#but that mentality of discoursing until the other supposedly admits defeat or blocks the other is imo imported from Twitter
randomnameless · 2 years
This is just an appreciation ask but thank you for discussing literally anything about the game's past/world and actually discussing the politics, because so many in the base don't care and it pains me soooooo much, even my sister doesn't give a shit about the Nabataens and Agarthans and takes everything the game says at face value no matter how poorly written. It's really fun to look through your blog and actually see a community of folks in the fanbase tackle what I've been thinking about and thought I was alone on LOL
Oh thank you!
I know it's not really something appealing for a lot of people about the game, hell the game doesn't even care about it either but, haha, I do.
That's why I really like Tumblr, you can find communities for whatever you want and they're public, so if you want to gush about "the importance of golden trinkets in Nabatean culture" you can interact with some loser who wrote a post about it, and you can gush about it together without having someone passing by and hurling insults at you because Rhea BaD
(or at least it used to be that way and still is, in majority)
And if you can't find any, then write your own posts and since they're on a public board, maybe someone, 2 years later or so, will come and tell you it's interesting (or not) !
As for FE16 in particular, I really found it lunar how, in August 2019 the fandom's voice was kind of unified around something, and I felt like I was the only person who had a dissenting opinion - I posted a bit about it, later found out I wasn't the only one and then I shitposted and made memes.
Nerding about proto-Adrestia is just me nerding and honeypotting about stuff based on clothes, Enbarr's coliseum and Adrestia's History of being an Empire that fell from grace and tries to MAGA - but I confess, it was also to poke fun at some seriously, uh, misguided or misinformed takes that pretend to be very serious (tm) and refer to real life history... when the author either doesn't know a thing about what they're talking about, or has an extremely biased POV that was already debunked 500 years ago.
From memory, I can remember the WTF that was the "Agarthans were like the Greeks because greek names and Nabateans stole everything from them like Romans did" when Agarthans got their tech because Sothis gave them said tech, and if someone has the Roman imagery it's definitely not the Nabateans living in a desert among themselves in kind of Shangri-La imagery, but the randoms who had a coliseum in their capital -
"Let them eat brioche", a very serious person really using slander thrown at Marie-Antoinette to support a theory claiming Nabateans don't care about humans - even if this quote was posthumously attributed to MA and there was a, let's say, huge xenophobic context back at that time which MA was hit with -
"Fodlan is set in the 12th Century trust me I have a degree" nonsense that makes me craugh, because it is historically so wrong (laugh) and I really worry about the state of education worldwide (cry) -
And the biggest winner of them all, trampling over the competition "The Church of Seiros is just like the Catholic Church, just don't talk to me about transubstantiation, heresies, christology or tenants : their temples are called Churches and leaders are bishops and they have an army and influence over other countries just like the Pope was the ruler of Europe during the Middle Ages : Trust me I have a Degree v.2"
Like, I can't believe debunking this nonsense made me check Napoleon's wiki page, something I never did when I was in High School because I was busy reading Bleach during the "Napoleon and the First Empire" lectures lol
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