#but still. like. me? guy who can't string his thoughts into coherent sentences? you think that i sound smart??? golly...
reikunrei · 1 year
im always shocked and flattered when people say they think the things i say are smart or interesting. like. me? my dumb ass? for realsies? huh? wowie!
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angelsfalling16 · 3 years
Anon sent me a bunch of prompts to choose from, so for this one, I decided to go with “did you just tell the person i was gonna go out with that we were dating”
Simon is dead because I am going to kill him. I can't believe that he did this. He knew what this meant to me, and he went and ruined it.
I storm into our apartment, and the way that he smiles when he sees me drives me crazy, adding to my anger. I grab him by the front of shirt
His eyes widen, but there is still a hint of a smile left on his face. I hate him.
"Baz, what are you doing?" He tries to squirm free of my grasp, attempting to push me off of him, but I grab his wrists and pin them on either side of his head.
"Why did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Ruin my date."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie," I hiss. "Did you really the guy I was going to go out with that we're dating "
"Umm." He finally stops trying to break free of my grasp, and I know that it's true.
"Why would you do that?"
"I didn't do it to be mean. Once I found out who it was, I had to find a way to stop it. That guy is a creep, and he wouldn't have been any good for you."
"Why didn't you just tell me that instead of lying to him?"
"I was afraid that you wouldn't listen to me and would try to go out with him anyway.  I had to make sure that you wouldn't go out with him."
I sigh but don't let go of him just yet.
"You may be right, but you know what I think?"
"I think that you were jealous."
"Jealous? Of who? You?"
"You being jealous of me did cross mind, but no. I think that you were jealous of him."
"W-what? Why would I be jealous of him? That sounds crazy."
He's starting to fight against me again, but I hold his wrists tighter. He won't meet my eyes, and even though I was half joking, I think that I might have stumbled on a bit of truth. Interesting…
I lean in closer to him until there is almost no space between us. I can practically hear his heart racing as my lips ghost over his cheek. Mine is doing the same, but at least I know how I feel about him.
"Baz." His voice is soft, and I don't think he has ever said my name quite like that before. It makes me falter and loosen my grasp for the briefest of moments, but it's enough for him to move us, flipping our positions.
I grunt as I'm slammed into the wall and Simon pins my arms down by my side 
It's my turn to ask, "What are you doing?"
"It's my turn to tell you what I think." This cannot be good. "I think that there's a reason that all of your dates have failed miserably lately, and it has nothing 
"Now, that sounds crazy." I don't struggle the way he did when I accused him of basically the same thing a minute ago. Instead, I make my expression cold and sneer at him in the same way that I have been for years, hiding my true feelings behind a stone wall.
"No it isn't. I've seen the way that you look at me when you think that I'm not looking. It's the same way that I look at you."
Now that really catches me off guard, so much so that I can't seem to string together enough words to form a coherent sentence. "I—. But you—. We—."
Simon grins at me the same he did when I entered the apartment, and damn, that look alone could destroy me.
"We have been playing this game for far too long, and I am tired of seeing you go on dates with guys who don't appreciate you."
"Then why didn't you say something sooner?"
"I don't know. I guess I just wasn't sure if I was right. I mean, I hoped I was, but I was worried that I was mistaken."
"You weren't," I admit quietly. "I did try to make it work on those dates, but you are right. None of them were you."
His grin widens, if that's even possible, then he leans, pausing when our lips are a breath apart, looking up at me like he's asking for permission. What he doesn't realize is that he has always had permission; I just never thought he wanted it.
I nod, and he closes the distance, making me completely forget about any possibility of other guys.
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justcourttee · 4 years
New prompt idea! Following the defeat of Hawkmoth, Jason is terrified of the idea of Bruce adopting the sunshine child that is Adrien (that and all the puns that the boy makes... Adrien can't meet Dick!!!). He, alongside Damian, decide to try to get Selina to adopt a new cat instead. Unfortunately for everyone (except Adrien), Jon tags along. AdriJon for the ship and maybe Marinette being having a sibling relationship with the Wayne children?
I’m back to writing and when I saw this prompt, I was so excited. If it hasn’t been hinted at enough in some of my pieces, I adore AdriJon. I hope you like it! @elements1999
Stupid Lovestruck Jon
As Gabriel Agreste was drug from his front gates, the crowds surrounding the manor erupted in yet another round of cheers. Even with the hero’s help, the police had trouble keeping them back. Jason and Damian stood on the edge, both wearing matching grim expressions under their hoods and glasses.
“You know what this means D?”
Damian nodded solemnly, the scowl on his face deepening as Gabriel disappeared from their view.
“Father mustn't meet Agreste until we have found a suitable host family for him.”
The idea of Dick and Adrien bonding over stupid puns and forcing Jason and Damian to join in on family game nights was enough to send shivers down the two Wayne’s backs. There was no question about it, Adrien could not be allowed to be adopted.
“What do you think Selina would say if we brought her a kit?”
Damian shifted his gaze to Jason’s face, doing his best to hide his shock that Jason could come up with a coherent idea.
“I believe she would enjoy Plagg very much, Adrien though? Well, that would take some getting used to. How do you propose we get the two to meet?”
Jason’s face darkened quickly.
“It’ll be risky, but we invite them to America. After all, he’s going to need an escape from the media.”
“Perhaps Metropolis?”
The boys nodded as if that was the most logical sentence before both heads snapped up, their eyes widening at the sight of the petite hero that had landed between them. Marinette threw her arms around the boys’ shoulders, dragging them down to her own height.
“There is only room for so much sunshine at the Wayne estate. Dick has monopolized all of it and for the sake of not only you but myself as well, Adrien needs a more stable parental figure than Bruce Wayne. Not that my first choice would be Selena, but I know that she has a soft spot for orphans, no matter what she says.”
Both boys tried to wrestle their way out of her grasp, but it was nearly impossible with Tikki to help her.
“Here’s how it will go. I will go to help the police finalize anything they need for this arrest and you will trail Chat Noir until he decided to transform back. I want to be there as well, but unfortunately, the police aren’t exactly understanding when it comes to personal relationships.”
With a nod, the sound of two smacks echoed as she disappeared into the sky, the only trace of her being matching red spots on both of the Wayne’s necks.
“I really despise when she does that, no matter how much I want to be impressed.”
Jason chuckled as he nudged Damian forward, both of them slipping into the nearest building to change before anyone from the media could catch sight of the American’s on the scene of what would become known as the greatest arrest in Paris’ history.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“You know, I caught the trail of you following me a couple of blocks back. You don’t have to stay hidden.”
Damian let out a small string of curses as he stepped out from behind the chimney and into view of the black cat.
“I hate magic.”
Adrien chuckled as he waited for Jason to step out from the other side, both boys looking a little sheepish that they had been caught.
“Did Marinette ask you to follow me? Cause that sounds like something she would do. Really, I’m fine guys. Once we started the investigation, so much more began to make sense. He wanted to disguise the fact that he was selfish, wanting just my mother for himself, no matter the consequence. Even if it meant sacrificing me..”
Damian swallowed awkwardly as he glanced between Jason and Adrien. Thanks to Dick’s persistent pestering, he had gotten slightly better at reading emotions and watching his tongue, but this was uncharted territory and as much as he hated to admit it, he had no idea what to do.
Adrien let out a shaky laugh as he stood, brushing off the imaginary dust from his suit.
“Whatever, so what is Maribug’s master plan for avoiding the press? I know she sent you here to collect me for that very reason, so what could it be?”
Jason cleared his throat as he stepped forward, his smile completely see-through as the worry shined.
“Well, how would you feel about a trip overseas? Metropolis perhaps? You’re a huge Superman fanboy, aren’t you? Well, Dami here is besties with his son and we thought it would be a grand idea for you to have a distraction. What do you say?”
Damian frowned at Jason’s choice of wording. Besties felt a little strong for the relationship that he held with Jon, perhaps tolerable coworkers was better suited?
Both boys tried to hide their surprised faces. They knew he was desperate for an escape, but his response was still quick for their liking. Honestly, they thought it was going to take a bit more convincing than that.
“Let Marinette know that I’ll be on her balcony whenever she finishes up. I’m sure she has a long night ahead of her and will want to talk to me when she can and guys?” Both boys raised their eyebrows, curiosity, and worry nitpicking their expressions. “Thanks for coming to see me.”
And with that, he leaped off the roof leaving the batbrothers to wonder if Metropolis would be the best idea for the man who effectively was orphaned in one day.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Before he even had a chance to throw his hands up in defense, Jon had already tackled him in a bone-crushing hug much to his annoyance.
“I told you not to call me by that stupid nickname anymore Kent.”
With much effort, Damian shoved Jon off and into Marinette’s waiting arms.
“Aw, but Dami it’s so cute.” The muffled laughter coming from behind him was not helping.
Damian cut his eyes to where Jason and Adrien stood, both chuckling to themselves. He knew it was Jason’s idea to call up Jon to make this impromptu trip more believable for his father, but when breaking it down, Damian wasn’t completely sure that this option was much better than taking Adrien straight to Dick’s side.
“Anyways, I know I’m just the cover story so that you can meet up with Selina and all that, but do you have time to spare? I’d love to show Mari and Adrien around Metropolis! That’s your name, right? Adrien? Mari used to have so many cutouts of you-”
A smack echoed through the airport lobby as Jon found himself in a headlock courtesy of one petite heroine.
“Oh, you wanna bring that up now Jon? I don’t suppose you remember asking for a couple of my magazines for yourself huh?”
There was an undeniable shade of red emitting from under Marinette’s arm, one all three boys noted. A sputtering Jon finally managed to free himself, the red more visible as he gently pushed Marinette away.
“Hey it’s okay, it’s the cost of being a celebrity right?” Adrien reached out, his hand gently brushing Jon’s arm.
A sudden realization hit Damian as he watched his friend jump nearly 100 feet into the air, the red seemingly brighter than before. As Jon linked arms with Marinette, hurriedly leading them out of the airport, Adrien gently coaxing the two to behave, Damian gripped Jason’s jacket pulling the two of them to a stop.
“What do you want brat? We’re gonna get left behind-” With one killer glare, Jason slowly quieted, curiosity seeping into his expression.
“Jason, is uh- does Jonathon- does he see guys as viable mates?”
There was a slight pause and for a moment, Damian felt a bit relieved that perhaps he was not the only one to fail to notice such a thing about the Kent boy. But the moment ended abruptly as Jason erupted in laughter, drawing the attention from some passing by.
“What is it you buffoon? People are staring at us, silence yourself, and answer me.”
“Me buffoon? No, no, no” Jason’s laughter slowly ceased, but the shit-eating grin that replaced it did nothing to ease Damian’s nerves. “You see, you are the only idiot here. What is Jon? An animal? His mating preference?”
Damian felt his face heating up as his grip tightened on Jason’s jacket, intent on tearing a small hole in his precious belonging.
“Now Damian, I know you are dense, but Jon has always talked about guys with you. Did you just think they were all besties? That your third-wheeling on his dates where they gave each other like pecks on the cheek or held hands was just because you hate physical contact and his other friends didn’t mind it?”
The more Jason talked, the redder Damian felt his face becoming. Sure he had noticed before, but it never felt like it was something that mattered much. Plus, it wasn’t like Jon had mentioned anything to him about coming along on his supposed dates. How was he supposed to know?
Letting go of Jason’s jacket, Damian huffed after his friends, ignoring his brother’s taunting calls. There was only one thought that was still left on his mind.
If Jon had a crush on Adrien Agreste, this could ruin the whole plan.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
He was right.
What was implied to be a one day tour ended with them staying a week in Metropolis. And the worst part? Damian was completely powerless to do anything about it.
“Hey enfant démon, you seen my partner or yours for that matter?”
Damian scowled at Marinette as she leaned against his doorframe, her expression as exasperated as he felt.
“I told you to quit calling me that. Just because it’s in French doesn’t make it better heathen.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him, remaining firm in her spot as she waited for her answer. With a great sigh, Damian shook his head, glancing from his book to out the hotel window.
“They snuck out sometime early this morning while I was on my run. Jason was supposed to be keeping an eye on them.”
A slight protest echoed through the suite as Marinette shook her head.
“Do you think we’ll ever get Adrien to meet Selina at this rate? I know he needed this break, but I hadn’t expected to be gone this long. I just turned 17, if it wasn’t for Jason here being a technical adult, my parents would have never let me come. I’m honestly surprised that they haven’t shown up to drag me to Paris.”
Damian nodded slightly, his thoughts straying to the idea of an angry Sabine showing up at their hotel. The thought alone was enough to send a shiver down his spine. He opened his mouth, unsure how to respond when he caught the sound of a set of familiar giggles outside the suites’ door.
“We’re home! Marinette! You won’t believe how awesome the sunrise in Metropolis is when you’re so high up. Jon is awesome!”
The boy tried his best to hide his blush as he gently swatted Adrien’s shoulder, earning a giggle from the blonde.
“Okay lovebirds, how about you stop running off without the rest of us? At least tell us where you’re going, is that too much to ask?”
A simultaneous ‘yes mom’ came from the duo as they ducked out of Marinette’s reach, racing down the hallway.
“That’s it, I’m calling Selena right now. Damian, Jason, between the two of you, figure out a way to keep our rebellious teens in check. It shouldn’t take longer than thirty minutes for her to arrive, I’m sure the two of you can manage.”
Jason peeked his head into Damian’s room, his eyebrows raised matching how Damian felt. Did she have any idea how hard it was to hold down a Kryptonian without using Kryptonite? If only she hadn’t banned Damian from bringing it to Metropolis.
With a small huff of annoyance, Damian swung his legs off his bed, placing his book back on the nightstand carefully. This was going to be the longest thirty minutes of his life.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Dammit children, can’t you sit still for one minute!” Jason gripped both boy's collars as he tossed them back onto the couch that they had escaped from.
“Aw, c’mon Jason. I thought you were the fun Wayne! I just want to show Adrien a good time before he had to leave.”
Damian wasn’t sure how much more Jason could take. The vein on his forehead looked like it was about to burst from him resisting beating the two to a pulp. It was honestly a bit satisfying to look at.
“Can you at least explain why we’re on house arrest? The day has just started and we’re already wasting it.”
“I told you already Agreste, Marinette wants you to meet a friend of hers that lives nearby. We can’t have you skipping out before she gets here.”
Adrien sighed dramatically before falling into Jon’s shoulder.
“But waiting is boring!”
Damian felt his nose twitch while staring at the blonde. Honestly, he didn’t know how Marinette was able to keep up with this child-like energy for all the years she had. He was exhausted after a mere thirty minutes.
The sound of the doorknob rattling caught the attention of the four as a collective sigh of relief echoed through the room.
“Well hello there my kittens, long time no see.” Within a split second, Selina was already on top of Damian, pulling him into the biggest hug she could manage.
“Release me you heathen, I do not like being touched!”
Selina giggled as she tightened her hug before releasing him, allowing him to drop to the floor.
“Oh, I know. I enjoy giving you a hard time the most Damiboo.”
Damian cringed at the nickname as he allowed Marinette to help him back to his feet. While Selina was unbearable, he honestly had to applaud Jason for his thought. If anyone could reign in the energy Adrien had, it would be her.
“You must be Adrien. I’m Selina Kyle, so very nice to meet you.”
Adrien swallowed hard as he tentatively reached out his hand to shake hers. No one could blame him, the look on Selina’s face was terrifying as if she was admiring a jewel before shattering it into pieces.
“Now let’s cut to the chase. Do you want to live with me? You obviously need a parent figure in your life, but you also only have a year left until you can be on your own. I know it’s a big change from Paris, but between Zeta tubes and that little horse your friend Marinette carries, you’ll never be too far.”
Damian bit his lip hard, trying not to yell at Selina for her brashness. She was supposed to be gentle and coaxing. Get him to like her, spend the day with him, and then suggest it. Adrien looked as white as a ghost, as expected when someone you’ve only heard stories about shows up in your hotel room with adoption papers.
“Uhm, I don’t really want a guardian. My aunt said she would rent me an apartment wherever I wanted and when the time came for my 18th birthday, she’d sign it over to me-”
Adrien was cut off as Selina placed a finger over his lips, shocking him into silence.
“Honey, I can do that for you. Don’t rely on family who will want to steal your father’s fortune. However, I will have a few conditions.”
Adrien nodded slowly, his eyes glancing around frantically as if asking for help.
“First, you must visit Wayne Manor once a week for a family dinner, I refuse to let you off the hook with no real resemblance of a family. Second, you must rent here in Metropolis where you already have a good person looking out for you. And third, you must force Damian and Jason to participate in these once a week dinners.”
Jason and Damian shouted frantically for him to decline, their plans falling to pieces before them. They only quieted down after Marinette reached back giving them matching red bumps on their foreheads.
“What do you say, sweetie? I can tell you and Jon are already close and I think this would be best for everyone. You had already finished your studies in France so you can take this year to decide what you want to do next in life and I think between the Kents and us, we can help you with that.”
It took less than a minute for Adrien to agree and for Damian and Jason to be bested by two black cats. Selina insisted on lunch to celebrate, dragging Adrien and Jon with her and out the door leaving the three exhausted crusaders behind.
“Well, technically Bruce won’t be the one adopting him.” Marinette shrugged before plopping on the couch, the other two following suit.
“Yeah, but like, we went through all this trouble to stop Dick and Adrien from meeting, and now we will be having weekly dinners with them. Marinette, you are officially forced into this agreement as well.” Jason poked at her side, a small sigh of defeat escaping from his lips.
“Stupid lovestruck Jon.” Marinette and Jason turned their attention to where Damian sat, his arms crossed in annoyance. “I bet if they hadn’t had this week to hang out, Selina wouldn’t have picked up on their stupid crushes. Why do you women always feel the need to meddle?”
The air was silent for a moment before laughter erupted from Damian’s right side. Shaking his head, he couldn’t help the small giggle that came from his own mouth. Stupid Jon, making him attend family dinners with the likes of Dick and Adrien. He was happy for him, not to be confused with the utter annoyance he felt for him at the moment as well.
As they sat there joking about their shared fate and pondering how it could’ve gone differently, one thought was constant across all three of their minds:
Who could’ve planned for stupid lovestruck Jon?
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