#but sometimes i rb something just bc i wanna chew on it
cherryblossomshadow · 1 month
Where did you think Top Cop Harris come from
Hey, I'm not the most knowledgeable on this subject, but yes, I have heard that Kamala called herself Top Cop while she was District Attorney.
The only two posts on my blog that address this have imo pretty nuanced takes on this, which boil down to:
Kamala is not perfect, but we can't wait for a perfect candidate to magically appear
Therefore, you can absolutely criticize her for things she did, things she contributed to, things that happened on her watch
But you should criticize her for what really happened. People may not know that she wasn't a uniformed officer who physically arrested people. She got into law to protect women and children from abuse
Yes, she was upholding a corrupt and racist system. But criticize her for that. Not for lies
We can talk about the nuances of what she WAS, but we first have to correct the mistaken impression of what she WASNT
Additionally, I think it should be allowed to feel hope for a candidate that isn't as bad as you thought. It's allowed to correct some misinformation around you
I'm not looking at this election like she's some savior who will fix the world just bc she's not really a cop. I'm hoping that ppl won't write her off based on inaccurate information, only accurate information. Bc the only other alternative is That Guy
Again, I'm not an expert on this. But the takes that I elevate aren't only the ones that I like or agree with; they're the takes that I think make a good point or are worth chewing on.
Some greatest hits from this post:
Be careful what you read, always be critical of how facts are presented to you, and don't be afraid to admit when you're wrong.
There's no such thing as a good cop, but there do exist naive cops with good intentions who think they can change the system from within
The real nuance is that the position of "top cop" or whatever can't be left empty. When you're filling out the ballot and get to sheriffs and prosecutors, every candidate is an acab. There are no right choices simply by what the nature of the job is. But there are candidates who will attempt that incremental change, and ones who can make things much worse.
She gets my vote at least, she's definitely better than trump or biden, but I'm still hesitant to give my absolute full support.
And from this post:
It didn’t hit me until recently that people genuinely think Kamala Harris was a police officer because of all the people who call her a cop online.
We can discuss how related that is to police work and how tied she is to the carceral system etc etc (but for fairness would have to include her record of pushing for lowering incarceration rates through programs helping former prisoners + her office refusing to jail folks for low level weed offense). But she was never a police officer. 
I think it’s important to note she learned and grew over time, as well.
What drives me crazy about the prosecutor/district attorney = cop common line of leftist thinking is that. People always talk about when a progressive DA is appointed, and how important that is, because the DA literally can just decide not to prosecute certain offenses.
I’d also like to add that if you look at her record in a timeline she has gotten progressively more liberal!
#some ppl will call it pandering but uhhhh we literally want our politicians to listen to our concerns and change their policies based on it
We vote for the weakest adversary. The weakest adversary is always the politician who mostly agrees with you but got where they are by compromising with an unjust system. Elect that person and mush their face in the compromises they’ve made and we can undo the fucked up laws and practices !!!! Or you can let someone who can never be convinced because they hold opposite views on criminalization, incarceration, police brutality and immunity, etc. If you don’t understand or care that voting works this way, where’s your pipe bombs and guerilla fighter cells? Cause that or complacency with fascist takeover is all you’re eating 
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
#youre not gonna budge trump #but if youre not happy with kamala #nudge her left! #dont let perfect be the enemy of good #or progress #we're still on the wrong side of the line #but how are we going to get to the right side without taking a single step?
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yelenasdog · 4 years
hurricane (brian may x fem reader)
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request by the wonderful @speciallyred w prompts 45 and 58 from this prompt list! i was super nervous to write this bc i love her writing but i hope u enjoy!!
genre: per request of anna, angsty! but it ends w some fluff to mend ur broken heart hehe
summary: he’s never home, and neither is she. he can’t communicate, and she just wants to be loved.
words: 1.5k this was supposed to b a drabble OOPS
warnings: crying, sadness, mentions of marriage+kids, mentions and accusations of cheating, i think that’s it but as always, lmk if i missed any!
a/n: ok so a. y/n wasn’t used so if u wanted this do bri x some other female or oc that would work, and b. i also didn’t use anything that would keep this from being able to be read as a gwil!bri fic :) mwah (also i just realized this but this could totally be a song fic for i want love by elton john ok bye luv u)
 ⭑ 🎸
It was deathly silent in the spacious former home of Brian and his beloved, that had now been reduced to only a house. The ticking of the grandfather clock he had insisted that they had to have when they moved in could be heard ringing out and echoing, pestering the girl to no end.
It was always quiet in their house, even when they fought. There was never a rushed bustle of children you had to get out the door to school, and not even a cat or dog to create a disruptive chaos as they ran about, muddy paws leaving marks on the floor.
There would be the occasional record playing lowly, the notes floating about the house, and sometimes if she couldn’t sleep, she would have Bri play her a soft tune on his old acoustic, his voice having no issue bringing her to rest.
But even now, during one of the most heart wrenching fights that the pair had gone through, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop on the hardwood flooring.
As Brian was a soft and gentle man, never yelling or raising his voice in the slightest. He wasn’t mean or cruel, in fact, his entire aura calmed her to no end, which is why she supposed she hated this so much.
She scanned with careful eyes over his silhouette, watching as stray curls rustled from the draft coming in from the open window, goosebumps raising on both of their exposed arms.
“What are you looking at?”
“Just you, Bri.”
He rolled his eyes from where he sat on the white sofa, moving his fist under his chin. A scoff fell from his rosy lips as he turned his head to look out the window, not actually paying any mind to the green hills, a light frost covering the entire landscape.
“So are you just going to ignore me?”
“I’m not ignoring you.”
A salty tear rolled down her face, the incoming breeze hitting her dampened face. She inhaled sharply, her chilled skin becoming slimy and cold to the touch.
Brian wouldn’t know that, though, he hadn’t touched her in days. Weeks, even.
She had wanted to say that his words were malicious, with venom dripping from his tone, like some sort of acid was coating his vocal cords.
But they weren’t. His voice never raised a damn octave, staying completely neutral. And it was driving her mad.
“Then what is this, Brian?”
“I’m collecting my thoughts.”
She laughed, the sound lacking its usual melodic intonation that the guitarist adored so much. He was the reasoning behind the dry chuckle, that much he knew, and he hated it. God, how he despised it. But, he would never let it show. How could he, when he was the initiator of the (extremely childish, now that he thought over it) conflict to begin with? He knew his accusation was emptier than the large building they resided in, and he knew that the results would be horrendous.
But jealousy was an ugly green parasite that had rooted itself in Brian May’s heart, slowly consuming him from the inside out. It was like a devil that rested on his left shoulder, insisting that she was unfaithful, taking advantage of his extended leaves. He foolishly acted on the devil’s words, which led to where they were now.
“Well, how long do you need to ‘collect your thoughts’?” She folded her leg under her opposite thigh, leaning towards him, the distance of only a few feet feeling like worlds away to her broken heart. She would always be drawn to him like some sort of magnet, no matter how badly he hurt her.
“I’m not sure, would you like me to do so elsewhere?”
A beat passed.
“Why, so you can go shag someone else, just like I apparently have been?”
Again, silence.
“You were gone for 3 hours every night on every Tuesday the past month-“
“You kept track? You’re out of your damn mind.” She raised her voice, sitting up, suddenly enraged with his obsessive distrust rather than saddened.
“That’s not important-“
“What’s important is that you’re gone on tour for 10 times as long as that, leaving me here completely alone to my own devices! I trust you enough to believe that you remain mine while you’re away, but for some unknown reason, you can’t manage to think the same about me.”
His flippancy on the issue at hand agitated her (or his lack thereof in general, she supposed) to no end. She wanted him to scream and cry, to throw something, to loudly shout, to shed fury fueled tears as she had. She knew it was wrong, but quite frankly she didn’t care.
He tried to speak up for himself, stuttering out something about how he did in fact trust her, but all to no avail. She would have none of it, not now.
“What’s important, Brian, is that every Tuesday, I’m staying 3 hours after work to try to make it so that I don’t have to rely on you for money, because I don’t want you to think even for a moment I’m with you just because you’re some incredibly famous rockstar who happens to be loaded!”
She was standing now, although she couldn't quite remember bringing her body from the comforts of the soft chair by the mantle to her feet. The roaring fire beside her had died down into a flurry of golden embers, heat still radiating from the pile of charred logs, Brian failing to provide even a fraction of the same warmth.
“Because I love you, and as of late, I’m starting to wonder if you love me too.”
He stood, walking over to where she was in a timely manner, his long legs carrying him quickly. Her breath hitched at their sudden proximity, her surprise only growing when he gripped his hands on either side of her face, pulling her forward and capturing her lips in a long awaited union.
She loathed that her stiff figure was melting into him faster than she would like to admit, and she even more, she loathed the fact she knew she always would.
He was able to taste her tears that hadn’t ceased to roll down her face, the bitter droplets seeping onto the tip of his tongue. He pulled away, his right hand caressing her cheekbone while his forehead rested upon hers. His bottom lip quivered, a wave of emotions hitting him like a hurricane in full force.
His eyes become glassy, and all at once, tears flood his eyesight, pouring down his flushed features. He looked down, shutting his eyes and shaking his head. The bawling didn’t stop as he had hoped, though, it just slowed, the liquid dropping onto her shirt.
“I love you, I love you so much that it hurts. And ’m sorry, I’m so incredibly sorry, darling.”
She smiled softly, lightly massaging the top of his scalp, his locks growing frizzy.
“I know. But it’s just so hard- It seems everyone is getting married, and settling down. Hell, even Fred has his cats.”
They both laughed, and she chewed her bottom lip, a habit of hers that Bri had picked up on in the time he’d known her.
“I just get lonely, Bri, and it feels like you never let me know what’s going on in that pretty head of yours. That’s all, honest to God.”
They moved to sit down, and he pulled closer than they had been in ages.
“I’ll support you in any way shape or form, no matter what, yeah?”
She simply nodded, leaning onto his shoulder.
“Yeah. I know.”
Raising his eyebrows, he cocked his head, choosing his next words carefully.
“And if you’re serious about, y’know, having a family and ‘settling down’ and everything, I’ll do it.”
She met his eyes, her smile growing wider.
He hummed, nodding his head. “I love you, and this house is far too quiet.”
She giggled, tossing her arms around his neck and throwing herself on him.
“I must say I agree.”
After the grins had retreated into soft smiles, and the two had come to a much more stolid point, she sat up, patting her lap.
Brian understood immediately, laying his tired head down and allowing her to play with his hair. She moved her hands to oh so lightly trace the crook of his nose and the bags under his eyes (from the late nights he spent performing, wishing he was in the exact position he was in now), the ticklish feeling making him nuzzle into her hand with a whine.
She couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful boy beneath her, as even with all the work that there was to be done between them, she felt confident that he was in it for the long haul.
🦔⭑ 🎸
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me @ u for reading that
ty for reading, like and rb if u wanna :) go drink some water and eat some protein if u can!
as always, xx hj <3
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