#but that is an unreasonable request if you don't like the manga lol
narumi-gens · 2 years
hi im back bein annoyin as per usual ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
unfortunate news mel; ive tried to read kn8 before and only got to chapter like 5 before giving up idk why i couldnt vibe w it when ive been reading shonen/seinin manga for years 😭 should i give it another try?
same goes for blue lock, i usually really like sports series but i couldnt get onboard w that one either i crie
minty, you're never annoying 💕💕 (esp when it's related to kn8, even when it's unfortunate news...)
...and that is unfortunate news. like dire news. I may be biased bc I love kn8 so much, but I would definitely say to give it another shot! I think at least get through the entrance exam chapters, which I think is probably around ch 10-12? I'm not sure how much you've seen of Kikoru but her and Kafka's relationship and dynamic is just so fucking amazing even in the earlier chapters, so that might also get you more into it.
also, the kn8 plot really goes in a direction I really wasn't expecting about 30-ish chapters in that had it feeling extra fresh. and that's around when the manga really starts to open up its world and introduce a bunch of great characters and shows more of defense force. (also the loml doesn't show up until I think ch 3...8? 39? so I personally would recommend getting to his introduction but that's also...pretty far for a manga you're not feeling lol)
I'm of two minds on the whole "not vibing with a manga":
1) unless a manga does something to immediately turn me off or I know immediately that I'm not gonna like it, I'm pretty generous and give it about 15-20 chs before calling it quits. sometimes it takes a little bit for some manga to get going or for me to really connect with it. that's kind of how I'm feeling with sakamoto days. like I wasn't really feeling it for the first like 10-15 chapters but I'm a little past that and am starting to vibe with it more.
2) while I'm pretty generous with how much leeway I give a manga to hook me in, I'm also very much of the "don't continue something that you're not into" school of thinking. if you have other things you want to read/watch/play/do/whatever then don't waste your time! I drop shows all the time if I'm not immediately into them lol
also, I thought blue lock was the art anime and then looked it up and saw that it's the soccer anime and I'm thinking of blue period lmao also the trailer for the anime looks stupid so I think you're in the right on that one (pls don't come for me blue lock fans 🙏🏽)
tldr pls read kn8 but don't feel bad if you can't get into it! I'll still love you anyways but here's a picture of the loml to maybe entice you...
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