#but she has no goals nor anything to drive her
thatonebirdwrites · 1 year
Korrasami prompt: Romance
Asami derives the idea of dating Korra after she gives Korra her first driving lesson.
"I never had a girlfriend before," Korra says after they clear the air about Mako. However, Korra strangely follows it up with a quick, 'except Naga.' 
Asami is left pondering what Korra means for several days.
Is Korra saying she is in a romantic relationship with her polar bear dog? Or does she not know the full meaning of the term girlfriend?
Asami assumes the latter. The former is too strange and disturbing for her to dare let lose on her far too vivid imagination.
So Asami endeavors to teach Korra what girlfriend means. Her plan involves first approaching the subject to gather data, next she will implement her 'date Korra' strategy, and finally romance will blossom and grow into a happy ending. It is surely a fool-proof plan.
She tries approaching the subject subtlety, by asking if Korra enjoys going out on the town. (She does.) If Korra enjoys flowers (if there's food involved). What Korra is looking for in a romantic partner (someone badass who can keep up with her).
Asami hopes this gives Korra a clue she's interested.
It doesn't. Korra instead calls them delightful chats with a friend.
It's a trifle frustrating.
She decides perhaps gifting Korra something magnificent will help. Since her first airship, that she designed herself, was completed by the time airbenders started appearing, Asami decides this is the moment of truth.
Korra is elated. Then calls her the bestest friend one could have.
Asami is a trifle discouraged, but she is if anything relentless when she sets her sights on a goal.
Her next attempt involves offering Korra dinner in Omashu. Surely a candlelight dinner at a noodle restaurant will do the trick?
Korra tells the brothers, and they crash the attempted date. Her only solace is Korra sitting next to her, their legs practically touching. Asami does her best to make Mako as uncomfortable as possible. (She still hasn't forgiven him for refusing to tell Korra he broke up with her when Korra had partial amnesia. Nor for leading Asami and Korra on during that time. Plus making him squirm amuses her.)
Perhaps the right combination of flowers, noodles, and tickets to a musical in Zaofu would work as a clue?
Instead, Korra calls that a girl's night out and drags Opal and Jinora along, which Asami doesn't mind, but it defeats her plan of a romantic night that hopefully ends with a kiss.
Her next tactic involves borrowing a jeep in Zaofu to go for a picnic in the mountains.
That somehow ends with Korra challenging her to a sparring match, of which Asami wins.
Honestly, why she doesn't kiss Korra the moment she pins her to the grass leaves Asami frustrated with herself. Surely that would clue Korra into her attempts at romance? (Her nervousness at the possibility of a kiss ruining the fun she's having with Korra is what stops her.)
All of this is before Zaheer. Before the poisoning.
Before Asami fights her way to the airbenders, before she picks the locks on their chains, before Asami is tempted to zap Zaheer's head to shut him up, before Asami panics over whether Korra will live or not.
Taking care of Korra is the role Asami assigns herself. She insists on it.
Tonraq takes her aside on the airship to Zaofu. "Are you sure, Asami?" He looks concerned.
Asami nods. "I am sure. I will stay at her side as long as she has me."
Tonraq smiles at her and grasps her shoulder. "I'm glad she has you."
Asami considers this a sad victory. She has won the approval of Korra's father, even if Korra herself doesn't view her in a romantic way.
So Asami tirelessly and selflessly stays at Korra's side those few weeks in Zaofu and Air Temple Island. She helps Korra bathe and dress. Brushes and does her hair. Helps her into the wheelchair. Takes her outside to breathe fresh air at times. Reads books out loud to her to help her fall asleep. Tucks her in at night. (She is tempted to kiss Korra's temple each time. One night she gives in and does so.)
In the end, Korra decides to head South to see Katara.
Asami doesn't think twice. She offers to relocate South with Korra and aid in her recovery. She doesn't say the truth out loud to Korra -- that doing so would mean giving up everything she has in Republic City if Korra's stay in the South turns out to be more long-term, but Asami doesn't care.
Korra is what matters to her far more than anything else. That is when she realizes that she is hopelessly in love.
"No," Korra says that day at the docks, "I appreciate it, but I'll only be gone a couple of weeks. A little alone time will likely be good for me." Korra sounds dejected. Her entire frame droops forward, and she stares at her motionless feet. Asami squeezes her shoulders and accepts Korra's words.
The rejection stings, but Asami does her best to stay supportive. Korra is in pain. She's depressed. Likely doesn't know what to do with that request.
So Asami endeavors to write Korra often.
At first, she doesn't know quite what to write. Asami chews on the end of her pen and glares at the empty paper in front of her. Obviously, she can't just say, "Korra, I love you ,and I hope you feel my love across the distance, so that you know you're not alone."
That seems presumptuous and possibly too heavy.
Instead, she decides the best way to handle the situation would be to share about her day and how she feels about that.
Her first letter is written a week after Korra left for the South:
Dear Korra,
I never know how to start a letter, so I will jump into exactly how this day is going. At this moment, I sit at my desk within my office at Future Industries. Before me lies a large stack of paperwork that requires my review and signatures. I do not look forward to this. If someone had warned me that being CEO means mountains of paperwork, I might have stolen a plane and flown off into the sunset instead. But alas, I must do my duty and will do my best to survive. Wish me luck!
It is now close to lunchtime, the mountain of paperwork half done, but my break was sadly not at all interesting. I had several meetings this afternoon, except, Korra, have I mentioned how boring older men are? No hint of humor, dry blandness, and sterile suits that look like they bought new that day. Is that how they spend their salaries? What do they do with the old suits? Recycle them? Put them on display in the world's ugliest museum? I must listen and speak with authority, otherwise these egotistical and horribly uncreative duds would refuse to recognize that I am the CEO not them. So I've learned two dozen ways to politely tell them how terrifically awful their ideas for the company truly are.
Have I mentioned that they have no color sense? Who puts blue and orange together on a tie? It looked like a glaring florescent sign like those we saw in Ba Sing Se's Middle and Lower Rings.
After those meetings, I escape to the factories. There I am able to work alongside my employees. Perhaps the best part of the day. I inspect the lines, repair sections that failed to work, and assist newly hired employees with the finer details of construction. Walking and working with my employees like this makes me look more human to them. Like I'm approachable. I don't ever want to be that CEO that lives in some ivory tower and fails to offer their employees living wages and benefits to help them thrive.
Actually, one of workers on the line reminds me of you. She's from the Southern Water Tribe but a nonbender. She was so excited to meet me and had some excellent ideas about engine efficiency. I took her aside and we worked on an engine to test a few of her ideas, and I dare say, they worked! I am giving her a raise, and she's now on one of our engineering teams working to make her designs a reality. I love moments like that.
That actually gives me an idea. Since we are badly in need of sales still to break even, why not help get our name out in a good way? I'm going to set up community forums in the Dragonflats and Water Boroughs to teach engineering to anyone interested for free. Longer courses will be available at a very low price. Way cheaper than the university is my goal, maybe for the price of a noodle bowl once a month? We'll have a repair garage attached to the forums, and students can work with our engineers on repairs to see how it's done. What do you think?
I better close this up else I write you a novel!
Love, Asami
It's the word 'love' that has Asami hesitating on sending it, but in the end, she figures it can't hurt. Maybe if she's more blatant about her feelings Korra will eventually understand that Asami has been trying to date her this whole time. At the very least, the word will hopefully provide a comforting reminder that Korra is indeed loved. Asami desperately hopes Korra understands that truth.
She will gladly remind her with each salutation to her letters.
There is no reply to her initial letter, but this doesn't deter Asami. If anything, it makes her more determined. She decides on a schedule, sets time aside for updating the letter throughout the day, and a time to send it.
She determines that two times a week can suffice at first. If her schedule becomes too intensive with the rebuild Republic City project, then she will downgrade to once a week. She will not stand for less than once a week however.
Months pass, but Korra doesn't reply to her letters. At this point, it becomes a habit. She writes the letters and starts to become more free in what she says. At first, Korra's mother replies with a thank her for the letters, but that stops on month three.
By month seven, Asami wonders if something is wrong with the mail system. Maybe her letters are getting lost? Does she have the right address? She verifies with Tenzin, who offers to call Tonraq. Asami sits in on that call and learns that Korra hasn't written anyone back. In fact, she's closed in on herself.
This worries Asami.
Is there a way she can still help despite Korra's refusal to allow anyone close?
She decides to keep her schedule. It helps ease her own worry to write, and maybe the steadiness of her letters will aid Korra somehow too.
Part of this decision hinges on a conversation she had with Korra on the airship:
"Tenzin's schedules got no room for fun!" Korra throws her hands into the air, frustrated.
Asami leans against the balcony railing next to Korra. The wind blows her black hair backward, like a cape. "If you built the schedule, what would it look like?"
Korra looks startled. "Oh. Hmmm, maybe time for Naga, meditation, I guess we ought to do some airbending practice.... Ugh, okay, I'm terrible at them." She smiles, sheepishly. "I lose track of the time and day a lot. Easily get caught up in doing stuff, and then whoops, I failed to go to meditation or whatever."
Asami tilts her head and studies Korra. The sunlight on Korra's skin highlights the gorgeous copper undertones, and a hint of sweat glistens the hairline of Korra's chestnut-colored hair. Her wolftails dance with the touch of the wind. Asami simply cannot get enough of looking at Korra's bulging muscles, the curve of her breasts, or her deliciously muscular thighs.
This is not helpful for Korra. Asami blinks and focuses on Korra's eyes instead. "Did Tenzin start building schedules because of that then?"
Korra sighs. "Probably." Her blue eyes meets Asami's green, and for a moment, Asami's breath hitches in her throat. So unfair how utterly beautiful Korra looks all the time. "How do you manage it?"
Asami can't think the longer she looks into Korra's eyes. Her brain refuses to function. Instead she thinks only of how Korra's lips might taste. She forces herself to look at the mountains below them, while she grips the cold metal of the balcony tighter.
"Being CEO, I have to abide by a schedule, and honestly, I had one my entire life. Even as a child. So I am used to drafting one for each day. I made one for today actually."
"Really? Was our talk part of that?" Korra asks.
Asami blushes. "I always leave space on my schedule for you. I call it the spontaneity with Korra hour."
Korra grins. "Really?"
"Yes." Asami says, firmly. "It's what I call a floating hour. My schedules aren't as strict as Tenzin's. I tend to have one thing that cannot be altered, that item grounds my day, then I build up the tasks that need to be done and set them around that root. I need to be flexible since emergencies can and often do happen."
"Oh, you know, I like that. Having one thing that roots everything else, and float the other stuff around it." Korra taps her chin. "Maybe I can convince Tenzin to adapt to that."
Asami laughs. "Good luck. He seems as stubborn as you."
Korra crosses her arms over her chest. "Stubborn? I'm not stubborn. I'm...." She struggles to find a word, only to sigh and slump against the balcony's railing. "All right, you got me."
The next day, Asami makes it her goal to find a root to help anchor Korra. This becomes more urgent when she listens to Korra complain of her failed attempt to convince Tenzin. Asami takes it upon herself to soften him to the idea, until he gives in and tasks her with making the schedules. (Korra sees the newly pinned schedules as her finally convincing Tenzin, and Asami doesn't have the heart to correct this.)
So Asami continues to write weekly to Korra. Perhaps this root will help stabilize things for Korra? She hopes so.
A year passes with no reply. Asami is frustrated, worried, and grieving. She wonders if it was something she said or did. Maybe Korra hates her letters?
On the day of Asami's birth, one year and two months after Korra left, Asami fails to write her weekly letter.
Instead, after work, she buys several bottles of whiskey and drives to the mansion. She parks far from the entrance to avoid being seen my Mako's family. The sun sets to a glaze of red and gold, stars start to shine in the night sky, and Asami glances at it and feels only despair.
She unlocks the workshop that holds the entrances to her father's hateful underground factory, steps inside, and locks the door behind her. The room has not changed since that fateful day she turned on her father. The floor is still ripped up above the trap doors, and the shelves are still full of workshop supplies. She opens the trap doors. The darkness of the factory looms like the maw of a hideous mouth. A suitable mockery of her birthday she supposes. She sits on the steps and drinks the whiskeys, wallowing in grief.
Her company still struggles to make sales. Although the construction projects are going well, the city rarely meets its financial obligation in their contract. This makes it difficult to pay her workers, and she has decides to take only ten percent of her usual salary and bonuses in order to make sure all her workers are paid a living wage no matter what. In turn, she dips deep into her remaining savings to keep up with the taxes on her estate, the upkeep of her satomobile, and the cost of her new penthouse she'd bought three months prior.
For her friends and loved ones, their lives deviate from her own in painful ways. She receives nothing from Korra. Bolin leaves to assist Kuvira. Mako dives headfirst into investigator work, and the Air Nation works hard to help people all over the world.
Asami feels cut off and lost. She drinks an entire bottle of whiskey, and tosses the bottle down the stairs. It clatters against the wall and shatters on the bottom step. She uncaps the next bottle and raises it in a toast.
"To the eternal autumn that is the Sato name! Grief and despair seems to be our fate. May this one day be broken."
She drinks that bottle too and throws it.
It shatters on the third step.
She calls in sick to work to recover from the epic hangover. Asami decides it best to tell no one of this incident.
Two weeks after her birthday, she receives a surprise in the mail. A letter with the postmarking of the Southern Water Tribe.
Hope crashes through her, and she sprints into the residential building, staggers into the elevator, and takes it to her penthouse. She rips open the letter by the time she reaches her door and has to juggle her keys with the letter to unlock. Leaning against the door, Asami unfolds the letter.
Dear Asami,
This is Senna. First, I wanted to express heartfelt thanks for your steadiness and kindness with writing Korra. I know it may be frustrating to not hear from her.
Second, are you all right? We missed your letter this past week, which was unusual. Korra wanted to write and ask if you were okay, but she was unable to put words to paper. I offered to assist, which is why I am writing you today.
I hope this letter finds you well. If you need anything, please feel free to ask myself, Tonraq, or Tenzin. I'm sure we can provide support. Be safe, Asami.
Tucked inside the letter is a folded origami triangle, which is the start of a crane. Nothing is written on the origami, and Asami isn't sure if Korra folded it or if Senna or Tonraq did. Maybe Katara? She inspects it thoroughly, but she cannot find any clue as to why it was included. Despite this, she carries it with her to work to display on her desk in honor of Korra.
The letter, itself, is a balm to her soul. Her weekly letters did impact Korra. Enough to cause worry.
Asami hates the idea that she causes Korra worry.
She endeavors to repair this immediately and sends a reply that is not at all part of her schedule. (She decides she'll restart her schedule that week, so Korra will end up with two letters for the week.)
Dear Korra, Senna, and Tonraq,
Thank you for your concern. I apologize for causing you worry! I never meant to do so. I am sorry for that. It has been a rough week for me. My birthday was this past week, and it brought sour memories of my father. I am okay now. I suppose the grief of that hits me hard during my or my former parents' birthdays, and I admit, I am unused to seeking assistance or support. So thank you again for checking in on me.
I plan to continue my schedule. I hope it helps to anchor you all. Give you a root on which to build your own days and hopes.
Much love to you all, Asami
Within a week and a half, Asami receives a reply to her spontaneous letter.
Dear Asami,
I understand how hard birthdays can be. I too struggle with grief on the birthday of my late mother. She died when I was a teenager from a lung disease that couldn't be cured. So I understand how hard grief can hit. No need for you to apologize. That is perhaps my message for you. Never apologize for your feelings. Your feelings are valid.
Feel free to write me further if you find it helpful.
Take care, Senna
Asami is so touched by Senna's reply, that she reexamines her schedule. Perhaps writing Senna can be added to it?
She decides to continue her weekly schedule for Korra, but adds another schedule, where she writes Senna twice a month. She is a little worried this is presumptuous of her, but Senna's letters did offer this twice now. So why not?
To Asami's shock, Senna does reply to her letters. She does not mention Korra. She instead describes the landscape of the South (mostly glaciers and mountains, where trees are rare, Asami learns), some of her duties as the wife of the Chief (surprisingly she does a lot of negotiation), and asks questions about Asami's work.
One of Senna's suggestions sends Asami to the Air Nation to check on their needs. This, in turn, causes Asami to build an airbending glider suit, which she leverages Future Industries resources to build. It is a rousing success among the Air Nation, and Jinora demands Asami start visiting more often.
This is why Asami finds herself scheduling time for dinner with Jinora and her family twice a month. The connection warms her heart.
When one year and five months have passed, Asami finds herself frustrated with work. Frustrated at how sales continue to flounder. Frustrated by Raiko being a jerk about her community forums. (He calls them 'useless time wasters when those attending ought to be working.' The gall of the man! Asami decides to open up more forums and builds a few homeless shelters just to spite him.)
More than anything else, Asami finds herself frustrated by Korra's lack of reply, and frustrated with herself for not being able to handle the silence. Korra is likely struggling with so much. Why should Asami expect Korra to have energy to reply to her inane ramblings?
After a particularly hard day at work, Asami returns to the mansion's workshop, opens the trapdoor, and drinks an entire bottle of whiskey. She sings a song she vaguely remembers her mother singing to her. Her father has also sung it whenever they visited her grave, but he stopped when Asami was eleven.
So she sings it to herself as she drinks and tosses crumpled up love letters to Korra into the darkness of the factory entrance.
"Winter, spring, Summer and fall.
Winter, spring, Summer and fall
Four seasons, Four loves.
Four seasons, For love."
Part of Asami is tempted to go down and smash things. Maybe rip apart what is left of the vile factory, wreck destruction in a way she'd never done before, but she can't bring herself to do this.
Asami Sato is an engineer. She fixes things. She doesn't break things.
Instead, she drinks the bottle and tosses it down the steps. It lands far enough away that she can't hear if it shatters or not.
She does not describe this day in her letter to Korra.
By the second year, Asami is lost in depression. Keeping to her schedule has become incredibly hard. She has managed to persevere this long. Surely, she can keep going, right?
She wonders if she loves a ghost.
Will Korra ever return?
By this point, Asami's whiskey drinking on the steps of the underground factory has become a monthly activity. She makes sure she is not seen by Mako's family -- how could she explain it? -- she verifies a radio is playing somewhere, and she locks the workshop door behind her. The trapdoor pulls up easier each time.
She is unsure of how much shattered glass lies at the bottom of these steps nor how many crumpled up love letters. (She's a little afraid to check.)
On the third day of the second year, Asami goes to the workshop for her monthly drinking. She sings sadly to the looming maw of darkness, drinks far too much whiskey, and passes out on the floor of the workshop. When she wakes in the morning, she has a massive hangover. One that leaves her confused as to where she even is.
For a terrifying moment, she's convinced she's been kidnapped. Only for her to hear the sounds of Mako's family shouting nearby about breakfast. That roots her in her reality, and she realizes she fell asleep in the workshop. How embarrassing.
The sink in the workshop doesn't work, which is frustrating. Asami hasn't needed it before, nor has she included the upkeep of this workshop in the duties of her mansion's staff. (She's actually written rules that forbid them from entering this place, and keeps it locked.)
Asami sneaks out to her satomobile. When she reaches her penthouse at the residential building near Future Industries, she is feeling terrible, her head pounds, and she wishes she could be swallowed by the earth.
But she must focus on recovery since she has work the next day. It will be a big day. Several of the road projects will be completed, and she must do a press conference with that hideous Raiko. (Asami hates press conferences with Raiko. He insists on shaking her hand and putting his hand at the small of her back for a photo every time. He is lucky to not get punched after.)
Asami then discovers a surprise in her mailbox. A white and blue letter leans against the side of the box. It has a Southern Water Tribe postmark.
Except the handwriting doesn't match Senna's.
Asami is far too hungover to process the script on the letter's envelope. She thinks perhaps she is delusional.
She decides to leave it on her kitchen counter and shower instead. (Hot water is excellent for distilling thoughts into coherent ideas.)
When she returns to the kitchen, her hair wrapped in a towel, she notes how the letter continues to take up counter space. The print writing is still not Senna's handwriting. Asami doesn't know what Tonraq's handwriting is like. She decides it must be his. Though why he would write her is not something her hungover-addled brain can fathom.
She decides to make breakfast first and drink as much water as she can stomach. After she eats her oatmeal and eggs, she cleans the dishes and puts them away. Getting out a book, she tries to read in the armchair by her balcony door. Her headaches causes her to fall asleep.
By lunchtime, the letter has not moved. It is still in the same spot with that same handwriting.
Asami wonders if the letter is daring her to open it.
Is she afraid of a letter?
How ridiculous! She is Asami Sato. CEO of Future Industries, listed as one of the top philanthropists in the Republic Times (that award was just four months prior), and a local community leader. A letter does not scare her.
She takes a deep breath and snatches it off the counter. Her finger rips it open.
Inside is a folded piece of paper and again that origami triangle, except this time, it's much closer to being a full crane.
Asami unfolds the letter and promptly drops it on the counter.
Korra's name is in the salutation.
Asami has to sit down.
Korra has written her back. She truly has written her back.
Asami feels like she's soaring high, where all the spirits in the world sing the love song her parents had sung so often when she was a child.
Korra has written her back! What joy! What delight! Asami grins and swoons at the sight of Korra's meticulously written characters.
She picks up the letter again to read.
Dear Asami,
I'm sorry I haven't written to you sooner, but every time I've tried, I never know what to say. The past two years have been the hardest of my life. Even though I can get around fine now, I still can't go into the Avatar State. I keep having visions of Zaheer and what happened that day.
Katara thinks a lot of this is in my head, so I've been meditating a lot, but sometimes I worry I'll never fully recover.
Please don't tell Mako and Bolin I wrote to you and not them. I don't want to hurt their feelings, but it's easier to tell you about this stuff. I don't think they'd understand.
Yours, Korra
Asami can't stop the tears from flowing. She pulls out her handkerchief and weeps. She wishes she could hold Korra. To kiss her forehead. To remind her that she is worth everything and that she can defeat this. She can recover.
In the end, Asami decides she cannot wait for her schedule day to write. She responds right away.
Dear Korra,
I understand. Don't worry about how long it took. I will always be here to support you. And don't worry! I won't speak a word of this to Mako or Bolin. I will continue my weekly schedule, but I wanted to get this to you as soon as I could. So you knew that I hear you and I understand. Recovery is hard.
Love, Asami
Asami stares at her letter and thinks of how inane it feels. It doesn't come close to summing up how she feels. She thinks again of Korra's worry about the Avatar state, and wonders if she can help with that. She doesn't truly understand how the Avatar state works, but perhaps she can do some preliminary research? Would that help Korra through this?
When Asami sees a problem, it immediately makes her want to seek a solution, but she doesn't know if that is wise for this.
In the end, she sends the letter as is. She continues her weekly schedule, but she adds in time for brainstorming. She visits every library in the city and Air Temple Island. She reads about chi pathways, chakras, and prior Avatars. She learns about how acupuncture opens up the chakras, and how this effects bending. She ponders if this can be turned into a way for Korra to still have the Avatar state without the Avatar state.
She decides to take the glider suite design and add in an acupuncture design to the back. Between meetings and mountains of paperwork, she works on this in the workshop in front of her office. Occasionally, one of her department managers asks her about the project, and she only levels a 'don't you dare test me' glare at them. The interrupter slinks away ashamed. It takes her most of the month to complete.
When she visits Air Temple Island for her second dinner of the month, she asks Jinora to chat with her in the meditation pavilion.
"Would you like to test an idea for me?" Asami is both excited and nervous.
Jinora grins at her. "Sure!"
"Really? I haven't even explained what it is." Asami is taken aback at Jinora's blind trust.
Jinora laughs. "It's you asking. Why wouldn't I say yes? I know you'd never hurt me."
Asami hopes that is the case. "Well, I have a prototype glider suit for you. Can you wear it for three days and write down your observations for me? If you find it uncomfortable or if something goes wrong, please call me immediately. I'll drop everything for this, okay?" She reaches into her backpack and takes out the suit. She has specifically designed it for Jinora's build.
Jinora takes it and looks it over. "Why is the back so hard?" She taps her fist against the spine of the suit.
"That's the acupuncture spine. It's meant to open your chakras." Asami is very nervous now. "At least, that's what I read. We'll see what if it works."
Jinora smiles. "All right. I'll do it."
Asami leaves the island feeling like she's on cloud nine. Maybe her wacky idea might actually work.
She receives the call during one of her meetings. Her assistant, Tariq, rushes into the room. His blue eyes are wide, his brown skin flushed likely from running down several flights of stairs to the meeting room. He gasps out, "Ms. Sato, you said if Jinora called to alert you immediately."
Asami stands. "Thank you, Tariq." She turns to the engineering team. "Excuse me, I must attend this emergency. We will reschedule." 
She rushes up the four flights to her office to take the call. Jinora sounds panicked, and talks far too fast for Asami to make sense of on the phone. 
"I'll be right there," Asami assures her and hangs up. Grabbing her keys, she swaps out her dress shoes for her sturdier boots and sprints to the elevator. The drive takes far longer than she prefers, and finding a spot to park her precious blue satomobile also eats up minutes.
On the ferry, Asami frets over whether her idea has hurt Jinora. She wouldn't be able to bear it if it did.
When she walks up the path from the docks, she is shocked to see several fully grown trees torn up by their roots laying across the path. A large clearing now exists where that grove of trees once stood. Jinora sits on one of the trunks holding the suit, her head downcast.
"Asami!" She looks up relieved. "You came!"
"What... what happened?" Asami stares flabbergasted at the destruction. At least the trees hadn't hit the buildings?
Jinora stands and hands her the suit. "I... I wore this and tried to air bend, but I couldn't control it. It was way powerful, far more than I'd ever felt in my life." She looks sad and kicks at the ground. "I'm sorry I couldn't do the full experiment. Dad forbid me from wearing it again."
Asami looks down at the suit and comes to the conclusion that this is perhaps the worst idea she ever had.
But it would be a funny postscript for Korra. Best to not explain the why however.
She adds it to her next letter. "P.S. Jinora and I did an experiment. However, things went awry. We accidentally tore up an entire grove of fully grown trees. Tenzin was furious. However, I think our remodeling added a beautiful clearing for picnicking."
Asami doesn't expect a reply. It has been three months since Korra's last letter.
To her surprise, a letter from the Southern Water Tribe shows up in her mailbox a week later.
Dear Asami,
What the spirits was this experiment? That sounds amazing. I wish I could have seen that. I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time. I could just picture Tenzin's face red with fury. Bet there was steam coming out his ears too.
It got me thinking. Do you think I've been in the South too long? If maybe that's why I'm stuck in my healing? I haven't made any progress since my last letter, and it's been eating me up. But your letter got me thinking that maybe I do need a change of scenery. My own remodeling maybe?
What do you think?
Yours, Korra
Asami is delighted to learn she caused Korra to laugh. However, Korra's question makes Asami wonder if now is the time to reveal her truth. She so badly wants Korra to return to Republic City. She wants to take Korra out on a date still, maybe even go on an adventure in the wilds to do some experiments with chakras (Asami hasn't quite let go of ways to help Korra find her Avatar spirit again).
But part of her holds back out of fear that Korra doesn't return her feelings.
Sure, Korra signs these letters with 'yours' but Asami doesn't know if that is a friendship-y 'yours' or a romantic 'yours.' In fact, Asami hasn't ever written someone like this before, so she doesn't know how friends sign letters. Business contacts use 'sincerely,' so that isn't any help.
Asami decides to play it safe. She will admit to Korra having her heart, but that is the most she will do. Surely, that won't scare her away? She doesn't want Korra to stop writing after all.
Dear Korra,
I want to say come here to Republic City, but I also know you need to feel ready to do that. So please do not see this as me trying to convince you to come back. I want you to now that whatever you decide, I will always support you. You have my word and my heart.
Whenever I am stuck on an idea, which feels often of late especially with how difficult things are with Future Industries, I will take a day and go hiking in the mountains. There in the wilderness I find a solace that can't be captured elsewhere. Nature has such beauty and wonder hidden around every bend.
Did you know that fractals are perhaps the most common type of growth among plants and fungi? They are a perfect repeating geometric pattern that is everywhere. I bring my magnifying glass sometimes to examine leaves, mushrooms, even rocks, and all have these lovely patterns.
This excites my imagination. Then when I reach the peak, I stand at the edge and take in the breadth of the world. I can see for kilometers in all directions. Did you know that one of the tallest peaks in Republic Nation is Mount Makapu and is within a day journey by Satomobile? That one is my favorite to climb. It sits on a peninsula that overlooks Yue Bay and the ocean. I can see so far, and I can touch the clouds. (Clouds are so wet. I know scientifically they are made of water crystals condensed into fog form, but it's quite different to physically feel such a thing on my fingertips).
It reminds me of our airship adventures. Where we wandered the Earth Kingdom, sparring, laughing, and having great fun. Perhaps that is what you need?
Sometimes a journey requires more than a step. You took a big leap to go South for healing, but now you face the next step of your journey.
I have hope that no matter where that next step leads you, you will find your way. It will be hard at first. Just as climbing a mountain is hard. (Let me tell you, if you don't get the right boots, your feet will hate you forever! So make sure you have good hiking boots!) Each step up the mountain gets harder, especially at higher elevations when there is far less oxygen. This makes the journey very, very hard.
But to stand there at the top of the world? It is worth the hardship and pain.
I think you are still climbing that mountain. You have not yet reached the peak, but you will, Korra, you will. And when you are ready to climb back down, I will be here to offer you a hug and a heartfelt congratulations at such a marvelous achievement.
And if you want someone to accompany you on this next stage of your climb, you have only to ask. I will gladly take leave to walk that with you.
May this letter inspire you to new heights. And remember, you have my support always.
Love, Asami
Asami again doesn't expect a reply. She, however, continues her schedule. Writing Korra is perhaps one of the few things that gets her through her long days.
She often finds herself in Avatar Korra park (this was the first thing she built, she is proud to say) and sits by the statue to draw. Sometimes, she comes late at night to sit between Korra's legs and whisper her secrets to the stone (she hopes she is less likely to be recognized at night).
During this time, the bureaucrats in charge of the city's contract keep being very dodgy about paying the full amount owed, and she is tired of this song and dance to get them to follow through. Her company badly needs the money.
At least sales has improved somewhat thanks to her efforts with community forums. She finds that the lower income boroughs have lots of interesting engineering ideas. This delights her. For some of the more promising ones, she offers to help realize their designs with a contract. She can't afford to pay them full time, but she can at least sub contract with them part time to fund their projects. This is well received by the public, and Asami can't help but preen with pride at how helpful it has been for people.
She eagerly shares these successes with Korra in her letters. For the bureaucrats, she mocks them in what she hopes is an amusing way. She badly wants to hear Korra laugh, but this she supposes is the next best thing.
At two years and five months, Asami receives a third letter from Korra. She has had a long day at the office and construction sites dealing with emergencies. Plus, she keeps getting letters from her father (why is he writing her at all? The memory of him trying to kill her haunts her dreams far more than she'll ever admit.) All of this grief and frustrations tempts her with heading to the mansion workshop to drink it all away.
Instead, she opens her mailbox to find the letter.
She barely reaches her penthouse before she has torn it open.
Dear Asami,
I don't know what I'd do without you. Honestly, you're the best thing that's ever happened in my life.
I've thought long and hard about your letters, especially the one about mountain climbing. I think you're right. I do need to take this next step, and I think I know what to do. But I need you to do something for me. I know this will be hard, and it's not fair to you. Especially with how kind you are. With how devoted and steady you've been despite my lack of replies. I am probably being selfish, aren't I?
But I don't think I can do this without knowing you have my back. Can you stop writing me in exactly one month from the postscript of this letter? I need everyone to think I am returning at that time. Please tell no one of this letter.
I promise that I'll come back to you. I just need more time. I need to finish that metaphorical mountain climb, and when I reach the peak, I hope I will find my Avatar state there. Thank you for being here for me. I hope to see you soon.
Love, Korra
Asami stares at the letter. Her fingers hover over the word 'love.'
What is Korra planning? Asami thinks through her last few letters, and then abruptly remembers the one she'd written in reply to Korra's questions.
Korra is going on a journey somewhere. She asks Asami to not share with anyone what Asami now knows. For Korra to entrust her with this? Asami's heart swells with love.
She will honor Korra's request.
Asami continues her schedule for one month and promptly ends it. She tells no one of Korra's final letter to her.
At two years and six months, Asami must attend the train station reveal and deal with President Raiko. (She really hopes he doesn't do that touching of her back while shaking her hand. She decides she'll step hard on his foot if he does. Maybe she'll break one of his toes. It'd serve him right.)
The crowd is surprisingly large. Reporters hog the front viewing area with their large, lumbering cameras and pen and paper. Asami is anxious but relieved to learn she doesn't need to speak. (She really doesn't like public speaking.) Instead, she smiles and cuts the stupid, red ribbon with the biggest and most ungainly scissors she's ever seen.
She hopes this is all she needs to do. The mingling after the ceremony goes significantly easier. Nod, smile, pretend to care about the inane ramblings of uninteresting people. Honestly, Korra is the only person Asami could happily listen to ramble. Certainly not stiff business people in their overly tailored suits, greasy hair, and badly chosen tie colors. She's mastered the 'pretend to care' expression due to her time as CEO.
At least, it would have been easy if not for Prince Wu. He corners her to her irritation, then blatantly hits on her. This makes her want to stab his eyeballs or maybe stab her own. Then he calls himself a super human, and she can't help but roll her eyes.
No, the only superhuman is Korra.
To her relief, Mako comes to her rescue. She could hug him. (Not kiss him, that is only for Korra, and she knows Mako well enough that even a kiss on the cheek would confuse him. She is not interested in him and will never be interested in him again. That ship sailed long, long ago. Korra is the only one who has her heart.)
Mako mentions Korra's return.
Asami can't look him in the eye. She knows the truth. So she looks at the ground, and says what needs to be said, "I can't wait to see her." For that is the truth, but when she will see Korra, Asami doesn't know.
Later that day, the boat from the Southern Water Tribe pulls into Air Temple Dock. Asami sits on a bench at the top of the path and watches, knowing Korra will not be there. Naga is however, which makes Asami wonder if Korra has decided to be incognito.
The others panic at first. They talk of searching for Korra.
Asami decides to go play with Naga before she loses her temper at how ridiculous everyone is being. She is tempted to tell them all off and demand they trust Korra's intentions. But she simply cannot take that risk.
Naga is delighted to see her. Nearly knocks her over. Asami decides to incorporate visits with Naga into her schedule. She decides on three times a week. For her, Naga is a fragile connection with Korra, the person she loves most in the world. This is the least she can do for Korra.
Tonraq finds her in the clearing -- the same one Jinora had made by accident during Asami's suit experiment -- and he watches her throw the ball for Naga for awhile. Asami is nervous at first, but slowly relaxes when he doesn't try to interrogate her.
Except, his next words breaks Asami's calm. "Asami, I wanted to ask. Korra wrote you, didn't she?"
Asami doesn't want to lie to Korra's father. Not after all her work to prove herself to him. "She did."
"What did she tell you?"
Asami turns and meets his gaze. She sees the worry in his expression, the furrow in his brows. Korra has his eyes and nose, she realizes. "Tonraq, you are asking that I betray Korra's trust. I can't do that."
His lips twitch in an almost smile. "I understand. May I ask if you are worried? Of all of us, you are the most calm."
Asami is worried. She can't help it. Not knowing where Korra is, or if she is safe drives Asami to distraction. But Korra has asked for her word and her trust. Asami gives it readily to her. "I do worry, but I cannot and will not speak further on this."
Tonraq studies her for a long moment. She finds herself holding her breath and hopes she hasn't made an enemy out of Korra's father.
To her relief, he reaches out and grasps her shoulder. "Thank you, Asami, for being there for my daughter. She couldn't have a better pa-friend."
Asami smiles and bows her head in reply.
When he walks away to join the others, she looks after his tall figure and wonders if the word he meant to say was 'partner.' EDIT: Got it up on AO3 now.
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popcorndispenser · 8 months
So this idea has been rotting my brain for ages and ages, and I told Discord about it, so now I'll brain spew it here. Angsty WarFlower ahead.
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Content warning for attempted suicide.
Imagine a version of events where Freya can't get past her guilt. It's shortly before Ragnarök game-start, and she's not managed to touch Kratos beyond superficiality. He and his son have responded to her persistent attacks by holing up behind the protection stave, and she can't get close. A while passes before she sees them again, months, and with no one and nothing to turn to she feels like she's slowly losing her mind. Without Kratos there in front of her to focus on, her perception of events and time become muddied and jumbled, and because she's isolated herself from her prior life she doesn't have familiar comfort. It's just cold, and dark, and empty, and her failures are playing on repeat in her mind, spreading into nightmares until she can hardly even tell what's real.
And it becomes utterly unbearable. She feels like she hates Kratos, like she has to kill him, like he's the source of all her current pain, but just beneath the surface she's fully aware of her own hand in it, of her own influence, and the what-ifs of her choices drive her mad. After not seeing hide nor hair of him or his son for months, with nothing but blinding snow and pain, the goal of killing him starts to feel as hopeless and surreal as the desire to kill Odin.
It all overwhelms her, and after yet another week of vivid nightmares of her son cursing and screaming her name, she treads to the Valkyrie circle, takes a moment to breathe in the frigid air, and runs herself through with Thrungva.
It's a relatively ineffective and slow method, but she wasn't in her right mind enough to think of so beforehand, having more been motivated by despair and desperation than a well planned desire for death. It hurts, and she can't move, can't muster the strength to get up or withdraw the blade, but her inhuman fortitude and healing keeps her suspended, and for longer than a day she's left in agony waiting to finally bleed out and die.
That is, until Atreus finds her, having sought her early after noticing the wildlife and creatures reacting strangely and trying to urge him along, to help the woman that used to care for them. He finds her lying in a growing pool of her own blood, with a heartbeat that's nearly inperceptible, breathing shallowly and cold as a corpse, and he panics hard because what he wanted more than anything was to make amends with the woman he had been starting to view as sort of another maternal figure, maximised by the guilt of causing her so much pain when she was only kind to him. It's not helping that he saw his own mother die before him not too many years prior.
So the young god freaks out, and tries to treat her, fails, and has to rush to get Kratos. Kratos is obviously rattled, and then actually hesitant. He still cares for Freya, is peturbed by the idea of her dying at her own hand, but he doesn't want to deprive her free will in this way after having just denied her it. What breaks his composure and forces his hand is Atreus' pleading, and then the sight of her.
They take her to the cabin, Kratos confident she won't be able to prove a threat for some time due to the extent of her injury, and he treats her wound while excusing Atreus to distract himself elsewhere to spare him the grisly sight of her injury, which the boy takes to pursue the prophecy tablets, of course. Freya is out for quite some time, until she isn't, and she's less than happy to be saved - particularly about just who had saved her. Kratos is indifferent, only restraining her attempts to move to prevent her from agitating her injury, and stays by her side to watch her condition even when she threatens and spits cruelties at him, trying to get a rise out of him. Nor does he show fear sleeping next to her.
It's upsetting her and muddling her mind more, because the man that snapped her son's neck and inadvertently drove her to suicide is now tenderly replacing her bandages every morning and ensuring she takes medicine and food, and then sheepishly asking for her own advice on medicine for herself. She's feverish, and woozy, and vulnerable, but he only ever treats her with utmost care, and he gently wakes her whenever she has a nightmare. One day, she lashes at him and manages to draw blood, and he still only checks her over to make sure she hasn't re opened her wound.
And this is how their reconciliation starts.
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calamitoustide · 2 months
I just had the mental image of one of those "a and b already know each other but they don't know it fic partially because one of them is trans" but it's not just Regulus that's trans
It's all of them: James and Sirius are mtf, Regulus and Remus are tfm. There is not one name that is still the same as it was back when they first used to know each other
ohhh you do know I love myself some mtf James... thinking thought!
I've been thinking a lot about childhood friends to lovers jeg recently and I think like if they were all friends it would be interesting! They would be younger like maybe around seven or so when they were first all friends with each other. Sirius, Jamie, and Remus all walked over to this park together when they met and Sirius obviously started bringing Regulus to tag around too.
It was only for a summer, and according to them one of the best summers they've ever had. Every day was hazy and sweet. Filled with that childhood nostalgia and innocence one can only have when you're that young. They'd walk through the wood and Sirius and Jamie would argue over who could climb to the top of one of the trees the fastest. I've never liked Remus and Regulus as friends and I still see that even as children Regulus argues with Remus all the time, but more in a younger sibling kinda way. Regulus always needs to be right even when he's obviously wrong.
One day James brings these little wooden swords for them all to play make-pretend. They'd be pirates or warriors, whatever their little hearts desired.
One day Sirius would beg Remus to bring in some of his princess dress-up clothes. Neither Remus nor Regulus would want to wear them, but Sirius and Jamie would. They were too young to fully understand why they wanted to so badly, but they were children it didn't matter. They both wore those tiaras and Sirius put on the dress and then kept asking Remus if he thought she looked pretty in it. Nothing else mattered. It was only the four of them.
They'd go and scream into the wind if they wanted to. They would sing and dance as the sun went down and the fireflies came out.
Some days Regulus would be overstimulated by everything, even if it wasn't because of the group. Their group was their little oasis away from everything but sometimes home grew over top of it. So he'd be quiet and keep to himself and say he wants to be alone, but Jamie wouldn't care. She'd sit right down beside him and ask the other two to go ahead. They'd stay in their little burrow in between the trees the entire day. Jamie's only goal being to make Regulus smile at least once. And she always succeded.
Of course, every perfect summer has to end eventually. They couldn't stay like that forever. Remus moved to another town because of his father's work. Sirius and Regulus were locked up as soon as their parents found out they were sneaking out every day. Jamie slowly stopped waiting for them to see her at the playground. That was that. The summer was gone and they were never supposed to see each other again.
They didn't remember each other's faces all that well, it was hazy, and in time even the names were a faint memory. But when they were old enough and Sirius and Regulus had left each other, they'd go on their computers trying to find anything, a sign that the rest of them were there. Of course, because they all changed their names there was nothing.
I'm not sure how they'd all meet again. It would be the pairs though, Jamie would meet Regulus. Sirius would meet Remus, and they'd both feel this spark. They wouldn't understand why that spark was there, they just felt so comfortable around the other person. Like they knew them all their life.
When they were together Regulus and Jamie would one day drive down the street to which the park belongs and James would point out and explain the story of the four of them. Regulus would force her to stop the car immediately which she did of course Regulus was pulling her arm all the way into the forest and he'd test her as if she was lying to him. What did they do here? What did she tell him here? When they were playing pirates who was always the damsel in distress needing to be rescued?
With Sirius and Remus though I feel like it would come in the middle of the night. They'd be lying beside each other and Sirius would have this feeling and she couldn't sleep so she just told Remus the story of her old friendships in the forest. She would tell him she swears she's close to them like they're trying to send her a sign or something. Remus would look at her like she was an idiot for being so close to the truth and not seeing it... well first he would look at her in disbelief considering he had no fucking clue Sirius was the angel he met when he was young his mind told him he made up, and then he'd tease her for it.
Eventually, the group would work their way together again. They'd find the other pairs and vow to meet back at the park at sunrise to spend the day together. They expect to go to a coffee shop or something, but instead they end up spending the entire day in the woods, just like they were kids. They didn't even notice the time flying by until the sun went down.
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kizzys · 2 years
Something about how Joel needs to know a specific purpose to work towards for him to go on... Not that others don't, of course they do, it's the most human thing, but how its just a lot more specific with Joel...
When Sarah was alive, she was his purpose. To raise her, to give her a life, to keep her safe... and after she passed, he didn't have that purpose anymore, so he tried to do what he did the very next day...
We see this with Tess too, and I think another post already pointed this out, how she is very much the leader between the two of them. Tess guided him, she gave him goals to carry through, she gave him purpose. Even when they meet Ellie, he only takes her along because Tess decided to. Hell, he was ready to abandon Ellie after finding out she was infected but didn't because Tess said not to.
We have seen the kind of tunnel vision of greif and rage he goes through when he loses his purpose, we have seen it with Sarah, we have seen it with Ellie, but we do not see it with Tess. This was one of the most important relationships in his life through 20 years of the apocalypse, and sure he mourns her but he's never blinded by it. Why?
Because just before her death, Tess gives him a new purpose, to keep Ellie safe. And that's exactly what he does. Only that, over the course of the episodes, the purpose that came out of obligation turns into genuine parental love.
That's also one of the reasons Joel's search for Ellie this episode is so interestingly shot. I mean, in the last episode when Joel was torturing those two men, everything was loud and crystal clear, every scream, every breath, every movement of the knife. Because Joel woke up and his kid is missing, all her things are missing, and at this point he has no idea where she is or if she's even alive. And so that scene is neither from Joel's pov nor of those two men. The audience is literally a third observer watching this guy torture the fuck out of two others. The scene from the last episode is the complete opposite. Especially for what is one of the most violent scenes in the show, I mean Joel kills a building full of people in cold blood. But we hear no sound, everything is muted, most of the camera's attention is either on Joel or his boots, not the bloodshed in front of him. This is the one scene we get to see that is completely from Joel's point of view, from the moment he takes the gun in the staircase till he reaches the operating room, we see that blinded tunnel vision that Joel has. He has one purpose - to find Ellie. Anything else doesn't matter, and so he doesn't even register all the things he's doing, all the people he's killing.
And then he sees Ellie, and the audio returns to normal, the camera pans out. When he shoots the surgeon, it is loud, it is clear. It is personal. And he could have killed the nurses, dragged Ellie away from the bed himself and be done with it. But no, he asks the nurses to remove all the wires off of her, and to bandage up her arm, and he puts her in the car before he kills Marlene, not after. Because he completed his purpose of finding Ellie. His new purpose now is to keep her safe from anything that could hurt her, whether its seeing someone die or a single drop of blood on her arm.
Joel's arc, from the first episode till the last, is having his purpose as a father break apart and then having it glued back together, piece by piece, all by the drive he has to protect his little girl
And god help any motherfucker who stands in his way
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canirove · 9 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 24
Author's note: Chapter 24 of 29... 👀 Also, to those of you who just read this story and don't follow me, happy holidays and merry christmas to those of you who celebrate! 💜
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"I want to be a cat" Reece said.
"What?" Ben laughed.
"Look at Pepper. He has all the girls' attention!"
"He's cute."
"I am cute too."
"Yeah, but his hair has never been green" June chuckled, walking towards them. "Hi."
"Hi" Ben smiled.
"And... that's my cue to leave" Reece said. "I'm gonna see if I can convince Leah to share her pizza."
"Good luck" June laughed.
After the game they all had gathered at her place, John buying pizza and drinks for everyone to celebrate that "my little sister is finally back and I won't have to see her ugly face all the damn time", which had made everyone laugh. Everyone but June, who simply rolled her eyes.
"You were amazing today."
"I played for 5 minutes. I didn't have time to do anything."
"They were 5 amazing minutes."
"I think you are a bit biased, Chilwell."
"With you? Yeah, I've always been. Though this time it's different."
"How so?" June asked, moving closer.
"All my facts are positive now."
"You have gone so soft, Chilwell" she laughed.
"You make me go soft, Maxwell" he whispered, closing the space between them a bit more.
"You can't kiss me here" June whispered back.
"They won't mind. They all know what is going on between us."
"And what is that, if I may ask?"
"I like you, and you like me."
"I don't like you, Chilwell."
"I'm not lying, I don't like you. But I do…"
"June, I think your cat just farted on me!" Reece said.
"Jesus fucking Christ" she muttered. "And what do you want me to do about it?"
"I don't know. Take him to the bathroom?"
"He can go himself, he's a big boy."
"June, it actually smells really bad" Leah laughed.
"Urgh" she groaned, the moment she and Ben were having gone. 
But maybe it had been for the best, because she had almost told him that she loved him, and she was starting to feel like it would have been a mistake. That wasn't the place nor the moment to do it, and what if he didn't love her back? Mason was convinced he did, but what if he was wrong? What if Ben wasn't ready for that yet? And was she even ready for it? 
"June, are you ok?" Ben asked her, bringing her back to reality.
"Yes, yes, don't worry. I'm gonna go check what's the problem with Pepper."
"Ok" he replied. "But Maxwell" he said, taking her hand on his as she moved, his thumb doing small circles on her skin and sending goosebumps all over her arm. "You owe me a kiss."
"I'll try to remember" she winked before joining the others. 
"I'm so happy for you, June" Vittoria said while hugging her. Or squeezing her. "Happy and proud."
"You made it very clear when I scored" she laughed.
"Just in case you forgot" she smiled. "But it was your first goal since you came back! And on your first game on the starting eleven!"
"It's been a night to remember, hasn't it? I just wish it had been home. And that Lauren had been with us too."
"Yeah… Let's hope she can recover for the next game" Vittoria said. "Anyway, do you want me to drive you home?"
"No, there is no need. Ben said he would pick me up."
"Did he?"
"Vittoria, put that eyebrow down."
"Why?" she laughed.
"Because he is only driving me home because John is on a date, nothing else."
"Oh, so you are gonna be home alone?"
"I… that's him"June said when a car stopped next to them. "Goodnight, Vittoria."
"Goodnight, my girl. Enjoy" she winked.
"Why is Vittoria smiling like that?" Ben asked when June got into his car.
"Nothing, ignore her" she replied. "Hello, by the way."
"Hello, Maxwell" he smiled. "Congratulations on tonight's win."
"Thank you. But just on the win?"
"Did anything else happen?" Ben teased her.
"You are such an idiot."
"I'm very proud of you, June" he said, caressing her cheek. "That was a fantastic goal."
"Thank you" she smiled. "But I kind of miss your stupid facts."
"You don't like soft Chilly?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Ok, then. Here is a fact: You could have scored more goals. You played for 75 minutes, Maxwell. You missed too many chances and should have ended the game with at least another goal."
"That's more like it" she smiled before moving forward and kissing him.
"You also ended the game too tired. Your fitness is really bad" he smirked.
"I just came back from a serious injury, Chilwell" she said against his lips.
"Not enough" he whispered before they started kissing again, only being interrupted when June yawned.
"See? Too tired" Ben laughed. "Let's get you home."
"But wait, before I forget. I got you something."
"To celebrate how bad I was today?"
"Exactly" he chuckled, opening the car's glove box.
"Ben!" June laughed.
"We must keep our traditions" he smiled.
"Do you keep a huge box of kinder eggs at your house or something?"
"Maybe. But it is very well hidden, so don't try to look for it."
"Ok" she laughed again. "Thank you very much, Ben. I love it."
"And I… fuck!" he jumped when someone honked behind them.
"That's Vittoria" June said, rolling her eyes.
"Perfect timing" Ben murmured. "Anyway, let's get you home" he said before starting  the car. 
Though maybe Vittoria's interruption hadn't been that bad, because he had almost told June that he loved her. And that may have not been the right moment to say it. Or the best place. And the least thing he wanted was for her to freak out. Again.
He was sure of his feelings for her, and according to Mason, she felt the same for him. But what if they weren't on the same page just yet? What if Mason was wrong and she didn't love him the way he did? What if…
"Chilwell!" June said, snapping her fingers in front of him.
"Where were you?" she laughed. 
"I… nevermind."
"I guess you didn't hear my question."
"I did not, no. Sorry" he apologized.
"I was asking you if I can put this here."
"What is that?" Ben asked, looking at what June was holding.
"Some kind of ornament. I think. It was the egg's surprise."
"Can I put it here on the rearview mirror? That way you will always remember me" she smiled.
"Of course you can" Ben smiled back.
"Gre…at" June yawned.
"And let's get you home before you fall asleep" he chuckled, this time finally managing to leave the carpark. 
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foolish-clown · 1 year
All eyes on me
A/N: I’m not even gonna deny the fact that I sound biased because it’s Jisoo but honest to god her solo debut was my favorite.
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2.3k 
The way she moved screamed elegant and formal, sprinkled in with an underlying tone of humility that became more apparent with each kind gesture. 
One look was all it took for you to be a goner, trapped in the abyss of bright eyes and tender smiles. 
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The white marbled walls of some of the buildings seemed almost blinding as you transverse the semi-empty streets of Paris.
The sun sat heavy in the air; golden rays of excellence brought a glorious display of light, and with it, the gentle warmth that was neither overwhelming nor undetectable.
You were beginning to understand why Jennie enjoys coming here so much, but then again, Paris did just fit her vibes perfectly.
She had dragged you with her on this occasion with a certain goal in mind however – and that was to introduce you to someone she had met by chance during a vacation.
“You have to meet her,” she had said, your eyes immediately narrowing in suspicion at the amount of enthusiasm that was enriched with every syllable.
“Why?” You had asked in turn, genuinely surprised when your friend actually began ranting.
Looking back, you’re not even entirely sure about everything she even said when she began listing some of the qualities of this stranger, but there was one particular word that demanded attention in the fog of word vomit.
Why Jennie wanted you to meet this woman was completely beyond you, but to deny the curiosity perking up from within would be lying to yourself.
And so here you were; a suitcase filled with enough clothes for a long weekend in Paris.
You look back down at the address on your phone before looking back to the surrounding buildings.
One of the few… encouragements Jennie had enticed you with was the fact she had already paid for a room for you both. Something you would have playfully argued against under normal circumstances, as you always liked to at least go halves.
Not that you would have been able to add much, the quadruple digits of just a single night in the hotel she had chosen making you slightly ill.
As it were though, your mind had been distracted by meeting this woman. Kim Jisoo.
Jennie had even made you promise to not look her up, as she wanted your first impression to be the actual first one when you’re introduced in person.
All in all, very sus, especially by Jennie’s standards.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
Locating the hotel takes a little longer than expected, but once you do you ping a quick message to Jennie to let her know you’re outside.
You watch people come and go as you wait; fancy sports cars drive by every now and then.
Almost made you feel like a simple peasant amongst nobles, but one call of your name from Jennie Kim and those kind of thoughts are banished by her adoring smile.
She wraps you in a hug as soon as she closes in, and simply having her near makes any of the anxiety disappear in almost an instant.
“So glad you made it,” she greets, taking your free hand and dragging you inside.
The lobby is just as lavish and stylish as one could imagine for how much it costs to rent a room; occupants walk about in their expensive suits and designer dresses.
To say you didn’t fit in would be an understatement, but you don’t particularly care once Jennie has you both in the hotel room. Your eyes immediately widen at the sheer size of it alone.
“Are you feeling tired at all?” She asks once you leave your suitcase to scope out the literal apartment, giddy like a little excited child.
You stick your head out from the bedroom at her question, “not really,” you reply, having slept the majority of the plane ride over. “More hungry than anything.”
“Good,” she grins, and you fully exit back into the foyer when she unzips your case and begins rummaging through, “because we’re meeting Jisoo today.”
You suddenly pause, the sudden action almost making you stumble. “Wait,” you force out, slightly panicked, slightly stunned, “what do you mean today?”
“Well, tonight,” she clarifies, like that makes it any better. “So if you needed to rest I would do it now, or we can go and get something to eat.”
Your response comes with a single blink in her direction.
She doesn’t react to your non-verbal reply, having found what she was apparently looking for and holding it up for appraisal. Nodding after but a moment.
“I’m glad I bought you this.”
It was a piece of clothing, an expensive piece of clothing, that she had bought you for a birthday one year.
“You know,” you sigh out, forcing yourself through the shock, “have I ever told you that you act like my mother at times? Like what? You going to cook me dinner next?”
Her smile would look innocent to the many, but after years of friendship you know the difference by now. “Don’t you dare.”
Her laughter is quick and infectious. “Do you not like my cooking?”
“It’s more of the fact that we’re on holiday, so I’m expecting you to wine and dine me… with takeaway.”
Her wink is of friendly banter, and you can’t help but feel extremely lucky to have her in your life.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
Evening fast approaches, and with it, so too does your anxiety.
You’re not even entirely sure why. Jennie has introduced you to people before, this wasn’t exactly a new experience.
But there was something that was just… different, this time.
You had never seen your friend so excited before, and the way she spoke about this woman was nothing short of childlike glee.
The city lights of Paris come and go as the taxi drives past, buildings both old and new catching your attention all the same.
Entering the restaurant is a rather easy affair, a member of staff guiding you passed many tables as you head towards the large floor-to-ceiling windows that have a spectacular view of the city.
Your lost in the view before another steals your attention.
A woman stands from the table she had been sitting at, and with it you could swear your heart actually stops at the very sight of her.
She brings Jennie into an embrace once they’re close, but you’re too preoccupied trying to restart your systems that you stutter when they break away and Jennie begins introductions.
“Hello,” she greets, bowing, “I’m Kim Jisoo.”
“H-hi,” is all you manage to squeak out, failing to notice the devilish twinkle in Jennie’s eyes as she leaves you floundering for steady footing.
Jisoo blessedly does not comment on your clear nervousness, but the kind smile she sends you does absolutely nothing with helping you out either.
Holy shit, you internally scream, she’s a goddess.
Your unbalanced legs do manage to get you to your seat, the one opposite Jisoo, and so your eyes begin darting everywhere but forwards.
“So Jisoo,” you hear Jennie begin talking, and you use the distraction to hopefully regain any of the fraying bits of sanity you had left.
Thankfully, albeit eerily, Jisoo’s disposition makes it easy for you to calm yourself down as the evening progresses into the night.
She was just so down to earth and easy to talk with.
You learn of her modeling career, and the way she talks about her job with passion has you grasping on to each and every word.
You can tell that she was a humble person who worked hard for what she believed in, and it becomes clear as to why Jennie seemed so infatuated.
Because you were starting to become the same.
Dinner finishes far, far too soon.
But just before goodbyes could be shared, Jisoo turns to you with the slightest bit of hesitance. “Would you like to come and see me at work tomorrow? We could get to know each other better once I’m done.”
The faltered step of your heart halters you from responding; Jennie throwing a casual arm around your shoulder as she answers for you. “They would love to.”
Jisoo’s smile is soft and understanding, “Jennie can give you my number if you would like.”
Another arrow to your heart, another step fallen.
The 3 of you part ways with tender goodbyes and an air of excitement.
Jennie also uncharacteristically first bumps you on the way back.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
Hours pass by in a blur.
Jennie watches you leave the hotel room with an encouraging smile after she had served you up some breakfast to help with the nerves.
You’re grateful for her actions, but you doubt there was much she could do to squander the deep chasm filling your chest.
She had given you Jisoo’s number the night prior, and after a serious pep talk you had managed to send off a text before chucking your phone on the opposite end of the bed and burying your face into your pillow as a wide nervous smile ignites your features.
Her reply was almost instantaneous, but you had to work up the courage before you could even pick up your phone to read it.
One message led to another, and then another.
You felt light and giddy throughout the entire exchange, which was mainly filled with the initial politeness shared between acquaintances. Subtle bits of personal information hidden with compliments and words of thanks.
You had fallen asleep feeling… just really, really happy.  
The feeling didn’t go away in the morning, but the knowledge of actually seeing Jisoo again did bring back the nervousness of yesterday.
Finding the studio she was at actually proved easier than finding the hotel, the security taking one look at you before they ask you your name.
They hand you a pass to wear once doing a quick check and list off some things you were not permitted to do, allowing you to enter shortly after.
Jisoo is actually waiting for you at the entrance, her bright smile still rendering you weak in the knees.
She ushers you in with great enthusiasm, linking her arm with yours as she asks you how your morning had gone.
You obviously forgo the minor details of being really eager to see her again.
You’re not left a whole lot of time to talk, as her photographer is calling her back on set with quick hand movements.
You watch in awe from the sidelines.
It’s easy to see, even with your untrained eye, that Jisoo has a mixture of natural talent and hard work backing her movements.
The expressions, the way she moves, all of it just seems so fluid and easy.
Not to mention hypnotizing.
You’re not sure if you even blink once during the entire ordeal, too fixated on the model in her element, but once it’s done it’s like a switch has been flipped.
As soon as it’s finished Jisoo goes and thanks everyone for all of their hard work, and you can feel your expression softening as you watch her do so.
She returns to you after quickly getting changed, “thank you for waiting for me.”
Your smile feels tender against your lips, “no worries,” you reply, enjoying the way she once again links her arm with yours. “So where are we going by the way?”
Her smile turns slightly wicked, looking at you from the corner of her eyes. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
You are left little time to find out just what exactly that means, because she is gently tugging on your arm for you to follow.
The pair of you exit the studio after one quick word with her manager, entering a car that was waiting just outside the front.
Once again you find yourself watching the Parisian streets come and go, the daylight giving off a whole different atmosphere to the night prior.
Unbeknownst to you, Jisoo does cast subtle glances at you every now and then. A smile curving her lips when she notices the awed look in the reflection on the window.
And then the building breaks away, and once you turn you catch the glimpse of France’s most famous landmark standing tall.
You turn to Jisoo with wide eyes, and that smirk from earlier returns in full force as she silently gets out of the car before you can say anything, your own hands scrambling with the seatbelt before you quickly join her.
“Jennie mentioned you had never been here before,” she states. “And I thought it would be a good view to get to know each other better at least.”
You’re kind of left for words if you were being honest, eyes managing to tear themselves away from the Eiffel Tower back to the woman beside you.
“I am actually struggling to believe I’m here.” You blurt out, and she laughs with affection.
The grounds surrounding the Tower have small groups of people, both tourists and locals alike.
It almost looks like a scene from a movie.
Accessing the top only makes it more so.
You both stand there, watching the city in comfortable silence.
“Can I confess something?” Jisoo asks after a while.
You turn to her in curiosity, but it would seem like it’s her turn to be unable to meet your eyes.
“I, um, I was the one to ask Jennie to introduce us,” she admits, and you watch in shock at the way her cheeks redden slightly, “the way she spoke about you was so full of affection, I was curious at what kind of person you were.”
She turns to you then, “and this is going to seem sudden, and for that I truly apologize. But I am leaving for South Korea tomorrow and I feel like if I don’t ask this now I will regret it.”
Your heart races from where it lies within your chest, and you can feel some kind of hope begin filling the gaps.
The question is almost lost within the wind, fleeting and timid.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
10 years have passed since that day, and you find yourself once again standing upon the Eiffel Tower, alone, during the quiet dusk hours.
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice call from behind, and you smile when a hand covers your own, a pair of wedding rings lying next to each other.  
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Ask Comp 25/8
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Aw, thank you! Sometimes I actually think I overdo it a little - that my dives are a little too deep. This is how I consume media IRL, though, so if nothing else, it's authentic.
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The Battlefield is definitely growing. The spatial warping makes it hard to measure how much it's growing, so it could definitely be exponential, especially if we keep adding higher dimensions.
As for how Jack matches up against Bec - Jack is definitely smarter, but he's also a lot more vulnerable, since losing the Ring will render him powerless. He'd have to be incredibly careful in a fight, especially against someone just as fast as he is.
I still think Bec has the edge, but his victory is far from guaranteed. I totally understand why Jade wouldn't want to risk it.
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Imagine what Eridan would have said to a 'lowly greenblood' like Jade.
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Yeah, there's no way trolls have therapy.
I hate to say it, but the Alternian version of therapy is probably moirallegiance. You're supposed to rely on this one person to keep you emotionally stable - and if you're not outgoing or charismatic enough to find a moirail, you don't even have that.
Of course, this system has nothing in common with the relationship dynamics of any culture on Earth. We really dodged a bullet there!
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Gamzee really leans into the 'court jester' aspect of being a bard. He doesn't take anything seriously, nor is he expected to do so - he's just off to the side, dancing.
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Yeah, my prediction is that Vriska is going to use him.
If she can manipulate Tavros into trying to control Jack, she might actually be able to remove his Ring. I speculated that she might use some sort of cheat to gain an advantage in their fight, and I think we may have found it.
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He casually controls Becsprite later on, so I don't think he needs their goals to align.
As for why Bec didn't try to save Jade - I think he knew instinctually that someone was going to make him save her, so he didn't need to do it manually. That's Alpha, baby!
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I can't tell if I've reached the controversial part, to be honest. Was there discourse about whether Tavros had done anything wrong?
Personally, I think it's hard to argue that he didn't, but other characters have done much worse - and in much more ambiguous scenarios, too.
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Lord English is coming, send help plz
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Thank you! It's kind of funny actually - I know that Homestuck's irregular update schedule used to drive people mad, but I'm reading it at a similar pace, with similar irregularities, and it really has been a chill experience on my end.
Maybe it's because I'm not participating in the fandom the way live readers were, and therefore, I'm not subject to the weapons-grade hiatus brain that Cat has war stories about.
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Poor Kanaya - she really knows how to pick 'em. Rose is definitely less stressful to crush on than Vriska, though.
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I recently saw this quote for the first time in a while. Excited to learn which of the comic's several thousand plot points it's referencing.
@spyril4132 asked: i have seen this in my youtube recommendations and must now share [s] descend but with silvagunner's high quality nuclear rip - YouTube
Legitimately amazing, and perfectly timed.
For anyone doesn't know about Silvagunner, please take a dip down this rabbit hole.
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I do wonder how she's getting physical details about the Sun. Isn't it, like, fully outside of conventional reality?
Maybe the Sun is physically real, despite being in an unreal location. Technically, that's also the case with sessions.
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I do like the 'music player' metaphor from an earlier ask. You don't necessarily have to use discs - a cassette player is also a good choice, or maybe an older variety of music box.
If you want to stretch the symbolism a little, your Time Player could wield something really kooky, like an iPod Nano, MIDI keyboard, or analog radio.
(Sally the Time Player would wield Rhythm Heaven for the Nintendo DS.)
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It's been years since I've watched Primer, actually. I remember enjoying it, but I don't recall enough to give a proper review. Rewatch time!
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Yeah, the rules for Captcha codes are all over the place. This example implies that they hold the general idea of an object, without any 'corruption' - but when John's Ghost Dad poster was defaced, its code did change.
The implication, I guess, is that defacing a poster counts as changing its nature, but spilling oil on a pogo ride does not. It's weird.
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It is odd that it's marketed as a beta. Sburb and Sgrub seem almost identical, the latter's bifurcated session notwithstanding.
The human session failed, yes - but it failed due to manipulation, sabotage, and a generous helping of terrible luck. If Gamzee prototyped one of his clown posters, Jack's regicide could just as easily have happened in Sgrub.
All that said - when it comes to software development, I'd trust Sollux over Grandpa any day. If one of those games is more stable, it's Sgrub.
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Alright, that one's actually pretty great lmao
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itsorangeandpurple · 10 months
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So, we start at the beggining.
Naruto begins as your typical shonen manga, introducing the quirky protagonist, the other characters and the story itself. This way, we meet a 12 year old child, mischievous, clumsy, very enthusiastic, goal-focused... But also a traumatised, lonely kid, who craves acceptance more than anything else, who wants to be valued and respected and, as most kids do, who longs for friends and family. This feelings of loneliness and of craving attention and affection are the key to Naruto's character and Naruto's story. Is these feelings that will drive our main character's actions throughout the beggining of Naruto the manga, is this feelings that will eventually lead Naruto to a journey of self discovery and love.
On the 3rd chapter it's time to form the teams. Naruto is very much excited because his grand dream at this time is to become hokage so that he can prove everyone that he is worth something, that he deserves respect, that he deserves love. So he looks forward to this day, he comes in class and sees his first love, Sakura. He really likes Sakura and even asks her if she'd like to sit with him, but Sakura seems to hate him, since he is so childish and bad at being a ninja. and also, because she is madly in love with Sasuke, who is sitting on the same bench as Naruto, just on the other side, sitting quietly and maybe just... observing. This is our first time seeing Sasuke, he is introduced as Naruto's ''enemy'' since he seems to hate him. Naruto thinks to himself that Sasuke is the guy he hates the most because he ignores everything that surrounds him, and, for some reason, this seems to annoy Naruto very much.
Sasuke is also introduced as Sakura's crush, although he doesn't seem to pay much attention to her nor any other person, and thus the love triangle is stablished, although for it to be a triangle some part is missing right?? If you get what I mean. But that is soon resolved since when Naruto sees Sakura so dumbfounded with Sasuke, he starts to wonder what does Sasuke have that he doesn't, and decides to get a closer look at him.
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So yeah, this happens. In the 3rd chapter. Why on earth would you, as a writer, make your two protagonists kiss if you weren't going to do something along this line throughout your story? Kishimoto has said that he thought it would be fun.... Yeah, sure. Even if that was the case and Kishimoto is just a stupid man with poor humor (that, I believe) with no iota of intelligence or abillity to narrate to know that by doing this you stablish some sort of future feelings of love between them, it's still what it is, and so we say that our interpretation of Naruto's and Sasuke's future relationship as romantic is completly valid and the correct one.
Now let's picture this as Sasuke's pov: you are a 12 year old manga boy who's so traumatized that have decided to just ignore your social development and has chosen to just focus on your revenge and your hatred, not paying attention to any other kid at school except this blonde kid who's always alone and doing silly stuff to get everyone's attention, a kid that is practically the complete opposite of him, but that somehow, catches Sasuke's attention with every action that he makes. Now said kid comes near you and is suddenly kissing you! And it's your first kiss and you were nervous about this whole team thing but now it's like nothing matters because what??? This particular kid is kissing me??? And in class?? (we know that Sasuke believes the kiss was intentional since it was mentioned in some official book or something so yeah).
This event leads to our theory that Sasuke likes Naruto, since the first time he laid eyes on him and empathized with his loneliness. He wanted Naruto to keep going, so that Sasuke could keep going himself. Sasuke saw hope in Naruto's conviction, and this eventually lead him to have feelings for him, eventhough Sasuke wouldn't understand this feelings until later.
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tenebraevesper · 2 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 57: Heat Wave
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''There's no time to be standing still, because there's something to be chasing after tomorrow. Nor to regret in that time, for night will soon fall. Living is like an unending race. It's the goal you can't see within your heart! Becoming the radiant wind, creating a storm that runs past the world! Gotta keep on running! You know I'm SONIC!''
– Just Call Me SONIC ~Mabushii Kaze ni Nare~ by Sonic X
''I can't believe I hadn't realized this before,'' Dr. Starline said, a little baffled by the conclusion he just came to. He walked over to the computer, typing something on it and scrolling through the displayed data. Behind him were purple-coloured Motobugs and Egg Pawns, all of them reprogrammed to serve him as he took over Egg Base Sigma without Dr. Eggman's knowledge, to the point of even painting his own logo on the wall.
He completely ignored his two companions who were standing at the entrance, leaned against the wall. Ferra and Metal Sonic exchanged glances, having brought Starline here and were now watching him slowly descending into his mad scientist era. Ferra had a good idea of what Starline was up to and decided not to interfere. She and Metal Sonic gave him a chance by saving his life, and now they would probably be watching him as he was slowly digging his own grave. Admittedly, it was possible that he could avoid his own fate, but that was up to him.
'We need to leave now. Dr. Eggman has requested our presence.' Metal Sonic looked up to Ferra, reminding her of their obligation.
''Yeah, I know,'' Ferra muttered, sighing. ''I really don't want to go outside, though.''
Metal Sonic understood her sentiment, as he knew that the weather outside was completely merciless, but he also knew that they couldn't leave the Doctor waiting.
Sonic took a deep breath, feeling the cold breeze as he was sitting right in front of a fan as it slowly swayed from one side to another. Tails was sitting next to him with a bucket of mint-flavored ice-cream, while Lucas and Warren were sitting behind them, with Warren trying to fix some kind of gadget.
''Honestly, I don't know whether you can even finish working on that cooling device,'' Lucas said, giving Warren a look of concern. ''It feels too hot to even think.''
''If I install this into the fan, it will blow cool air. Besides, I need to take responsibility for not paying attention to the weather forecast, since I would've known about this heat wave and finished it before it hits.''
''You can keep yourself cool in different ways,'' Tails pointed out, eating another spoonful of ice-cream. As much as he wanted to help Warren, he simply couldn't move due to how hot it was. He was certainly at a disadvantage by being covered in a fluffy amber pelt.
''Tails, you barely slept last night and we couldn't open the window due to the hot air. This is the least I can do,'' Warren replied. Tails smiled at him, happy that Warren cared so much about him, as well as feeling guilty that he couldn't do anything.
''When they said that there would be a heat wave, I didn't expect it to be this bad,'' Sonic said. ''It's too hot to even run around.''
''It must be driving you crazy to be unable to go anywhere during this heat,'' Tails said, giving Sonic a sympathetic look. Sonic just waved him off.
''Don't worry, little bro, I can handle staying in one place to cool down. Even though I am the coolest person around,'' Sonic said, rubbing his nose as he smug look formed on his expression.
''Shadow begs to differ,'' Lucas commented, with Sonic getting startled for a moment, only to give Lucas a sly look.
''That's still up to debate,'' Sonic told him, lifting his head to give off an air of superiority. ''But, I'll admit that Shadow is a close runner-up.''
''I think you're the coolest, Sonic,'' Tails said, him and Sonic fist-bumping. Lucas just sighed, deciding to not make any further comments. He knew that Sonic was being his usual self, showing a bit of his own ego, although he also suspected that the hedgehog secretly wanted to admit that Shadow was just as cool, but refused to do it so in public. It certainly amused Lucas a lot.
''Speaking of which, do you guys think Dr. Eggman is going to launch an attack?'' Lucas asked.
''Seriously? During this heat wave? He'd have to be mad to consider anything,'' Sonic said, quite confident that Eggman would lay low.
''Well, about the 'mad' part…'' Warren trailed off, with all four of them suddenly realizing that Eggman would be capable of doing something like that, imagining him doing a mad laugh as he destroyed Neos City. All four of them lowered their heads in exasperation.
''Let's hope that we didn't just jinx ourselves,'' Tails said.
Lucas, Sonic and Warren quickly nodded in agreement.
''Thanks again for having us over,'' Minami told Lily, with her, Amy, Makoto and Silver having been invited over to Lily and Knuckles' home, which had an air conditioner, keeping everyone cool. ''Honestly, I have no clue how we made it from Westoru to Eas without getting a heat stroke.''
''I guess you were lucky,'' Lily said, sipping the cold soda that had been served to everyone. They were currently at the living room, sitting and talking while enjoying the chilling air.
''I don't think it was that bad,'' Silver said, enjoying his drink. ''I experienced even worse heat waves back at my own timeline.'' There as a moment of sudden and uncomfortable silence, with everyone staring awkwardly at Silver. The grey hedgehog looked worried, glancing at his friends. ''D-Did I say anything wrong?''
''Don't worry, you didn't,'' Makoto assured him. ''We were just thinking how this is probably nothing compared to Neos City in the future. If one puts it like that, then there is no reason to complain about this heat wave considering how in the future, the city would be engulfed in fire.''
''Well, so far we're avoiding that from happening. Who knows, maybe there is no fire in the future,'' Amy said, giving Silver a kind smile.
''I hope that's the case,'' Silver replied, a bit relieved by their comfort.
''We don't know for certain,'' Knuckles spoke suddenly, drawing everyone's attention. ''However, as long as we eliminate Mephiles, things should be fine.''
''Right,'' Lily agreed. ''Speaking of which, do you know where they'd gone after your fight over the Chaos Emerald?''
Makoto and Silver shook their head, with Makoto adding, ''No, we just left the moment the Chaos Emerald was gone. We knew it would take a while to make it to Cosmo River, where the battle against Perfect Chaos would be, so we didn't really pay much attention to those two.''
Silver hummed, his eyes narrowing. ''I wonder if Mephiles was right, if it really was possible to use Dual Chaos Control to travel through space and time.''
''Even if it was possible, I don't think you should be taking advice from someone who destroyed your future,'' Knuckles pointed out. Silver just nodded in agreement.
''…but, thankfully, due to he intervention of a Good Samaritan, the toddler was saved from dying from a heat stroke,'' Midorikawa finished her report, the amateur footage of said rescue behind her vanishing. She then pointed at the car behind her, with Kero opening the door and taking out a thermometer. ''As you can see in our experiment, we had put this thermometer in the car only 10 minutes ago, and the temperature has already climbed rapidly past 40⁰C. Imagine being a little child, a baby or a toddler, or even a pet, and be left by your parent or owner in the car during such a heat.''
''It would be the same as being slowly cooked to death,'' Kero commented.
''Indeed. This is why the police is issuing a warning to everyone who decides to leave their child or pet inside the car during the summer months – you will get arrested for child endangerment and animal abuse. It doesn't matter if you decided to go for a quick run to the store or even your own house, nothing excuses leaving a helpless being in a vehicle that practically becomes an oven when left too long in the sun,'' Midorikawa added.
''Unfortunately, there are parents and pet owners who disregard that, thinking that it possibly couldn't happen to them,'' Touka commented. She and Shadow were at Club Rouge, sitting at the bar along with Rouge and Omega and watching the news broadcast on TV. The club had it's shutters pulled down, keeping the place dark, and the air conditioner was running, keeping it cold enough. Touka then continued, ''Kisaki had told us that she already had two cases of toddlers being rushed into the ER because they were dehydrated, overheated and suffered from a stroke, and she's furious because she knows that there will be more of this in the upcoming days.''
''Oh, my… You'd think parents would be more responsible,'' Rouge commented, taking a sip of her drink.
''Apparently, the father of one of the toddlers fought the police officer over this, only to get arrested,'' Shadow added.
''Justice was served,'' Omega concluded, only to add after a moment of pause, ''Allow me to rephrase – the father should've been locked into the car permanently. Then, the car should've been blown up.''
''You're absolutely right, Omega,'' Rouge said, smiling slightly. Despite being a former Badnik created to destroy everything in sight, even Omega knew that human life was fragile enough to be aware that this was an awful situation, even if he decided to go a bit too far in his idea of justice.
''Well, the good thing is that in these kinds of cases, one would be allowed to smash the window without getting into trouble, so long as the cops are told about what's going on,'' Touka pointed out, taking a sip of the soda. ''In any case, there isn't much to do. Even Solar Stadium had been closed for the day because of the heat wave.''
''It sounds to me like this is going to be a rather calm day,'' Rouge pointed out.
''Disappointment due to lack of action rising,'' Omega complained, sounding quite annoyed.
''All three of you should watch out what you're saying, or you might jinx yourselves,'' Shadow pointed out. ''The next crisis might be right around the corner.''
''You would be fine with that,'' Touka said in a snarky tone.
''Hmph, you know well that I had been trained to deal with extremes. I'd be fine fighting in this heat,'' Shadow replied in a confident tone.
''Right, and that's why you dragged the fan out of the closet downstairs and put it in our room this morning,'' Touka said, giving Shadow a knowing look.
''Tch, I was just looking out for you… Why are you giving me that look?'' Shadow narrowed his eyes, glaring at Touka, who just kept up the knowing look.
''It's nothing,'' Touka replied in a casual tone, acting innocently.
''I know there's something you want to tell me, so be honest,'' Shadow replied, only to grow more annoyed when Touka just shrugged.
''I have no clue what you're talking about,'' she replied, her plain tone irritating Shadow, as he knew that she was up to something. However, he decided to ignore her.
Rouge and Omega exchanged glances, a little confused by Touka's grin and Shadow's irritation. ''Do you have any clue what's going on?''
''Negative,'' Omega responded.
Ferra and Metal Sonic practically ran into the Egg Base, escaping the afternoon heat, with Ferra taking a deep breath of relief. ''Man, it's crazy hot outside. What the hell is up with today's weather?!''
'Despite the heat, you were summoned here,' Metal Sonic pointed out. 'Dr. Eggman refuses to take a break.'
''Yeah, unfortunately,'' Ferra sighed. ''Honestly, I'd rather be at home and take an nice and long nap. Oh, well… Duty calls, I guess. I wonder what the Doctor is up to this time.''
''Hello, Ferra, Metal Sonic. How are you doing?'' Orbot greeted the two at the entrance towards the main control room.
''It's too hot to do anything,'' Ferra replied. ''I just hope that Dr. Eggman won't be sending is into a battle at a day like this.''
''Well, I don't know what the Boss is up to, but he's waiting for both of you,'' Orbot said, pointing them into the nearby room. Deciding not to let their boss waiting, Ferra and Metal Sonic walked inside.
''Ah, Ferra, Metal Sonic, you're here just in time,'' Dr. Eggman said, having been checking something on the screen.
''So, what are we supposed to do this time?'' Ferra asked, placing her hands on her hips. ''Should we attack Team Neos directly or do you have a different kind of plan?''
''Actually, I have something else I wanted to do. In fact, I believe that Metal Sonic is due for an upgrade,'' Eggman told her. Ferra and Metal Sonic gave him a confused look.
''An upgrade? What do you mean?'' Ferra asked. Eggman pressed a button, showing off a video of Super Sonic.
''That blue rodent and his friends are growing stronger and stronger. Obviously, Chaos Surge won't be enough in the future, so giving Metal Sonic an upgrade that would allow him to get ahead of Sonic would be beneficial in the long run,'' Eggman explained. Ferra exchanged glances with Metal Sonic.
''Would you really be fine with going through it?'' Ferra asked.
'So long as it allows me to defeat Sonic, I'm ready,' Metal Sonic replied. Ferra nodded and turned back to Eggman.
''Metal Sonic is fine with it, although I would like to know what this upgrade actually is,'' Ferra replied. Eggman smirked, snapping his fingers, with the monitor showing the image of Metal Sonic, but having a new appearance.
There were several distinctive traits with his base form, such as black eyes with red irises, a similar torso with a rocket engine in the center, and the primary blue color with red shoes. However, there were also several differences that gave this form of Metal Sonic a distinct appearance. His head had five long quills as opposed to his regular three, with white stripes and markings around his eyes. The yellow color in his ears had been replaced with red and his once grey nose was now black. He also possessed more pronounced body armor, with black and curved shoulder plates, larger gauntlets and leg armor with pointy kneecaps that had white outlines, a plate covering his pelvis and elf-like shoes. He also sported a spiky belt with a black cape that protruded out of the back of his waist.
Ferra's eyes widened in stunned surprise. ''Hey, that's…''
''Neo Metal Sonic.'' Eggman kept grinning, pushing his glasses back as they gleamed. ''I'd prefer to have Neo Metal Sonic on my side this time rather than get imprisoned.''
Ferra snorted in amusement, knowing well aware what Eggman was referencing. She then smirked. ''Having Metal Sonic transform into Neo Metal Sonic would give us a necessary boost in power.''
'Would it be a permanent transformation?' Metal Sonic suddenly asked.
''Huh, a permanent transformation? Well, I don't know…'' Ferra trailed off.
''It won't be permanent,'' Eggman said, understanding the nature of their conversation. ''This form would need to be manually triggered, but it would provide you with a lot of power. I was currently working on a way to ensure that you would be able to trigger the transformation on your own.''
''Great,'' Ferra replied happily, with Metal Sonic nodding, only to turn to Ferra when she had an additional question. ''Wait, what about Metal Overlord?''
''Unfortunately, Metal Overlord requires very specific data for it to occur. To grow stronger, Metal Sonic would obviously need to the data of strong opponents, and while we know where to find that, it would still be too much of a hassle. Although, I will make sure that, if Metal Sonic does attain the data, he would be able to trigger the transformation immediately,'' Eggman explained.
''I see… Then, let's go for it!'' Ferra said in a confident tone.
'Sonic won't know what hit him,' Metal Sonic added, feeling just as confident.
''However, it will take a while for me to complete this task,'' Eggman told the two. ''Especially since I had been planning on launching an attack on Team Neos.''
Ferra groaned. ''I should've seen that coming. Look, Doctor, it is way too hot to be doing anything right now. Could we at least wait until the heat wave has lessened in the evening?''
''Don't worry, you won't have to do anything,'' Eggman told her, feeling a little irked, with Ferra and Metal Sonic looking genuinely surprised. ''As a matter of fact, I wanted to take advantage of this heat wave and use a new robot I had been working on.''
''If that's so, then go ahead. They probably won't be able to fight due to the heat,'' Ferra said.
''That's the point,'' Eggman replied.
''I think this should work,'' Warren said, connecting the device to the fan, with Lucas, Sonic and Tails enjoying the cool air flowing through the fan. ''There, this feels better, doesn't it?''
''Yeah, it is much better,'' Lucas said, glancing at Sonic and Tails, who inched closer to the fan, agreeing with the sentiment. He then opened the holographic screen on his AR Visor.
''What are you doing?'' Sonic asked, leaning over as he looked curiously at the screen.
''I was just checking whether there are any news about aggressive Irregulars or Eggman attacking,'' Lucas told him. ''Frankly, I don't believe that Eggman wouldn't try to do something. After all, I'm sure that he is somewhere in Neos City.''
''What do you mean by that?'' Tails asked.
''Lucas actually wanted to figure out where Eggman's main base is and he believes that it is somewhere in Neos City,'' Sonic explained, turning to Lucas. ''However, so far, you haven't found any trace of his whereabouts.''
''I know, but that doesn't meant that I should stop searching. It would be much easier if we knew where exactly Dr. Eggman is,'' Lucas replied.
''I'm fine with not knowing,'' Sonic replied in a blunt tone, much to everyone's surprise. ''I mean, Eggman launches an attack, we defeat him, he runs off, we celebrate. I don't think there is any reason for us to know where he's hiding and go after him.''
''You're too relaxed about this,'' Tails commented in a dry tone. Sonic just waved him off casually.
''Nah, Eggman's just predictable,'' he replied.
''That, and you have plot armour,'' Lucas added in a snarky tone, with Tails and Warren snorting at the comment, only to start laughing.
''Yeah, that makes sense,'' Tails said, still laughing as he glanced at Sonic, who also found the whole thing amusing.
''I don't have plot armour, I'm just the best at the thing I do,'' Sonic bragged.
''What the- Eggman?!'' Sonic leapt on his feet and quickly dashed outside, only to feel as if he got punched by the heat, the air around him feeling heavy. To his amazement, the quiet suburban afternoon was interrupted by a huge mech piloted by none other than Dr. Eggman. Sonic sighed, with Lucas, Tails and Warren joining him. ''You know, I had been hoping he wouldn't try to fight us in this heat. I guess he's just that mad.''
''That's the Death Egg Robot, but it kinda looks different,'' Lucas pointed out, recognizing the mech, albeit with a blue and silver colour scheme. ''I have a bad feeling about this.''
''So do I,'' Sonic said, stretching his arms. ''Let's destroy it before the heat gets to us.'' He then rushed ahead, trying to ignore the heat as best as he could and stopped right in front of the mech. ''Yo, Egghead! Why are you here? It's a bit too hot to fight right now! Can't you come back some other time?''
''Oh, don't worry about me, you pesky rodent! The new and improved Death Egg Robot is equipped with a cooling system that keeps the temperature quite pleasant, so I can fight however I want regardless of the heat outside,'' Eggman bragged, with Sonic frowning. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he did envy the Doctor, considering he could feel the heat radiating from the pavement he was standing on.
''Luckily, I'm capable of keeping a cool head at all times, so- agh!'' Sonic leapt to the side, almost getting hit with a huge snowball from one of the Death Egg Robot's arm cannons. ''Dude! I wasn't done with my speech!''
''I don't care!'' Eggman snarled, with Sonic being forced to avoid more snowballs. ''Now stand still, Hedgehog!''
''Not a chance!'' Sonic dashed around the street, only to feel a sudden sense of dizziness overwhelming him, followed by a headache. He really wanted to end this fight as soon as possible, but it felt like someone was hitting his head with a hammer constantly. He slowed down, realizing that his own body was shutting down, only to get hit by a snowball.
''Ha, I got him!'' Eggman gloated, watching the pile of snow on the street, with Sonic popping his head out of it, shivering and hugging himself.
''S-So cold… Achoo!'' Sonic sneezed, his body feeling as if a truck hit him and dropped a tank of icy water all over him. He could feel his arms and legs growing numb, only for someone to grab him and drag him out of the snow.
''Are you okay?'' Lucas asked him, with Sonic feeling the temperature suddenly change from freezing to hot once more as he was pulled onto the heated pavement.
''Honestly, I don't know whether Eggman wants me to die from heat exposure or cold exposure,'' Sonic replied, still shivering. He then shook his quills, getting the snow out of them and tried to warm up, only to feel faint.
''You should take it easy,'' Warren told him.
''Unfortunately, I don't have the liberty to take it easy,'' Sonic replied, trying to ignore the pounding headache. He then rushed towards the mech, curling into a ball and spin attacking it, with the Death Egg Robot taking a direct hit, even getting pushed back, only for Sonic to uncurl as he felt a searing pain in his back.
''Agh, hot, hot, hot! How long did that thing stand in the sun?!'' he cried out in pain, quickly flopping over into the melting pile of snow to cool down.
Eggman rose an eyebrow, having to admit that he didn't expect for the casing of the mech to get heated so fast, but then he grinned. If that was the case, then Sonic couldn't touch him at all. ''How the tables have turned! You are too fatigued due to the heat and cold, and now you can't even attack me without seriously burning yourself. Defeating you will be easy!''
Sonic's eyes widened when a claw grabbed him and lifted him up. Fortunately, the claws weren't as hot as the outer casing, but it was certainly uncomfortable being held like this.
''Hohoho, now you're at my mercy!'' Eggman continued to gloat, bringing Sonic closer to the window, where the hedgehog could see the Doctor's victorious expression. ''Any last words before I turn you into an popsicle?''
''Actually, I do,'' Sonic said, giving a confused Eggman a nonchalant gaze. ''If you turn me into a popsicle, what flavour am I going to be? I hope it's a chili dog flavour.''
''Your big mouth won't save you from this-'' Eggman suddenly stopped when he saw Tails fly up to the claw, his eyes now glowing and amber energy sparking around him. He placed his hand on the mech's arm, causing it to malfunction and release Sonic, whom he had grabbed.
''You're right, Egghead! Maybe I can't rely on my quips, but I can always rely on my friends!'' Sonic replied, with Tails chuckling, while Eggman just growled furiously. He was about to fire another snowball at them, only for the whole robot to suddenly stop moving as a pulse of energy covered it, shutting it down.
''What? How?!'' Eggman tried to frantically turn on the robot, only to see Lucas and Warren flying past on Lucas' hoverboard, with Warren still being powered up thanks to the Chaos Surge. Both teenagers just waved at him in amusement, leaving the Doctor seething. Apparently, one could cook an actual egg on his bald head due to just how angry he was. He started rummaging through the consoles, trying his best to get the robot back online, or at least turn the manual controls on. Unfortunately for Eggman, things weren't as easy as he thought, and he could feel the heat rising inside the mech, wiping the sweat off his forehead. Finally, he slammed the console in anger. ''Damn it!'' He then pushed another button, opening the top of the Death Egg Robot and flying out in the Egg Mobile, only to get hit with a heat wave the moment he as outside the mech. He then quickly started typing, grinning as the Death Egg Robot finally started to move. However, just as he got his hopes up, he heard the dreaded shout of ''Chaos Surge!''.
Eggman's expression fell when he saw a blue streak slamming through the Death Egg Robot, leaving the mech in pieces. Despite wanting to curse the hedgehog, Eggman could feel the heat getting to him, and realizing that things were over, he flew away.
''Huh? I'm surprised that he just up and left,'' Sonic said, de-powering as he joined Lucas, Tails and Warren. Fortunately for him, the Chaos Surge did allow him to handle the heat a little better.
''I guess that once the Death Egg Robot's power system was down, even Eggman couldn't handle the heat,'' Tails said, with Sonic giving him a thumbs up.
''You know, maybe the attack wasn't such a bad idea,'' Sonic said, kicking the snow he was standing on. ''The temperature is just right now.''
''Yeah, but I'd rather go back inside,'' Tails replied.
''Agreed.'' Sonic nodded, with the group leaving, hoping that the afternoon would pass without more conflicts.
Blaze the Cat slumped in her seat as an assistant brought over more papers to the office she and her partner, the imperial princess Sana Jai, had been sharing. Sana picked up the papers, quickly reading through them.
''We have more and more pirate sightings, some of which are ARNavs and others which are… robots?'' Sana rose an eyebrow. Normally, her parents would handle such matter, but considering how she was the partner of the Blazing Guardian, the protector of the Surya Empire, she insisted on helping Blaze as much as she could. That had also included her investigating the pirate raids, mainly those caused by Irregulars as their navy could handle the human ones.
Blaze sighed tiredly. ''I need to call Marine and ask her whether the ship had been repaired. We'll have to head out as soon as possible to deal with this.''
''Right,'' Sana said, with Blaze giving her a hesitant look, only for a look of confidence to appear on Sana's expression. ''We both agreed that we would work together to stop the raids, didn't we?''
''We did,'' Blaze muttered. ''I still can't believe that you had actually managed to learn how to use Chaos Surge.''
''It's because I have a partner I can trust, as well as friends who gave me advice on how to use it,'' Sana replied, only to pause for a moment. ''Honestly, I kind of wish they were here. We could really use Team Neos' help with this.''
''Didn't Minami and Amy send us a message about fighting a water deity named Chaos, which left part of Neos City in ruins?'' Blaze brought up. ''I'm sure they're busy with their own problems.''
''I guess, but still, asking them whether they'd want to visit us wouldn't hurt,'' Sana pointed out. ''If they're too busy with protecting Neos City, they can decline.''
Blaze sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. ''If you want to do that, go ahead.'' She then looked up. ''Normally, I would be against it, as this is our duty and we shouldn't be dragging anyone to do our work, but knowing how capable Sonic, Lucas and their friends are, we might benefit from their help.''
''I'll send them a message immediately,'' Sana said, rushing off.
Blaze smiled, leaning back in the seat and taking a deep breath. Despite her reservations, she was looking forward to seeing Team Neos again.
#Previous Chapter
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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mariedreamlove · 1 year
Feeding into the sibling headcanons of my newest fic ( a second chance (I'll take it no matter what)):
Finney and Gwen:
- their bond is even closer, they understand eachother without words
- if someone even tries to pick on either of them, the other comes to the protection, if verbally or physically is actually more or less depending in what condition the other sibling is.
- Gwen would literally travel through time for Finney, and does so.
- Finn's main goals are simple: protect the boys, make sure the Grabber doesn't even realize Gwen exists.
- They have disagreements. Quite often actually, though they still have the mentality : we can't be against one another if someone is against us two (either their dad or the Grabber)
- Finney still eats Gwen's ice cream, and she drinks his grape sodas if she gets the chance.
- she also likes, if the situation let's it be, to pick on Finney's crushes. (Donna First, then Robin.)
- tho Finney acts like he doesn't like it, he enjoys buying Gwen sweets or magazines or anything she likes.
- they always are there for eachother, and know of to clam the other one down I'm case of a panic attack.
- Gwen always tells Finney everything, and he tells her almost everything.
Donna & Billy (they are siblings in this AU)
- They don't have a great relationship ( constant fights, sometimes getting physical with shoving and when they were younger even hitting)
- after Billy was kidnapped, Donna fell into some kind of trance and just acted like.. nothing happened. She couldn't quite grasp what had happend and that her brother didn't return from his paper route. After his killer was dead though, she fell into a kind of realization and now only wants to make things better, change the past and save him to get the chance to at least tell him how sorry she is for him she treated him.
- Billy always left, though the siblings mostly were cold to eachother, a chocolate bar before Donna's door if they had a fight to say he was sorry. He doesn't know how to say sorry really. Sometimes it annoys Donna but she also appreciates it.
- Billy is a year and a half older than her, and is constantly acting like he is absolutely superior to her because of this ( he is only a few inches taller than her, and in the future Donna would have grown taller than him).
- tho they absolutely act like they despise eachother or don't know eachother, they can grow quite protective of eachother. Of course this grow into fights sometimes.
- Billy has terrible fears of storms and tornados, after he survived a bad storm on one of his routes. (A tree he was driving under was hit by lighting and a branch almost fell on him, but he survived with only a few bruises and a broken toe) Donna then either told him stories or just slept in the same room as him. Neither of them talk about it, but it happens.
- they do have to go through a lot of therapy before they can say to eachother that they love and appreciate each other. (Yet Donna traveled back in time to save him from the Grabber.)
Vance & Griffin
- Griffin used to sit right next to Vance and watch him with Vance's other friend break his Highscores and was having the time of his life while doing so, because oh my god the Vance Hopper is my brother and he lets me watch!
- Vance is a terrible comforter, and Griffin is a emotional kid. Chaos ensues everytime Griffin comes to his big brother crying and he just tries to clam him down. He often just offers to buy him ice cream or go catch bugs with him.
- While Vance likes to fight, while not in any sport, and to play pinball but this irrelevant for this rn, he wouldn't do it in front of Griffin. Not because his brother doesn't like violence nor not to scare him. Griffin just gets way too much of a big mouth and tries acting like Vance, while being build like a stick. ( How easy his back was to break.. like a stick.)
- the two curse a lot around eachother, and Vance tries to talk Griffin out of trying to beat people up. Because he can't, and Vance is terrible at patching himself up. Let alone his little brother!
- their dad isn't around a lot, so Griffin looks up to Vance. He gets a lot of his humor from Vance and his attitude sometimes.
- tho sometimes having different opinions, they two always stick together.
- Griffin loves bananas while Vance despises them like he has personal beef with them.
- as ghosts, while Vance was in the basement, Griffin knew he knew Vance from somewhere. Vance called out to Griff, but Griffin never realized they were brothers. When Vance died, he hugged Griffin so hard and cried harder than ever before, even while dying he didn't cry so hard. He apologized for leaving him alone that day for not walking him to school and anything. Griffin just asks who Vance is.
- normally Vance walks Griffin to school ( on the day of his kidnapping they had a fight.. Vance stayed home while Griffin walked to school. We know how this one ended.)
- Griffin is someone who overhears, through being almost unnoticeable to his peers, everything. Meaning Vance knows exactly what someone said. Because Vance is the one Griffin tells everything.
Bruce & Amy
- don't get always along, kind of rivals in things to impress their parents.
- when they were younger, they had a similar situation as Billy and Donna, but they grew over it. They still have tension but get along way better.
- Amy is more antisocial than Bruce, and unlike him she tells when she doesn't want something.
- Amy loves sweets, while Bruce likes more spicy snacks and less sweet deserts.
- Amy is at every Baseball game of Bruce, and he goes to every soccer game she has.
- After Bruce disapeared, Amy's grades really got low. So low, she had to repeat the year, because she was so distraught by her big brother dissapearing.
- for that reason she didn't like Donna. They were in the same situation and shoes, their big brothers being gone, and Donna acted like.. nothing happened. After Finney disappeared she and Gwen got to be friends, and later she warmed up to Donna too, after realizing that was the way she dealt with the trauma.
- Bruce tells Amy all about his problems and is the only person he is like half out to, and she does so too.
Robin and literally everyone.
- the literal only only child in the friend group.
- he acts like a big brother to the younger siblings (Griffin, Gwen and Donna, sometimes Amy if Bruce brings her along) and like the annoying younger brother to Vance and Bruce and Billy, and to Finney he's his soulmate.
- he one time snuck all of his friends in his uncle's truck to the cinema without him knowing
- he got the best lunches, because either his mom or his uncle make them.
- look at his friends the wrong way and he'll make you pay. Bare you nice, he'll be nice
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 months
Ruled by the Heart
Summary: Distance never worked for them. The separate bedrooms did nothing to keep temptation at bay when they sat on their thrones next to each other all day and it was perfectly natural–expected even–for a king to come and go from his queen's chambers as he pleased. They only had anger to shield themselves behind and now here they are – fucking like they want the other dead, for the crime of making them dependent. Everything is working against this story. I had to let it sit for months, then when I finally got motivated to fix it (shoutout to the tumblr user going through my Erendor x Samara tag and liking everything), I got sick (probably worst fever I've had in my life) and now that I've finally made it to posting, FFN isn't working. I'm pushing through all that because I need to free this story, and myself from it. CW: explicit sexual content and blood Read on AO3 | FFN
Fire-like, pain races through her nerves. Samara only half succeeds to strangle her whimper in her throat, completely fails to stop herself from clenching around his cock.
Erendor's teeth drive deeper into her shoulder, into the tender skin connecting it to her neck as if searing their shape there isn’t enough. As if he wants to tear a chunk of her flesh out and scarf it down to brand her his. As if he’s allowed to devour her because he owns her.
She hates that.
It makes no difference.
She can only dig her nails in his desk, bite the inside of her own cheek.
She's not allowed to leave a mark on him.
He's her king and he is as much hers as the throne is without him sitting it. She has no claim on him – in blood or in name.
She's taken it as a compliment. That he asks her into his bed regardless, because he wants her.
This is not it.
He's pounding into her in a way she honestly did not consider him capable of. It's rough and vengeful, like he wants to shove her over the edge, hurl her into orgasm.
It's ugly and angry, and she cannot stand the sweaty contact of their bodies where he tore her clothes off and she pulled his aside. Their skin sticks together and it might just peel off when he pulls away.
He will once he's had his satisfaction.
He always does.
He knows the same thing she does.
"You're going to come for me," he grunts in her ear in-between pants loaded with exertion.
Something tightens in her lower belly, in the pit of her stomach.
He's right.
She's quickly building to a climax and her eyes well up with tears.
It's sickening.
She doesn't want it.
Not like this. Not when her pleasure isn't the end goal, nor is his for that matter. It's all for his ego and if her energy weren't all going into just breathing through the inevitable quivering, the violent seizing of her pussy around him, she would have splintered his desk with her bare hands.
Her orgasm is a given, has been for years, and she can't do anything to stop him from wringing it out of her. Her body cooperates with him rather than with her, especially now that they've been fighting for weeks. Her flesh is begging for his touch, has been since they'd left each other high-strung and dissatisfied. The sounds of his fingers pumping into her drenched pussy would have shaken her to her core if he hadn’t bent her over the desk and sheathed his cock inside her in one swift, smooth thrust, all the air in her lungs replaced with their shared craving.
She hadn't been sure which would be the bigger defeat – to try to pleasure herself and face the inevitability that it will feel nothing like she wants it to or not to try at all and silently admit that any relief for her lay in his arms. Her only consolation had been his gaze lingering on her lips every time she’d opened her mouth and his too-frequent stolen touches for the sake of appearances.
She’d had to force herself to keep an amble pace on the way to his chambers, her heart fluttering with excitement and dread. He’d grabbed her from the door and slammed her against his desk, her palms slapping brutally against it and the wood digging into her thighs. She could have hissed, twisted like a snake out of his grip. A simple no would have restored the space between them.
Her teeth would have sooner severed her tongue than let a single treacherous sound slip out of her.
She needs this.
Distance never worked for them. The separate bedrooms did nothing to keep temptation at bay when they sat on their thrones next to each other all day and it was perfectly natural–expected even–for a king to come and go from his queen's chambers as he pleased. They only had anger to shield themselves behind and now here they are – fucking like they want the other dead, for the crime of making them dependent.
If she knew when and how they’d bound themselves together, she could pick the pattern and undo it, protect them both from this burning agony, this need to be so close even when they're mutually destructive.
He is hurting her.
If he lets her go, she will stop breathing. And it won't matter one bit compared to the emptiness she'll feel if he doesn't fuck her over that precipice of resistance lodged into her brain.
The way he stretches her to bursting with every quick thrust only to leave her hollow and then fill her again pulls her taut like a bowstring. A pulsing, vibration, has already started behind her sternum where she’s stuffed her voice. At a point the dam will break and everything will spill from her – the tears, the screams and her orgasm.
She needs this. Not given out of the goodness of his heart or the urgency of his lust, but because she took it from him.
She pushes back into him. Challenging his rhythm takes him by surprise, throws off his balance to leave him grasping, clinging to her. The force in her own hips dictates his movements, sets the pace in the space that opened between her and his desk – enough for her to slip a hand to her clit and stroke herself to ecstasy.
He sputters behind her, chokes on the air rushing out of him in a hot, heady torrent assaulting her neck. It does nothing to deter her touch – the squeeze to his balls, her nails scraping the sensitive, vulnerable skin. With every uncontrolled jolt of his hips, his cock hits spots inside her that make her eyes roll in the back of her head.
His fingers close around her throat and she's coming. There's no doubt about it, no choice afforded to her, no defense against it.
The orgasm rips through her like a tidal wave.
She collapses back against his body, grabs at his arm, his thigh. She can’t breathe, doesn’t remember human speech but her voice erupts like lava from a volcano, burns through her ribcage, her throat, his palm covering it.
He holds her through it, the tremors of her climax shaking him, too. His hips have stilled, keeping him wrapped up in her. Her name falls from his mouth – half awe, half reverence, as he comes inside her. As if he's just been claimed by a force of nature even when it’s her pulse kicking under his fingers.
Blood wets her fingertips where she's driven her nails into his flesh.
She has him now.
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awhispcr · 15 days
Tumblr media
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         courtney eaton,  twenty seven,  demi-girl,  they/she.    announcing  the  arrival  of  SERENA  of  house  HORNWOOD,  the  LIEGE  of  HORNWOOD.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  GENTLE  and  NAIVE  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  music.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  foraging for winter berries, mud-clad knees, the sound of laughter whilst frolicking in meadows.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  THE  HORNWOOD'S        
# basic information.
official  name:  serena hornwood.  nicknames:  rena (open to any and all other nicknames, they don't mind).  noble  title:  leige of hornwood.  date  of  birth:  16th may.  age:  27.  birthplace:  unknown, but somewhere in the north.  home:  hornwood.  nationality:  westerosi.  gender:  no.  pronouns:  they/she.  orientation:  bisexual, biromantic.  accent:  northern westerosi.
# physical information.
faceclaim:  courtney eaton.   hair:  deep brown  eyes:  brown almost black. height:  5'7".  scent:   winter berries and mint leaves.  dominant  hand:  right.  allergies:  none. scars:  a few minor ones from childhood scraps and climbing trees.   clothing  style:  typical high born dresses, lots of furs and pelts for the winter, prefers browns and oranges.
# personality.
label:   the daydreamer, the wanderer, indigo child.   mbti:   intp.   enneagram:   5w6 ; the troubleshooter   element:   earth.   star   sign:   taurus.   temperament:   phlegmatic  melancholic.  character   inspirations:   sangonomiya kokomi + yanfei (genshin impact), guinaifen (honkai star rail).   deadly   sin:   gluttony.   heavenly   virtue:   charity.   godly   parent:   themis.
# drives.
hobbies:  music and poetry.  religion:  old gods.  alliance:  themselves.  personal goals:  to survive this wicked and unprecedented world.  would they choose family or power?  family.
You are the personification of sunshine despite your northern home, has anyone ever seen you without a smile? Some say you learnt to sing before you could talk, to dance before you could walk. A happy child, a happy liege. Perhaps it's because deep down you know that the family that took you in has given you a better life than the one you were born to.
Your kind-hearted and gentleness knows no bounds, friend or foe; you try your best to understand and accept everyone's opinions and beliefs, anything to make a new friend. It's all to fill the void that your sibling left you, your dearest older sibling; the ruling liege can only soothe the ache for so long. They also lost them, and to lose a twin must be the greatest pain of all. Despite it all, you still refuse to show an inch of sadness or pessimism.
However, your friendly and sunny deposition belies your innocence and naivete. You aren't the type to care about politics within Westeros or your temporary home of Essos, such things are lost on you. But if anyone were to ask where your loyalties lie, you'd simply smile and mention your family and your house before running off into a field of flowers. You aren't a fighter either, not like your family and noble house. You have never touched a sword nor any other weapon, and you are glad of it. You leave the violence and rebellions to your family members, you'll be the healer when the time comes.
You look at life through rose-tinted glasses, a true romantic at heart. Anyone who gives you a few inches of attention has you melting in their hands. You love the idea of love, not just for yourself but for everyone around you. You adore watching couples prance around and show off their adoration. You don't have a jealous bone in your body.
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garbage--account · 1 year
Random opinion #5 :
When we really think about it, this 1st IE antagonist to show up ever is not Kageyama, nor Kidou : it's Natsumi.
Hold on : the first struggle Raimon soccer team really encounters in the serie is the threat of being disbanded (because a soccer team of 7 is useless for the school). That's when Endou meets Natsumi, as she explains that they will be having a "friendly" match. Raimon has to win, or else soccer club is disbanded : that's the deal.
Problem is : it's fricking Royal Academy, undefeated for 40 years, vs 7 losers that never really get to properly train and only have few days to prepare (they get to be a whole team in time though).
It is probably Kageyama who really asked for this match (just to get to observe the transfer student from Kidokawa), but Raimon could probably just refuse. (Royal Academy destroy the schools that lose matches against them, but I don't think they do anything if challenge is not accepted to begin with.)
Raimon's council probably chose to accept, knowing the consequences in case of loss. And Natsumi represented the council at that time, and knew they had 0 chance to win against Royal Academy : the soccer team was pratically disbanded even before having the match. Wanna see do it again : they have accepted next a match against Occult Jr, a team reputed to "cast curses on their oponants". How reassuring is that ! And guess who tell them the good new : Natsumi
The threat of disbandment isn't much, compared to the outright bloodshed that was this match for Raimon, the public humiliation being commanded by Kidou at the time on the field. It was nothing compared to the literal aptempt of murder by Kageyama, making the ceiling fall on their side of the field. Not to forget the spying and sabotage of the bus meant to drive them at their next match. But a threat is a threat, and Endou met Natsumi first. She almost got to delete soccer club, and we all know Endou would go crazy without it.
Natsumi may have not had the evilest intentions for the soccer club (just cutting some depenses i guess), but you don't need to be evil to be an antagonist : sometimes, you just have to be on the way of the protagonist to achieve their goal, and she was technically the first our team has encoutered in the story. But since she quickly dropped being antagonist to be an ally (idk, Endou just grew on her), we don't remember her as such.
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
In the Legends timeline, Asajj Ventress faked her death after the Battle of Boz Pity and hijacked a shuttle to get away from the Clone Wars. What do you think happened to her afterwards? How would she survive the Imperial Era? Would she have joined the Rebellion later on? Would she gain the will or courage to become a Jedi again?
Ooooh I think about this a lot so: I think as a plot point, in the story itself, it's better left unanswered. The way Haden Blackman left it is just the open ending I feel Asajj should be left with, and since Legends isn't going to be continued anyway, it's also going to be left like that forever irl. However if I do let my mind wander and think of some other possibilities, and I do, like all the time, there are so many options
I think first and foremost, something in her mindset would have changed. She no longer has a purpose, and she was discarded by a person she thought gave her a new one. I don't think she would try to be a Jedi again, because associating herself with the order, even if it's gone, is something that goes against some of her most deeply rooted principles and feelings. I do think she would start by going back to Rattatak and try to find meaning there. (Sorry if my internal search for meaning is seeping through to my favorite characters but it's hard for it not to) I think there'd have to be someone or something to drive her to become a rebel, even if it's the Empire itself destroying something she still holds dear. I think with that kind of thing there's obviously no definitive answer, and you can go whatever way you want with it. Her being a rebel is interesting because the Rebellion as an alliance has the goal of restoring the republic, and she used to be a Separatist and probably has a lot of Dooku's thoughts on it. I think she can also try to track down surviving/new Force users to create a new order and I don't have a particular reason for this but she has the vibes of someone with aspirations to create a new kind of force users order. long answer already but also. I don't think the Empire nor the Inquisitors have anything on her so it won't be too difficult for her to survive that era imo
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Under The Arbor
Part One: Few Scars, Many Kits and Endless Prey
Fall Leaf puts her nose to the dirt and climbs the stones where she can overlook the clearing beyond it. The golden field had been cleared by a human noise maker, leaving the space open and empty. Calling her above anything else. 
This is a lookout point she's climbed and even gone far outside of countless times before. Even venturing out regularly now when the humans living within sight across the field were far away. But the urge is different as the sun peeks through the trees this time. This time, no part of her felt the tug to return down the slope again, not as it had before. There is a part of her somewhere in her chest that tells her she won't be coming back this time, drawing her far away. Her pointed ears stand upright, and her tail waves excitedly behind her. 
Like every fox did, as her mother explained so early in her life, she felt the calling. The burning drive to leave the den she was raised in and become her own hunter, den builder, and protector. A fox cub's parents fill those roles until the kits are old enough to do these things for themselves. Independence from their parent's food, shelter, and protection marks the beginning of a fox cub becoming a grown adult. 
As a cub, it had terrified her.
"One day you won't need me, little leaf. You will do all I do for you on your own." The warm voice of mother whispered as she snuggled into her belly. Ignoring her brother's paws digging into her side to get closer to hide deeper into the vixen's fur.
"But what if I can't!" Fall Leaf had squeaked, curling closer to her mother.
"You will. I am sure." She laughs, licking her cheek, 
With a tail wrapped tightly around them, her mother silently sends them into a deep sleep. With a full belly, warmth, and safety, Fall Leaf hadn't let her mind dwell on it long.
Now, all Fall Leaf wants to do is leap onto the other side of the ridge and go. 
Confidence wells in her, remembering her mother's words. A season after that moment, deep in a den with her mother, Fall Leaf has provided her own food for what feels like forever. She's fought off crows and helped her mother build a new spring den. As the cold of autumn sets in, her whole body, from nose to tail tip, screams that she is ready. 
There would be good hunting, Fall Leaf knew, beyond this field and several over. There, she has seen thick woods- not unlike the ones that sheltered them now. The crows, the kind ones who patiently waited for what her family left behind instead of rushing them for the leftovers, promised her so. It would be plenty to help her through the winter, she knows, which will set in once all the vibrant colors currently on the trees fall to the ground, and the last of the color dies and sleeps till spring, as her mother explained. 
There was little to no fox scent there the last time she visited (because, of course she visited), nor that of wolves of any kind. While that didn't promise a lack of confrontation, it seemed a safe start. That place would be her goal. 
Staying with her mother was always an option, and the vixen knows that well. But she didn't intend on helping her mother raise a litter of siblings, as safe an option as it would be. No, not when the chance was so wide open before her under the gleaming gold of the sun pushing through the trees as it rises. 
The ground is slowly being warmed by the rays, but soon, the earth will begin to freeze overnight. Lightly, a coating of frost at first, then deeply, making everything ice before snow. The thought of trying to get her paws into frozen earth makes her have to shake off an extended look over the area around her mother's den. 
Now. The time was now, or else she might never leave. 
Looking back a last time into the shaded drop into the ravine where she grew up, Fall Leaf's dark-furred chest deflated, still. Sunrise is crouching at the bottom of the stones. The sunny orange ears of her littermate are pinned to his head, and he doesn't look up at her with his long muzzle close to his white paws. Undoubtedly, he knows where her mind is already, and if his tail tucking itself around his body is any indication, he is less than happy about what she is planning to do. It's nearly enough to break her resolve to move on today.  
"Stay!" He cries out to her, lifting his face from the ground and taking a few steps to place a single foot on the first stone. For a moment, she thinks it is a shame for his bright orange coat to be sullied by the dirt. 
Her ears pin, and her tail drops close to the ground at the sound. 
"Come with me!" She screams excitedly at him. Playfully, she jumps down and intentionally nudges him before leaping back up. A failed attempt at convincing him with a bit of play. They aren't kits any longer, but Sunrise always loved wrestling. 
Sunrise shrinks back into the den at it this time, and Fall Leaf stops and sighs sadly. Her brother isn't ready, not yet. It simply wasn't his time now. Despite knowing that that was a good thing, that it would make her smaller sibling more ready for what the both of them would be facing, a twinge came over her heart temporarily, and she slowly made her way down the stones again. Closing the distance and nuzzling his lighter fur. Would he be happier here, helping their parents with next season's litter? Would he leave this winter before that?
The first bit of grief comes over her, knowing she might never really find out.  
"I love you, brother," She whimpers despite the sound coming out heavy, "I wish you the best life if we never cross paths again."
"I wish you the best life, too, Fall Leaf. With few scars, many kits, and endless prey," Sunrise whimpers back as he returns her affectionate nuzzle before they pull apart. 
Turning though, she comes face to face with her mother's unmistakable white mask, looking down at her with gentle hazel eyes. Otherwise, she looks much like her sibling, a lighter color than her fiery red pelt. The steady gaze is the one that had watched her learn to walk, to pounce, to track. There is sadness in them, though. While she had grown more distant the last few turns of the moon and had visited them less and less, the love, even with her presence, wraps itself as tightly around her as her own pelt. 
"Thank you," She squeaks. "I want to be as good to my kits as you were to me, Mother." 
White Mask steps forward and nuzzles her shoulder before pulling away and nodding. "I have no doubt you will do that and more, my little one. That said, I came to be sure that you're ready. Are you ready, to feed yourself alone, to protect a terrority? Make a den?" 
She is taken aback by that by the hesitancy in her voice. "You were the one who told me I could, even as a kit." She says firmly. 
"And I stand by that. It's just that you may not understand how much you still have to learn." White Mask replies with the same unwavering tone she raised them with. "I only love you and worry, daughter."
"I can do this; I know it. No matter how much I still have to learn." Fall Leaf says back, unfazed and matching the immovable belief in her words that White Mask had used. 
White Mask's eyes seem to grow proud when she steps away, making her heart feel full. Sunrise, while still not filled with zeal about seeing her go, still manages to be excited as they watch her take her first steps as a grown, free fox. They believed in her, and if Fall Leaf didn't believe in herself, that would be enough to fill her up with confidence in what she was doing in spite of anything. With a large deep breath, she turns. This time, she reminded herself to not look back. 
Bursting with the energy loosed from finally taking the first steps, Fall Leaf climbs the stones for the truly last time like the wind rushes, fluidly jumping down over the other side. As she takes full strides through empty fields, the vixen is careful to avoid the sharp stubs left by the human monster claws when they cut these fields. A handful of birds take wing. Sunrise and their mother let out exuberant farewell calls to her from behind her. Which she returns for as long as the sound of their voice echoes.
Likely for the last time. No more stashes of food from her mother or sharing warmth with Sunrise. No more strolls in the territory with her father, whom she hadn't seen in days and days. 
It makes her choke on her grief while she passes through one field, a second one, and then a third. Practically bouncing as she avoids the sharp, dry stubs left behind. The pangs melt away when her hazel eyes take in the tree line, lit up by the rising sun, and the sounds of life within make her ears lift towards it. Her whole body falls into the same pull without her consciously directing it. 
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anjelicawrites · 1 year
What about each of the babies concieving stories? And also when do rest od the targaryens make peace with them? Does Alicent gi full grandma mode?
Long answer under the cut! Here we go!
Reader is pretty sure baby #1 was conceived in the van, that one time they had to park and spend the night on the side of the road, because outside a storm was raging and driving was impossible. Baby #2 was probably conceived during a long lovemaking session, after Aemond was away for almost a month on a work trip. Baby Visenya was 99% conceived when all the roads were snowed in and the baby boys had tired themselves out after playing in the snow for hours and the adults could, finally, have some alone time.
The moment the news reaches the whole Targaryen clan, no one can believe it. Not Aemond, not perfect, over reaching second son Aemond, not him being in a three way relationship with a woman and a man, having a child with these people! The suspect of reader and Osferth being in for the money spreads in the family and explodes during a family dinner, when reader has to spit in Otto's face that Aemond lives in the house she has bought before meeting him rent free and for which she pays the bills; following Otto's line of thought, the only one in for the money is his second grandson, not herself, nor Osferth. The height of the disaster happens when Luke has the gall to say that the unborn child might be anyone's, for all anyone knows. Reader has to grab her boys' wrists before they start anything and calmly answers that these kind of allegations paint a worst picture of the person blurting them, than the one receiving them and could Rhaenyra please pass the bread over this way, please? From that day onward, Osferth and Aemond's lives have a new goal: make Luke's life a living hell. The engine of his car is filled with sugar the day he has his A levels, he randomly gets slashed tires, his assets from Targaryen Corp. are, somehow, put into terrible investments, all his university paperwork is either erased or messed up in the University database and all the like for the rest of his life. For Osferth and Aemond is a lifetime project and far more entertaining one than have him eaten by Vhagar.
As for Alicent, she was not happy at all. At start she was as shocked as everyone else was, she couldn't believe that of all of her children, Aemond could pull something like that. With the babies, she lives in this crucible where she doesn't really like them, but she loves them because they might be Aemond's, even though they are so different, so alien compared to her son, so alike their mother she has conflicted feelings about. She's happy when they come over, but she always has this sour taste in her mouth when she looks at them and sees how eerie and, sometimes, creepy they are, compared to how all her own children were at that age.
Everything taglist: @ilikeitbetterangsty
Poly taglist : @fan-goddess, @notyour-valentine
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