#but she kept us seeing and thinking about him every time we open this hellsite and i think that's so beautiful
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 10 months ago
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seventeen months of kim seokjin messages for @jinstronaut
inspired by jin's monthly messages and em's daily gif series ♡
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sixth-light · 4 years ago
Tagged by @morallygreywaren: “ Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors! “
Doing stories posted to AO3 only (I’m behind on transferring ficlets) in reverse chronological order. I think most people I would remember to tag have been tagged, so as is often the case, have you read this and thought “I wish someone would tag me”? You’re it! 
(Also I discovered an exciting new hellsite failure mode: I resized the window I was working in and Tumblr wiped my draft post I was half-way through typing, even though I didn’t refresh the page. AMAZING. so functional much website very wow.) 
Clusivity (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “Joe liked to think of himself as someone who kept an open mind about people.”
portrayal (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “The first thing Nicolò thought about Yusuf al-Kaysani, when they shook hands in front of three cameras, eight crew, and two members of his father’s PR team, was that he had an impressive amount of self-control.”
makes me want you more (Joe/Nicky, TOG): ““Are you done yet?” Joe asked Nile, after a full minute had passed and she showed no signs of overcoming her laughter.”
Acts of Kindness (Joe/Nicky, TOG): ““Come here,” Nicolò said, tugging at Yusuf’s arm, and Yusuf, of course, came at once.”
men of their word (Joe/Nicky, TOG): ““You’re all here today,” says Andromache, the Prince of the city, “because I’ve had enough.””
the map is not the territory (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “Yusuf was frowning at the big map on the windowless wall of the council room, mentally overlaying trade routes onto it, when he heard footsteps in the corridor.”
love at first sight (every single time) (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “When Nicky went to the bar to get another drink, the woman in the next booth bent around to whisper urgently to Joe.”
Apex Predators In Island Ecosystems (Freeman et al., in press) (Nile-centric gen, TOG): “Nile didn’t really start to believe there was anything to this whole dinosaur park thing until they were in Costa Rica, getting into the helicopter that was going to take them to the island.”
Known By Touch (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “Yusuf came back to the land of the living as a crow settled on his face.”
marriage of (in)convenience (Joe/Nicky, TOG):  “Booker liked to remind Joe, for years afterward, that he probably should have thought harder about why Nicky had proposed to him so quickly.”
make your own fun (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “Joe was sitting at his desk with a work project open, sketching idly in his notebook, when he heard someone else come into the office, accompanied by the sound of music from the party further along this floor.”
In Good Time (Ali & Muntadhir, The Daevabad Trilogy): ““I need your help,” Ali said to Nahri.”
all winners here (Joe/Nicky, TOG): ““You guys have never heard of gay chicken?” Nile said, that fateful evening.”
A Taste Of Home (Nile-centric teamfic, TOG): “Nile crossed the Canadian-US border into the country of her birth for the first time in six years, late one November – not nearly as cold as it should have been in New England this time of year, thanks, climate change – and realised that two days from now was going to be Thanksgiving.”
Good Enough To Be True (Joe/Nicky, TOG): ““You know what I need?” Joe says to Andy, one afternoon. “I need an arranged marriage.””
Husbandry (TOG/Heyer-verse fusion): ““Frederica!” Charis exclaimed, having barely taken her gloves off. “Frederica, I have heard the most astonishing news.””
prior probabilities (Joe/Nicky, TOG): ““We are very pleased to receive you,” the queen of Tunis tells Nicolò, “but I am afraid I have poor tidings as return for your journey: my son is not here.””
A State of Mutual Ignorance (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “For more than a month after he first kissed Nicolò, Yusuf sailed through the world in a soft, shiny haze of joy.”
home is how you make it (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “Over the last seven years or so, Nicolò had developed a set of rules to determine what he was facing when he returned to Genoa from Malta.”
The Same River Twice (Joe/Nicky, TOG): “Nicolò spends the night before they are due to arrive in the port of Genoa talking to himself in Ligurian.”
Thoughts inspired by this exercise: I never med a res I did not want to be in medias of, and I like dialogue. Oh, boy, do I like writing dialogue. 
Of these, I think my favourite is the opening line for men of their word, because it invites so many questions right away. The second is home is how you make it, because it’s the opener to a - in my opinion - rather deft layout of the story’s setting.
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derryhawkins · 7 years ago
Growing Fame (4/??)
summary: A modern AU where the losers are semi-famous for different things, and when they all run into each other at a certain event, all of their fans go bat-shit crazy – wanting the seven to spend more time together. What they didn’t expect even more than that, though, was a well-known and mean journalist to write bad reviews on them all. Their growing fame could soon shrink, they quickly realized. warnings: swearing pairings: benverly; bichie; steddie; mike/oc a/n: I feel like this is short, sorry, but hope you enjoy anyway!
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 coming soon
The Three Way Skype Call
“I’m a f-f-f-uh-fucking good big br-bruh-brother!”
Bill was furious, to put it simply. Not only was it notable in his re-appearing stutter, but as well as his body language and facial expression. Rightfully, so too. He was a good older brother to Georgie but the article pegged him as a young, irresponsible adult who drinks with his baby brother around. The other’s were pissed, too. They hated the fact that some well known journalist wrote false information about their little day at comic con.
“Of course you are, Big Bill, you’re the best! And what’s up with this guy’s name anyway?” Richie asked, frowning as he glared down at the phone he was holding in his hand. He moved closer to the computer where the group was doing a three way Skype call - him and Bev; Bill, Eddie, and Stan; Mike and Ben. It was easier than traveling to meet somewhere. “Penny Wise... More like Penis Wise you fucking dick. What is Penny short for anyway? I bet it’s Penis, I bet his parents named him penis because they didn’t have the heart to name him Dick. Guess it’s a good because then we’d-.”
“Beep beep, Richie,” Beverly and Bill talked in unison.
Richie shut his mouth abruptly and looked to the side at his roommate and then at the screen where he saw Bill. He set his phone down after exiting out of the article he pulled up to look at one last time and adjusted the glasses on his face. Usually he wore contacts, but he was being lazy for the day and he thankfully had no where too important to be until later tonight -- band practice. He leaned back in his chair and puffed out his cheeks while Eddie started talking.
“This is all bullshit,” Eddie repeated the phrase that has been said multiple times by each of them. “We haven’t done anything, why target us?”
Richie opened his mouth and once again started talking, leg bouncing and eyes roaming around. “Maybe he wants to kill us, I don’t know, he seems hateful enough to commit a murder or two. He’s fucking a joke -- a clown -- I bet he eats kids-.”
“Richie,” Bill stopped him once again, tone more stern. Beverly simply rested a hand on his knee to try and keep him from bouncing his leg so much; it didn’t work too well. The others quickly started talking again, but Richie’s phone dinging made him lean forward and read the message; Beverly did the same, just to be nosey.
from Big Bill: are you taking your ADHD meds still?
Beverly snatched the phone out of his hand before Richie could reply himself, and typed a message before sending it. Richie glared at her, but she just shrugged and stood up. She walked out of the room and the tall male watched for a second before looking at what she had sent.
to Big Bill: Ran out, not enough money to continue the prescription.
He rolled his eyes; of course she wasn’t going to let him lie about it. He ran out just after comic con weekend had ended, and because of the fact that the medicine is pretty expensive and that his parents stopped paying for it, he doesn’t exactly have enough money. Sure, he’s becoming and more famous, but Richie doesn’t have the right amount money for a constant pay of medicine every month of every year just yet. That might change soon, but not now. He might be taking Beverly’s offer for some money if the ADHD gets too bad.
from Big Bill: fuck, man, need some money?
to Big Bill: don’t worry about it to Big Bill: I’ll get them sometime soon
Richie locked his phone then and put it face down on the table. He looked at the part of the screen Bill was on and shrugged as he stared him down. Right then, Beverly came back and sat down again. This time with a Rubix Cube. She handed it to Richie, who gladly took it and started shifting it around in no specific order as he listened to the conversation.
“We need to speak out, or do something about this before it becomes too much to handle,” Mike said.
“We’re irresponsible college students in their eyes,” Stan said, “Getting them to listen will be like trying to get a shark to be friendly to it’s food.”
“Yeah, I doubt they’ll talk to the girl who sleeps around,” Beverly bitterly said.
“You’re not a slut,” Ben said, voice quiet but still able to be heard.
Richie side eyed Beverly with a small smirk as her cheeks tinged pink while she replied, “Thanks, Ben...” The young man smiled proudly and the redhead gave a smile back. Richie smirked to himself, knowing he was going to poke and prod Beverly about the tiny interaction later.
“I wanna say just wade it all out,” Eddie said, “but that could make things worse if none of us say anything.”
“Things could get worse if we do say anything, Eds.” Richie slouched in the chair and focused his eyes on the Rubix Cube in his hands. But still, that smirk played on his lips.
“That’s not my name.”
He shrugged. “Whatever, Eds.”
Richie looked up just in time to see Eddie make a face at the nickname. He chuckled and looked over at Bill, who sat two seats away from the short male with Stan in between them both. He wanted to keep his eyes on the two shorter boys to try and figure out why they were sitting so much closer together, but Richie’s eyes kept drifting over to his best friend. There wasn’t anything special about him, though. Bill’s hair was just a bit tussled from running his hands through it, stressed over the article, and he currently had a resting pissed off expression because of the situation at hand. The slightly taller male had on the regular clothes he wore. A baseball tee with jeans.
The curly, dark headed male made himself look away and frowned at himself as he tried to focus back on what everyone was saying. Richie, though, kept glancing to where Bill was on his computer screen. Fuck, it’s junior year all over again, he thought. Dammit. Richie flinched as Beverly’s hand whacked him on the shoulder. He snapped his head in her direction and gave her a glare until she handed him her phone. The notes app was opened; she had typed something down.
-istg if you don’t stop staring at him,,..
Richie rolled his eyes and typed something back before handing it back.
-I wasn’t staring, Bev, not like that
Beverly let out a soft scoff, clearly not taking the lie.
-uUUM you sit on a thrown of lies
-don’t fucking use Elf quotes on me
-admit you like Bill and I’ll stop
-go on a date with Ben and we’ll see about that
-l o l  f u c k  y o u
“What are you two keeping from us?” Mike asked suddenly. He was genuinely curious, but also seemed like he was hoping it was embarrassing so he could tease them.
It was then both friends realized the talking had stopped and the other five had been watching them pass the phone around a few times. The redhead girl and raven head boy glanced at one another. Beverly knew not to say anything, and so did Richie -- obviously, he didn’t need Bill knowing he was staring at him. Eventually, Richie answered.
“Just talking about great your mom was last night!” He grinned cheekily and started laughing once again as Beverly slapped him on the shoulder, groans of annoyance coming from the other boys.
“I th-thought you would grow out those jokes by now, Rich,” Bill complained.
“Big Bill, you know you shouldn’t expect so much of me!”
“God, I hate you,” he mumbled with a small laugh.
“Nah, you love me!” Richie leaned forward and rested his chin in the palm of his hand as his cheeky grin grew.
“I’m starting to think I don’t, actually.” Bill teased. His own cheeky smile formed and Riche feigned a hurt gasp. He sat up straight and clutched his heart, the others either laughing or smiling in amusement.
“You wound me, Big Bill.”
“Are you two done flirting?” Stan asked before Bill could say anything in reply. “We need to get this article thing under control.”
Richie and Bill both instantly went wide eyed, cheeks tainted pink and stiff postures. Bill slowlyIt  crossed his arms over his chest and looked around the room he was in, avoiding Eddie looking at him from around Stan and any of the others staring at him through Skype. Richie licked his lips and sat back normally as he picked up the Rubix cube that he had set down. He quickly started playing with it again. But not before glancing once again at Bill. He didn’t seem so tense or pissed anymore. 
Good, Richie thought, my little plan worked.
“This guy just had to be popular, huh?” Mike grumbled, stealing a chip from Ben’s plate of food. Ben instantly slapped Mike’s hand but the action did nothing; the taller male shrugged and tossed the chip in his mouth. “My notifications are blowing up more than usual!” He scrolled through his twitter notifs, frowning at the swarm of mentions about him and the others.
“Maybe we could do some digging and find some shit on the journalist,” Ben suggested. He scooted his plate of food father away from his best friend as his hand reached to grab another chip.
The Skype call had ended thirty minutes ago, all of them having thrown ideas on what to do for a solid hour before making up a plan for them all to meet up at Bill’s place since it was the biggest apartment. They would make a video together explaining everything, apologize for any ruckus they may have caused during the weekend, and then post it up on YouTube. It was a good idea. Whether it cause more drama was unknown to them.
“We don’t need to lower to Penis Wise’s antics,” Mike muttered with a roll of his eyes, gladly using the nickname Richie had come up with earlier.
Ben slouched but nodded, scrolling through the hellsite of tumblr dot com.  “You’re right, but, I don’t know -- I can’t let this go easily.”
“Because Beverly go called a slut?”
“Wha- No, that’s- Mike do not look at me like that!”
“You wrote a poem about her hair and put it on your Tumblr account.”
“I- fuck off,” he grumbled and slouched behind the computer screen, not bothering to try and lie. “Go flirt with that girl you met online.”
The two sat like that in Mike’s kitchen for a while longer. Mike on Twitter and muttering about how he hated the influx of notifications while stealing food off of Ben’s plate, getting a slap on the hand every time. Ben on his computer, going through Tumblr and giving the occasional laugh at a meme while trying to keep his food away from Mike and researching how Penis Wise actually got popular in the first place. Once in a while, Mike would blatantly tease Ben about his quickly growing crush on a certain redhead girl, which Ben retaliated with how Mike was crushing on a girl in Australia.
ok does Richie like Bill or what
do you like Stan or what
oh suddenly my mom is calling, gotta blast!!
heyheyhey kiss him! what could go wrong??
who said I wanted to kiss him? but seriously I do have to call my mom so I’ll text you later
fine fine ok [unsent] you boys and denying your feelings, istg first Richie now you
AUTHOR’S NOTE: ok I was gonna do some Steddie at the end but honest to god this is all I could write for this part so have Eddie denying his feelings for Stan to Bev over text instead. I’ll be sure to add Steddie next chapter! 
TAG LIST: @cupcakeatl @howellhxlic @anniewdoodles @kitaruhakiashi @thesubtextmachine @magickandmoons @allison0609 @i-t-s-y-a-b-o-i @multifandomimaginings @tobzier
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