#but still have interprited him as that
rubye402 · 3 months
So far this pride month I haven't seen it, but if I see literally anyone post, even as a joke, Wheat//ley being homo//phobic, they WILL be shot on sight. Not even by turrets. By me. Personally.
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jewishdainix · 1 year
While I do totaly understand how Fitz's reply to Nettle in their ride from Jaamphe in Fool's Assassin is seen as just a silly attempt to deny queerness , there is actually a lot to analyse about it!
When you dissect it it actually shows Fitz's failure to both bridge the gap separate his and Beloved's relationship with/from queerness, and the Six Duchies' understanding of it.
Let me explain.
The view in the Six Duchies on queer relationships* seems to be that they are Scandelous relationships that are purely sexual.
The homophobia we see from the characters shows that: When Starling was insulting Fitz she said that she was sure he whispered Molly's name while Lord Golden was fucking him; when Dutiful asked Fitz if he and Lord Golden were sleeping together, but not if they were in a relationship; when Chade told Fitz he knew he didnt sleep with men; Lant saying he was afraid when he first met Fitz because he heard rumers Tom Badgerlock also desired men.
Even during The Quarell Fitz talked about that same sexual aspect, saying he would never want to sleep with the Fool.
When Nettle asked him about his and Lord Golden's relationship, and if the rumors about them were true, she brought back that old idea of the Scandelous, purely sexual nature of queer relationships.
And that wasn't what Fitz and Beloved's relationship was.
Whether or not you interprit Fitz being secualy attracted to Beloved, their relationship was not what the Six Duchies' idea of queer relationships was. It was an emotional connection that their relationship was built on, not a purely sexual one with no care beyond sexual desire.
Which is why Fitz said there was nothing "improper" about their bond. Why Fitz said that what they had wen far beyond that.
Fitz was still unable to separate the idea of being in a relationship with Beloved with that view of queerness (he almost did, by the end of Fool's Fate, but whatever progress he made was undone by him repressing his love for Beloved all those years apart. Admitting he loved Beloved would have meant he was not able to pretend he got the Happy Ending he so desprately clung to, buts thats a whole other post).
But thats just the part about him not being able to seprate queer relationships from the view on them in the Six Duchies. Because of those views, he doesn't know how to recognise his feellings for Beloved (and other men) as what they are.
When Riddle told him how he remembered that he and Beloved were "very close" Fitz didn't oject like he has done with the acusations/questions that were related to the supposed sexual nature of his relationship with Lord Golden. He hadn't replied with anything, but mentioned that his silence said more than any thing he could have said himself.
When meeting with Carson, Fitz immidietly mentions how he felt a "feelling that sometimes comes of insant connection, a deep friendship that could have been".
Lets dissect that aswell, since I already put this under a readmore and dont care about how long this post gets. (@tragediegh and I talk about this quote every couple of days so everything I say here is recicled from our dms lol)
"Instant connection, a deep friendship that could have been," implies that the relationship Fitz is thinking he would have is very close, but it is not based on an actual expirience with that person, rather their first impression on Fitz - their vibe and how they look (interesting how Fitz says it about Carson, a gay man).
"That sometimes comes" shows that it is an - if not a common one - an occurence that happened multiple times.
This sounds like someone describing a crush/romantic atraction without knowing that what they are feelling is that!
The reason Fitz describes it as a "deep friendship" and "instant connection" and not "romantic feellings towards men" is because how he still view queer relationships from that homophobic view the Six Duchies have, and because of that is unable to connect his feellings towards men (amd beloved) to what they are.
* mlm relationships, technically. We havn't seen what they think of sapphic ones (even in The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince Felicity mentions how possible homophobia only briefly, though they do seem to not consider lesbian sex as not actual sex which makes since with how their culture views reproduction) and I'm pretty sure Six Duchies people don't know about trans/genderqueer people because *gestures to everything*
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granolawriting · 1 year
New things ☆ ° *
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pairing: Platonic Jedi!reader x Jedi Anakin
Summary: Anakin spent his young days as either a slave or "the chosen one". Never having the opportunity to really celebrate the holidays, you explain to him a celebration on your own planet for the fall season
word count: 1.8k
A/N: This was literally so much fun to write, I really like writing anakins banter with the reader, and overall just the stupid things he'd say in my own interpritation of his character off the battle feild. I hope you enjoy!! This is the 3rd installment for my kinktober list, Make sure if you like my work to check out my requests/comissions or my ko-fi!!!
“I feel dumb. Are you sure you’re not pulling one over on me?” 
Anakin stares with inquisitive intent at the pumpkin you laid before him. Sat upon a steel counter of the kitchen within your room in the Jedi temple. Tossed on a small ottoman in the middle of your home was a bag full of ingredients for baking, holodramas of sith legends, and most importantly, the means for cutting up the pumpkins that sat before you and Anakin. 
“Dude, I lived it and you didn't. Either you can trust me and stab the pumpkin, or you can forever live in a non-holiday spirit.” 
“I just can't imagine that this actually got popular. What’s the meaning behind this?”
“Yaknow, this was initially made to scare away the sith ghosts that would roam the halls at night on the night before halloween.” 
“That's total bull. I don't think this would scare a 5 year old.” 
“You haven't even cut into it yet!” 
Anakin holds up the traceable mold that came with the package of serrated knives and spoons, triangle eyes and comically sharp teeth. 
“I don't have to to know that if a youngling saw this, they would start laughing at me.” 
You snatch it away from him teasingly, a melodramatic face of anger contorting upon you, 
“Well then, it seems like they have no holiday spirit either! Pay them no mind. There are those who get it, and those who don't!” 
“Whatever. Just hand me the knife.” 
“You don't even know what to do!” 
Thus the first activity begins, detailing the two of you slowly cutting into pumpkins while a music box softly plays soundtracks of scary films from your childhood. Demonstrating to Anakin exactly how to cut into a pumpkin with less than graceful precision, 
“You don't know what you’re doing.”
“Shut up! It's been a while.” 
And as the top finally pops off of the head of the pumpkin, you and him rejoice in quite a small victory. Though the excitement upon his face only lasts a moment, because as he watches you delve elbow deep within the inside of the pumpkin, horror shocks him stiff. 
“What the fuck are you doing.” 
Eyes widened at the prospect of having to do that himself. 
“What? Big scary Jedi doesn't like getting his hands dirty?” 
Teasing inflection coats your voice at the sight of his distress.
“This is just disgusting! I don't mind getting dirty if it's not slimy shit all over my body.” 
“Well, I suggest you take off that fancy robe.” 
Exasperated sigh exits him with great dramatic flair, as he walks over to the living room to slowly disrobe as to take in his last seconds of cleanliness before his agreeance to engage in your home planet festivities weighs more and more on him like one of the worst decisions he’s ever made in his whole life. 
Slowly does he inch his fingers inside the pumpkin itself, and when he reaches the bottom eyes close and eyebrows contort upwards. 
“Stop looking like you’re about to die. It's a pumpkin not a dead tooka.” 
“Thanks for that image.” 
And so the two of you slowly scrape pumpkin into a larger bowl of insides between the both of you, melodramatic whines by Anakin that really bring out the kid in him. Anakin, despite being such a great warrior and chosen one, was still quite young. He never really had the ability to do childish things, growing up as a slave and thrusted into the jedi temple thereafter there was no room to be a kid-- do kid things. So that's what you focused on in your time with him. It consisted of helping him get in touch with who he really is, not who people exactly wanted him to be. And you bore through it, even if sometimes it meant feilding his complaints like a whining child who has to share their toys with other kids. When Anakin wasn't in the line of fire he was a simple, silly person. A boy, really. 
The moment his pumpkin was satisfactorily scraped, he runs to wash his arms under water and copious amounts of soap. 
“Oh, did you know people can be allergic to pumpkin?” 
“You’re kidding right.” 
“Yeah well I just hope you’re not.” 
“Could've told me that before I just violated it like that.” 
“Slipped my mind.”
After a bit more carving within the eyes and mouth of the hollow pumpkin, you adorn the iconic face of a halloween grin upon yours, and Anakin opting for a more sinister look upon his. 
“You said it was supposed to scare people, none of the designs has that effect.” 
Well Anakin, I think the most scary thing about this is how you cut it. I can barely tell what's going on here.” 
“You don't understand my vision. It's for the sith ghost, not you.” 
As the first activity of pumpkin cutting comes to an end, a small glow emitting within the pumpkins as you place the small glowing orb that completes every carving inside its center, you and Anakin stand back impressed with one another's work. 
“I guess it wasn't half bad.” 
“Told you” 
The next project you two had up against you was baking. Now, once again you were well convinced that Anakin had never cooked his own food his entire life. At least, anything complex. Whenever he had to make his own food it was often very simple, laced with struggle. The peak of his culinary journey was 5 years old, for reference. 
“Why do we need to put so many things in here? Aren't we making cookies?” 
“Yes, but to make it not taste like sand then we’re gonna have to add more flavors.” 
“Sand, very funny. What's with the paste?” 
“The icing?” 
“It's for after the cookie. We’re going to decorate it.” 
“This seems like a lot of work for 2 bites.” 
“You eat them in 2 bites?” 
“I’ve got things to do.” 
And thus the teaching begins once more. You have to explain how to keep the wet from the dry until you’re willing to mix everything, teaching him how to crack an egg as he fails in the process getting residue all over your countertop. You show him how to whisk, watching him struggle with the thick batter as the automatic one you keep in your cabinet stays sadistically untouched. And as you two finally finish the batter, you show him how to put them on the sheets properly. 
“When you roll them, you have to remember they’re going to flatten and expand. Don't make them the size of a cookie, make them like a third of the size.” 
“But if I made it the size of a cookie, I could have a 3x cookie. Mathematically speaking.” 
“Yes, but don't do that. They’ll all stick together.” 
“To make one monster cookie?” 
“Theoretically yeah.” 
As he grabbed huge chunks of dough within the bowl you both shared, you just chose to pick your battles. 
Setting the timer for 40 minutes, there were now 40 minutes to kill before you were able to get to the next part of the process-- decorating. Looking within your bag of festivities you find the holodramas that lie at the bottom of the bag, reminiscent of your childhood. The exaggerated stories of siths and creatures of the outer rim that would haunt and stalk you, stories that scared you awake when you were younger. You allow Anakin to pick from a few of the titles. 
“Frankensith? The uh.. Friday before 429. The ewok in the woods. These all sound a little corny.” 
“Again, you don’t get it. But I promise you watching these things will freak you out. The ewok  one scared me so much I couldn't sleep for days afterwards.” 
“And how old were you when that happened?” 
“You’re joking. Put it on.” 
Dimming the sights of your living room do the both of you sink into the couch as you pull out the final thing that will stave you from hunger until the cookies are completed. 
“What's with the wrapping on these?” 
He pointed at the chocolate you unveiled, wrapped in various depictions of horror legends over the years.
“Isn't it scary?” 
“He looks like he has a lazy eye.” 
“He’s supposed to be undead!” 
“Yeah, and with all that reanimation they cut him a little short.” 
“That's mean!” 
“Nothing so far has scared me, and the candy definitely isn't much different.”
The bowl sat between the two of you held various kinds of candy from chocolate to sower, as the movie slowly came to a head. Laid back and judgemental, did Anakin lie unbothered upon the couch, expecting nothing to really catch his eye about this film more than dumb special effects and poor acting. 
Though as time went on you watched as his body slowly straightened, eyes with greater focus on the projection as the story grew deeper. You saw his face contort from indifference, to morbid curiosity, to the well awaited fear. 
The oven goes off, which makes Anakin jump. 
“HAH! You’re scared shitless aren't you.”
“Are you kidding me? These things are freaky by nature. Their little swords.. Their agility. I couldn't live.” 
“Uh huh. Well get up we need to decorate the cookies.” 
After allowing them to cool for a moment you begin to teach him how to pipe the icing onto the cookies. However as you gaze upon his own tray, there seems to be about 3 discernable cookies to your 6 well shaped ones. 
“All this means is that I have more room for artistic expression than you.” 
“Right. Just watch what I do and you can make whatever you want.” 
And as you draw cute ghosts, small faces decorating each of their eyes and little bats and pumpkins to match their theme, another glance at Anakin's tray once again reminds you you’re dealing with a 10 year old. Upon his cookies did he design quite crude depictions of the ewok’s with angry expressions on their face, forever immortalized- until eaten of course -a glare of small and furry anger upon the cookie. 
“Nice Anakin.” 
The night came to a close after that, finishing the ewok holo with greater ease as the fear inhabiting Anakin slowly dissipated in the ability to eat them at the same time they were eating others in their traps. A dark sky fell within your room and as you sat there with Anakin, pumpkins illuminated with silly faces and a growing pile of colorful foil piling on your coffee table as the candy bowl depleted, you felt complete. The feeling of having not only someone to celebrate the holidays with, but someone to share them with made you feel a little less alone. And you knew Anakin felt the same. 
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I have a theory for the end of Epic the Musical potential spoilers ahead. (and before anyone comes after me EPIC has already kinda done it's own thing with the Original story so HUSH-)
So during the song "No Longer You" near the end is a choir of souls singing various phrases. Mr. Jalapeño has confirmed that the phrases they are saying are things that are going to happen during future sagas. The only ones that have been confirmed are the first few. "Sirens Song" Scylla Throat" "Mutiny" "Lightning Bolt". All of these are alluding to The Thunder Saga. There are two more that come right after that, unfortunately Mr. Jalapeno likes to leave us guessing on this. The most common interpretations of these last two phrases are "Run Poseidon" and "Kill All The Suitors For Love". While I, and many others, think "Run Poseidon" is alluding to the song "Get In The Water" the common interpritation for the last one is something with Calypso. I don't think so. I think it's got nothing to do with Calypso, and everything to do with Penelope. In The Odyssey, we learn that since everyone thinks Ody is dead. Penelope is constantly being hounded by suitors vying for his throne. However, she's a smart cookie, and knows in her heart that Odysseus is still alive, and figures out a way to keep them at bay without pissing them off. Since many of them are kings/princes of foreign kingdoms. She spends all day weaving a tapestry "in honor of her deceased husband and father-in-law". Then during the night, she undoes all of her progress and tries again tomorrow. And she's able to trick all of her suitors, and keep Odysseus's throne his. That is until a servant figures it out and rats on her own Queen.
So what I think is going to happen is this: Odysseus, tired, battered, bruised, starving, dirty, and alone. Finally makes it back to Ithaca. He runs to his palace, thrilled to reunite with Penelope. Only to see her surrounded by multiple, potentially very angry, suitors all vying for her hand. Now that her secret is out and she can't hide behind her weaving anymore, she's trying to keep the peace and not bring war to her King-less Kingdom. This sets Odysseus off. He's suffered, betrayed, lied, stole, and killed all to reunite with her and now these men are going to steal her away? For HIS throne? That's not gonna slide. SO he rushes into the Palace, the guards are outmaneuvered. And, instead of revealing he's Odysseus by saying something that only he would know. He grabs his sword...
and slaughters every single suitor in that room.
He reaches for Penelope, relieved just at the sight of her face. And she backs away, pure terror on her face. "Who are you?" Are the only words she can muster, and Odysseus is so crushed at these words that his own guards are able to overpower and jail him.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Remember the Slenderman ask. Welp. I want him as a stuffed animal now.
Reader is mostly the same, exept forrr... lets say they have children. And pets. It's up to your interpritation how they got em i trust you.
And lets say they're close. Real close. Like "you weren't home today so i came in and watered your plants" close. Domestic closeness. Talking so much they can sometimes predict what the other will be doing/saying right now.
Reader is very affectionate but obv respects slendy so they just turn to actions and words to show him they care(although it can be a little hard for them to truly know what they're feeling and how to express emotions sometimes).
So, one day Slendys brother(not that one through.) comes for a casual chit-chat. "So how are things with you and reader? Plan to move together any time soon?" "No, why would we do that?" "Oh well i just throught with the nature of your relationship it would ve the next step, naturally.. you've been together for so long!" "..we're not together romantically, if that's what you're implying." "...you're literally raising kids together what do you mean." "....w.wbhjat."
Cue panik. He goes to talk to reader and they're like. Oh shidt. It do be not so just friendly.
Can be just queerplatonic or romantic, both are cute i think:3
Slenderman x slender-being!reader !
genuinely dont know what all to title this post since its so specific so i recommend for anyone reading this who isnt the silly requester to read through the request ueueue rolls around, im gonna get silly!
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honestly i dont think slenderman would know much about romance and marriage. like he knows what they are but he doesnt know... everything about it. especially if its in terms of human stuff, with the rings and all that. you know? mostly because he doesnt exactly leave his woods and the number of people/creatures he actually properly interacts with and forms bonds with is very rare and so far, none were romantic...
and yet here he is, tending to your home in his woods that youve made for yourself, while youre away doing god knows what... it would be a shame if the plants in your home dried, or dust started to settle... or worse someone wandering into it when they arent allowed inside... though, thats even assuming they even manage to get that far into the woods given how possess of the area slenderman is
since he doesnt really have a basis to... base your relationship around, it doesnt take until someone else pointing out the dynamic to him. namely, the creatures he calls brothers
are they actually related in admins au? were they just created by zalgo at the same time? do they have the same genetics? honestly admin hasnt decided yet but they still view each other as siblings!
that aside, slenderman would definitely be in some form of denial. him? this man eating monster who mostly lives in solitude? the same one who has never felt the embrace of another person (/j but now that i think about it....)
THAT slenderman?
hell i dont even think its proper denial because he thinks he cant have those feelings.. not i think its denial because this really cant be what it is, right?
this leads to him doing what he does best; silently following someone.. usually in order to spook them out of the woods or to... hunt... but this time, hes simply observing you, trying to figure out if you're in the same boat at him
but you're just so vastly different from him in nature and personality that its hard to pinpoint your thoughts... sure he can read minds; i think most slender beiings can do that; but i dont think they can do it on other slender beings you know
doesnt approach you about it though, so youre going to be the one to ask him what the hell hes doing... again due to limited contact with others hes not the best at expressing his feelings or thoughts outwardly, hell even inwardly its weird for him but thats aside the point
i think im going to leave the ending open on what becomes of your relationship; but i think given how the reader is, they invite him into their home to talk things out with him. are you surprised that he has a possible crush on you? ....only a little since again, this is THE slenderman we're talking about... less that he may have feelings for you, but more so that you just thought he was on the aromantic spectrum
and thats no diss to my fellow aros; honestly i can easily see slenderman being greyromantic or demiromantic :3 ... maybe more so demiromantic, me thinks
rolls around
the ideas are not ideaing i apologize
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stanlunter · 4 months
Characters that I think are actually straight even tho a lot of people consider them as queer:
Bc I have the whole hour before Pride Month and I'm bored, lol
Rainer. Well, he didn't show to have feelings for any male characters (and no, I don't think he likes Bertholomulo, he litterally ships him with Annie), only to Historia, plus he just doesn't give me this vibes, so yeah
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Bojack main five. All of them have shown interest only to the opposite gender, so there are no reasons for them to be anything rather than straight. The only exception can be Mr Peanutbutter with his interest in Bojack bc of which I don't mind people hc him as bi, but I think it was just a platonic admiration, nothing more. Also hc any of them as aro or ace (except Todd, obviously) doesn't make sense either, since we know damn well that all of them are very romantic and almost all of them are very sexual
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Howleen. I can see her being bi, but I personally don't think she's actually interested in women. She was shown to have interest in men, but women? Just no. Twyls is her bestie, not a gf. I don't mind headcanons ofc, but I just don't see it
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Denji. I mean, this guy is obsessed with women and never shown interest in men, he's straight as a line, sorry
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Rika & Momoe. I really don't know where it even comes from, but a lot of people hc Rika as lesbian, while she's pretty much canon straight. She litterally says "I wish you was a boy" line and you still don't get it?
What about Momoe... This one confuses me even more. For some reason the whole fandom thinks Momoe is barely canon bi/trans, I have to fully desagree with this, cuz it basically goes against her whole arc
No, she wasn't in love with her friend that killed herself. That basically was the point that her friend killed herself bc Momoe didn't like her back (at least I read it this way). In fact, Momoe litterally was sad bc only women were attracted to her bc they thought she waa a boy. While she wanted a man to find her attracted. So it makes no sense for her to like girls.
Trans think is mb arguble, but I interpritate her story as an experience of being gender nonconforming: she doesn't look like a gender she is. I don't see any trans allegories here, especially considering the fact that we have a canon trans character there, Im pretty sure, if the creators wanted Momoe to be trans, they would say she is. Also the fact that she could get in this "magical world" , since only afab can go there (considering the fact that Kaoru, as a transman, got there)
Shinji & Kaoru. Yes, this one is super objectionable. Tbh, I can see him being bi, as everybody thinks he is. However, I do like another explanation of his character arc and his relationship with Kaoru, bc It's just much more interesting than him just being bisexual
Well, in the way I see it, Shinji is straight and basically can be only attracted to girls, however, Kaoru is the only person that showed "love" to Shinji and who "cared" about him. While everyone else were rejecting and just using him, Kaoru is the first person who said Shinji he loves him and the only one that basically didn't want anything from him. Who could give Shinji unconditional love he can't get from others. And I really do not think that Shinji loved him "back" in romantic way. Imo, he didn't love him at all, but since Kaoru was the only one who gave Shinji at least some love, Shinji had no other choice than take this love anyways. Just bc it was the only way for him to feel loved in general. And to me this idea reveales Shinji's character much better than just "he's bisexual, that's why he hang out with Kaoru" and "Kaoru exists only for lgbt rep" (also have to add that It's only about original anime, not rebuilds, bc I basically haven't watched it and mb It's different there)
What about Kaoru? Kaoru isn't a human to have feelings or love. In reality he doesn't care about Shinji, he just pretended to love him only to find out what love for humans is. So ofc I don't think he's straight either. He just doesn't have feelings bc he's not a human and not even a person. He's just an angel who pretended to be a boy to know humans better
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Ramona (from the movie). I thought this one is basically canon, but for some reason some people still think she's bi. Yes, she had relationship with another girl, but she has litterally said that she was just "a little bi-curious" - which literally means that she's straight and just wanted to have this experience and that she's not wlw in any way, unlike Roxie. Imo, headcanoning movie Ramona is bi is kinda even biphobic, since it sounds exactly like this stereotype that bi girls only play with girls and always chose men anyways
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Higuchi. This take isn't as strong, but I just personally don't see her as wlw. She's obsessed with Ryunosuke and has never shown any sign of being interested in Gin, so yeah, I think she's just straight and gives me these vibes tbh
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Annie & Hitch. Again, both girls that have shown interest only to men. Annie loves Armin, and, even tho I don't like Aruani, It's litterally canon and even has some build up. And Hitch talks only about men as well. Also I really love her relationship with Marlo and their love was really so important. Yeah, both of them could be bisexual, but I just don't see this. The only hc Im really against is any of them being lesbian, bc it just doesn't make sense
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Lute. I mean, she's litterally homophobic and It's basically canon. And she didn't show any signs of being closest gay/bi anyways and Imo she loves Adam. Idk why would she be anything besides homophobic straight. Like, I can see Adam being bi, but Lute? Nah
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And yeah, if anyone thinks me seing some characters as straights makes me homophobic, I advise you to use your brain or smth. Anyways, that's just my vision which I'm not trying to impose on anyone, lol
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applebloomer1 · 1 year
How do you think COTA!Crossmare would interact with Loyal Servant!Crossmare
Because they would be in the same multiverse at least, meaning it IS possible
Oh, dear lord. I'll interprite this question as individuals. Okay... Well, lets say in this hypothetical they met one on one. Some event transpires and these pairings come face to face with one another.
First let's go over Cross. And their differences.
LS!Cross would honestly be a bit put off by the fact that COTA!Cross isn't considered a leader within the group. Sure, he can plan the same as LS!Cross, but he doesn't hold the same stature. COTA!Cross isn't out here giving orders to Killer, because he's technically in charge. But at the same time this version of him having a lower ranking along with less personal time with his respective Nightmare yet still carrying the same unbreakable loyalty would make him impressed and proud.
COTA!Cross would find his counterpart almost too serious, and would actively hiss if coffee went near him. He much prefers his Nightmare's tea. However, at the same time, he'd almost be jealous. He'd be impressed by how far LS!Cross has come in becoming an undeniably important member of not just Nightmare's castle, but the multiverse in its entirety. Perhaps its a little ambitious and consequential to want what he has considering what transpired to reach that point, but COTA!Cross is nothing if not foolishly brave.
They get along, and can give each other a little insight on romance. Especially LS!Cross who now has plenty of experience serving his husband well. COTA!Cross will listen carefully.
The Nightmare's meeting each other on the other hand...
LS!Nightmare honestly looks to this variation of himself and thinks. 'Ugh, how could he have let mortals do so much damage?' As he is simply used to being the king of just about everything, and gets a bit freaked out when he isn't fully in control. That being said, he'd still find some things to compliment. Like those hooks. LS!Nightmare has the claws and teeth, but not hooks like that! And he'd like how strategically the leviathan uses them. On the subject of Cross, he thinks his counterpart could be a little more subtle about the way he flirts. This coming from the guy who only admitted he was in love while in passive form... Though LS!Cross misinterpreted his corrupted forms subtle hints in the most incredible show of denial.
COTA!Nightmare finds this other version of himself to be pretentious. LS!Nightmare may have experienced mental anguish, but only for such temporary times. He on the other hand has spent years suffering as his kind were killed all around him. He doesn't have time to be subtle with his own Cross, because he can never be sure he'll be alive the next day. He wants him now, not when its too late. At the very least he does find LS!Nightmare's dedication to Cross proper and just. Cross deserves someone who'll protect and love him deeply, which this variation of himself clearly does.
But in the end, the Nightmares don't get along as well as the Crosses do. Simply their snappy natures contrasting with one another's different upbringings. Their only real agreement is that Cross is the best damn guard they could ask for.
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
so first, fair explanations - my devices are WEIRD. For some godforsaken reason, they are EXTREMELY TEMPERAMENTAL. Sometimes they delete asks I send (sometimes Tumblr does this, but it happens to me SO MUCH. I've sent you asks that never showed, that I've had to resend, I'm sure, so if you ever get doubles, that’s why). Sometimes I don’t get alerts. Sometimes I get the same alert six times in a row. Sometimes they just decide to crop my home page or queue, and I have to refresh the page four times before it fixes it. It’s why I keep including @'s, or might look like I didn’t see something - sometimes, I didn’t. Sorry if that’s annoying, but I genuinely think I might be cursed at this point, it’s happened on MULTIPLE DEVICES, THIS IS THE SIXTH TABLET ITS HAPPENED ON, TECH GODS!? DID I ANGER YOU SOMEHOW!?
(*and breathe*)
Moving on (sorry about that!) you once mentioned your Six-Teen Heroes AU, and I've seen a few things on @princess-of-the-corner, but what is it exactly? It sounds interesting! If you don’t have a lot of time, is there a link you can send me?
Hope your day is going good (and that your tech is cooperating with you!)!
oof, that sounds rough @rachelsshowerthoughts my sympathies!
I think this is the first ask I've ever received from you ><
I'll try to tag more often and such going forward!
Now, as to your question!
Six-Teen Heroes AU is one of my more well developed AU ideas, up there with the Alternative Butterfly and Lady Glasswing stuff.
The basic gist is that this AU opens with Fu fighting off an assault from Gabriel as the Scarlet Sovereign. A crimson themed villain in possession of the Ladybug Miraculous.
He may be supported by Nathalie wielding the revised Peacock. Or she just has a gun and or is waiting in the car.
Hawk Moth reveals he's been experimenting with the magic before coming and unveils his Charm Construct. Basically a mundane object analyzed by the charm and made into the 'core' of a magical construct to fight for him.
The battle turns against Fu & he is forced in his bid to escape, to release many of his Miraculous. Both to cover his retreat but also to seek out allies to help him.
Slipping away with Wayzz and an incredibly pissed off but still trapped in the box Plagg, Fu vanishes.
Gabriel doesn't know if those released were the one's he's after though or where Fu went so he's stuck with the less subtle option of taking the city hostage to force Fu out of hiding.
But not before he goes to deal with the big ass wound Fu gave him. Turns out shields can cut you up really badly if they spin and are thrown hard enough.
The seven Miraculous released largely split up to go find holders they identify with. They also have a vague discussion regarding how best to avoid a fate like Tikki's and how to best interprit Fu's instructions to fit their goals.
IE, they preference younger wielders so if one sucks the others can help free them, they will keep things close to their chests & their goal is free Tikki, not helping restart the order or making ideal heroes strictly speaking so their chosen need to be effective not necessarily nice.
They largely pick well though.
Also as an aside a big theme is how all of them wear masks and how being a hero and having a new mask influences them & their various ideas of identity.
Sass, the elder Kwami of time & Eternity, or the Ouroboros Snake as they introduce themself picks Luka. Drawn to his empathic abilities and calm mind as well as protective nature. They have a good rapport.
Luka's mask is essentially just playing his base personality to the hilt while obscuring all the massive issues he has. IE, "I've seen my sister die, my friends die, I've seen us lose... But I am OK!"
Roaar stuck with Sass.
She was very drawn to Juleka's scream thrash metal voice & the fact rather than be afraid she was excited to have a monstrous tiger in her room. Right up until Roaar became small & cute & they had to have a conversation, still, the Kwami of Ignition & Chaos thinks this can work.
Juleka has not confessed to Rose yet, in fact she still struggles to speak with most people at all. As Roaar though, she can lose herself in her new identity, she is a berserker, a bubbling mass of explosions and confidence and Rose will surely love this version of her more right?
Rose is a lil freaked out by Violet Tigress, but also kind of into her.
Not all pick their targets on the first night nowever & its only later that Gabriel makes his move anyway, but:
Kaalki picks Nino, impressed by his various ambitions and wide range of skills, as well as the fact he heroically got other people out of dangers first before thinking of himself & only panicking after the fact.
She is less impressed with his relaxed attitude and sense of style but they can work on that. They butt heads a lot and Nino is... Not strictly above using Voyage (Which has various powers here, individual teleportation multiple times, portals, ETC) for personal gain. Leading to a bit of "What am I in the dark?" worrying.
Tirxx chooses Lila, having arrived early, finding her poker face and frantically creative mind, as well as penchant for trouble making charming. But also low key wanting to mentor her on how to get what she wants with zero lies, just creative use of the truth.
Lila is very much into the idea of being a hero & feels the only thing about a person that matters is how they are perceived. IE, there is nothing deeper or more real than the mask one is wearing.
She & Nino have a strong focus on helping civilians in this AU, as there's no Ladybug to fix everything.
Meanwhile, Kagami has only just arrived in France.
Her family's new home is not ready yet so she's staying at the Le Grand Paris Hotel at Andre's insistence. He hopes to sort out whatever 'tiff' is happening between Tomoe & Agreste brands. & assigns Chloe as Kagami's hostess, a task she takes to with great enthusiasm. Give Chloe an important task and she will do it.
The pair actually get on quite well, in part cos of their distinct but similar experiences with Autism (Neither are diagnosed but they both practice smiles, ETC)
Anyway, Longg likes Kagami's general dutiful vibe, respectful but bold manner and bravery, as well as skill with a sword and chooses her.
Kagami regards her time as Ryuko as noble work, much more what she was born for than what she usually does. & sees the mask as a way to let off steam so she can keep her real impassive mask up.
Meanwhile Pollen is impressed with Chloe's sheer force of personality & will, She might be shocked or irritated by things but she is largely unflappable beneath the veneer & has much potential.
To Chloe, the hostess, and heiress to Style Queen & Andre, & Queen Bee are all entirely distinct identities. IE, she doesn't consider it inconsistent to do corrupt things to win an election as Chloe, but would consider them wrong as Queen Bee. But these things have a way of bleeding into one another.
These are the Six-Teen Heroes, but where's the seventh?
Well, Mullo divided herself up to look for an ideal candidate and found several, so she took awhile to make up her mind. Followed by actually having trouble making contact because of her chosen's incredibly bad luck! Suffice to say, Mullo chose Marinette.
Also Tomoe is the Butterfly Wielder, she has no interest in the power that surpasses death as Gabriel does. She's after al; the Miraculous & wants to Akumatize the wielders. She's seeking more general "Power" but is also much more reasonable & so can be worked with at times.
She & Gabriel are essentially fighting over the Miraculous stuff & who gets them, likely having only met & become allies because of their mutual search. She is also a great way to have a hero "go evil" without permanent issues.
Fu is out of the picture for awhile as Kaalki opened a portal for him and he ended up very, very far away.
Also as noted, all the Heroes have more varied power sets.
The Bee for example is less just "Stun enemy" and more about imposing a command or creating order. So she can sting someone and "Impose!" a command, or perhaps sting rubble and order it back into a wall.
People can also use smaller variants of their powers several times or big one's once.
Oh, also the Snake has a vague but actually limited number of uses & each use leaves everyone with a sense of deja-vu. So the more uses the less helpful it is.
Finally, all the heroes have very different relationships behind the masks to in the masks, that create contrasts. Like Luka generally trusts Lila and thinks she's very cool, he 100% does not trust Volpina cos he's seen her make some less than stellar decisions.
Chloe & Kagami 'get' each other surprisingly well, even if Kagami doesn't like what Chloe does she understands the logic perfectly well. But as Ryuko and Queen Bee often butt heads about how to approach things.
Nino & Juleka would normally get along fine if a bit awkwardly, but as heroes, she doesn't want to listen to what he has to say and he can't stand how reckless and wild she is.
Oh Adrien's also attending school, but is legit just a nice civilian boy at the moment XD Maybe a Peacock later?
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you could probably make an undertale au for sams
if i were smart i would say what it would entail but i am not, i can give around what characters would be which (not all i tried that before and my brain fried as soon as i thought who undyne would be)
moon: sans (moreso the teleportatio and science stuff more than the puns but still, could also be alphys but less weeb)
lunar: papyrus (he is just a short, more traumatized version of papyrus, down to the fandom interpritation of them! also early fanart of him made him look like swapped sans, who is also short papyrus)
earth: toriel, obvious reasons (the obvious reason is that they are both tall mommies /j/j)
eclipse: flowey, obviously (man already looks like flowey just decapitate him)
sun: asriel (mostly because eclipse is flowey and i think that would be neet cuz rheyre similar)
bloodmoon: i dont really know? probably undyne since she wants to kill you but idk
killcode: probably asgore, since dad, but idk
monty: probably mettaton
thats all i can think of im sorry its 6:30 am for me and i have gotten a total of 0 hours of sleep im very sorry
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numericalbridge · 1 year
i made the blog to post writing, but this one thing has been my pet peeve since the KT aired, so i might just blabber about it. (the bold text is just there to make it easier for me to reread, i'm not yelling)
I really, really disagree with the interpritation that Darius surrendering for Eberwolf at DoU means that Darius was willing to sacrifice the whole isles for Eber and that it was an ultimately selfish act.
First, i thought it was quite clear that at the very moment Darius didn’t have time to think and consciously weight his options at all, he was in the middle of a fight. And i dont think this is unique to Darius, I doubt Eda and Lilith, for example, would’ve acted differently in his position. 
From the writing point, the moment is there to show that Darius does care about Eber, and to cement the point that he is not as cold and ruthless as he likes to pretend to be. (If going into fanon territory, it can be seen as him being terrified of losing other people he loves in general). His actions are not flawless, and there is definitely both irony and tragedy that he was put in the position where he had to surrender, but that also doesn’t automatically mean he is deliberately willing to sacrifice other people for his loved ones. And also it is a kids show, where a friendship moment like this does represent a positive thing.
Second, about what happened immediately after (and the way it is completely ignored was what irked me from the start) - at that point, when Darius had just surrendered, he still doesn’t know that Raine and Lilith and the rest of the rebels were caught! That would mean that he would assume there is still time while the other CHs need to bring in Raine’s replacement or find real Raine. And since it was shown that Katya and Derwin were disguised as scouts, it is probable that there was some plan B. That could even explain why Eda wasn’t trying to fight more - if the Bard Coven Head isn’t there, there is still hope. And once Raine is in the circle, it seems like no one could stop/physically escape the spell. (this part is also why i dont agree that Raine would have 100% kept fighting in Darius’s position, i think it would depend)
and somehow no one, hopefully, thinks that Raine was ultimately selfish for wanting to be there for Eda and the rest of them, even though it would be smarter for them to be far away so they couldn’t be captured.
Third, when Darius mutters “No, we’re too late” - the way it is worded makes more sense if it is about stopping the spell to save the whole isles, and that is still where his main priority is. And, while it is mainly for the sake of the pacing that he says it at that moment, it can be seen as him despairing only at that moment, and that he still had hope before.
I am not even saying my interpritation is the correct one. And i think it needs to be kept in mind that it is a fictional story aimed at children that often relies more on the rule of cool in the tense scenes, and that in such scenes some details need to be sacrificed for the sake of the proper pacing. And the DoU plan was probably very heavily affected by the shortening of the show (and, unlike some other writing choices, the weird logic lapses in the plan is the thing i will excuse with time being cut), so it might be hard to say what was actually going on with the characters and it's an additional reason why different interpritations are possible. It just irks me that Darius’s actions are seen almost exclusively from the worst possible angle.
And, tbh Darius being someone who cares a lot about people closest to him, but also about doing the right thing and saving others, and yet he is put in a position where is has to chose on an impulse and finds out that he can’t let his loved one die, and has to deal with his hard choice, is much more interesting than a character who just easily choses his loved ones over everyone else as some interpretations make him to be.
And it seems sometimes like the fanon just wants to put him into one category or the other - either he is primary a rebel and is absolutely horrid with personal relationships, or he is all about taking care of the other characters but is a terrible irrational rebel, when actually he can have flaws both as a rebel and with his personal relationships, while still being a good person and a good (for a cartoon) rebel - just like every other positive character.
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viro-lil-goat · 1 year
I already wrote this in reblogs but i want to saparate so here we go, shoutout to this post
AU Hyde friends with Emma Carew
In this au, or more like an addition i can add to one of my aus – in one of Hydes outings, while jumping on the roofs he noticed Emma crying on balcony to her room. Even though he would usually leave (and Jekyll dosent want to get in trouble hence Hyde is still a searched criminal) he decided to come closer, Emma noticed him and was confused on why tf theres a man on the roof above her balcony (i would shit my pants) But Hyde reassured her he isnt a threat, and was just coming by (on the roofs 🤨). And asked her whats wrong.
Surprisingly she wasnt afraid, she already had a breakdown so she couldn't really think straight.
She told him she is supposed to have an arranged marriage with Simon Stride, in her families will. But she doesn't love him nor she ever had romantic or sexual attraction to anyone ever (shes aroace but that term didnt exist back then ). Plus, hes a jerk towards her.
Hyde shows his opposition to it, he thinks all those traditions and aristocrat things are absolutely stupid (sorry for my lack of smart language 😂) . He tells her he knows one person who was also married against their will, and that ruined their relationship with their lover (as hyde says this jekylls jaw drops to the floor XD). So he understands how harmful it can be. He jokes to lift Emmas mood.
Emma already calmed down thanks him, and also tells abot how in general its annoying. Her fathers friends were making jokes about her marrying jekyll right after their dance. Her father dosent take her seriously as he thinks shes still kid (like in musical, same with her mothers death) and he dosent think that marriage is harmful as family of simon conviced him otherwise. She dosent blames him but still holds a grudge for not helping her but instead adding fuel to the fire.
Hyde dosent knows what to say so he suggests her to jump on roofs with him to unwind, jekyll as a shadow is completely apposed. She is unsure but decides to accept the offer. Jekyll tries his hardest but hyde has an idea to make it a little safer.
Since shes in a party dress she takes some time to change into more for jumping clothes. Hyde asks her to hold his hand so she dosent fall while jumping
Artistic interpritation bc im not good with words XD
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(the end of second slide feels weird but i didnt know how elso to phrase it 🫡)
And here another time they meet ⬇️
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Okay im almost done this took wayy too long
Hence things has worsen with her abusive fiancée, and marriage was soon to happen, she decided to run away and asked Hyde for help in that
Later on i imagine her cutting her hair as a sign of new life (so she'll have something like a pixie cut)
She would write her father a letter that she has left due to her own will
Andd Hyde helps her escape to become of Lucy girls ^^ they still meet even after that.
Thinking abt that, most likely in this scenario her father would still search for her. Just wondering if suspecting Hyde should be a part of it (maybe someone has seen them or something like that)
Okay phew finally first one done ☠️ thats exactly why i usually only keep it in my mind its so hard expressing what im thinking i had to fill the gaps as i wrote. Buttt i want to share (and not forget) so here
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jewishdainix · 1 year
Ok so I think I finally figured it (my opinion) out.
Basically, I think that Robin Hobb not making Fitzloved explicitly canon was not homophobic, but her going against the queer reading of them is.
Because those are two entirely different things.
Fitz and the Fool's relationship being ambiguous is kind of the point. The whole thing is not to be defined by labels (which is also why I think labeling them as strictly platonic or strictly romantic is missing the point. Theyre both and their neither. Theyre their own thing and their own way*).
Leaving the exact nature of their relationship up to interpitation is also fine, in my opinion. Because queer characters don't have to be capital C Canon (Word Of God, explicit confession, etc) for them to be queer, especially if literally everything in the text points to them being queer.
Robin Hobb going against the homoerotic reading of Fitz and the Fool, however, is homophobic. It fits very very neatly into the trend and context of straight people staying in denial about completely obvious queer characters, all while calling queer audiences delusional or not "letting guys just be friends" or anything else someone might say about an obviously accidentally queercoded character or straight up queerbaited character.
I don't actually beleive Robin Hobb is homophobic herself** or went against the homoerotic reading of them for homophobic reasons.
I believe that she saw people (rightfully imo) interpriting what she wrote in a way she didn't intend to - "When I write, I want to tell my story directly to you. I want you to read it exactly as I wrote it." (Robbin Hobb, The Fanfiction Rant) - and had a freakout about it which resulted in something that ended up being homophobic*** when looked at with the context of the trend I mentioned before.
* You might say qpr! I generally agree that their relationship is queer platonic, but (and it could be just me with my semantics) I beleive that the lebel qpr is still a label which would still go against the whole theme of not having a label. Same thing with the Fool's gender (imo), hes not nonbinary/genderfluid but his gender is fluid and out of the binary.
But again, probably more of a semantics thing than anything else (I know about The Conflict of Interpitations from a video essay about The Lion king, but I'm pretty sure it mentions a similar issue to this).
** While I think it's more of an issue of a straight person saying something homophobic wirhout holding homophobic views, as often happens, it does seem like Robin Hobb does have biphobic views. As far as I am aware she asked something along the lines of "why invalidate Fitz being with a woman by making him be with a man". (Which also, interestingly enough, labels the Fool's gender, which still goes against the stuff that happened in your book, Lindholm!).
I wish a had a direct quote here, though. Unfortunately, unlike The Fanfiction Rant I can't find where she wrote her opinions on Fitzloved.
*** And explicitly biphobic
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moth-writing-pit · 3 months
for a little bit of context, this is set in my au and relies on my personal headcanons and interpritations. Also maybe just a tiny bit of disliking or straight up hating things that are fanon
Cherry went downstairs after Paint and Duck went to bed. He wasn't tired and really just wanted to wander while he was free of the 'Teachers'. Cherry wasn't going to say that Paint and Duck had it easy but they were a little more ignorant than he was. He knew some of the darker secrets of this place. Not that Cherry would really ever share said secrets with anyone. They were taxxing enough on him to know, why should he burden others? He was just barely a few footsteps from the doorway to the small library when he heard a soft humming. Cherry didn't recognize the tune or the voice. Curiously he entered the book-filled sanctuary. Standing by one of the shelves on the wall was a tall, bipedal, lime-ish yellow bee-esque creature. They had sparce charcoal gray stripes as well as their ankles, lower half of their thorax and forearms being transparent with some unidentifible amber liquid. Around their abdomen was a single belt with what sounded like a bell fixed to it.
"Hello? Who.. Who are you?" Cherry inquired softly, cautiously stepping closer to the figure. They turned and met his eyes. They didn't respond for several moments, blinking their odd, unmatching eyes at him owlishly.
"Experiment - View-Sewn 005. Who are you and why haven't I seen you before? ... Actually I think Clock might be a factor in that second part, just uh let me start over. Who are you?" Now it was Cherry's turn for silence. What an odd creature. Cherry took in a deep breath before realizing that he'd heard that 'name' before. Didn't Clock have some kind of project he was calling the View-Sewn experiment? He gazed blankly at 005's eyes. The left eye didn't seem functional, acting more like a googly eye. The x shaped pupil certainly didn't make it any more comforting. The other eye had more of a hollow O shaped pupil. Though unlike the left eye, the right eye had a black scaleria with a violet pupil instead of a black pupil on violet scaleria.
"Cherry, my name is Cherry. What are you doing in here, if you don't mind my asking?"
"Curiosity mostly. Over heard the dumb bug muttering about some Master Delirium or something. ... Also getting away from Clock, don't tell him I said this but he scares me. Deeply. I don't care if he's technically my father because he created me or whatever but there's just something about him that just ain't right, yknow?"
Cherry nodded absentmindedly, distracted by the mention of Delirium. Of course Delirium was still alive. And of course he was trying to sucker some poor soul into serving him. Would that manipulative feathered douche ever learn? He snapped back to reality when he realized 005 was just looking at him. Right, they were in the middle of a conversation.
"Curiosity killed the cat y'know," He said quickly, trying to feign paying complete undivided attention. Cherry felt his tail droop, almost as if his own bizarre red yarny body was disappointed in him.
"Satisfaction brought it back," 005 retorted smoothly, grinning slightly. Cherry didn't notice it before but the experiment's mouth was some kind of large zipper. He chuckled at the remark. He didn't think anybody else in this nightmare ridden house knew the second half of the saying. Maybe he wasn't so alone after all.
"That it did.. That it did. Oh before I forget to ask and sorry for switching topic so fast but uh do you mind if I give you a nickname? So you're more than just some title and numeric designation.. b-but it's fine if not!" Cherry felt a lump in his throat. Smooth, real smooth. He wasn't sure friendship was anywhere on the line now after that horrid fumble.
"Go for it"
"Really?" Cherry was shocked that 005 sounded so calm and frankly unfazed by him tripping over his own words. He swallowed down the bile he felt rising in his throat and gave 005 a nod he hoped was reassuring. "... How about Honeypot? Y'know 'cause you're a bee and the stuff in your clear bits.." He trailed off, feeling like he was saying all the wrong things in all the wrong ways.
005 grinned happily, softly parroting the suggestion of a nickname as if seeing how it felt on his tongue.
"I like it, you can absolutely call me Honeypot, Cherry" Another grin. Cherry found himself weirdly fond of Honeypot's metallic smiles. Comforted even, which was weird since he and Honeypot just met. He couldn't possibly have hots for a near total stranger, right?
Might make another part, might not
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
An Interpretation Of DHMIS 6: PTSD, Living With Trauma, and The Cycle Of Abuse
When it comes to DHMIS, especially the Webseries version, I like to keep my view of it Nebulous. I don't like having any one True Interpretation/Theory because to me, the magic of the series is in the lack of answers/clarity. That being said, I do have a favorite personal interpritation, which is this: the webseries is it's a great examination, by intent or by accident, of abuse, trauma, and PTSD.
I don't think that was the intent in it's creation, of course. I like to leave the interpretation nebulous, it can all mean anything- it *does* mean anything, everything, nothing. But it's certainly an easy lens to view the series through. This post specifically focuses on this idea in relation to Episode 6, however.
So, when we begin the episode, Yellow Guy is alone now. Duck died, Red Guy left. He's alone with The Teachers, continuing to undergo the torment. He's stuck in the active abuse still.
Red Guy is now in a boring office with people who just... don't understand him. Going with our theme, this is him trying to fit into the normal, expected life and actions despite all that he's gone through. And he tries his best, but his experiences have left him Changed, and his coworkers and peers just... can't connect with him. Not that they really try, mind you, but the point here is he is emotionally isolated. He's been through something none of them can understand. When he tries to express some of his feelings, he gets rejected. They think his singing file idea is boring. When he takes to the stage they all boo him off. He's not palatable to them anymore.
And then he sees Roy, and literally the world just... falls apart around him, and suddenly he's back in the world he escaped from. Following our theme here, I'd say it's a representation of being triggered.
He's acting differently because of what he endured, and the people around him don't understand it. They find it odd, unlikeable. Then he sees something that reminds him of what he went through, and everything else vanishes, and he's right back there, going through it all again.
He finds the control panel and sees Yellow Guy still undergoing the torment. He frantically starts messing with it, changing what's happening to Yellow. Again, since we're intentionally interpreting everything to fit this theme of PTSD/abuse/trauma, this can viewed as a representation of the cycle of abuse. Red Guy is trying to help, but is instead making things worse, inflicting the same horrors on Yellow Guy but in a different way. He doesn't mean to! But he's also not stopping! Through our chosen lens this makes a fantastic representation of how abuse cycles are often not perpetuated fully on purpose. If someone hasn't processed, healed... they can do a lot of damage without ever intending to, maybe even while actively trying to avoid it and trying to help.
Roy comes out of the shadows, puts a hand on Red Guy's shoulder, startles him and so Red Guy stops messing with the panel. Now, Roy's and Red Guy's interaction could represent a lot of things here. It could be coming to terms with your trauma and being able to stop taking your feelings about it out on others. It could be the way your trauma is always lingering at the back of your mind, affecting how you interact with others, and can sneak up on you with more intense episodes out of nowhere. It could even be seen as an abuser feeling pride or satisfaction that their victim is doing the same to others, even unintentionally. Viewing it through the lens we are, these all work for what happens next. Red Guy notices the plug, and pulls it.
"I wonder what will happen," he says. Again, many ways to interpret this from the idea we're going with here, but my favorite is it could be interpreted as Red Guy realizing he's perpetuating the cycle and deciding to stop it somehow. The ending of them all being their previously mentioned favorite color, to me, means things are Better. Red Guy did something good, and now things are better, and healing can be done.
Maybe Red Guy started over and these are their descendants, benefitting from the healing done. Maybe it's them, finally able to move beyond what happened to them and that's why the day finally changes on the calendar, they're finally able to live their lives without being stuck in that cycle.
Maybe it needn't be so literal and linear and it just... means something changed. Could be for better, could be for worse. But it's changed, at least.
I hope this makes sense, I tried to edit it and like, organize it better, but I'll be real I've been having the worst insomnia lately and I'm like, hanging on by a thread lol.
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weird0nerdo · 1 year
Your Pizzahead gives me animated or even looney tunes The Mask vibes and I’m obsessed-
Uoohohooo. You so right at this one!
Mask was my favorite character since my teen age!
I always loved how toony yet realistic this character were. And I still love him so-so much! He's such a nice sourse of inspiration in almost every of his interpritation!
I even translated comics about him on my native language(3d one is not mine translation. but i'm sorry i have no time to search for original page atm). Even very first one!
Haha yes… I think you can call me a huge Mask nerd.
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And Pizzahead…. he's something more. He's a maximum of cartoonity.
And maximum of childishness... but somehow in it's adult and very flirty way.
And oh boy how do I love this!
I actually think that Pizzahead is based on Mask maybe... but who can tell for sure, right?)
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
ehehehehe sorry in advanced and here are my thought on LMTLY
damn it. i keep saying that lately with the past few chapters but really just damn it. damn it loki, i feel bad for you. I know you'd rather not be pitied because it shows your vulnerability but darling, come on. You had a fucked up life, i know but that isnt excuse to push people away. i know there are layers deeper than the earths crust of insecurities and fears you have but darling, please let someone tell them how they feel and how they can at least help you because thats what she doing, she trying to help you get past all that shitty trauma but your not even letting her. i know its hard to even realize that she trying to help but calm down, please try to and let her explain it bc just like with birdy, all the trauma that your keeping, all the fucked up shit you keep within yourself, one day its going too be too much and i know you hate sharing or being soft bc it makes you seem week and that what you were raised to believe but darling, please listen to her and let her help you.
those walls you have up have to come down, even just a bit if you want this relationship to progress. being vulnerable doesnt make you weak, if not it makes you stronger opening up to someone, especially the one you love. This sick need to be hurt as its the only way you only truly feel, it is sick darling but hopefully y/n is there to help you understand that there are better and something so much better past that. that you dont even have to feel pain to feel something
now eheheh sorry, i dunno why i tend to go into conversation or speak as if im actually talking to loki but it just happens eheheh. sorry not the next few bits are notes from where i continue to read when they get back from the party, i dunno why but for some reason i feel sort of compelled to make an essay or something because from what i read frpm this morning, this is really bloody good and though you might not have enjoyed writing this, this is truly one of the most necessary and most beautiful ones you've written for this story because it really just shows how comlicatedly fucked up his mind is and how you just wrote it is a bloody damn good way of making us understand.amyway i love this chapter and hers what i took note of whilst i read it again. ehehhe i again apologize though cuz i seem to be making a bloody book on how i think this goes, eheheh sorry….😅
now how closed off he is understandable considering his background but she went through the same shit in some way,of all the people you can open up to luv, she the one
the moments of ignorant bliss before the shit is often cruel dont yah think. they were so happy now, this… how their dealing with it is very different now isnt it, he sort of tries to push everything down and tries to forget it by distracting himself, first making him destructive with the glass then the timing of the call was just perfect enough to destract him to focus on your work. while she's in her room trying to process what she feels via the tears.
these are just my interpritations of what i read, how you choose to see them is how you truly do and im just trying my best to make sense of it all
darling your not a bloody monster so stop calling yourself that please, i beg of you stop it. none of what you did was per your own accord, you were forced to and i know that it doesnt take away the guilt of being the one that still hurt people but darling you have to learn to get past these and start fresh bc… only good things would come out of something new and good, choose to do so and to move on with her help, all good things would come. I promise. Isnt that right writer? he's still trying to protect her even after all this time… (always..😐) and she needs to understand that no matter what happens between them, he always will. right? Well, I believe in him enough to trust him to do so
her feelings are justified but i dont like how she using the night before against him.
their both fucked up i get that but even so, he's still protecting her and for her to think that he'd be that person, they dont know each other enough in that way because of their shit but the way their both hurting just hurts me now…
darling thats just the thing, we have to or you have to because… you just have to for things to work out because neither of you will be happy if you keep something like that burried so deep wothin you.
"But what if I want to share the baggage loki, what if I want to be the part of that pain that you feel all the time? What if I want to be someone you could talk to?"
seee, her saying thiss. i agree with. what if i and her or we want to share that baggage because we love you enough to help you with that. we love you wnough that we want to help you carry, unpack that baggage because we love you. understand that damn it.
that line seriously has me questioning my choices in men. do i want the emotionally fucked up one or the boring normal dude? ehehhe but i want the fucked up one though. i want someone i can take care of and maybe that says something about me but i want that. thats what these stories, especially yours bring. the sense of helping someone even in some weird way, us helping then, even just in our mind is helping us and i just want to thank you for that.
how mature she is compared to the her a few chapters ago just shows how much this relationship is important for both of them. she maturing, realizing that okay maybe you need to let this out bc it isnt healthy but his insecurity is that he the one that needs to go. he makes his insecureties and fears into one and thinks that it defines him or something but it just doesnt. hes been tought that the most horrible things about him define who he is and that hinders any and all relationship he has. any time someone shitty messes up his mind (like that bitch jolene, dont even get me started on her) he closes himself of even more bc he was giving himself to her (jolene, again regretfully) but as he was opening up she couldnt handle him and just fuck you bitch, you and that fucker odin ruined him. it isnt fair. they left him as he is without any help or comfort and now y/n is left to pick up the pieces. fuckin shit come onnn
but i want to know and see those stupid ugly parts of you you moron (sorry…) but what if she doesnt run
sorry for that ehehhe anyway, this got on longer, wayy longer that expected and its still isnt enough though. i just wish i could give you my brain (now that i think about it ew) or the scene or feeling and thoughts i was going through as i was reading this. this was REALLLY GOOODDD. please never stop with your wonder, this creativity is somethings else entirely.
i again apologize (you must be sick of the number of time i have) for the length this has gone on too. eheheh i cant help but feel like a bother because i feel like i've continually just repeated myself over and over and i wonder if i even made any sense eheheh. the fact that you're at this part show that you has to wndure that horrific mess that is my mind ehehhe
all i'll say now is that chapter was wonderful, i wish i could have gone on in this with it fresh but i reread once i got home and still as... its just got layers and i find that wonderfully brilliant.
im stopping myself from saying anything further
from your lovely 😊❤️💜💙💚💛🖤😊
Me: upset and crying because of something work related and thinking perfect distraction doesn't exist.
Meanwhile I have this in my ask box waiting for me
Thank youuuuuu 🥺❤️
Okay coming back to this
The biggest issue he have in life is himself, he hates himself and he sees the world in the same way, just because he hates himself and Jolene who claimed to love him but abandoned him, he thinks everyone is going to do the same thing.
With y/n , his beacon of light and reason to breathe, his fears intensifies because she's honestly his last will to move forward and keep going, he's not ready to lose her at any cost and he thinks keeping her in dark would be much better than sharing with her.
If I talk about y/n in this fic she needs to be patient with him, it's been three days like girl just wants to love him but like chillll 😂 Give him some time and maybe he'll change his ways, he did open up a little to Jolene, just a little and she dropped him like a hot potato so his fear isn't just about himself but it's toppled with his abandonment issue and all she needs to do is stay by his side for now.
I think I relate with wanting to be with someone who's emotionally tormented a bit because I'm that way and I don't think I can ever be with someone who's not on the same emotional maturity level as me, like I can't possibly explain myself to a happy go lucky sort of guy who's always happy, I don't know what that says about me. Jolene in this fic also had that "I can fix him" syndrome which obviously didn't work for her 😂
Thank you for such an analysis, you're pretty astute about most of his feelings and fears in this fic my dear and like I have said a million times I absolutely love to hear from you always so never stop . Just you thinking that I'm a good writer or the fact that you wrote all this because of my story means more to me than you can imagine. Love youu 🥹💚
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