#but she likes the feeling of tearing meat off of shell
dunaldoodles · 2 months
She's a little scrawny :(
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Did you know most obligate carnivores get their veggies by eating the whole prey animal? Including the stomach and intestines and whatever is in them?
So guess what Hornet doesn't do. Like ever.
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dadsbongos · 3 months
Idk if u do anon requests given ur rules but I am a scared lil guy when it comes to sending ppl asks. I know you don't need to feel obligated to write it, but I wanted to share my silly little musings with someone at least, if you don't mind ^^
My brain doesn't want to shut up about the idea of a monster reader akin to Anansi's goatman joining the Touden party with malintent, only to be intimidated out of their plans by the fact the party constantly eats monsters. Despite them wanting to run, they're stuck there because the party will realize they've been infiltrated and probably eat them like all the other monsters if they find out.
i absolutely love anon requests! they are so lovely to receive i just kind of write depending on my current interest at the moment
3.4 k words / warnings - gore right off the bat, reader goes through psychological horror at the hands of laios touden, laios forcing the party into extreme situations
summary - that time laios domesticated a monster and everyone was mad at him. ~~~
You’re starving. You’re parched. You’re dizzy.
A woman is screaming in the corner, her eyes bulging from her head and hands clamped over her gaping mouth. Knees wobbling before she collapses to the ground, palms scraping against the floor in a final ditch effort to save herself. She screams louder when your head slowly rolls -- slanted eyes still on her frantic form.
Long fingers scoop from the bowl of a half-foot’s gut, you cup shreds of meat and stringing firm, warm innards to your mouth while maintaining focus on the woman.
No matter how much you eat, you’re starving. No matter what you drink, you’re parched.
The only solace you find in hearty meals is that the pressurized ache behind your skull fades, and with it goes the dazed sensation. You can walk firm and tall. You can stretch out and speak.
You can speak, “Come… here…”
She freezes. Wide eyes scrambling over you. Chest twitching with hyperventilation, “We gave you the half-foot! What else do you want?!”
Swallowing chunks of gummy flesh trapped in your teeth, you speak again, “Come… Now… Come…”
“No, please,” she whimpers, snot and tears dripping, “Please, please, please!”
She rocks onto her back, tumbling around to her feet and sprawling for a weapon. She finds one the big man used, she holds it up and her arms shake under the weight. She doesn’t pose a real threat that way -- she hadn’t lifted a finger to help the group fight.
Rising onto two feet, you tower over her and reach out, cupping her face with both hands. Thumbing the fat on her cheeks and pulling her ears, you croak,
. . .
A red dragon used to plague this floor, you don’t hear him anymore. You feel confident to venture from your cave for more meal.
Recently, the hunger has gotten so bad you’ve begun drooling over yourself. Despite not caring for your appearance, the feeling is bothersome. The sensation of saliva-matted fur around your muzzle reminds you of the vacancy in your stomach.
Bravely creeping from the lulling warmth of your cavern, you come into the open grass and watch dire wolves nose at Barometz stalks. Unripe, ruby fruits shine under leaking light from higher places. Gold bounces off the fur of ripened fruits. You’re sure they’ll be harvested soon. Your only derision with unripe Barometz fruits is the smaller lamb. Even then, you cannot complain when the wolves more than make up for a lack of meat.
Just as you set to slide down the mossy wall, a red blur hastens toward the middle of the field. Large, pointed black ears twitch which gives you pause. The pale skin you can make out and thick cloth stresses to you that it's a human, but those ears and the hunched posture tell otherwise. Either way, it will have meat.
A man approaches, rushing behind the red blur, his tin shell clinks as he runs. He’s yelling. He can speak.
Long, gold hair and blue furs run after him -- two more men after the blonde woman. A group. A group made of thick bodies, sans the weird-looking red one and the child. No matter, they can fill your shriveled intestine while you divy the thick ones.
Or perhaps just the stout one could fill you. His broad frame is swollen with muscle and he looks well-kept: strong and lively.
Just the thought of cinching his fat thigh makes you swallow another well of spittle. As the wolves close in, the red and blue ones cut from the group, and you merely watch. Dead meat is still meat. If one party kills the other then all you have to do is interfere before they start eating their game.
The tin man gets low, on all fours, before yelping and barking like a rabid beast. He snarls and flails -- startling away the few wolves straggling behind.
After robing, you slide down the crag only to hiss as jagged rocks snag new skin. Spending so much time in your natural form makes the transition to a new face that much more difficult to acclimate to.
You’d lick up the thin blood trails if the three remaining bodies weren’t now gazing at you in shock.
The furthest away, the brown-headed child, scowls at your very presence. While the tin man seems to be fighting back an eager approach.
“Who are you?” the child bites from the back of the pack, eyes narrow and harsh.
An axe’s glint draws your attention to the stocky one. He’s raised his weapon against you.
Flashing yourself a downward glance, you confirm you’re in a human form. Are humans more distrusting the lower they venture?
You open your mouth, then think better of it, pointing to your throat and shaking your head.
“Mute, huh?” again, the child speaks before casting the tin man a look. His instant deferral makes you wonder if the tall one is the leader. Then the child looks to the short one, “Senshi…”
If that’s a secret code among them, you cannot make it out.
What do you look like?
Who did you last steal?
You mask another cursory study of yourself as a frustrated huff and sniffle -- the woman. The healer woman. These all seem to be men, and men are usually softer when you take the form of a woman.
You sniffle louder, frowning and covering your face.
“Ah,” the child stumbles back, “Senshi!”
“What?” the short one gruffs. So that must be its name, not a code.
“Do something!”
“Did you lose your party?” the tin man approaches instead of ‘Senshi’. His face is gentle, nothing but patience written in the low lid of his eyes.
Pathetically, you nod.
“Laios!” the child hisses. Is that another name?
“I’m Laios,” the tin man instantly confirms, then gesturing toward the child, “That’s Chilchuck. And this is Senshi,” his brows draw, “How’d you get down here by yourself?”
How did you meet this woman?
Wiping away cold blotches in your waterline, you point upwards before dramatically slamming the hand downward.
“You fell?” Chilchuck sounds suspicious.
Oh, well. Womanly charms (tears) can’t work on kids, you suppose.
“It’s possible,” Laios defends.
“If there was a faster way to get us down here, don’t you think I would’ve taken us through there?”
The pair glare at each other with Senshi a silent third party, though his axe remains raised. Abruptly, a sickening growl cracks through the air. Borderline blood curdling in the low, raw gurgle seeping from your stomach.
Manufacturing embarrassment, you cup the pouch of your tummy and shake your head apologetically.
“Are you hungry?” Laios asks redundantly, then offers a hand. His smile is just as soft as it had been moments ago, but something about its serenity ignites your brain.
A tingle races down your spine. Breath sputtering a moment and guts coiling unpleasantly. You can feel sweat bead your forehead regardless of the chilly breeze.
You haven’t felt like this since you first opened your goopy eyes to the dungeon’s lower levels. Like he’s about to spear you through the chest. Like he’s twice your size.
Blinking free from your stupor, you nod clumsily and take his hand. It's warm. Yours is clammy.
“Is this a good idea…?” Chilchuck looks up at Senshi, wringing his hands.
Before you can properly hear Senshi’s response, Laios is already pulling you towards the cavern that red blur darted out of. He climbs in first and pulls you in -- Senshi politely avoids looking up while following after. You sit between Laios and Chilchuck in the cavern, watching Laios’ hands skim over the large, unripe Barowitz. Without considering the action, you find yourself licking your lips as he leans his face against the fruit. His cheek puffing out.
Suddenly, his gaze is honed on you again, “As soon as Marcille and Izutsumi are back, we can start eating.”
You nod excitedly. Once the other two are back, you can release and consume. A group of five is sure to satiate you at long last. You’ve never seen such a large collection of bodies. You won’t ever have to eat again after this meal.
Your excitement is tempered when you catch a glimpse of Chilchuck in your peripherals.
Child. A child is down here?
Don’t humans usually put the lives of their young before their own?
You point at Chilchuck, hoping the child will relax once you demonstrate some maternal instinct. Mothers want their kids to eat, right? It sounds right. Your maker always watched you eat before diving in Himself.
“Chilchuck?” Laios murmurs, “What about him?”
Instinctually, your mouth opens again, only to clack shut again. You tap your lips then point to him again. Then you drag a finger through the smatter of dirt and dust along the cold floor. A risky move to write, but you’ve practiced well enough to pass.
Laios raises a brow at you, “Why would he eat first?”
Laios smiles wider than even before.
Chilchuck scoffs, an overt anger filling his tone, “I’m not a child! How ignorant are you?!”
Oh, no. No, no, no.
Is he just a very short human like Senshi? But how is he so slight? How are his ears so big?
What is he?
Before any response can form from any person in the tunnel, the blue and red ones creep out from the darkness. Laios stands and approaches the pair. Blonde woman, the variety that has pointy ears -- you’ve seen lots of them down here -- continuously glances at you. She murmurs to Laios while the red one is leaning against her.
It stands on its hinds like a human, it groans like a human, it looks like a human sans the tail hanging between its legs and ears pointing upward. It's skinny, whatever it is. It was fast, looks like it has a useful face to steal.
You watch the group jabber amongst themselves, with the woman heatedly berating her fellow man for taking you in. Despite her harsh words, Laios’ face never falls: whether he’s truly so forgiving or just thrives off negative attention you’re unsure.
“I just have a good feeling,” his eyes pierce through you, and that tickle up your spine returns.
“Oh, good,” she grumbles.
“In any case, we’re all hungry,” at the prompt, Senshi moves towards the Barometz and steadies a hand against it, “I wanted to harvest a Barometz, but all the ripe ones were taken by dire wolves.”
Senshi punctures the fruit’s skin with a blade, cutting along the circumference, “Let’s see if we can cook it.”
Once halved, the side not supported by Senshi’s hand slips open with the premature lamb limply collapsing to the floor. Gelatinous bones jiggling against rock.
The thing with fur leans forward, “There’s a little sheep in the vegetable!”
“Aah! I can’t!” blue one grimaces, covering her face while Chilchuck gags, “For completely different ethical reasons, I refuse!”
You quirk a brow at her interjection -- food is food, no? They can dole out the fruit and get plump before you finally soothe your own aching gut. You’re almost tempted to rip back tight, uncomfortable skin and end the woman’s misery when Senshi’s voice calls to you.
“First cut up the Barometz ribs into whatever size proportion you want. Season them, sear them, add wine over top, cover the pan, and then braise them,” you watch as he casually defiles a creature he cannot understand, sizzling it and burning away faux fats.
You’ve never seen humans that bite back.
No matter how harmless a Barometz is, you’re in shock to see him searing up what is technically a monster.
“Next, boil the remainder of the fruit, peel off the skin, and cut it into chunks. Add some garlic and simmer it all together. With the sauce finished, you take that, pour it over the meat and… it’s ready!”
Barometz Balut.
“This helping’s yours, cat girl. Go on, take it.”
“What’s all the weird-looking stuff?”
While Senshi and ‘cat girl’ are locked in a debate, the man hands the woman in blue a serving as well. Her lips are stretched downward, her brows knotted towards the center of her forehead.
“Come on, Marcille, you’ve eaten Harpy eggs before. This should be easy!”
Harpy… eggs. Their young? What benefit does a Harpy egg provide? There is no meat. To eat that is to consume a beast simply because they can.
“That was out of desperation! I didn’t like them!”
She consumes despite it being unfulfilling? That, truly, is eating solely to prove it possible.
Your hands shake at your sides at the thought.
“That’s not true,” Laios denies.
“Okay, fine, they were… ugh. They were fine!”
“It’s okay, we all liked them. I think my favorite has been the red dragon, though,” Laios is positively beaming at you now.
The red dragon. He’s why the field’s warden has gone missing. Your shock is not lost on any of the group.
When your horror is evident, Chilchuck and the woman -Marcille- shoot forward while waving their hands around. As if to physically bat away any unsavory accusations.
“It was seasoned and cut up!” Chilchuck shouts, “We didn’t even eat all of it!”
Marcille nods rapidly, clutching the wood slat of food to her chest, “Yeah, we only had a little bit compared to how big it was!”
They scavenge the young and waste a beast as magnificent as the red dragon?
“We ate it because it ate my sister,” he’s still smiling.
A raucous chorus of his name is shrieked in protest.
Your breathing spikes, now certainly slick with sweat and chest thudding -- forget finally ending your hunger with them, how could they squander the red dragon? How could they still starve after eating such a large monster? Your palms find the floor, eyes flicking to the opening of the cavern.
When your gaze returns, Laios is staring at you. Wide amber eyes melting through your facade -- he knows, he must. How long has he known? Why not kill you as soon as he figured it out? Why lure you in?
The red one -Izutsumi- tilts its head at you, nose twitching. It smells the influx of sweat and dread.
You shoot up, opening your mouth for a husky growl, “Away… get… away…”
“I knew it!” Laios stands, “Oh, wow, I thought goatmen were extinct!”
He’s going to slice you open and they’ll eat you for fun. They won’t finish you. They’ll leave you for your maker to find.
“Goatman?!” Chilchuck wails, “You invited a goatman into the party?! Laios, I could strangle you!”
He’d kill his own ally?!
“So cool, though, and so far pretty harmless. I’ve heard they can be domesticated by feeding them brains every now and again.”
“Brain…” you shiver, flailing back into the wall, “No… Brain… No…”
Laios turns to Senshi with a preppy little smile, “It’s not an exact match, but the Barometz has something akin to a brain.”
These things are demons. No wonder your maker wants to devour them all.
Why eat a brain? You’d have to destroy the skull for that, and you need to keep the skull intact to steal a human’s face.
Senshi shrugs and hacks open the lamb’s skull with a loud crack, making you flinch back and yelp.
“First, chop the brain into four parts, season with olive oil and sprouts. Roll the brains in egg and wrap with bread. Normally you’d use crumbs or flour, but we’ll have to make due. Then fry in the pan with more oil over medium heat until…”
Laios snatches the brains from Senshi to shove onto your lap,
“It’s ready!”
Senshi watches you carefully from beneath the shadow of his helmet. Meanwhile Marcille and Izutsumi are poised to attack with Chilchuck lingering in the very back. Those three are only additional to the presence of Laios, who looms above you with sword in hand. Eyes fiery with exhilaration, though he’s visibly ready to cut you down should you try escaping.
Your stomach echoes through the cavern. Drool pools and oozes through the gaps in your teeth, it smells good. So, with truly no other choice, you bring the fried brains to your mouth.
Oddly sweet, the juices are warm and electric on your tongue. You let out a soft hum and shovel more of the brains back. Again, you hum. You tip the wood slat and scoop all the meat down your gullet, licking the excess juices up and even sweeping crumbs into your mouth.
By the time your meal was picked clean, you felt something entirely new.
“Full…” you look up in amazement, wide eyed at Laios, “Full…”
A small hand cracks against Laios’ silver back, Chilchuck shouting in sharp, throaty tones that are completely unfamiliar to you. Laios frowns and murmurs about being sworn out in a foreign tongue.
Then Izutsumi yanks away, whipping her head back and forth, “Reeks in here!”
Chilchuck points at you, though is still glaring up at Laios, “And it smells!”
“Goatmen smell like goats,” Laios frowns.
Marcille hesitantly hangs a loose, thin blanket in front of you -- it takes you a moment to realize human skin is peeling off you in chunks. The faint scent of copper growing into a heavy, rotten stench of open carcass as you shed the woman’s skin. You’ve never prematurely ejected before. Normally, once you wear a person’s face you’re stuck there until it withers. Or you peel it off.
The smell gets so bad that Chilchuck and Izutsumi huff and storm to a neighboring hole in the cliff’s rockface. Marcille has to press her nose into the crook of her elbow, the sheet shaking as you stretch free from the woman’s body.
Unbeknownst to you, there is a silent battle between Marcille and Senshi. Until Laios, of course, breaks it.
“Why are you two glaring at each other?”
You rise to a stand, watching Marcille cast you a set of distrusting eyes before seething, “What should we do about it?”
“It ain’t doing anything wrong.”
“It’s a monster!” she turns suddenly towards Laios, “Didn’t you say all monsters are dangerous?!”
“They are,” Laios reaches towards his sword, squeezing the hilt and eyes sunken to the floor, “but it’s not like we were in real danger. Goatmen are pretty harmless in human forms.”
Marcille makes a startled groan behind clenched teeth, hands jerking out towards you.
“Fed goatmen are completely docile,” Laios reasons, “They only kill to eat. They’re more like an animal than a traditional monster.”
“So how do we know it won’t kill us when it gets hungry again?!”
Laios’ eyes seem to burst alight with stars, “Because we’ve fed it already! Before they were endangered some people would go down into dungeons just to domesticate and breed them for the surface. Once you prove yourself formidable and trustworthy, they’re pretty unwilling to try fighting you.”
“It can talk,” Senshi adds, “We can’t kill it just because.”
Marcille’s face goes red, a frustrated sigh leaving her lips, “It barely talks.”
You were taught words by your maker. He speaks with more clarity and ease than you do.
“It still talks,” Senshi doesn’t budge, “It ain't attacking either.”
For a moment, you contemplate killing these people.
Immediately, you’re repulsed by the mere thought. To see their soft faces and warm bodies torn open and to be smeared with their insides is so undesirable you heave. Brain rushing up your throat before you can swallow it down.
“Marcille live,” you caw, the woman looks up at you and you repeat yourself at her blank stare thinking she misunderstood you, “Want Marcille… alive…”
“Aw,” her coo is uneven, lips twitching in a way that, if you were better at reading people, would make you think she doesn’t trust you, “That’s actually kind of… nice?”
“I read they were loyal but I didn’t think the bonding process was so fast,” Laios marvels. Reaching out to lay a hand against your snout, he beams -- this has been a close second beast he’s dreamt of meeting. Number one still being a minotaur.
He’d been content to keep this interaction a daydream, since goatmen were thought extinct -- but look at you! Never had he thought something mythed to descend from demons could be so docile, and so…
“So cool…” Laios is boiling over with pure ecstasy as you tip your head down to fit more comfortably into his palm.
Senshi gathers the group’s remaining bags and announces he’ll re-settle camp with Chilchuck and Izutsumi. Although there’s a bonus pep in his step as he ponders jotting this whole day in his journal.
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whoahoney · 2 years
glassy eyes, hazy afternoons pt. 5
Eddie Munson x anxious!stoner!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Summary: Y/n and Eddie pick up where they left off on Saturday night with another late night rooftop smoke session, complete with stories, shared joints, and mutual pining.
Content Warnings: descriptions/mentions of alcohol/drug abuse, recreational use of drugs, adult language, descriptions/mentions of traumatic childhood memories, fluff, a dashling of angst, mutual pining, descriptions of anxiety and depression, intrusive thoughts, & Eddie’s pervy thoughts
A/N: Thank you all SO much for all the love on my fics this lately, I cannot express to you how every single note makes me feel when I check my phone 🥺 You guys have made me more confident in my writing and I wouldn’t be diving back into this if it weren’t for your uplifting response. 🥹🤍
I hope y’all like a slow burn 😌 I want them to kiss so bad but just you wait 😏 this picks up where part 4 left off! Reader finally remembers to call Chrissy, thank god. Don’t mind me healing my daddy issues through Reader and Johnny, it’s fine.
Also, should I make a playlist for this series? 🧐 let me know!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n and Johnny decided on lasagna for dinner that evening. The pair stood next to each other as they alternated the uncooked pasta with ricotta and meat sauce. Y/n’s stereo played at a louder volume, Led Zeppelin’s Good Times, Bad Times had both of them swaying to the beat.
Johnny’s usually stoic disposition masked his content smile, though it stretched when he noticed they were dancing in sync, swinging their hips side to side. “You’re alright, kiddo.” He said fondly, his heart swelling with pride looking down at her. Johnny felt the same way about both of his children; his love was no different for either one of them despite their differences, but he had always struggled with expression.
‘I love you’ was hard for him when he was small and lived with his parents, it was still uncomfortable when he met their mother, but when he met them both he couldn't help but only think ‘I love you’
He was convinced he’d never experienced real love until he became a father. Sam made him get himself together and Y/n encouraged him to keep going. Now that he had the both of them almost grown, he still found it hard to express it verbally.
But his kids knew exactly what he meant when he covered them up on cold evenings in front of the television, when he brought home the movies they had been talking about, when Y/n faked sick to get out of school and take mental health days, when his son turned into a shell of himself the day he got his heart broken, his efforts didn’t go unnoticed, not once.
Johnny was there for Sam that night, finding him quietly sobbing in the garage with a bottle of whiskey. Instead of scolding him for the alcohol and berating him for the tears, he held his son and took him to bed with a glass of cold water, sitting with him and talking about everything Sam needed to until he fell asleep.
Y/n hadn’t needed Johnny in a moment of crisis, but she knew she could go to him if she needed to, though she fought the constant internal battle of feeling like a burden. Her dad had held her hand every morning at elementary school drop off, until his kids started riding the bus in middle school— that’s when Sam would give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before they parted ways in the morning.
From time to time her dad will still reach over and give her hand a squeeze, which she’d return as an ‘I love you too’ whenever the affection occurred.
Y/n and Johnny watched the Dukes of Hazzard as they grazed their plates that rested on the TV trays in the living room. They had all of the windows open, the breeze trickling in and tousling the curtains gently.
She noticed the gradient of blue to pink the sky reflected this evening and ached to get outside. After wiping her mouth with her napkin, she stood from her seat and excused herself for a walk outside. Y/n admired the sky in every state it lived in, though sunsets were in her top two.
She observed how the trees in the distances stretched up to scrape the sky, prickling at the satin sweep. Y/n loved to get high and watch the sun disappear and see day fade to night, which is exactly what she did, high up on a branch along the tree line separating Piney Oak and Forest Hills.
She admired the periwinkle clouds that bounced pink reflections across the endless fields of cotton. She wondered for a moment what it’d feel like to lay on a fluffy cloud and decided it’d probably feel like a water bed or a pool floatie.
Johnny stood at the window and looked out onto the porch, watching how his daughter sat on the step with her hands folded under her chin, content with the view in front of her. He smiled and scrubbed harder at the casserole dish.
Y/n wound up back in her room for the evening, the day subsiding to deep blue outside and her room glowing orange with light. She dug around in her backpack for the slip of paper Chrissy gave her Friday.
She grabbed the yellow rotary phone and set it in front of her on the bed with a clank. It’d been a long time since she’d phoned a friend, let alone a new friend.
‘She’s just gonna ask about Eddie, it’s what girls do.’ Y/n thought.
‘What if she makes fun of me? People in her group seem to dislike him, what if she just wants me to tell her things about him she can use to embarrass him?’
‘Chrissy’s too nice, if anything she’d want to help me work up the nerve to do something about these weird feelings.’
Y/n shook her spiralling head and started dialing the number. It wasn’t long before Chrissy picked up, her cheery “Hello” ringing through the receiver. “Hey, it’s Y/n! Is now a good time?” She asked.
“Y/n! Oh, is it ever! We need to talk about you and Eddie, we’ve gotta make it happen.” She gushed. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, fidgeting with the chord. “You were telling me about how you guys ended up at your house and then fell asleep?! In your bed?!” Chrissy whispered urgently into the mouthpiece of her pink phone knowing her mother would flip if she knew Chrissy had a friend who’s engaged in such activities.
“Yes, but it wasn’t as crazy as it sounds! We looked at the moon and talked on the roof for a while, and— I don’t know, sometimes we stop talking but it doesn’t feel weird, like I don’t feel the need to fill the air space, and he looks at me like… I don’t know,”
“Like he wants you to do something??”
“Ugh, maybe. I just wish I had the guts to.” She said, reaching over beside her and shoving her bedside window open to light a cigarette before she started a joint.
“So you are willing to admit you like him? Ugh, finally! When you get married please don’t forget to let me make a speech about how I got you two together!”
“Oh yeah, so you can tell my closest friends and family the story of how I hit up the head cheerleader to direct me to the nearest drug dealer that just so happens to theoretically turn out to be my groom? Love it.” Y/n scoffed before exhaling a plume of smoke out the window. The glowing blue lense over the outdoors sank into black, the only lights coming from orange glowing windows or street lights.
Chrissy cackled, “It’s the perfect story. Your kids are gonna love it! And if you have a daughter you gotta name her Chrissy!”
Y/n shook her head , “And If it’s a boy?”
“Easy, Christopher.” Chrissy said with a shrug of her shoulder and laughed with her friend on the other end. “You know… I’ve always thought that friend of his was real cute. What’s his name? Garrett? Jareth?”
“Yes! With the fluffy, pretty hair. Ugh. I catch him looking at me like a lovesick puppy in every class I have with him and it takes everything in me not to wink at him.” She swooned.
“Chrissy!” Y/n hissed in a shocked whisper. “What about Jason?” She asked lowly.
Chrissy sighed, “I’ve known Jason for a really, really long time. Like, our parents grew up together, we’ve grown up together, and it’s like we’ve been expected to end up together since we were kids. And for a while it felt right, I had the biggest crush on him for years. But now Jason is just like his dad, you know? He acts so above everything, and he doesn’t even care about half the things I think or say… I think I’m just a part of some checklist, honestly. But I know one thing for sure and it’s that Jason has never looked at me the way Gareth does.” She sighed dreamily.
“Chrissy, if you’re not happy with Jason, then you should break it off. Other people's emotions aren’t your responsibility! So what if Jason gets butthurt? He has it coming! Maybe it’ll humble him.” Y/n suggested and then took a couple more drags on her cigarette before lighting a joint with the lit end of the cancer stick between her lips.
“True, but I’m more worried about my parents. My mother, specifically.” Chrissy said in a slow and careful whisper, which told Y/n Chrissy didn’t feel safe to speak on her own line as freely as she should. “I gotcha, maybe we can elaborate on that some other time?” Y/n asked carefully.
Chrissy sighed in relief, “That sounds nice! Thank you, Y/n/n. It’s nice to have a friend I don’t have to… hide parts of myself from.” She whispered.
“Me too, Chris.” Y/n smiled, her chest warming. “I feel like you’re gonna be a friend I have for a long time, you know what I mean? When the rest fall away after high school.” Chrissy said.
Y/n’s heart leapt, “Aw, thanks, Chris. I-I think our friendship is gonna be a lasting one too,” She nodded though her friend couldn’t see her and took another drag, “But, if you don’t name your kid after me, we’re history.” She joked, laughing when she heard Chrissy’s cackle over the receiver. “Of course I will! I hope Eddie’s ready for me to infiltrate his life as his best friend's girlfriend and his girlfriend's best friend, or whoever your future husband is.” Chrissy jokes, Y/n giving weak laughter in return while a snap resounded from the backyard through her open window.
She decided to shrug it off, not used to all the animals that roam around here at night quite yet. “Hopefully the future husband is on board with Christopher, or else it isn’t gonna work.”
“Who’s Christopher?” A voice asked from outside. Y/n gasped, raising the phone in her hand and poised to strike when she realized it was none other than the lovable figure of Eddie Munson leaning up against the side of her house with a cigarette between his lips.
“Y/n/n? Y/n! Is everything okay?” Chrissy shouted over the receiver, as Y/n collected her breath and burned red in the face with embarrassment. “Uh, yeah, I, uh forgot Eddie was stopping by, I’ll… talk to you tomorrow, kayloveyoubye.” Y/n quietly rushed out before hanging up the phone and turning her attention to Eddie.
He stood leaning up against the windowsill, his chin resting on his hands patiently. “Did I scare you, sweetheart?” He raised his eyebrows and nodded to the joint in her hand, a silent request for her to pass it to him which she obliged and took his cigarette to puff on in return.
Eddie stepped back to keep the smoke away from the interior of her room, shoving his other hand in his jeans pocket for warmth on the crisp night. “Oh me? Haven’t you noticed my nerves of steel yet, Munson?” She asked.
He smirked as he took another hit from the joint, “So, uh, who’s Christopher— Is it Christopher Lacey from the swim team? Who’s your future husband??” He asked in an eager rush, as if he were excited for her, though really he was bursting to get the question out as soon as he overheard her phone conversation. Y/n’s eyes flashed embarrassment, “No, no, I was—Chrissy told me to name my future kid after her and I told her I hoped my future husband was on board with it.” She shrugged, playing it off as no big deal when inside she was experiencing heart palpitations.
“Oh, well who’s your future husband? Not Christopher Lacey I presume?” He nodded to the joint he held out in front of her lips as she leaned her head further out. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully before closing them as she took a drag. Eddie’s stomach twisted when she went for it without hesitation, his shy girl was getting comfortable with him.
He wanted to know what it was like to run his hand down her neck, only stopping to squeeze his hand around her throat just a little, her neck too delicate for unnecessary roughness. He wanted to slip the straps of her tank top down her shoulders and pull the middle apart so she’d be left bare, but then reminded himself she was an ethereal being and not his to touch or objectify, then he felt icky.
‘Stop, you fucking perv. What are you, 12?’ He scolded.
Y/n inhaled and exhaled, smiling and shaking her head. “Uhh, Matt Dillon? I guess?”
Eddie scoffed and shook his head, “Matt Dillon, are you kidding me? That Neanderthal?!”
“Wha- He’s pretty! He’s so pretty, why do you have to dig at him like that??” Y/n defended with her voice raising an octave and embarrassed laughter spilling out in between.
“Is it cause of the Outsiders? Nah, cause if it was, you would’ve picked Rob Lowe… surely..” He trailed off as though he were thinking aloud, biting his thumbnail in contemplation as realization struck, “Of course you picked Matt freakin’ Dillon. You like the bad boy, the one everyone says ‘stay away’ from, huh? Tell me, did you bring home a lot of strays growing up?” He asked, amusement dancing behind his eyes as he watched her sit there and puff on the cigarette he brought and giggle madly, shaking her head in her defense with no words to back it up.
“You must think I’m pretty damn good lookin’, huh?” He smiled, his eyes glittering in the way only his could. Y/n bit her lip and shoved the window all the way open and leaned out on her elbows, her cleavage heavily accentuated as she towered over him the way he typically did her.
“What are you doing here?” She asked quietly, excitement exuding from her eyes in the form of a glint. Eddie’s mouth twitched into a smile when she didn’t deny it.
“Well, I was partaking in my nightly smoke, but sadly my view of the sky wasn’t as satisfactory as yours is. Thought maybe we could hang out and look together.” He shrugged, suddenly nervous.
‘Maybe this was a bad idea.’
Y/n grinned and bit her bottom lip, watching him fidget while he waited for her to answer. “I’d love that.” She said simply and took a drag from the joint, feeling the familiar warmth and buzz from the nicotine and herb.
Eddie’s eyes brightened, his normal goofy smile returning to his face. She ducked her head back inside to pull on a hoodie and grab her stoner bag before threading her legs through the window and hopping out. His eyes stayed on her as she moved and flipped her hair back over from where it had fallen over her face.
She’d insisted he go ahead of her up the tree, watching his careful movements and gingham boxers made her smile. When he stepped onto the shingles, he bowed to her with a cocky grin. “Very nice, I give it a ten out of ten for the graceful dismount.” She commended.
Eddie squatted down, readying his hands to catch the bag she held in her hands. Y/n threw the bag up to him, smiling when he caught it with ease and finding her grasp on the tree. “Y’know with skills like those, you should definitely try out for the basketball team.” She teased on her way up to the limb that acted as their bridge.
Eddie scoffed, “Oh yeah, because my true passion lies on the court, sweetheart.” His eyes never left her as she crawled across the limb and stood with a waiting hand, which she accepted. “There you are.” He whispered, lingering too closely to be considered friendly.
“Here I am.” She confirmed, looking from his shining brown eyes to his lips, and feeling his light breath fan across her face. He smiled and pushed some hair behind her ear before turning carefully to sit where they did previously.
“Y’know if I was a basketball player, you’d have to be a cheerleader?” He asked and looked over his shoulder at her for her reaction, still holding her hand. “W-Why?” She stammered, not understanding. “Cause it’s fair!” He shrugged as if that made sense.
“Pfft, I have no business jumping around or shaking pom poms.” She scoffed and set her now burnt out joint back between her lips to relight. Eddie rolled his eyes, the thought in his head unbearable. How he’d love to see her in that uniform, even if it was just for fun.
‘Maybe someday I can see her in Chrissy’s…’
“If I’m on the basketball team, you’re a cheerleader, it just makes sense!” Eddie reasoned and patted the spot next to him. Y/n sat down scooting closer to Eddie. She held out the joint for him to take, though it was too short for him to grasp. Instead he leaned his head over and took a drag, his lips brushing her fingers in a light kiss as he sucked.
The tingles crawled up her arm as he sat there inhaling slowly, her eyes trained on his profile and feeling his fingers take hold of her wrist under the guise of holding her steady, as always.
Eddie pushed her hand back towards herself to take a hit, though she decided against it and stubbed it out on the shingle. “So, you think my view tops yours? Over at Forest Hills?” She asked, nudging his arm with hers and taking the bag from his lap, which made him jump.
“Oh, absolutely.” He said, his eyes trained on his favorite view; his dream girl under the moon.
‘Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn’t you love to love her..’
Stevie ran through his head as he looked at the girl lighting up next to him; shielding the small dancing flame from the breeze with her hand, wind swirling around her tresses and carried them gently to and fro. She ran a careful hand to tuck them behind her ears and handed over the new joint.
“Y’know, sometime I’ll have to show you mine—the top of the trailer, I mean. It isn’t as high up as this but it’s still one of my favorite places.” He shrugged and took a hit.
“What are your other favorite places?” She asked, leaning her head over on the brick to look at him. “There’s this spot out by the quarry that’s really nice in the spring and summer months, there’s flowers all around the water, everything’s green, birds are always talking to each other, and there’s this perfect tree…it’s almost magical looking, really.” His eyes projected excitement and wonder as he talked about his special place.
“It does sound magical… D-Do you ever take anyone out there?” She asked, her eyes on the joint between his lips. Eddie caught her glance and handed it back to her. She reached out to take it from him, but not before he could jerk it out of reach. Y/n looked to him with wide eyes, suddenly feeling the last wave of warmth roll over her, her previous tokes catching up to her.
Eddie smiled playfully and held it back out to her closer to her mouth. Y/n looked to Eddie for confirmation and noticed the hungry look returning to his eye as he nodded for her to lean in.
Y/n obliged him, letting her eyes flutter shut as she took a slow drag. Eddie watched the thick hem of lashes that framed her eyes and then traced his gaze down to her puckered lips. He resisted the urge to yank the joint away and crash his lips upon hers and absolutely wreck her quiet demeanor.
But he didn’t. Instead, he admired the way she looked at him when she opened her eyes, smiling around the filter when she noticed how intensely he was admiring her. “I, uh, I haven’t taken anyone out there before, but I think I will soon… if you’d want to see it.” He mumbled nervously. Y/n gasped in intrigue before she exhaled, the excitement draining from her face as the building, fluttery pressure swelled up in her chest and throat.
Eddie knew exactly what was going to happen and couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her eyes get wider than he’d ever seen. As she leaned over to the other side in a hacking fit, he fondly patted her back giggling innocently. “You got it, let it out.” He cooed, deriving joy from the contours of her back he could feel under his hand as he rested it there.
“My bad,” she squeaked as she recovered and wiped her face with her sleeves. “Can’t get off without the cough, right?” She said watching him take another drag. “I’m sorry, what?” Eddie asked in amused disbelief. “What? You’ve never heard that before?” She asked, looking almost offended. Eddie shrugged and shook his head. “Coughing helps you get high, something about your blood and oxygen circulation, makes it happen faster. I dunno, ‘s somethin’ our parents used to joke about. Sam told me what it meant back when we started smoking together, so it’s kind of like one useful thing we learned from her.” She laughed and rolled her puffy pink eyes.
Eddie gave a weak laugh at her dark humor, something he wasn’t unfamiliar with, something he typically enjoyed, but it was then he remembered where they left off in conversation before their evening was interrupted last Saturday.
“I hear that, my old man taught me how to hotwire a car when I was eleven.” he chuckled, bringing the joint to his lips, the nostalgia playing behind his eyes. “You’re shitting me.” Y/n gaped, accepting the joint when he held it out to her. Eddie laughed at her surprise and shook his head, “If you ever lose car keys, let me know, I’ll get her started for ya.” He winked with a shoulder nudge that sent her smiling for him. Y/n scoffed and thanked him, taking a deep drag, her eyes closing for a second. ‘Like a butterfly closing its wings for a moment or two,’ Eddie noted, allowing himself a sinful glance down at her puckered lips and hollow cheeks.
“Our car died on us during an.. impromptu road trip,” he began before he could slip further into madness at her unknowing hands. “W-We walked to this motel off the highway, an-and found an unlocked door. The old man always had his tool bag, which had a lot more than tools in it by the way, but he showed me the needle nose pliers and cutters I needed, how to pry the paneling off, which wires to cut, which ones to cross, you know, father-son bonding things.” He shrugged nonchalantly, earning a laugh from her as she handed the joint back to him and reached out for his cigarette, which he gladly handed to her.
“It was probably one of the only good stories I have about him. And it’s only good cause—“ he stopped himself, noticing he was sliding into the same comfort he’d been chasing since they parted ways Sunday morning. Y/n looked at him with her eyelids heavy, her slightly raised brows told him she was invested in listening, concern laid on her face bare.
“Cause why?” She asked softly, watching his lips to catch the words in case he didn’t say them loud enough. He took a generous drag and sighed his exhale, “Cause he wasn’t… angry. Felt like we were on the same team for a night, you know? Felt like a real son, just for a minute. You know?” He asked, looking at her finally.
Y/n nodded, her heart swelling. “Yeah, yeah I do.” She chewed the inside of her cheek nervously, her mind drifting back to the story she never finished on Saturday, wondering if he’d remembered or cared. “D-Did you have any moments like that with your mom?” He asked, his eyes gentle and softer than before. His hand on her thigh sent a crawling warmth up her body, flushing her neck under the sweatshirt she wore.
Y/n stared at his hand for a minute, trying to decide if she was just feeling more movement than usual due to her high, but she observed as he rubbed small circles on the inside of her leg and waited patiently without knowing he was driving her wild.
“I—not to my knowledge.” She said quietly, trying to slow her fast paced thoughts, feeling guilty for the way she felt while he wanted to share vulnerabilities. Eddie stopped his movements to both her relief and dismay, “Oh,” he said lowly, his mouth agape and eyes hiding too many thoughts to comprehend, though at the very least she knew he was floundering inside.
“It’s okay, though. Maybe there’s a memory somewhere in here I’m not remembering right now.” She shrugged, trying to reassure him. Eddies face lifted a little, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Well if you think of any, let me know. I’d love to hear about them.”
Y/n nodded, laying her hand on his, “I will, I promise.”
“Or anything else that you feel like sharing, good or bad, past or present, whatever’s good for you.” He rushed, his nervousness evident by the tremble in his hand. Y/n flashed him a smile, “Does that have anything to do with the story I didn’t finish last time we were up here?” She asked quietly, leaning toward him a bit to hand him his cigarette back, fighting the urge to put it between his lips for him.
Eddie’s facade melted immediately, only leaving a shy smile. “Ah, you got me.” He shrugged, taking a drag as she nodded, “Only if you want to finish it, don’t feel like you have to. But I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about it.” He revealed, her heart leaping in response. He was thinking about her unfinished story for days.
Y/n nodded reassuring him this time, “I can tell you, it’s not a problem, it can just be kind of embarrassing. The way things were, the story itself, so much of my life.” She rolled her eyes, trying to shake the uncomfortable feeling off her back so she could tell him the story of the last time she saw her mother.
“I didn’t get very far, did I?” She forced a laugh, rubbing her hands on her jeans to dry the moisture that started to prickle at her palms. Eddie’s hand found hers again, the stillness of the air allowed the faint sounds of her stereo to filter up to the roof, where they sat under the moon, Tuesday's Gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd played.
“You mentioned a ‘Tina’?” He asked casually, picking her hand up carefully and placing it in his own, thankful to the marijuana gods for this strain that calmed them so. “Oh, yeah. Her.” She chuckled dryly, keeping her focus on their intertwined hands.
Eddie noticed her breath quicken a bit at the act, a satisfied grin threatened to work its way onto his face though he kept it at bay by nodding at her to continue. “Tina was best friends with my mom. She was insufferably loud, by the way,”
“Tinas can be that way.” He shrugged, easing her back into relaxation, hoping he can use this time to show her how willing he is to listen to her life, how eager he is to comfort her if she needs it. Y/n chuckled and scooted closer to Eddie, her anxiety lifted like shrugging a jacket off your shoulders.
“So, my mom and Tina would sit around and get high all day, and Sam and I, we were in the back room with the other kids— back then that felt fun, does that one count? As one of those good memories? Anyway, we got to eat junk and watch whatever we wanted on tv all day as long as we stayed quiet and in the room… I can still smell the ammonia and cigarettes sometimes…” she trailed off with a sigh, looking to Eddie to see if he cared to hear more of the embarrassingly depressing story of her life. He nodded, his eyes soft and his hand stroking the skin of her palm.
“This time in particular, we climbed over the baby gate and tried to sneak to the bathroom because we hadn’t been checked on in forever. But I was so scared. The adults were always so shitty if we left the room, let alone made any other mistakes… Y’know like kids do,” She chuckled bitterly before continuing, “I couldn’t make it to the bathroom,” her laughter continued as tears formed on her waterline, the memory playing behind her eyes, though her voice didn’t waver. If he weren’t looking at her he would have no idea she was on the verge of tears.
“A guy was passed out inside against the door, and while Sam was trying to shove it open… I couldn’t hold it anymore. The floor was soaked, I was soaked, and Sam was so upset. But he never made me feel bad about it, not once.” She sniffled, Her face not visible because of the curtain of hair that now hung between them. “And I can’t tell you how many spankings he took because he ‘wasn’t watching’ me, as if it was his job! Isn’t that wild?” She asked in a faint half sniffling half giggly haze.
“Then our mom found us cause Sam couldn’t get me to stop crying. She was so pissed.. unbelievably pissed—and embarrassed. That’s something she kept telling me over and over was how much of a baby I was and all that shit.” She rolled her eyes and wiped her face. Eddie kept his eyes trained on her carefully, his tongue poised to intervene and tell her to stop.
“Dad ended up catching her when she tried to get us home and clean us up before he was supposed to get off work. But when no one answered the phone all day he came home early, so, that… sucked.”
Eddie felt like he’d been punched in the gut, seeing her so comfortably numb to her hurt, a weeping callous never healed properly.
“She was trying to convince him he was being crazy and irrational, but he insisted he wanted to talk to me and Sam, so when it came my turn, he asked me how many times I got taken to the bathroom that day and I didn’t know what to say cause the answer was none.” She acted annoyed with herself to Eddie’s dismay, his brow knitting together in disapproval.
“Then he asked if anyone ever hit me over there, and I knew the answer to that one, so I said yes, which my mom overheard and freaked out about, calling me a liar, and a lot of.. other things.” She trailed off, taking the joint from Eddie as he put out the cigarette they shared on a shingle, tossing it off the side of the house.
“They had their fight and got their licks in, then Sam took me to our room and turned some Heart on the Walkman before it got out of hand—full blast I might add. Gave me his headphones and told me ‘Just sit here and stay quiet for a little while, I’ll go find a snack.” She smiled at her brother's kindness.
She took a drag, tear tracks kissing her bottom lashes as she closed her eyes to center herself and savor the bitter taste. “She, uh, turned the whole situation on my dad, in the end. Talked about how he didn’t want to help her even though she was sick, yadayadayada..” she rushed, exhaling the toke fully before continuing. “So she claimed she was taking off to go ‘rest’ and ‘get better’ for a few weeks and then never came back.” She giggled bitterly, the story somehow humorous for her to tell, the ripples of her laughter extending into a full blown fit.
“Like, what the hell, right? Can you believe people actually do this shit?” She breathed, Eddie nodded, a small smile on his lips as he watched her, letting her react any way she needed to. “I-I’m sorry, Y/n. I hope already know this but none of it was your fault—the way she treated you guys.” He said softly, bringing her hand closer to his face and playing with her fingers, nodding assuringly as he spoke.
Y/n’s laughter had fizzled, Eddie’s words being the conclusion. “Y-Yeah. Yeah it wasn’t.” She said, though she knew it wasn’t her fault, she’d never had anyone try to make sure she didn’t believe it was. “Thank you for listening.. I didn’t mean to cry, I don’t know what that was.” She brushed it off.
Eddie brought his hands up to trace her tear stained cheeks, feeling braver the longer he sat with her. He angled her face up to his own, looking down at her with shining brown eyes that made her stomach flip.
“Don’t ever..” he said lowly and leaned in close—so close his nose touched her nose and her breath hitched, warmth flooding her core. Eddie's breath fanned across her mouth, her lips opened slightly like they were going to chase after his as if it were the only source of oxygen.
He looked into her eyes earnestly, “—ever, EVER, apologize for crying. Not in front of me, okay? I wanna be the last person you have to worry about impressing.” He whispered, trying to discern whether or not she was moving closer or if he was.
“I—okay. I won’t.” She mumbled, too high to figure out anything else to say the didn’t have to do with the burning desire she felt inside. “I think you’re…” his eyes searched the sky for the right word, second guessing whether or not now was the right time to do all of this.
“Everything.” He decided. The word shot right through her chest, the bricked layers of her heart shattering like dropped ceramic. “Everything?” She almost whimpered, looking for his eyes and holding his hand on her cheek. Eddie smiled and nodded, “Absolutely everything, sweetheart. The only person I can pour my soul out to and be unafraid. The only person I like sharing weed with. Hell, you’re the only person I wanna hang out with anymore.” He revealed, trailing his fingers down to her jaw that he traced with his thumb.
“I feel some pretty deep things for you, Y/n, I don’t know if that makes sense right now, but I do.” He said, his hands falling to his sides as his brown eyes bore into her. Y/n’s hand bravely grabbed his, putting it back next to her face. “I think you’re everything too, Eddie.” She managed in a whisper, leaning into his touch as he stroked her cheeks with more purpose, burying the rest of his hands in her hair.
She felt as though they were floating, as if time had stopped and they’d been transported back into their own little world again. Eddie’s breath caught, his lips parting in surprise. He resisted the urge to crash his lips against hers, and instead leaned forward slowly.
Y/n’s heavy lidded eyes watched his lips carefully, finally feeling brave enough to stand her ground as he began to pull her to him. Her body lit ablaze as she let herself melt into him.
“Y/n! Kiddo, you up there?” Her father called from her bedroom window, their eyes shooting open and bodies separating as if Johnny were already on the roof. “Uh, yeah! Just a sec.” She called.
“I-I, I’ll be right back, Sam probably called or something, I’m so sorry—“
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be right here.” He whispered close to her face and held her wrist gently, giving her a reassuring squeeze as she turned to climb down.
Y/n’s heart hammered in her ears with each step down from the tree trunk, though she knew her old man didn’t suspect anything. “Hey, kid.” Her dad sat with a cigarette burning on the ashtray that rests on her windowsill. “Hey..” She approached the window, leaning against the house like Eddie had been not long ago.
“Just, uh wanted to say goodnight. I know I don’t always do that, so I thought I would tonight. Sooo… goodnight.” He nodded as though he was trying to remember a line and did with success. “Good night.” She nodded back, unsure if that was the end of the conversation or if he expected her to crawl through the window again. Instead Johnny smiled at her and stood up from the bed, taking the cigarette with him.
“Don’t stay out there too long, it’s getting colder at night time. The stars and the pot will still be here tomorrow.” He said before closing her door behind him. Y/n gaped at him, shouting a flustered, “Okay! No problem!” She backed up, noticing a head of curls perched just above her window, a satisfied Eddie smiling with a joint ready to be lit between his lips.
“Looks like we got the answer to our question.” He mumbled around the filter as Y/n laughed, thinking back to their conversation from earlier. “You, uh, wanna burn one more out so I can look at the stars longer or do you need to get to sleep?” Eddie asked as she climbed up the tree to be with him. “Well how could I say no to that?” She sighed contently, walking over to take her previous seat next to him.
When Eddie saw her figure up against the starry night sky he couldn’t help but think about her being his favorite star of them all as if she came from them and not this earthly plane.
She smiled at him, noticing his thousand yard stare and just chalking it up to his high sending him into a daze. “What are you thinking about?” She asked bravely. Eddie’s ears perked at her confidence and smiled. “Jus’ the stars.” He shrugged. Y/n snickered at his blushing cheeks. Eddie sparked the joint up and handed it over to Y/n, letting her have the first real drag.
Y/n took a slow and strong pull, hoping to cough enough she’d feel a tad bit more comfortable. She inhaled it through her nose, the thick cloud slithering out of her mouth and through her nostril, “Damn, okay.” Eddie said with an amused smile as she took a deep breath and broke into her coughing fit while he lit a cigarette. Once again he saw the opportunity to pat her back and comfort her. “You’re very brave, I admire you for that. I throw up if I cough too hard. But here you are, iron stomach and steel nerves and all. Are you a fuckin’ robot? Who are you really?” He rambled, the warm and fuzzy high mixed with love washed over him from head to toe.
Y/n’s coughs were interrupted with laughter, her lungs starved of oxygen, “Oh god..shut up—can’t breathe.” She managed through the laughter and focused on controlling her breath. “If I’m a robot, what are you?” She asked once she regained composure. “Easy, a clumsy hobbit and a raccoon in a trench coat.” He fired back with a smile. “A clumsy hobbit and a raccoon in a trench coat?? You’re not even wearing a trench coat, I’ve never even seen you wearing a trench coat.”
Eddie took a drag and shrugged, “Guess we’re just that good aren’t we?” He high-fived himself as Y/n broke into hysterics, causing him to break with her.
“Ah shit, you’re lookin’ a little blue, babe.” He chuckled, the pet name sending warm and fuzzy feelings to both her heart and her core, which made her shift in her spot uncomfortably as she forced out another chuckle. “Y’know one time—actually the first time Gareth and I smoked together, we were in the woods, behind my trailer, in the summertime, at night, mind you.” He started his hands already moving and eyes animated with the story.
“Basically, we were smoking out of a beer can, and I ask him, ‘This isn’t your first time smoking, right?’ and the kid says to me ‘Oh, no, I smoke all the time.’ and I think nothing about it. After the first hit he’s coughing like crazy, I think nothing about it, everyone coughs. But then we smoke about a gram, and it’s 2 in the morning, we’re drunk, we’re high, it’s still hot as hell outside, and he gets quiet on me right before I say we call it a night and crash in the house, when he looks at me nods, turns his head and—BLEH!” He exclaimed, his hands miming the projectile vomit he was describing from Gareth’s mouth. “Blows chunks everywhere,” he laughs, his eyes on the moon in front of them as he finishes the story as he relives it, “—takes three steps and falls over, knocked out cold.” He shakes his head. “I thought he died. I was terrified. I carried him in the house, got Wayne involved, but Gareth came to before I called the police on myself to get an ambulance out there. He gives me shit about ‘almost killing him’ all the time.” He laughed, settling back in his spot and took a drag of his cigarette before switching her for the joint.
“Holy fucking shit, I have to tell Chrissy about that, she’s gonna—“
“Why Chrissy?—Oh yeah, that’s who you were on the phone with earlier..” He cocked his head in confusion. “Yes! That’s who thought I was being murdered when you showed up at my window,” she chuckled as he made a face that imitated embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck, “Oops.” He said quietly as she rolled her eyes playfully and nudged his shoulder with hers before continuing, “Anyway, we gotta play Cupid if she dumps Jason, cause Chrissy’s gotta crush on none other than the drummer of Corroded Coffin, himself.” She said with widened eyes for dramatic flair. Eddie gasped, practically shitting a brick, “I KNOW! But you gotta swear you won’t say anything to him or anyone else about it until after she’s ready to ask him out, okay?” She turned to him urgently, holding up her pinky for him to hook.
Eddie nodded without hesitation, wrapping his pinky around hers and kissing it, only thinking afterwards he hoped it went over okay with her. His eyes darted up to hers to gauge her reaction. Y/n smiled at their hands and then met Eddie’s gaze. “You wanna go hang out in my room? Listen to some music before I gotta go to bed?” She shrugged, playing with his rings absentmindedly.
“How can I say no to that?” He asked in response.
They quietly made their way into her bedroom, the blackness of night swallowed up by the closing of her lace curtains. Eddie entered first, standing by the window and helping Y/n through, squeezing her hand once before he let her go.
The look of an idea crossed Y/n’s face, “You wanna snack?” She whispered close to his ear. Eddie couldn’t deny his knees feeling weak as he nodded, “Yeah?” She asked with quiet excitement. “Would you wanna split a bowl of cereal?” She shrugged as she walked to her door and Eddie nodded, knowing he’d be ready to sharing anything with her; a joint, a cigarette, a drink, a meal, a bite, a piece of gum, his last breath if it kept her alive a second longer than him, maybe?
He sat on the end of her bed until she returned with a heaping bowl of Froot Loops, “Here, go ahead. ” She said in a whisper. He smiled, stepping out of his shoes and creeping over to her, his dark clothes contrasting beautifully with the glowing and homey oranges surrounding him as he took the bowl from her so she could lock the door as he took a big bite, sighing softly at the satisfying sweetness of the milk and cereal.
The gold knob on the dark wood door clicked softly. Eddie turned, watching her work at cozying the space and clearing off the nightstand and windowsill around her bed. Eddie smiled as he chewed when she brought out the blanket they took to the roof last, wondering if it still smelled like that night. He knew he wanted to live in the stale smoke and the scent of her perfume and laundry detergent forever.
“You wanna pick some music?” She asked as she spread the blanket across her bed and straightened her pillows. Eddie nodded, setting the bowl down on her nightstand and stepped over to the stereo, narrowing his eyes at the rows of titles in front of him. When she was satisfied with their space she joined him in his search. “I must say, I’m kinda in the mood for some Fleetwood Mac.” He retrieved the tape from its spot and grinned when he met her eyes, all puffy and tired looking behind the pink that contrasted so beautifully with her iris, the colors amplified in the warm light of her lamp.
“I love the way you think, Munson.” She smiled and took the tape from him, loading it into the deck and pressing play and adjusting the volume while Rhiannon trickled in.
“This one’s my favorite.” He sat down toward the end of her bed, more comfortably this time than last time. Y/n joined him, tossing him a couple pillows as she got under the blanket in the very corner opposite him. “Mine too.” She agreed, looking rather comfy, “Will you get the bowl, pretty please?” She asked quietly, contently. Eddie couldn’t help but smile, wondering what domestic bliss would feel like with her as he handed her the bowl.
They passed it back and forth between them for a little bit before finally getting shoulder to shoulder to pass only the spoon until they finished and split the milk. “At the rate we’re going we’re gonna get sick someday.” He joked as he set the empty bowl on the nightstand. “Then we just won’t share when we don’t feel good, simple.” She shrugged, settling in under her blanket, her thick fringe of eyelashes looking awful heavy now.
“You look pretty sleepy, sunshine.” Eddie teased softly as he leaned closer to her. She giggled and shook her head, “I’m not tired, my eyes are just heavy, there’s a difference.”
“Mmm, no, that’s what old people say right before they get in trouble for resting their eyes, you need to get to sleep.” He chuckled and bent over for his shoes. “No, no, stay for a little longer.” She urged in a whisper, one hand reaching for him as he turned around. He couldn’t resist the smile breaking across his face at the sight of her sleepy eyes. “Okay, just a little longer. You mind sparing some of this blanket though?” He nodded at the space next to her.
She smiled and opened up the blanket as an invitation for him to join her. He stealthily dove in, unable to resist pulling her close, his heart lurching when her hands found his shoulders while his arms found her waist. When he had the chance to overthink his decision he began to withdrawal, “Sorry, sweetheart—“
“Oh my god, Eddie, you’re freezing!” She exclaimed while taking his hands in hers and rubbing them and his arms the best she could and held them close to her without even thinking. Eddie thought he could keel over from their proximity and her touch alone, her mouth being close to his hands always did something to him.
“How’s this?” She asked, snatching him from his thoughts. “Th-That’s a lot better, thank you.” He mumbled, his eyes desperate to soak up every moment of her caring for him.
“Anytime.” She said, letting their hands rest between them on the bed, their fingers overlapping just the slightest though no one moved. “I think you might be the best friend I’ve ever had, Eddie.” She said, her eyes fluttering closed as she began to draw small circles on his knuckles with her finger.
Friend? The best of them all? Eddie smiled bitter sweetly at the girl in front of him. “I’m honored, Princess.” He whispered, matching her volume. “I wanna be the best friend you’ve ever had.” He whispered as he watched her breaths deepen, her jaw going slack and lips parting just the smallest bit, falling through the floor of consciousness and into sleep.
Eddie allowed himself a couple more minutes of soaking it all in, tracing the shapes of her face with his eyes, brushing a strand of hair off her face, trailing his fingers down her cheek softly and grinning when a faint smile crossed her face in her dream.
He sat up and retrieved his shoes as he tried to minutes before, slipping on the reeboks without lacing them. Eddie glanced down at her sleeping figure tucked under their blanket and smiled, wishing he could be there to tell her good morning.
He quietly walked over to her desk, spying a notepad and pencil cup to use at his disposal. He picked up the blank notepad and wrote quickly.
“Hope you sleep as soundly as you look like you are. Good night and good morning (: -E”
He nodded approvingly and set it on her nightstand next to her bed and eased across the end of her bed to open the window all the way for his escape. He tried to keep as quiet as possible so as to not wake the sleeping angel he was begrudgingly leaving.
As he stepped out into the unkept flower bed, the cold swarming him like a moth to a flame, he closed the window quietly. Giving her one last look, he pressed a kiss to his finger and stuck it to the glass where her head rested on the pillow. “See you tomorrow, friend.” He smiled half-heartedly and made the chilly trek home.
Part 6
@thincrusttheworks @navs-bhat @afternoonzephyr @bl0ssommanddie @wendyfawcett @vea-vea-vea @munsonsmel0dy @sana-li @drdvlss @certifiedtrashmouth @okaymunson @cestpresqueparfait @astrolockley @lovelyvivii @likedovesinthewnd
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Sympathy For Wolves: Werewolf!Blackwatch!Cole Cassidy x Fem!Reader
Chapter 3: The Wound
“The wolf bit you, didn’t he?” ~ The Wolf Man
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Its breath was rancid against his face. It stunk of old and rusty iron and meat that had been left out in the sun a little too long. It clung to his nostrils and squeezed at his throat, choking him as the pain worsened by the second.
He stared down the one golden eye glaring back at him as he reeled his foot back. Cole winced, he felt as though he had been set on fire from the inside. His shoulder and his arm burned worse than any wound he got from Deadlock.
Before he could kick again at the beast’s gaping maw, it snapped down on his ankle, tearing through his chaps and boot and piercing his skin. He hollered in agony, the beast’s jaws closed harder against his bones he swore they were about to snap all at once.
A thundering blast came from behind the beast, the monster shrieking in pain as it finally let go of its chew toy. Ignoring Cole for a moment, its one remaining eye stared directly behind it, giving Cole just enough room to see the three other members standing behind it.
Moira stood there in shock and awe at the werewolf before her, eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe at the creature before her. Genji was stiff, one hand stood ready behind him on his wakizashi and the other brandishing his katana, his red eyes trained on the beast’s every move. But Reyes, he looked furious, face twisted with anger as he raised his second shotgun towards the monster standing between them and him.
It lunged at them, claws slicing through the air as Reyes fired off another shell into the beast. Shattered shell casings tore into the front of the beast, the thing yowling in pain as it batted at the Blackwatch commander, leaving it open for Genji to slice into its flesh with his katana, stabbing the blade into its skin and yanking it out. Dark blood poured from its wounds, it was slowing down, glaring around with it’s one good eye as it decided what to do next as the commander stalked closer, guns raised.
The monster batted away Reyes and had turned on its heel, taking off down the hallway, barreling past Genji and Moira as it desperately tried to flee. Genji snatched up the katana from the floor and made to go after it when Reyes grabbed him by the shoulder.
“I’m not losing another agent to that thing,” he ordered.
Reyes fumbled with his communicator, pressing all of the buttons he could, cursing to himself when all he got was static on the other end.
Moira hovered on him, eyes trained on the multiple gashes and bite marks that had carved deep ravines into his flesh. She had produced multiple bandages and healing ointments of her own creations. His head was swimming, his body felt both heavy and weightless at the same time. The pain was ramping up to the point where he could barely feel it at all.
Genji had helped the medic, wrapping up the wound that nearly crushed his ankle to dust with careful fingers.
He wanted to say something, anything at all. A stupid joke, a dumb little comeback towards Reyes, an off-handed threat to Moira to not pull any shit.
But he couldn’t. His lips barely parted as he started to pant, chest heaving and he shook on the floor.
He could only think of you, of what you would do when you would see him like this. All bitten and scratched up by some monster straight out of a horror movie.
If he survived the flight back, that was.
The thought shook him to the core just enough to fully wake him up just for a moment. Eyes fully opening, he gasped as a sudden surge of pain washed over him. He moaned in pain and grit his teeth. He felt the bites singe and burn and tingle, like acid had been poured in every hole.
The static finally cut through to Fio responding back.
“Commander! Finally got through to you-”
“You need to get as close to the base as possible. Cassidy is down, you need to get here asap!” Reyes barked. “We’re moving him now.” Reyes hung up the communicator and turned to face Cole on the floor. Cole had to admit it, he was shocked to see Reyes like this. He looked so worried about him, like a father caring for his son. “Finish up fast. I’ll radio Overwatch on the flight back, but we need to get out of here.” Moira and Genji parted from his body on the floor as Reyes came closer. “This is gonna hurt,” was he warned as he suddenly hoisted Cole over his shoulder.
Cole moaned and barked in pain, spitting out blood onto the floor as Reyes marched through the hallways, Moira and Genji trailing close behind. Darkness faded in and out around the corners of his eyes. He couldn’t feel his arm and his foot, he felt like he could barely breathe, he felt too warm for his liking.
Before he knew it, they had pushed through the giant metal doors of the facility out into the pouring rain was a sudden shock to Cole’s body. He could smell the mud and the blood cut through the wind like daggers. He heard the humming of the transport over the pounding rain.
“What the hell happened out there?” Fio piped up over the loud speaker.
“Get this thing off the ground now!” Reyes ordered towards the ceiling. “That thing is still here!”
Engines whirred and came to life. Fio didn’t even spare a moment to make sure they were secured or seated before she took off, Reyes nearly falling over with Cole still slung over his shoulder like a towel as he kept marching towards the stairs to the Medbay.
The sudden changes in light burned his eyes as Reyes put him down on the first table he walked up to. The pale yellow to now strictly white was an awul change.
Moira hovered over him again, unwrapping the bandages to now properly clean him. Reyes started to take off whatever was left of Cole’s body plates that hadn’t been carved into by that beast.
The two worked over him, Genji starting on removing his boot and rolling up his pant leg to make it easier for Moira to work.
Cole felt like he was sinking into the table, eyes heavy, it suddenly became hard to breathe.
Reyes grabbed ahold of him, shaking his non-bitten shoulder to try to jerk him awake.
“Stay with me, Cole,” he barked.
He rarely called him by his first name.
He tried to keep his eyes open for as long as he could, wincing as they pulled his sullied clothing away from his still burning wounds.
“What do you plan on telling Overwatch?” Moira inquired.
She had produced several more bandages as well as an array of chemicals and medicine bottles.
“Golden boy can wait for a debrief,” he spoke through gritted teeth, “I have an agent on the brink of dying.”
“He won’t believe you if you tell him the truth,” Genji jutted in.
He suddenly felt the pull at his eyes, he felt his body start to wind down and grow heavy, his breathing started to slow.
Reyes grabbed him and shook him, calling for him to stay awake until his whole world had been snuffed out like a candle, leaving him alone in the darkness as he passed out.
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He automatically knew where he was the moment he regain consciousness.
The smell woke him up before anything else. Bleach and whatever other strong chemicals they had used to scrub the entire room down - probably with toothbrushes knowing how strict Angela was with the medbays. It hurt his nose, he swore the hairs in his nostrils fried from it.
There was also a faint beeping in the room, steady and slow. He could hear the chatter of agents and medbay staff somewhere down the hall, but the beeping was what remained persistent.
It honestly started to hurt his head a bit.
His eyes peeled open, suddenly flinching at the bright lights above him. Flinching made the pain suddenly present, a low groan escaping from his parted and chapped lips.
He looked around his room only to find he was alone. His heart sank at the sight, it made his heart and stomach twist knowing he woke up alone in the room.
But there were flowers, a big glass vase full of daisies and lilies of the valley sitting on one of the little tables in the room. There were two chairs in the room, one had looked like it had ben sat in quite a lot and the other had a change of clothes resting on the cushion.
The room was barely decorated, the walls and floors were sterile white. The room was cold and bare.
He had been put into a white hospital gown and had tubes in his right arm.
It was only when he tried to move to sit up did he suddenly get hit with the pain. It smacked into his like a train going one-hundred miles an hour, crippling him for a moment as he gasped and cried out in pain.
He remembered what happened.
A big hulking thing chased him down and attacked him, using him like some kind of chew toy, biting him and scratching him to hell and back. Haunting yellow eyes suddenly pinned him in place, suffocating him as he felt his wounds burn.
The noise he made had sent footsteps barreling down the hall and a very familiar figure’s shadow appeared on the curtain blocking his view of the hallway.
You had pulled back the curtain.
Your eyes were rimmed red, cheeks looking tacky from drying tear tracks, you had tissues gripped in your hands. You looked like you had barely slept, a cup of steaming hot coffee was clutched in your other hand.
“Cole!” you whimpered. You put down the coffee and was by his side before he could blink. You pressed a firm, shaky kiss to his forehead, hands grabbing onto the little safety rail attached to the bed. He knew you wanted to do so much more, hug him, kiss him all over, never let go of him. “I was so worried.”
Fresh tears had started to spill over your cheeks.
He reached out his right hand to touch your hands still clutching onto the railing for dear life.
“Darlin’,” he croaked out.
You brushed the hair away from his forehead and eyes kissed the top of his head again. Your hands were cool to the touch, they felt like wonders against his blazing hot forehead. He leaned into your touch, wanting you to never let go.
“I was waiting for the transport to come back to see you but when I got there I saw you were being rushed on a gurney and Morrison wouldn’t let me see you for a few days until you stabilized-”
“Days?” His eyes were wide by this point as he pulled away. Days? He’s been out for days? “How long was I out?”
His voice was so hoarse it hurt his throat to speak.
“A little over a week, I’m pretty sure.”
He froze, he stopped breathing for a second.
A week? Over a week?
“A week? I’ve been out a week!”
He was grabbing your hand by this point, his hand crushing your fingers.
“I need to go tell Angela you’re awake-” You made to turn around but Cole tightened his grip and pulled you closer to the bed.
“Where’s Reyes?”
“He and Morrison have been going at it all day in Morrison’s office, now Cole, I need to tell Angela you’re awake.”
You had managed to squeeze you hand out of Cole’s death grip on you and watch at you hurried out of the room, leaving him all alone once again.
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He awoke suddenly with a jerk, eyes flying open as he was gasping and panting. He couldn’t breathe, his head was spinning, his heart was pounding in his ears. He moved to try and sit up only to find he couldn’t. He tried to move his hands but found wasn’t able to. He couldn’t move his legs, he couldn’t sit up, he couldn’t adjust himself where he laid in the hospital bed. He did his best to angle his head down, managing to only see that his wrists and ankles were bound, thick black leather clamped around the joints connected him to the hospital bed.
He struggled against the bindings, the leather hissing as he yanked and pulled, but they refused to snap and let him go.
He cursed to himself, wondering what could have happened to result in him being restrained to this degree.
He continued to struggle, dead set on freeing himself and to find out what’s been going on.
He thrashed his wrists against the restraints until a sudden eruption of screaming came echoing down the hallway. Cole stilled, fear constricting his every movement.
There were gunshots and loud banging going on down the hall, but quickly the screams had died down until there was only one.
Someone crying and screaming as they ran down the hall he was in. He wanted to call out for them, for them to help him, untie him.
Until he heard it.
The familiar panting and snuffling following close behind the person running for their life.
Their screams had been suddenly snuffed out right in front of the door leading into Cole’s room, their scream cutting off into a gurgle as whatever it was had finished them off. Cole turned his head towards the door of his hospital room. The curtain may have been drawn but he could make out shadows behind it.
His blood ran cold as he saw a hulking form tearing into the person now deceased on the floor. The familiar, horrifying noises of a body being torn into by the monster echoed awfully in the room he was in. Cole started to shake in the bed, terrified as the beast clawed into and bit off pieces of the body. Cole saw on the floor the pool of blood growing, spilling into his room, staining the sterile white floor tiles as the red pool grew larger and larger.
Cole couldn’t help the fear growing inside of him, tears pricking his eyes knowing the beast that had tore into him and used him like a chew toy was now right outside of his hospital room, it had just killed so many more people. His breath hitched by accident, the monster on the other side of the curtain suddenly stopped feasting on the corpse to look towards the room.
It slowly uncurled itself from the body on the floor and stalked towards the room. Cole could smell how rancid the beast was from where he was cowering in his bed.
It suddenly tore open the curtain.
Fur caked with blood and its body riddled with bullet holes. Yellowed teeth stained red and its claws were still dripping from the massacre it had just caused.
The one yellow eye staring right down at him.
He couldn’t run, he couldn’t protect himself, he could only just die at the hands of the monster before him.
Cole shouted for help, he struggled against the bindings that seemed even tighter now.
The beast lunged at him.
Cole sat up with a shout, hands grabbing onto his person as he pat himself down. He suddenly started to cough and heave, grabbing onto his shirt as his eyes opened, frantically looking around the room he was in.
He breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing immensely when he saw he was in his own sleeping quarters. The familiar gray metal walls are covered in posters and whatever dumb little wall decorations he had collected over his time here. The hardwood floors were protected mostly by a big area rug and his clothes were thrown haphazardly onto the floor from before the mission. The bed he laid in had the sheets all twisted up messily from his tossing and turning, the red and black checkered flannel comforter had been thrown to the floor sometime during his rest. It smelled of you, sweet and homey, something that would always calm him down.
He was safe.
He brushed the sticky strands of hair out of his face, wiping away the sweat that had gathered on his forehead. His heart was still racing, he felt woozy, there was a bubbling in his gut and it was not comfortable at all.
He still couldn’t get the look of that one eye looking at him. Soulless, an acidic yellow color, with barely any pupil and no humanity in it. It was going to haunt him for the rest of his life, wasn’t it?
Cole threw his legs over the edge of the bed, taking a moment to gather himself before attempting to stand with how dizzy he suddenly was. He had been in the med bay for almost nine days. Both Angela and Moira could not understand why he was out for that long, chalking it up to it all being shock-induced with no other way to describe it. He was ordered to be on bed rest for a few days and then he’d be put right back to work again.
He stood on wobbly legs, doing his best to walk over to his bedroom in as straight of a line as he could while walking like a newborn deer.
He flicked on the bathroom light switch and winced at how bright it was. He was still so sore, his body ached something awful. He walked over to the sink and braced himself against the porcelain countertop, gripping the cold edges as he looked at himself in the medicine cabinet’s mirror.
He looked awful. His skin was pale, the hearty tan he had was now something that didn’t look normal. The skin under his eyes was dark, his face looked sunken. His eyes were bloodshot, making the honey brown of his hues to look as dull as dirt.
He had turned on the faucet, allowing cold water to pool in his hands before bringing it up to his face, washing away the sweat and worries. He scrubbed his face, his neck, and his hands with cold water until he finally felt at least somewhat clean before he looked up into the medicine cabinet mirror once more.
He was a little thrown off by his appearance. Yes, he looked ghostly and all, but that was just a part of the process of healing he was told. But he was shocked mostly at his facial hair and his hair in general. His haircut Reyes would normally bark at him to keep up with its length; it was one of the first things Reyes had made a change to when he had practically adopted Cole (that and he had the poor boy eat more since he was a stick). Cole had managed to allow himself a curtain cut as the longest he could get under Reyes’ strict codes. The back was way longer, he could grab all of it in one hand. The front was way too long as well. And his face, the hair was way too long. He had just gotten a trim and a shave before he had left, why was it all so long now?
Cole ran a hand along his chin and jaw, brushing at the mixture of long hair and stubble growing in confusion when he felt his stomach turn. He felt suddenly hot, his throat tightening and his mouth growing moist.
Before he could do anything else, he dropped to his knees and spewed out whatever remained in his stomach into the toilet bowl… For the third time today.
That was the pattern: He would eat something, pass out to nap, wake up and vomit to only repeat the process.
Cole spit into the porcelain bowl, groaning to himself as his chest and stomach screamed at him from the inside.
“Can’t keep anything down, cowboy?” you questioned from the doorway.
He felt your hands on his back, rubbing soothing circles into his tense muscles. It felt like a gift from heaven.
“No,” Cole spit into the bowl again, “it’s the third time today.”
“Do you want me to get Angela?” Cole shook his head, placing his forehead against the lid of the bowl, enjoying how cold it was on his still-burning forehead. “I’ll bring you some more water and meds, and if you’re still not doing well by tonight I’ll take you. Okay?”
Cole glanced back at you in the doorway. You were in your full uniform. Morrison had you running around all day today, but the strike commander decided to finally give Cole a break and allow you to stay in all day with Cole tomorrow free of any calls or orders.
It was going to be heaven tomorrow, spending all day in bed with you.
“‘M fine, pumpkin,” Cole mumbled, turning his head back into the toilet bowl to spit up the remaining bile.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay?”
You pressed a kiss to Cole’s forehead before taking your leave.
Cole stood from the toilet and rubbed at his face, groaning as he felt his body ache all over.
Flushing the toilet, he rinsed his mouth out. As he turned to leave, he caught a glance of himself in the full-length mirror against the wall. There was a speck of blood on his left shoulder, staining through the gray of his t-shirt. Cole cursed to himself and peeled the shirt off immediately. His entire left shoulder and bicep up to his elbow had been wrapped thoroughly with bandages and medical tape. His entire right ankle was wrapped the same way where he was bitten. The deep scratches were stitched and bandaged too. He had been healing for nearly nine days at this point and his shoulder was still bleeding?
Lo and behold, there were a few red specks on the front of the shoulder wrappings.
Cole peeled off the bandages, accidentally taking some of the bicep bandages with it. He was shocked at the sight of his healing wound.
It was a rainbow of colors he had never expected to see before. He’s seen bites from animals before when he was in Deadlock, gang members always pissed off the coyotes and snakes around sure, but their wounds never healed like this before. Just around where the fangs pierced his skin were divots etched in, the skin was very dark, almost like a dark purple bruising that slowly faded into a pale yellow. It was so dark he swore it nearly looked black. When Cole touched where the wound was, he was confused when no blood was on his fingertips. Nothing had leaked open, no blood was flowing from his body. In fact, the wounds were all healed up on his shoulder, sealed and everything. Surely it would leave a scar on his body, but what is shocking him like this is that it was fully healed. It’s only bruised still.
Cole ripped off the rest of his bicep bandages, brows pinching together when he saw it was the exact same thing as his shoulder. No blood, no open wounds, and no scabs still healing. Just smooth, healed skin that was just bruised heavily.
Cole pulled off the bandages at his hips and what he could get off of his back where he got clawed into only to freeze. They have completely healed just the bite marks, yes, but this time there was no bruising to be found. Not even a scar where he was sliced into, just skin that matched perfectly with the rest of his.
He could only stare at himself in the mirror, utterly shocked and confused. He would never heal this fast.
Angela had to have given him something. Moira had to have done something to him.
Why else would he heal like this?
Cole backed away from the mirror and made to turn into the bedroom when he nearly bumped into you, spooking himself and you in the process.
“Hey, you’re standing up pretty well,” you commented. You were about to hand him a couple of painkillers when you looked directly at his bruised shoulder and arm. “What happened to your arm? Why did you unwrap it? It’s still healing-”
“It’s sealed,” Cole interrupted you.
He guided a finger along the new divots in his collarbone and the muscles of his shoulder to show they were no longer bleeding or raw. You looked completely shocked as you had to set down the glass and pills.
“What happened out there?” you suddenly asked. “What did Talon do, what did they have that could do something like this. Reyes won’t give me an answer, Moira is just always locked up in her lab and I don’t know where Genji is. Morrison doesn’t even know and that’s what is terrifying to me. Talon had something that can do something like this to a person?”
“I don’t even think it’s Talon’s,” Cole touched at his bicep.
“Then what-”
You were cut off by Cole’s door opening, and Reyes marching in. He only looked between the two of you with a stack of folders tucked under his arm as always.
“Put a shirt on, Cassidy, Morrison wants a talk between us all about what happened.”
“(Y/n) comes,” Cole protested, snatching up a (mostly) clean t-shirt.
Reyes looked back to you only to be met with a defiant stare only to look back at Cole.
“Morrison wants it only between us and him. I’m sorry.” He shifted the folders under his arm and looked back at you. “When he’s done with us, I promise I will inform you on what happened.” You couldn’t but sigh through your nose, knowing it was a near-empty promise Reyes could not keep due to Morrison being even stricter. Protocols and bullshit rules about higher-ups and whatnot. “Come on, Cassidy, best not keep the golden boy waiting too long.”
Cole spared a glance back at you, eyes with worry before following quickly behind his boss.
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The room was cold and dark, barely any light poured into the room from the hallways when Cole walked in right behind Reyes. It was the grand meeting room that he had only had the “gracious” offer of being allowed in when Overwatch received a grant from the European Union about a year ago. They had to groom the hell out of Cole to make him look just presentable enough to stick him behind a bunch of Overwatch agents in their brand-new shiny armor.
Genji was already there, standing against the wall inside of the room, Moira was not far behind the two either. She looked as though she hadn’t slept well the past few nights. He wanted to pipe up and ask her what was wrong (or even what the fuck she did to him) but his throat tightened before he could speak.
Morrison stood at the end of the grand table, back turned to the four as he looked at the papers in his hands. His shoulders were squared and tensed, he didn’t make a single move to acknowledge them as they entered. He flipped a page over in the folder, back still to the agents.
Classic Morrison. The flag pole is stuck so far up his ass that he’ll spit freedom as far as he can hock it. It’s always about business and duty and war with this man, ever since he was arrested and stuck in that cold holding cell. He was always undermining Reyes and all of the work he puts in for Blackwatch. Hell, he’s seen and heard Morrison try to ruin Blackwatch just to make his own image appear to be greater. What more could he want? He was the one successful super soldier and he had to rub everyone else’s noses in the fact that they pumped him full of the right chemicals.
The tall curtains had been drawn over the grand windows overlooking the Swiss Alps, casting the room in a blanket of eerieness. The carpet, Cole could smell it the moment he stepped through the giant carved doors, was freshly cleaned, making the room smell of flowers and a hint of bleach. The long rows of fancy wooden and cushioned chairs were all perfectly spaced apart and cleaned and pushed in just enough. The Overwatch runner that normally ran the length of the table was suddenly absent, something Cole knew was weird.
“Sit down,” Morrison’s voice cut through the air cleanly, “all of you.”
Reyes seemed the know the drill with all of this, nonchalantly sitting towards the middle of the lengthy table and put down his folders full of papers. Moira sat across from him, tired eyes looking at the back of the strike commander’s back.
Genji moved when Cole did, walking on opposite sides of the table. Cole sat down next to Reyes and Genji with Moira.
Morrison didn’t look back from the paperwork in his hands.
“Thirty-four of my agents went into those woods, and thirty-four ended up dead,” Morrison didn’t even bother to turn around to speak to them face-to-face. “Agents that I had to send there to recover the bodies of my deceased agents counted dozens of Talon agents strewn about, dead as well. All of the bodies were reportedly not killed by gunfire by the other party, but by animal attacks.” Morrison finally turned around, tossing the papers he had been looking at onto the meeting room table. Photos of mutilated corpses and animal prints in the mud as well of the breaking down facility scattered across the table before them all. Morrison planted both hands against the polished oak wood of the tabletop, brows lowered and nostrils flaring slightly. “What the hell happened at that base?”
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hakuna-machete · 2 years
Ok so stream of consciousness... OH MY GOD the scene of Wally and his mom where he breaks down next to her and then lets go of the jersey and perfect son persona BROKE me Especially with the memory of her pushing him back into the game implied that that is how he DIED. TEARS streaming down my face I swear. Like the ACTING in that scene. You can see in his eyes when he looks up at her cheering and yelling that he realizes she is stuck in that fake memory of him loving football and football being his life because it is HER life and she is there to celebrate the game that KILLED her son because she won't recognize or doesn't see that it was her insistence that he go back into the game even when he was hurt, even when he didn't want to, that got him killed.
The scenes with him and Maddie at the game were really sweet and I loved the delivery of his "you want to go to the dance with me" and then immediately back tracks, it was so genuine. Maddie is definitely in no place emotionally to be in a relationship but they are very cute.
Now into the meat:
So I've watched a lot of supernatural shows and so far this is not giving me supernatural horror. I can't see a twist where Mr. Martin is suddenly evil and eating souls. Usually with that kind of genre there are SOME kind of hints throughout the show. Even small ones in the background but so far nothing. Not even in tone. Maybe they will come in the coming episodes? Maybe they will do a big switch reveal at the end and pull it off really well who knows? Like if I had to stretch it I could put together someone liking Nicole's photo with Maddie's account, Maddie's back pack/squatter situation, the video being sent to Maddie's friends as possibly Janet possessing Maddie's body theory. But why would Janet hang around town in the body of a missing girl or try to help that girl's friends solve her "murder/disappearance"?
With Nicole's random shady moment at Maddie's mom's trunk and talk about forgiveness I think the hazy memory Maddie had of a fight in the boiler room may be between her and Nicole. But I do not think Nicole killed her. Nicole definitely thinks Maddie is alive. Her reaction to the like from Maddie's account on her photo and her behavior at the horror festival point to her genuinely believing that Maddie isn't dead. I think in the fight Nicole may have hurt Maddie and thinks that's why she ran away and is desperate to get her back because she feels so guilty.
Claire.... With the info we got in 1x05 Claire is giving less killer vibes and more kid in an abusive/unstable home who became ruthless and hard to survive and will do whatever it takes. Her early childhood was clearly unstable and frightening for her and then her mother marries "that rich guy" clearly one of those "leader in the community" types where image means everything. So now she has this perfect autobot sort of outer shell that she uses on everybody and it actively freaks people out when it slips and they can see how angry and scared she is underneath. Like she genuinely looked and sounded like a robot in that early scene with the other contender for homecoming queen. Maybe she did kill Maddie because she thought Maddie knew about her blackmailing the teacher? Maybe she is so stressed out because with that teacher caught, her scam could possibly be exposed and whatever consequences from her mother and stepfather are terrifying to her?
I love that Maddie is pretty self centered. It's just so very true. It's annoying and frustrating and genuine. She is a seventeen year old girl who was just MURDERED and she doesn't remember why or how or who and she just learned that ghosts are REAL and she is one and she is stuck in her high school possibly for DECADES and she has an alcoholic mother who she takes care of and her boyfriend may have murdered her but maybe not but he DEFINITELY cheated on her and her teacher that she really looked up to and took care of her was shady and may have done something to her but maybe it was one of her former friends that she had to abandon because of her mom and she can talk to one of her friends but no one else and is SO reliant on him and the other ghosts want her to move on and sure, some of them are nice and cool and she likes them but she can't really bond with them because she is so angry and depressed but she is still a kind person and in between all the chaos and horror her life is now she reaches out to them in the way she can but she is still SO DETERMINED to find out who killed her and why because just because she is dead doesn't mean she is GONE and she will keep fighting no matter what. I love Maddie.
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who-scrambled-my-ocs · 2 months
This started as fave egg recipes and devolved into anything involving “egg” XD
Also not everyone’s on here cause some didn’t inspire anything really interesting. I can add if asked B)
Neora: Living in Arcaelys, the land of the elves, most of her experiences have been with sweet foods and dishes. Beyond cakes and patisserie, she rarely gets variety in egg dishes. She thus doesn’t often cook it for herself and prefers alternatives during breakfast like toast with jams and butters.
However, on her visits to her mother she has often been treated to highly savoury foods like egg curry, egg chatamari, and the highly popular spicy fried boiled eggs which has left her with a nostalgic craving each time she heads back home with her dad. Her dad has occasionally requested herbs in order to make it as the occasional treat for them both during special occasions as she grew up. One of the few Arcaelys raised elves who often eats savoury foods
Tireal: similar palette to his daughter Neora, if perhaps more elven inclined. Enjoys sweet egg dishes greatly and is less prepared for the spicy dishes his ex-wife prepared for him and their daughter, often being left red faced and wheeze-laughing through tears as his littol girl giggled at his silly face, smiling fond at the chuckles of his former partner
Evan: Scrambled, he likes to crack the eggs straight in the pan and toss the shells in one swift move, which has been upgraded to Taren the moss-fae-fox snatching em up midair to crunch on as excellent fertiliser for his fur, much to Evan’s amusement.
Evan himself will continue to shake and agitate the eggs until they’re fluffy with light crunchy bits in between, adding some thyme, salt and pepper to the mix. If he’s making breakfast meat with it, he’ll use the oil of that to fry said eggs in
Sia: Usually sunny side up. But doesn’t even actually like eggs all that much, and has had the existential crises thought of wondering if that’s because she’s technically a Mythical Bird
However that thought was quickly confuddled upon observing little Raspberry absolutely going to town on an egg, pecking and chipping it to smithereens, gulping it down faster than she could think, and then watching Raspberry fly off into the sunrise to build another nest. An experience which has left her with a whirlwind of thoughts about biology, life, magic, her own self, and what it all means in the grand scheme of things despite Fate not existing.
Drowns her sunny side up eggs in cinnamon now so she does not have to go through another existential rabbit hole while eating breakfast with everyone present. Can’t think about eggs when ya can’t taste em. Hehe…
Felix: An absolute feast at his theìa’s house, scrambled eggs with tomatoes fried in olive oil, oregano, basil and crumbled feta on top. Something he’d devoured in a hurry with his brother and cousins, before rushing out the door to play as his mama and theìa gossiped the hot day away, a full stomach warming his thin frame as dust swirled around his running feet.
Something he took so greatly for granted, as all kids do, and shed tears over when he ate again at his theìa’s house many, many years later. Felix’s soft spot is food, and the feeling of being finally satiated after a meal is a feeling he treasures dearly with every spoonful of delicious kayanas and his theìa fussing over him
Lucas: Despite appearances, Lucas is as much an excellent cook as his husband is, considering he learned much from him. His literal sea life diet of raw fish and unfortunate human flesh has long been put aside for more, palatable sushi and richer, livelier, Chosen prey.
As thus, he has learned to cook his meals with a patience that is almost reverent as he carefully lowers eggs in perfectly cooked sauce, poaching them to a perfect consistency. Uova All’inferno, Eggs in purgatory in Italian, and yes, he still enjoys gulping them whole with an amused irony at the name as he considers his own nature. But its rich and warm and perfectly done, and he savours every moment of it
Bruno: Frittata al tartufo, Uova All’inferno, Frittata di zucchine, Deviled eggs, etc etc etc. He’s had so many egg dishes he’s long lost count of all he’s tried, and all he’s made uniquely his own. With so many recipes, one would expect something fancy and rich and over the top to be his favourite, no?
Surprisingly, it’s the simple dish that captures his interest best here. A simple sunny side up, cooked very similar to Lucas’s own purgatory poached eggs, heaped with flavourful ingredients on the side true. But the simple egg yolk is allowed to shine as it practically melts over the rest of the dish, adding a rich flavouring only the basics sometimes can give, being a spotlight on their own.
Lewis: Easter eggs. As a baker and pattiserier he would often spent countless hours painting food safe dyes onto chocolate eggs, placing a basket up front of his shop for the kids to come and choose one out of.
Had an extra special batch he’d make just for Mairae and her kids, blushing greatly as he offered the sweet strawberry filled treats to the trio and sighing fondly as they left his shop, happy for the rest of the day (but no he definitely wasn’t in love. Definitely not. No no)
Flint and Rho: Both love a good hard boiled egg, with Flint chomping into it and eventually eating it straight whole as he grows bigger than the egg. Rho will take sweet little bites, and make happy smacks and coos in between each nibble
Yarrow: Who cares about what Sia and Evan’s deadbeat dad liked? But for lore sake it will be said, he never learned to properly cook. Mooched off his parents spoiling and complained constantly about everything put on his plate to them. “Praised” Mairae highly on her learning how to cook human dishes early in the relationship while simultaneously chipping at her self confidence with passively hurtful comments, knowing full well what he was doing.
Rotten fucking egg through and through
Juliette: *spoilers. Reminder to add once introduced*
Denise *spoilers. Reminder to add once introduced*
Seth: *spoilers. Reminder to add once introduced*
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maxdark158 · 1 year
Making my own rottmnt timeline (that includes lost episodes) and i think I'm going to start making vent posts instead of finding new friends to harass with my problems until they're exhausted/hj
So far I've put the episodes in a tenuous order. Because they aired out of order (evidence: hypno part deux happens at the same time as repo mantis but airs well after repo mantis AND the appearance of the turtle tank, also the first episode to show hueso is the fast and furriest, NOT the episode they meet him) I've had to basically just. Use context clues to the best of my ability and a lot of pain, suffering, and some tears. Now I'm going to try and make a timeline based on. Ya know. Time. As much as I can anyway with the like 4 dates the series provides
Below the cut is copy pasted woes I've sent to a friend
(These messages are sent to a friend over 24 hours of agony)
Fml btw
I'm trying to figure out a timeline for rottmnt
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It is n ot easy
Also... I think I'm going to make my life even more hellish and include the lost episodes
I do actually have a pretty great source for those luckily!
There's a number of episodes that have nothing besides their episode name, some of which one of the creators said could be fake episide names. It's mentioned in this post
these are all the episodes that have NO released stuff besides the episode name. not a description, not any concepts, nothing. some of them i do think are real (april showers and mayhem flowers) but some of them. no idea tbh
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the post discusses 2 that person thinks are real based on context clues but yeah idk how many of these ill include in my timeline given i have NOTHING to go off of 😭
April showers mayhem flowers I think is to address mayhem leaving
Maybe splash hogs is something to do with the shell hogs or meat sweats?
In the og battle nexus NY, big mama and shredder were supposed to fall down to the hidden city, her hotel completely crashing down through NY. Maybe spiders web widens was supposed to be them helping big mama, or trying to, something referenced in the aired version of the episode when splinter tried to help her?
Friend: I think that could be likely. Read something awhile a back stating that, season 2 was gonna be more focused on big mama as the villain n so on and that.. would've really fit
Yepp. Cause the funny thing is that battle nexus NY was supposed to happen MID SEASON
And after that, they're basically trying to find her and the shredder cause they both booked it, racing against the foot to do so
Also something I realized since I'm obsessing over rottmnt atm:
It's Mrs. Cuddles
Who the FUCK is she married to??
I can feel my brain deteriorating
So fast and the furriest, newsworthy, and mascot melee, HAVE to occur before Bug Busters in the timeline. That also means hypno part deux and repo HAVE to occur before then, as well as donnie's gifts and newsworthy. Mascot Melee is the latest to occur in that bunch, because it's the only one post turtle tank debut. The rest are either the debut episode or don't have any turtle tank
So far so good, right?
Thing is timeline wise I'm trying to also follow along mystic power trends, so raphs episodes struggling with mystic powers/not yet doing a full body mode has to also be before bug busters. War and pizza, minotaur maze, and maybe longest fight? If I remember right?
Well longest fight does have to be earlier in the timeline because raph says "the freaky flame guys are back stealing jewelry", kind of implying this is the second time they've seen the foot, so it's def earlier/mid season
Friend: I admire you for how dedicated you are to this- doing what Nick refused to do.
That does sound right!
(Thank you dude that helped a lot)
Not to mention they underestimate the flame guys enough to keep watching skateboarding, cause they got a decently good victory against them the first time
Minotaur maze ALSO has to be pre turtle tank, because that's the episode they discover the mutant pizza place, which they visit when trying to find the turtle tankI think the gumbus happened while donnie was building the turtle tank. It's an introduction episode, so its earlier in the series, but there's 0 donnie (or raph, but raph could also be doing his own thing or helping get materials for don)I do think there should be some episodes between repo and turtle tank, because that was NOT a quick build, but there's only like 3 episodes without donnie and 2 of them have to happen a bit later
You got served has to happen after portal jacked, because portal jacked is when leo went from "annoying ass gremlin" to "begrudgingly my nephew". Why would hueso call for Leo's help pre portal jacked with how he was acting during the start of portal jacked? I think portal jacked is after the fast and the furriest, and cause Leo's been going there a lot he sees hueso as an adult he can get help from even tho hueso is annoyed af by him
And portal jacked should also happen earlier cause leo still doesn't understand how to get to the hidden city on his own, but if it happened after splinter began getting involved again not only would he be able to ask for the doohickey again, he'd probably *go to his dad for help in the first place*
So portal jacked is definitely BEFORE shadows of evil, despite what air dates tell you
Leo's portal powers are also more improved than the start, he's able to make large portals and usually succeeds at making them, but he gets the location wrong. Its probably just before or after late fee, where he also makes a large portal, but seems unsure if it'll work. Probably similar timing to mutant menace too, cause he makes a large portal but doesn't control where it'll go very well
So portal jacked is earlier making you got served later so it can't happen before bug busters
Nothing but truffle is the other no donnie episode, it has to happen AFTER Mrs cuddles though because she's in the episode. It also happens after repo, which does mean it *could* be while donnie is building the tank, but it's kind of implied meat sweats has seen mikey more than once or twice.
Idk, tbh I have a lot of trouble placing nothing but truffle
so far this is the timeline im most sure on. the highlighted episodes I have concrete evidence for their placement. i've inferenced the other two tbh but they make sense
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as you can see, i havent even gotten to bug busters yet. it's so confusing rip
i think purple jacket has to be pre turtle tank because if the dragons could steal donnie's leathal weapon filled tank and use it, why would they NOT?? but they only stole his battle shells and tech bo, so i presume the tank wasn't finished yet so they didn't bother stealing it
shell in a cell just has to happen earlier to allow ghost bear to continue being a nuicence, i put it where it makes sense i think? may move it an episode or two higher or lower, but it's definitely within this list somewhere
I just thought this placement made sense cause the raph/leo fight in minotaur maze wasn't really resolved, so that tension could carry over to shell in a cell in which they make up and fight together
Smart lair I think is post bullhop, and bullhop is ABSOLUTELY post pizza pit
Things get more muddled after bug busters
The only things that have to happen a certain way is Pizza Pit -> Bullhop -> Smart Lair -> Mind Meld. There can be episodes between them, but they have to be in that order
Oh my god
Oh my god
Cloak and swaggart might be WAY EARLIER in the timeline than i ever expected what
There's a potential cameo of the Sandro Brothers pre mutation in it???
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I'm losing my mind this would move every sunita episode up by a LOT
Cause this is the last sunita episode!!! But it has to happen pre evil league of mutants??
Oh my god
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Now are they wearing cloaking brooches or name tags?
Probably name tags
Cause of the shape. Brooches are. Well. Brooches. Very semicircle. These are flat
But also this fucks with the timeline so badly?? Cause now shelldon has to be moved up, but also splinter is taking them on a training mission?? He didn't begin seriously training them until AFTER shadows of evil!
Fuck it. They're cloaking brooches. They panicked cause "I recognize that pig dude"
Should mystic library be before or after shadows of evil?
It's definitely later, cause raph uses full form mystic powers and increased size, his mystic powers are very adept. But how late?
Friend: Aftwr
Thank you
Tbh the biggest wrench in everything is Snow Day
Because Snow Day clearly takes place in *winter*
So it is just. An outlier
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If you read through all that thank you, you're lovely
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alqualonde-s · 1 year
just keep chewing
TWs: implied cannibalism, body dysmorphia, disordered eating
Finrod had more body, once. Once, he had hips and thighs and stomach and breasts, had delighted in all of his body even when he began living as a nér. He dressed to show it off too, other than flattening his chest, had never felt an ounce of shame over any of it. When Amarië decided to begin crafting herself a changed body to better feel like a nís he had modeled for her, letting her feel up every inch to get her own body just right. Half of that ended with them in bed together, enjoying the beauty of their bodies.
On the Ice he had no body except to hurt. His body was a shell he was trapped in, one that tried to protect his fëa from the tearing wind and icy harsh. He tried to avoid thinking about it at all, else the filth of rarely being able to bathe, the chap of his lips and skin, the way every injury hurt more in the cold, the bite of hunger, overwhelmed him. To think was to fall behind and to fall behind was to be lost and he could not be lost.
This is what cold does: it deadens feelings and heightens all else. It demands attention to your body and when it no longer does the end is coming. Everything feels worse in the cold.
This is what the dark does: it makes every shadow into a monster, makes fear something that lives in your chest. Once, the waning light had meant they were leaving Valimar, were leaving Tirion, were going home. The dark had never been so complete.
In the dark, in the cold, things get blurry. The meat you are handed could be meat of the great white bears that lurk in the dark. The meat could be from the fish they spear through the ice. The meat could be… it all tastes the same, in the dark. It tastes like frozen blood and the force of chewing.
The mark of leadership, Finrod convinced himself, was self-denial. It was giving your share of the meat to your people, siblings, heart-niece. It was being offered the choicest pieces of liver and saying no, give it to those who need it, I will eat the cast-offs of tough, old fish, I will drink Song and eat ice.
Fingon would say the mark of a leader is to do as others do, to lead by example. For Fingon, that meant eating up. Licking his fingers clean of the blood. To make the sacrifice they do. To be as guilty as they are.
Finrod left the ice without an ounce of fat to his hips, to breasts he barely had to bind, to a stomach that couldn’t handle the fresh, bloody meat of rabbit.
The last time he could see himself was in Tirion, dressing for the day and pouting at himself in the mirror. He had been lush then, counted among the fairest of the Eldar. The light of Laurelin has burnished him gold. Now he looked at himself in the clear lake, the one he was told was called Mithrim, and saw a stranger. Not a prince but a coward. Not noble, self-sacrificial, but self-righteous and afraid. Shadowed, haggard, fair no more.
He never really regained himself. Meat he didn’t know the origin of sent him to the bathroom, eating politely and retching into the sink quietly. Food too rich he split with Edrahil. Seeing too much food on the table provoked an anxiety that others lacked, that he was taking food from his people’s mouths. He checked and rechecked their inventory, especially when winter approached.
Would Amarië still think his body beautiful, so gorgeous she could spend the day between his thighs, in his arms, against his lips?
It wouldn’t matter, of course. She would never see him again. How would she, when home has so thoroughly rejected him, when the Doom laid on meant he would never leave the Halls, when he had already Seen that his death would be in Beleriand?
Everything in his body rejected it, the hot blood in his throat, the fur in his teeth, the toughness of the flesh. Cartilage crunched between his teeth. Hunger panged in his stomach.
Fingon was right.
The mark of a leader is to just keep chewing.
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transgamerism · 7 months
blood and foam
rating: T
characters: The Dark Urge, Lae’zel, Shadowheart
summary: “The Dark Urge is birthed from its prosthetic womb, carrying a new parasite and a gaping void in its brain. A Nautiloid falls from the sky.
Destiny awaits.”
ao3 link (follow for content warnings and description tags) or read below
(many thanks and especially manly kisses to @necro-hamster for giving this a look and making sure it is fit for the public eye)
The Dark Urge tumbles out of its chitinous egg, the bone and sinew womb that kept it contained. The floor rumbles beneath its cheek, the smell of acid and burning filling its nose. Everything aches and burns, this body that trembles like a sickly foal as it shuffles to its feet, unfamiliar in movement and surrounding. Its head throbs horribly, the vile grub digging around in its brain an uncomfortable sensation that makes its eyes water.
It stands in the destroyed hatchery for a moment, reacquainting itself with breath and life. The presence of limbs it can control and a head that can think, though the thoughts are troubling and jumbled. Every twitch of its eye brings fragments, a wood and stone city, a river of blood, dark tunnels. One thought bullies forward into the front of its mind: escape. Rip and tear through the fleshy membrane of this vessel, gnaw its way out, be free.
The slick corridors may have once been twisting, but now fire and the great claws of red dragons have given the Dark Urge only one way out, and they take it, moving at a swift crouch. This is familiar, the stalking, the creeping, the keen ear listening for movement. So too is the way its heart races at the sound of a voice, a tinkling whisper, brushing against its flesh. A rush of excitement spills down its spine, the promise of prey. The cooing little brain speaks to it from inside the elf’s skull, defenseless and in need of help. It’s sticky soft in the Dark Urge’s hands as it pulls the creature out of the skull, and it yields easily to its claws.
The Dark Urge thinks of its own brain, full of holes and gaps, and the pictures become reality, ripping and tearing the mind meat of the intellect devourer in its clutches. It shreds with claws and then teeth, playing more than eating, though it does indulge in swallowing a few precious morsels as it does its work. The taste is foul but the feeling is elation, and it drops the dead thing to the ground, a pile of trembling pink viscera.
The next living creature the Dark Urge encounters seems less edible, a yellow thing protected by a shining silver carapace, perfect at deflecting the Dark Urge’s claws and teeth. It is also armed with a long, wicked talon of its own, aiming it at the Dark Urge as it hisses curses. The Dark Urge hunches into a defensive position, mind racing as it considers points of escape and how to pry the edible fleshy bits from the silver shell, when a new attack leaves it prone, clutching its poor shattered skull.
Images accost it, sights and smells: a star streaked black sky, the smell of blood, others with yellow faces, the flash of silver swords, the arched back of a red dragon. A curious creature, pink fleshed and topped with fluffy white hair nearly obscuring small horns, utterly naked and scored with scars, flaming eyes peering out of a snarling face.
The Dark Urge flinches away from recognition, understanding that pink beast to be itself, perceived by another. It blinks up with new understanding at this Githyanki, the title pulled from its connection with the other. She no longer has her blade leveled toward its throat, but sneers down at it all the same. “You are no thrall,” she says, though her tone is uncertain. The Dark Urge, too, is uncertain, but rises to its feet. She’s a small warrior, but it can feel the controlled power coming off of her. This Githyanki would have made a very poor meal.
She further demonstrates this barely a moment later, when they are beset by small fiends, imps that flutter on naked batwings and throw fire with their hands. The Githyanki uses her sword well, and appraises the Dark Urge as it descends on an imp with clawed hands, ripping a wing off and flinging it over the side of the Nautiloid (another word lifted from the Githyanki’s mind). The remaining imps fall easily, leaving the Dark Urge coated in stinking sulfurous blood.
The Githyanki drops to her knees a few paces away, stripping the clothes from a corpse and holding the fabric pile out to the Dark Urge. At its questioning look, she clicks her tongue and says, “Reaching the helm will be easier if you are less exposed. Quickly!”
The Dark Urge takes the clothing and puts it on, muscle memory having it tie the boot laces before its mind catches up, same with the shirt buttons. It feels odd, fabric separating it from its bloody work. Was it like this before? Was it used to cotton and wool softening its body against slaughter?
The Dark Urge is familiar with this, tethered to the leash of the Githyanki’s command, ripping through a few more intellect devourers (armed now with twin daggers found on another corpse, and small handheld crossbow), but seeing another trapped within her own nautiloid womb gives it pause. Behind each blink are images, blood blurred and aching, of entrapment within the mindflayer mother’s cradle. Each time the half-elf pummels the glass with her fists, the Dark Urge feels a sympathetic pain in its own hands.
It defies the Githyanki’s demands, releasing the half-elf from her prison, reveling in the rush of disobedience, of choice, even as it makes the Dark Urge’s guts heave with uncertainty.
The half-elf rises, her long dark braid swinging, and for a moment the Dark Urge expects the smell of coppersweet rot and roses, sees a long blonde plait in its mind’s eye, but then the feeling is gone and this Shadowheart is thanking it. The Githyanki scowls.
“What is your name?” Shadowheart asks, and the Dark Urge blinks. There is only flesh, and broken brain matter, and the urge to rip and tear. Aside from that, and the flickering tingles of memory that tease at the corners of its mind, there is darkness. And yet, on instinct, the Dark Urge’s mouth forms an answer.
“Étaín,” it says, a hundred times, a thousand, the name it has always had. Easy and natural on the tongue, and yet it bids forth no association. Just a bit of flotsam bobbing back and forth on the cool dark waters of its destroyed memory.
“We’ve wasted enough time,” the Githyanki snaps, stalking away toward where she’s certain the helm lies. Étaín and Shadowheart fall in behind her, Étaín’s mind a lapping tide of foaming secrets still.
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margridarnauds · 2 years
Hello, I'm a fan of the musical Marie Antoinette. I'm enjoying your fanfic. Maybe you don't write the "A Brace of Snakes" series anymore? I'm love your writing and waiting because I'm curious about the following. (It's okay to read English, but I'm not used to writing, so I used a translator. If my sentence is rude, forgive me.)
You're not bothering me at all! (And the English translator actually worked very well.) Thank you very much, I'm incredibly honored that you love it so much!
It's still going to be updated! I love those two too much to not do anything with them -- With Brace, I have the entire plot mostly sketched out, right up to the ending (the ending is actually already written -- it was one of the first scenes I wrote), and I have some vague plans for that universe up until about the 1830s or thereabouts. The fic as it stands on AO3 is currently at about 9,396 words -- The WIP in my GDocs is currently standing at about 19,940, about 58 pages, and I have about 2-3 other fics set in that universe that are also pretty big and that have never been published. There's a lot of work to be done, and there are a couple of older fics of mine that I also owe endings to now that I'm writing regularly again, but it's in a really good place. Margrid and Orléans are really, really important to me as a ship (I love my parents, even and especially when they fight and nearly tear down the country during their very bad, public breakup -- the recent Korean proshot nearly BROKE ME during the trial scene); they're probably still one of my biggest ships and I can't really see a time where I'm not writing for them in some way or another, and Brace was actually really good for me since it let me get out a lot of how I thought that dynamic worked and how it happened.
The next chapter's been tricky to write because we're going to see them taking a big step forward, and then we start going into the timeline of the musical and the Affair of the Diamond Necklace in the chapter after it, so I want to make sure it's really well developed and well written before I publish it.
Incidentally, if you ever want to talk to me about the musical -- any part of the musical, not just about them -- feel free to message me; I promise I don't bite and I'm always willing to talk.
An excerpt from the planned sixth chapter, as an apology for the wait:
“You know,” Hébert says, conversationally, as if he’s discussing some droll fact like that the sun is bright that day or he secretly has three testicles, “I’m a nice fellow.”  
Margrid doesn’t laugh. 
Margrid doesn’t snort. 
Margrid cackles, in a way that she can only compare to a rabid monkey, if she’d ever been allowed to see a rabid monkey in person. (Agnés said no when she asked, crushing her heart which, when she thinks about it now, really was good preparation for the rest of her childhood.) 
“I’m serious!” Hébert continues. 
“I know!” Margrid wipes the tears off of her eyes. “That’s why I’m laughing.” 
 The man can go barely five seconds without eyeing her up like a dog eyeing a piece of meat in a butcher’s window, but, hey, he’s nice. He can’t let her get so much as a word in edgewise without trying to tell her what she really thinks, but, hey, he’s nice. 
 “Consider this:” Hébert wags a finger, like that will make her take him seriously, “I’d be willing to take you on, even after Orléans has had his fun with you.” 
That sobers her up, though not for the reasons he wants it to. “Orléans? What about him?” 
Hébert looks out into the street, waiting, a bit like a turtle poking its head out of its shell, to see whether anyone’s watching, and then leans over to her, hissing, “Don’t play stupid.” 
“No, that’s your job,” Margrid replies. 
“Everyone knows you’re fucking him.”  
She cackles. “Orléans? Him?” 
“He has a reputation.” “Don’t I know it! I can’t go two days without hearing something new.” 
“Hey!” Margrid brandishes the cantine towards him. She doesn’t think that a man’s ever been killed via a canteen hitting them in the face, but there’s no better time to try. “I’m not fucking him. And I’m not going to fuck him.” “So long as you remember that.” Hébert mutters as he walks off. 
“Oh, fuck off.” She returns to her water, only to find, as she tilts it to her lips again for one last sip, that it’s totally drained. Fucking Hébert. She doesn’t know how it’s his fault, but it is. 
Orléans. Everyone thinks she’s fucking- She doesn’t like him.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
katsuki slaps your pussy whenever you act up <3
love, 🍭
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— pussy slappin’ + katsuki bakugou.
warning(s): smut, mdni 18+, slight!brat taming, fingering (f!receiving), afab!reader, overstimulation, edging, pussy slaps, squirting. <3
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“not so tough now, are ya brat?” katsuki’s breath is hot against the shell of your ear, an arm wrapped around your shoulders to squeeze you to his chest and the other snug between your wet and doughy thighs. when you don’t respond, you feel the stretch of your boyfriend’s lips into a sick smirk against your heated skin, you feel the way an amused laugh brews in the root of his chest and blossoms against his tongue. you have your regrets about bratting him today, but you absolutely love when he’s riled up like this. “got nothin’ t’say? when you had all that mouth f’me in front of the others earlier. hah, what a fuckin’ shame.” he’d been edging you for hours on his couch for this very reason, taunting and tweaking your body until you’re close only to rip your orgasm away from you.
that is until katsuki switched to overstimulation, watching you cum and cum until there was practically nothing left in you.
his hands push at the meat of your thighs, grazing heart shapes and other love filled patterns against their insides right up until he reaches your core and your resolve crumbles. bakugou pushes a thumb against your pulsating and sensitive clit, watching as your body attempts to arch away from his and you break character— a sweet symphony of wails and whines breaking free from between your lips.
“f-fuck!..kats…kats ‘m sorry— can’t is too much, ‘m sorry i don’t want anymore! please..” you plead with him, legs thrashing and trembling while you attempt to squirm away from katsuki’s chest, cunt betraying you and gushing all over his pants and leather couch.
“there you fuckin’ are, hah? y’gonna make some noise baby? cry a little more?” bakugou tears you, amused by the tears pricking in your bambi eyes as he spreads his thighs more and yours with them to expose your hot, saccharine sex to the cool air— his fingers don’t stop, drawing a mix of delicate and rough shapes against the numb— lifting the hood of your clit as blood rushes to it. “you’re gonna cum again. don’t care if ya want it or not. that’s how we learn our lessons, ain’t that right beautiful..” it takes you a second, through the haze of post orgasm bliss, the extra stimulation and katsuki curling two of his rough and calloused fingers against your soft inner walls to realise that he’s talking to your pussy. he’s purring behind you, praising your silken cunt and how fucking wet she is.
“katsuki,” you slur this time, pelvis rising high off of his lap, legs threatening to snap shut the faster bakugou fingers your sensitive hole to oblivion, he lets them glide through your folds— gathering your juices before he finger fucks them back into, groaning in your ear from how soaked you are before he kisses the side of your head.
“hm?” he purrs; blood red eyes glued to where his fingers to easily disappear inside of you, lewd squelches echoing throughout the room.
“i’m… hm..please— i wanna cum,” your lips push into a pout, head thrown back and digging into katsuki’s shoulders as he slows his pace down— dragging his thumb over your clit in dangerously slow and tight circles. “‘m gonna cum…i can’t please—please.”
bakugou smiles cruelly, laughs into your ear and picks up the speed again, squeezing you close to him. “my baby’s gonna cum, huh? all over my fingers ‘n my fuckin’ thighs like a slutty little mess, yeah?” his words are rushed and scrabble your brain as his fingertips brush against your g-spot, pounding into you as if they were his cock. “should i let you cum or should i make ya hold it?”
just when you thought you could relax, when you believed the relief of an orgasm would wash over you— katsuki pulls his fingers from your weeping sex, spreading them apart so you can see the clear strings of your arousal connecting them before he crudely slaps his hand down on your quivering pussy. “oh my—fuck!”
“i wan’cha to cum like this baby, i know you can.” he repeats his actions, cooing into your ear while you struggle in his grip, moans raising an octave, body giving up on you as you shake and fall apart. “you wanna cum so bad? then do it. let go f’me.” again, again, again. katsuki slaps a hand down against your clit, rubbing it in a smooth circle for just a second before he repeats his actions, ruining your pussy. each time it’s harder, each time you’re one step closer to orgasm and you wish you could control it, the hold this man has over you.
“oh god! k-kats, ‘m cumming— i’m cumming!” you squeal when it finally washes over you, the dam breaking as your whole body trembles and a clear stream of your arousal stains katsuki and the floor bellow— he doesn’t stop, tapping at your clit with wet slaps throughout your high. “s-stop, katsuki please.”
“nuh-uh, wanna see more. wanna see how that cute cunt squirts for me.” he slaps your pussy again, smiling proudly when you squirt even more, release splashing down your thighs. “i’ll stop when you learn to stop actin’ up, yeah?”
and you barely have the breath to agree, overstimulated, edged too much and far too gone.
just the way katsuki likes it when you act up and talk back to him.
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reilliane · 3 years
Vigil ✤ Kazuha
V i g i l
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A/N: Here is the Kazuha angst, sweeties :')) I wrote this with my prepared angsty playlist hehe- I.. well, my heart cracked..
✤ She/her
✤ Warnings: Death
➸ Honor (Sequel) ➸ Little Brother (Scenario) Resolve (Alternate Ending)
Words: 3.9k
"Text in this format means dialogue in flashback!"
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The memory of peering into the crib with excited blabbers remains fresh, untarnished with the passing of time.
It feels like it’s just yesterday when your mother reached for the wailing baby laying inside to hand him in your caring touch.
“This is your little brother, [Name].” you squealed when the boy clung unto your finger, “His name is Kazuha. Be a good sister for him, understand?”
Ah, that did feel as if it was just yesterday.
Dropping the basket of laundry, you frantically looked around.
He was sprinting, arms flailing as tears spilled past his eyes and panicked exclaims left his lips.
His friend was chasing him from behind, laughing as he waved an undercooked fish—your brother’s worst nightmare.
Comedic but understandable.
“Tomo’s making me eat it!” your younger brother mumbled behind you, pointing accusingly towards his friend who sheepishly spluttered excuses at your stern gaze.
Taking the skewered fish in Tomo’s hands, you hummed, patting his and Kazuha’s heads.
“How about I cook something for the both of you, instead? How’s that sound?”
“Yes, please! Nee-chan’s cooking is the best!”
You can never get tired of cooking for the two of them, even if your sibling eventually asked to be taught, you find yourself still taking over cooking duty. Lovingly whipping up dishes is your forte.
It stuck around when the household eventually lost the attending servants following the fall of the Kaedehara clan. It even stuck through the grim times of your parents’ passing.
Kazuha had gone through so much at a young age, changed little by little—and you aren’t oblivious to it. With his growth, you are a witness to his budding shell of maturity.
Single years fold into a decade and all of a sudden, the mirthful silverette who doesn’t last a day without calling you ‘big sister’ has grown up.
Far too quickly, to be honest, but who are you to hold him back?
“You don’t call me ‘nee-san’ nowadays,” you laugh jokingly, “My, you’ve grown so much, Kazu!”
He stares at the plates of food you set on the dining table, his sigh small and feeble as you continue gushing. Albeit he has a smile on his face, it appears tight. Forced.
But you turn a blind eye to that—you’ve always been doing it.
Now, however, it seems that your brother has grown tired of humoring you. It has been going on for too long.
“I’m not some child anymore..” his monotonous voice is so unlike him—it’s as if he no longer is the person you grew up with.
Having him address it bluntly prompts you to pause, the only sound being the sizzling of unagi meat, frying to perfection.
The richness of its color, however, dulls when you process what your sibling has mentioned.
As if its vividness is an illusion meant to shield you from present-day reality.
Still, you shake it away, keeping the smile on your face as you set the fried meat on a new plate, turning to put it down on the table beside the other dishes.
“Oh, Ka-“ you stop, seeing the look in his eyes.
The way his carmine optics bore against your [c]s is foreign.
It’s scary.
It’s different. It’s new.
You sit down in front of him, trying not to show how restless you’ve become. Such an attempt is futile, of course, since you’re in front of the person you’ve been with for years.
Silence zips your lips when he lays his chopsticks down. It isn’t by any means a slam—but someone like Kazuha doesn’t need to be outright with anything in order to express a negative opinion.
“So please refrain from initiating unnecessary coddling,” he cuts you off with a swivel as he leaves for the door. “I have grown up now, sister. I... need you less.”
A multitude of emotions hit you at once, all coming from his sudden statement that feels like it can tear you apart. But oh—who were you kidding?
You know that this will eventually come.
The very day where he admits that he is capable of being alone. Without you.
The opening of the door causes you to stand from your chair, “Wait!”
He does as you said but doesn’t look back. His hand remains on the handle of the knob, unchanging of his decision to leave.
You tug the black and red scarf from your neck, inching close to the man so you can wrap it around his neck.
“It’s cold outside.. won’t you at least eat something?”
It takes him a moment to respond—but his decision does not change.
He detangles the fabric on his neck and, without looking you in the eye, sets it in your hand, rejecting your offer.
And he’s gone.
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Nothing changed much after he left with that declaration.
Often times he still returns in the dead of night, a smile on his face. It will only ever droop when you come in the room greeting him a lovely evening, and he will sigh.
“I told you not to wait up for me.”
He will depart for his room before he can hear your explanation.
It leaves you hanging, hollow with bitter hope and refusal to believe that you both have reached that time in life where he doesn’t need you as much.
Each time he turns his back, you are filled to the brim with sorrow you didn’t know you were capable of holding.
Retreating to the upper floor of your home, you will stay at the balcony sighing your concerns away to the stars. To the place where you believe your parents are staying, listening to your bouts of frustration and worry.
“Was I a good sibling for him, mother? Father?” you’ll sometimes mutter as you play with your silver locks, the only thing you share with your sibling other than the forgotten name of a once esteemed clan.
And as you vent all these to the stars, you remain oblivious to the lone figure hiding by the shadows in the adjacent room. His frown is tiny. Sad, but not guilty.
Kazuha will leave once again before he’ll hear his sister’s frustrated cries.
Sometimes, he will chew over it when he is wandering Inazuma—thinking, pondering if perhaps there could’ve been a way to say it without hurting his sibling.
But as he contemplates over and over, he finds that there is no easy method to admitting the truth.
His friend Tomo, albeit not being told anything, is naturally cognizant of the things revolving around the silver-haired siblings.
The older sister’s presence has been diminishing and he can count her appearances at Kazuha’s side getting less.
He has implied several times to make up with the female even if they had no outright argument, and when faced with a baffled question of ‘why’, Tomo only smiles.
“Because you’re family.”
So simple and yet—when Kazuha thinks of the matter a minute longer, the taste in his tongue becomes acrid.
“What upsets you?” his friend questions as he coos over his white feline, “You’re not the Kazuha who’s always crying for big sister, heh.”
The silverette cannot even find it within him to send a retort. His silence, to others, is a message that typifies a want to be alone—but to Tomo, who has known him since they’re both children, that silence is different.
With a hum, he stretches his limbs, yawning as his cat rolls around the grass.
“You know, [Name] won’t hate you for wanting it,” he starts, “You want to wander, don’t you? But you feel like you’re tied down. You’re grounded—because [Name] is here.”
Kazuha flinches and his friend snickers.
Spot on.
“I’m just going to repeat what I said because I meant it, Kazuha. Tell her the truth. She’s literally the most understanding person I know—it’s not like she’s going to despise you for wanting something.”
“… I’ll think about it.”
Tomo sighs. It’s not what I was hoping for but it’s a start.
Remembering something that moment, Tomo lets out a loud scream that nearly sent his friend toppling in the nearby stream of water. Kazuha looks on with slightly wide eyes as the other man jumps to his feet, violet eyes gleaming.
“Oh, right! I plan to initiate another challenge!”
Another challenge…
Kazuha closes his eyes with a hum, “I do hope you’ll last another. You’ve been faced with the worst of the worst.”
The chuckles that leave his friend’s lips are excited and sort of expectant.
“It’s going to be the ultimate one of all! So if you’ll excuse me~”
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Perhaps a talk with your brother will do you both good.
You’ve both been acting like strangers walking on eggshells underneath the same house and it is driving you insane.
He’s not even looking you in the eye anymore!
Given his quiet personality, confrontation will be difficult, but he’s a cooperative person. Besides, he always hears you out.
There isn’t any reason for him not to when he knows that this will be done only for the betterment of the future.
So, with a nervous disposition but eager heart to settle things right, you lift the basket from its place with plans to head over to the market. It’s an hour or two before dusk, just the perfect time to shop for dinner.
“Mm.. some dry-braised salted fish for tonight sounds lovely.” You muse, remembering how the dish is your brother’s favorite.
Ah, the number of tries he takes to perfect and stylish it into his own can’t be forgotten.
It doesn’t take too long to cook it, but you’ll be making tons of other side dishes and dessert, so it’s best to start early!
You exit the abode, the smile on your face present as ever even when you’re greeted outside by a couple of Shogunate Soldiers. Their features appear sterner, their hold on their naginata rock solid.
“Are you Kaedehara [Name]?”
“Yes. Can I help you?”
The soldiers lunge forward, spears falling to a position pointing at you from all possible angles, cutting any means of escape as you furrow your brows.
“What’s the meaning of this?”
“Your brother has defied the Decree of the Shogun and was hereby declared a criminal. Going against an Imperial Decree results in punishment inclusive to his immediate family.”
Your basket falls to the ground.
Kazuha’s feet create a loud sound following his landing, a breath of panic expelling past as he rushes away.
The warmth in his hand escalates to a scalding degree, burning and searing like the fading power of Electro held within the golden casing.
To think that that was what Tomo meant.. !
He does not feel anger, no, just the burn of desperation and want to hide his friend’s Vision because he doesn’t want it to be taken away—to be placed in that statue that displays the lost ambitions of many others.
He’ll be damned before the Shogunate can take it… !
The criminal evades those at his tail, making swift maneuvers on rooftops and alleys without a second thought.
His limbs are answering his every command, be it to duck, to jump—or to even draw his blade.
He is still ways away from the port but getting there won’t prove to be too complex for someone like him. He’s cut down plenty of the samurai in his escape from Tenshukaku.
“You’re family. Tell her.”
“This is the first one in a long time I’ve heard of it being extended-! To whom again? The clan that has lost its prestige a decade ago, right?” he almost trips in his sprinting, darting to an alleyway so he can further eavesdrop.
Did I hear that correctly?
A relieved sigh escapes when those chasing him run past his hiding spot.
Sucking in his breath, the silverette tightens his grip on the faded Vision of his best friend as he listens in the hushed conversation.
“Be quiet!” someone hisses, “If someone overhears us, what next? Still, I do feel bad.. they lost so much already. I can’t believe they’d drag an innocent person into it, too..”
“Well, there’s nothing we can do. The Shogun issued the penalty to immediate families, right? As far as I know, there are only two Kaedeharas left—”
Kazuha feels his heart stopping. Kaede..hara?
There’s no mistaking it.
But why—?
Why would a punishment meant for him extend to her?
She’s innocent!
Going off-course, he sprints in the direction of his house.
The house that he lives in with his sister who takes great care of him—the same sister he’s willing to leave in favor of chasing what he wants in life.
He’s willing to, but he doesn’t.
Because perhaps—perhaps if he stayed and buried his desire, then he will amount to the same greatness she has done for him.
But he cannot stand it, either. As patient as he is, as kind and ‘gentle’, [Name] can always see through his face.
He’s always been antsy—always itching to wander and he’s stumped that his sister is well-aware of that fact. Still, she’s always playing the ignorant one, pretending not to care- still coddling him as if he’s little and he’s had… enough of it.
But now that the situation has pinned this misfortune upon them, the ronin realizes that she’s only pretending for his sake, as well.
“Cut that out, I don’t need it. I fear that.. you will only embarrass yourself.”
Wasn’t it him who refused to tell her of his want to roam free in the first place?
“I understand that I am your brother—but there is no need to worry over me all the time. I can look after myself, [Name]. Do worry about something else, instead.”
Wasn’t it him who stuck around, still?
The bitterness in his tongue increases with each leap of his feet. He doesn’t even process the race of his heart as he’s carried through the same path that leads him home.
To his family—to his only sister.
Everything seems to pass by slowly, in a blur, like the specks that decorate his vision the more his mind throws stacks and stacks of memories. This is madness.
Complete and utter madness.
He rounds the corner to see the figure of his only sibling, her back turned to him—she cannot see him, but he can see the armed soldiers flanking around her.
His throat tightens and certainly, he wouldn’t have been able to utter a word due to how it feels like his throat has been crushed.
Yet, the furious scream that tears past his lips denies all kinds of ‘impossibility’ the instant he sees the female falling to the ground, the sight of red splatter making him draw his blade.
The summoned wind is opposingly gentle to the brewing storm in someone’s beautiful carmine eyes.
“[Name]-.. !”
That voice.. Kazuha?
Sometimes, the depth of emotion in Kazuha’s eyes is too deep for you to understand. Despite being so silent, he’s so, so expressive with his stares.
That even when he isn’t trembling when he lifts your torso, you know how much he’s quaking from within.
“What are you.. doing here? You have to go,” you cough red when he adjusts you in his arms, the sight of the fallen soldiers reminding you of the situation at hand.
“Quick—before they.. catch you.”
He shakes his head,
“I’m taking you with me, I have a boat prepared, come, let’s—”
“Don’t lie to me, Kazuha.”
He pauses, flitting his gaze down to meet yours. You hate how you can’t seem to focus on him, though.
Your sight is blurring in and out, only providing small intervals of clarity where you can see the panic in his features.
A sight you didn’t think you’d see on him until now.
“I know you made it for yourself. You’ve been planning to leave home, weren’t you? I’m not..” you’re not oblivious to his wish, “I’m not mad. I was only holding you back, wasn’t I?”
He sucks in a breath.
What was he supposed to say?
Weakly tapping his arm, you start taking quick breaths—just to take in all the air you can while tolerating the gaping wound from being impaled.
It hurts. You want to scream. It hurts.
But you don’t—because you do not want to appear weak to your brother.
You promised mother and father that you will not cry when faced with problems—he mustn’t see, Kazuha mustn’t see.
But at this moment, you just want to break apart. Disbelief is kicking in, you can’t believe this is happening.
When—where did everything go wrong?
“Besides, I’m not of use to you anymore. As if I’ll last the journey to Liyue-“
“Don’t say that!”
You blink owlishly, gasping out in pain when his hand presses against your wound, futilely attempting to hold back the bleeding.
Your own hand shakily plants itself atop his own, helping him press—as if his hand isn’t heavy enough to stop the flow—it down.
It will hurt, but you can’t say for sure. You’ve already grown numb and your head is swimming.
Still, you focus on him.
Still, you help him apply pressure even if you know—even if he knows—that it’s too late.
“Don’t say that. You’ve..” his voice cracks, “You’ve done so much, [Name], you-“
You took over the clan household when our parents died. You struggled to make ends meet for both of us. And yet.. all I do.. all I do is… !
Kazuha angrily bites on his lip, his hold on his composure beginning to slip as his mind throws in a reel of olden days.
“I’m leaving, [Name]. Please don’t wait up, I may take longer.”
“I’m grateful, but I don’t need that anymore.”
“Stop that, already.”
He dips his head with a muffled cry. All I do is wander and desire for a future where I can roam freely. I haven’t even thought of you..!
“You’ve grown, Kazuha,” he snaps back into this harsh reality when he feels the hand atop his disappear, presently moving to brush his messy locks.
He doesn’t know why all of a sudden his sight is becoming misty, but perhaps—perhaps it is because he remembers when his sister used to brush his hair the same way with a loving smile.
It is the same touch he flees from nowadays.
The same touch now—the same loving smile.
“As much as I hate to admit it, you’re right—you’ve grown so much.. and I’m still clinging onto the past.”
So lively, so beautiful and yet—
“You’re strong now..”
Yet it’s dying.
He presses harder on his sibling’s wound, almost sadistically—as if he’s hoping that it’ll ignite a painful reaction. “[Name], please, let me-“
Because if it hurt—then it means she’s still okay. She’s still responding.
“So capable.. so independent, you are.”
So why—? He almost chokes out a sob. Why are you not reacting to it!?
“Mother and father would be so proud of you. I am sorry if I was lacking in any way.”
“Please, [Name], you can’t do this.”
He trembles, the composure he created so, so close to breaking as he gives up on endeavors that are pointless, to begin with.
Instead, he tilts his head up, wishing to curse the heavens above.
For everything.
“I’m happy to be your sister, and.. I’m proud of you… Kazu..”
“Wait-“ he stumbles over his words, catching the falling hand of his sibling and registering how deathly pale she has gotten in a matter of seconds. “Wait, please—I-“
As much as he wants to voice out he’s sorry..
For many things; for turning his back on her, for being distant when all they have is each other, he’s unable to find his voice when he sees the tears dripping out of his sister’s [c] eyes.
His strong older sister—weeping. It’s the first time he has seen her cry.
Her smile trembles—
“I love you. My nice.. little.. brother.”
—And her [c]s are then hidden forever.
The way she endearingly called him in her dying breath has him freezing, his heart pausing as if he had died along with her.
But then the spark of pain welcomes him back to reality—to life.
And then he is leaning over her.
“[Name]..” breathless whispers escalate into panicked murmurs. “[Name]?”
His heart is pounding in his chest as he tries to shake her awake, like when he’d do when he’s eight and awake from an awful dream.
“Nee-san.. can I sleep by your side tonight?”
And although her [c] eyes are tired, she will still smile. “Okay.”
And she’d keep watch over him the whole night.
He’s reminded of it when he hopelessly shakes her awake, to no obvious avail. But he keeps grasping her arms, anyway, like he used to many years ago.
But things are different now.
He said it himself—he’s no longer a child.
“Please, don’t leave me- I- you’re all I have left!” The ronin’s composure finally breaks loose and his tears begin landing like a profuse waterfall. His uncontained sobs remain unheard.
This time, there is no one to wake him up from his nightmares.
“No—no, no- no, please..!” Kazuha weeps as he holds his sister’s cold hand, shakily pressing it to his forehead, imitating the sweet action she has always given him. A hand on his head, on his shoulder—or on his cheek if he’s tearful.
“You can’t!”
She’ll tell him not to be sad because it’ll make her sad, too.
And he’ll hurriedly wipe his tears because ‘no! big sister mustn’t feel sad because of me!’.
Then [Name] will muster a smile as bright as the sun and hold his face in her warm hands, and press a kiss on his forehead.
He’ll get red and thrash around, whining, ‘onee-san!’. And about how embarrassing it is so she mustn’t do it anymore.
Now, he is holding her hand in his own, trying to remember the same warmth it emitted just a day ago. Just a few hours ago. How long has it been?
And when he doesn’t feel the warmth—when he doesn’t remember the warmth, when all he feels is the cold and the obvious lack of love, Kazuha breaks apart.
His heart squeezes and his tears spill more, his lips parting to release the honorific he has dropped a long, long time ago. “Nee-san!”
“You don’t call me ‘nee-san’ nowadays,”
“My, you’ve grown so much, Kazu!”
I’m calling you. He cries, like a picture of misery. So why aren’t you waking up? Sister! He cries, like a heartbroken child.
The winds around him pick up, warning him of incoming men sent to apprehend and penalize him the same way they did to his sibling.
It’s suffocating—maddening, even, and he wants to tear them all down himself.
But [Name] wouldn’t like that.
So, with a muted cry and bolster of willpower, he tears himself from the body of his kin, trembling.
He can hear the thundering steps of the samurai as he hurries to untangle the same black and red scarf [Name] has once attempted to give him. The same fabric he has rejected.
“I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry.” he hugs her with all his might, with his soul, and with his heart before he’s back up on his feet and running. I love you, too, nee-san.
“Get him!” someone roars from behind.
And although he wishes to turn and slice them away, he couldn’t—because he’d be seeing the fallen figure of the same person he had neglected to cherish.
So, instead, he nestles the scarf around his neck whilst clutching onto the Vision of his friend.
Down the path, he runs.
Years ago, he will be accompanied by the people he loves, chasing a faraway future.
Now he is running on the same path alone, running after a dream that can now be turned into reality.
Far from Inazuma.
Far from home.
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a/n: did it hurt-
@lehra @melkxsh
bonus angst sketch
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Return to the Scrying Glass ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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kusagrasskusa · 2 years
Mortal Kombat Males X Reader Imagines - VILLAIN EDITION :D - "Falling In Love" - Part 2
Kano, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Ermac, Shao Kahn, Baraka, Scorpion, Noob, Goro, Reptile, and Erron Black.
FOR ALL THE NOOB FANS, I'M SO SORRY SKSJHSJ IT'S SO EFFORTLESS SINCE I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AJFHSJSHSJJA (and thank you commenters of We're All Mad Here by SJ Tucker for the help)
I know some people hate it when writers engrave a song they like into their story, because a lot of the time, the reader doesn't know the song and just wants to get to the story instead. Reptile's part does have reference to He Is by Ghost, but it isn't much, I promise! I'm kinda listening to it right now and feel influenced by it haha
@wants2fight @bihansthot @jt-artsandfics @thetigerandthedoe @theelderhazlenut Thanks for the support on part 1!!!
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Y/N L/N was no fighter, nor could she even bare the thought of a person being cut. So what made Quan Chi want to keep her around? Simple; she had detailed vision, accurate predictions, and a personality that makes her loyal, vulnerable, honest, and weak. She was kind and entire harmless as she's been scared by so many things in the NetherRealm that she's barely capable of talking without stuttering. She holds her arms close together and talks quietly and nervously, looking at the ground and being shaking whenever she's around people. She cries when she alone and seemingly has forgotten how to smile.
Being under the watchful eyes of the hellspawns of Lui Kang, Kitana, and all those, Y/N is scared senseless all the time. It's not like she's given an outfit or armor to resist hits and fire; she's sorta expected to wear a dress, kimono, or something civil. Therefore, she gets constant burns, cuts, and others from crackling lava and hits from the demons. She's treated constantly for her wounds.
Scorpion is the most humane of all the hellspawns. This takes place in Mortal Kombat X before some people are freed from Quan Chi's control, however even with all these different creatures Y/N still knows Scorpion is more alive. He's a slave, however he still feels constant pain whereas the others simply believe something happened to them but otherwise feel nothing bad. They're empty shells that survive off a lie planted in their heads.
Scorpion is typically the one escorting Y/N around, as he knows Hell more than any of the other revenants. They always walk silently side by side, and Y/N's also so thankful of which. She's heard of Scorpion and knows about his past entirely, but she's always been too scared to tell him. Scorpion felt pity for the girl, however he never knew her enough to truly care for her.
At least, that was until one day. Y/N was being escorted to her chamber after being burned badly by Lui Kang for not speaking straight. She was in tears, shivering, and whimpering. Suddenly, for the first time, she boldly grabbed Scorpion's sleeve softly and stopped him. She then leaned her head on his arm, breaking down in tears. She begged to be killed by him as what she's going through it worse than death. Servitude, severe abuse, constant fear, no family or friends, not even the strength to talk right is only a few of what she goes through. The demon pat her shoulder and waited for her to stop before returning her to her chamber.
No judgements, no pain, nothing negative came from rather embarrassing act from Y/N. Hell, just emoting was embarrassment to someone who was considered weak. Though the very next day when Y/N was being escorted, Scorpion mentioned out of no where that she had a very difficult life and that he pities her. She shouldn't be afraid to cry around him, he explained. As if she was in a small concrete room filled with poison, blades, and monsters, Y/N felt trap. But just a few sentences by Scorpion made her feel as if the walls of that cage were cracking, giving her a chance to possibly escape her harsh world.
Whenever they were alone, Y/N would stutter out how she feels and what she has to endure. She would explain she had no chance of defending herself since she isn't allowed to even carry a glass shard. She's a slave due to her knowledge and killing herself wouldn't do anything as Quan Chi could revive her. Much to the girl's surprise, Scorpion had slowed down their paces to listen to every word she spoke as if he cared.
It would take many events like this before Y/N would finally fully trust the demon enough to talk more in depth about out her feelings. Often times, she would break down crying and Scorpion would be by her side, holding her with one arm. He didn't have to do anything to help her at all, but had a reason to. Y/N was a small, loving woman who's scared, helpless, and weak against those trying to kill her every second of her life. Yet despite these traumas, the trust in her prevails revealing just how innocent she really is. It reminds him of someone who was very close to him and how scared and helpless she must have been when she passed.
Y/N was sleeping in her room one particular night, and had a dream about Scorpion. He was alive and well, on a table drinking tea with someone who she knows he hates. Sub Zero spoke about how he knows the truth of his family and clan, and later on shows him proof that Quan Chi killed all of them. The suppressed sadness Scorpion felt was unleashed and his anger was redirected. It was when the two ninjas promised a truce did Y/N wake up, shaking with shock and smile on her face.
Just then, she got a knock on her door meaning that Quan Chi needed her. She got up and opened the door, revealing Scorpion. He immediately noticed her smile and tears at the corner of her eyes, asking about what had happened. After all, she hadn't smiled genuinely in so fucking long. She then nervously giggled, shaking her head. "I had a vision about you. But I think it's best if you wait for it to happen. In advance, I'm so happy for you!" A sense of relief washed over his body as if he was wanting to hear something good about him for a while.
It just so happened Scorpion was to escort her somewhere further away, making room for a long conversation between. During the walk, Y/N couldn't stop smiling and Scorpion couldn't help but notice. Then he asked on a desperate tone if he would return to life. Y/N looked up at him, replying with, "so much more than just life." That said it all for Scorpion. He knew he would relive, restore the Shirai Ryu, and get revenge.
Quan Chi had asked Y/N to tell him the outcome of Special Forces invading NetherRealm as he found out it was inevitable. Looking into the future, she found out that it wasn't going to be what Quan Chi likes. She stuttered out a few filler words as she fidgeted with her hands. The sorcerer scowled, raising his voice at Y/N for not giving him a clear answer. She stuttered out that Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage would defeat him and the revenants and force them into hiding.
Quan Chi hissed and slapped the girl, yelling at her for "given the wrong fate." Y/N yelled out that she was being truthful and explained more in depth of what would happen. The sorcerer raised his hand above the girl, however before he could strike, a voice yelled out for him to stop. Scorpion held his hand out in a halt sign while his other hand pulled Y/N away from Quan Chi's range. The girl yelped and covered her head with her arms out of fear whenever Quan Chi began to yell.
To say that Scorpion received harsh punishment would have been an understatement if Y/N hadn't stopped it. Just as Quan Chi was about to react, the girl had jumped in the way and yelled out that if something happened, some of revenants will die and thats not something to risk. It was a lie, of course, but she had to lie. Later, Scorpion had thanked her and suddenly, the idea of his died wife came into his mind. How he felt when he met her to when he asked her to his forever.
The thought wouldn't leave him. Such a shame that only mere days later, he wasn't able to see her as much at all. Even if he was the one to put her into hiding whenever the SP attacked, he wasn't satisfied. Saying goodbye to a woman he began to love was heartbreaking. Putting her into that crate in a dark, unoccupied room was dreaded for him. Y/N, that sweet girl, was however able to calm him. "Scorpion," she whimpered out, wiping her fearful tears. She knew what would happen so she just smiled at him. "It's time!"
When Scorpion returned to the abandoned Shirai Ryu as a mortal again, he couldn't think about anything else but restoring it. Although he felt empty now without that girl, this would satiate his needs for now. As he'd train and piece by piece being back his clan, the idea of one day taking back Y/N from hell wouldn't leave his mind even in sleep. One day, he promised himself. One day she'll be free again.
Y/N'a life had taken a terrible turn. She couldn't kill herself or she'll lose her humanity and simply turn into a demonic servant. There was no escape to her servitude and pain. She wanted to be happy too, considering that such an incredible person had returned along with a few others. But her mental and physical anguish was too much. Quan Chi would assure her youth as well.
20 years later...
Blindfolded and cuffed, Y/N sat down in a seat surrounded by guards from the SP. In front of her stood the blind swordsman known as Kenshi. Despite his best efforts, he wasn't able to see into her mind. It's unclear as to why, but it seems no one was ever able to see into her mind. Afterall, Quan Chi wouldn't have needed her to tell him anything if he could see into her mind. Kenshi may have not been able to look into her mind, but her submissive and uneasy nature proved to him that she was just very nervous and therefore easier to read. She was very honest.
Trust didn't come quickly, of course, however it was only enough time until they understood she was simply a slave to the Oni. Captured from her clan, she was held hostage for about 45 years despite her youth. She was kept young, in her 20s, in order to remain healthy for as long as it served Quan Chi. Y/N couldn't help break down crying as she was quickly found innocent.
Actually, it's been a few, maybe 2, days til they finally realized Y/N was innocent. The girl confessed to every single thing she was asked and gave away as much of Quan Chi she knew. Luckily, the timing was right as she was able to watch besides Takeda, Kenshi, and the others as Quan Chi got escorted to another SP camp.
God, that hatred she felt was beyond comprehension. Takeda had wrapped an arm around the girl as she began to whimper, then began to cry. She has to say, the old hoodie she was given in placement of those strangely revealing outfits (c'mon, this is MK) was much more comfortable to cry in. For the first time in 45 years, she would be able to smile and laugh as her confidence would slowly raise. Kenshi airway informed her of the psychological issues she will deal with for the rest of her life, but she didn't care.
In her time as a slave, her confidence was destroyed. She had no individuality and was seen rather as a number with all the other slaves rather than a person. She was beat, abused, humiliated, alone, witness to terrible things, scared, and everything else for what's a lifespan to some people. But finally, she'd see the cause of it be put away for longer than she has. He'll suffer like she did, right?
Of course, she didn't mean put away as in prison. She knows the man she thought about ever since a fateful day would return and imprison that creature in an afterlife. It's only a matter of time.
We all know how it happens. Sonya and the others fight then get held down by Hanzo's clanmembers. Hanzo mercilessly harms Quan Chi before finally, cutting off his head. The excitement held in Y/N's mind is alive as she closes her eyes, waiting for Shinnok to be summoned. She knew it would all happen, but she also knew it was would be okay. Cassie would defeat the newly awoken God.
As Hanzo was casted down with the force of the amulet, Y/N runs towards him. She dropped by his side, grabbing his hand tightly. The terrified girl ignored Shinnok as he spoke, only focusing on the man under her.
When he sees her, that feeling in his chest came back. His eyes widened as his hand weakly tightens around hers, whispering, "Y/N...?" Suddenly, a large smile grows on her face and she begins to giggle.
"I told you, you'll get more than just life. You'll get your revenge, Hanzo Hasashi," she giggled tearfully, pressing his hand up to her cheek. Hanzo weakly smiles back, staring into her eyes.
At least a shared kiss was able to ease the pain momentarily.
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Noob Saibot
Noob Saibot. In short, a being of darkness and servitude who lost everything that could ever make him human. He started off a Grandmaster that had a heart of ice after ruthlessly taking the lives of many. However due to someone targeting him for the wrong crime, his life was cut short. Swallowed by flames, the once leader of his clan turned into a being of hatred, darkness, and shadows. He has two separate minds now; Noob, his body. And Saibot, his shadow.
Y/N L/N, a certainly interesting person. She doesn't fight, no, never did. But she does have a strong weapon; her mouth. It's hard to say what drove her to her insanity, however whatever it was ruined the girl for life. With a permanent smile and a mind of riddles, her words always keep people from crossing her. She was simply able to convince people of anything she wanted. Remember how the Cheshire Cat would talk? She was very similar to him.
However, even though he couldn't fight through her strangeness, the original Subzero couldn't stand being with her. So what if she could talk her enemies into killing themselves for the two when they were assigned missions together? Bi Han was an assassin who needed no help. However, with the previous Grandmaster assigning them missions together, there was nothing he could do about it.
Y/N was brought without any ice as a power. She was from the Lin Kuei, however she was nearly abandoned for being labeled useless and insane. Even as a child watching someone fight to the death, a smile remained on her face. Even when seeing two innocent toddlers play with toys, her words could make the entire situation sound as terrible as hearing someone slowly be skinned alive. Her eyes were filled with no emotion at all however her actions were never laced with bad intent.
Growing up together, Bi Han wasn't very fond of the girl. After all, she could talk people into fighting each other just so she can be entertained, therefore ruining his time. However, he was always impressed to to the least.
One of their missions was particularly dangerous. Kill the leader of a neighboring clan while ensuring no one sees them. Well, the mission ended up being a success! But only because Y/N talked everyone she came across to kill themselves for her. And damn that annoyed the Sub Zero.
In the middle of the mission, Bi Han had no problem yelling at the girl for her ignorant actions. How is it that she just has to run her mouth for a few minutes to get them to fucking kill themselves while he has to fight and train his best in order to win a fight and be prepared for the next.
Of course, Y/N just giggled and booped his nose playfully. "Bi Han, darling," she sweetly cooed, "you make an excellent warrior, sir. If you don't need me, I'll simply wait outside next mission, okay?"
So that's what happened. However, the young Bi Han ended up needing help.
Y/N giggled to herself as she watched an enemy slit his own throat open in shame, dying around the rest of his comrades. Bi Han hissed, rolling his eyes and his cheeks heating up under his mask. "Show off."
"You know, I would rather be anywhere else but with you most days. I don't know or care where, just not with you."
"Well," Y/N shrugged cockily, "you'll only know where you want to go when your somewhere you don't want to be."
To be honest, most missions ended up like this. But eventually, Bi Han was able to simply handle himself in these missions. Y/N would smile but damn she felt so bored. Bi Han's ego got big in the meantime, even if he himself wasn't used to winning all the time.
One time however, Y/N decided that she would join in the mission anyway. As the people around her dropped dead, Bi Han simply sighed and retrieved the item they needed. "Strange. You aren't mad? Perhaps the stress was getting to you, hmm?"
"Not at all, Y/N. I simply wanted to get this over with quickly," he answered. "Besides, you looked so bored by yourself."
Y/N smirked, awing. "Aww, did you miss me?" She wrapped her arms around him as he rolled his eyes.
Later on, the two sat down at the table together and ate. In a bit, the two would go on another mission. Y/N brought up randomly how Bi Han didn't react to her hugging him. Bi Han's face turned a little pink as he tsked, shaking his head. At this point in the time, the two were only 15 years old so I'm just saying that childhood crushes are very possible right now.
Quickly brushing off the conversation, Bi Han continue to eat until eventually they both finished.
Let's skip a few years, shall we? The two are 17 years of age and talk about a tournament is coming up in a few years. Two years of training and missions together sure as hell caused the two to get close, even if Y/N annoyed him a lot.
"Sooooo, Bi Han! Do you think we'll fight in the tournament?"
Bi Han tsked, shaking his head. "I will. You, however, will not ever. As son of the Grandmaster, I will be able to set that in stone soon." Y/N giggled, shrugging it off.
"You must hate me, don't you?"
"Hate you? You've clearly never seen me hate someone if you think this is what me hating is like."
Let's be honest right now, Bi Han doesn't hate her in the slightest. As a matter of fact, he grew impressed with her skill more and more among the years. Not only impressed but...feared her skill.
As we all may know, Bi Han was a warrior whose heart was cold from many killing sprees. He couldn't stand someone getting in his way so as he grew to realize that Y/N could easily destroy him, he began to worry.
He feared her and that earned her his respect
But also because I have like no fucking idea what should happenn between these two characters, let's just say Bi Han is some tsundere for Y/N okay? BeCaUsE fOr HiM tO rEsPeCt SoMeOnE sO mUcH, hE MuSt LiKe ThEm DeArLy, AnD tHeIr TiMe GrOwInG uP ToGeThEr LeD tO bI hAn FeElInG iN lOvEeeeeEEE~
Of course, that doesn't mean the girl would love him back. So what if Bi Han would start turning red whenever she hugged him? It didn't make her want to consider the possibility of him liking her. Hell, the thought had never crossed her mind.
Even as a child, the one thing she always thought of was just getting things over with; such as life. All she wants is to just talk to people, maybe make a few friends and enemies, eat, drink, breathe, survive, and all that. Not to be suffering or reclusive, but not to be obsessing over perfection and center of attention. Part of just getting over life was to simply complete her missions until she's in a comfortable place as an assassin.
She never cared about love. She may not be fully developed but she's an old soul. Her strength in her words prove that. So when she tells herself that having a family is something she doesn't want, then having a family is something that will never happen.
But, even if she never wanted to fall in love romantically, she loved Bi Han like a brother. All those hugs, teasing, and playing wasn't just to ease her boredom, but rather because she loved him.
"Bi Han! Look at this!" Y/N called out to her friend in the middle of a dangerous mission. Bi Han jumped, turning towards her with a glare that could fucking kill. She held out a baby turkey to him and silently squealed in awe. "It's so cute! I'm taking her back with us." She put the baby into her scarf to keep her warm and secure as the two would carry out their mission.
"You yelled at me while we were trying to hide just to show me...this?" Bi Han asked as he watched Y/N walk around with the poult following. She giggled, nodding her head. He rolled his eyes and simply accepted the fact that this dumbass managed to get away with kidnapping a baby bird and kill an entire group of skilled fighters by talking.
However, unfortunately, times weren't always this happy.
On Y/N 18th birthday, tragedy struck.
With the turkey who was now 2 years old, fully grown, on Y/N's lap and Bi Han sitting next to her, Y/N managed to have a good time simply by watching the sunset and talking.
Don't ask me how, but it's like the turkey, P/N, was otherworldly. By which I mean that their feathers faded from brown to colorful blues, purples, and red. Their eyes were pure white and it's body was larger than it should be. Not only that, but their wings were capable of shooting feathers out of them. So yeah, turns out Y/N found a turkey from Outworld without even knowing it.
P/N silently purred (yes, turkeys and chickens purr) as Y/N carressed their feathers softly. Bi Han simply sat silently contemplating what he'd say to Y/N. "Hmm...You seem antsy. What's on your mind?" She asked her friend, smiling softly at him.
A pause came between them before he finally replied. "Y/N... We have known each other since childhood and together, we have finally reached adulthood. In that time, we grew so close, did we not? After so long, I," he trailed off. Y/N cocked her head to show she was listening.
"I could not help myself from feeling not only like your friend but something more. The more I think of it, the more I realize that I perhaps care for you not only as a friend, but as someone I would love to spend the rest of my days with. Y/N..." He paused once more. Y/N hummed when her friend grabbed her hand, squeezing it lightly. Bi Han took off his mask, the redness of his cheeks visible as he finally confessed, "I believe I have fallen in love with you."
A minute of silence passed before Y/N finally opened her mouth. Yet as soon as she did- Boom!
The walls of the village crashed down then creatures from hell ran in next. The trio were quick to rush into battle (well, I suppose one just spoke) with the help of their clanmates however it would have been simpler if someone else hadn't stepped into the village.
A creature filled with hatred and rage stepped into the battlefield as most of the clan's fighters were occupied with the common hellspawns. Y/N and P/N were a bit too busy to fight the new intruder, but Bi Han, the Sub Zero, had time. (hah battle turkey)
Scorpion; a creature from hell who claimed Sub Zero had killed he and his clan. Yet even so, no one knew what the hell he was speaking of. But all Sub Zero knew was that whatever happened to his clan, he was grateful for it.
And Sub Zero would remember this for the next years of his life. The rest of Y/N's birthday was spent repairing the village walls and ridding the corpses of the demons. And Y/N and P/N in the village infirmary watching Bi Han barely survive all the wounds he suffered from Scorpion.
Seeing Y/N frown for the first time was a sight he never wanted to see again. She was known for always smiling, every hour of every day of her life. How much sorrow she must have felt when she thought her only friend in this world could die. Knowing that there was nothing she could do about it considering for some reason, her words don't affect the dead and demons in the slightest. All she could do was fight alongside P/N with her mediocre fighting skills.
Before the two had met, Bi Han was cold and serious he knew. But only after befriending Y/N did he start to act less serious. He simply allowed Y/N to yell when they were hiding, let her fight large groups while he handled smaller ones, let her act like a child, and let himself fall in love. But now, his serious side was coming back to him.
"Not now, Y/N," the Sub Zero spoke as Y/N wrapped her arms around him. "I have to be somewhere."
"Aww, when did you get so serious? You used to just drag me around at times like this, hehe."
"Indeed, but not anymore."
Y/N would still try to hug and talk to him playfully, but he would always push her away. She grew to accept it considering that he was soon to be the next Grandmaster but still, he hadn't acted like this in so long.
Yes, it's true, in two years the Sub Zero will be Grandmaster. Once he's 20 years old, he'll be head of everyone. Y/N just thought was strange that right after a dark event such as meeting Scorpion. he decided to start training extra hard and take lessons for leadership. Hell, Kuai Liang had noticed it too.
"Excuse me?" A softer voice spoke from behind Y/N. She turned around, smiling down at the small brunette boy. He looked to be about 14. "Are you Y/N, the friend of Big Brother?"
"That, I am," she replied, bowing down. "I see your brother must speak of me to you. You know, he speaks highly of you to me. How may I be of service?" Nervously, the young boy began to speak. In short, he was worried for his brother. Y/N would giggle and pat his shoulder reassuringly.
"Your brother is strange, is he not? Do you believe a dog is strange?" Kuai cocked his head questioningly, then shook his head. "Correct. A caring dog will growl when angry but will comfort when it's pleased. Yet your brother; he cares enough to comfort us when angry, but growl when pleased."
"I'd like to call it yelling," corrected the boy.
"Call it what you'd like," Y/N replied, giggling. "But it's strange nonetheless, isn't it? That's why I love him, truly."
That sisterly love for him never went away, even when Bi Han was away for long periods of time. Whenever Kuai would tell her stories of her big brother, that admiration for him would only get stronger.
Even in two years time, she loved him the same. During Sub Zero's ceremony for Grandmaster, she was the one who believed in him the most. In the two years of them speaking only half as much as before, she managed to get him to spar a couple times. And damn, he became so much stronger than ever.
It's a shame that she never figured out if Sub Zero still loved her or not. Of course, as we can imagine, he still did but he would never tell. If Y/N knew, she probably could have convinced herself to love him romantically.
As the tournament drew closer, Y/N knew she'd have to get serious too. P/N was 4 by then and her size made up for Y/N's mediocre fighting skills; like Ferra and Torr. But damn, she wishes she wasn't qualified.
"I remember one day when you said that when you were Grandmaster, you would make sure I wouldn't never enter the tournament. What changed, Bi Han?" Y/N joked as she smirked playfully at her friend. Bi Han leaned forward in his desk, recalling that event.
"Would you prefer staying here then? You and P/N would make an excellent team," Bi Han replied, taking his mask off to show his full face. Y/N giggled when she saw facial hair starting to grow him; she would make fun of him being a late bloomer often.
"Shang Tsung's scroll tells me I can't stay here." Y/N pulled out the scroll and read over a paragraph again before sighing to herself. "I'm excited, you know. I can't wait to see us fighting together like we used to!" Bi Han smirked to himself but brushed off her comment.
"I could not agree more."
A few days before the tournament, the selected members of the Lin Kuei were on their way to Outworld. Cyrax, Sektor, Smoke, Bi Han, and Y/N set out on horses to their destination. Smoke and Bi Han communicated while Cyrax kept his attention on our lovely Y/N.
And damn it annoyed Bi Han. Cyrax had no problem flirting as he was amazing at it. The two seemed to get along well and quickly got into each other's personal lives. Like where from the clan their from, who their parents are, what happened to their parents, their goals, and all that. When Y/N mentioned that she just wanted to get life over without worrying about a significant other, Cyrax made a comment with that. "That's a shame. I would love to change your mind, sweetie, cause I could grant you a good time." (idk how to flirt okay)
Luckily for Cyrax's life, the group had found their entranced to Outworld before anyone died. But don't think this wouldn't be brought up later, when everyone was getting settled into chambers that they'll rest in until the tournament is over.
"Do you like him?" Bi Han asked, pouring tea into cups for he and Y/N.
"That would depend on which like you mean," she replied, sitting down. P/N cuddled next to her, resting their head on her lap.
"It does not matter," he hissed, pulling his mask off. A look of jealousy would have been confused for hatred or bloodlust if Y/N hadn't known him so well.
"Well then," she spoke softly while grinning cockily. "It really doesn't matter if I like him or not."
Bi Han rolled his eyes, glaring. "I am serious, Y/N. Do you like him?"
"Why are you serious, friend? Me and him had only just met a few days ago. How could I possibly fall for him?" Y/N asked, picking up her cup and sipping some of the tea.
Bi Han didn't answer. Instead, he just took a drink and thought to himself. The tournament would begin in the early mornings of tomorrow. The way should would fight would surely annoy plenty as she never gets many bruises or cuts, she only speaks. She would probably annoy people with her childish and careless speech but then in battle, she becomes cryptic.
Her words are like the wisdom of the laughing god; some would call her insane. But what is insanity but a definition, one that is always changing, always earning and losing meaning. All we know is that we know nothing, and we may be wrong sometimes. Only he who thinks he knows everything can be wrong a hundred percent of the time. Perhaps the wisest of them all was the prophet who never spoke, but just laughed and saw the joke. For you see - the universe has a wonderful sense of humor. Perhaps that can explain her childish behavior and laughter.
"Perhaps,' Y/N spoke up again, smiling wider than usual. "Maybe you still love me. Is that it?" Bi Han felt his cheeks warm up as he nodded.
"Perhaps I do. It's a shame I never got your answer that day. What were you going to say?" he asked as he set down his tea cup. Yet again, as soon as Y/N opened her mouth, Sektor knocked on the door.
"It is getting late. We must be going to sleep now, you two." And just like that, the two said their goodnights and went to their rooms to sleep.
The tournament required too much training and focus to even worry about what her answer was. It's, again, a shame.
Two Lin Kuei warriors fell to the floor, unconscious, as a looming figure of pure hatred stands over them. "I will have my revenge, but I will not kill Sub-Zero."
The doors silently pried open, revealing a grinning girl with a turkey and an ice cold man. "Will not? Or cannot?"
"You!" As Y/N and the turkey walk over to where the familiar Raiden is, Sub Zero and Scorpion approach each other.
"The Shirai Ryu are dead. You will suffer as they did."
"To hell with your clan!"
"No, to hell with you!" Instantly, the bodies of these two enemies were swarmed by flames before seemingly disappearing. Y/N smirked cockily to herself as she awaited her best friend's victory. However, as the minutes past, she grew nervous.
"I can sense your agitation, Y/N," a deep voice spoke. Y/N looked over at Raiden, nodding her head. "I can assure you that he will live. Do not fret."
By the gods, if only he was right.
Y/N eyes focused as flames grew in the middle of the room. She expected to see her friend, but instead saw Scorpion. She waited for Sub Zero to return as well but it never came. She noticed Scorpion raising his hand slowly, a skull and spine within his grasp.
Being buried to her neck and kept alive so she can feel warms and bugs eat her from within the ground would have hurt so, so much less.
Y/N fell onto her knees, her smile disappearing for the fist time in two years. Her eyes were wide as she watched the skull of her best friend hit the floor and shatter. With a scream, Scorpion had disappeared after being engulfed with flames. As people begin to leave, Y/N stays onto the floor while others surround the skull.
Y/N drowned out the sounds of the god and Lin Kuei member arguing as she just sat in sorrow.
Y/N hadn't smiled in a few days. When she was called to fight, the battle was over in moments. P/N would charge at them while Y/N would dully speak in a low voice that only her opponent could hear, convincing them to back down. Once they let their guard down, she would simply hit them hard enough to knock them unconscious. That's all she would do.
All she focused on was training whenever the tournament wasn't going on. No matter what drama happened between the realms, all she cared about was keeping EarthRealm safe.
Even when she was brought to the inauguration of Lui Kang, she remained cold and lonesome. Yes, it was edgy but that disbelief and emptiness in her heart stopped her from even caring. Congrats, Lui Kang defeated Shao Kahn and Goro. But how can she celebrate happily without her happiness alive to celebrate with her? Sure, Kuai Liang was there now but she simply couldn't be happy.
To say that great sorrow made her stronger was an understatement however.
Whenever the second tournament started back up, of course she fought her heart out but in the end it was worthless to her.
"Y/N L/N," a deep voice called out. Y/N paused, turning around to face however just called out her name. The two stood in the middle of the forest of Outworld, where the trees had faces and corpses hung in displayed everywhere.
"Greetings, creature of darkness," Y/N replied, frowning as she eyed the new person in front of her. He wore a black mask, black clothing, black everything. "If you came for a fight, I apologize that you will need to speak to me in a few ours. I don't know where, but I'd rather fight anywhere but here."
Suddenly, the creature chuckled at the girl's voice filled with boredom. "I was once told that you'll only know where you want to go when your somewhere you don't want to be," he replied, taking steps closer. Y/N raised a brow, thinking back to when she said that exact line before.
Y/N then faced the person completely, cocking her head. She frowned more, shaking the thought from her head as she took steps towards him. She then took back what she said about not wanting to fight by getting into a stance.
Every single hit he threw at her with a few exceptions was somehow predictable. When he would through ghost balls, when he was slide, when he would hit and kick seemed so familiar to her. And somehow he predicted most of her movements as well, as if he'd seen her fight many times. Her voice seemed to do nothing against him either, telling her that he was a dead soul.
Y/N coughed as she hit the ground a final time, blood spewing out of her mouth. She covered a large cut over her stomach as she struggled to stand up, heaving. However the creature of darkness stepped on her, pushing her back down. He then stepped off her, circling around her.
"You have gotten stronger. Unfortunately, not strong enough." Y/N coughed as she looked up at the creature of darkness.
"Do you know me? Who are you!" she yelled, whimpering a she tried to sit up. If she had P/N with her, she would probably be in a better predicament.
"It is I, Y/N," the creature spoke as he stopped by her head. "I am Bi Han, only perfected in every way. However, I am now known as Noob."
Y/N's heart drops upon hearing this. This explains so much...
She covered her face as sudden tears slipped from her eyes, whimpers following after. Bi Han simply watches as his closest friend cries, not being able to feel bad for her.
"Goddammit, Bi Han... You had so much potential but you do this? Our people are now robots and have no official leader to guide them. Your brother is in danger! Yet you destine yourself to servitude?"
"Perhaps my death affected you more than I had initially thought. You don't smile anymore, do you? No games when you speak; you simply beg." Suddenly, he roughly grabbed her arms and pulled her up forcibly, causing her to fall against him.
She hissed as she struggled to stay on her feet, blood dripping from the ends of her mouth. She shoved him away forcibly, taking a step back. "I would have said, I love you too, that day. I really wish we could have lived out our lives under different circumstances."
Tears formed in her eyes as she watched what was left of her best friend pull out a scythe. She knew she was gonna die so why would she fight back.
"You will not be gone forever, Y/N," Noob replied as he neared her. "You will be back, only forever. We will live out our lives together then."
Then suddenly, everything went black.
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As some may know, Goro has 7 wives. One of them being Y/N, a princess who was forced into marriage.
It's all for good relations, right? So her family can restore the honor and security lost when their realm was conquered by Shao Kahn?
Y/N was a princess who had been raised to act submissive, caring, and quiet. Anything her husband would want, she was raised to want it to. However, in her mind, she hated her life so badly. She didn't want to wear makeup, keep her hair pretty, wear dresses, and always reply with, "yes sir," or, "yes ma'am." She didn't want to be someone else's property. She knew marrying the price would bring her life to an end.
Goro, his full name being Gongoro, is a giant man of brute strength who was able to crush a skull like it was nothing. He's a showoff who believes he's the best of the best aside from Shao Kahn. And he isn't wrong, either. His wives mean nothing to him so he distances himself from them, but allows them to use his money whenever because he knows that's why they're with him. However, as not many know, Goro can be compassionate at times, even if it's just a little.
Y/N shivered to herself as she stepped onto the marble floors of the throne room. It was required for everyone who works with Goro to know his relationships, along with each other's relationships, to ensure that no one is betraying the empire. So in front of everyone, Y/N would be asked questions about who she is, what she does, where's from, what she expects from the marriage, and many, many more.
Of course she replied with optimism. She didn't want to but her marriage with Goro had to be perfect so she can live her full life and make her family happy. But in her eyes, anyone can see how unhappy she really was. Kitana was able to see it right away; the princess approached her right after the questioning.
"I pity you, Princess of [Realm]. This truly is a fate worse than death," Kitana spoke, bowing her head. Y/N kept up a small smile, shaking her head.
"I thank you, Princess Kitana," she replied as she bowed. "However if my family and realm is protected, so be it. Perhaps my Prince shall have mercy on me for as long as I live." Our princess's heart pounded heavily although her face remained calm. She knew all about Goro and his fights; she could only pray to the gods above her that she won't make him mad. Kitana frowned, looking into the fear held in Y/N's eyes.
"I pray for your safety. Word of advice; praise him and never get close to him whenever he is angry. You showing fear will tell him that you do not love him, and being brave would insult his authority and harm his pride. Prince Goro is tricky."
These words rung through Y/N's mind every second of her life from now on. As Shang Tsung walked her to her chamber in the palace, she couldn't help but break down. A sly smirk appeared on the sorcerer as he heard the poor girl whimper and cry.
In her chambers, she let in all out. Luckily nights are longer in Outworld than in her realm since she was able to get good amounts of sleep even after spending hours of crying into her pillows. She didn't want to marry a monster! She didn't even want to be a princess; why couldn't she be like everyone else and choose her life decisions?
Every night was like this up until the day of the wedding. Every day was spent being tutored on how the Prince likes things done and what to never do. Of course, she did it all with a smile and with the feeling of regret sitting deep inside her.
When the day of the wedding came, that was it for her. She spent the night before praying to the Gods for redemption since clearly, there was something she did that caused such a terrible fate to be bestowed onto her.
The wedding was interesting, to say the least.
When she first stood in front of the Prince himself, her heart stopped. A was giant; so incredibly large compared to her. His hands were enough to crush her skull with ease. And when he looked at her, he could see the ultimate fear in her eyes. A sly smirk appeared on his face as pride filled him. Yet another wife to love him eternally, and this one wouldn't need to be told to do something twice.
She had no idea how wedding worked in Shokan tradition so Y/N just spent the day being commanded. "Put the ring on him," "be quiet," "give your speech and make it sound sincere," and things like that.
She was so scared when she delivered her speech. Her parents, family, enemies, guards, Outworld dynasty, and so many Shokan peoples were there. She gave a toast with a look of pride but in her voice, she can just hear how scared she was. And that only scared her more.
Cheers and applauses filled the room when the vows were finished. Goro gripped Y/N tiny hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. It was a display of affection made to make the wedding seem sincere but they knew down down inside that it was all pretend.
Y/N remembers the first time she ever stepped foot into his lair. She was scared, petrified even, but she tried her best to conceal it. She knew she had to if she even wanted to live another year.
That night, the two sat down at the dinner table in their formal wear still, no other wife present. The two ate in silence; Y/N barely touched her food while Goro stuffed everything down like he had no manners. In a sense, he didn't need to have any though.
And she didn't have a say in the house, she might as well simply let it be
Months went by and nothing really happened. Of course, the night of the marriage, there was something expected of royalty right after marriage in the middle of the night
It was...traumatic, truly. Knowing services like that would be her legacy...the rest of her life, her people, depended on sitting around lazily and listening to screams, then bring pained every single night
He was gigantic and she was a small girl...she was so scared of him. Goro would have a wife lay in his bed every night, and on her turns, she'd shake and remain awake the whole night. How could she sleep when her fear of him accidentally rolling his large arm on her and crushing her is in the back of her mind?
And if he did that, waking him up would be the death of her
One night, she was called into her prince's chambers. She gulped, remembering what day it was...it was her turn to sleep with her husband. All of his other wives had no problem sleeping with him, as they were from larger races. However she just couldn't...she had to pray to the elder gods everyday to almost ensure she wouldn't die...
She stepped into the chambers, finding her husband absent from the room. Y/N breathed heavily as she laid in the bed and waiting for her husband patiently, time going uncomfortably slow. Where was he?
After a few minutes of waiting, Y/N's beating heart was being laid to rest. But as soon as she had started to calm down, a roar emitted from the hallways, coming closer to the room.
Y/N shot up, tears immediately swelling up in her eyes. God, why is he mad?
The last time she saw him mad...dear Elder Gods, she hates to merely recall the memory taking place...she brutality one of his wives received despite not doing anything was terrible. Just terrible...
Would she be next?
"Dear Gods!" Y/N full on screamed as she felt her breathe hitch a single time. She hates knowing that she's scared! She hates knowing that in this situation or anything around here, she's always so anxious and terrified! It's like feeling her entire well being drain every single moment until there's almost nothing left.
Just knowing she was becoming scared made her more scared, and the moment Goro broke his door angrly and entered the room, Y/N snapped
Instantly, all that graciousness from earlier was gone. She couldn't hold in her manners and pride any longer! She was scared, so scared for her life.
He immediately made eye contact with her, seething so heavily. Y/N quickly covered her mouth and tears feel rapidly from her eyes and onto the bedsheets. She sat up in the giant bed, pretty much balled up and stared
Goro led out a noise from the back of his throat, approaching the bed with a look that could literally kill. Had Y/N not prepared for this before marrying him, her frail heart would've been too petrified to let her body go on.
Goro towered over her like a rabid beast...and simply stared at her tiny form freaking out
Y/N had broken down, fully into tears and crying so loudly as she buried her face into her hands. She whimpered loudly, sniffing and trying to herself to calm down but she knew she couldn't recover from this..
"Hah hah.." a low chuckle erupted from the prince. "The most attractive trait in a wife is her fear. The inability to withstand me..is quite amusing. You must hate me, do you not? Do not lie."
Her cries quieted down a tad as she heard him speak, but once he finished then she immediately got louder again. She had to lie! But he would know..
The rest of the night would follow by more demeaning, objectifying statements about her and her position as his wife. Of course it got him feeling a little specially, and so the night would get worse and worse.
Looking into a mirror and seeing so many deep cuts and red marks on her skin had made the poor girl dry out yet again...she cries every night, but never in the sights of Goro. Or anyone as a matter of fact
But...to an extent, feeling the attention wasn't a bad thing
Demeaning but if she choose to be the wife of a monster, then she deserves it, don't she?
Looking into the mirror and outlining every cut, Y/N let her last tear fall.
"I choose to prefect my people and suffer for it..Goro may do as he pleases, as this must be my punishment."
Within time, Y/N knew she was his favorite. Now rather then 3 times a month, she would sleep with him 4 times. Then 5. And then more.
What can he say, he loved seeing that true, raw emotion in his miniature wife's eyes.
Goro was breaking her down day by day, but she'll learn to love it
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Standing there in the foggy, humid air surrounding an unimaginable jungle, young Y/N witness fire, battles, burning of peoples and trees, and all else related. There were her people of the L/N clan attacking their neighbors, a hardly recognizable clan. Reptilian peoples. Those people, their world- in flames. What were they fighting for?
Y/N cold, icy eyes held a look of familiarity and remorse to seeing her dear childhood best friend in front of her. His arm crossed over his heart respectfully, pledging his full loyalty and all. If she remembered anything about her first battle, it was how she felt betrayed and like the world was against her. She had to fight her dearest friend. Neither could do it, no matter how much they needed to.
In the end, the two just stared at each other until Y/N simply walked away. The pressure was released since they knew it wasn't each other's fault for the fight between their people, and if either can live another day, it'd all be worth it in the end.
Or so, at the time that was the thought process.
Being broken down, tormented, taunted for centuries... It has its affect on one's mind.
Just a few hours later, a large gathering was thrown at the palace of Shang Tsung to celebrate the new mighty warriors, including Baraka, General Kotal alongside Aztec warriors, new demons and hellspawns, Scorpion... and of course, Reptile. However, the party was mostly for Shang Tsung to showcase his wealth and power, and everyone knew it but the food and drink was worth tasting even if it stroked his ego.
Y/N stood tall at a pillar in the room. She wore a sort of dress required for this kind of gathering- The dress was pretty and touched the floor almost. She wore a small underskirt to make the dress more puffy. It was eye catching to say the least, but not nearly as much as how Princess Kitana and her side kick Jade was. Scarlette and many of the other men and women wanted to show their wealth and attractiveness.
However, it all looked like this blur to a visitor. Her face shun like the sun yet as cold as ice. Yet, whenever she looked back at that visitor too, her face warmed and her chest felt heavier.
Step, step, step...
His eyes glowed more then she remembered. He was way taller than her, too; her head almost reached his shoulders. Reptile, Syzoth, stood close enough to her to feel her heat radiating off her.
"You grew quite a bit since I last saw you. I'm almost at your shoulders, hehe," Y/n giggled as she looked at Syzoth right in his cold eyes. "It's been centuries."
"My people have all been lost. I am the only one left of my kind. All that remains is few ashy, destroyed homes and statues," Syzoth replied in his raspy, reptilian voice. "I never understood why your kind did it."
"I had never touched a thing. We were destined to different paths and had no choice. I wish... I wish it never ended the way it did. I remember us talking about running away together and starting our own people; our own clan. Maybe then our people would be at peace."
"Had only we saw the world through the lens of reality," Reptile replied, closing his eyes for a moment.
"Had only, my friend."
Silence filled the space between them as everyone around them talked and laughed and gambled. The music in the background that was softly playing ranged from different genres- traditional Chinese, Edenian, and whatever else sounded right. However, it was all put to a halt whenever Shang Tsung tapped against a glass to make a loud clinking sound.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to grant a toast to our beloved emperor... Emperor Shao Kahn." The crowd raised their glasses and clapped, roared, or produced whatever sound their specie can make to show support. When the crowd died down, Shang Tsung continued.
"And to appreciate the new warriors who shall stand against Earthrealm in the name of our emperor! You shall all be the reason we will take over our greatest enemy and conquer yet another major realm. One by one, you will see the effects of your support on your lives as you are approached with fame, wealth, love, support, and most importantly, power. You shall all be respected and worshipped by those in Earthrealm after the tournament begins! And with that, thank you all!"
The crowd cheered and smiled at each other cheerfully and took their shots as they were reminded of the upcoming tournament. However, the mood changed whenever the music changed to something more slow and romantic. Alas, the couple's dance begins.
Jade and General Kotal take the floor, followed with Erron Black and a maid lady most likely, Baraka and a Tarkatan female soldier, and more.
Y/N looked away from the crowd and back and Reptile.
"I do remember the festivals of our people. You looked stunning in that flowered dress you wore during your celebrations, and the warrior clothing you wore at mine. You were such a wonderful dancer," Syzoth broke the silence. A warm smile appeared on Y/N's face.
"I still practice our danced. Do you?" Y/N questioned.
Syzoth held out his arm for her, replying with, "would you like to find out?"
The pair walked onto the dance floor once she took his arm in her's. They walked into the center and held onto each other and stayed close. Together, they danced just like how they'd used to. It wasn't very eye catching or anything, but to them, it was special.
At least, for the night.
Two hundred years later. That's right, two hundred years.
And absolutely nothing had happened between the two. They were put on group missions time to time but they spoke as partners who's never met prior to the mission. They worked side by side, but nothing more.
It was the first time seeing each other in centuries the day of that gathering. There was no need for aggression or hatred on that day when it was a day of memorial and celebration. Since then, things have gotten more serious to the point where there was no more time for reunions and flashbacks.
Besides, the gathering was his appreciation to Y/N. There was no more left to appreciate as only the memories of the ruined home he once lived happily in remained. Everyday was a reminder of what had happened- how he was spared by his best friend when he'd rather join his family in death. He couldn't kill himself so he has to live out each day and survive. Working with Shao Kahn was his reminder of what he's fighting more.
Vengeance cannot ever be granted as long as Y/N is alive, but he could never hurt her. If he could revive his fallen people, only then will he be satisfied.
Reptile was knocked out by Johnny Cage in just a single fight. After the fight between Baraka and him, there was a break.
Reptile rested on a bench somewhere in Shang Tsung's island while he tried to rid of his headache. He groaned with his reptilian voice as he heard footsteps quietly approach.
"He was a lot stronger than we anticipated. I despise seeing people such as Cage winning," Y/N's calming voice filled the silence as she sat down next to him.
Y/N grabbed his arm and squeezed it slightly, causing a questioning look from Syzoth. However, his headache disappeared immediately, and suddenly he remembered her kind could aid any pain in the blink of an eye.
"It would take about 10 of my kind to kill a single person in your clan, however due to our healing abilities, we would live. With regeneration magic, we are practically impossible to defeat."
Oh, the memories.
"Do not worry though, for Shang Tsung would get the neck of it. It is he who runs the tournament so any failure is his failure."
Syzoth remained silent as he listened in to Y/N. His entire life, he wondered why his people had to die to this very girl's. The thought just wouldn't leave his mind.
"You did a few moves I had never seen before. I knew you could use your tongue and throw spit balls, but your slide was impressive. Along with the way you throw him up in the air like that and attacked again before he could react. You're even more skilled than your father."
His father died by the hands of her mother and uncles.
"Is that so? Would you like to see more?"
"You want to spar?" Y/N questioned as Syzoth stood up and held out his hand for her to take. He pulled her up once she took it and smirked.
"I would love to."
They walked in an open area and brought up their fists. A casual sparing match. Seconds passed before Syzoth ran and slide towards Y/N, throwing a ball of acid in the air that would hit her if she tried to jump over him. Y/N reacted fast and lunged forward, barely escaping the acid or the reptile.
She rolled onto the ground and summoned a whip covered with spikes. She swung it at it and the spikes poked through his skin, before she ripped back the whip. The spikes ripped his flesh apart and he came clashing down forward.
The sparring match slowly became more and more aggressive. To the point where it became a scene that passbyers watched. Not everyone left the island after the tournament after all.
Slowly, the two started to get genuinely pissed off at each other tactics, and eventually, Y/N tackled Syzoth and summed and dagger and plunged it into the palm of his hand. She summoned another one and did the same for his other palm. He hissed and attempted to kick her off him, however she moved too fast.
She summoned one more dagger that she pieced the scales around his throat with. "Do you give up, Syzoth?" She taunted.
She was covered in blood and bruises, and clearly badly roughed up, as was Syzoth. The crowd around them watched as the reptile started to feel self councious and humiliated. He said literally nothing and stopped struggling. He simply quietly hissed at the pain in his palms. He had given up.
Y/N got up slowly and took out the daggers. Slowly, shame started to set in. What a way to greet an old friend, huh? She had a look of pity as she watched Syzoth stand ho and brush himself off before walking off.
The crowd dispersed with their small talk and comments, but she ignored them. "What have I done?" She pondered.
The next tournament began, where Lui Kang was to fight Scorpion and Quan Chi. Y/N stood and watched the fight, but couldn't help but notice Syzoth in the background. He looked hurt, and an empty feeling in her heart remained. She felt terrible.
Little ways after then, the two happened to meet up at that pond again where they "sparred." Reptile was sitting at that bench again, before sensing Y/N.
"You are just like your clan. Taking advantage of whatever you can."
"I beg you're pardon? You fought back with equal might, Syzoth."
Before Y/N even noticed him, Reptile insulted her. But Y/N was correct- it wasn't all her fault. "Do not call me by my name," Reptile hissed as be stood up.
"You are just like your clan. You blame everyone else for your own faults in order to make yourselves think you look good," Y/N spit back. She glared at the heated Reptile, who began to quickly approach her. She went to take a step back, but immediately he was in her face hissing.
"I have no clan. Your family killed them all."
Y/N felt a tear in her heart but ignored it. "That was not our doing and you know it. We left home to protect ourselves and keep our legacy alive. What my clan did is not my fault. You embarrassed yourself yesterday, bur get over it. We aren't children anymore, Syzoth."
Venom spewed in his name. "I am not Syzoth to you, traitor!"
Y/N shoved hard against him and like a bomarang, he came back. Only he pushed her as hard as he could, causing her to fall back and hit her head. She growled and went to stand up but Syzoth got on her and held her down.
He opened his mouth, venom dripping from his tongue and onto the stone. Y/N gasped silently and tried to get him off by kicking and turned, but his grip on her wrists was strong.
"I heard it could take 10 of me to kill one of you, Y/N.." he hissed as his voice became more reptilian. He picked his lips as venomous acidstarted to drip onto her clothing. She gasped ad her heart began to pound. "Let us test that now!" He hissed.
She expected him to spit up the acid all over her face and make her skin melt, or to wrap his long tongue around her, or something other than what he did!
What he did was connect their lips. He kissed her dearly and made her gasp! Was he gonna force acid down her throat?
She was waiting and waiting for it, and while waiting a few seconds ahead couldn't help but pursue. She closed her eyes tightly and deepened the kiss. I mean.. if she's gonna die, what the hell?
Also, sorry this one sucks, I for some reason can't type on my laptop because of a random word limit on posts so I'm writing on my phone lol
But it never came. Despite the reptile seeming to be in attack mode, especially after the humiliation of yesterday's fights, he didn't harm her. He held her down and kissed her.
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Her heart fluttered as she drifted away into peace. Well, I suppose they did say they would marry once they were older, and that they'd always love each other.
It does seem a little cliche though, doesn't it? Like they hated each inherent one moment then suddenly love each other? Well, you can say that these were built up feelings towards each other that Syzoth was just like, "okay, idgaf anymore, it's been centuries without holding hands so Imma"
When Syzoth pulled away, his anger had disappeared. Y/N grew a small smile and said, "Hmm, I did not know you would be the one to act first rven after all these years."
He rolled his eyes and got off of her, thinking back to their childhood. Y/N held hands with him first, hugged him first, and so on. Y/N helped herself up and smiled.
"Well, I'm glad you're not mad about yesterday. I thought I had embarrassed you."
"Of course you had bur it was expected," he replied. "No matter to me now."
Y/N held his hand and from then on, no more fights, okay?
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Erron Black
150 years ago, there was a shortly lived era from 1860 to 1880 where there were cowboys and gunslingers. 150 years ago, a Chinese sorcerer had encountered a gunslinger, asking for the assassination of someone in return for immortality. Of course, the gunslinger had accepted, and staying young would allow him to remain patient with everything. He has so many years to fulfill everything he needed to do, so why hurry?
With the ability to stay young for years to come, he had so many opportunities to see people, see women, assassinate, and serve. Before he knew it, 150 years had passed and here he was, working for a mythic man in a realm he never would have thought real. Erron Black, a gunslinger who had lived 3 lifespans considering he was likely to live until 60 in the 1870s. A stoic, flirtatious man who perfected his aim beyond what should be possible and lived for the moment.
How would such a man react when he's invited to a party in the islands of Shang Tsung? His first thought when he arrived would be to find liquor, of course. However, when he looks around, his eyes immediately land on the girl across the room. She has flowing H/C hair that swayed when she walked across the room, handing out drinks to people. A short, beautiful F/C dress flowed with her movements, a dragon symbol suggesting that she worked for Shang Tsung.
The room was full of people Erron had never seen before considering he'd only just decided to officially become an outlander. Before a week ago, Earthrealm and Shang Tsung was all he knew about.
The cowboy raised an eyebrow, eyeing the girl as she spoke to an unrecognizable face from across the room. He already knew he would find a way to talk to her later so he simply shrugged off his findings for now to look for something to drink.
Goro, Sheeva, Kitana, Jade, Shao Kahn, Kintaro, Baraka, Reptile, and plenty of other guests surrounded and spoke in the room at once, and many soldiers and guards drinking and laughing.
Erron made his way through the groups of people, heading towards the throne in the middle of the room towards the wall. There sat the infamous Shang Tsung who at the time had a youthful form, as this takes place before the tournament. Erron's slow and cautious steps could almost be mistaken for nervousness, even. Before the cowboy could make it to the sorcerer, someone steps in front of him, putting him to a halt.
The one who cut him off was none other than that server girl from earlier. She had a soft smile on her features as she bowed her head to the cowboy, holding a tray in her hand. "Excuse my sudden visit, sir, however I noticed you seemed worried. May I offer you a drink, directions, or perhaps a person you need to see?" Erron smirked under his mask, chuckling as he stared into her deep E/C eyes.
"Well, lil missy, what's a gorgeous lady like you servicin' for? Ya outta be out havin' yourself a good time too," he complimented, looking the girl from head to toe as he took a took a beverage from her tray. The girl breathed out a short giggle, smiling.
"Why thank you, cowboy," she replied softly as her cheeks warmed up. "However if I had done so, I wouldn't be the first lady you'd speak to. I cannot have another woman be your first dance or good time of the night," The cowboy chuckled at her reply, placing his hand on his belt and the other lifting the glass cup and taking his shot of liquor.
"Darin', aren't cha?" he stated, taking a step closer to her and setting the glass on her tray, "I like it." The two were close to begin with, but now there was only one feet between them. "May I ask for your name, darlin'?"
"My name is Shang Y/N, sir. What may I call you?" she replied, smirking to herself as she leaned in.
"They call me Erron Black, milady. But you?" Erron leaned in closer, his hand pushing back a few strands of the girl's hair from her face. Y/N moved the tray in her hand to the side to allow Erron to get closer. "Call me what you want as long as I belong to you for the night."
Y/N's face heated and this warm feeling in her chest grew. She giggled to herself, feeling like a school girl whose crushing hard on the mysterious new guy, placing her hand on top of his. "You have a way with words, Black. But surely you didn't just come here to flirt with me, did you?" She teased. "There must be something you need. Please, name your need and I will provide."
Erron cocked his head at the change of topic, but then noticed a pair of eyes staring at Y/N from Shang Tsung. He knew that meant he had to step away from her and get serious, so he did. "Eh, the fanciest liquor you got will do; don't matter what it is." And with a bow, Y/N headed off to ask a few more people what they need.
Erron watched as she walked away swiftly before turning back to Shang Tsung and approaching him. The sorcerer smirked, greeting him and asking him how things were.
Minutes passed before Shang Tsung had been requested elsewhere and had to leave their conversation, leaving Erron to wait for his drink to arrive. He was a patient man but boredom hit him quickly.
E/C eyes and H/C hair, and a soft voice that was elegant. That reminded him of his first encounter with an Outworlder, whenever he was only nine. He remembers waking up in the middle of the night because a bright light illuminated his room. He tiredly walked over to his window, peering out and freezing in fear when he saw what it was. A portal. Quickly, he rushed outside through the front door of his home but by the time he managed to get outside, the portal was gone. And when he tried to go back inside, he went face to face with his father who he had woken up on accident.
Erron once was asked if he had shot his father, to which he responded that the son of a bitch had it coming. Another time, he mentioned that his mother would have loved someone, and later said that he hated her. With this in mind, you can imagine how upset his parents would get when Erron would claim to see things at night and rush out the door to get a better look, his footsteps waking up his parents.
Until one night. Always, the portal would come up at a certain time and Erron was prepared for it. When he saw a portal open, he busted open his window and jumped out. He ignored the glass shards on the ground and darted for the portal.
The bright light lit up three men that had walked through the portal. As soon as they were fully on Earth, the portal dispersed. Erron slowed down his running, observing the three men. A man who was white as paint and bald, a man with his hair down but some of it in a small bun, and a man with fire in his eyes.
Erron watched, mouth agape, and slowly crept forward. He was practically right in front of them, but he stayed to the side to not get caught. Two talked in a serious matter, the one with fire was silent.
It's strange. He knew now that it was Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Scorpion he saw that night. He knows they noticed he was there, but ignored him since he was just a kid. His parents were furious though, causing Erron to chuckle.
He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, tipping his hat and closed his eyes. "Yeah, those ol' bastards got what they deserved."
"...I beg your pardon?"
He opened his eyes, seeing the beautiful Y/N before him. In her tray, she held a unique glass filled with red liquid. The glass was shaped like a dragon and was crystallized.
"Ah, sorry ma'am. Say, whatever would that be?" He asked, referring to the glass bottle. Y/N smirked as she grabbed the glass and handed to Erron.
"This is your fanciest liquor, Black. It's an royal delicacy. Only those such as the emperor, my father, and those working under the throne will ever have the chance to consume it."
Erron hummed before taking a sip. Immediately, he felt strength coursing throw his veins, as if he just drank an energy drink. He furrowed his eyeborrows, taken aback by the taste.
"Sweet Jesus," he muttered. Y/N giggled, smiling warmly as his face. "This is the best thing I ever did taste! I want one once a night," Erron smirked, licking his lips. He held out the drink for Y/N, offering her a sip.
"Oh! Well, I should not..." she loomed around her, making sure no one watched as she took the glass and quickly took a sip of it. Her smile grew on her face as she felt the magic flow through her.
"Yeah, but 'cha did, as you deserve little lady," he leaned forward, brining his face closer to her's. She giggled, leaning closer to him as well.
"Well, I would not mind sharing a glass with you, gunslinger," her face heated up again, and she moved her tray to the side.
"Why don't you share a bed with me later tonight too then, hmm?" He asked, nearly breaking the space between them. Y/N was never one for sex or going out and partying like how her father is, but she was really liking this gunslinger!
"Y/N, dear," another voice called out. Y/N looked over at the man walking towards them; her father. Her heart dropped and she changed into a more professional stance. "You have been asked for by General Kotal. Don't slack, please, dear."
"Yes father, my apologies," she quickly bowed before rushing off. There left Shang Tsung and the gunslinger.
“She’s your girl, huh?” The gunslinger asked, putting his hands on his hips near his gun holsters. “She’s quiet the gal, boss.”
Shang Tsing smiled, nodded his head and replying, “She appears as quick-witted and sweet as her beloved mother, yet is as cold and hateful as I. She truly is a blessing yet a curse to all she opposes.”
And damn, was that right. Erron never really had a chance to speak to her again that night, and he soon forgot about it. He was gonna live for a long, long time, so what’s wrong with chasing a little tail? A blessing to married mortals is death, so they manage to last until death instead of maybe 80 years then onto the next person. Give it maybe 30 years later before they meet again- sex, booze, long nights, fights, parties, money- he had all he could ask for. But serving Kotal Kahn and beating people’s broke asses all day would get sort of boring, along with the same kind of but different chick every night to wake up to.
Erron did his regular patrol through the market place on the east side of Outworld. He hated it most- poor sons of bitches and whores always grabbing his boots, begging for a spare dime. Erron glared at those peasants, ignored them or hurting them if they wouldn’t get the message. He was an unforgiving asshole.
But FUCK, if you’re reading this, you love unforgiving assholes too.
He sighed as he heard the start of another fight- someone probably tried to steal a fruit or something.
Erron made his way over, walking his intimidating walk as he pulled his pistol out of the holster, shooting it towards the sky. “Settle down, ya filthy animals.”
A man in regular peasant clothes angrily looked at the gunslinger, pointing a finger at the women across from him. She was shorter, a long black dress with long sleeves and black veil on. She didn’t look rich, but she certainly wasn’t poor. Perfect. Erron was worried he forgot too many coins at home to get that one drink at the bar. Maybe the women would have a few coins to spare in exchange for her life?
The peasant man yelled, “this treacherous snake! She used black arts in the sacred walls of Kotal Kohn! She’s a slave of Shinnok!”
The woman glared at the man as if he was a mere inconvenience, rather than an actual problem. Her eyes held such spark and cold, false personality in them, in almost made him think of that girl long ago. She cried out, “lies! Please, gunslinger, you must believe me!”
She played her part so well. She was a fearful, harmless women who had wronged by this lying peasant. So everyone thought, anyways. She slapped her hands together and cried out, “please!”
Erron looked her up and down, smirking under his mask. “Is that so ma’am? Well I ain’t a damn reason to trust neither of ya. But accusing her of dark arts from the likes for Shinnok is a harsh statement to make and I doubt you want to suffer the pain that comes with being caught lying from that. Unless you wanna stick to your word, partner.” Erron took steps closer to the man, who dwindled in uncertainty and anxiety. “Am I right?”
“Sir, please, I saw it myself!” The man cried out as the woman fearfully stepped away from the two. “Her face, it- it changed! Like she morphed! As if Shang Tsung himself was-“
“Hol’ it.” Erron looked at the woman and glared. Those eyes, although all that was visible due to the black mask covering her nose and mouth, were an unforgettable sight. The woman sniffed, holding her arms close.
She knew he knew. The gunslinger she met that night was unforgettable to her, and she knew who he worked for. One of her father’s old “toys.” But perhaps he didn’t know exactly who she was.
“Ma’am, step o’er here with me for a moment.” The woman nodded and followed him away from the market and somewhere a minute or so away, in this larger building nearby. Torn and abandoned building with no one but homeless fools within it.
When they arrived, he turned to her and said, “Back to the wall. No funny business.”
The woman suddenly differed from the way she acted before- she was no longer scared or anxious. Just cold and hateful. It’s like the air around them had gone from one thing to suddenly dangerous. She blankly looked at the gunslinger, replying, “no. I do not think I will.” Erron glared, grabbing onto his pistol but before he pulled it out, the woman raised her hand.
“Long time, no see, Shang. Still as cocky and pitiful as ever, huh?” He glared at the woman, ready as ever to put a bullet between her eyes. Or his.
“It has been a while, indeed. As much as a brainwashed slave to the leaders as always, I see.” She only had to hold her hand out to seem threatening although nothing would happen. No spell was being conjured but a simple cowboy would never understand that.
“I work for myself, and always have. I never gave a damn about ye, unlike those mindless things ye call servants.”
“Hehe,” a sweet giggle left the woman’s mouth, making Erron question if it was Shang or someone who is going along with the idea that she’s him. It’d be sort of weird if the all powerful and feared sorcerer made a cute little giggle, wouldn’t it?
“I thought you were speaking of me, not my father. I know you had feelings for me, gunslinger.”
It all came together just like that. Unless this was a simple trick by the warlock too. “Okay, enough talk. For me, at least. Back against the fuckin’ wall, or have your guts spilled across it. Ye know ya have no way of escaping this.”
“Hehehe, well Erron, I am not my father. I have done non wrong at all. Should you Khan execute an innocent woman, imagine the uprising he will receive as a result. Not only that, but for if you don’t fear that, just know I won’t be going down alone.” She raised her hand to her veil, lifting it up- the sudden movement making the gunslinger pull out his gun and press the trigger within lightning speed, though never shooting. She lifted the veil off and pulled down the mask, revealing the face of the daughter of Shang. Beautiful face shape, beautiful lips, beautiful eyes, and an unmistaken smirk.
“Knock me out if you wish, but I assure you, I am Y/N. Ferra and Torr will not have met me. Neither your Kahn. And if you truly do serve none other than yourself, then you should have no reason to not let me go.” Erron studied her features, keeping his pistol steady in place. “Besides, you know I can make make you a mystery.”
A few silent seconds passed before Erron sighed, putting his gun away. Y/N smiled sweetly, as if the intense talk-off had never taken place. He chuckled, taking a few steps towards the woman, “yeah, you are a sweet and soft gal on the outside, aren’t cha? Don’t think I didn’t kill you because of your threats though. You know how disgusting the prisons here are, and such a gorgeous gal like yourself deserves better than that.”
“What are you insinuating?” She asked kindly, her unnerving smile never ending. She looked up at the tall cowboy, you were less than a foot away from her now.
“Well, howsbout we make a deal? I keep quiet about you, and let you roam to do whatever you please. But, I get to see you once or twice a week.” He pulled down his mask and smirked.
“And what do you see us doing?” She asked, putting her arms behind her back and feeling her face get flushed.
“Oh nothing. Maybe tour yer daddy’s island. That place was badass last time I went.” Y/N giggled, nodding and holding out her hand.
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theladyismyshepard · 3 years
I’m here to use your interests against you mwahahaha! Could you write something about a reader who like Cass, Dani, and Bela more than their mother, except Lady D. Likes the reader and wants them to herself.
You have me intrigued, anon, and I hope this is what you were looking forward to
Finally Throwing out the polyamorous relationship where the sisters pass you around 😍
Well This is Awkward
You awake easily this morning, and maybe it was because you had slept uninterrupted. The blackout curtains tucked away any sunlight that dared to peer through the windowpane. The natural chill of the castle had you burrowed into the blanket, falling and clinging to sleep. The screams that would haunt the hallways had even paused for the night.
You also supposed it made it easier to wake up when reality seemed better than your dreams. You glanced down at the arm thrown over you and the leg hooked around your own. Your eyes trailed up the body until your gaze connected with a wide grin framed by blazing red hair. You couldn’t help but to smile back.
“Good morning, Daniela,” you said, your voice thick with sleep.
“Finally,” jested Daniela, propping her head up on her hand. “It only took you eight hours to get up.”
Your smile turned lazy as you closed your eyes again. You felt two fingers tap your cheek sharply, and you couldn’t help but to find her clinginess endearing. She looked almost impatient when you opened them, but all you could focus on was the pout she was throwing your way.
“No more sleeping!” She exclaimed, shaking you by the shoulder. “It’s almost Cassandra’s turn!”
You shake your head at the absurdity of her statement. Daniela sounded damn near jealous of her sister, and you couldn’t have that... especially when you knew Daniela’s intense emotions tend to have drastic actions.
You tried to roll her over onto her back, but she resisted, instead choosing to push you down and straddling your hips while pinning your arms down by your side. She was wearing a smirk the whole time her face came closer to yours, her hair falling to curtain your faces from the outside world.
“I don’t like to be kept waiting.” whispered Daniela before she licked the shell of your ear.
“Then why did you let me sleep in?” You countered absently, your mind already occupied.
“Bela told me I had to.” pouted Daniela, sitting upright on your hips and crossing her arms. “She said something about “bags” under your eyes, but I like them!”
You smiled in amusement at both sisters. It made your heart swell that Bela was thoughtful about your sleeping routine and the effect it had on your body. It made you feel kinda special that Daniela enjoyed your company enough to want to disrupt your sleep, not giving a damn about your appearance if denied rest.
“Well, thank you, sweetie, I’m glad I look attractive when I look beat to hell.” you chuckled, grabbing ahold of her hips and drawing small circles there.
“You might be a mess, but you’re a hot mess at least.” she said cheekily, obviously enjoying the banter.
“I was thinking the same about you.” you teased back, unable to hold back a laugh. “What a couple we must make, huh?”
“We make the best couple.” growled Daniela, surging back down to grab either side of your face and pull you towards her mouth.
A sharp knock interrupted the kiss, and Daniela really growled this time, irritation written all over her face when she pulled back in the sitting position again.
“What?!” snapped Daniela, neck craned so she was facing the door, yet already knowing who it was.
“Don’t yell at me, Dani, it’s your fault you picked your turn during bedtime.” came Cassandra’s deadpan, almost sounding bored despite the venom spat right at her through the door.
“I’m sorry,” you couldn’t help but to say sheepishly, averting your eyes.
Daniela’s frustration was no longer evident as she begrudgingly peeled herself from your body. You could lie there all morning with how comfortable the bed was, but you were aware that Cassandra had took it upon herself to come and collect you, so you couldn’t keep her waiting. You sat up with every intention of hurrying, but you also couldn’t leave with Daniela feeling neglected in any sort of way.
“Sometimes having you for the night is my favorite.” said Daniela, giving you a wink to ease the nerves. “Come here and tell me ‘bye’ like you mean it.”
“There are no ‘goodbyes’, but I’ll give you a ‘see you later’.” you chuckled at her eye roll, but that didn’t stop her from leaning forward to meet you halfway.
When you felt her breath on your lips, your eyes fluttered shut of their own accord, and with that you didn’t see Daniela duck her head at the last moment. Your eyes flew open when you felt the sting of her teeth tearing through the top layer of skin on your throat. You hissed, but cradled the back of her neck, holding her still.
Daniela was always leaving you on your toes, unsure of what was to come with how rapid her thoughts skipped to the next. But that was what you loved about her: her spontaneity. She never allowed you to grow bored with her.
“Fuck, Daniela,” you stammered out when you began to feel lightheaded. “Too much, too much,”
Daniela pulled back with her signature crazed giggle, and it had you momentarily forgetting what you were supposed to be doing. Until the knocking on the door increased in volume.
“Hurry up, or it comes out of your next turn!” called Cassandra, and you knew she also was a sister that you couldn’t afford to piss off too much.
“I’d like to see her try,” said Daniela, still giggling at your dazed expression, but finally pulling away from you so you could get up, blood trickling down her lip. “She couldn’t keep me away from you.”
“I wouldn’t let her.” you assured, sending her an earnest smile while getting dressed quickly, and you were thoroughly surprised when you didn’t get a clipped response through the door.
“You’re just too sweet,” she drawled, wiping the corner of her lip with her finger and popping it into her mouth, slowly licking it clean. “You should be going now before Cassandra becomes angry.”
“I love you,”
After one last kiss, you ripped open the door, eyes searching for the brunette who you hoped wasn’t too impatient. The door clicked shut behind you as you observed Cassandra leaning back against the wall across from Daniela’s room. Her scowl morphed smoothly into a smirk that easily had you nervous in a good way.
“Good morning, babe,” you greeted brightly, reaching out for her hand.
“It is now,” Cassandra flirted easily, looking at you through narrowed eyes when she examined the already bruising flesh where Daniela had bit you. “Let’s go, I have plans for today.”
You let her guide you with no hesitation like you always did. Cassandra always had plans, different ones every day, never really asking you if you had any plans for your time together. She took full control but that was what you loved about her. Sometimes you liked to be submissive, and that was what Cassandra liked to prey on.
“What did you have in mind?” You asked as she took the many twists and turns that led you to the kitchens, and the reminder of food had your stomach growling.
“First, I knew Daniela wouldn’t think of breakfast, so I had one of the maids awoken early to prepare something beforehand so it wouldn’t waste our time.”
She spoke it so nonchalantly, as if it meant nothing at all really, but Cassandra showed her affection through ways of her own, and while it took some time to become familiar with her subtle love language, you knew she appreciated quality time together with no one else around to disrupt the two of you.
“Thank you, Cassandra,” You smiled, your eyes catching sight of the platter decorated quite nicely with fruits and cheeses and biscuits and different meats and you couldn’t help but to be touched by the extensiveness of it, to both Cassandra and to the maid who prepared it.
“I can’t have you falling out on us.” chuckled Cassandra, leading you to the table set up just for you.
“So what comes after this?” You questioned, sitting down and smiling when she pushed you in.
“Impatient are we?” Cassandra mused, looking proud with herself.
“Can’t have you wasting time, can we?” you quipped, smiling smugly at her snort.
“Shut it, your smart tongue is only keeping us here longer.”
“I thought you liked my smart tongue.” You countered, arching a brow as you stuck it out teasingly.
“There are many uses to it,” she agreed, shrugging. “But it also grates at my nerves, so I suggest you eat it up now, babe.”
You smirked, knowing you were keeping up quip for quip with Cassandra, and you also knew she couldn’t stand not having the last word in, even with you, so you took your victory before you lost it. You dug into your food quick as Cassandra watched you, nose wrinkling slightly. Did the smell of food disgust her as much as the smell of death disgusted you?
“Where to now?” You asked earnestly, once you were finished and pushed the platter away.
Cassandra giggled and reached over to pat your head, almost like a puppy, before cupping your cheek, her thumb stroking in small circles. You shuddered from the tingle that danced down your spine in response. Her lips were moving, but you had to blink away the haze to focus in.
“... into town,”
“What on earth for?” You questioned, brow furrowed. “The three of you only really go at night, and I don’t think-”
“Calm down,” Cassandra interrupted, standing up and holding a hand out to you. “All you need is a hood and let me do the talking... I can be quite alluring.”
You narrowed your eyes at her suspiciously. You knew she had her hooks in you, but what did she mean by that? She patted your cheek as she smiled at your expression.
“My sisters and I have many tricks up our sleeves.” she winked, explaining no more. “Come,”
You smirk to yourself and your dirty mind, and grabbed her hand, standing with her. As the two of you walk hand-in-hand through the castle towards her bedroom to collect a spare hood for you, you ran into Bela, and you couldn’t help the large smile that took over your face, your arm already up in a wave.
“Bela!” You called happily, also squeezing Cassandra’s hand to let her know her presence was still appreciated too.
Bela’s eyes were alight when she turned to look at you, smirking when she saw the two of you together.
“Hello, my love,” she said, her eyes crinkled by her widened smile when you reached out to grab her hand. “What are you two off doing today?”
“We’re going into town.” answered Cassandra calmly, and Bela’s eyebrows nearly disappeared into her hairline.
“Under an illusion, I presume?” started Bela cautiously, sighing when Cassandra rolled her eyes, bitch fit at the ready. “Of course, why did I even ask?”
“Why did you?” mocked Cassandra, reeling herself in when you squeezed her hand again, reminding her that you were here.
“Don’t be so quick to get defensive.” You scolded so gently that it came across as more of a plea. “We’re gonna have a good day, okay?”
Cassandra frowned deeply, but she refrained herself from spewing out another biting comment. The thumb of her hand that you were holding brushed along your fingers.
“Before you go running off, I think mother wanted to speak with you,” informed Bela, her eyes directed at you.
With me?
The concern was written so plainly all over your face, and you knew it from the two reassuring hands on your body. Cassandra had a hand rubbing soothingly up your back, and Bela was running her fingers through your hair.
“Would you like us to walk with you, my love?” pressed Bela, eyes boring into yours, and you couldn’t look away as you nodded.
“There’s no need to be scared, babe, we’re right here, and she wouldn’t hurt us by taking you away.” assured Cassandra, moving to hold your hand again.
“I know she wouldn’t hurt me.” You insisted... were you trying to assure yourself or them?
You felt the Lady’s eyes on you when she was in the room. She watched the dynamic you had formed with her daughters in interest, and you always wondered what her thoughts on the matter were. You had yet to be completely alone with their mother, but surely nothing too drastic would befall you without the safety of Bela, Cassandra, or Daniela’s presence.
All you could think about on the way to Lady Dimitrescu’s office was how intimidating she was, and how much of a coward you were acting in front of your girlfriends at the mere prospect of talking with their mother. You put on your brave face when you blinked and you were suddenly outside of the door.
“Let’s get this over with, and this doesn’t cut into my time, Bela!” said Cassandra, her voice suddenly taking on an edge.
“Whatever,” Bela rolled her eyes, moving to open the door.
“Wait,” you stopped them, grabbing each by the arm. “I think she wanted to talk alone.”
What are you doing? Of course you want them there!
Bela pursed her lips, but didn’t argue with you, instead leaning towards you to plant a kiss on your cheek. Cassandra was stoic, but the way she crossed her arms over her chest had you believing that she didn’t want to agree with you. They both took a step back to give you an open entrance.
“I’ll be right here, and we’ll go right after.” promised Cassandra, already leaning against the wall to make herself comfortable.
“It’s gonna be a good day, remember?” Bela reminded, giggling as she walked away down the hall.
You sighed, before straightening your shoulders, pumping yourself up. The door was heavy so you had to put some effort into swinging it open to grant yourself access. The loud creak had you cringing but you still pressed on into the room, your eyes falling onto the Lady.
She was seated at the rather large desk, her neck turned down to examine the paperwork before her... a lady never hunches of course. Her hat concealed her eyes from yours, but when she heard the door open, her neck snapped up, zeroing in on you.
You gulped as you were rooted to the spot beneath the heat of her gaze. Her nostrils flared enough for you to catch it, and the smirk that formed on her mouth crept slowly as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes raking over your body.
“Hello, my dear,” her voice was smooth and easy to listen to, and you wondered why you were so afraid.
“Hello, my Lady,” you greeted politely, hands held behind your back, almost as if you were striving to put on the manners.
“Please, call me Alcina,” the Lady insisted, reaching into one of the drawers of her desk.
She withdrew her tobacco smoking pipe and reached for the book of matches on the desktop. She set the tobacco ablaze, the flames dancing in her golden eyes as she stared into your soul it felt. Her cheeks sunk in a bit as she took a drag, blowing it out in your direction, thickening the room.
“Alcina,” you tried, feeling the way it rolled off your tongue. “You wished to speak with me?”
“Straight to the point, I admire that,” Alcina remarked, signaling with her hand for you to take a seat in one of the chairs before the desk.
“I could hardly keep your daughters waiting.” You joked, attempting to take a crack at humor, and deflated when her smile disappeared.
“You’ve found your way into each of my daughters’ hearts, I see.” she commented thoughtfully.
“I don’t know how I did it but... I’d like to think they care for me as much as I care for them, yes.” You supplied, fidgeting in place.
“You are something special, are you not?” Alcina whispered, eyes trailing over your form yet again, and it left you unsure.
“I hardly believe so,” you dismissed, shaking your head, and why were you arguing with this woman who could kill you with no thought whatsoever?
“I see it,” said Alcina, leaning forward, and what you could see was the way her breasts seemed to push forward almost invitingly, and you had to curse yourself for looking at the mother of your girlfriends in such a lewd manner.
“I’m afraid I don’t understand.” You said, dazed and confused by the way the conversation was going.
“I can smell something different about you, and it has left me intrigued.” Alcina asserted, the smoke swirling and almost obscuring her face from your vision, but those eyes always bore into you.
“What does that mean?” You whispered, almost afraid that too many questions would send her over the edge.
Lady Dimitrescu snuffed out the tobacco so she could tuck away the pipe once more. She then rested her elbows on the desk, her fingers hooking together before she rested her chin atop them. Her eyes glanced from you to the door behind you as she spoke her next words, almost as if she were speaking to Cassandra who was waiting for you in the hall.
“I regret to inform you that some changes are taking place, my dear, and it starts with the relationship you have with my daughters.”
Your face fell and there was no hiding it. You wished you had brought Bela and Cassandra along, and then you thought of Daniela, and how you awoke with her wrapped around your body.
“W-what about it?” You stammered, your chest tightening, and Alcina sighed ruefully, almost as if to show her regret.
“I’m going to have to take you away from them.” she explained, raising a hand to silence you when your mouth dropped open. “This is not a form of punishment and you are not to be harmed... but I must take you for myself.”
You couldn’t move. Here was this woman who left you feeling nervous and intimidated and so very small telling you that she was stealing you away from her own daughters for her own interests.
“What?” You weren’t sure if it was loud enough to even make a sound in your throat, but the clicking of her tongue confirmed it.
“Pay attention from now on, darling, I do not appreciate having to repeat myself.” Alcina warned, though it wasn’t as harsh as it could be.
“But-” were you really still arguing with her?
“Enough,” clipped Alcina, her frustration starting to rear its head. “I am already aware that I will have to fight with all three of my daughters, do not push me anymore.”
You couldn’t wrap your head around what was happening and you felt like you couldn’t keep up, and this wasn’t the place to get left behind in. You weren’t even sure if you were fully aware of what becoming Alcina’s lover entailed. You were happy where you were.
“Please,” you couldn’t help but to choke out, tears blurring your vision.
“I will be the one to inform my daughters of the new arrangements, you need not worry yourself with that.” assured Alcina, pushing up from the chair, and rounding the desk.
She paused at your side, and you looked up, your neck craning at her height. She chuckled before leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead, taking the time to sniff the scent of your shampoo. Your tears spilled over.
“You remain here, my dear, I will come back to collect you myself, and we will have a discussion of what is to come later.” she said easily, as if she wasn’t switching up your entire life without even a thought.
Your mouth opened and closed, leaving you resembling a goldfish as she opened the door and ducked beneath the doorway. You felt frozen, unable to react to the sudden shouting outside of the door. You couldn’t even hear Cassandra going into her full blown tantrum, throwing things and all.
You stared down at your hands, your forehead still tingling from the cool lips that were just pressed there. What the hell was it that had an entire family of vampires juggling you around? Even the matriarch needed her taste.
You wanted the warmth of Bela, the alluring aura of Cassandra, the intensity of Daniela... Surely they would come for you... right? Surely they could go against their mother...
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write-ur-wrongs · 3 years
Nature’s Nurturing Ways
Hi y’all! This pandemic has really taken the wind out of my sails these past few weeks (maybe months? Time is completely untraceable right now). This piece is born out of a lovely anon’s request, bolded below. As always, I haven’t proofread this mess, so please forgive the typos! I’ll do my best to correct them post-publishing. I seriously can’t thank you enough for taking the time to send me your ideas, and I promise I’ll get better at writing actual drabbles LOL. I hope you enjoy :) 
Hii can you write something abt Geralt being w a plant-based reader where she loves animals and nature? Tysm
Geralt and Jaskier had been travelling for hours when the beating sun finally wore them down. There hadn’t been a breeze in days and the hot, stale air was starting to suffocate the uncharacteristically quiet bard, who wouldn’t dare compete with the surrounding cicada’s symphony.
“Geralt,” he rasped, “do you hear any running water? Drips or gurgles? I’ll take anything.”
“Jask, it hasn’t rained in days and it’s hotter than the depths of hell,” the Witcher sighed before continuing, “I said no yesterday, the answer is the same today.”
“Euughh!” Jaskier threw his head back in despair before hanging his head in exhaustion. “Geralt, I don’t want to be dramatic -,”
“Ha!” Geralt twisted in his saddle to look back at his friend with a quirked brow.
“- but I will fall off this horse and die of exposure if we don’t find water soon.”
Shaking his head, Geralt knew that despite the bard’s tendency to embellish, the situation was getting dire. They’d traveled this way dozens of times before and had always relied on the steady creek that ran alongside the trail for water. The region wasn’t known for dry spells and while Geralt was sure he could manage either way, his companion on the trail was not so durable.
They wouldn’t arrive at their destination for another three or four hours, at his level of dehydration and with probable heat exhaustion, Jaskier might not have that much time.
With another gruff sigh, Geralt pulled back on Roach’s reins and redirected her off the road and into the forest, turning back to ensure Jaskier’s horse would follow.
Geralt knew that there was a small clearing off the road where the thick leaves from the old trees made a lush, and shaded, canopy. He’d been there before a handful of times. It’s where he shared a tender first kiss, where he’d laid his head on Y/N’s chest before falling asleep feeling the cool, lush, grass cradling his large frame. It’s where he first said I love you.
Shaking his head slightly to pull himself from his memories, he dismounted and grabbed both sets of reins, leading the horses into farther the clearing. Once they’d reached the middle of the small field, Geralt released Roach’s lead and gave her a neck a scratch before leaving her to graze.
“Come on Jaskier,” he said, reaching into the gelding’s saddle bag for some food, “get off your horse and lay down in the grass.”
The bard fell out of his saddle with a thud while Geralt continue to root around the bag, huffing as he kept coming up empty.
“Did you eat the last of the cheese?”
“Mmpft,” Jaskier replied incoherently, face down in the grass.
“Hey –”
“Oi! You kicked me!”
“Where is the food? We had bread, cheese, and meat left over last night. Did you fucking eat it all?”
“No, you oaf,” he said, rolling over onto his back, “we ate the rest of it this morning.”
“Fuck!” Geralt cursed under his breath, pulling his hair up off his neck to cool off. He could barely remember what they’d done earlier that day. The heat had been unbearable all evening, and the rising sun only made it worse.  
“Don’t worry about it Geralt! No need to apologize for accusing me so harshly.” Jaskier said, words dripping in sarcasm.
Geralt merely looked down at the bard with disdain and rolled his eyes, refusing to admit the sun might be affecting him too.
“Shut up and take off your shirt –”
“Oh-ho!” he laughed weakly, wiggling his eye brows at the witcher. No matter how beaten and battered the bard may be, he’d never miss an opportunity to tease Geralt.
“No, Gods! Fuck,” Geralt went on, flustered, “the grass will cool you down a hell of a lot faster if you’re in direct contact. And besides, Y/N will kill me if I let you die of exposure.”
“Always so serious, eh Geralt?” Jaskier chided playfully, pulling off his tunic before laying back down onto the grass, “Oh-ho-ho-ohhhh yes… Sweet merciful goddess of all that is good, this feels amazing! Yes, yes, yes!”
While he was sure the bard was still mumbling gratefully, and disgustingly, at the feeling of the cool grass against his skin, Geralt’s mind was elsewhere. Somewhere in this clearing, wild heliotropes had bloomed and the sweet, almondine scent was pulling him into a memory.
“Geralt! Witchers use herbs, mushrooms, and flowers in all kinds of magic,” you said, your hands resting high on your hips, “I find it incredibly hard to believe that in all your years and extensive travels, you’d never learned to forage?”
“All my years, eh?” he’d replied, cat-like eyes gleaming back at you.
“Well of course,” you teased, “I mean, unless you mean to tell me that silver head of hair is a choice born out of vanity?”
“I’m going to make you pay for that later, Y/N.” He laughed, taken aback and a little impressed that you felt so comfortable with his mutations as to mock him playfully.
“Ha! Me and what coin?” you reply with a light laugh, bending over to collect the generous mushrooms growing through the bed of leaves and needles.
Geralt turned his head towards you to hit you with a winning comeback, but found himself lost for words when his eyes failed to meet yours.
You get up slowly, peering over your shoulder to find your witcher’s eyes on your backside. Smirking to yourself and quirking a brow flirtatiously, you toss a handful of dirt and wet leaves his way, hitting the poor soul right in the chest.
“Distracted, Geralt?” you said, tossing your hair over your shoulder as you straightened up.
Geralt swallowed thickly, desperately trying to string together at least a couple words – witty at best, coherent at least – when he heard a twig snap in the surrounding forest.
Quick as a flash, he drew his sword and his attention towards the source of the disturbance, a large boar. Chest already swelling with pride at the thought of providing you with a hearty meal, Geralt prepared his attack on the creature before him.
Seeing that the “threat” in question was nothing but a passing porcine, you dove before him with a shout, dropping the mushrooms on the way. Your scream coupled with your sudden movement startled the beast, and it dove deeper into the brush to escape.
“Geralt, no!”
“Damn it, Y/N,” he swore, “I could’ve had it! We could have had a decent meal! We – we would have been set for days!”
“No, Geralt! We have food, right here in this clearing. We needn’t take lives from the forest to eat.”
“Gods, Y/N,” he sighed, dropping his sword to the ground in frustration, “do I need to remind you of the cycle of life? Creatures live, they die, and they get eaten so others can live –”
“Yes, and by leaving that gentle giant to its ruminations, we’ve allowed it to go on, to feed its young, or hell! By leaving that boar to live, we might have secured a lifeline for a fellow wolf or fox. Geralt look around you; mushrooms, flowers, these thick leaves, those berries? You see that tree there? At its roots there are nuts, and over there? Those flowers? Means there is garlic. The forest will feed us with ease if we simply care to drop our weapons, and look.”
Geralt looked at you and with soft eyes, he took in the way your eyes burned with passion, the way your chest rose and fell with every energized breath. He looked around you and really looked at the plants around him, beyond scanning for any toxic or dangerous herbs, he did his best to see the forest through your bright eyes.
Looking at you he felt his chest swell once more, but this time the feeling was warm, grounding.
“I love you, Y/N,” he said quietly, pulling you into his arms, “so, so much.”
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. You knew he loved you. You had known for months, but you’d made peace with the fact that he loved you however he could, and that that would have to be enough, even if it meant you wouldn’t hear him say it.
“Oh, my sweet, sweet dove,” you murmured, reaching up to lay a soft kiss on his forehead, “I love you too.”
Geralt was wrenched from his thoughts by a swift kick to his shin, courtesy of the bard.
“Shhht!! Geralt!” Jaskier shout-whispered, still kicking at the witcher’s shins. “A deer! A d- dinner! Food! Geralt!”
Side-stepping out of the bard’s frantic little kicks, Geralt looked around him in a quick movement, spotting the deer with his hand primed above his sword’s hilt.
The world seemed to go quiet and still when his eyes met the doe’s. Despite himself, he could hear your voice in his head telling him that she’s a young, vibrant member of this forest’s population. That at her age, she’s likely a first-time mom or about to be. That she has more life to live and more to give to the land than be a poor man’s meal.
Jaskier watched in hungry-horror as Geralt waved his large hand at the creature, turning his back to it before looking down to meet his shell-shocked gaze.
“What the fuck, Geralt!” he spat, “what happened to “Y/N would kill me if I let Jaskier die”? What the fuck! That was food! Survival!”
“You’ll be fine Jask, shut up and lay in your grass.”
“As long as you don’t make me eat it.” He grumbled, not quietly enough.
A laugh rumbled through him as he walked towards to forest line, spotting thick dandelion leaves, mushrooms, and bushes ripe with nuts. He might not necessarily need to feed Jaskier the grass beneath his feet, but he was going to make him eat his words.
“There you are my intrepid explorers!” You damn near squealed at the sight of them, dropping your basket of recently-purchased produce as you ran towards them.
At the sight of you, Geralt dismounts and runs to meet you in a tight embrace. You hold each other tightly, breathing in each other’s scent; his cedar, damp earth, and cut grass, and yours sweet almond.
You pull back just enough to look him over quickly and, spotting no fresh injury or new scars, pull your brows together curiously.
“Did you get lost?”
“Not at all,” replied Jaskier, clapping Geralt on the shoulder, “You’d be impressed, madam Y/N! Our dear witcher made quite the feast. Pulled me right out of the greedy jaws of death, he did!”
“Oh?” You said, brows furrowed in a silent question. Knowing what you meant, Geralt shook his head and kissed your temple to reassure you.
“Picture me this, Y/N,” Jaskier mused as he untacked his gelding, “I’m wilting away, inches from Death’s grip, and Geralt sweeps me under a lush canopy of trees and lays me in the grass…”
“Lays him in the grass? Should I be jealous?” you whispered.
“Never my love,” he replied softly, his forehead against yours.
“… then our honorable friend bid the deer a fond farewell, letting him get away! Yes, Y/N, there I lay, starving, thinking the sun must have cooked the sense right out of him when he marches out of sight only to emerge moments later with a bounty!”
“A bounty?” you mock-gasp, egging the bard on to Geralt’s great displeasure.
“Yes! We ate like kings in that forest, Y/N. All we did was eat but I felt hydrated and renewed! Truly a culinary delight.”
“A delight, Geralt!” you giggled, giving his waist a squeeze.
“Gods, won’t he ever shut up?” he grumbled, ghost of a blush creeping up his collar.
“Oh hush, my love,” you cooed, “without Jask’s bragging, I’d have never known what a big softy you’ve become.”
Wordlessly, Geralt looked down at you in mock-contempt, unsure that this wasn’t a veiled insult. He was instantly reassured though, when his eyes met yours.
“You left the deer.”
“I did.”
“And you foraged, found just what you needed.” You spoke softly, admiration and love rounding your features out beautifully.
“That’s right.”
“Now where did you pick up skills like that, my dove?” You chanced another tease, twirling a lock of his white, dust-packed hair around a finger before giving it a light tug, your head cocked to the side.
“Oh, I had an exceptional teacher…” he said, wrapping an arm tightly around your waist and bringing his other hand up to cup your face, pulling into a deep kiss.
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mommymooze · 3 years
A Cleric and a Prince
Dimitri x Reader
Cannon typical violence, deep splinters, personal threats
Being a healer at Garreg Mach is a challenging job. Working with Manuela in the infirmary is a mixture of emotions. Happy to help others, sad that she has so many personal issues, anxious when someone arrives with serious wounds, hilarious when the students tell you exactly how they become (not seriously) hurt before arriving in the infirmary.
You have not yet been instructed regarding the fine points of battle. If the students need healing battalions, you are part of the Seiros Sacred Monks, helping Mercedes. Your group frequently accompanies the Blue Lions in battles as well as working with them in the monastery, being available to heal them after rough sparring sessions and general needs.
Eventually, a few members of your battalion are assigned to specific members of the class. You are assigned to Dimitri and Dedue. You cannot handle Felix’s antagonistic personality. Sylvain, well, he was given a male healer so that he will focus on what is hurt versus being Sylvain.
After a few battles Dimitri and Dedue realize that you are their assigned healer. It is not announced to the troops, however they notice the same healers heading to assist the same team members. Dimitri asks you to sit with him and Dedue during meals quite often. Dedue speaks with you frequently during your time together in the greenhouse. Healing herbs don’t plant themselves.
You’ve become good friends with both of them. Cheering them both on when they enter the lance tournaments. Joining them in the training grounds, healing their injuries, or the injuries of their opponents more likely, after a long sparring session.
Things fall apart after the battle that occurs in the Holy Tomb. Dimitri is acting strange and distant. Dedue shields you from him at times. Dimitri’s health is suffering, you can tell that he’s not eating and sleeping properly. You help Dedue mix other herbs into the prince’s tea, hoping to get him to sleep occasionally. You find out about Dimitri’s ageusia and load up on the sleeping herbs. Dimitri is a big guy and there are enough herbs in this batch to knock out a horse. He finally sleeps for a night, Dedue cannot force the tea on him every day, he gives it to him as often as he can.
The battle when they lose the Professor is devastating. Dimitri is seriously injured, you keep him from the brink of death. As soon as he is mobile, Dimitri disappears with Dedue following him.
Remaining with the Knights of Seiros you are trained to fight like everyone else. Nearly five years are spent searching for Rhea, fighting Imperial troops, and thieves. Returning to the monastery after the anniversary of the millennium festival, the place is a mess, in worse condition than when you marched away with the rest of the Knights. The Blue Lions return. Dimitri is with them, at least the shell of him is here.
You attempt many times to speak with him while he keeps his vigil at the base of the shattered statue of the goddess.
“The Dimitri you once knew is dead, only this repulsive blood-covered monster remains!” he screeches at you as you enter with a tray of food from the kitchens.
You have learned to bring things that can survive his rage. Any food or drink you bring near him is immediately upended or thrown against the wall. In times of true hunger, the Boar forages, grabbing the chunk of sausage or meat skewers, now stale bread and raw vegetables from the floor.
The times that he is lucid are few. Infrequently, the Professor can have a partial conversation with him. If you catch him while he sleeps or as soon as he wakes, he may let you approach to clean a few wounds and heal him.
Felix scoffs at you, telling you that you are wasting your time and effort on a beast, a worthless animal. Yet Felix is there, every day, just like you, watching over him.
The army heads for Ailell, obtaining additional troops and Rodrigue joins them. Rodrigue can have a few conversations with Dimitri, however Dimitri’s anger still controls him. It is only when they take over the Great Bridge at Myrddin that a change is sparked in him, when Dedue rejoins the Blue Lions.
Now, when food is brought, it is handed to Dedue, who will not allow his highness to throw the trays. Dedue directs the prince not to use his rage upon those that come to aid him. He even convinces Dimitri to remove his armor, a few pieces at a time, to be cleaned and repaired. Dimitri allows the Professor or you to approach, assisting with cleansing his wounds, healing, and clearing his infections.
The army marches for Gronder Field. You stand amongst the troops in his battalion, waiting for the order to proceed. Suddenly it is time to advance. Dimitri and Dedue sprint far ahead of their battalions, they are immediately surrounded by enemies. The battalions fight their best, you alongside them. Perhaps nobody will notice if you cast physic on Dimitri. Dedue is a brick wall, or at least is made of stone, he does not get injured often. The Blue Lions fiercely move forward, Dimitri is determined to reach Edelgard and end her life.
Dedue assists by clearing the last armored Imperial fighter in Dimitri’s way as the leaders of the opposing troops battle. You are fighting Edelgard’s battalion members, preventing them from attacking Dimitri and Dedue. A sudden roar comes from Dimitri as Edelgard is warped away by Hubert. His prize taken from him, Dimitri lashes out at her remaining battalion members, crushing heads and ripping off arms, rending flesh.
The sounds of battle dissipate. You are called to the medical tents to assist with healing. Suddenly the word spreads around camp that Rodrigue has fallen. You cry, not just for Rodrigue, but for Dimitri, whose rage was calming due to Rodrigue and Dedue’s work, and for Felix, who is now alone.
Dimitri solemnly returns to Garreg Mach, Dedue at his side as they escort the body of his dear departed friend.
After the funeral, you march to the Cathedral, arms full of bandages and cleansing cloths. Dimitri would not let you treat his wounds after the battle, during the march or the service. Dedue convinced Dimitri to bathe for the wake. You approach them both as Dedue helps you undress Dimitri from the waist up. As you clean his wounds to avoid further infection, heal him, apply salves, and bandage him, Dimitri looks at you for the first time in forever.
“I am sorry for your loss. I know Rodrigue was like a father to you.” You tell him softly as you wrap a bandage around his left arm.
“He told me I should live for my ideals.” Dimitri swallows, his voice trembles, “Rather than stay shackled by the ghosts of the past.”
“Learn from the past, live for the future.” You smile at him, smoothing some salve to his left ribs. “I know you can do it. Rodrigue believed in you. I do too.”
“My apologies for any problems I have caused you.” He says then hangs his head.
Tying off the bandage on his chest you hug him. “All is forgiven. Rest easy.” You whisper.
He’s not sure what to do, he lifts you into his lap and surrounds you with his arms lightly touching your back, fearful of his great strength. He sobs into your shoulder as you softly whisper comforting words to him patting his back and rubbing his shoulders.
When his tears end, you ask Dedue to get a small towel wet. You place it on Dimitri’s face to cool his forehead eyes and nose. While pressing it to his face, you cast a faith spell to reduce the pain and swelling from crying. After a few minutes you peek underneath the cloth over his good eye.
“How’s it going?” You softly ask.
His blue eye looks at yours. “Better.”
You climb from his lap and he stands, taking a deep breath. “I should probably speak with Byleth.” He coughs into his hand. “Thank you.” He says bowing.
“I’m always at your service.” You smile.
The battle in Fhirdiad is awful. You had not been to the capital of Faerghus too frequently, it is painful to see so many lives ruined, buildings and homes demolished. The citizens are rebelling against the Imperial army, doing their best to help. Although the commoners are brave, you cannot help but feel grief-stricken when they are killed. The people are not trained fighters, however they feel so heart strong for their land and kingdom.
The battle against Cornelia is harrowing, under the tactical eye of Byleth and strong will of Dimitri, the Blue Lions are triumphant. Bells ring throughout the city proclaiming the victory. Citizens are jubilant, dancing in the streets. A celebratory feast is held in the castle.
You are in the infirmary, healing and patching up anyone that comes for treatment. Working long hours into the night, you collapse into an empty infirmary bed for a well-deserved rest. The morning comes quickly. Dedue arrives asking for assistance with Dimitri’s wounds. The serious injuries for soldiers have been addressed, ensuring that the soon to be King is healthy is the next item on the priority list.
“Thank you for coming to my aid.” Dimitri humbly addresses you as you enter his room. “I did not see you at the feast. I was told you were working with the other clerics, healing those that could be helped. I feel guilty asking for your assistance.”
“We need you to lead us.” You smile. “It makes no sense to let you become ill from infection.”
As you treat his wounds and bandage him, you tell him stories of his brave people. How they worked together to aid in the fighting, putting out fires to save buildings, pulling other citizens away from the battles, and how all of them support him.
Dimitri again lets his thoughts go back to when he was lost and out of control. You reassure him that the people have forgiven him. They cannot lead themselves, not yet anyway. Everyone can heal together. Rebuild the city, rebuild the people. Put people into place that are good rulers, good people to look up to and respect.
The conversation goes on, you did not realize that the two of you are talking for hours. It is quite late, he should probably be asleep.
“Come Dimitri, it is time for you to go to bed. Get dressed and I will tuck you in and tell you a story.” You grin at him. He holds you to your word. He calls to you after he is dressed in his nightclothes and under his covers.
You gently tuck him in and blow out all the candles but one. You tell him a fairy tale about a boy, magic beans, an evil goose, and a giant. Your hand is on the bed next to him. Gently he places his on top of yours before the story is done. You take his hand in both of yours, rubbing it warmly between yours as you tell him another story about silly animals that think they can sing and their adventures. When you know he is asleep, you take the candle with you as you leave.
The rest and recovery time in the capital is short lived as the army heads out to Derdriu to assist Claude, the city is under siege. Byleth leads the troops just in time to rescue them. The army turns south to head to Enbarr. One last attempt in negotiating for peace is held with Edelgard, however neither side would give in. Battle is the only way to finish the war.
The battle goes through the streets and heart of the city. So many dead, so much blood everywhere. Everyone gave their all. Edelgard refuses to stand down and her life ends. Dimitri, Byleth, and the rest of the army claim the final victory in the war.
You hound Dimitri for thirty minutes before Dedue steps in, helping remind him that he is injured from the battle and needs treatment. Taking him to a quiet and safe room inside the castle you cleanse his wounds, stitching what he would let you and healing him. You then force him to drink water.
“May I finally return to my duties?” He grumbles.
“Yes, now that I feel like you will not fall over in the middle of them.” You answer. Turning to Dedue you instruct him, “Do not let him stay up all night. He needs to try to eat and sleep.”
“As you wish.” Dedue nods as he follows his liege.
“Wait, you have not been healed as well. Sit and show me your wounds.” You direct him to a chair. Soon Dedue is allowed to follow Dimitri to the multiple destinations on the agenda for the evening.
You head to the temporary infirmary, healing and tending to all the injured, be they from your army or citizens of Enbarr.
Finally, the army leaves for Fhirdiad at the beginning of the Verdant Rain Moon. Everyone is happy to be in the cooler temperatures in the northern part of the continent. You settle in the castle, working in the infirmary, staying in the residence for the healers. In your spare time you volunteer healing the hurt and ailing citizens, working alongside them to help rebuild and recover.
Dimitri’s coronation is a grand affair and a healing event for the city. It is a celebration that proves things are well and that prosperity is just around the corner. You sneak out of the infirmary to watch Dimitri be crowned as King. The cheering of everyone brings tears to your eyes. Their hopes and dreams are now resting on his shoulders.
Finishing work, you arrive at the celebration long after the food has been served, someone had been kind enough to send trays of food to the infirmary and it was shared with the patients that remain there as well. Even the spirits of those still suffering injuries are high and in a celebratory mood.
You clean up, wearing clothing proper enough for a meeting with the king, not really fancy enough for a royal party, it is enough you think as you arrive at the festivities that are ongoing. Dancing, singing, drinking and toasts will most likely continue for the entire night. You look over the crowd, finding Dedue is not difficult, he towers over everyone. You wind your way through the other happy celebrants to stand by his side.
“Good evening, Dedue. Is everything going well?” You ask him.
Dedue leans toward you, whispering. “I am well. His Highness has been quite swept up in the events of the day and should move to retire soon.”
“I agree. It looks like he is being cornered by quite the crowd of potential dance partners, let me see if I can intervene.” You answer with the slightest bit of a grin.
Walking up to the King with an air of authority, you bow and wait for the opportunity to address him. Dimitri appears happily surprised at your presence.
“I am pleased to see you are able to join us. Is there anything I can do for you?” Dimitri smiles, but it appears to be a bit weary.
“My King, as your personal physician, I must remind you that your health is quite important and request that you retire. Your schedule is full of meetings tomorrow and will need your complete attention.” Your attitude and stance are such that nobody wishes to question your authority.
“My apologies, ladies. But I must leave the festivities for now, healers orders.” Dimitri smiles sincerely as the women surround him groan in disappointment and disburse, looking for another noble to taunt.
Escorting the King to Dedue, the three of you leave the venue, proceeding toward the King’s residential area of the castle. Once the three of you are far enough away, he stops.
“Thank you so much for rescuing me.” Dimitri gasps. “I felt like the last piece of meat at a butcher shop.”
“Living up to your name, Di-meat-tri.” You succumb to the terrible pun.
He laughs as you head to his quarters. You excuse yourself as you reach his door.
“No, please, come in.” Dimitri opens the door for both of you. He heads straight for a chair and holds his leg up for Dedue to pull his boots off.
“Ahhh!” Dimitri gasps. “My feet are killing me! I have been on them all day.”
Pain? He has pain?! We can’t have that. You procure a stool and sit at his feet. Grabbing a leg you place the king’s foot on your lap and massage it, noticing the slight swelling at his ankle from being on his feet all day. Using a bit of faith magic and expert fingers, Dimitri is content. You turn and take his other foot in hand for some healing and muscle manipulation. When you are finished, you look up to see one very asleep Dimitri.
Dedue smiles and you let yourself out the door as he takes Dimitri to his bedroom.
The castle calms down over the next few days, a comforting routine takes over. Dedue unexpectedly calls you to the King’s quarters, there was an accident in the training grounds when Dimitri was sparring with Felix. Dedue advises you of the situation and you bring the necessary tools to come to the King’s aid.
Entering his room, you find Dimitri seated by the window at his desk, looking over paperwork.
“My apologies for having to summon you. It is a trivial matter, however Dedue is concerned about infection.” Dimitri looks embarrassed. He is in his undershirt, his left shoulder and upper arm covered in dark streaks, debris, and blood. Imbedded under his skin are many long and deep splinters.
“This doesn’t look like it came from a weapon.” You observe.
“No, Felix knocked me over and I fell into the wall. I did not know the wood had weathered and well, here I am.” Dimitri says sheepishly.
“A steady hand and some antibiotics will take care of this.” You nod, unrolling the pack of sharp tools and tweezers.
Beginning with a bit of faith magic to numb the area, you take into hand a sharp scalpel, cutting along the length of some of the deeper splinters to make it easier to remove them. A tool in hand with a needle like point lifts the imbedded wood while the other hand manipulates the tweezers pulling at a large piece of wood. The easier pieces to remove are no problem as you place splinter after splinter on a piece of cloth on the table. Next it is time to work on some that are deeper in his flesh.
“Come on, nice and easy. You can do it. Mmmmmm” You softly say, coaxing the splinter from his shoulder. “Yessssss.” You mutter with satisfaction as it comes out in a single piece.
Laying the bloody wooden spike on the cloth you look up at the King, rubbing his forearm. Dimitri listens raptly to your chatter as you work. You are talking to splinters, but some of the words and how you say them are…sultry.
“How are you doing Dimitri? Need me to take a break?” You look into his blue eye that is staring at you, not paying any attention to his papers.
“I’m…I’m fine.” Dimitri stutters as he grabs a paper, holding it up to read, hiding his blush from the enticing words you are using to help coax out the splinters.
You nod, getting back to work. “You naughty thing, stabbing our King. Right there, yes, come out.” You beckon the splinters out as you dig them from his shoulder. Giving a happy sigh you place another large piece of wood onto the cloth.
“I’m going to tear apart the training grounds and find every splintery piece of wood and give them a piece of my mind.” You grumble as you go after a smaller splinter. Moving Dimitri’s shoulder and arm, you place his hand on your knee, giving the right flex to his arm to get to the next splinter.
Dimitri turns his head and coughs a few times. “Ahem.” He is quite embarrassed. He tries very hard not to think about his hand and where it is. Papers…supposed to be reading papers, right.
“Are you feeling okay?” You lean forward to rub circles on his back. “You’re not coming down with a cold, are you?” Your voice is terribly concerned.
“No.” Dimitri shakes his head trying to clear his thoughts. It’s hard to think while his back is being rubbed. “You can continue.” He holds the paper closer to his face so you cannot see the pink tint return to his cheeks.
You continue to verbally coax the splinters from his arm, occasionally giving a squeal when you successfully remove a piece without it breaking. Applying an antiseptic salve, you rub it into the wound.
“I don’t want to heal it quite yet. I’d like to check later and see if anything is left in there. I’ll bandage it for now and check before you change for bed.” You announce as you pick up his arm and place his hand on your shoulder.
“Hold it right there so I can bandage you.” You demand as you begin rolling the bandage around his arm several times to keep the salve on his wounds and prevent it from soiling his clothes. You sit down and slowly move your hands down the rest of his arm, lightly massaging it as you go. Massaging the center of his palm you are satisfied that you have removed them all.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, Dimitri?” You stand and slightly bow to him.
He clears his throat, “No, that is all.” He says in his normal deep voice. Then adds a soft, “Thank you.”
Later that evening you knock on Dimitri’s door, beckoned in you see both Dimitri and Dedue looking at the King’s already unwrapped arm.
Dedue stands behind his arm as you approach. Dimitri is seated in a chair pulled close to a large candelabra providing sufficient light. Dedue points out two areas that are redder than the rest, some deep hidden splinters as you had feared. Dimitri’s shoulder is a bit warm to the touch, another sign of an infection brewing. You hand Dedue your tools, there is no table nearby. Casting numbing faith magic, you take your scalpel and cut a small slit into one area that is bright red. Holding the flesh apart with the scalpel and edge of the tweezers you see a black bit that must be another splinter. Quickly you grasp the end with the tweezer and pull out an inch long piece of wood.
“That would have festered into a terrible mess. Let me flush it with some antiseptic.” You pour some liquid from the bottle onto the wound, wiping the excess with a cloth to not cause a mess.
The second irritated spot is more difficult to see. Changing the angle of Dimitri’s arm helps, you take his hand and place it around your right hip.
“Keep your arm there, Dimitri. Don’t move while I have this knife in hand.” You warn as you cut into another deep area where you’ve already removed some splinters.
Dimitri doesn’t move, he’s frozen to the spot. So close, his arm is wrapped partly around you and your hip.
You hand the scalpel to Dedue as you carefully pull with the tweezers. This splinter is not as long, but already showing signs of infection, a pocket of pus surrounding the bloody wood. Pouring antiseptic in again to flush it clean you dab the spot.
“I hope you don’t mind a couple stitches.” You announce to Dimitri as everything happens at once.
Felix slams the door open to the King’s chambers, asking the boar if he ever got the splinters out.
Dimitri panics as his arm is around a woman when Felix enters the room, thus he stands up, pulling his arm into you knocking you backwards. Dimitri and Dedue both lean forward to reach for your falling form at the same time, smacking their heads together, hard. Dedue stays on his feet. You fall onto your back onto the carpet, followed by Dimitri who falls crosswise across your chest grabbing his head and preventing it from hitting the ground.
Felix stands with his mouth agape as you ask him, “Did you get any splinters, Felix?” looking up at him from underneath Dimitri’s prone form.
“Tch. No. But you may want to check to see that he didn’t hit his head as well.” Felix grumbles as he backs out of the room, closing the door behind him.
After a moment you heartily laugh at the whole situation. Dimitri and Dedue join in as everyone scrambles to their feet. You make them take a seat as you feel the bumps on their heads. Healing their heads first then stitching and healing Dimitri’s arm you ask if there is anything else needed this evening.
“No, that will be all.” Dimitri says with a soft smile.
You smile widely back at him. “Thank you for letting me serve you, my King.” You bow and leave the room.
The next day you are up early in the training grounds with two carpenters and their wood planes, smoothing every visible piece of wood in the grounds. Returning to the infirmary you continue healing those injured in mishaps around the castle. A young page knocks on the door and hands you a note and a bouquet of flowers. You are invited to tea with Dimitri this afternoon. You advise the page you accept the invitation.
The infirmary workload is light today. Things are slowly settling down after the coronation. Visitors have left and reconstruction is not as desperate as before, thus less injuries. Leaving the infirmary you head to your room, changing into a nice dress and fixing your hair a bit. You are eager to find out what business the King wishes to speak with you about. Heading to his personal wing of the castle, you knock at his door.
Dedue answers, inviting you in. As you enter, Dedue exits, closing the door behind him. Dimitri is dressed casually, no coat or jacket, simply in his shirtsleeves. As you enter the room, he stands to greet you.
“Please, join me.” Dimitri smiles, holding out his hand as he sits at one end of the settee, a large table with a tea service and sweet treats piled high on a tray. You take a seat on the other end, Dimitri pours tea for you.
“I believe Bergamot is a tea you favor, is that correct?” He smiles as he gently and carefully hands you your cup and saucer.
“Yes. It’s my favorite.” You return the smile as you reach for the honey, letting some drip into your cup, leaving the tea on the table as the contents are still too warm to drink.
Dimitri clears his throat. “I suppose I should get straight to the point. I am sure you are wondering why, out of the blue, I have suddenly invited you to tea. Things have been quite busy with ending the war and then plans for the coronation and the coronation itself. Of course, things are always busy as one is trying to set up the government again after so many years of chaos. It seems like there is a never ending list of meetings and consultations and conferences. And I’m rambling, aren’t I?” He coughs into his hand and swallows, taking a deep breath.
You reach out and touch his hand that is sitting on the settee between you. “Dimitri, we have known each other for years. We have fought together in a war. I have seen you at your worst. I am so happy now seeing you at your best. You can tell me what is on your mind.” You smile at him warmly.
Dimitri relaxes a little and takes a deep breath. “Yes. We have known each other quite some time. You have been by my side, helping me and supporting our efforts. You were there when I was so terribly lost. I thank you for that very much. You believed in me when I needed it the most. Now…” He takes your hand, softly as he can between both of his, staring at you intently, his hands begin to tremble.
Time stops as you look at each other in silence. His voice is soft and low as he speaks, “Would you…would you allowmecourtyou?” He sighs heavily, searching your face desperately for your answer.
First you smile, then you nod, he still looks at you. Figuring he wants to hear your answer you lean forward a bit.
“Yes.” You gasp, bringing your other hand over his hands that still hold yours.
“Yes? Oh yes! Thank you.” He grins happily. If he were a puppy his tail would be wagging hard enough to knock everything off the table. He had been expecting a no, so the yes took a few seconds to register. His cheeks are red, his eye sparkles and he laughs a bit with glee. “I’m just so happy. I don’t know what to do with myself. I had been worried and fretting over your answer, I had no idea what to think if you actually said yes.”
“Well, right now we can sit and chat and have some tea. Perhaps you can tell me of some things that you would like me to do to help you. Your day is filled with doing everything for the country. Perhaps some time can be carved out for doing things for you.” You reach for your teacup, taking a sip.
“Going outside sounds amazing. I’ve been cooped up inside the castle every day. I want to get on a horse and ride. To no place in particular, just feel the wind on my face and sun on my back.” His look is far away with a relaxed smile.
“If it is a nice day, we can take tea together in the gardens. The King should have the ability to make time for a ride at least once a week, if it is a nice day. If they give you too much trouble, I’ll ask your clerics to write a note prescribing a required amount of sunshine for your health.” You smile then take another sip of tea.
The next few days both of you take tea in the gardens together. You are happily surprised when he identifies several different plants.
“My interest in plants came from Dedue. He is always gardening in his free time. I insisted that we include some flowering plants from Duscur in the gardens. I would love to see plants from all over Fodlan here, growing together, just like the country.” He holds out his hand so that you can take his. He is still too cautious of his strength to touch you on his own.
The Harvest Festival calls for the city to be decorated in oranges, reds, yellows, and gold. Many displays and booths line the streets to celebrate the great harvest now that the land is at peace. Dimitri invites you to the event and you arrive alongside him in the royal coach. The path before you is cleared by soldiers surrounding the king for his protection.
Dimitri graciously offers compliments and accolades to all that have worked so hard providing food for everyone. His eye goes wide at the size of some of the pumpkins entered in a competition to see who could grow the largest. Often the two of you stop to admire a street performer entertaining the crowd. One of the rear soldiers drops multiple gold coins into each of the receptacles of the performers.
Suddenly you hear a shriek followed by a wailing cry. You dash off into the crowd, your medical instincts taking over. At the base of a tree, you find a woman crying over her son. The rambunctious six year old had climbed the tree, much to his mother’s dismay, to have a look at the King as he walked past. Unfortunately, the boy did not know the branch he was standing on was weak, it broke sending the child tumbling to the ground. Mother and child are crying as you kneel next to him.
“What is your name, young sir?” You ask him calmly.
He stifles a few tears enough to answer. “Jakob.”
“May I see where you are hurt?” You smile a bit, holding out your hands.
He points to his arm, his wrist is already swelling. He tries to lift it and lets out a wail.
“Shhhh. Hold still.” You hold the arm and wrist in yours as faith magic works into his injury. You hold his arm straight and begin ordering anyone nearby to provide splints and bandages. Immobilizing and wrapping Jakob’s arm, you give instructions to his mother. As you stand, you notice Dimitri is at your side.
“King Dimitri, may I introduce you to my newest friend, Jakob. Jakob, this is King Dimitri.” You smile.
Jakob has the biggest smile across his face as he stands and bows before the king. “It is my pleasant honor to meet you King Dimitri.”
The King bows to Jakob, “It is my pleasure to meet you as well. I suggest you heed your mother’s warning when it comes to climbing trees.” He smiles as he ruffles the boy’s hair.
“Yes sir, King Dimitri sir!” Jacob stammers.
“Please bring him to the castle tomorrow morning so I can check his arm.” You tell his mother. She thanks you several times.
You return to walking along the street with the King, admiring the displays and visiting with the people. A street vendor hawking his booth loudly calls out your direction.
“Oi! Your Kingship! Have a try at me booth! Just one throw is all I ask!” The man’s voice calls out over the crowd as he stands juggling coconuts.
You bump your shoulder into his and giggle as Dimitri shakes his head and concedes. “What is it that you ask of me?”
The man bows so deeply his head nearly touches the ground. “Ahh, Your Kingship! So wonderful to be graced by your presence. I only ask that you throw one of these coconuts at the stack of milk bottles at the rear of my booth. Should you knock them all down, you win!” The showman raises his hand to the target with a practiced flourish then both hands in the air as a sign of victory.
“Go on.” You nudge him again. He looks so cute when he’s put on the spot.
“Very well.” King Dimitri takes one of the offered orbs, staring at it for a moment, then hurls it at the stack. Milk bottles fly in six different directions, most of them landing far from the booth as the target is destroyed, the coconut breaks open on the rear wall of the booth and falls to the ground, shattered.
“What an arm! Your Majesty! Congratulations!” The showman scampers over to a special box and removes a beautiful hand crafted stuffed blue lion in all its majesty. A collar around its neck proudly displays the shield of Blaiddyd. “Me wife crafted it herself, she did. She said if you see the King, you must gift it to him, she said.” He bows as he offers the regal stuffed beast.
King Dimitri bows and thanks him for the beautiful gift, handing it to a nearby soldier to monitor while he continues his stroll. At the end of the lane where the festival ends, the King gives one final wave, thanking his people for their faith and hard work.
Returning to the castle, Dimitri must attend meetings, leaving you to your own business. Taking the stuffed lion in hand you dash to the servant’s quarters, asking for a few specific items. You then head to the infirmary to notify them to find you when Jakob arrives tomorrow so that you may personally check on his wellbeing. You trust your replacements in the infirmary, you had chosen them yourself, however Jakob is a special patient.
Returning to your quarters, which now are close to the King’s own rooms, you find the requested items. With a bit of assistance, you complete the project and request it be delivered to Dimitri’s chambers.
Joining the King and the current guests in a large meeting room, representatives of the former Alliance region are here to discuss their budgets and new laws for the expanded Kingdom. There is a break for dinner followed by discussions continuing until late in the evening. The conversations finally wind down and you know that Dimitri is quite exhausted.
“I believe everyone has made great progress today. Let us all sleep on this and take this up again in the morning.” You announce.
Everyone in the room nods as you escort Dimitri to the exit. Walking down the hallway, your hand in his, Dimitri yawns not once, but twice from exhaustion. Dedue opens the door for the both of you. Following you inside the three of you sit and enjoy a cup of chamomile tea, a lovely habit you have incorporated to get him to wind down before bed. You must leave soon, his eyelids are getting heavy, you hope he sleeps well this night.
“Come with me.” You smile as you take his hand and lead him to his bedroom. Dimitri blushes and looks quite confused as you lead him inside the doorway. You point at his bed and then he notices the stuffed blue lion. It is adorned with a small crown, eyepatch and a cape that resembles his.
“It’s adorable!” he exclaims as he puts his hands on your cheeks and plants a sudden kiss on your lips.
“Come again?” you gasp, your eyes wide.
Dimitri stops and blushes in his sleepy stupor as you pull on his collar and place a brief sweet kiss to his lips. Dimitri’s cheeks are a bright red as you step back and bow.
“Good night, my sweet.” You tell him before leaving the room.
“The tea was lovely, thank you Dedue.” You announce as you leave the king’s quarters, walking normally. This is a normal pace? Right? Sure it is. You see yourself out the door. Running into your room you fall on your bed and scream into your pillow. He finally kissed me!
The next morning you stop Felix on his way to bang on the King’s door wishing to drag him out for a morning spar. You require his assistance in accompanying you on a trip to the harvest festival area. He complains the entire trip switching between arguing that he is wasting his time doing this and you must stay closer to him, any madman with a blade could try to attack you. Once your mission is complete you purchase three heavily spiced meat sticks for him to enjoy while you head back to the castle.
Upon your return you are delighted to meet with Jakob and his mother in the infirmary. Jakob chatters the entire time that he is bragging to all his friends that the King had messed up his hair and he is going to grow up to be a knight to protect King Dimitri. Changing his bandages, you are pleased with his healing progress, he can take the bandages off in two weeks as long as he behaves. Before they leave, you had a large basket to his mother, filled with fruits, smoked meats, bread, and cookies.
“Share the cookies with all of your friends and neighbors.” You remind him as you wave goodbye.
The visitors with the king leave after a final meeting, heading back to warmer territory as quickly as possible before the snows cover the land. Certainly, it is not today as the sun is warm and the weather is beautiful. You work on a few projects when there is a familiar knock at the door. Dedue has arrived to fetch you for lunch.
“It is so nice out, I thought Dimitri would want lunch in the gardens today.” You mention.
“His Highness said he prefers to have it in his chambers today.” Dedue answers. He opens the door so that you may enter, then closes it behind you as he remains outside of the room.
Dimitri is immediately on the other side, looking a bit flustered.
He reaches for you, ever so lightly placing his hands on your shoulders, his eye searching yours. “Tell me, I cannot remember if it was real or a dream. Did we k-kiss last night?” His face flushes red.
You nod as pink dusts your own cheeks. “Yes.”
“May I kiss you again?” He asks as he pulls you close. His voice is so deep, with your chest pressed against his, you’re not sure if it is the vibration of his words or the shudder of a thrill racing up your spine.
“Please.” You beg him, your hands sliding up his chest around his shoulders pulling him down to meet your lips. It is a bit awkward, slightly messy, and the best kiss you’ve had since the night before. You hold him tight to your chest as he slowly wraps his arms around you as lightly as possible, resting his cheek on your forehead after the kiss. You sigh happily into his chest.
You try to step back, however he has no intention of letting you go.
“We should eat a bit.” You suggest.
“I am hungry for your lips.” He mumbles into your hair.
“They are not very nutritious.” You tap him on his back.
“You would deny a starving man who has just had a small taste of the most delicious thing he has ever had in his life?” He chuckles.
“You are always negotiating. Would you agree to lunch then perhaps kisses for dessert?” You look up at him and grin.
“One now, then lunch.” Dimitri brings his lips to meet yours once again.
After the most hurried lunch you have ever eaten, you find yourself on Dimitri’s lap exchanging kisses.
A knock on the door alerts the both of you to Dedue’s presence. “Your highness, you have a meeting to attend.” He announces.
Dimitri sighs heavily, “The duties of a King are never done.” He bemoans.
You giggle as you clamber from his comfy lap. “Let me get a comb to make you more presentable.” You offer. After combing his hair and straightening his clothes, you send him off to be bored for the remainder of the afternoon.
Things are busy rebuilding the kingdom. There is always another emergency, an urgent need or any excuse for a meeting. He has been in meetings from early dawn, only returning now very late in the evening. He eats little, his head is pounding from the stress of the day. He hesitates to call you, however he has another meeting filled day tomorrow and must try to get some rest.
You ask Dedue to please prepare tea for the three of you this evening. Directing Dimitri to sit on the couch, you stand behind it and apply gentle faith magic to relieve some of the pain in his head and jaw from being so tense. You then place the footrest at the far end of the couch, coaxing him to lie back and place his head in your lap.
You ask for his right hand and massage the point just above the thumb where the index finger would be carried down. Applying pressure first, then rubbing circles with your thumb in each direction. Placing his hand on his chest you do the same with his left hand.
Next you squeeze the spot on each side where the bridge of his nose meets the bridge of his eyebrows. Applying steady pressure there, then releasing and repeating. Finally reaching around to the base of his skull in the parallel hollow areas between the two vertical neck muscles, you press upward to the top of his head briefly release and repeat.
Removing the hair tie from his hair you run your fingers through it, gently scratching his scalp. You watch his face visibly relax and a soft smile is on his lips as you continue to card through his hair.
“Better, sweetheart?” You softly coo.
“Mmmm, yes. Thank you.” He relaxes.
Dedue brings in the tea service, placing the cups and saucers for three at the table.
You tap Dimitri on the nose. “Diiiimmaaaa. Tea time!”
He sighs then sits up. “Whatever you did was amazing. My headache is gone and I think I should be able to sleep some tonight. Thank you.”
Dedue pours tea for everyone.
“Thank you again Dedue, for a wonderful tea.” Dimitri smiles.
“You’re welcome, your Highness.” Dedue answers.
You take a cookie, taking a bite. “Oh, did you make these Dedue?”
“Yes, I had the time this afternoon.” Dedue nods.
“They are delicious. Hmm, anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, pecans, ginger, clove, molasses. An amazing group of flavors mixed in with love. Thank you so much, Dedue.” Your appreciation shows in your smile and warmth toward the man.
Teatime is very much enjoyed. Dimitri looks like he is relaxed enough to go to sleep peacefully and without a headache. Dedue looks away so you can give Dimitri a sweet good night kiss.
Sunday is the lightest day of work for Dimitri. No meetings if there are no visitors in the castle. The weather is beginning to cool a little more every night. It won’t be long before snow covers everything. Dimitri wishes to take a long horseback ride and invites you to join him. You’ve never really learned the skills of being on a horse, Dimitri is more than excited to educate you. Lifting you up straight into the saddle, he climbs up behind you. Accompanied by a few knights on horseback everyone rides out past the city and into the countryside. His destination is a small area of woods that has a cliff overlooking some of the lands of Fhirdiad. Dimitri discussed the location with Dedue, this spot would provide some privacy, enemies could only approach from one side and the guards could stay far enough away, yet still protect their King.
Dimitri dismounts, lifting you from the saddle. He then unties a picnic basket from the back of the horse and tethers the steed to a tree. Spreading out the blanket you unload the basket to find a delicious lunch, complete with sweet tea.
“This is beautiful, sweetheart.” You smile at him as you place food on your plate. “A gorgeous view and beautiful scenery too.”
Dimitri blushes once he realizes the compliment. His mind then heads straight to places it should not go at such a lovely scene. “I am a beast. I have done horrible things. How can you trust yourself to be alone with me?”
Placing your food on your plate you reach out to cup his cheek. “I have seen you at your worst. I have seen you at your best. You are not a beast. You have come so far making amends for what was done and you will continue to improve. I will be here for you as long as you wish, to help you become the best you can be.”
“Why? Why would anyone want to help me? Some days I feel so useless, that I can’t be the King everyone expects me to be.” He is trembling under your touch.
“I help you because I love you. I know you are a great King, Dimitri. We all know.” You smile, using the thumb that is close by you wipe a tear from his eye.
“You…love me?” Dimitri is shocked.
You fold your hands into your lap and look at them. “I must not be doing a very good job of showing you that I do.”
“Wait! Please, take my hands.” Dimitri begs you. You reach out to hold his hands in yours.
You look into his eye, confused.
“I never thought I could be loved. You have always been there since we met, haven’t you? I have been a monster to you, yet you still came to feed me and heal me. When I had asked permission to court you, I thought you would decline. Every day I wake up and think you would reject me this day. I can’t believe you are still here, with me.”
Dimitri bends forward and pulls you close. Placing a sweet kiss on your lips. Your lips are barely touching his as he whispers. “I love you.”
The next few kisses are not as chaste as the previous one. Plates and food are scattered about the blanket as you hold each other close.
Dimitri’s stomach growls loudly, causing you both to laugh.
“I think we should finish our picnic before you begin digesting your internal organs.” You laugh.
“Can that happen?” Dimitri innocently asks with a look of surprise.
“No. Just joking!” You laugh.
“You are a cleric and an expert on those things. I suppose my sense of humor needs a bit of work.” He smiles sheepishly as he helps you straighten out the food. Finishing the picnic lunch, he packs the basket onto his mount.
“Wait. I need to get on this thing without your help.” You announce.
Placing your foot on the stirrup you attempt to hike yourself up onto the horse. Mentally you remind yourself you need to do a lot more squats. The third hopping jump you manage to jump/haul yourself up and stand with your left foot in the stirrup, you haul your right leg carefully over the horse and sit crookedly on the saddle, gently moving and wiggling yourself to center while trying not to upset the steed. Dimitri’s long legs are great for having the stirrup low, but then you had to overcome the length of your legs versus his. Maybe if you had a horse of your own it could be shorter. Maybe a pony? You suddenly notice a snickering man next to you.
“What?” You snap at Dimitri.
“Nothing.” He smiles at you, easily getting up and into the saddle as if he flew on wings.
You turn around to look at him again, he still has that silly grin on his face. “You look like the cat that ate the canary.” You frown.
“It is just that when you have your mind set on something, you can be very stubborn.” Dimitri whispers in your ear. “It is very endearing, my beloved.”
Those two words at the end send a shiver down your spine, followed by a second when he kisses the top of your ear peeking through your hair.
Winter in Fhirdiad is cold, nobody can deny that. Early winter the snow falls, then melts and this repeats as the weather has not quite made up its mind. By the end of Red Wolf Moon, the snow is here to stay for a while. Wagon wheels get stuck, so sleighs are used to cart things around in the northern parts of the kingdom until the snow is too high to move anything.
Although it is cold outside, with enough warm blankets, perhaps a warming box under the seat filled with live coals to keep your feet, legs, and posterior warm, you agree to go on a sleigh ride with Dimitri. Wearing your fluffiest warmest winter hat and coat, you are surrounded by blankets and your boyfriend as Dedue drives the horse drawn sleigh through the city and countryside. Dimitri entertains you with stories of snowball fights and building forts and snow houses with his friends.
Dedue even joins in, sharing his experiences growing up. With the water surrounding Duscur, the snow would be so deep that they had doors on the roof of the house so people could get outside and carry on business or shop or just leave the house to play. Winter is also a time for handcrafts, baking, soups and savory stews. Before the end of the ride, he promises to make a Roasted Root Stew for dinner in the next day or two.
The sun sets quickly in winter, the moonlight giving a bluish tint to the snow as it sparkles all around. The trees look like they have their own coats of white covering every branch. A rabbit scampers across your path, its fur turned snow white to help with camouflage. The most amazing thing about snow is the quiet. Not many birds stay around in the winter. Once it is night everyone goes inside as the little bit of warmth from the sun is gone. The only sound is the horse tromping through the snow and the swwishhhh sound of the sleds sliding across the snow. The quiet is peaceful, beautiful and filled with the air of calm.
The snow piles higher and higher around the castle. Time marches along as the citizens and lands rest, healing from the war. The King is healing as well. His nightmares are not nearly as frequent, he does not seem on edge and full of angst by the end of the day.
Dimitri’s birthday is tomorrow and a small celebration is planned. Several of the other Blue Lions will be attending, easily able to traverse the snow. Dedue is pouring chamomile tea as you review what has happened today.
“I was called to the kitchens again this morning,” You dribble some honey into your tea. “The cook’s new apprentice burnt her fingers again. That is the third time this week.” You frown.
“Perhaps you can provide her some training?” Dedue offers.
“I would like to sew gloves permanently on her hands!” You chuckle. “Perhaps we can set up something to develop her awareness.”
“The meetings were light today. Not too many complaints when people have difficulty making it through the snow.” Dimitri muses.
“Tomorrow is the big day, not everyone will have problems getting here tomorrow, I hope.” You smile taking a sip.
“Felix and Sylvain will have no trouble whatsoever. Mercedes and Annette will arrive with them.” Dimitri’s eye shines brightly as he goes through the list. “Ingrid will be on Pegasus, so no issues there. Of course, Ashe is a knight here, so the only concern would be Byleth’s arrival in time.”
“Am I spoiling you if I want to be the first to give you a birthday present?” you ask him just before he must go to bed.
“Sometimes, my beloved, I have noticed that you are not the most patient of women.” Dimitri grins. “I will allow this, only for you.”
You happily pull him to his bedroom door and open it so he can see it.
Normally the proud kingly lion sits in the center of his bed, awaiting his return. Tonight, he sits opposite a beautiful female lion. She is adorned with a circlet of flowers around the top of her head and ears, long ribbons down her back and a clerical cape like yours. The lions face each other, touching noses.
“They are adorable.” Dimitri smiles.
You bend down to the bed patting the lioness on the head. “Oh, what is this? I think she has a present for you.” You softly say as you get down on a knee to reach and obtain a box that is sitting between her front paws.
Dimitri comes closer to join you, only for you to stay on one knee and turn to face him with the box in your hands.
“Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, will you marry me and make me the happiest woman ever?” You ask, your eyes welling up with tears.
Dimitri gasps and falls to his knees in front of you. “What? Oh yes! Of course, yes!” He declares as he takes you in your arms and kisses your lips and face urgently. Eventually, the two of you have to break apart to breathe.
“You definitely have an impatient side to you.” He laughs, placing his forehead against yours.
“What? I have the patience of a saint.” You giggle. “Saint Cethleann was very impatient.”
“I suppose you are entitled to this.” Dimitri walks to his desk and opens a drawer. He brings a small box to you. “Just to be certain, will you marry me?”
“Let me think.” You chuckle. “Yes. Without hesitation.” Pulling him close you kiss him again.
The day of Dimitri’s birthday is a joyous event for everyone in the castle. Guests arrive and are settled in their rooms. Felix, Sylvain, Annette and Mercedes make it without incident.
“Come on Boar, spar with me. We have time before dinner.” Felix grunts as he shoves Dimitri in the shoulder
You have a cup of tea and cakes with Annette and Mercedes in your parlor, catching up on the latest gossip. You are relieved that they are wearing gloves, you have not had much experience in the high circles of society. It is cold in the hallways, and they certainly help.
“Teaching at the School of Sorcery full time really keeps me busy.” Annette says as she places her teacup down. “It is fun to see the wide eyed new faces get excited about casting their first spells.
“Annie, that is so sweet.” Mercedes laughs softly. “Things are going very well at the new orphanage we started in Fraldarius. We have a huge building and a room for each individual child. We really appreciate the help from Dimitri and Felix. The children are going to write thank you letters soon. I hope you get to see them.”
“That is wonderful to hear. I am sure Dimitri will be well pleased with the news.” You thank them. “Getting the country back on its feet and prospering is his main goal, of course. I hope to see some of these places myself when it warms up in the spring.”
“That would be awesome if you can come visit!” Annette gasps excitedly. “We could have the students show off their talents. Many are working hard to take existing spells and making them useful in every day life.”
“Can someone look into a spell to cast on ordinary items that resist breaking?” You giggle. “I know someone that would appreciate that spell for sure.”
The table erupts in laughter. Girl talk continues as Ingrid joins you. Byleth’s arrival is announced, and everyone heads to one of the comfortable dining rooms that is prepared for the lavish feast the cooks have prepared.
Dinner consumed, the reunited Blue Lions retire to the King’s wing of the castle in a parlor fitted with plenty of furniture to accommodate everyone comfortably. Chairs, lounges and couches are scattered about the room as well as bowls of fruit, trays of cheese and sausage for snacks. A well-stocked cupboard carries glasses, wines, ciders and hard alcohol.
Sylvain makes himself right at home pulling out a large bottle of brandy and filling a few glasses. Annette picks out a fruity wine made with blackberries and between the two everyone has a glass.
“May I propose a toast?” Byleth spoke up and everyone shushed. “Happy Birthday to Dimitri, King of United Faerghus. May he have many happy and peaceful birthdays to come.”
Sylvain let out a whoop, most others give a respectable cheers! Everyone settles into little groups chatting amongst themselves. You lean on the arm of a comfy sofa, talking with Byleth about what is going on in the monastery.
“The rebuilding and repairing is going well.” Byleth shares. “The classrooms are functional, and all of the dormitories are repaired. We are rewriting the curriculum to teach mathematics, reading, writing and other necessary classes for the public. We want it to be a school for the children to learn, leading into better careers than just becoming knights or fighters.”
“That is wonderful to hear!” You excitedly clap your hands together. “A well educated people is a boon for everyone.”
Dedue is on the left side of the room with Ashe and Mercedes discussing recipes. Ingrid, Felix, Dimitri and Sylvain are discussing some recent merchants that arrived in Fhirdiad offering impressive and finely made weapons from Dagda and Brigid, the styles of weapons being the main topic of conversation.
Mercedes sits next to you for a while, speaking with you and Byleth about a recent idea you are testing. Setting up healing clinics in the city in several areas to assist in keeping the people healthy. Byleth approves of the idea and may test some clinics in areas around Garreg Mach.
Sylvain has been keeping everyone’s glasses full. He notices that he really hasn’t had to fill your glass much, however the glass of water next to your wineglass is nearly empty. Leaning over the back of the couch he starts massaging your shoulders.
“Hey.” Sylvain bends over and speaks softly close to your ear. “If you don’t like the wine we have other drinks. Loosen up and have a good time, beautiful. Get relaxed. “He grins at you and then winks.
Before you can turn your head to tell him no, Dimitri marches over and sits next to you on the couch removing Sylvain’s hands.
“Refrain from manhandling my fiancée.” Dimitri growls at him. He then gently places his hand on top of yours that is sitting on the couch cushion between the both of you.
You blush at him as several gasps utter in the room.
“Fian- you’re getting married Dimitri? Congratulations!” Sylvain nearly shouts, slapping him on the shoulder. “Didn’t know you had it in you! When did this happen? Tell us all about it!” He runs around to the front of the couch to take a seat in the chair directly opposite Dimitri so he can watch his friend’s every move.
“I-well. It just happened. We aren’t quite ready to announce it, but then Sylvain…” Dimitri hangs his head down, shaking it while blushing profusely.
You decide to swoop in to save him. “You see Sylvain, when two people like each other and get to know each other well, spending time together, sometimes something special happens. We have been courting for quite a while you know.”
“I know, yeah. But he’s Dimitri! He has no idea how to flirt or capture ladies’ hearts. Has he even kissed you?” Sylvain looks quite shocked.
Dimitri’s face is red all the way to his neck. You take his hand in yours and squeeze it tightly.
“We have kissed. He kissed me first and everything else is our business. Change the subject.” You give him your evil eye look.
“Wow.” Sylvain laughs. “Wah-hah-how.” He stands up and walks to the alcohol cabinet. Felix gives him a punch in the shoulder.
“Shut the fuck up, idiot.” Felix mumbles.
“Felix, do me a favor.” You smile slyly. “Take Sylvain to the training grounds with you early tomorrow morning and give him a good workout. I’ll even tell them to lock you two in there so he can’t escape.”
“It would be my pleasure.” Felix gives a courteous bow and Sylvain a side eye.
“Speaking of sparring,” Byleth says loudly. “I have a few new swords I’ve brought if you want to have a look at them Dimitri. Fantastic workmanship. I hear this weapon maker has some amazing materials that are being shipped in from Dagda.”
You get up to move about the room, talking with Ingrid about improving farming techniques in their territory.
“We always thought Galatea had poor soil because certain fruits and vegetables would not grow well there.” Ingrid sips her wine. “We kept fighting with the land, trying to make it grow what we wanted. Finally, we’re growing what the land wants, what grows in our type of soil in the first place. This is the third year for cranberries and the bushes are loaded. Rethinking our ways has improved things a hundred fold.”
“I love cranberries.” Annette croons. “They make a really tart sauce that is great with bird meat.”
“I like the juice for breakfast, it certainly is an eye opener!” You add.
The conversation quietly moves to anything and everything except for the engagement. Annette heads over to speak with Felix, Ingrid heads to Ashe to discuss something.
Sylvain stands close, but not too close to you. His grin is full of mischief. You dread what is going to come out of his mouth.
“So, when you planning on having kids?” Sylvain not so innocently inquires. “The council has been dogging him about heirs since the day after his coronation.”
“One more word from you and I will have Felix take you to the training grounds now, followed by Byleth, Dedue, Ingrid, Ashe and myself. Am I making myself perfectly clear?” You give a smile through gritted teeth that makes him cringe down to his toes.
“Yes Ma’am.” Sylvain whines as he backs up and heads to the farthest side of the room, only to find Dimitri there, so he splits the difference and heads to a corner furthest away from the both of you.
Sylvain stays in his corner. Ashe approaches him, asking a question. As he opens his mouth you stare at him. Sylvain dutifully closes his mouth and only answers by nodding yes or no. His voice is not heard throughout the rest of the evening. It is a fine party indeed for Dimitri’s birthday.
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