#but thanks for coming back and elaborating! elmax is near and dear to my heart <3
mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
I sent the ask about queecoding and I just want to clarify that this is not out of homophobia or anything, I personally just find it annoying when people insist that two characters who interacted very few times are soulmetes ESPECIALLY when they're minors and make it they're whole personality. Like I get byler and stuff like that, I just can't wrap my head around elmax or similar things
ohhh yah i totally get that! i guess for elmax specifically i just find their dynamic super cute! it's fun to hc them as girlfriends bc they have a ton in common and some of their scenes do have romantic undertones, especially in s4. i totally get what you mean with st*ddie tho bc first of all, they barely interacted. second, they have nothing in common besides dustin. third, where tf is the chemistry ? it makes no sense to me ngl.
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