#but thanks for the consideration
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lalalalalalakakakak · 1 month ago
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A wild majestic creature
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oscillatingdichotomy · 1 year ago
I’m not really on TikTok and don’t have OCD and I have these exact thoughts all the time
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contakaidigon · 11 months ago
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I sign it from Gorgug. I forget how to be myself all the time.
I love the resolution of this that we got because I love Gorgug but also consider: any of these kids talking to each other even a little bit about their problems.
There’s just something about that moment when you realise that the decisions you make due to your own self-confidence issues impact the people you care about. Realising when you forget to be yourself, your friends who love you miss out on you too. And maybe you could even try to give yourself a break, for them. Idk man this season is going crazy and all i can do is draw pictures about it
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demaparbat-hp · 9 months ago
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Oh, Aang, you're really in it now...
This is Zu—I mean, Jian Li and Katara's second meeting in the Kyoshi Warriors AU. The first proper one, anyway.
Once they get through a minor difference of opinion or two (“I can carry my own basket!” “Never said you—” “I'm not weak!” “I didn't—” “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean—” “Would you listen for once, woman?!” ) they'll become nearly inseparable.
For now Jian Li will carry Katara's basket all the way to the Kyoshi Warriors' dojo and, once there, they'll mercilessly tease Sokka when they see him in uniform.
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tinybunbunn · 2 months ago
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Everyone. Please consider:
That is all. Good day.
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spearxwind · 3 months ago
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Hello everyone! I am opening up for commissions for hopefully the next couple of months.
This time around I have crafted a google forms with all my offered options and all the pertinent info, so if you'd like a commission go fill this form out:
Form will remain open for a few days, or until I am at order capacity, and then will (hopefully) be reopened when I work through the current set. I will contact you when the form is closed!
Here are some examples of stuff I've done recently:
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As always, if you want more examples feel free to peruse my art tag/art blog, and/or my commisions tag. If you'd like something from me that is not an option in the form feel free to email me at [email protected] and we can discuss it.
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maximura · 11 months ago
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kivishipps · 3 months ago
x OC fics ≠ x reader fics
Okay guys, I’ve given the gentle reminder as many times as I can without seeming passive aggressive, as a result this is your not-so gentle reminder. Stop tagging your x OC works as x reader for the love of all that is divine. This isn’t a threat, it’s not some long article about how you’re a deadbeat or whatever; The simple fact of the matter is the tagging system was created to help readers find EXACTLY what they are looking for with [relative]ease, and that can’t be if YOU are making them sift through content that has fuck all to do with what they are looking for.
Now there are a couple of assumptions I’ve made seeing some of you guys’ posts. Most of them fall under the writer being insecure and thinking their work will not be seen if they don’t use the x reader tag and I am here to tell you that is simply untrue. I know plenty of people who actively seek out x OC works, and while I am not among them as being called by the name of someone I am obviously not in fiction breaks the immersion for me, this should NOT discourage you from being transparent in your posting.
“It’s called block and move on.” No, it’s called be a good human being and stop evading responsibility for a messy system that doesn’t HAVE to be messy, and thus is so only because you’re making it that way. You are not a singular. There are other people JUST like you doing the same thing further perpetuating the convoluted channels.
Overlooking how self serving it is, it’s also very inconsiderate concerning people that simply struggle to find stories in some already dead or dying fandom. You have no reason to tag it as an x reader unless it is, an x reader.
It’s obnoxious, and frankly, rude.
Again, I’ve given a couple of gentle reminders already but some of you are failing to respond so allow me to put it in words geared more for… I don’t know, hardier audiences I suppose. As always thank you for your time and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful rest of your day[genuine].
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livwritesstuff · 1 year ago
tw: somewhat flippant conversation about death
Steve returns from a long run one Saturday afternoon to a loud kind of pandemonium in the kitchen.
Hazel is crying, which in and of itself isn’t exactly odd, and Moe and Robbie seem to be trying to tandem-argue between themselves and soothe their younger sister.
Steve looks at Eddie for any kind of clarity. Unfortunately, Eddie seems just as baffled as Steve feels.
“What the hell is going on?” he finally asks.
“Well,” Robbie starts, “Hazel realized that she’s gonna be the last one of us to die.”
Sweet Jesus, Steve thought, because why don’t they get upset about normal shit like shoes or whatever?
“And she’s sad because she’ll go to all our funerals and none of us will be at hers,” Robbie finishes.
Yep, Steve hates that. He hates that so much.
“Hey, I had a solution,” Moe argues, “All three of us can just die at the same time. That’s fair, right?”
Hazel manages a nod.
“Nope,” Steve shook his head, “We’re not talking about this. Let’s move on please.”
For a few blissful moments, the kitchen is quiet aside from Hazel’s occasional sniffles.
When the silence stretches a little too long, Robbie opens her mouth.
“So which one of you is gonna die first and skip out on all the funerals?” she asks, because she’s an instigating monster just like Eddie.
“That’s so rude,” Moe comments as she slings an arm over Hazel’s shoulders and swipes at her tears with the pad of her thumb. She waits a beat and then she adds, “Bet it’ll be Dad.”
“Hey!” Ed protested, sounding like he was actually offended, “Why me?”
“Pop’s, like, way healthier than you.”
“Says who?”
“Says Pop goes on runs and you were all winded getting the mail.”
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thewalrusespublicist · 2 months ago
Hello! Love your blog and your takes, objective and sane and well researched chefs kiss! I had a blast scrolling through it like it was my feed yesterday lol can you elaborate on klaus and Paul if possible? People mostly talk about them like it’s already understood but I don’t understand 😭 I’m kinda lost on their (all of them, including stu) dynamic during the hamburg years specifically when it comes to Paul
Aww thank you anon! Tbh I was starting to feel a bit down about my blog and what I was putting out ( the eternal crisis on how to give full answers and opinions without being stupid, boring and annoying lol). So I really, really needed this. :)
Oh Paul vs/and the Exsis, it's quite a long one so buckle up.
Disclaimer: all of the people involved are essentially art kids/young adults who are famously the most exhausting people on the planet. Do not blame them for being dramatic, it's their natural state of being.
If we want to go into Paul and Klaus, we have to kind of start with the John, Paul and Stu. Now these three are a mess that's too big to go into here (though I have THOUGHTS about how Stu is utilised in the Beatles narrative that I'm more than happy to share if asked lmaooo). But in short(ish):
John and Paul had had an intense year and a bit of closeness. Then John meets Stu at art college.
John and Stu become c l o s e for many reasons (being peers, living together, similar artistic leanings + ego, Stu being a gentle guide to John, sharing art projects/poetry/long letters and feelings etc.) They became 'closer than two men' a friend had seen (remind us of anyone gang?). Most importantly, John could be open about his feelings with Stu in letters. If John had BPD which I subscribe too, I think Stu was his 'favourite person' and as Aunt Mimi said his 'special' and 'closest friend' from this period up until his death (though imho the transference back to Paul was starting prior to his death).
It's not clear what exactly happens as there's differing accounts but Stu uses his money to buy a new bass as John wants him to come to Scotland then Hamburg and play bass as he will 'look good'.
Paul doesen't like being relegated to the seat behind John and Stu when he used to sit next to John. He also isn't thrilled when he gets to Hamburg and not only does he get to sleep in the other room with just Pete but Stu cannot be arsed to play because he's hanging out with his hot new girlfriend Astrid (more on her in a sec). Our boy has spent a lot of money he doesen't have and given up on further education to be here and is jealous and annoyed.
Paul and Stu probably were friends and I think their mutual antipathy is overegged. HOWEVER, can't be denied that Paul is jealous of Stu and Stu is jealous of Paul (and getting flare-ups from increasing brain damage). John and Stu tease Paul and steal his money, Paul is mean to Stu (as are the others encouraged by John). Do I think John was playing games with both of them? Yup. They end up scuffling onstage because Paul said something about Astrid (not clear what, one account is that Paul said that Stu could borrow money off Astrid if he needed it which isn't really that bad a dig but who knows Yoko??).
Why is this dynamic important? Because it directly impacts the 'Exsis' (Klaus, Jurgen and Astrid's) group's relationship with Paul:
The Exsis were young artists living in Hamburg. They were artistic, cool, interesting and edgy. They were paramount in introducing the Beatles to cool new concepts, aesthetics and ideas. They also took themselves VERY seriously ie pretentious as all hell.
Astrid met Stu at Kaiserkeller and hit it off. They embarked on an all-consuming romance.
Letter from Stu to Astrid, c.1961
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I've seen people say they were the proto-John and Yoko in terms of making their romance the whole world and influencing John years down the line and I can see that. With Astrid and Stu it's far more endearing though because they ARE young and the right age to have a relationship like that. Stu is popular with the Exsis in general and brings them into the Beatles group.
The Exsis didn't like or trust Paul. Astrid said later it was because Paul was 'too nice' which she herself admits is a ridiculous reason. The others also thought he was a bit of a show-off. It makes sense though if you're cool and edgy and want to stick it to the world to be sus about a guy being friendly show-off with seemingly no inner world. The other problem was a perfectly reasonable one imo, you're not going to like your friends frenemy who you don't connect with. Compound that with Paul not taking drugs as much as George or John and being in the other room and you begin to have a division.
Paul had been popular his whole life, like from what we know since-primary-school-popular. He had never been in this position before, let alone in a foreign country. I believe it became a bit of a brutal feedback loop. Paul's response to this type of behaviour consistently it to go more surface level, snide and passive aggressive. The natural response of any group with a designated 'ugh' person is to become more shady and exclusionary. The cycle continues and gets worse. Stu letters back home at this time says that in a shocking turn of events Paul is hated by everyone but Stu 'just feels sorry for him' (lmao OF COURSE you do Stu, its giving 'loathing' from Wicked lol). Klaus drew a lot of artwork of the early Hamburg Beatles that includes this highly unpleasant picture of Paul in 1961 which I think says a lot:
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Klaus is also a musician and fancies himself a place on bass. When Stu leaves to pursue art, Klaus asks John if he could take over but John says that he thinks Paul is going to do it.
Klaus has later gone on to say that he thinks he was a better bass player for the Beatles' sound at the start and then Paul developed into being better for the group. It's one of those I cannot believe those words actually left your mouth and you are not deeply embarrased moments. But it's important to keep this desire and viewpoint in mind.
Klaus stays in touch with all of them and close to John and George, George especially. They visit Klaus on holiday in tenerife in early 60s and Klaus later draws the Revolver artwork.
This whole context of how they met and Hamburg is crucial and has to be taken into account when hearing Klaus' statements. Klaus and Paul started off with a lack of connection and with Paul on the outs, the Exsis got an incomplete view of Paul and an inaccurate snapshot of the Beatles dynamic overall. This is why when Klaus says 'Paul was always slightly apart from the others' and that 'divorce was inevitable' from early 60s we should remember that that is what Klaus is expecting to see as that's what he saw in Hamburg.
Klaus wanted to be the bass player (and was holding out hope to join a band with George and John in the 70s), was really close with George and suffers as many did with 'John Lennon aspiring boy bestie syndrome' (JABBS). Paul had what Klaus wanted and from the Hamburg experience, you could see why Klaus thought he might have an in and may have been jealous of this 'shallow' Paul of all people having the connection that he felt he should/could have with John and George. As with most sufferers of JABBS, he took John's side with everything, always refused to say any regrets about his involvement in How do you Sleep and thought Paul was fine with the song because 'he was even closer to John than [he] was. (Again Klaus to put yourself in that level of closeness with John that it's comparable to Paul is ???.) JABBS and its secondary condition PMIETGSH (Paul McCartney isn't even that good shut up) are virulent diseases that incapacitate sufferers objectivity and judgement, so it's fair to say that Klaus is a source you have to take with a pinch of salt on the early 70s period.
It seems that Klaus and Paul did get on a lot better the older they got (probably without the jealousy complication of George and John) and developed a sweet friendship. Here is Klaus' tribute to Paul for his 80th:
Here is the jam session he's talking about:
He now wants Paul to live in his house lmao so things have gotten warmer. But Klaus and Paul's dynamic is a great example of how and why natural bias, little jealousies and spats can consciously or subconsciously influence our internal narrative and why we need to be so careful about not taking one perspective as gospel.
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royalarchivist · 8 months ago
Richarlyson: You're skinny sir, are you eating well these days?
Pac: Not really. To tell you the truth, I've been eating... I stole, together with my son, we stole some cupcakes from the Federation. I ate some, but I know chocolate isn't the best thing to eat, right?
Richarlyson: 12 kilos D:
Pac: 12 kilos?!? No– what? My god. My god... Am I malnourished, Doctovo? Am I- Am I malnourished?
Richarlyson: You weigh less than a pitbull, sir.
Pac: Less than the singer? Damn... [Laughs]
Richarlyson: [Hits Pac]
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bobombun · 1 year ago
So I started playing Lotr Online, the MMO game of Lord of the Rings, and it's been fun so far. Started off as an elf, and was popped into the middle of a dramatic fight I had zero context for. Bad guy stabs me with an evil sword, and screen goes black. I wake up, and my buddies are happy to see me awake. Sorry everyone, didn't mean to scare you. Hey btw, Elrond, how long was I conked out for?
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Years? I was in pained coma for years?? I guess that's elves for you, huh
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Oh damn, the era changed while I was asleep? What a timing, haha
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Year three thousand and- wait. The era changed while I was asleep. And it is now the year three thousand and eighteen of this era.
I was in a coma for at least three thousand and then some years??
Elves, man.
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i have a list of things that would fix me
BIG isopod plush
millipede plush
centipede plush
spider plush
beetle plush
cricket plush
GIANT weta plush
weevil plush
ant plush
stink bug plush
worm plush
snail plush
slug plush (sea slugs accepted)
caterpillar plush
moth plush
stick bug plush
praying mantis plush
fly plush
dragonfly plush
butterfly plush (but only if it's a little weird)
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canisalbus · 9 months ago
the cw tags you left on the post about the pope calling catholic priests faggots reminded me of the good sides of humanity that was greatly needed, so thanks for being a good person ig!!
I love your blog and the "just in case" tag you left gave so much love i had to point it out. and I love your gay little dogs!
(sorry for being anon interacting with people is overwhelming for me lol)
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ms-spkhd · 2 months ago
eddie calling robin ‘the bird’ to steve when she’s not around
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bucksdaffy · 11 months ago
"WHEN they INEVITABLY break up" oh honey bucktommy is endgame, there is no breaking up, they're the IT couple actually, tim told me that himself
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