#but shizuo and izaya will definitely rule the seas together
lavenderboneswrites · 3 years
Siren Izaya x pirate captain Shizuo, any headcannons other than it being like the little mermaid but gay and darker.
Oooh oh ooohhhh ! Okay let me preface this with saying I absolutely LOVE everything and anything to do with pirates! One Piece, Black Sails, AC Black Flag (the greatest AC game ever), Pirates of the Caribbean, Treasure Planet, Treasure Island (the book), Muppets Treasure Island. Seriously anything that has pirates? Sign me the fuck up because I am a slut for that shit. If ya'll have any good pirate shows/books please rec me because I will devour that like the kraken devours ships. Just everything to do with pirates, the aesthetics, the language, the big ships, the clothes, the tales, sailing the seas and having adventures. The idea of freedom and fighting against authority. *Mwuah* chef's kiss.
Alright, now that's out of the way I have to admit @scrambledshizaya and me have discussed a Disney The Little Mermaid au at length. Mostly just imaging merman Prince Izaya loving humans and being fascinated by them and longing to be 'part of their world'. Shizuo is of course Prince Eric and I love the thought of Shinra as Sebastian.
Anyway for a darker, pirate version. Yohohoho oh boy I gotta stop from making this just pirate shizaya. Okay so pirate captain Shizuo. He definitely would be considered a beast of the seas, a terrifying pirate with an incredibly high bounty with stories of terror and mystery surrounding him. Did he defeat the Kraken? Who knows? (I can see Shizuo wrestling the Kraken barehanded and yeeting it into the neighbouring sea). Anyway, there’s the tale of his battle with the great siren. Pirates, like sailors, are incredibly superstitious and the legend of siren’s bewitching men and luring them to Davy Jones’s locker is well known.
Izaya is one of these mythical creatures, obsessed with bewitching human’s with his beauty, words, and above all his siren call. However he loves humans and sometimes will forget to actually kill them cause he’s too busy just talking to them. Most actually die from their own stupidity (trying to fight a siren in open water is not a smart move), and really that makes Izaya pout cause he wasn’t done playing. (I imagine siren Izaya kind of like a mermaid but with a leopard shark tail and a bit more murky and dark, with vicious claws and shark like teeth (just imagine his wide lil grin with all those teeth omg bb). (I don’t know a whole heap about siren’s to be honest).
One night at sea, snow falls like infinity around the ship and Shizuo hears the siren’s call. He takes a harpooning boat out to investigate, going alone as the rest of his crew are much too frightened. Izaya swims up to him, very interested in this strange, unafraid human. Shizuo just grins as he spots him, thinking he’s never seen such a pretty prize before.
And Shizuo is the one human who is not affected by Izaya and that makes him incredibly annoyed. Shizuo just captures him in a net and Izaya is hissing like a little drowned housecat. A siren is a fine pet for the King of Pirates after all.
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lavenderboneswrites · 3 years
Pirate Shizaya headcannons. I preferably love the idea of Izaya being a coordinator that Shizuo has practically kidnapped because Shizuo held the damn map upside down and is know lost(he is the captain) also I love everything u do
Aaah okay I had to think long and hard about this because really I have TOO many ideas. I’ll preface this with saying that the Golden Age of Piracy actually coincides with the Edo period of Japan where the country was ruled by the Shogunate and was generally closed to outside politics, influences, etc. So with these two periods overlapping there is so much room to play with. I for one am losing my mind about samurai pirates.
Orihara Izaya, Captain of the Dragon Zombie Pirates.
Alright alright. So I think Izaya was probably born in a noble and well respected samurai family of Japan. However this boy craved adventure and to the see the world and to meet all that it had to offer. Not a fan of Japan’s anti-foreign involvement (open the country, stop having it be closed), he led a group of revolutionaries out of Japan to the seas.
During this time I can definitely see Izaya finding his way onto a pirate ship and manipulating everyone in sight until there’s a mutiny and he becomes the new captain, because of course that’s what our boy would do.
However despite this, and after proving his worth, his intelligence, his skill, I think his crew would be fiercely loyal to him. I can see him keeping a few of his original Japanese crew around too. I think Mikado would be his right hand man, Mikage and Ran his enforcers, Shinra the ships doctor, and his childhood friend who followed him out to see in search of ‘true love’. Simon I can see maybe as the quartermaster, I think he’d be good at rallying the crew. Overall I think there would be a mismatch of people from all over the world, because Izaya loves picking up strays.
Izaya is a cunning and intelligent captain. He uses wit and no small degree of charm to achieve his goals. He's fascinated by the occult, especially myths and legends. I feel like he'd love to hunt for the fountain of youth and see the kraken with his own eyes. He dreams of bigger prizes than just the usual gold.
Izaya is showy af and definitely has all the flashy pirate coats, not mention a penchant for ridiculous hats (Captain Barbossa’s hat anyone? And all the tricorns). I think he’d be an adequate warrior, trained with a samurai sword, but his weapons of choice are two daggers and close range where he can use speed, agility, and intelligence to outwit his opponents. (I imagine he fights like Anne Bonney, who I love, from Black Sails). I also kind of think he’d be a pirate like Calico Jack Rackham (also from Black Sails, look I love BS there’s gonna be a lot of BS references). Also our boy is talented as parkour and can parkour around a ship like a motherfucker (thank you Black Flag).
Heiwajima Shizuo, Monster of Caribbean, Captain of the Beast Pirates*.
Shizuo is a powerhouse in the pirate world. Where Izaya is all brains and cunning, Shizuo is brute strength. I actually like to head canon that his violent ways got him cast into indentured servitude and he was sold off across the seas and ended up in the Caribbean. Due to his strength he made a good labourer for the British but also fuck the redcoats. I think Shizuo would have led a revolt against the slavers and started his own pirate crew after that. He would’ve given his fellow slaves the option to go where they want or join his crew and a few probably did.
Tom’s of course his right hand man, they are brother’s in arms and have fought many battles together. I think Vorona would be a good enforcer and I definitely want Kadota to be his quartermaster (with the rest of the van gang on the crew as well - those four are a fierce raiding party). Though Shizuo is 100% hopeless at navigating so he's gonna need a good one on board.
Shizuo is definitely a brawler with his insane strength, and the thought of his weapon of choice being this fuck off massive Warhammer is just too good to pass up. I want Shizuo bare chested with high-waisted pants, pirate boots, half shaved head, long blonde hair in braids basically just looking like an absolute barbarian beefcake. ALL THE TATTOOS. He is the definition of a rough, fierce pirate.
He likes hunting prizes and spending his gold on drinking, gambling, and fucking, really any pleasure he’s for, but his favourite thing is a good old fashioned fight. I think he'd do very well in slave fighting pits and probably even had some experience with them in the past. Though he is adamantly against slavery and has been known to hunt slavers and free slaves (any pirate who engages in trading slaves is not considered a pirate to him but a blight to be obliterated from the map). Because of his past he absolutely despises the British and really any kind of authority. While not on Izaya’s level of intelligence he’s got great instincts and can almost seemingly sniff out a good prize.
* don't sue me Oda
Rival Captains
Izaya and Shizuo both meet in Nassau in the Caribbean. They are the definition of brains VS brawns. These two crews are always running into each other and fighting. While Shizuo is ferocious and terrifying, when in the same room as these two pirates one would consider Izaya more menacing. Shizuo's and Izaya's rivalry is well known throughout the seas and seeing them fight in person is the stuff of legends.
They're constantly going after the same prizes and then fighting over them. Though there are a few times they do team up for an alliance when it's a very delectable prize. Also they will unanimously team up against the British, the Spaniards, the French, the Dutch, etc, because as much as the loathe each other they hate anyone who would try and encroach on their freedoms.
Basically they are both stubborn as hell and don't like being told what to do.
For their ships I can see Izaya having a Brigard, something swift, that at Izaya's hand can outmanoeuvre and outwit any foe. Of course his ship has a dragon as the figurehead! I haven't thought much in the way of a Jolly Rodger, but maybe a dragon skull and instead of crossbones it is crossed samurai swords??
Shizuo on the other hand has a British Man-O-War that he no doubt won after he and Izaya teamed up to launch an attack on British settlement when both their crew-mates were captured and sentenced to death for piracy. Izaya lead an assault on land while Shizuo and his crew snuck onto the Man-O-War in the port and captured it, then turned it's guns on the settlement. For his jolly rodger I think it would be the usual skull and crossbones with maybe his infamous Warhammer running through the center line.
The sexual tension between the two captains is a painful to watch for their crews and each crew even has a betting pool going on when they will eventually get it on. The crews actually get on relatively well during alliances, and the parties and feasts they throw together after a successful hunt is wild. Though they'll easily go back to trying to kill one another one the alliances end.
Also a lil Shinra add-on. In Izaya's quest for the occult they find Celty and Shinra falls in love with her. I haven't thought more past pirate dullahan asgdfhdhjsjf.
And yeah that’s all I have so far. I also had an idea of Izaya being like the son of an important person (governer, prince? Prince Izaya is good) and being captured by Shizuo’s crew. And while they are pursued by multiple pirates, nations, etc, because Izaya is priceless, he learns to love life on a pirate ship and bonds with Shizuo and his crew. So eventually when it does come time for Shizuo to hand over his bounty he doesn’t want to let Izaya go. (He’s gonna, and then he and Izaya will turn around and rob the fuckers blind and sail off into the sunset together). Also Izaya memorising a treasure map and destroying it so he becomes the map and Shizuo has to put up with him. TOO MANY IDEAS.
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