, but that whole thing went to hell. There something not right here, with the characterizations. We've discussed it, but then I forgot all about it, and now I'm just... fuck it. There's some smut here, people will ignore characterization as long as there's smut. Sue me.
Summary: She wasn't supposed to be on this mission with Bucky, but plans had changed, then plans had gone wrong and now they had missed their flight window. Sexual tension rise to the surface while they wait in the safe house, and when an avalanche makes them stuck, repressed feelings rise up too.
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It wasn't clear what was louder, the roaring wind outside or the heaving breaths of the two bodies that had just pulled apart with a groan and laid next to each other. Neither of the two noticed the wind however, completely lost in the bliss as they were.
"That was..." she started. It had been good. Very, very good. But not a chance in hell she was going to say those words. She did not want to give him the satisfaction, not after the way he behaved during this mission.
"Yeah." Bucky concurred.
They lay in awkward silence for a couple of minutes to catch their breaths, until she rolled to her side, her back to him. "Well, goodnight."
Bucky made a sound of annoyance, and swiftly turned his back to her too and pounded his fist into his pillow unnecessarily hard to fluff it up. Despite the vibe of annoyance that hung in the sex-smelling air, both fell asleep within minutes.
After finishing a mission deep in Lapland, the two of them had been forced to take refuge in a safe house to rest up. Steve was supposed to have gone with Bucky, but something had come up and she had had to replace the captain. To say she was unhappy about it was an understatement, especially because she was supposed to have gone on a simple recon mission to the much warmer and prettier Puerto Rico, but that mission had gone to Wanda instead. So now she had spent two days in the coldest, snowiest place on Earth with a Bucky Barnes that had been more pig-headed than usual.
The moment they had closed the door to the cabin behind them, they had been at each other's throats. He had insisted that the plan wouldn't work and they should take a different approach and she had claimed that his suggestion would take too long and be too big of a risk. He had made the final decision without her and while it turned out that it had been the only way to make the mission a success, it had taken a lot longer and been a hell of a lot riskier, almost too risky. Which is why they had had to wander for far too long in the cold snow to find this safe house because they had missed their flight window, and now had to spend the night there to rest up before heading back out to do the cleanup and fly back. The screaming in each other's face what the other did wrong only served to have the sexual tension that had been building between them for months snap and break.
Clothes were scattered all around leading to the bed, a lamp and side table had been knocked over, a painting had fallen off the wall, and there was a dent in the headboard from Bucky's metal arm.
Silence filled the house as they slept, their shouting and moans and groans replaced with deep, calm breathing. Outside, the wind was gathering strength, snowflakes frantically dancing in the porchlight. When they fell asleep, the snow was halfway up under the windows, and by dawn it had reached the window sill, the wind packing it tight against the house.
It was still fairly early in the morning when rumbling sounded in the distance. An ominous rumble that quickly grew louder and louder. Bucky was the first to wake from it. He was only disoriented for two seconds before he cursed and leapt off the bed and over to the window. This woke her up and she too scrambled towards the window as the rumbling was almost deafening. Her first thought upon seeing all the snow was that she would crawl her way out of the cabin even if she froze her hands off rather than stay here with that pig-headed super-soldier. But then the roof creaked and the rumbling was right upon them, both looking up and almost shielding themselves as if the roof was about to cave in. And then everything was dark as the moonlight disappeared and the power went, taking with it the light in the bathroom. There was complete silence.
"Well shit," Bucky said, quite fittingly.
She looked over at him and not having had much light to desensitize her eyes, she saw that he was very much naked still, as was she. She was over by the bed in one leap and grabbed the sheets to wrap around herself, leaving Bucky with only a pillow to hide his front.
"I am going to go in there," she nodded her head towards the bathroom, "and by the time I'm out, you better be decent and have found something to light up this place so we can see what we're doing when we try to get someone to help us out of here."
Bucky didn't dare to do anything but nod at her sharp voice and watch as she clumsily fished her phone out of a pocket on the suit on the floor and turned on its flashlight while holding onto the sheets at the same time. When she slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it, he tossed the pillow onto the bed and went to hunt down his own clothes and then see if there were any candles or flashlights lying around.
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A little while later, she appeared in the kitchen fully dressed with the top of her Kevlar suit hanging around her hips, black thermal undershirt untucked. Bucky was about to pour freshly brewed coffee into two mugs while wearing his headlamp, but the room was bathed in light and the items they had knocked over in their hurry to get naked the previous night had been put back into place.
"I found the backup generator," he explained, pushing one of the coffee mugs towards her on the counter and then turned off the headlamp and pulled it off. "Good morning."
It was properly morning now too, a sliver of sunlight snuck through the half an inch of the kitchen window that was not covered by snow.
"Good morning, Barnes." She grabbed the offered mug and sniffed it before taking a sip.
"I also found some jerky in the pantry." He pointed to an open bag on the counter. "Nothing fresh, but it's something."
"It will have to do." She reached into the bag and grabbed a few strips. "Have you tried to call Hill?"
"I have," Bucky said. "But the signal is too low to get a call through. I have tried throughout the entire cabin except in the bathroom."
"Satphone?" she asked above the rim of the steaming mug.
"Battery is dead. I was going to fix the charger after I had made coffee."
"The charger isn't working? And why is the battery dead? I thought you charged it yesterday."
"I did charge it yesterday. But there is something wrong with the charger, and it didn't reach a hundred percent and has drained quickly in the cold."
"Okay, you fix that, and I'll try to get through on my phone."
Bucky gave her a look that told her he wasn't surprised that she had to double-check the phone reception before he grabbed his coffee and a handful of jerky and sat down on the couch by the small coffee table. She watched him rummage through the bag next to him, pulling out the satphone's charger and started to wiggle the cord where it was connected to the adapter.
She shook her head in exasperation as she reached for the phone in her back pocket, but stopped, one hand resting on the coffee mug on the counter, the other holding her phone, not able to look away from the super-soldier working. Despite how much she disagreed with his plan the other day and the words she had shouted at him the previous night, despite her need to double-check his findings this morning, even though he infuriated her, she did respect him. For what he'd gone through and how he'd moved on from it. For how he took advantage of what he had been through and used it today. For how smart and quick and capable he was and how he clearly knew how to fix a satphone charger. Still, he was too handsome for his own good and so goddamn good in bed she could still feel him between her legs, and she did not like that.
Glaring at the back of his head, she unlocked her phone. There was indeed no reception, so she grabbed one piece of jerky to chew on while she walked around trying to fill some bars in the top corner icon.
It didn't take her long to have reached every corner of the cabin without having found any signal. She had even tried opening the front door. Thankfully, or maybe not, the snow was packed so hard it didn't fall in on her, but it did nothing to help her phone connect to a cell tower.
"I think the snowstorm might have taken out the nearest towers," she said and slammed the door shut.
"Doesn't matter, because I've got the satphone charging," Bucky said distractedly. "It's searching for a satellite right now."
"Oh good." She walked over and looked down over the back of the couch to the phone in his hands. "We need someone to dig us out, or heaven knows how long we'll be stuck in here."
"Aaaand there's our GPS position, and I'm sending it to F.R.I.D.A.Y. and..." He was typing something real fast, and again she was impressed with his way around modern technology with the speed he was typing. "And she's sending someone to get us out right now. I said it was urgent."
"Now we wait."
An awkward silence filled the cabin. The prospect of waiting for possibly hours, had the tension growing. It wasn't exactly a vacation cabin, there was no TV, no books, no games, nothing to pass the time. And since there was no cell reception, there was no streaming or even reading the news either.
She went back to the counter to finish off her coffee, thankful for that keeping her busy for a while, it was still hot enough she could only sip at it. Then she decided to head back into the bedroom to disassemble and reassemble her weapons. But before she got halfway across the floor, Bucky apparently couldn't take the silence anymore.
"About last night," he started.
She stopped short and pulled a face. "Please don't, Barnes."
"Please don't what?"
"Just... Don't."
He stood up and faced her, but she didn't look at him. "Want me to pretend it didn't happen?"
She crossed her arms across her chest defensively and opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't make herself say yes.
"Despite what my behaviour last night says about me, I don't just sleep around for the fun of it. I don't just... Not without... It's been just..." Bucky seemed to be struggling to find the words now. She glanced over at him and saw that he was blushing furiously before sitting down again.
"I don't think that," she found herself reassuring him.
"Good. Because I don't."
Silence filled the cabin again, and she was suddenly hearing the words Bucky hadn't said. She uncrossed her arms and rested her hands on her weapons belt. "I don't either."
Bucky turned around and met her eyes. They stared at each other for what felt like ages, almost daring the other to actually say out loud the words they both realised was true.
"Doll..." Bucky stood up and she took a step backwards, shaking her head slightly. Hurt flashed across his face. "Are you afraid of me? Did I do something wrong? Is that why you're always so angry when I'm around?" She shook her head again and Bucky took a step towards her. She didn't back up this time.
"I'm... I don't know." She screwed her eyes shut, crossing her arms again. From the moment Steve introduced him to the team she had been attracted to him, he had that tall, dark, handsome going for him. But there had been something in his eyes that drew her in more than anything. A flash of softness or kindness or... something, every now and then. Such a contrast to the strength and fearlessness and deadliness he showed when he sparred with Steve or was on a mission. He'd been through so much, but instead of letting it destroy him, he used everything that had made him a deadly assassin and turned it into this force of good.
"Doll... I didn't know?"
She snapped her eyes open, confusion written all over her face. The softness was back in his eyes and she cocked her head, looking at him. "What?"
"I didn't know you felt that way about me."
"I said that out loud?"
"You did... But why..." He took another step closer.
Embarrassment burned her skin, but there was no taking it back. Might as well dive into it. "Why have I behaved like I feel the opposite?"
Bucky nodded.
"Good question." She paused for a moment, chewed the inside of her lip, looking him straight in the eye. "I wasn't planning on falling for anyone. Didn't want to. At least not someone I work so closely with. It's a recipe for disaster in our line of work. And I knew from the start that I would fall for you, you ticked every box. So, I tried hard not to." She sighed. "I failed."
"You've fallen for me?"
She shrugged, but nodded and bit her lip again. "I failed at not falling for you and in my attempt to stay professional and keep my distance, I made you think I hated you."
"I never thought you hated me," Bucky said hurriedly, shaking his head. "Disliked, yes. Hated, no. But I haven't exactly been on my best behaviour either."
"What do you mean?"
"I have a lot of luggage. Most people don't exactly see past my... well, past. But Steve did without question. And then Sam followed. And then everyone else. But it seemed like you didn't. So I closed myself down with you. I think maybe I was a little scared of the same things as you." Bucky took a step closer and if he reached out, he could touch her now. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too."
For a moment, they stared at each other, the air between them thick with emotion. And then, at the same time, they closed the distance. Arms went around the other, lips crashed, bodies pressed against each other. It was just as explosive as the night before, if not more. There was nothing in them holding back anymore. Last night had been almost business-like, just a reaction to different opinions and days and days of hard work and ages of repressed emotions reaching the end of the tether.
She ran her hands through Bucky's hair, revelling in the moan he made as her nails scraped lightly at his scalp. He needed to wash his hair, but she didn't care. She was no better, and he obviously didn't mind days of mission sticking to her skin as he kissed a trail down her chin to her neck. She threw her head back, giving him access and he tasted every inch of skin not covered by her thermal shirt. He kept tugging it down.
"Don't tear it," she said breathlessly, tugging lightly at his hair to warn him.
"Then get it off," he murmured against her skin.
Very reluctantly, she disentangled herself from him, already missing the warmth he radiated and the feel of him against her. Not helped by the whine he made from the loss of her in his arms and his almost stumble after her. She reached down and swiftly pulled the shirt off her head, dropping it to the floor. She took a few steps backwards, towards the bedroom, and nodded towards him. Bucky caught her meaning and tore off his own shirt.
Slowly moving towards and into the bedroom, clothes were shed, leaving a trail, but no furniture was destroyed this time. She had only her sensible black mission bra and underwear left when Bucky slowed down and stared as if hypnotized as she unclasped the bra behind her, let the straps fall from her shoulders, her arms keeping it in place. Then, it fell to the ground. Sure, he had seen her naked the previous night, but Bucky hadn't allowed himself to look then. He did now, etching every curve and line and scar and freckle into memory as he walked slowly towards her.
She tried to not feel self-conscious and managed for a few seconds, but then she felt heat bloom inside her and she looked down at her feet, arms folding across her chest. The way he was behaving and the way he was looking at her was so different from what she was used to, it was making all kinds of feelings bubble up inside her. Bucky shook his head and closed the distance.
She looked up at him.
"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" he said and weaved his fingers through her hair and ghosted his lips to hers before pulling back just enough to whisper against her lips. "I could stare at you forever, doll." Her arms immediately went up around his shoulders and she pressed her lips to his. He closed the space between them, let her feel how much he enjoyed the view of her. She moaned against him, pressing her hips against his and pulled him back towards the bed, teeth clashing, until she bumped her legs against the edge of it and lost her balance. Bucky tried to steady her with his arms around her waist, but she toppled backwards pulling him with her. He managed to brace himself so he didn't knock the wind out of her, and rolled to the side, chuckling.
"Sorry," she said.
But he just shook his head and went for her lips again. He just couldn't keep off her, now that he knew what kissing her properly was like, knew that she felt for him the same way he felt for her. Knew that both their hostility had been just a protective wall they had put up.
In a tangle of arms and legs, they scrambled up the bed. Bucky hovered above her, kissing down her neck, until she spread her legs, laid them around his waist and pulled him down. She gasped at just how hard he was already and how warm everything suddenly became, and began grinding against him. Bucky faltered a little, closing his eyes. Even if it had been less than twenty-four hours since they'd had sex, it didn't feel the same at all. He was sure he was going to come in seconds if she didn't stop already, and no matter how good that would feel right now, he did not want that embarrassment hanging over his head.
"You gotta stop doing that, sweetheart," he whispered against her shoulder. She halted immediately, pulling away slightly, but before she could even ask, he raised his head to look down at her. "You're going to make me come."
Heat flashed across her face, but she pushed her hips up, moving slowly against him. "Get my less than sexy practical underwear off then, so we can do it right."
Bucky's eyes flashed with hunger as he nearly ripped it off and made quick work of his own. "I'll do you right."
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Steve and Natasha sat warm and snug in the Quinjet, surveying the very white landscape. A few pine trees were the only colour breaking up the blinding white. That and the suit they had borrowed from Tony to melt the snow around the cabin their friends were stuck in.
"I'm so glad we don't have to dig them out," Natasha commented.
"Yeah," Steve agreed. "It has been a real big avalanche."
"We would have been shovelling for days..."
The repulsors were doing a quick job of it, melting everything to water and then steam. They didn't want to flood the cabin. It almost looked like the cabin was on fire.
But a few minutes later, the suit lowered its arms and turned around to face the Quinjet, awaiting orders.
Steve pressed his earpiece. "You can come back in, thank you."
"I'll never get over how you speak to them like they're sentient." Natasha grinned at him, before hitting the button to open the hatch and let the suit in.
"They're just a brain cell away, and they do behave eerily lifelike." He stood up and pulled on a pair of gloves and donned the shield.
"What do you need that for?"
"I'm surprised they're not out already. They must have noticed the snow melting away. So... Just in case."
She considered him and then activated her Bites.
They jumped out of the Quinjet and approached the cabin a bit cautiously and then stopped by the front door. Steve cocked his head to try to listen.
"It's quiet inside."
"I'd expect them to be at each other's throats by now, having been cooped up together for so long." Natasha got the door unlocked and glanced at Steve. He grabbed the shield and held it in front of him, then nodded. Natasha wrenched the door open and Steve jumped in front and took one large step over the threshold, taking in the room.
Nothing. No one.
He stepped further in, Natasha following. "Where the hell are they?"
They both surveyed the room, taking in every detail. A strange noise came from behind the only other door in the cabin and Natasha nodded towards it. Again, Steve held the shield up and Natasha wrenched the door open. Steve then jumped into the opening, stood frozen for one single second, shouted "MY EYES" and scrambled away with his eyes screwed shut.
"What the hell?" someone said from inside.
Natasha poked her head past the door and looked inside, and what she saw made a huge grin spread across her lips.
On the bed, were two obviously naked people who had just scrambled apart, Bucky frantically trying to pull a blanket up to cover them. Skin glistening, bushy hair, puffy lips, there was no doubt to what Natasha and Steve had just interrupted.
"Guess it wasn't such a hurry after all," Natasha said, trying hard not to laugh. "Get dressed." And she closed the door, laughing.
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AIGHT SO I’m like super high on caffeine and chocolate rn so I mighty write a lil Christmas one shot (it’s still December let me be pft)
But first a lil song I found a few days ago and has been stuck in my head ñon stop!
It’s from a musical called 35MM, they make up songs and stories from photos this one guy took, they’re amazing!
The song of called “Leave Luannne”
Warnings! There are mentions of abuse, r*pe, and such! So if you feel uncomfortable by that please don’t read this!
Now on to the song;:
Luanne's fat lip is drying, The bastard's bacon frying, The shiner on her eye's gone bust and bleeding. He shouts, "Girl, set the table!" But he knows she ain't able. Her arm's done broke, Hung limp like yolk,
AHHH we get the picture pretty clear from the beginning. i can always imagine Luanne on the floor, all bruised up and close to tears....
And softly she's repeating...
"Leave, Luanne. Why don't you march out that door? Southern woman, he ain't no good to you. Leave, Luanne. Louisiana wants war, But it's you dying on her ruby plains."
And yet, loyal Luanne remains. Ever since he got him laid off, His sanity's just made off. No, he was never nice, but now he's cruel.
So first, ahhhhfhrjehrn THE VIOLINS ARE AMAZING AND THE VOCALS TOO also we can see why Luanne doesnt leave the dude. I can see her internal debate, telling herself to leave but not being able to.
He rapes her, and he beats her, She don't 'fess how he treats her, 'Cause a Bible verse Says it won't get worse, And she won't be a fool. "You won't never leave, Luanne,
And then theres this part about the bible, i dont exactly know what verse theyre talking about, but we see that Luanne is super religious, which makes her internal debate even harder. Should she leave or stay? She has been taught probably her whole life with that idea, and probably doesnt want to end up in hell due to her beliefs and what she’s been told.
'Cause if you walk out that door His truck will be gunning for you.
No, you won't leave, Luanne, Or he'll give you 'What for?' You got heart where you should have had brains."
This part always makes me sad bc Luanne may still love that asshole, which sucks, but she still does and is pretty loyal to him makes it even harder for her to make a decision too
And so, loyal Luanne remains. Someone's howling, Screams like sighing with battered breath Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. But months of such conditions Turn laymen to logicians And tonight the bastard's sleeping like a log. So she plucks the kitchen cleaver,
Creeps up toward his roped-up lab retriever,
AND THE VIOLINS MAKE THE TENSION AMAZING. It makes you so nervous about whats going to happen. You can imagine Luanne finally making a decision, tired of everything. Its dark at night and she slowly makes her way to the kitchen, trying so quietly to not wake him up.
And she cuts the rope, And hope on hope, She starts to shout, "Your dog's got out!" She's got her chance. With no back glance She runs out to the bog, Screaming, screaming: "Leave, Luanne!" "Leave, Luanne. You've got a life left to live In a house hanging off the Golden Coast! Leave, Luanne. You won't forget nor forgive, " And she don't feel the stings, the rips, and scrapes As finally Luanne escapes.
And the way you can FEEL the tension, the way you can see her running and your heart starts speeding up, wishing she can escape, that she can lead a better and happier life, shes doing her best, not feeling the pain. You can tell how desperate she is. You can see her running through the woods, leaves and branches getting tangled in her hair, sometimes cutting her, but she still keeps going due through sheer determination, ignoring how her feet hurt and how much shes running out of breath. All the way through shes making a promise to herself, that she will NEVER let go what the asshole did to her.
Swim, Luanne! Swim, Luanne! And in the swamp of beeches, Oh, as the preacher preaches, As the light In the night Holds through the marsh and brushes As the blood inside you rushes Left and right, Hold on tight—
And then you can feel the hope, the relief that she has managed to get out, the violins making a sort of country dancey song (?) pft and youre like YAS GIRL RUN AND LIVDE YOUR LIFE its amazing, its so happy from the depressing music we heard before, Luanne gets out of the place, some people help her, she becomes happy again, meeting people and dancing all night at parties, maybe she even finds someone new and starts dating them, having a new life with someone who loves her....but then....
—Until you reach the bank And you crawl onto the bank, 'Til you feel a little yank on your hair And, stricken, stare at the bastard Who beat you there.
the guy just yanks her hair and gives her a horrible smirk, and Luanna can only look in horror, her heart breaking and all her dreams vanishing as she realizes that she...she didnt make it.
The bastard lies in bed now, Half-sad his wife is dead now. She drowned herself in a swamp in wild despair.
I actually want to know wether if he killed her, or if she killed herself. To make it more angsty i like to think she actually drowned herlsef, because its so heartbreaking to see how her hopes die and she just...gives up. Gosh its so friggen, ahhhh. Once Luanne sees the guy she shrieks and tries to pull away, falling backwards. Either the bastard hit her, or something but she ends up  being paralyzed and unable to move. She reacts desperatly but the bastard refuses to help, and then she slowly gives up, letting the water fill her lungs, and slowly closing her eyes and accepting her faith.
He thinks he used to love her, But push it came to shove her, A wife disposed, A wife case closed, And no one seems to care,
And the violins are amazing. He doesnt care. No one knows shes dead. Luanne is left without no one there to remember her, to grieve her. Its just....so heartbreaking.
To grieve Luanne. Now no one's on his shoulder, But his mattress don't feel colder,
And in fact, it's hellish hot, and the air is dank and steaming. Yet his body starts to shiver When the window cracks a sliver And a fiery fog From the miry bog Pours in the room In a sticky gloom And there the man Sees dead Luanne.
Luanne makes her way to the house, fulfilling her promise of getting her revenge, of not forgiving the asshole for everything he did. And then, when she gets there, dripping, the bastard only stares.
He's terrified, But he keeps his pride, 'Cause he knows that he ain't dreaming. And he starts screaming, "Leave, Luanne. Hell sent you back here for more, 'Cause ain't no one ever loved you."
THIS, THISSSSS. ITS BY FAR MY FAVORITE PART. When hes the one telling her to leave, when its HIM. Just- the nerve of this man. And i know i keep saying this byt LISTEN TO THE VIOLINS. They are perfect, the tension, the way they just- the way they make you feel, the way they always give you shivers and make you go oh fuck shits about to go down.
He is just cockily smirking trying to act as if hes not afraid. And then he has the audacity to tell her to LEAVE. The thing shes been trying to do for so long, but now...its too late. Her eyes widen in rage and she stands straight, lifting her chin and glaring at him.
But said Luanne, "I've come to settle a score, " And she shows him her feet are bound in chains.
Shes stuck there. But this time, the roles are reversed. This time Luanne will be the one feared. She will now hold the power.
And loyal Luanne remains And remains And remains And remains!
I like to think that shes also got it stuck in her head that she cant leave, and shes now torturing the bastard by STAYING, the way it just changes fro, what it was at the beginning, HOLY SHIT AHH. And as the remains get louder she gets angrier and the room start getting hotter and hotter, and Luanne just smiles and you see the bastard cowering more and more in fear.
Someone's howling, Screams like sighing With battered breath. Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. Luanne, She cries her miserable wail So the bastards will never sleep again!
And she is CRYING. Tears make their way down her face, crying and asking how dare he, why would he, all she wanted was to be happy.
No, no reprieve, Luanne, She brings their souls down to hell, A caution to the cruelest of men: God loves Luanne! Praised be! Amen!
The ending is so good, she gets her revenge, makes the guy regret what shes done. i always imagine the whole place setting in fire and Luanne getting angrier and angrier, thr bastard finally realizing what the hell hes actually done. This is amazing, i love this song so much. Not only the story but also the way you can imagine and feel everything. this song is so freaking good istg
Theyre in HELL. She used to be so religious, and thats the fate she didnt want. She never wanted to be in hell, yet there she is, getting her revenge. I dont know if God went like aight here ya go gurl, get your revenge, or smth like DAMN, so good.
In conclusion, amazing song, so good, i swearrr. This musical is amazing, they have other amazing songs like Sarah Berry, or Piece of Me.
Some of them range from being depressing, to adorable, to HILAROUS like Caralee lmfao that one is amazing lol
I really hope yall take a listen hehe, im sorry for rambling so much, im just trying to keep myself distracted from everything going on at home and with my dog. Hope yall have a good day and ill write more things, I promise!
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