#but she saw it on my phone on accident 😭😭😭
ladyblackbirdart · 2 months
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You know I hate to say it…🍀
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Fun fact: it took me three separate times to draw this but instead of giving up I was patient with myself and learned a new art technique! 🧚🏻‍♂️
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 27 days
Faking It | Jeon Jungkook | Chapter Two
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Summary: Seeing him again happened sooner than you thought it would but absolutely no one is complaining. Pairing: f!reader (30) x Single Dad Jungkook (33) (Arranged Marriage Slow Burn?) Word Count: 9.8k Warnings: Talking about Jungkook's wife who passed away in childbirth (Doesn't talk about her death but yeah) a/n: Took me three months but we're finally here 😭 And if any of you saw me post this and delete it...no you didn't. I posted it on my reblogs account on accident so sorry if that teased you a bit 😅 Anyways I hope this was worth the wait 😭 p.s. I only read through this once when I completed it so have mercy on me if there are typos
I wake up naturally this morning and it's honestly one of the best feelings in my opinion. Not having to worry about being woken up out of a sound sleep shows me that it's going to be a good day.
As I yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes I hear my phone vibrate on my nightstand, telling me I have a new message. I roll over and reach for it lazily to check and when I read the sender's name I immediately shoot up, causing Salem to dart off the bed. "Sorry Salem" I call after him but then when I go back to read the message my heart is already beating out of my chest.
'Good morning y/n I hope you slept well. How are you?' a simple yet inviting message from the man I just met last night. Who knew waking up to good morning texts would still feel this good at the ripe age of thirty?
'Good morning Jungkook! I slept like a baby, best sleep I've gotten in a while actually. I just woke up so, so far so good. How are you? How's Juni? Did you guys sleep alright?' I send and at a second glance I can see how completely whipped I am for this man already. Why am I rambling on and on about sleep? I could've just said 'I slept well, I hope you did as well' or something like that.
'That's good, I'm glad to hear! Juni and I slept alright. She actually only woke up an hour ago which is unheard of since she's usually knocking on my door at six am. She's been talking about you since she woke up' he sends back and my heart flutters, loving that I've made that big of an impression on her already.
I check the time and see that it's already nine am which is a record time for me to sleep as well since I'm usually up by seven most days. Then again it's not everyday that you get to spend the night with a man like him...
Wait! That's not what I meant!
'She can't stop talking about going shopping for butterflies so I wanted to see if we could set up a time soon. Maybe this weekend if you're free?' he suggests and I have to restrain myself from kicking my feet, just thinking about this man asking to see me again, disguised by his daughter wanting to get butterfly decorations for her room.
'This weekend sounds perfect! I'm free tomorrow as well so either day is fine' I offer up and face palm, scolding myself for being too eager. 'Tomorrow sounds great! Should we meet around eleven? Juni and I would love to take you out to lunch if you'd like. You know, to thank you for the help' he sends and I can't help but think that maybe he's a little nervous too.
'Eleven it is! Should I meet you guys there? There's a shop that I'm sure Juni will love and it'll definitely have what we're looking for!' I send and I can see the bubbles popping up to show that he's typing but they go up and down a couple more times. He'll type for a little and then stop and type again and I can only hope that I didn't say something wrong in suggesting where to go.
When a few minutes go by I decide it's best to get out of bed and get a cup of coffee. That'll wake up my brain a little more and help me hopefully not make as much of a fool of myself while texting him.
I find Salem perched on top of his cat tree, still a little jumpy from me having scared him but I think it's made him playful more than anything as I watch his tail flick back and forth while he watches me walk up to him.
"I'm sorry for scaring you" I apologize again, scratching his between his ears but when I feel my phone vibrating over and over in my hand I jump again making him climb down off his cat tree and scurry under the couch. I sigh and scold myself as a result before taking a look at my phone, seeing an incoming call from Jungkook.
I almost drop it after reading his name but catch and answer before I end up dropping it.
"Hello?" I ask, slightly out of breath from the scare but try to hide it as best as I can. "Hi pretty lady!" I hear Juni call out in the distance, the phone no doubt on speaker phone. "Good morning Juni! How are you little one?" I ask, feeling more at ease talking to her first and my question awards me with a little giggle before she continues.
"I'm good! Daddy says we're going to a special store to pick out the butterflies for my room! Is that right?" she asks, clear excitement laced all throughout her tone. "Yes that's right Juni we are! Does that sound alright to you?" I ask and I can clearly hear how she's jumping from excitement from how punctuated her voice sounds now as she chants "Yes" over and over again.
"I wish we could go right now!" she says, her excitement too difficult to contain at the moment which makes me smile knowing that she wants to go right away. 
"Patience Juni, tomorrow isn't too far away" I hear Jungkook's voice coming through now and it makes my breath hitch, forgetting the fact that he had been there all along. He wasn't kidding when he said that Juni grabs everyone's attention right away. Given the chance I'm sure she would've talked to me for hours if her dad hadn't reminded her.
"That's right Juni, only one more sleep until tomorrow" I say and I can hear a little gasp from the other side. "Does that mean I can go to sleep right now and then we can go?" she asks, not understanding the concept entirely.
"Not unless you want to sleep for twenty four hours silly" he says and I hear a fit of giggles that could only mean that he might've tickled her but after a few seconds it's calmed down.
"How long is twenty four hours?" she asks, a constant roulette of questions gearing up if he doesn't answer this question correctly.
"You know how you woke up yesterday, went to school, came home, played with your toys, got ready, went to meet Ms. y/n, came back home, went to bed and woke up this morning?" he lists off and I can tell she's probably nodded her head all throughout his explanation.
"Yes?" she responds in a questioning tone, waiting for him to get to the point. "Well that's how long twenty four hours is" he responds and I hear jumping again once he's finished before an excited Juni calls out. "Does that mean we get to go see Ms. y/n again when I get home from school?" she asks and my heart melts at her excitement.
"Juni, we're seeing her tomorrow remember. I'm sure Ms. y/n is very busy tonight" he says and I hear a sad "Oh" from her and I contemplate my next words carefully before going for it. "Juni, would it be okay if I talked to your Daddy for a second?" I ask and I can hear her let out a disheartened 'Okay' before Jungkook takes the phone off speaker.
"Hey y/n, sorry she's a little hyper this morning" he says and I smile at his efforts to apologize for Juni's adorable disposition. "No that's okay, I love talking to her! She's a cutie" I say and he hums, "Try living with her" he counters and I smile, knowing that her excitable attitude might get a little tiring sometimes.
"I wanted to ask you if you would like to do something today after Juni gets home from school? Maybe meet you at the park? I forgot to give you Juni's dress last night after I washed it. I have to go back to my parent's house to pick it up anyway and theres a park around the corner. It's your call though. I don't want to go against what you told her" I say, rambling off nervously again but this time over the phone instead of texting and I regret ever offering it in the first place.
Why am I so freaking awkward?
"You sure you don't mind? I could always just get it from you tomorrow? I don't want to inconvenience you or anything" he says, giving me a chance to back out but not saying no to me, giving me a vote of confidence. "I wouldn't have offered if I minded" I say with a smile in my tone and he takes another second to think before giving me his response.
"She gets off at three, does that work for you or should we meet up later?" he asks and my heart skips a beat, knowing that I'll get to see him again so soon. "That sounds great, you can meet me at my parent's house if you'd like? The park isn't too far away so we can leave our cars and walk there" I offer and he takes a couple of seconds to think again before saying anything else.
"Juni, do you wanna go see Ms. y/n after school?" he asks and I can hear her little feet running around this time and repeating her response of ceaseless Yes's again. "Well I guess we'll see you later then. I can bring some food for us to take to the park if you'd like?" he offers and I shake my head before remembering that thankfully he can't see me in my sleepy state.
"No that's okay I got it covered. You already said you guys are taking me to lunch tomorrow so the least I could do is bring us food to share at the park today. Plus, I'm the one who suggested it in the first place" I explain and he chuckles before agreeing.
"Alright, thank you y/n. Should we show up around four then?" he asks, giving them time to make their way over after picking her up from school. "Four sounds perfect, I'll see you then!" I say and he calls Juni over to say goodbye. "Bye Pretty Lady! See you after school!" she giggles. 
I swear I'm never going to tire of her excitable disposition.
"Goodbye Juni! Have a good day and listen to your teachers okay?" and I can hear a faint 'I will' in the background, no doubt from her running off to do something. "Thanks again y/n, I know she's going to be so excited to see you today...we both are" he adds at the end and my heart skips at his confession. "Me too" I say quietly and we finish up our goodbye's before quickly hanging up.
I slowly walk over to the couch as to not scare Salem this time, grab the pillow next to me, put it over my face and scream into it. Although I tried to muffle it I still end up scaring him making him run off to my room, no doubt planning to be wary of me for the rest of the day but that's okay.
I get to see them again, I get to see him again.
I really hope I'm not wrong about thinking that there might actually be something between us already, something about this just feels right. I don't want to rush into this too quickly though since we don't really know much about each other. I want to take things slow and hopefully he does too.
Well...I hope he'll want to take things further but you never know, a man like him is sure to have a lot of options, right? I just don't want to set myself up for heartbreak. Gotta keep it together and not get too vulnerable with him, even if it feels like I should. 
I've already let him in a little, and he's definetly let me in a lot with letting me spend so much time with his daughter but I don't know, I guess only time will tell what's going to happen between us.
If there's going to be an 'us'.
The day drags on as I unconsciously count down the hours until I get to see them again but it seems as though time is standing still.
I've spent most of my day editing the pictures I took for a family friend's wedding since that's usually how I get my clients these days. I know someone who knows someone who needs a photographer and my rates are pretty fairly priced so they tend to hire me.
Going through picture after picture and seeing how happy they look together makes me wonder what it would be like to be truly happy with someone like this. Be so openly and obviously in love that no one can say otherwise.
As time ticks by though my mind wanders off until I realize I only have about an hour to get ready before I have to meet them.
"Shit!" I say aloud and get up to hopefully make myself look presentable enough, luckily I took a shower this morning so we're all set on that front. I still need to figure out something for us to eat while at the park though and if I had paid attention to the time it would've been a brilliant idea.
The only option I have left is to phone a friend.
"Y/n? Is something wrong?" my mom asks, the call on speakerphone while I try to fix my hair. "Well depends on if you can help me or not" I say and I hear her sigh. "Please tell me you didn't end up in jail" she says and I scoff at her obviously sarcastic remarks.
"Very funny mom, but for your information no I did not end up in jail. This is seriously something I need help with though. Are you busy right now?" I ask, hoping and praying her answer is no. "No I'm pretty much free for the rest of the day, why?" she responds and I let out a huge sigh before responding.
"Good! Can you do me a favor and throw together a picnic lunch for three? Well...two and a half" I ask, not wanting to give up who it's for but by her gasp I can tell she already knows. "Are you and Jungkook seeing each other again already?" she asks, and I can tell her eyes are as wide as saucers with her hand over her mouth, her reactions being the same since I was a child.
"Yes" I say, giving a one worded response leaving me turning down the volume on my phone when I hear her squealing. "This is incredible! See I knew you two would hit it off! I can hear the church bells ringing already" she says, jumping to conclusions as she always does.
"Mom can you please get the food ready for me?" I plead, going back to the topic at hand while putting some makeup on, nothing too crazy but not wanting to over or under compensate. "Yes yes of course. Leave it to me!" and before I can say another word she's hanging up the phone. "Well that was easy" I say to myself before going to my closet to pick out what to wear.
As I'm flipping through my options I see Salem come out of the darkness, scaring me half to death leaving me scoffing seconds later, realizing he's given me a taste of my own medicine "Okay I guess I deserved that one huh?" I say to him and he meows in response.
"Okay Salem this one, or this one" I say, placing my options in front of him and he sniffs both before swatting at the one he's chosen. "You don't think a sun dress is too much?" I ask and he meows almost as if he was telling me to trust him and so I laugh and give in.
"I hope Juni likes it" I mumble to myself, quickly throwing it on and rushing to finish getting ready. A few minutes later I'm giving Salem a couple tummy rubs like I always do and rushing out the door, praying that I'll get there on time.
The drive to my parent's house seems like it's taking ten times longer than usual and I'm constantly glancing at the clock, making sure that I won't be late but thankfully I get there with plenty of time to spare.
"Hurry up they'll be here any minute!" my mom says, practically having babysat the door to make sure I arrive first. "Nice to see you too" I mumble, never getting a proper hello from her anymore. "The basket is on the table and I put a blanket in there as well" she says rushing me over to where she's put it and it's at that moment she finally notices my appearance.
"You really like him don't you?" she ask, smugness laced in her tone as her efforts of matchmaking are slowly succeeding. "No! Yes...I don't know" I deny but I backtrack immediately since I really do like him. "I haven't been interested in anyone in years and so I don't want to try too hard but I don't know" I somewhat admit to myself, as well my mom that I'm really starting to warm up to the idea of being with someone again.
"It's okay love, he hasn't been with anyone in a really long time either" she says and I furrow my brow, "How do you know that?".
"Well Mrs. Jeon and I were talking about it last night and it seems like ever since his wife died he's been really closed off to love or the idea of dating again. He's tried a few times but they never went beyond a second or third date" she relays and I nod my head, distracting myself with looking through all of the things she had placed in the basket. 
I try not to let any expression spread across my face since I don't know how to feel. I don't want to say I'm happy that things didn't work out between him and another woman but it's also sad to think about how Jungkook might've felt when his wife passed in such a traumatic way.
"Thank you for telling me but I think I should start learning more about him when he feels comfortable talking to me about it. It's only fair right? I'm sure he hasn't asked too much about me and my past so I guess shouldn't either" I say and walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
"But he has" she says when my mouth is full making me spit it into the sink that was thankfully right in front of me. "He what?" I cough, trying to compose myself as I learn this tidbit of information. "He has asked about you. In fact I was on the phone with her right before you got here" I grab a paper towel to dab off whatever water I have left on me but before I'm able to respond we hear the doorbell ringing.
"I'll get it" she say knowingly, giving me another second to calm down before I have to face him. I take a few deep breaths, fix my hair and check my reflection as best as I can in the smudged steel finish on the fridge while listening to my mother greet them at the door.
While Jungkook and my mother exchange a few words I peek around the corner and notice Juni slightly tugging on my mom's pant leg. "Excuse me but where's the pretty lady?" she asks and I have to hold back the coos I want to let out so badly, my heart already a puddle at the sight of her pleading eyes wanting to see me.
"Why don't you go look for her?" she says and when Jungkook looks up his eyes meet mine immediately for just a second but long enough to know my cover is blown. I duck back into the kitchen to hide, convincing myself that he didn't see me when he clearly did. 
"Go on" he says softly when Juni no doubt looks up at him for approval and my mother follows behind her as Juni walks in the completely opposite direction from where I am, my mom trailing behind her, giving no hints and letting her explore on her own.
I assume that Jungkook follows them but when I hear what sound like his footsteps get closer and not further away I tiptoe my way into the pantry, completely mortified that I know now for a fact that he caught me staring at them.
I close the door almost all the way and ten seconds later I watch as his form passes by the little crack in the doorway and I hold my breath as if that might help but there's only one way in and one way out of this kitchen and both him and I know that.
Why did I even hide? What was I thinking? Way to start things off on the right foot.
While I'm busy scolding myself I forget to pay attention and stumble back when he opens the door. "Got ya" he chuckles and I clear my throat, "Yeah I uh, I guess you did" I say, trying to lean back against one of the shelves, stumbling over a box instead but quickly recovering.
"Why are you hiding?" he chuckles, leaning up against the door frame and crossing his arms making me look down and notice how one of them is completely covered in tattoos. I had never specifically been attracted to tattoos before but on him...
I lose track of what he had said and only realize I had left a lull in the conversation when he clears his throat. "Oh I-" I start off but when I hear my mother and Juni's voices in the other room I grab his shirt and pull him in, making him stumble inside, closing the door right away.
It's only when he hits the switch to turn the light on that I realize what I had done.
"I-" I try to apologize but when I look up at him I notice that there's something in the way he's looking at me that I have never seen before, making my words die in my throat. We stand there for what feels like hours but had only been mere moments just observing each other, watching those small changes of expressions and I start to feel dizzy under his gaze. 
The tension between us clear and building but it's only when he opens his mouth to say something that the door is thrown open and we're met with a squeal from Juni. She runs into the closet and grabs onto Jungkook's leg making him stumble forward and as a result pins me against the shelf, his hands resting on either side of me.
It's like the universe is playing some sort of sick and twisted joke on us, constantly putting us in situations like these and yet we had only just become reacquainted with each other last night. 
"I found you!" Juni squeals again, giggles as her cries of victory and she soon pulls on Jungkook's leg to try and separate us. 
"Daddy I wanna play with the pretty lady" Juni pouts and in her efforts of trying to pull him off of me he actually loses his footing and stumbles, our bodies fully flush against each other now, his face just inches away from mine. 
I blink up at him and he does the same to me, both of us frozen and not really knowing what to do. It's only when my mother chimes in and asks Juni to come with her to get a snack that that little bubble that had formed around us had been popped.
"I...sorry... I uh, tripped...you know...with Juni and everything" he says, fumbling his words like a school boy, taking a few steps back to be at a respectful distance again. "Yeah no it's fine. I um, I shouldn't have pulled you in here in the first place" I admit and he smirks, remembering the point that lead us up to the little predicament we're in. 
"Why did you pull me in here?" he smiles, glancing over at where my mom has Juni plopped down on the kitchen counter with a popsicle in her hand. "I take hide and seek very seriously" I explain, me being the one crossing my arms now and he chuckles at my lame excuse for my actions but accepts it anyways. 
"Right" he says and offers me a hand to lead me out which I reluctantly accept.
"Mom she'll spoil her dinner" I say, scolding her with Juni just lost in the flavor and sheer size of it. To be fair it looks adorable in her little hands. "It's alright, a little sugar won't hurt her. Plus we're still going to the park right?" he asks and I look at him and nod. "Right" I agree and lift Juni off the counter to set her on her feet. 
"Hi Miss y/n" she says with a bright smile with her lips and tongue stained a bright shade of red from the cherry flavor. "Hi Juni" I say and fix her little sun dress that she's wearing, it's almost as if we had planned to match and when she notices me straightening out her dress she look at mine and also notices the similarity right away. 
"Look Daddy! Miss y/n and I are matching!" she says with the toothiest grin I've ever seen, her front two teeth standing out just a little bit more making it another cute little trait she shares with her father. Although who knows if she'll keep that once she starts losing her teeth I think to myself and quickly fix her hair as well since it's gotten a bit ruffled in the excitement of it all. 
"That's right baby, you both look so beautiful" he says making my heart skip a beat. When I look over at him he's giving me a similar adoring look he gave Juni just moments ago making it even harder for me to not melt into a puddle. 
I'm beginning to notice that these two really know how to tug on a person's heartstrings, it's almost as if it were as easy as breathing and that's something that's gonna take a while to get used to. 
"Can we go to the park now, please?" Juni asks, her eyes going back and forth between the two of us and when I look over at Jungkook he nods. "Sure, are you ready?" I ask, turning back to Juni and she jumps up and down and chants 'Yes' over and over again like she had done this morning on the phone. 
"Alright let's go" I say and with one hand clutching her popsicle for dear life she uses the other one to grab mine and drag me towards the front door. 
"Juni be careful" Jungkook scolds but I turn back towards him and assure him not to worry and I can see how he relaxes at that. She's a little bouncing ball of sunshine, emphasis on the bouncing since she can hardly sit still most of the time unless she's eating, and even then she's dancing around and smiling happily. I swear if this girl gets any sweeter I'm gonna start getting a toothache.
I let go of Juni's hand while my mother entertains her so we can make sure we have everything before we head out and when I try to turn around to grab my cardigan Jungkooks already grabbing it and holding it out to help me put it on. "Oh! I can-" "I know" he cuts me off but doesn't make any moves to give it to me so I turn my back to him and let him do as he pleases, sliding it up my arms and over my shoulders.
He runs his hands down my arms, no doubt as an excuse to smooth it all out but it causes a slight shiver to run through my system and he let's go, surprised at the reaction. 
"You sure you're gonna be warm enough?" he asks, a hint of amusement laced in his tone making my cheeks heat up but I nod my head and quickly rush over to the table where the basket is so I don't have to face him but he takes it from me as soon as my fingers brush the handle, making our hands touch. 
"I can carry that" I counter and he shakes his head, "No I'll carry it, someone's gotta hold Juni's hand while we walk there" he says, clearly delegating our respective duties and I smile and nod again. "Deal" and at that we're out the door. 
"Higher Daddy higher!" Juni squeals while Jungkook pushes her on the swing, his arms no doubt getting a little tired since she's been on it for the past ten minutes now and I can see he's losing momentum with every push. 
"Daddy's tired Juni. Can you swing on your own now? You know, just like I taught you" he suggests and she thinks about it for a second before saying a quick 'Okay' and clumsily moving her legs back and forth to keep the momentum going.
I smile as I watch Jungkook stumble over towards where I've been sitting on the blanket and watching them, adoring their father daughter relationship. "You're so good with her" I praise when he sits down and hand him a cold water bottle which he accepts right away and downs half of it. 
"You think so?" he asks, always unsure of himself but I couldn't think of a more perfect father than him. "I know so. She's lucky to have a loving devoted father like you" I say and he smiles softly, grabing one of the strawberries that my mother had packed for us. 
"You flatter me" he says, a slight blush blooming on his cheeks making me feel almost smitten with him. "It's the truth" I reenforcing what I've said and he shakes his head, finishing off the fruit in his mouth.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm not enough, you know? Like there's only so much I could give her" he says and I can tell from how his body language has changed that he's really thinking about how he wishes her mother could be here for her too.
"What was her name?" I ask and he looks at me curiously, not knowing that I'm on the same page as him yet. "Your wife, what was her name?" I say tentatively but when he registers it I quickly backtrack. "I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me that. I just figured that you might've been well..." I trail off and we sit there in silence watching Juni swing back and forth, back and forth until he decides to speak up. 
"Julie" he says softly, as if it had been years since he had spoken it. "Her name was Julie" he says softly and when I look over at him I can see the melancholy expression he's trying to hide. "That's a beautiful name, did you want Juni's name to sound similar to her's?" I ask, not wanting to make this conversation go dark but knowing that talking about her might cheer him up.
"Well, kinda. We wanted something that combined both of our names. It's silly, I know" he mumbles getting bashful about it. "It's not silly, it's wonderful to see in a way that both you and Juni are still carrying her with you everyday. It's a beautiful way to pay tribute to her" I reassure him and he smiles at me, mouthing a silent thank you. 
"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have pried" I apologize again, seeing that it still has him feeling down. "No it's okay, it's nice to talk about her every once in a while. Thank you, for that" him now reassuring me and I nod, both of us left in silence for a while before Juni runs up to us. 
"Daddy what's wrong?" she asks, seeing the clearly deflated Jungkook as she gets closer and it's good to see that instead of brushing it off like it's nothing he doesn't hesitate to tell her how he's feeling. "I'm just a little sad, Ms. y/n and I were just talking about Mommy" he explains and she gets almost a look of understanding which is surprising for someone of her age. 
"Please don't be sad Daddy, remember you said Mommy is always watching over us right?" she say, giving him the talk that he's clearly had with her a time or two. "Right" he say, brightening up just a bit. "And she wouldn't want to see us sad when we think about her right?" she continues, an slightly stern tone creeping up which makes both Jungkook and I smile. "Right" he echos again and she nods her head in agreement. 
"You always tell me to look in the mirror and touch my nose, and my ears and my lips and everything else that you say reminds you of her and you tell me that she'll always be right here with me. So that means when I'm here with you she's here too right?" she asks again and he chuckles. 
"When did you get so smart?" he says, grabbing her and starts tickling her, making her squirm all over the place and when he finally has mercy on her and she catches her breath she answers, "Well I am turning five soon" she says matter-o-factly and I can't help but chuckle at that. "Oh right, how could I forget" he over exaggerates  and she giggles, grabbing his shoulder before leaning in to whisper something. 
"Daddy can we show the pretty lady a picture of Mommy?" she says almost at full volume leaving him flinching back. It's adorable how she still hasn't figured out this whole whispering thing. "Sure baby" he obliges and pulls out his phone, picking out one and handing it to her so she can show it to me. 
She surprises me by plopping down in my lap and putting the phone way too close to my face. "This is my Mommy, her name is Julie" she says proudly and my heart can't help but ache thinking this is the only way she's known her mother. "She's beautiful Juni" I say, putting my hand on top of her hand that's holding the phone and pulling it back so I can see the picture properly. 
"You really do have your mom's nose" I chuckle when I notice the same curved button nose they share leaving me booping her's and making her smile. She scrolls through a couple more photos giving me little bits of commentary that no doubt Jungkook has told her as she grew up and it's when I hear the soft click of a camera that I look back up at him. 
"Sorry, it was too perfect not to" he says, seemly enjoying watching the two of us and I can't help the way my heart skips a beat making me shy all over again. "Can we take some more pictures?" Juni asks, wrapping her little arms around my neck and squishing my face against her's leaving me laughing at how adorable this all is. 
Jungkook obliges and we take picture after picture after picture together until Juni is satisfied and has run off to play again. 
"I didn't even know that you brought that" I say, watching as he fiddles around with the camera, flipping through the photos he just took. "It was on the table right behind the basket" he explains and now that I think about it I do remember seeing the corner of a camera bag sitting next to it. 
He smiles as he looks at the pictures and I lean over to catch a glance at them but he pulls it back out of my reach. "Hey!" I chuckle and she shakes his head. "Not until they're edited" he refuses and I scoff. 
"You're not actually going to edit them are you?" I say, nervous at the thought of him spending hours looking at those pictures. "Why wouldn't I?" he asks as if I had said something confusing. "Well I mean, aren't you busy with work? I doubt you would want to take extra time out of your day to play around with them" I explain and he smiles. 
"Let me take a few more and then I'll let you see them" he says, angling his body so he's facing me. "Did you want me to call Juni back?" I ask but when I try he stops me with another click and I look back at him confused. "I meant of just you" he says simply but I can tell he feels a bit bashful from the way he's started to hide behind the camera. 
"I'm not used to being the one in front of the camera" I say, trying to figure out exactly how to pose but he chuckles and puts the camera down a little to take a good look at me. "I don't see why not, you're beautiful" he says casually as if those words hadn't sent my heart into overdrive. "I-" I start but the words just don't come out, especially when he places the camera down and leans in closer. 
He takes my hand and places it on the blanket so I can lean on it, places the other in my lap, angles my shoulders slightly away from him and takes my chin and softly tilts my head up, making the sunlight peer down on my face through the leaves of the tree we're under. 
"Just relax" he says, acting as if I could possibly relax after he had his hands all over me, posing me just how he wanted. 
I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to clear my head and once I start to get that sense of serenity I hear a few soft clicks from his camera, taking picture after picture, him adjusting my pose by hand every time. 
"Daddy!" is the next thing we hear after who knows how long with the sight of Juni running over to us all covered in mud. "Is this your daughter?" a woman who is clearly out of breath says while trailing after Juni. 
"Juni what happened?" I chuckle, seeing that she's as happy as can be with a few smudges of dirt on her face and her dress all muddy. "Her and my son were playing over there and I guess he convinced her to jump in the mud and well..." she says, motioning towards Juni where I'm trying to clean her off as best as I can. 
"I hope she didn't cause you any trouble" Jungkook says, now feeling a bit guilty about the situation since he had taken his eye off her for a second. 
"No, not at all. If anything I should be apologizing for my son. I swear we look away for one second and he's as dirty as can be" she chuckles, finally close to catching her breath. 
"Can you tell the nice lady thank you for bringing you back?" Jungkook tells Juni and she does as she's told and I can see that she has just about as much of an affect on this mom as she does with me. If Jungkook's not careful she can use her cuteness for mass destruction if left unchecked. 
We hear a boy calling out for his mom that looks just like the woman in front of us now with no doubt her husband trailing after him. "Mom, Dad says it's time to go home" he says, his state twice as bad as Juni's. What is it with kids these days and mud? I chuckle to myself and when the boy notices Jungkook and I with Juni he gets a little shy. 
"Oh, hello" he says before he goes and hides behind his mother's leg, "Oh so now you wanna be shy?" his dad teases and snatches him out from his hiding space and whispers no doubt an encouragement for him to apologize. 
"I'm sorry for getting her all dirty. She was just really nice and I wanted to have fun with her" he mumbles and I can see hints of pink peeking through the streaks of dirt on his cheeks just like Juni. 
What did I say? Weapon of mass destruction.
"It's okay sweetie, I'm just glad you had fun" I say, brushing off his apology and when he looks up at me now I can see that his blush deepens and opts to hide behind his Dad's leg this time. "Alright well say goodbye" his mom says and he mumbles a quiet goodbye and gives Juni a shy wave compared to hers being one to match her outgoing and bubbly self.
"Can we play again tomorrow?" Juni asks him and he looks up at his parents for approval. "We usually come here around this time everyday after school so you just have to ask your Mommy and Daddy if you can come again" she says and when I try to deny her claims Jungkook jumps in before I can get a word out. "We'll be here" he says and Juni smiles so wide. 
"See you tomorrow!" she calls out to them and the trio waves goodbye one last time before heading to their car. 
"Mommy and Daddy?" I turn to Jungkook while Juni is busy doing a little happy dance before taking a drink of her juice box. "Well I um, I guess they couldn't help but think we're her parents so it felt best to not correct them" he says while rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink just like the little boy's were when he was looking at Juni. 
"Right, and when they say something tomorrow?" I tease and he clears his throat, no doubt not thinking this whole thing through. "Well I guess there's no harm in faking it?" he says and now I'm the one that's nervous.
"Faking it? You mean you want me to pretend to be Juni's mom? Why?" I ask, flustered by the thought of it. "I'm sorry I guess I didn't think about how you might feel about it. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" he apologizes but I rush to explain myself.
"I'm not uncomfortable I'm just shocked that you would want to go along with something like that to keep up appearances for people that we hardly know" I say, trying to figure out where his head is at. "Sorry that was a stupid suggestion we don't have to do it if you don't want to" he says and I shake my head.
"I mean I want to, but do you? I mean what about Juni? What's she gonna think?" I ask and watch as she chases a butterfly that has caught her eye. "We can just tell her we're playing pretend" he says and I raise a brow at him. 
"That's the best you got?" I ask and he chuckles nervously. It's funny to see that a tall, strong, handsome man like him is getting so shy about this but I'll play along, I just don't want to confuse Juni. 
"Juni can you come here for a second?" Jungkook calls and she turns and runs over to us right away, looking between the two of us since we're both looking at her with no doubt some very strange expressions. "You like to play pretend right?" he asks and she brightens up at the thought, "It's my favorite thing to do!" she says, twirling around in her very adorable muddy dress. 
"How would you feel if we started playing pretend with Ms. y/n?" he asks and she gets even more excited and does her little chanting of 'Yes' over and over again, a very adorable habit of hers. 
"So this is what we're gonna do, whenever we're out and about with Ms. y/n we're going to pretend like we're a family. You'll be the Baby, I'll be the Daddy and Ms. y/n will be the Mommy, does that sound alright to you?" he asks and she giggles and looks between the two of us, clearly loving the idea. 
"Yes let's do it!" she says, fully confident in her playing pretend skillset. "Alright Juni but there's one little rule" he says and she come in close, knowing that this part is probably a secret. "You can't call her Mommy in front of her parents or grandma and grandpa, got it?" he says and I fully agree with him, we don't need to get their hopes up when we still don't know exactly what we are. 
"Got it! Mommy?" she asks, getting my attention and trying on the name for size and I answer to it right away, somehow feeling almost natural already. "Yes Juni?" I ask, and she looks over at the playground for a second before looking back over at me. "Can I go play for just a little while  longer?" she asks, holding her hands together and giving me the cutest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. 
"Go ahead" I say and she giggles and rushes off to run around just for a little while longer just like she said. "It suits you" Jungkook says and I look over at him curiously, "What does?" I ask with a tilt of my head. "You being a mom" he says and the words die in my throat. I've always been told I'd be a good mother when the time came but hearing it from him after what we just agreed to do just...
"Thank you" I say, my heart squeezing in a painful but also grateful way and he gives me a smile before he places his hand on my waist for a second to solidify his sincerity before walking a bit closer to the playground to watch Juni. 
I decide to start packing up the stuff we had brought and by the time Juni is dragging her feet back over to me and completely out of breath I've got everything ready to go. "You tired?" I ask and she nods her head, her blinks getting lazy as a clear sign that it's time for bed. 
"Why don't I carry her home...I mean back to my mom's house" I correct myself quickly but I can tell he liked the sound of what I had said, my implication being completely different from what he had imagined. "It's alright, I can carry her, we've got one pretty dress all muddy so I don't think we need another one" he chuckles. 
I pause for a second and pull out the picnic blanket we brought and hold it against myself before picking her up. "Problem solved" I say and he can't help but smile at my solution and quickly takes Juni's shoes off and wipes her feet clean as best as he can before taking the end of the blanket and  tucking it all up so she's practically wrapped up like a burrito. 
"You sure you can cary her? She can get a bit heavy when she's sleepy like this, especially since we've gotta walk for a little bit" he offers and I assure him I'm fine. "What kind of mother would I be if I couldn't carry my child home?" I tease and his eyes widen, clearly having forgotten the little game we're playing.
"How dare I doubt your capabilities as a mother" he chuckles and picks up our stuff, motioning for me to lead the way.
A few minutes go by and we're left in a comfortable silence on our way back to my parent's house and when I decide to speak up he does the same. "I-" "Tha-", "Sorry you go first" "No that's okay you go first" and we toss it back and forth a few more times before he hits me with the age old "Ladies first".
"Thank you for coming tonight and letting me spend some more time with Juni...well and you of course" I say sheepishly and he smiles. "I would hope you like spending time with me since you are my wife after all" he teases and now we've switched personalities. "You know, I think you're getting a little too comfortable with this already" I say and he smiles, playing with his lip piercing that I somehow only noticed right now, the silver glistening from the street lights.
There's so many things I haven't noticed about him yet, or even know about him but somehow everything seems so easy. 
"I mean can you blame me? You fit right in with Juni and I. Honestly better than I thought you would" he mumbles the last part to himself and I have to try my absolute hardest not to literally fall for him. I'm holding his daughter so I would one thousand percent say that now is not the time. 
"What?" I ask, needing clarification but he doesn't give. "Oh nothing" he smiles and picks up the pace, leaving me trailing behind him and right when I go to say something else Juni flinches leaving me slowing down and soothing her back to sleep. "Your Daddy is crazy, you know that?" I whisper to her as if she could hear me but the need to say something was too great. 
A minute or two later we're walking up to my mom's house and I twist my body to give him access to the small purse I brought with us and let him fish out the keys to open the door. 
When my mom hears us come in she goes to give us a no doubt overly exaggerated welcome home but as soon as she sees a very sleepy Juni in my arms she cuts herself off and switches to a hushed tone. 
"Looks like you all had fun" she chuckles and caresses Juni's head for a second, checking to see if she's really asleep and she very much is. "Maybe a little too much fun" Jungkook chuckles, seeing my mother slowly realize how dirty Juni had gotten. 
"She's a cheeky one isn't she?" my mom smiles lovingly and I can't help but wish this whole mom thing with Juni was real. "She is indeed" Jungkook agrees, and hands my mother the picnic basket. 
"Thank you so much for letting me steal your daughter today" Jungkook teases and I can tell that she absolutely loves this. "Honestly you can keep her. I hardly see her anyways" she says, giving Jungkook permission as well as sending a jab my way. 
"Mom" I groan and the both of them smile as if they delighted in my embarrassment. "I just might" he says softly while looking over at me and I can see my mom picking out the wedding venue as we speak, meanwhile I'm wrestling with myself to stay calm. 
We agreed to fake this relationship which means that everything he says is fake...right? I need to separate the real from the delusion but he unfortunately isn't making this any easier.
We say our final goodbyes to my mom and she watches until we walk up to Jungkook's car, no doubt still watching behind the curtain of one of our front windows, spying on us as if her life depended on it. I try to ignore it though because how we end tonight is really important to me. 
"Can I ask you something?" I say after he finishes putting Juni in the car, him closing his car door and walking me over to my car just a few feet away. "Anything" he says while ushering me toward it with a hand on my waist, a slight sign of protection since it's gotten a lot darker than we both realized. 
"When you said I fit in better than you thought I would...and that you might keep me, was that a part of this whole faking it thing we have going?" I ask, wanting to have an open line of communication with him. We're not shy teenagers anymore so as adults I feel like this is something really important to establish. 
"Do you want it to be?" he asks, standing in front of me while I lean against my car door. It still very much being locked as a very clear sign that I don't want this to end. "I mean we just met and..." I say, trailing off because I don't really know what I want. All I know is I like him. I really really like him and his daughter has got me wrapped around her cute little finger. 
"I know, we can take this slow. If this whole husband/wife thing is too much for you we don't have to do it" he offers and I shake my head, "No, no I want to. I just don't want the lines to get too blurry" I explain and he nods his head and leans his hand against the car right next to where I'm standing. 
"Blurry lines aren't a problem for me when it comes to you, it's your call though" he says and if my heart wasn't already racing it surely would've been now. I look up at him and hold my breath when he gets closer my eyes not leaving his and when he lean down I close my eyes, giving into whatever he wants to do to me. 
"Goodnight" he whispers, his warm breath fanning my neck making me lose my sense of reality for a second, wanting to lose myself in him without abandon. I can hardly breathe let alone think straight and he chuckles at that, standing up straight and ghosting his fingers along my jaw before stepping aside, a clear sign for me to get into my car and when I fumble with my keys he takes them and unlocks it and opens the door for me.
I sit down inside and look up at him, indulging myself for a few more seconds. When he hands me my keys he makes our hands touch only for a moment before saying a soft 'Drive safe'. 
When he closes the door for me I finally let out that breath I had desperately been holding back, watching as he walks back to his car with his little Juni still sound asleep.
I watch him pull out of the driveway and decide that even the way he drives is irresistible, giving me a small wave before he goes and while I'm lost in thought I almost jump out of my skin when I hear my phone ringing and my mom's name pops up.
"Mom I really can't talk right now" I say, putting her on speakerphone and starting to car. "Do not give me that y/n I am your mother and set you up with this man so tell me what is going on" she says and I sigh, checking all my mirrors and heading out as well just seconds later. 
"To be honest mom I don't even know. He's showing me very very clear signs that he's interested in me but I can't really say much of anything else at this point" I admit, the realization that the state of our relationship is anything but normal. 
"We just met last night and things are progressing fast, like really fast" I sigh, stopping at a red light, thankfully giving me a second to think. "Well I'd say this is all a good sign. I mean you're both in your thirties honey so adult relationships can progress a lot faster than when you're younger. He's a man that clearly knows what he wants and he wants you. So go for it" she encourages and I take it all in. 
"You're biased because you're my mother and would love to have his parents as your in-laws" I say and she scoffs. "Yes but that's not the point. You would be a fool if you let a man like him walk out of your life" she scolds and I know she's right. 
"I'll do my best to keep an open mind. But please don't talk to his mom yet, or at least not tonight. I don't need both of you losing sleep over this" I warn her but I know she'll do as she pleases no matter what. "You know I can't do that, but I'll do my best" she says and that is the biggest lie she's ever told but I'm not surprised since we dangled this whole thing right in front of her face. 
"You called her already didn't you?" I sigh and she chuckles. "As soon as I closed the door" she admits and I sigh, not the slightest bit surprised. "Alright mom well I gotta go but we'll talk again soon" I say, pulling into my parking spot and turning off the car. 
"Okay well keep me updated" she says and I can't help but roll my eyes. "Between you and Mrs. Jeon I'm sure you can keep each other in the loop" I say, putting my keys in the lock and closing the door behind me when I step into my apartment. "But I gotta go alright, I'll talk to you later" I say once again and hang up as soon as she says goodbye.
"Hi Salem" I sigh, watching as he jumps down from his cat tree and stretches before walking up to me, rubbing against my leg before walking over to his food bowl, clearly requesting the very late dinner I'm giving him. "I'm sorry boy, I guess I gotta get you one of those timed feeders now from the looks of it" I apologize and give him his food right away. 
I put a couple treats into his bowl as well as an apology and make my way back to my room to jump in the shower and think about everything that happened today. 
Jungkook basically admitted that he wants to get to know me better because he clearly feels like he can see a future between us and to be honest I pretty much feel the same way. It could be that we've caught a severe case of puppy love but I think we both know that this could potentially go somewhere. 
I love spending time with him and Juni, granted this is only the second time we've spent time together but still I can't get over the fact of how natural it all felt. Then he goes and pulls this whole pretend to be married business and now he's telling me he doesn't mind if the lines are blurred between us. 
This is all way too much for one day but I can't deny that I'm not enjoying the journey. This is progressing a whole lot faster than I thought it would but that doesn't necessarily mean that's a bad thing. I guess we've both got a whole lot of learning to do. 
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livelaughloveloak · 1 year
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𖦹 pairing : earth1610!miles morales x reader
𖦹 summary : random scenarios and headcanons of miles as your boyfriend
𖦹 author's note : y'all I'm literally running out of ideas so I would appreciate it if you guys sent me some requests 😭 btw this isn't proofread
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you and him definitely have a snapstreak but it was on accident. he randomly snapped you and you'd snap him back on a daily so now you two are just stuck with a 200+ snapstreak.
he bought you a Polaroid camera for your birthday and you ended up using up most of the film on him.
you have the pictures up on the board hanging up in your room
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HE'S A COMPLETE SWEET HEARTTTT through actions or through text he'll show his love for you either way.
you pulled back from the tight hug miles pulled you into and looked up at his face. "miles you have that smug look on your face again." you poked his cheek and laughed. miles gasped and was quick to defend himself although he was in fact smiling like an idiot. "I do not!!"
if he's not busy with spiderman business, school, family problems, or hanging out with you then he's busy texting you instead.
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he might go to an advanced private school but he refuses to write sentences properly.
you'd receive messages from him like these
luv u
he'll abuse the living hell out of emojis when texting you
"yup 😎😎😎😎😎😎💪💪💪"
"wdym no ☹️☹️😒😒🤨🤨🤨"
omw Mami 😋😋😋🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿
he'll ask you for help when it's washday for his hair. his scalp is sensitive so you make sure to be extra careful
he has your contact saved as mi alma. one time his mom saw the contact name pop up on his phone and questioned him about it. he freaked out and started blabbering nonsense
he tells you stories about his adventures when his uncle aaron was still alive.
he has a picture of you as his wallpaper and a pic of you guys together as his lockscreen
he draws you two matching pfps
will definitely give you a new drawing everytime he can
was sweating bullets when he finally revealed to you that he was spiderman.
the pressure was quickly lifted off of his shoulders once you said that you accepted him and understood.
he's still scared that you'd be his canon event and swears he'll never let you die
"even if I have to destroy this universe as long as you're alive I'll be alright." you pinched his cheek and smiled. "don't be silly miles" a groan escaped his mouth as you giggled. "mami stopppp I'm being serious right now."
he let's you win in games just to see you happy but if it's basketball he's not gonna hold back 😭🙏
has his face buried in your neck while sleeping. he says it's because "I'm cold and you just happen to be warm" but yet again it's the middle of summer.
will be jumping up and down our of joy when you bought him new Jordans for his birthday
he has a bracelet with your name engraved into it and he wears it proudly
his phone album is filled with pictures of you. you and him fight eachother whenever you catch him trying to take a candid 0.5 picture of you
he 100% calls you "my heart"
says the most old man type of comebacks when playfully arguing with you
"yeah well you can go kick rocks!!"
"boohoo buckaroo"
"too bad so sad"
"nuh uh" or in other times "yuh huh"
"whatever pal"
"listen here buddy"
you two wear matching pajamas when you have sleepovers
don't get me started on this man and saying the "rizz" jokes...
"rizzanator is what I am"
"let's have a rizz off"
"call me the rizzmaster"
he'll airdrop you the most random memes and burst out laughing when seeing your reaction
he gifted you a promise ring with both of your initials engraved into it as an anniversary gift
miles won you a teddy bear in a fair and now you both call it your "child"
don't expect to get a warning because miles will randomly FaceTime you out of nowhere.
he'd give you a spiderman suit so you could match with him
when you first met his mom she liked you without hesitation and asked to take a picture with you. she made miles take the picture 😭
overall a sweet guy and will give you the princess treatment you deserve!!
July 4, 2023 | All rights reserved to @livelaughloveloak • Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own. ✮
art in the polaroids are made by purpletunabread on twitter and koscribbls on instagram
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houpss · 6 months
Dawg I’m actually begging crying on my knees for you to do a reverse version where like reader dies protecting skz 😭😭😭 ofc obvi no pressure, like only if you’d like to 🙏🏻🩷 you write so well im like obsessed
ububububu.....I'm very pleased to hear this! thanks for the idea, love 🩷🫂
I'm eating strawberries and crying, I literally feel bad about this job 😭😭😭
SKZ's reaction to your death ver. hyung line
maknae line
It pains me to write this work, my heart breaks and I begin to believe in this nonsense... BUT REMEMBER THAT ONLY PERSONALITIES ARE TAKEN FROM THE REAL SKZ, EVERYTHING REST IS FICTION!
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Bang Chan
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It happened...suddenly.
Chan returned home before you, he wanted to cook you dinner and then turn on a new movie that he recently found.
He knew that you were stuck at work, so he wasn’t too worried.
An hour has passed... you're gone, but you should be back by now. Two hours have passed, Chan is nervous.
He called you, you didn’t pick up, he called you so many times, but you didn’t hear.
At two o'clock in the morning he receives a call on his phone. He jumps out of bed, hoping it's you calling, but it's just an unfamiliar number.
He picks up the phone, he just hopes you're okay.
"Are you Bang Christopher Chan? I'm sorry..Y/N Bang died."
Chan thought it was a joke, a very unfunny joke.
He can only come to consciousness when he sees your body. Road accident, you didn't survive.
He will ask Changbin, Jisung and Hyunjin to come out quite aggressively, because they came with him.
He ran his fingers over your pale face, tears forming in his eyes. Impossible.
He strokes your hair, strokes your hands, stopping at your fingers...he squeezes your hand tightly. Why did you leave him?
Tears fall on your lifeless body, you would be very upset if you saw Chan crying.
They can only drag him out of your room in the morning, he didn’t want to let go of your body until the end, it was like he was possessed.
"No, don't take me...I have to stay with her! I don't want to be taken away from her"
"she’s probably so cold and scared... she’s alone there, she’s already lifeless.”
He blamed himself, he could have taken you away from work, but why didn’t you ask?
The exit from the hospital is filled with reporters and paparazzi, the shocking news shocked many: “Model and Actress, Bang Chan’s wife Y/N Bang died in a car accident.”
Thanks to the members, they protected Chan from reporters and endless paparazzi. Chan did not walk behind as usual, but in the middle, and a ring was created around the participant.
Chan doesn’t remember anything, he just cried, he cries so much and loudly.
The members refused to leave him, although he asked so. They went to the dorm.
A day has passed... two days have passed... a week has passed. Funeral.
He remembers everything very vaguely, he was the last one to kiss your forehead before the coffin lid was closed.
Now he is completely alone.
He eats very little and hardly leaves the room. Minho literally force feeds him.
Your photos are open on his phone, you are on his wallpaper.
He doesn’t want to live without you, he wants you so much.
His tears never dry, he cries constantly. There are no emotions inside him, he is dead.
He looked through your correspondence... his heart ached madly.
He just loves you so much, he loves only you.
He apologized profusely to your family, it was his fault.
In the end he won't cope and he will leave for you. Chan was found hanged in his room. There was a note on the table with the words: “I can’t live without her, I’m nothing without her... forgive me.”
Lee Minho
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People come and go. The simple meaning of life
But you couldn't leave him...not you
If you loved, then you would not have left...WHY DID YOU LEAVE HIM?
Overdose of antidepressants.
He found you in your apartment, you were lying on the bed, wrapped in a blanket... you seemed to be sleeping, but your heart was not beating.
What if he had found you earlier?
He would have stopped you.
He found a letter next to you... your last will and love for him
"𝐈'𝐦 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐤...𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰"
"𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐇𝐨"
"𝐈'𝐦 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲. 𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞."
He has been crying for several days in a row. Even the members can't pull it out.
He became so aggressive and closed.
His heart rotted and broke without you
He falls asleep with your sweatshirt on, with your perfume on it.
The company releases a statement that Minho is taking an indefinite hiatus from activities.
He wants to close his eyes, open his eyes and have you next to him.
He went through many treatments with you and visited many psychiatrists.
You smiled at him so much, so what happened?
Minho cried for the first time in front of the members, everyone was broken with your death.
After your death, he smoked for the first time.
The cigarette smoke calmed him down at least a little. And in your dreams you came to him, you talked to him a lot.
He became very closed off to himself, even Jisung couldn’t get him to talk.
Everything and everywhere reminded him of you
Your bottle of perfume...your drawings, your rings, your elastic bands, your sweaters
You would curse if you saw him like this.
Only a month later, after your funeral, he dared to pick up your phone.
To mom, dad and sister: “I’m sorry that I’m so weak.. I would like a better life for you, I wanted to live better and happier. I’m a bad daughter.”
To SKZ:"Sorry...be strong, you are world stars and become even more popular..."
To Minho:"I repent of you, I hate myself for what I did. I have about ten minutes left...And in these ten minutes I will continue to love you, Lee Minho. Maybe we will meet in the next life?"
The emotions he had been holding back burst out.
He screamed, his scream deafening the silence.
Physical pain in his heart pierced him. how the bitch it hurts.
Now he's wearing your big jacket.
“Please protect me, Y/N.”
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"Police lieutenant Seo Y/N was shot..she died while intercepting a drug gang. The ambulance did not have time to arrive"
What did he just hear? Why are they saying your name?
Is this a mistake? Maybe they got it wrong?
He refused to believe it until he was asked to come to the morgue to identify the body.
Yes, you were lying there...a bullet in the forehead.
Changbin turned away, he couldn’t look at you. He's scared.
Probably then he realized all the pain, he stopped living.
Felix and Seungmin forcibly dragged him away from the morgue.
He was never against your work, he was just proud of you. Of course, his wife is a police lieutenant.
He knew it was dangerous, but could anything bad happen to you?
"Changbin, she died a hero, please...be the same hero for her."
There were so many people at your funeral, why did they all come?
Changbin felt lost, Chan was holding his hand. Changbin couldn't navigate the space.
Time doesn't heal anything, remember.
He lost the desire to exist
He hated your job after your death, it's all your damn job.
Will you protect Changbin? Are you his guardian angel?
From time to time he hears your voice.
He will come to your parents and ask for forgiveness.
Really, forgive him.
He will take your dog with him, it seems... the dog really misses you, where is his owner?
Changbin doesn't like music anymore, he stopped working out, he stopped eating.
"Y/N would be upset if she knew that you wanted to leave the group."
"She told you to create for the sake of people's happiness."
You would like him to continue writing and working.
He will stay for your sake... and for the sake of the members, these three months they kept him afloat, he literally clung to them.
Your dog now has 8 caring men
Changbin brings red Lilies, your favorite flowers, to your grave every week.
Hwang Hyunjin
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You have been married for five years, recently celebrated your anniversary.
You were the happiest couple! STAY blessed couple , the participants were incredibly happy about your couple.
You found out that you are pregnant.
Hyunjin was incredibly happy! Members will become uncles to your baby.
Felix took the place of godfather.
Chan and Minho were responsible for choosing the name.
And Changbin, Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin made rooms for your baby!
But...you had a back injury, which made it dangerous to give birth.
You didn't care, you were going to have the baby.
Difficulties began immediately during contractions, Hyunjin was with you all the time.
He was forced to leave the room in the middle of labor.
The members who were waiting in the corridor were very worried.
Sudden silence.
The doctor came out of the maternity room and said: “Congratulations, you have a daughter... please accept my condolences, your wife has died.”
It sounded so absurd.
Hyunjin walked into your room, you looked so tired...so sad. sad aphrodite.
Hyunjin kissed your forehead, one hand on your neck, the other holding your hand.
"Thank you for daughter...and forgive me, I love you very much"
Tears rolled down Hyunjin's cheeks, the tears were like pearls.
Hyunjin went home with the members.. The workers left your daughter in the hospital for several days.
Hyunjin seemed to understand nothing, he understood absolutely nothing.
"The baby will grow up in love, Hyunjin"
"We will all take care of her..she is an extension of Y/N" These words from Chan hurt Hyunjin's heart...He will protect and love his daughter.
Hyunjin is always crying, his eyes are red, his face is swollen from crying.
It hurt even more when Seungmin brought your favorite coffee.
In three days we could pick up our daughter.
All eight participants went to the maternity hospital.
They brought out a small package for you, what a tiny little thing.
Hyunjin looked at the little baby as if he were the eighth wonder of the world, the girl was sleeping. Hyunjin could have sworn that she would look like you.
"We'll call her Viyoung" Why is this in tune with Vendetta?
The guy nodded approvingly, tears flowing down his cheeks again.
The members took turns holding the bundle with the baby in their hands.
"I will love you so much, Viyoung...just like your mother loved you."
“Your uncles will take care of you...you will grow up with complete love.”
They went home, everything will be fine. Your memory will never fade away. Hyunjin will raise a beautiful daughter. She's a copy of you, but with Hyunjin's eyes.
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mikachacha · 6 months
fr in need of some angst. maybe a plot where y/n (y/n gotta be taller though cause we need more stories like that 😭) is secretly in love with bada and did everything for her but bada never knew. one day, when y/n was gonna confess by giving bada a letter while visiting bebe practice. they ended up getting in an argument and y/n leaves and ends up getting in an accident. then you can make up the rest lol
𝚁𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚍 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
Synopsis: You were about to confess to Bada about how you truly feel about her but it didn't end well.
T.W.: angst, mentions of accident, death, just so much tear for this one.
(A/N: This is a femme! Bada x Masc.! Reader. And if y'all are familiar with the movie Rewind, this is kinda like that with some elements from Marry My Husband because I can't stop watching it 🥹🥹🫶🫶)
You have always loved Bada, even when she wasn't famous yet. You have been in love with her since you were both in highschool. You did everything for her, supported her in her dreams and continued to be there for her in hopes that maybe one day she'll love you back. Hoping that maybe someday, she'll accept you and the love you have for her.
You took off your helmet as you arrived at the studio where Bada and the rest of team Bebe are practicing. You planned on giving a letter to Bada, confessing your feelings to her but your plan was quickly ruined by Bada herself. She went up to you, grinning and you already know that she had set you up on a date with someone at the studio. Perhaps a staff or a student.
"Bada.. I already told you that I'm not interested." you sighed and Bada was also getting annoyed because you keep on rejecting the people she sets up for you.
"Why not? You keep rejecting the people I think that's good for you.. I'm only concerned about you, Y/N." Bada says and you couldn't help but feel frustrated because Bada is so dense. She doesn't even realize that you didn't want anything else because she's all that you want. Not some random person she sets you up on a date with.
"Because I'm not interested, Bada! Jesus.. Just how many times are we going to go through this for you to finally realize?!" You couldn't help but air out your frustration and with that, started a huge argument between you and her. You just stormed out, crumpling out the letter you made for her and getting on your motorcycle, speeding off.
Your head was filled with lots of thoughts, mostly self pity because you're such a fool thinking Bada could ever love you back when all she could give to you was friendship. You were lost in your thoughts not even realizing that you were over speeding until it was too late to slow down. You swerved your motorcycle to the side to avoid a cat who suddenly crossed the road. That's all you could remember before everything went dark.
Bada couldn't believe how you acted but she did feel bad for arguing with you after you stormed out. She tried to run after you yet she was too late as you already left. She was about to head back inside to get her phone so she could call you but then she noticed a crumpled up piece of paper near the trash bin. She picked it up and recognized your handwriting so she read it. She could feel her heart break reading the letter you made for him. She felt like the biggest idiot in the world for not realizing your feelings.
"Shit.. Shit.." Bada ran back inside the studio to grab her phone. She tried calling you but it goes straight to voicemail. When she was about to give up, somebody picked up.
"Do you know Y/N? Please come to the hospital. She got in an accident." Bada felt her heart drop after hearing what had happened. She didn't even care to grab her other belongings, she just rushed to go to the hospital to see you. Her heart was racing against her chest and her tears won't stop falling down her face. She even saw your motorcycle being towed while she was on the way to the hospital. The sight made her wanna throw up. It was so wrecked that it's going to be a miracle if you survived the crash.
When Bada arrived at the hospital, they told her that it was too late. The injuries you sustained from the crash were too great and they weren't able to save you. Bada walked inside the room where your lifeless body laid on the hospital bed. She held your hand, sobbing, crying and just begging you to wake up.
"Please.. Y/N, please. Please wake up.." She cried out, still holding on to your hand. She hugged your lifeless body, telling you how much she loves you and she regrets arguing with you earlier.
"If I could just turn back time.. If I could just turn back time, I would.. I wish I was able to tell you how much I love you and how much I care about you rather than being stupid.. I love you, Y/N.. Please come back to me." Bada sobbed, still unable to process that you're really gone.
Bada woke up from the sound of her alarm blaring. She was confused. She didn't remember going home, the last thing she remembered was that she was in the hospital, hugging your lifeless body and trying to fight off the staff who tried taking you away from her. She couldn't help but cry as she remembers that you're really gone and the last memory you had together was you and her arguing.
Bada was snapped out of her thoughts when her phone lit up again, indicating a text message. It was a message from you greeting her a good morning. She was confused when she noticed the date and time. It's still the same day but hours before your accident.
"Did I just go back in time?" was all she could think of. It gave her a glimmer of hope, maybe she's given a second chance to finally tell you about her feelings. If that was the case, she knows for sure that she's not going to waste it.
She immediately prepared to start the day but she planned on making this extra special. If this truly is your last day to be with her, she wants to make sure that you feel loved and valued by Bada. She bought your favorite drink and the first snack you shared with her in high school , she even wore the hoodie you lent her that she didn't return.
When you arrived, Bada immediately greeted you with a hug that got you all confused. She hugged you like it was the last hug that she'll ever give to you. She held back her tears as she didn't want to freak you out too much.
"Come on, let's eat. I have something to tell you." Bada held your hand, lacing your fingers with yours as she dragged you along.
"Let me guess, you're going to introduce me to someone again.." you sighed but let Bada drag you along. You couldn't help but smile seeing how small her hand is compared to yours, you find it adorable. And the way your normal sized hoodie looked oversized on her made your heart swell with joy.
"Nope! Actually I have something to tell you." Bada says and makes you sit down on a chair while she takes out the foods and drinks she purchased from the paper bag. You raised an eyebrow as you saw she bought your favorite drink and a snack you once shared with her during highschool. You remembered it was when you saw her crying as she was rejected by the dance club so you shared your snacks with her to make her feel better.
"Please don't tell me that you wanted me to join your group or fill in for a member who's absent.." you couldn't help but groan at the thought. It's not that you couldn't dance but it's because you looked like a sore thumb dancing with them due to your height.
"No! I like you, okay? No. I'm in love with you, Y/N.. Ever since you skipped your own class just so I'll have a partner during a graded performance because my partner bailed out last minute. I wasn't sure if what I felt about you is true but a lot of things made me realize that I truly love you.. Not just because you helped me and supported me with my dreams but you were the only person who showed me what love should really be like." Bada confessed and you looked at her, you were rendered speechless as you didn't know that she felt the same. You just thought that she was just acting that way because you're friends and you helped her a lot, never because there were any romantic feelings involved.
"I.. Wow.. I didn't know.." it felt like your brain had short circuited and you couldn't find the right words to say. Bada didn't even care since she knows you feel the same way. She looks up at you, eyes filled with unshed tears as she took in the image of you, alive and well. She pulls stands on her toes and presses a kiss on your lips, promising to cherish every moment she's given to be with you because no one knows what the future holds.
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i know places | a. targaryen
Description: Aegon is a popular streamer, his girlfriend brings him treats every few hours. No one knows who his girlfriend is. Pairing: streamer!aegon/non-showbiz!reader
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The first time his fans found out about you - it was totally an accident. He was using his phone to play a mobile game, casually streaming in omelet arcade and twitch at the same time. "I haven't actually touched my phone in a week, I'm sorta a pc guy." he spoke into the mic, using his controls to win and follow the quests in the mobile version of Genshin.
While he was walking to the north part of the map, his phone suddenly flashes a message from you.
HONEYBUNCHSUGARPLUM Heading towards Maccas, you need anything babe?
His eyes widened slightly - pretending that he didn't see the message. "- and I don't play genshin much so I don't think I'll have fun using the mobile version," he continued - slyly changing the topic. He takes a deep breath, seeing that his chat couldn't stop talking about the message.
"What message?" he scratched the back of his head.
You were going to kill him.
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Evidence A. Now looking for suspects @egg.streams
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PinkIsLife74: Ya'll saw egg's stream rite?
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"So the first thing I want to build is a farm for my carrots," Aegon spoke to himself, staring at the chat that was currently going wild because his girlfriend brought him some hot chocolate. He smiles softly, turning his mic off - and giving his girl a small kiss.
"Thanks, honeybunch." he whispered, making sure that your face was far from the camera's view. Once you walked away, his eyes returned to the screen in front of him - and everyone couldn't stop talking about you. He turns his mic on with a small smirk.
"Calm down guys,"
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egg.streams: sorry for not streaming today guys 💚
159 comments 178,293 likes
islandinthestream2124: no message huh
hannahbanana90: Find urself a man that lets u use his gaming pc for roblox 😆 - egg.streams: roblox is for pro-gamers ong 💪🏽
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aegonii_fanbase: I MASTERMINDED IT, I think it's Alys Strong.
7 comments 789 likes
AemondTargaryenOfficialAccount: Could be...but she's dating me so probably not. - aegonii_fanbase: OMG AEMOND NOTICED ME
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Hannibal80980: HEAR ME OUT.
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"I was sorta thinking 'sophisticated' vibes for our engagement party," you continued walking while holding his hand. "Yeah, and we'll get some white flowers." he added while holding your hand tightly. He was the sweetest boy in the world - he respected your privacy and treated you nicely. You couldn't ask for anything else.
Before you could enter the shop - a man pokes you with a microphone on his hands. "Do you think that husbands should help around the house?" he asked and a laugh escapes your mouth, seeing that he was one of those tiktok interviewers.
Aegon was about to talk to him - presumably pleading to remove the footage but you shake your head. "We have a chance to make it official in the most hilarious way possible," you whisper and he nods - smiling as he lets you answer the question.
"I think it depends on the household, but Egg helps around ours - I have no complains." you laugh and he raises your hand - showing the camera your large diamond ring. "Thank you," the man walks away, interviewing other people.
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tobascolikescoke: i interviewed someone on the street and i didn't fucking realize that they were famous 😭 now, twitch royalty @egg.streams probs hates me for exposing his relationship
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@pearlstiare @watercolorskyy @sweethoneyblossom1
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heartss4matthewq · 5 months
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warnings/contains: angst, mentions of SH!!!, breakdown, um just sad tbh, pretend chris can drive 😭
(is a series)
“y/n. what is that?”
as soon as you heard him speak you immediately broke into sobs.
chris ran up to you and started hugging you so tightly.
“oh…what’s wrong” he says in a whisper
you can barley make sentences with how much youre crying
you don’t understand how it got this bad.
to the point where you started to hurt yourself
you just kept repeating sorry over and over again.
“what’s wrong, tell me”
after a few moments and deep breaths you finally turned to chris
“chris it’s you, you aren’t the same and i just don’t understand it”
“we have no time to see each other and i’m always in LA i know on facetimes and things like that i can be dry but i don’t do it on purpose i promise”
“chris i dont wanna hear the excuse this isn’t working how i wanted it too and i just don’t get it.”
“but baby-“
“no. just go back to your moms for now”
“okay im sorry, i love you so much, okay?”
you turned your back to him as he walked out of the door.
you wanted a text from chris.
you’ve wanted it since the day he left your house.
and you can’t help but think it’s your fault and how you shouldn’t have shut him out like that
maybe it was the right thing, maybe he will come back and realize what he’s done.
you check your phone to see a notification from instagram
christophersturniolo posted on their story.
you opened up the app and saw a girl posed up with chris
“what the fuck?” you said to yourself
who is that??
you called chris only to hear the same ringtone 3 times until he finally picks up
“hi what’s up”
“who’s that in your story??”
“what do you mean, it’s a friend” he says laughing
“no no why is she grabbing you like that?”
“she’s not grabbing me like anything, it was her birthday, stop freaking out and acting crazy.”
“okay first of all don’t call me crazy, i don’t know what you think your problem is”
“alright my bad, gotta go tho”
he hung up on me.
you started to cry again and just sat on your couch. analyzing that picture for a good 5 minutes before a knock was heard at your door.
you wiped the tears from your eyes and got up.
you walked over to the door only to be met by matt and nick
“hey, we need to talk. it’s about chris”
you quickly greet them in and close the door behind them.
“chris has been in a car accident.”
guyssss was this good??
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yae-energy · 1 year
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pick up the phone !!!
synopsis: my take on whether they’re a caller or texter
cast: yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki
cw: cursing, usage of the nword, kinda proofread
a/n: sorta just filler work, i was in the mood to write smth but didn’t want to do too much. might make a part 2 with the second years
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megumi - texter
do not expect this dude to answer ANY calls LOL
calling means you have to talk a whole bunch and he’d rather just…not
like it’s physically draining to him (same tho)
even so, bro is a dry ass texter, like he’s one of those people where you have to read it in his voice for it to not sound so dead
you could prob send him smth earth shatteringly hilarious and bro will respond to it like
“lmaoo” or “im dead”
like damn nigga put some enthusiasm into it 😭
his read receipts are off cause he has a habit of looking at texts and forgetting to respond. he figured if he turned them off he wouldn’t hurt anyones feelings by accident
the dnd stays on!!
he sends voice messages if he doesn’t feel like typing a whole lot
he doesn’t have contact photos for anyone, everyone got that nasty default letter one
has gojo muted cause he’s always texting him about dumb shit 😭
no one in his pinned
will text you out of the blue and ask if you wanna hang out
could be 2am but that won’t stop him
“wanna run to the gas station?”
“my nigga it’s 1 in the morning 💀”
“not reading all that, you coming or not?”
nobara - caller (specifically facetime)
this bitch loves being on the phone !!! especially with people she’s real, real, close with
expects you to pick up EVERY SINGLE FACETIME CALL and if you don’t best believe she’s finna spam text you
“bitch ik you saw my call 🤨”
“answer your phone rn ik you not doing nothing with your lonely ass”
she’ll eat you up fr if you don’t answer 😭
facetimes with her are lit thooo, like she always has a story to tell
“and then guess what happened!!!”
is a bad texter tho
like really bad
she’ll either answer in 3 seconds or 3 weeks, you’ll never know !!
has certain people muted if she doesn’t like them
only has 3 convos in her pinned and one is a gc with her, yuji, and megumi
gojo is blocked LOL
she blocked yuji once too and forgot to unblock him (he kept sending her those wolf memes)
yuji - both, but more of a caller
he loves phone calls !!! especially facetimes
he likes being able to see and hear the people he’s talking to
takes screenshots
he usually facetimes when he has like,,, chores to do? like if he’s gotta clean his room or something he’ll call so that way he can stay focused
likes when you talk about your day or if you have a story to share, he gets INVESTED
“what??? that’s kinda fucked up… what’d she do next???”
is lowkey an instigator
“me personally…. i wouldn’t let him talk to me like that”
eats on the phone!
bro has a whole mukbang set up don’t play with him!
he’s also a very engaging texter
has a perfect reaction photo for any situation
sends lots of tiktoks
i feel like when he’s expressing laughter he does the keyboard smash thing
or he’ll go like
everyone has a special name and contact photo
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willalove75 · 1 year
Pls surprise us for a new fic🥹😭
Do I still have to finish writing chapter 13 of Alcina's New Maid? Yes lollll but I've been struggling with writing anything the last few days (my period has been an asshole this month yayy -.-) and this suddenly hit me so lets go!
This is inspired by the incredibly talented @rosalynesimp's artwork Dreadful Love and her latest masterpiece Dreadful Love Part 2
Warnings: Death, blood, just fucking SADNESS
A/n: I cried writing this so before you read this just know I'M SORRY.
It's been one year. One whole year. One year since Alcina last held you in her arms. One year since she made the biggest mistake of her life. One year since she watched the light fade from your eyes.
It was an accident, she never meant to hurt you. You weren't even supposed to be there. You were supposed to still be in the village running errands, you weren't supposed to be back for another hour.
But fate had other plans. The stars aligned in all of the wrongs ways and you were ripped away from her, by her own hands.
Alcina remembers it clear as day, piles and piles of paperwork, phone call after phone call from Mother Miranda, her stress levels were at an all time high. It was a phone call from Heisenberg, of course it was Heisenberg, that sent her over the edge. She can't even remember what he said, whatever he called about didn't even matter the next day. But everything else that happened after that call will stay with Alcina for the rest of her eternal life.
It was the straw that broke the camels back, it was that phone call that made her snap. Her desk went flying, papers scattered across the floor. She was clawing at every painting, every wall. Alcina always had a temper, she was able to keep it under control up until a certain point and that day, she was shoved past that point.
She didn't hear the door open, she didn't know you came in. She didn't even know you were home.
You finished running errands early and you even had time to stop by the bakery to pick up Alcina's favorite pastries as a little surprise. When you got back to the castle you heard a crash and the sound of things being thrown around. As you walked towards her study you debated on going in, you've only seen her like this once before but you were able to calm her down. She only got like this when she was stressed to the max, extremely overwhelmed and you knew she hadn't been sleeping the last few days. Without knowing it you picked the perfect day to surprise her with her favorite comfort foods.
Slowly you opened the door, you knew you had to be careful, especially since you heard her claws ripping through the walls. After taking a step in you saw the carnage, her desk in pieces, papers scattered everywhere. Before you had another second to think you felt something pierce through your skin. Looking down you realize you had four massive claw marks across your torso.
Alcina was swinging her hands and clawing at everything in sight, the frustration and anger had become too much for her to handle anymore. On one backswing she felt her claws go through something, something soft. A chill she will never forget went up her spine.
The scream she let out shook the castle as she saw you collapse with four gashes across your chest. In a blink she was on the floor next to you, cradling you in her arms. She called for maids, for her daughters, praying to every god and deity she knew of to save you. You both knew it was too late.
Even to this day, she doesn't understand how you weren't angry with her. How you didn't hate her for doing this to you. She will never understand how you told her "it's okay, it was an accident." as the blood poured out of you. She never forgot how you seemed to be the one comforting her as you laid in her arms dying. Telling her over and over again how much you loved her, that you forgave her, until your breath was gone.
Apology after apology spilled from her lips, repeating the words "I'm so sorry, I love you so much" like a mantra. Hoping, praying that it would somehow save you or bring you back.
Alcina sat on the floor with you in her arms in a pool of blood and tears until your body was cold. She didn't know how long she sat there for, it could have been hours for all she knew.
Finally, she stood up, carrying your lifeless body. With each step she trembled but said nothing as she passed through the crowd that had gathered. She said nothing to her daughters that stood there, unsure of what to do for the first time in their lives.
She carried you outside to the willow tree, a place so sacred to the two of you. It was there you both confessed your love for each other. Never will she forget the look in your eyes when you looked up at her after she said you should live your life and travel the world. Without hesitation you replied "why would I do that when everything I want is right here? Alcina do you know how much I love you?"
All alone, with your body laying so peacefully on the grass, Alcina dug a grave and buried you under that tree.
One year. One year since the worst day of her very long life. Not a day went by where you didn't cross her mind. Not a day went by where she didn't regret what happened with every ounce of her soul. Never had she loved someone so deeply, so truly, and it's because of her that you were now gone.
At dusk she left the castle and sat against the willow tree. Her tears flowed as she rested her hand on your grave, wishing, hoping she can see you one more time.
"If there is a god, you will be somewhere wonderful, somewhere where you are happy. Somewhere where you are safe from monsters like me." She said through tears, staring up into the beautifully colored sky. "I love you, draga mea. I am so, so sorry."
When the sun finally set and the moon was bright in the sky, Alcina rose from her spot and gently dusted off her dress. She looked out over the vineyard for a moment and felt the wind pick up a bit. A leaf blew past her and she followed it, turning around to see a small swirl of wind and light and color in front of her.
Standing there too afraid to hope, she watched as the swirling took form and you stepped out in front of her.
"I must be dreaming." She said, her hands beginning to tremble.
"I can assure you my love, you are not." You said with that playful smile she loved so much.
"How- how are you- this can't be real." Alcina says as tears stream down her face.
You walk up to her and float up to her eye level. Gently you cup her face and wipe her tears away.
"It is my love. Although we don't have very long." You say, looking into her beautiful golden irises.
Alcina felt your hand on her face, she could see the sparkle in your eyes that she loved so dearly, she could smell you. You were really there.
Without hesitation Alcina wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you tightly into her. She nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck and sobbed as you held her.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
"I forgive you, it was an accident. Please don't blame yourself."
"I love you, I love you so much."
"I will always love you Alcina, always."
"I've missed you so much draga mea."
"I've missed you too Alci. I am never far away, I will always be with you."
Alcina pulls back and cups your face with both of her hands. You tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and she pulls you in for a soft, passionate kiss. All of the air in Alcina's lungs disappeared when her lips met yours. Never again did she think she would be able to feel your lips on hers. Never again did she think she would get the chance to look into your eyes. Never did she think she would be able to tell you how sorry she was.
When the kiss ends you wipe away more of her tears and gaze into her eyes. The wind begins to pick up again and you know your time together is coming to an end.
You slowly float back down and interlace your fingers with hers.
"Our time is coming to an end my love."
Alcina nods as more tears fall. She doesn't want to let you go, not again, but she knows that she has to.
"I will always be with you, and when your time comes, I will be here waiting for you."
"How are you not angry with me?" She chokes out as the wind picks up more.
"Because I know you would never hurt me on purpose my love. It was an accident, I knew it then and I know it now."
"I love you draga mea."
"I love you too, my Alci."
You take a few steps back and your fingers slowly slide out from between hers.
"I will be waiting for you Alcina. I love you."
The wind swirls around you and you slowly fade into a beautiful blue light. As quickly as it happened, the wind dissipates and the light fades away, leaving Alcina alone, standing by the willow tree.
She looks up into the night sky and wipes her tears, thanking every god and deity for one more moment with you.
As she walks back towards the castle your words replay in her mind "when your time comes, I will be waiting for you." Alcina was an immortal being, you knew that. She isn't sure if you just meant you will wait for her forever, or if perhaps you knew something she didn't. Either way, if or when this life ends, she found comfort in knowing that you will be there on the other side waiting for her.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
[motogp anon] about the joan mir au,,,
basically reader is a single mother and is a news reporter and is covering a story during a motogp race week, whilst also bringing her kid (son/daughter, either is fine!) but kid gets lost because the kid likes wandering off on their own (and yn was busy reporting smthng), then the kid runs into joan. joan returns the kid, and BOOM! meets the reader and falls in love at first sight :*
little matchmaker | joan mir
motogp anon, this request is amazing 🫶🏼🫶🏼 thank youuuu and I’m such a sucker when it comes to driver/riders with kids 😭 also you can imagine whichever grand prix for this one and also the faceclaim 🫶🏼
Y/n was getting ready to go get her interviews started with a couple of riders before the Grand Prix started. “Okay, we’re good.” A worker said as she was handed a microphone.
“Mama!” A young girls voice yelled as she ran to her mother and hugged her legs.
“Sofia, honey, mama has to work. Why don’t you go stand with Lucy over there?” Y/n pointed to her co-worker, Lucy, who behind the camera pointing it at Y/n.
“But I want to stay with you!” Sofia whined and hugged her mother tightly.
“I know you do, but mama has to ask questions right now. I’ll be done soon.” Y/n explained to the girl who groaned in response and walked towards Lucy.
“Okay, now I’m ready.” Y/n gave a thumbs up and cleared her throat.
“Three, two and we’re live.”
Sofia was bored. Standing next to Lucy was boring her so she walked off hoping to find something interesting to do. Y/n was busy asking Jorge Martin a couple questions so she was completely unaware that her little girl had wandered off.
Sofia looked around and saw many people walking in different directions. She had spotted an electric scooter parked on the side of a motorhome. She approached it and poked the seat, afraid that if she layed a hand on it the whole scooter would fall on its side.
“Boo!” A man’s voice startled her.
“That wasn’t nice!” She raised her voice and pointed a finger at the man.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. But poking someone’s scooter isn’t nice either.” He replied and crouched down to reach her level of eyesight.
“This is yours?” Sofia asked. “Can I ride it?”
“You’re little. Plus I don’t think your parents would like that I’m letting you drive something that’s way bigger than you.”
“But I’m growing! Last night I was this tall and then this morning I’m more taller! Mama said so.” Sofia explained.
“And where is your mama? I don’t see her.” He looked around for her mother but it looked like no one was around to claim the little girl.
“She’s asking questions, that’s her job. But I got bored so I came here.”
“Well that’s not a nice thing to do to your mama. She’s going to be worried about you. You said her job is to ask questions?”
Joan took the girl’s hand and together they walked around the paddock. Sofia talked to him as if she knew him her whole life. Joan was more than happy to answer any questions the little girl had like ‘how fast can you go on a motorcycle?’ or ‘do you know the muffin man?’
Finally they reached the main spot where most interviews are conducted. “Do you see your mama?” Joan asked the girl.
Sofia looked around then spotted her mother speaking on the phone while Lucy comforted her. “There!” Sofia pointed and dragged Joan towards her mother. “Mama!”
Y/n ended the phone call and let out a sigh of relief. “You scared me, Sofia. You don’t run off like that ever again, okay?” She took the little girl into her arms and kissed Sofia’s cheek.
“I’m sorry, I was bored.” Sofia apologized. “But guess what?”
“What?” Y/n asked.
“Joan said he knows the muffin man and that he can go super fast on his motorcycle!”
Y/n lightly chuckled. She turned her attention to Joan, who she was meeting for the first time even though they worked together.
“I found her looking at my scooter by my motorhome.” Joan explained. He always heard stories about love at first sight but he didn’t think they were true at all. How could someone fall in love with a person they just met? But now that he saw her, he decided that love at first sight was real.
“I’m going to get Sofia something to eat.” Lucy said and grabbed Sofia’s hand.
“Bye, Joan! Next time, can we ride your scooter on the track?” Sofia asked.
“If your mama says it’s okay.” Joan replied with a smile.
“I’ll think about it. Go with Lucy, baby.” Y/n said.
Sofia and Lucy walked away, leaving Joan and Y/n alone together. This was his chance to ask her out. But then his thoughts started to cloud his mind.
‘She’s probably still together with Sofia’s dad’
‘She’s married’
‘She’s going to think I’m unprofessional’
“Thank you for bringing back my daughter. She’s always running around.” Y/n finally thanked Joan.
“No problem. She’s really funny, made me laugh on the way over here many times.” Joan admitted. “I’m Joan, I don’t think I told you my name.”
“I know . . I mean I know who you are because you’re a rider and you’re a world champion, yeah sorry if I ramble a little too much. I’m Y/n.”
“Y/n . . . I love your name.” He thought he had said it in his head but realized he actually said it when Y/n started to chuckle.
“Thank you. And thank you again for bringing Sofia back to me. I’ll see you around, Joan.” Y/n smiled then started to walk away.
Stupid! Say something to her!
“Would you like to get dinner sometime? I don’t know if you’re interested and if you’re not then I completely understand. I probably sound stupid even asking because you’re probably in a relationship. You’re a really lovely person and I wish I had met you earlier in my life. I find it impossible not to like you.” He blurted out.
Y/n stood in front of Joan completely speechless. This was something straight out of a romance novel.
“Your silence is really killing me so can you please say something.” Joan said.
“I don’t have a babysitter.” She replied.
“That’s not a problem for me. We can all go out to eat together. Not to brag, but I think Sofia likes me.”
“Sofia isn’t the only one.”
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ghostsprettymama · 2 years
“ i want you to give in”
Warnings: smut,bullying,panick attacks,alcohol and possible drug use, anxiety, talks of suicide,toxic relationships,fatphobia,gun violence, throw up. MDNI.
Word count: 4,274 words 22,560 characters
pairings: Riri williams x Black! Reader fluff, shuri x Black! reader, top!black reader x gang member ! Shuri udaku
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part one part three
blue text = whispering.
Y/N pov
You woke up in your room . With no collection on how you ended up there, but you do remember why you have this massive ass hangover, you checked your phone seeing Shuri’s message on instagram.
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you squinted at the messages smiling, but your momment got ruined by your Brother “ wake yo ass up or T and all of us are leaving yo blackass home and you're gonna miss your first day" Said Erik on the other side.
You groaned getting up from your bed charging your phone while you went to the shower "siri play my song. " you said in your gentle morning voice.
Your phone responded automatically playing your song while you showered putting on your F/s bodywash, taking care of yourself in the shower, stepping out when youre squeaky clean and smelling good.
Youd put on your fit for the day stopping the music, taking your phone and charger with you, along with your purse so you have other mecessarities with you.
you went downstairs heading outside while Erik was waiting for you, he looked you up and down "Fuck you goin lookin like that" Erik said glaring down at you, the 6'2 man said looking down at you "take ya blackass back and change, my sister aint going out like no whore" he said.
A whore? You're dressed like a whore.. you look at him your pretty eyes threatened tears, your pretty makeup threatening to be ruined. "nono please, bee I promise you can go like that you aren't a whore" Erik said to you, your tears no longer threatening to come out.
You both headed to the car and the Udaku sibblings followed behind, shuri looked you up and down Before smacking your ass when the older brothers arent looking.
you yelped and the men turned around looking like someone was about to be murdered, both of them reaching for their hips, shuri motioned for them not to and you didnt understand why.
"sorry saw a spider" the two tall dudes sighed shaking their heads "dont do that shit again unless you want us to make sure someones not breathing anymore" said T'challa shaking his head getting in the drivers seat after unlocking one of his many cars, but he only used this one for school. you reached for shuris' hand but she shook her head " youre big now, you dont need to hold my hand" She obviously teased,
You just got in the backseat of the car with shuri, the two men sitting up front. you thought about what she had said, it made you upset either way, but you shook your head listening to one of your second favorite songs
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she looked at instagram going to her dms, seeing one unread dm from Riri, a close friend of hers, they werent at all interested in eachother but here and there theyd joke like they were.
She looked at the previous convo trying to remember what and who they were talking about and why, these two werre notorius shit talkers, but aint nobody stopped them, even if they can they cant.
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Ohhh... she thought ttyping fast with her digits trying to carry on with the conversation hoping Riri isnt mad,Not that Shuri needs her, she js enjoys her prescense as a friend, she held Riri dearly to her.
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She rolled her eyes turning her phone off, Shuri knew Riri was just concerned about Y/n, after all the school they go to is fucked up, but its the closest and least expensive one.
T'challa pulled up to the school everyone but Y/n getting out, Shuri decided to show out and open y/ns door helping her out the car. She held her hand as they walked into ths school, everyone looking Y/n up and down
"Why are they looking at me shuri.." she said to shuri in a whisper, "well maybe because youre a woman thats fine as fuck coming to a bigass school, and holding my hand?" Y/n bobbed for the answer and got the wrong apple, Shuri took the ' sarcastic asshole ' response in return for a dumb question.
T'challa pov
"You two already got your schedule right?" T'challa said turning to them, hoping to god they didnt forget the schedules at home or theyre gonna have to drive back. Even if T' challa seemed to be some ' big scary gangsta ' as titled by peers. He rather not be late to class.
"yeah, i got me and i put Y/n's schedule in her purse so we good." Erik said, T'challa got closer to erik when he pulled schedule out, shit was so crumbled you could barely read the words on there. "My nigga what the FUCK is this??" t'challa looked at him with his signature look on his face.
"Bro leave me alone i was rushing" said Erik looking back at him as if he got hit in the head with a hot comb. they both broke out into laughter not being able to take looking at eachother like that. "anyways we got the same schedule, what about you two?" T'challa looked at the girls who were already gone.
"did they ju- " T'challa turned to erik and he nodded, both of them shook their head in sync. "kids these days.."he said causing erik to chuckle.
They hated eachother but still kept the unremovable bond of their good friendship, who even knows why they arent actually friends anymore. The tale is like a mystery to people. Neither T'challa or Erik open up about it, but only shuri and the udaku sibblings mother Ramonda knew.
homeroom period bell rings
Y/N pov
She sat by Shuri and her friend Riri we met while walking around,both were on each sides of me and it mad me feel safe, she adjusted her braclets bracelets, some teachers gave her work the students were already working on,i only had gotten it due to the fact that shes a " hard worker".
Riri nudged me motioning me to pull my jacket up and cover my chest, I raised my eyebrows looking down, shit...she left hickeys on my chest you thought to yourself zipping up your jacket "Thanks Riri..." you smiled at her and she gave you a fist bump. "its nothin, a sista helps a sista out" she said as the bell rang your homeroom teacher coming in, damn she was fine.
Shuri better not let this one go, i actually like her. She sighed to herself after fist-bumping her, Watching Miss Romanoff come in Rolling her eyes, she desperately loathed that woman with everything in her damn body.
“Good morning class we have a new student today, could you stand up” said Natasha,Riri glanced at her and she got up walking to the front,
I dont got a good feelin about this, She looked at shuri and shuri nodded feeling the exact feelings
She got up, coming to the front of the classroom waiting for it to go silent. She gave her usual pretty smile. “ Hello im Y/n L/n and i hope this school treats me right”. She was going for her seat before Romanoff said something.
“ any facts? Like your family or you” She said to Y/n as she sat down, she looked at shuri before looking at riri, both of them shook their heads. “I Rather not, thats not anyones buisness in here anyway” you shrugged sitting back down, finishing the papers you had gotten.
Romanoff's eyebrow raised before she went to her desk handing you a paper and book. Youd put it aside before putting the papers in youur pink folder putting it in your folder.
you felt eyes on you, when you turned you looked at a white boy with brown hair and dark eyes trying to uncover who you are.
But his friend next to him calling him, causing the boy to look away.
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You raised an eyebrow at his actions, a weird one you thought. Maybe he wanted to play a game, but you werent interested in some white boy with a staring problems games.
After class
you and your two friends left first standing by the lockers and talking about what had happened, shuri paid attention to your body language taking note of Peter, if he made you uncomfy she would do something about it, if he didn't then he was fine.
“Yeah, the weird guy? Peter, he’s usually talking to ned in their world, I don't know what's up with me today.” Riri said shrugging it off, you dismissed it too not caring about him either way, shuri looked at Peter and ned while you two talked. “I just find it weird that the nigga was staring at me like I'm the Mona Lisa,” you said uncomfy with what he did. “Hold that thought” riri and shuri went over to the two guys.
you were on your phone as you suddenly looked up seeing two red marks on peters face.
Shuri POV
She was paying attention to her friends body language “I just find it weird that the nigga was staring at me like I'm the Mona Lisa,” said y/n shifting her body showjng she was uncomfy. almost immediantly the two girls looked at eachother nodding oou im gonna beat this dough boy colored bitches ass. shuri thought " hold that thought" she said as she moved off the wall going over to Peter and ned, they wanted nothing with ned he was cool for now.
"What the fuck is your problem," Riri said staring up at Peter. She didn't care at all about the height difference in height, after all the bigger they are the harder they fall. Riri put her finger in the middle of his chest roughly pressing it against the middle as if it was a knife. “So you just gon’ creep my friend out and stare at her? We know the shit you're trying to pull Peter and stop digging for shit you shouldn't even know” said shuri spitting venom at the male before giving him a big smack to the face
“Hey man in sorry for him, he was j-” ned tried to defend his friend but Riri interrupted him "Shut the fuck up ned, this dont involve you" she stared at him as if the poor boy committed an act of murder to her friend. "if you wanna keep ya girl mj, even if that bitch is yours, leave Y/n alone" said Shuri walking away with Riri.
"does she even know why shes not at that school anymore? or about the shit both of your familys do huh?" Peter said as he was trying to anger Shuri and Riri more. “Its none of her buisness” said shuri as they kept walking .
“What does he-”dont worry about it” Shuri interrupted as they continued walking, Y/n looked at them before catching up to the others
Y/n pov
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you sat on the bleachers watching the two play basketball for gym class recording it to watch later on my camera, when the bell rang shuri lifed her shirt whiping her sweat off, her sports bra and v line showing, along with the lovebites and kisses from lastnight on her body. you stopped filming putting the camera in your purse staring at her body.
"you like her ? " a voice said to her causing her to jump, her purse being sent all the way to shuri from her jumping so much . you turned around looking at the pretty girl beside of you "kiana" she said to you, her name so you nodded saying yours "Y/n" you said smiling to her. Her entourage was behind her watching the two of her “oou shes pretty... Is that Shuri's girlfriend?” said one of the girls “Thats Mariana, ignore her” you nodded “so what was your question” you adjusted yourself looking at Kiana, you weren't scared of her and you knew what she was trying to do. “a statement actually, You shouldn't like shuri, shes like of dem playgirls” she looked at your hickeys and kisses shuri left on you. You nodded getting up “mmh. Kiana rii? Yeah. Just because you were one of her hoes or rejected by her, dont mean you get you and ur friends to scare me away from my childhood bestie, i know her more then you ever would” you declared showing no form of emotion, Riri and Shuri called for you as they came out the lockerooms.
“It's ‘ight, she doesn't like fat bitches ‘nyway,” said Mariana, causing you to turn around and stare “ that's crazy becausee... She didnt say that last night. “ you shrugged it off walking past your bag, and giving shuri a little kiss on the lips, you dont know what fueled you but you did it anyways.
“What's with the sudden kiss?” shuri stared then looked up to see Kiana and Mariana then back to y/n who bent down to pick her bag up causing her to stare.
“Mmh y/n..” she stared for the longest time before smacking it, loud enough for the gym to hear. You flinched turning to shuri with a face red as a tomato. “Payback” she’d say smiling, Mariana and Kiana walked over to shuri putting their arms around her.
“Hey, baby. Why are you fucking around with someone like her I thought you liked us” Mariana said her acrylics Circling them on her chest. Shuri smiled at her getting lost in the momment " you know its not like that ma im up for anyone i can do what i want, nobody gon' hold me down anytime soon." she used the same nickname and voice she used for you. "shuri." said riri and kiana hushed her.
you had a “ did this bitch really just...” face on offended at how your two faced friend was acting"Nah Riri let's go. let shuri fuck around with her hoes like she always does" Youd say leaving and not waiting for riri, the bell rang for lunch, you were hurt bad.
Riri POV
" you said you wouldnt play her Shuri, i knew you were a damn lie" Riri said spitting venom at her as she got her bag leaving " like you said her soft ass wasnt gonna last here" Riri turned around staring up at shuri. "yknow what.." she clocked both of the thots on shuris dead in the nose. " fuck you and your thots, you know i dont fuck with this playgirl shit" she said leaving.
Riri saw the girls go the same way y/n went as she looked both at Kiana and Mariana "oou im sick of yall." she ran after them following them to the bathroom
Shuri looked at the two , realising what she did and said was wrong, "fuck." she sighed movinf past them and going to the lunchroom to get Erik.
Riri on the other hand came in the bathroom seeing the other 4 girls bang on the stall Y/n was in . she heard her crying and hyperventilating, she was havinqg "either yall gon' get the fuck out or im airing this bitch out right now." Riri reached for under her shirt, the girls stopped running out as she sighed, sitting by the stall
"Hey Y/n you 'ight ?" she leaned against the stall listening to her cry." Shuri probably didnt mean it, she was lo- " she got interrupted by the sounds of her throwing up and the toilet flushing. soon y/n came out, sitting on the counter in the bathroom.
" im Fine, i know sex doesnt mean you love them its whatever, we were drunk" y/n said i saw her try to keep a straight face, but she failed crying her eyes out again, her makeup was ruined, you signed hugging her, she burried her head into riri's shoulder as she patted and rubbed y/n's back to soothe her. "lets get you prettied up again yeah?" said Riri as she used makeup wipes from her gym bags cleaning y/n's face. "you know how to do make up?" Y/n sniffled asking you. "girl hell yeah i do? ion got lucious lashes like you do but shiit i got the falsies that look like yours. I wish i had your features" Riri said with a smile, doing y/n's makeup for her.
"Why'd you say that? youre so pretty and strong Ri, and you stand up for your friends ." She smiled. wow shes so pretty, why does she play games with shuri.. id deffinently treat her right. Riri shook her head as she didnt know why she had these thoughts, she wasnt going to act on it either, shes not that kind of person. "thanks." she smiled
Y/n pov
She was so nice to me and i dont know why, Riri turned my face to the mirror, i smiled seeing my new makeup i hopped down giving her a kiss on her head hugging her . " thank you so much Ri!"
Erik, T'challa and Shuri came busting in and we both sighed turning to them. "what the hell happened in here?" T'challa said , Shuri looked at you hoping you returned contact, still hurt by what you said you didnt look at her. your focus was on T'Challa, " nothing. it isnt important " you said turning back to them going back to talking yo Riri.
Erik came over putting his hand on your shoulder, thinking its shuri's you smack it off turning around " the fuck do you want?? didnt you already do en- you turned to eriks face staring you dead in the eyes. " Were serious y/n. what the fuck happened." He said trying to intimidate the answers out of you, well not trying you already are.
"If i said its nothing then its nothing micheal! im sure you know because the captain of hoes over there already ran her mouth. instead of fucking helping me from her sillicone dick crazed hoes." you screamed starting to go off because you were getting overstimulated. "i dont need a damn knight right now because i got fucked over five minutes ago just because one of Shuri's crazy ass fans" you pushed past them leaving , you decided to hide in the darker part of the schools library.
The lights were busted here, you curled up into a ball sighing, your eyes felt heavy, and behan to close, eventually closing for a good time.
you got woken up by someone moving your head to their lap, you open your eyes trying to see who it was shuri. you were too tired to argue so you just sat up sighing.
"what time is it," you asked her as she looked at you, she had a look you saw the look on her face that you never saw throughout the 13 years you knew her. "its 4th period, almost over but why the hell are you hiding here." said shuri looking at me with a cigarette in her mouth.
“Number one.” you said as you took the cigarette from her mouth. Stomping on it, "two if you wanna talk to me do it respectfully" you straddled her lap looking her in the eyes you got close to her almost close enough to kiss her " you can speak now, and dont use nicknames" you said crossing your arms.
Shuri Pov
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Shuri blew the smoke away from your face fanning it before diverting her attention back to you " why are you jealous if we arent dating" i said rasing a brow trying to get the answers out of her
Y/n hesitated before huffing, her cold breath blowing on my face. " Because you make my heart race, you give me butterflies and just make me wanna do things to you.. " she got close to my lips and my heart began to race, but she pulled away, her eyes looking at me full of lust and anger. " then why dont you act on them ma." i said smirking knowing that'd set her her off.
"I said no names," Y/n said yanking my hair back and causing me to look up. "you already pissed me off acting like a player, I know damn well you arent one" she’d positioned herself to be looking down at me. “ i want you to myself shuri, im not sharing you, i want you to give in “ she said, her lips kissing mine.
her lips went to attack my neck leaving love bites, and bite marks. The arousal this woman is causing me will be the death of me, part of me wants to make her work, and another just wants her so bad, but i deffinently cant do this relationshp shit, its scary.
“How about you work for it? Yeah?” i said mocking her but Y/N absolutely didnt like that,she yanked my hair causing me to moan. “Okay okay, fuckbuddies yeah? How about tha -
“stop fucking talking.” she took my shirt off of me. She sucked and kissed my collar bone causing tiny moans to escape my mouth, her tongue swirled and flicked on my nipples, and I heard the librarian nearby. Oh fuck. Please baby don't do this right now. “Shut the fuck up then” Y/n whispered before going back to attacking my breasts, her fingers sliding to my pussy, her digits Massaging my clit in a circular motion.
god damn she was so sexy like this. I moaned in her ear causing her to bite my nipple, the pain causing my pussy to get wetter, her fingers entered my pussy fingering me nice and slow, the squelching being able to be heard.
Shuri tried to speak but got interrupted by Y/n’s thumb rubbing her clit in circular motions, She felt so good right now, Finally, y/n would let go of Shuri's hair .
Peter and neds voice was heard and that made y/n smile, “ma, no. We can continue late-” she whispered to the angered y/n pulling her pants down. She yoinked her panties down not even giving shuri a second to speak, immediately eating her pussy out. She blew cold air against Shuri's’s pretty soaked cunt, she used her tongue to explore her pretty cunny(cunt,pussy). Shuri gasped for air her hips rocking against her face riding her high.
Peter and Ned slowly got closer and closer. “Baby I'm gonna cum fuck, please me just like that I'm so proud of you” Shuri would say keeping their eye contact with y/n. “mmh cum in my mouth, please i wanna taste you “ said Y/n.
Shuri bit her lips as she squirted in Y/ns mouth,Shuri panted then moaned louder when y/n was licking her clean.
Y/n licked my thighs clean before fixing my pants and underwear, i stood up fixing it myself.
“do you forgive me?” Y/n Nodded turning to shuri “cmon were gonna be late” i said going down the stairs holding her hand.
Y/n pov
I smiled to myself, that didnt settle the jealously but i knew I did what those hoes couldn't. Pride filled my stomach as we went down the stairs facing Ned and Peter who had shocked faces on.
“well.. We were sent to look for you” said ned beginning to turn around to the entrance of the library, walking away.
Peter sighed rubbing his temples. “in a school...” he said with disappointment in his voice Shaking his head “could you two like?? Not wait to fuck at home?” he said stating the fact that we have a problem.
"you mad i got to her first peter?" said Shuri getting in his face. "see thats your problem. you assume i want her because i was staring, i was only doing so because shes pretty and i was curious" said peter looking down at shuri.
"So you hit him for no reason Shuri?" I said turning to her with an eyebrow raised. "well he made my friend uncomfy, so i fixed it Udaku style fym?" she said acting as if she didnt assault a man because he made me uncomfy. i shook my head .
"well we gotta go peter last period of the day." i said skipping on to the next class.
I wrote notes down in my notebook for history, since its black history month today they were studying Marsha p. Johnson, i paid close attention the whole class.
i had sat next to erik,shuri and riri. T'challa didnt have this class anymore since he passed the test with full credit.
Erik had his glasses on since we sat far and he needed to see desperately, sometimes I’d et him copy my notes as long as he changed it up, Mariana and Kiana came in with busted noses and black eyes.
my phone dinged and in sync we all checked the gc.
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i looked at riri and she whistled looking at the sky, we all laughed as the bell rang, all of us going outside to the car.
Eventually we made it home in time for my rest,i went on the steps and felt shuri turn me around giving me a deep and long kiss. evemtually i pulled away before it lead to anything else due to me being tired. "thanks ma, for coming back" she smiled smacking my ass before she left.
i smiled at her watching her till she went inside, going inside myself getting ready to sleep
A/N: this took long as hell to write my fingers hurt 😒. LEAVE A LIKE BELOW IF YOUD WAANT MORE
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c2e2r2nsblog · 10 months
Hi! How are you doing? Can I please request something where Murayama has a long-time girlfriend but she gets into an accident and forgets who he is, and he has to get her to fall in love with him all over again? Thank you!
First request😆
Yey yey yey yey yey yey
Murayama was at a Sword meeting when y/n had an accident, and when he saw that y/n was calling him, he muted the phone and said "I'll check it after the meeting." A minute or two later, Seki comes to him and tells him that y/n had an accident and was taken to the hospital. Hospital called Seki because they couldn't reach any family members or Murayama When Murayama first heard this, he was stunned and ran straight out of the old Warehouse Without thinking about others, Murayama took the truck and drove towards the hospital When he arrives at the hospital, the doctor stops Murayama and pulls him aside to talk. When Murayama learned that y/n had memory loss, he got angry and wanted to cry. But he collected himself and went to y/n, murayama talked about her family, friends, himself, and y/n looked at him strangely and said she wanted to think Murayama realized that she might be confused and even though he was hurt, he left the room. Murayama wanted to do his best to remind Sakura of their relationship and himself
♡ Murayaman will definitely never leave alone y/n,like a little child.
♡ I'm sure Murayama will act like a little girl against Y/n and constantly hold her hand and show her around the places they go to.
♡ When Y/n told him I don't know you, he wanted to cry but held himself back.
♡ He acts like a high school sweetheart, picks y/n up from her house every morning, takes her to work, and comes back to pick her up after work. (Murayama says as an excuse, you are so cute, you might get kidnapped 🥲)
♡ To impress y/n, Murayama forces the part-timers to shine lights, play music, and make y/n dance, which he thinks is romantic😭
♡ murayama steals flowers from people's gardens to impress y/n🥲
♡murayama will constantly praise himself, example: all the girls are in love with me😏, I am a very handsome man, I was so talented in sex that everyone could hear your voice😉
♡ He takes pictures of poems in the library to read to Y/n🥲
♡ Definitely text y/n 24/7 to see if y/n need something😃
♡murayama will talk about y/n they past relationships🤭
So, would you fall in love with Murayama again (no need to question me)
I'm sorry your request was so late, I was having some problems about my private life🙃
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chaos-grimlin · 2 years
Obsessed with your marked series!!! Please make another part😭⭐️🫶
Im so glad you like it!! Sorry if my updates are slow!! But heres chapter 18!
Intro:No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked (Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)
Word count:1002
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Chapter 18- I promise
^^3rd Person P.O.V^^^
8 minutes....
8 minutes was all it took for Randy to get to the hospital..
Randy didnt care if he broke the speed limit, he didnt care... He just wanted to get to her..
She was all that was on his mind as he gripped the steering wheel to his old car.
Randy had never felt so worried about someone other then his parents. Yet, with her, he felt so scared that the twisted fucker that did that to her would find her again.
Randy pushed down on the gas petal a little more as he kept his eyes fixated on the road. He went over the speed limit by 5.
Soon, Randy saw the eerie looking hospital looming in the distance.
He slowed down slightly as he pulled into the hospital parking lot and quickly parked his car.
Randy yanked the seatbelt out of its buckle and quickly opened the door and stumbled out of the car.
He slammed the door shut and ran to the hospital doors.
Randy busted into the hospital, looking like a mess, but he didn't care that his hair was a mess and he didn't care that his shirt looked like it was on backwards.
"Um... Can i help you sir?" A confused voice called out, echoing in the empty lobby.
Randy jumped slightly before looking behind him, seeing a nurse looking at him.
The lady raised one of her eyebrows as she clutched her clipbored tightly.
"Um.. Yeah im here to see Y/n L/n" Randy said, frantically scratching the back of his neck.
"Visitation hours are over young man" the nurse said with a cocky tone.
"Ma'am please.. She just went through a tragic accident and... She called me crying, wanting me with her" Randy protested.
The nurse rolled her eyes. "Im sorry sir" "no no!please just let me see her, shes scared out of her mind" Randy said, remebering how scared Y/n sounded over the phone.
"What ever, go, i dont care my shifts over anyway, at least you breaking the rules will be on Darcy and not me" the nurse said throwing her hands up slightly before walking off.
Randy didnt say anything as he turned on his heels and started power walking down the halls.
He took lefts and rights, counting down all the doors till he made it to Y/ns.
Randy didn't bother to knock, he just slowly pushed the door open. "Y/n" Randy called out in a gentle whisper.
Y/n lifted her head up and looked at Randy.
Randy felt his heart break as he saw her...she looked rough... But it was what he expected..
"Randy" Y/n choked out as she stood up on shakey legs.
Pain rushed through her and she fell back down onto the thin mattress of the hospital bed.
Randy quickly made his way to her side.
Y/n looked at Randy as she took in deep breaths.
"Im here. No one will hurt you." Randy whispered in a soothing voice as he ran his fingers through her dirty hair.
Y/n looked into Randy's eyes, feeling herself calm down the longer she looked at him.
"Im sorry" she muttered.
Randys brows knitted togeather as he pushed her hair out from infront of her eyes.
"Why?" He asked. "I woke you up just because...im scared.." y/n said, looking away from him.
"Hey. Listen, id walk across just to be here with you when you needed me" Randy said, letting a soft smile grace his features
Y/n slowly pulled her legs up slightly, feeling a pulsating pain flood through her hip.
Y/n sucked air in through her teeth as her face contorted with pain.
"Dont move to much" Randy said. (Stating the obvious Randy my boi)
"I... I was moving so you could sit with me" Y/n whispered.
"Oh". And at that, Randy slowly sat down beside Y/n.
Minutes passed, and neither of the two teenagers said a word.
"Im scared Randy.." Y/n said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Im scared they will find me...." She said, seeing those foul memories play through her mind.
"Dont be, ill protect you" he wrapped his arm around her waist, slowly moving closer to her.
"Promise?" "Promise"
Randy leanded down slightly and placed a tender kiss on Y/ns forehead, being mindful of the bandaged cuts on her face.
Y/n leaned her head on Randy's shoulder. Maybe, just maybe she could trust Randy. Maybe he would protect her.
"Can you stay here with me tonight?"
Randy wasn't surprised when those words left Y/ns lips.
All Randy did was nod to her....
~~~~Small time skip because its 10:36 for meee~~~~
Randy soon found himself laying beside Y/n, who was already fast asleep, in the small bed.
Randy looked down at Y/n, watching her chest gently rise and fall as she took in short breaths.
Randy slowly wrapped his arms around her torso and slowly pulled her close to him, trying not to wake her or hurt her even more.
Randy kissed Y/ns cheek as he held her.
No noise filled the room other then the faint beeping of the heart monitors in the other rooms and the sound of heels clanking on the tiles outside.
It was almost peaceful to Randy.
Randy wished he was holding Y/n on her bed rather then in a hospital bed that was barley big enough to fit the two.
He grabbed the thin blanket they covered Y/n from her hips down and slowly pulled it up, allowing the blanket to come up just slightly past her elbows.
"I promise ill protect you. You won't get hurt as long as im around, and that, my darling, is a promise that I will keep"
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shiftingconfessions · 6 months
I NEEDDD to talk about the dream I had last night. ;;
So basically it starts off with me and my cousin visiting each other at home in 2024, obvi. But something goes off for some reason like, We idk I think we found a way to go in the future.
So we go in the future, the year is 2030. Everything is like so modern/ futuristic it was crazyy. Cookie (My Dog) was so old😭😭. And the (the one i live in my OR) house was different too, my nephews and neice were there as well as my sister. The house even had a down stairs now, the walls were painted differently . Man.
And I guess I had a different phone in the future and I check who I text; my bsf. Ofc, Oh and for some reason in the future the new Phone doesn’t allow contact names, like u can only put the persons name and thats it. But me and u found a way. but I see so many different people. Like my Ex-bsf and just people I wouldn’t hang out with (some of them were like years older than me). Future me was different 😭🙏🏼.
And my cousin who I went into the future with was at her house next door. So I couldn’t just talk to her about everything.
After my sisters bf came to our house with my nephews, I think me and my cousin went back to 2024. And like it was trippy.
We kinda told everyone about it. But when We would the things around us would change, into the future? We did that multiple times, and we would change reality I think. It like? Morphed? Idk but it was really weird. It felt so real 😭 like I was I was changing the outcome of the future or something. And I literally changed sm.
Also my drunk sisters bf stole our dog ☠️. He ran away with him before I went back to 2024.
Anyway everything was trippy I thought everything was real. Oh and I cried a lot when I first got into 2030, I told my mother and everyone I was from 2024, like wth. I cried bc Of my dog😭😭😭, she was so old and small. Her fur was GRAY. 😭😭😭 AND SHE HAD SO MANY PUPPIES😭.
Oh and our downstairs was weird. It was a big room in downstairs like, the square thing we have in our laundry room, the crawl space. The way to go in was like that. And when u go thru it u fall into like a bed? Idk it was something but yeah. My nephew and my aunts Foster kids were in there with my nephew too. After I saw them I went back upstairs.
Oh and future me was different than me, like different personality. She forgave my mother for hitting me. Like wth. And when I was in 2030, I was tryna text my bsf to tell her everything. But I accidentally texted our gc with a bunch of other people, on accident cause I didn’t read who I was texting. And I was shocked too, and everyone on the gc left me on READ SO FAST. I was real embarrassed. Then I can’t remember what happens next but last thing that happened that I can remember is; Me watching the ones who live with my older sister?? Then I woke up.
Sorryyy for the long ask. Anyway that gave me SO MUCH motivation to shift. Cause this dream felt TOO real. Like I shifted but in reality I thought it was just a very lucid dream? Except I couldn’t really control anything.
Do y’all think this was a sign that I’ll shift soon? It gave me so much motivation like I KNOW I can shift.
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hurt/comfort prompts #2 pls! (i was hoping you'd reblog the list 😄)
Djskldjdf hurt/comfort is my wheelhouse I couldn't resist that list when I saw it 😂 also please consider this my formal apology for what's about to transpire 😬🩵
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
(although I would totally understand if no-one wanted to ask for another prompt ever again after this 😭)
(2) "You can hold my hand, if it makes you feel safer."
Beca ran a hand through the hair as she stepped through the Emergency Room doors, looking around her as she tried to find the person who had frantically called her.
"Chloe...." Beca breathed, stepping through the crowd of people towards her pale and trembling friend, a frown pulling at her eyebrows, "You're hurt."
"I'm fine." Chloe shook her head, tears in her eyes as she swallowed thickly, one arm in a sling and a dressing taped to her forehead, "It's just a couple of scrapes and bruises, it's nothing."
"Yeah, you're right, they just give slings away for fun." Beca snorted, "What happened?"
"I was driving her to the airport..." Chloe's voice was suddenly very quiet, looking down at the floor as Beca gently encouraged her to sit down again, "Like I always do, it's the same route we always take, I wasn't speeding or running stop signs or-"
"Hey." Beca felt her stomach knot seeing Chloe so visibly distressed, wanting to soothe her, "Chloe, no-one thinks this was your fault."
"He just came out of nowhere." Chloe shook her head bitterly, tears streaming down her cheeks, "He plowed right into us Beca, one minute we were talking, and the next everything was upside down and she wasn't moving or talking or anything..."
"I'm sorry Chloe..." Beca sighed, "That must have been really scary for you."
"It was." Chloe sniffled, "I... I'm really glad you came Becs, I didn't want to sit here alone."
"Of course." Beca shrugged, "Look, Posen and I might not be best of friends, but she's still family. I wanted to be here. The other Bellas are coming too, they're just finishing up their classes."
"She loves you in her own weird way, you know that right?" Chloe looked up from her lap, "She's just... closed off Beca. You get that right?"
"Yeah." Beca nodded, "I do Chlo. Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'll be fine." Chloe shrugged, "I'm just scared Beca. I don't think I've ever been this scared in my whole life. I'm a really safe driver, I pride myself on it, today's the first time I've ever felt unsafe..."
Beca sighed softly again, her stomach in knots. Chloe had been beside herself, almost incomprehensably hysterical when she had picked up the phone an hour ago, and no wonder. Aubrey had come down to visit the Bellas in Georgia for the weekend as she often did, freshly graduated but finding she still missed spending time with her sisters. Chloe didn't have any classes the morning she was due to fly back home, so she had offered her a ride to the airport, a chance for the two of them to spend a little one-on-one time together before Aubrey went home.
So when Beca got a call from Chloe that they'd been in an accident not twenty minutes after they'd set off, her heart had dropped like a lead weight. She could hear the sound of sirens in the background, Chloe sobbing into the phone, Beca able to make out words like 'unconcious' and 'blood in her ear'. She and Aubrey had their differences last year, but by the time the ICCA Finals had rolled around they had buried the hatchets, closer than Beca had ever thought she'd be to her type-A pain in the ass captain.
Beca had made quick work of alerting the group chat to what had happened, distressed text messages following her own, with promises that they would all join Beca and Chloe as soon as they could. She had spent the whole way there trying to wrap her head around events, trying not to think of the worst case scenarios, not just for Aubrey but for Chloe too. She had spoken to her, had been responsive and alert even if she'd been upset, Chloe was okay. She had to be okay.
"It's going to be okay." Beca mumbled, moving a little closer to Chloe, "This is Aubrey Posen we're talking about, she's a stubborn ass, no way she's letting a little car accident keep her down."
Chloe managed a small giggle, pursing her lips as her uninjured hand tugged at the hem of her t-shirt absentmindedly, "I'm really scared Becs. What if she's not? They took her in for brain surgery..."
"You can hold my hand, if it makes you feel safer." Beca gave her a small smile as Chloe looked up from the floor, "Or less scared or whatever... just don't tell anyone I offered, I have a reputation to maintain."
"Thanks Beca." Chloe reached and took Beca's hand, squeezing it tightly as she closed the gap between them, resting her head on her shoulder to boot, "I'm really glad you came."
"Of course." Beca could feel her cheeks turning red as she felt Chloe's breath on her neck, swallowing hard against the lump of unspoken feelings in her throat.
"Have you called her folks?"
"Yeah, they're getting the next flight out from North Carolina." Chloe nodded, "I didn't tell them much, just that we'd been in an accident and Aubrey was on her way up to surgery. I didn't want to freak them out before they got here."
"That's a good call Chlo." Beca nodded, savouring the smell of Chloe's shampoo as she turned her head a little to rest atop hers.
She would never admit it out loud, but Beca had been stone cold terrified on her way here that something awful had happened to Chloe that she had played down over the phone. The idea that Chloe could be hurt or dying when she wasn't there to try and fix it made Beca feel more lost and scared than she'd ever been in her life. Whether it was just a schoolgirl crush or something more, Beca could no longer deny that the feelings she had for Chloe went beyond "she's my best friend", not after she'd had to pull her car over to throw up at the side of the road because the fear had turned her stomach.
"I'm staying right here until someone comes to tell us what's going on." Beca gave Chloe's hand a squeeze, "You don't have to be scared on your own. That's what family's for Chloe."
"I know." Chloe nodded a little, "Thank you."
Beca didn't say anything, simply holding Chloe's hand in hers and watching the hustle and bustle of the ER waiting around them. It wasn't long before she felt Chloe grow heavier against her shoulder, breathing deep and even as she still held her hand tightly. No wonder she'd fallen asleep, after everything that she had been through today Beca would probably have fallen asleep too. She hoped it was a testament to how safe Chloe felt with her here.
It was three hours of sitting in uncomfortable chairs, of Chloe snoring softly on her shoulder and the Bellas arriving in droves to sit with them, before someone finally came to give them an update.
"Aubrey Posen?"
"That's us." Beca gently stirred Chloe from her nap on her shoulder, "How is she?"
"You're family?" The doctor frowned a little as he looked around at the women staring expectantly at him.
"Yes." Beca's tone grew sharper and irritated as Chloe bit her lip, rubbing at her eye with her uninjured hand, sensing the panic that was already starting to radiate off her.
"We're her family. She'd say as much herself."
"Okay." The doctor nodded, "She's out of surgery now, and on her way to the ICU. We managed to stop the bleeding on her brain, and repair the lacerations to her spleen and liver too. We're still worried about her kidneys, and we won't know about lasting brain injures until she wakes up, but she's out of the woods for now."
"What are her odds on being completely fine?" Beca pushed, feeling Chloe's hand slide back into hers and grip it tightly.
"As of right now, about sixty percent." The doctor was calm as the Bellas seemed to crumple at the news, "I know that seems really low, but it's the best that we can hope for right now."
"Right..." Beca rubbed at her forehead with her free hand, "Can we see her?"
"Not right now." The doctor shook his head, "I'm sorry, but once she's been moved to the ICU we can think about visitors. I'll let you know when that is."
"Thanks." Beca mumbled, running her thumb over Chloe's knuckles as she felt her start to shake against her again, "We'll be right here."
The doctor left the Bellas to sit with the news, Chloe whimpering softly as she clung to Beca's hand.
"She has to be okay Beca..." She whispered, Beca able to feel her tears against her neck, "She has to be okay."
"I know." Beca mumbled, sighing heavily as she looked around at the Bellas, knowing they all shared the same sentiment, "She will."
Aubrey pursed her dry lips, brows furrowing as the world swam sluggishly into view. She felt heavy and slow, like she was wading through treacle as she tried to lift her hand to rub at her sore head.
"Hey... you're awake."
Aubrey managed to turn her head towards the familiar voice, finding a grinning Beca sat next to her, feeling her hand take hers.
"How are you feeling Bree?"
"Ow." Aubrey rasped, Beca's grin growing, "Water?"
"Uh, hang on, let me grab some ice chips, that's what the nurse said you could have." Beca quickly got to her feet, leaving the room for a second and returning a few seconds later with a cup full of ice chips.
She silently helped a few slide past Aubrey's cracked lips, fighting the malestrom of emotions inside at seeing her former acapella captain's eyes open again.
"Better?" She asked as Aubrey sank back into her pillows, looking utterly exhausted.
"Mhm." Aubrey mumbled, eyelids flutterung shut for a moment, "Thanks."
"No problem." Beca settled back in the chair next to her bed again, the same place she'd been sat for almost a week now, "It's good to see you awake Posen, you scared the crap out of us for a minute there."
"What happened?" Aubrey's eyes opened slowly again, Beca scooting her chair a little closer.
"What do you remember?"
"We set off for the airport..." Aubrey huffed out a sigh, "Chloe was telling me about your setlist for the ICCAs and then... nothing."
"You were in a car wreck." Beca took her hand again, "It was pretty bad Bree, like brain surgery bad. You've been in a coma for almost a week."
"Chloe." Aubrey's hooded eyelids flew open as realisation hit her, "Is she okay?"
"Um..." Beca swallowed thickly, eyes flicking down to her feet again, "Not really. We thought she was, that it was a couple of cuts and bruises and a dislocated shoulder but... there was a bleed that they missed, it didn't show up on any of the scans they did."
"What... what happened?"
Beca looked up, stomach in knots as she saw the tears in Aubrey's eyes. She'd never seen Aubrey cry, never seen her look so scared and so lost, and she hated it. She was the strongest person Beca knew, if Aubrey fell apart she didn't know how she'd keep herself together.
"They rushed her in to operate and repair the damage but um... she... she didn't make it off the table."
Beca felt sick again as she relived the moment that the surgeon had somberly stepped out of the operating room, how her legs had gone out from underneath her, how she had let out a scream so painful and tortured it felt like she had ripped herself open. It felt like she had, like losing Chloe had robbed her of part of herself too. She didn't remember much of the immediate aftermath, just snatches of sobbing and numbness, of Stacie cradling her in her arms as she cried herself sick, of the Bellas grief as raw as her own.
Beca hadn't left the hospital since that day, telling herself and the Bellas it was because she had to be there to tell Aubrey what had happened when she woke up, but it wasn't the whole truth. She couldn't go back to the house, couldn't walk past Chloe's bedroom knowing she wasn't in there and she wouldn't ever be again. Aubrey's parents would have told her about Chloe, would have arguably been far better at comforting her than Beca would, but she didn't want that. It had to be Beca that told her.
Aubrey's expression crumpled as her hand tightened around Beca's, tears starting to run down her cheeks.
"Beca it's a mistake."
"It's not." Beca felt her own tears burning at the corner of her eyes again, "I wish it was Bree, I'm so sorry."
Aubrey opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to find her words but none came. Instead, she started to sob harder, Beca getting up from her seat and onto Aubrey's hospital bed, careful of the wires and tubes as she embraced her. Beca hated hugging people, hated people being in her personal space, but she knew that if Chloe were here she would never forgive her for not comforting Aubrey like this. Beca wasn't a hugger, but Chloe was, and right now Aubrey needed Chloe and not her.
"I'm sorry." Bexa whispered into her hair, voice thick as her own tears starting to take over, "I wish it was me instead, I'd give anything to switch places with her."
"She- she l-loved you." Aubrey sobbed against Beca's chest, "It's n-not fair, she was supposed to t-tell you, y_you were supposed to- supposed to-"
"She did tell me." Beca's words stuck in her throat as she tried to soothe Aubrey, "It... it was the last conversation we had."
"What's taking them so long?" Chloe grumbled, head resting on Beca's shoulder as they stood in front of the vending machines.
"I don't know." Beca sighed, looking at the contents of the machine in front of her, "You'll be able to see her soon Chloe, they'll be making sure she's okay to have visitors."
Chloe simply sighed, her good hand still holding Beca's. She hadn't relinquished her hold of her hand since Beca had offered it to her for more than a few seconds, Beca surpisingly not saying a word about it. Maybe she needed the comfort as much as Chloe did.
"We were talking about you."
"What?" Beca's attentin was torn from the selection of snacks in front of her, "Why, what did I do this time?"
Chloe giggled as she shook her head, lifting it from Beca's shoulder as she grinned at her.
"Why do you think it was bad?"
"I dunno." Beca shrugged, "It's Aubrey, she's nit picky, I always assume I did something wrong."
"You're so dramatic Beca." Chloe rolled her eyes, "You didn't do anything wrong, not this time anyway."
"Okay..." A smirk started to pull at Beca's lips, "So why were you talking about me then weirdo?"
"Because I love you." Chloe's grin dropped to a smile, squeezing Beca's hand as she lent into her, "Because I've loved you from the moment we met and Aubrey was trying to convince me to tell you rather than keeping it bottled up."
"Oh." Beca had gone bright red, brain short curcuiting as she tried find any words that were better than 'oh'.
"And it's okay if you don't feel the same." Chloe shrugged a little, "Because I still want to be your friend Beca, even if you don't feel the same. But life is way too short to... to not..."
Chloe had started to sway slightly, a frown starting to pull at her expression as the coliur drained from her face.
"Chlo?" Beca frowned, letting go of Chloe's hand so she could Chloe's face in her hands, finding her brilliant blue eyes to be hazy and unfocused.
"I don't feel good..." Chloe mumbled, starting to crumple in Beca's arms.
"Chloe?!" Beca caught her, lowering them both to the ground, "Hey! Someone help!"
Beca's attention turned back to Chloe as she shook her gently, trying to keep her awake as she heard people scrambling around her to find some help.
"You're okay." Beca shook her head, lips pursed, "Chloe wake up, you're going to be fine, c'mon. You don't get to say something like that and then die in my arms, that's dramatic even by your standards."
"I..." Chloe was trying to find her words as her eyes searched Beca's, "I..."
"It's okay." Beca shook her head, brushing her her from her eyes, "Chloe it's okay, I love you too. I love you, please don't die on me."
"Beca..." A small smile tugged at Chloe's lips as she grew heavier in her arms, Beca frantically looking around them for someone that was coming to help, "I k-knew it. I knew Aubrey was right... I... love... you..."
"This one's for you Chlo." Beca mumbled, hand rising up to briefly clasp the necklace she wore.
It was almost six months since Chloe had died. Six long, achingly empy months that Beca had endured while trying to navigate this new normal. Aubrey had needed extensive physical therapy to learn to do basic things again, teaching herself to eat and walk and put her own clothes on from scratch. Beca and the Bellas had been there every frustratingly small step of the way, putting up with Aubrey's mood swings and her short temper no matter how often she snapped at them.
The Beales had arrived in Georgia not long after Aubrey had woken up, and things had progressed quickly from there. Far too quickly for Beca as she watched them pack up Chloe's room, removing every trace of her from the Bella House, wanting all the pieces of theor daughters life to grieve over. That was what she had thought anyway until Chloe's mom had quietly entered her room with a large box in hand, setting it next to Beca on the bed and then holding her as Beca had sobbed into her chest.
Chloe had told them all about Beca, about everyrhing she felt for her best friend, and neither of her parents had any desire to take Chloe away from her. So a box with some of Chloe's jumpers, her CDs, her journals and some other sentimental items were Beca's to keep, as was a part of Chloe herself.
She had been cremated, and Beca was given a necklace that had a portion of Chloe's ashes stored safely within an intricate heart design. Beca hadn't taken it off since she had been given it at the funeral, somwhow having a part of Chloe like this had lifted some of the crushing weight from her chest.
Chloe was still with her, still with their family as they all returned to the rountine of college, and eventually of the ICCAs. Beca hadn't wanted to at first, hadn't wanted to perform without Chloe by her side, couldn't face the prospect of having to fill the hole in their choreography or their vocals that had been left.
But when Aubrey had insisted that Beca continued with their plans for this years competition, had all but bullied Beca out of her bed and into a rehearsal, Beca realised she didn't gave to. Not this year anyway. The gap in formation would remain, the missing layer from their vocals wouldn't be restored, and that was okay. It was their way of honouring Chloe, of grieving a loss too big for words. There was no filling Chloe's spot, and that was okay, because no-one could ever fill that gap for them. They would always be a family member down, and pretending otherwise would do none of them any good.
So now, in front of the judges, their fellow acapella singers, and fans, the Barden Bellas would perform in the ICCA finals for Chloe. They would bring home the trophy for the woman who had always believed in them, even when they didn't believe in themselves.
As they sang and danced, performing their hearts out, Beca felt as though Chloe was watching, that if there was some kind of heaven she was sitting on a cloud somewhere and cheering them on with an enthuasism that far outpaced the packed crowd in the theatre. She looked up in the seconds before her solo, half convinced that she could see the beaming grin of the woman she loved shining back at her before she stepped forward.
This one was for Chloe.
"One by one, only the good die young... they're only flyin' too close to the sun, and life goes on... without you..."
Beca had made it through qualifiers and regionals and the quarter and semi finals without shedding a tear, too numb with loss to register the emotions behind her choice for this set as the fast paced number mellowed and sombered. But in the bright lights of the Lincoln Centre, knowing this was her last time performing this set, performing for Chloe so openly, she felt them welling in her eyes with such a force that she was amazed she could still sing.
"Another tricky situation, I get to drowin' in the blues, and I find myself thinkin', well, what would you do?"
As the Bellas harmonised around her, Beca let her head drop for a moment, trying to pull herself together to finish. She had to finish, this was for Chloe, she had to keep going.
"Yes, it was such an operation...
"Forever paying every due.. "
Beca looked gratefully to Sracie who had picked up her solo, breaking formation to stand with Beca and shore her up. She gently wiped a tear from Beca's cheek, her own falling as freely as Beca nodded that she was okay to continue.
"Hell, you made a sensation! You found a way through..."
Beca poured everything she had into her next lines, head high as she belted the lines not to her audience but up high into the air, up to Chloe who she knew was watching them.
"Touch my tears... with your lips... touch my world... with your fingertips... and we can have forever... and we can love forever... forever is our today!"
Beca didn't care if she permanently damaged her vocal chords as she continued to belt out her lines, suddenly so raw and emotional after months of trying to put all her feelings to one side so she could get out of bed. The whole world fell away, Beca left on stage alone as Chloe stood in front of her, tears in her eyes as she reached for Beca, Beca's hand streched out for the hand she knew she wouldn't be able to grasp, desperate to touch Chloe, to hold her hand, to be with her just one more time.
"Who wants to live forever? Who wants to live forever? Forever... is our today..."
The Bellas had joined Beca again, their choreography tossed aside as they moved into a tight line either side of their openly grieving sister, Stacie and Amy practically holding her up as Beca's shaking body managed to produce the final line of their set.
"Who waits forever anyway?"
The lights went down, plunging the stage in darkness, the audience erupted in applause and cheers, but Beca didn't notice any of it, sobbing hard as her legs finally gave out underneath her. It was Stacie that lifted her from the ground, carrying her backstage as Beca fell apart, every ounce of emotion that she had poured into their set tearing her soul to pieces.
"I w-want Chloe." Beca choked out as Stacie held her tighter still, now sequestered backstage with the Bellas around her, "I w-want her b-back!"
"I know." Stacie whispered into her hair, "I know Becs. She'd be so proud of you, that was incredible."
"I want Chloe." Beca whimpered, "I want Chloe."
There was nothing any of them could say, and they knew it, her family instead choosing to move around until all of them had huddled together in a tight embrace, Beca cocooned in the centre of them, raw and bereft as they came together to comfort the one person who had not once fallen apart on them until now.
"I'm here Becs."
Beca knew Chloe wasn't really there, that she wasn't really stood their with them, but in that moment she didn't care, screwing her eyes tighter shut so that she could cling to this illusion a little longer.
"I love you Beca."
Beca could've sworn she felt fingers gently slotting with her own, felt a head pressed against her temple.
"It' okay Beca. You can hold my hand, if it makes you feel safer."
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Can you do like tommy was streaming and like y/n’s mom called and then told him that y/n was in a car accident and is in the hospital?
Sorry if it's a bit shitty, i can barely write angst and please just pretend that Tommy can drive
I also made this have a happy ending since i don't want Y/n to die in every single angst y story i write
Key words: y/n - your name ; y/m/n - your mum's name
Tommyinnit x reader (readers gender not mentioned, but there may be a few she bombs dropped accedntaly)
Warnings: angst, mentions of a car accident
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It was a normal day for Tommy, he was streaming with his friends, the chat was quoting memes and or sending stickers, when his phone rang
He looked at it to see 'Y/n's mom calling' he picked up the phone
"Ohoho chat, Y/M's mum is calling, seems like she can't get enough of me." He said as he let out his signature laugh and muted himself
He picked up the phone as he wiggled his eyes at the camera
"Oh Tommy! In so glad you picked up, you need to get to the hospital, now." Her mom said, it sounded like she was crying
Tommy's face quickly changed from happy to concerned
"Oh, in sorry but may I ask why?" He questioned as he looked at chat for a split second, seeing the chat was spamming thins like: 'what'd she say?' of 'Ooo Tommy speaking to a woman!', whilst some were concerned of his sudden change of expression
"I-its Y/n... They has been in a accident." Her mother said as she held back tears, his eyes widened, but he continued to listen, thinking it was a joke since Y/n's mom was the type to joke around like a teen, he was hoping it was a joke
"I- i just got a call from the hospital saying she got in an accident, and... And." She sobbed as Tommy herd her trying to muffle her cries
Tommy not knew she wasn't kidding, his hand slapped on his mouth as his eyes began to tear up
"I'll be right there." He said as he hung up, he quickly un-muted his twitch and with a cracked voice he said
"I-im sorry guys i have to cut this stream short." Without saying anything else he ended stream and left the discord call
He put on a jacket as he took the keys to his car and quickly ran outside his apartment, brining his phone with him
A couple of tears slipped from his eyes as he quickly whipped them off
Hopping inside his car he quickly turned it on and started to drive towards the hospital, tears were pouring down his face right now, and he had to continuously wipe them off as too see the road up ahead
He looked to his phone and tracked Y/n's mother's phone as to not call her to ask which hospital Y/n's at
As soon as he arrived at the hospital he parked to the nearest empty parking space and ran to the hospital, he saw Y/n's mother sitting on one of the chairs as he approached her and sat down
Y/m/n looked up, her eyes were red and the tear stains on her cheeks couldn't go unnoticed
"Oh thank God you're here." She said as a nurse walked towards them
"Ma'am, your child is awake now, you may go see them, but please go one at a time, we don't want to overwhelm them in such a state." She said as she calmly walked away, y/m/n let out a released breath, as she stood up and walked in to Y/n's hospital room, while Tommy just sat there, he was so scared for them, a tear escaped his eye as he quickly whipped it away, wanting to stay strong for Y/n
When Y/m/n left the room, Tommy quickly entered to see a warm smile on his partners face
"Hello Tommy, how've you been, as you can see I've been great." They joked, wanting to make the atmosphere a little less tense, it worked as Tommy laughed lightly and sat down next to their bed, he didn't want to hurt them so he only held their hand, as he kissed their knuckles lightly
"You have no idea how worried i was." He said, letting out a shaky breath
"Nah you don't need to worries about me, I'm only seriously hurt." They said, Tommy laughed quietly as he squeezed their hand gently
"Glad to see your hunter hasn't disappeared, thought you would be brain dead after the accident." He said
"Nah, I'm just more funnier after the accident, plus i was brain dead already." They joked, earning another laugh from Tommy
He sighed as he put a hand underneath their head and kissed their forehead
"I love you." He said
"Wow, you're so cheesy." They said playfully as there rolled their eyes, Tommy rolled his eyes back with a smile as he pulled out his phone, he raised his eyebrows at the notifications
"What's up?" Y/n asked, looking towrds Tommy
"The ceiling." He replied as he scrolled through Twitter
"Haha very funny, now let me see." They said as they lifted their head to look to Tommy's phone
"Twitter blew up by my sudden end of the stream." He said, "Look."
He turned the phone to Y/n, they just laughed
"What! Chats worried about you." He said
"Yeah, hey you know what would be funny-"
"No i will not post that you died." He said
"Aw c'mon, it'll be funny." They pleaded
"Fine." he said as he gained an idea
He typed something on his phone but didn't let Y/n peak untill he sent the post, he showed Y/n the post as it wrote 'Y/n said to me to tell you guys that they're dead :)'
"This makes it ten times funnier." They said as they laid back down
"Welp i think it's time for me to go." He said as he got up
"Nooooo, stay, i need company." They pleaded as they stretched their arms, doing a grabby hands motion
"I would love to, but i need business to attend to.' he said as he flattened his shirt
"Are you just gonna watch Schlatt?" They questioned
"Yup." He said
"Okay have fun! Oh and I'll maybe call you when I'm bored." They said as they waved tommy goodbye he waved back and went outside to his car, turning it on he drove to his house
For the resto of the day, Tommy watched Schlatt's videos, as Y/n died of boredom
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