#but she may have been able to do that because of her wild thanegery signature due to her being made out of 200 children
harrowing-of-hell · 1 year
Per HTN when we learn of the fight Gideon and Harrow had before Harrow opened the tomb, the current theory for how Harrow got in is because she had Gideon's blood on her hands.
This explains how Harrow got in once. It does not, however, explain her other visits to the tomb.
Harrow says in both GTN and HTN that she visited the tomb multiple times in order to get past the traps. So unless bloodwards will continuously allow you entry so long as you've been able to past through them once, how did she get into the tomb those other times?
Because Harrow, even at the age of 10, definitely isn't dumb enough to leave evidence that the tomb was ever opened or tampered with. So the bloodward wouldn't have been tampered with at all (and presumably, she can't tamper with it because it's the magic of God, which we know from what Pyrrha says in NTN when Palamedes tries to mess with the God's magic holding Kiriona's body together).
This would mean the she not only opened the tomb and rolled the rock away once, but multiple times.
With that in mind, I genuinely still think that the bloodward was tampered with from the very beginning by Anastasia, which seems very likely since we know she helped create the tomb. Meaning that Gideon's blood was never the only way of getting into the tomb; the blood of the Tombkeeper would've also worked because the Tombkeeper line has Anastasia's DNA.
This would also explain how Anastasia's bones ended up in the tomb. We know she establishes the Ninth and has children, so she presumably wasn't sealed in the tomb along with Alecto.
This is still all speculation and I can't wait for ATN. I NEED to know more about Alecto and Anastasia's relationship!!!
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