#but she changed 楽しかったよ ('it was fun') with つまらなかったわ ('it was boring' with a わ at the end because she's a rich girl)
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マリベル by Yamamoto Souichirou
Translated and typeset by me
#dragon quest vii#dragon quest#maribel#it's worth noting that maribel says 「遊んでくれてありがと。つ���らなかったわ。じゃあね。」#which is like the standard way of thanking someone for playing 「遊んでくれてありがとう。楽しかったよ。またね。」#but she changed 楽しかったよ ('it was fun') with つまらなかったわ ('it was boring' with a わ at the end because she's a rich girl)#and またね (see you again) with じゃあね (also see you again but a lot more casual sounding)#since it's from maribel and she's kind of teasing whoever she's talking to (i assume auster) i made it sound a little more dismissive#since 'jaa' is used similarly to 'well then' i made it 'well bye'#i considered 'see ya' since 'jaa ne' is used among friends who intend to see each other again#and she's probably talking to auster who is her friend#but she often acts dismissive even with the intention of seeing him again#like how she acts like she doesn't want to go adventuring again after ballymolloy but does anyway#also this is from the takagi-san mangaka so it'd make sense for her to be playfully mean
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[Book 3] Little Mermaid/Red Riding Hood [Chapter 3]
PART 3-1:
The uniformed OL wanders aimlessly through the streets.
「どうしよう……」 半開きの唇から漏れ出すのは、すすり泣くような声だ。
“Whatever am I to do...?” The woman's lips hang open, and her weeping voice escapes from within.
Meanwhile, the young assassin scurries desperately through the alleys.
「どうしよう」 荒い息と共に漏れ出るのは、少女にしては珍しい戸惑いの声だ。
"What should I do...?" The girl speaks with rare distress, and coarse breaths punctuate her words.
...Such is the tale of 3 days prior.
Is this not... a dream?
This is just a nightmare.
I... oh, what have I done...?
If this is a nightmare, then I must wake up soon...!
PART 3-2:
私は悪くない。 私は悪くない。 私は悪くない。 あれはただの事故。不幸な出来事。
I am not to blame. I am not to blame. I am not to blame. It was nothing more than mischance. Naught but an unfortunate event.
PART 3-3:
困りました。 この前殺したおじさんは、ヤバイ筋の偉い人だったもたい。 仲間がすごく怒ってる。
I've gotten into trouble. The old man that I murdered was part of a dangerous group ― he was an important person. His friends are very upset.
PART 3-4:
殺そうなんて、思ってなかった。 それは本当。 なのに。だから。 あんなに簡単に死んだ、あの人が悪い。
I had no intention of claiming his life. That is the truth. Yet, still. That is why. He died with such ease ― the fault lies with him.
PART 3-5:
仇を討てと、チンピラ共が追ってくる。 あいつらはいつもそうだ。 親とか盃とか。 バカみたい。
Those thugs are chasing me because they want to avenge the old man.
These people never change. They never talk about anything except fathers and cups. How stupid.
PART 3-6:
そう。私は悪くない。 奥さんがいるのに、言い寄ってきたあの人が悪い。 可哀想なのは私。同情されるべきなのは私。
Indeed. I am not to blame. He was a married man, yet he chose to seduce me ― the fault lies with him. I am pitiful. I am deserving of compassion.
PART 3-7:
仲間が殺されたら悲しい? 仲間が殺されたらつらい? ―ボクは、いつも1人だからわからない。
Is it sad when your friends die? Is it painful when your friends die? ...I’ve always been alone, so I wouldn’t know.
PART 3-8:
職場で不倫した私は可哀想…… 相手が死んだ私は可哀想…… ああ、なんてステキなの……
I am pitiful, such that I partook in a workplace affair... I am pitiful, such that my lover is no more... Oh, how magnificent...
PART 3-9:
狩る立場から狩られる立場に。 でも……ふふふ。 これはこれで楽しいね? さあ、おじさん達。遊びましょう!
I'm supposed to be the hunter, but now I'm the prey. Still... hehehe. This is fun, too. Come to me. Let’s play!
PART 3-10:
路地裏に追い詰められた殺し屋の少女。 その細い腕で、1人2人と命を奪いながら少女は笑う。 「さあ、遊ぼう?」
The young assassin's pursuers have cornered her in an alley. She laughs as she takes their lives with such slender arms. “Won’t you play with me?”
OLは乱れた制服のままふらふらと歩いて路地裏へと迷い込む。 「可哀想な私……もっと……もっと見て……」
The OL stumbles into the alley ― her uniform is in shambles. "Sorrow has claimed me... look at me... gaze upon me..."
じめじめとした路地の奥と先。 夢遊病のように泳ぐOLと、ナイフを持った少女の視線が交差した。
It was a most desolate place ― one stood at the entrance, while the other lurked in the depths. The delirious OL and the knife-wielding girl cast their glances upon one another.
When will this dream be over?
Am I going to die like this...? Well, whatever.
That girl appears to be rather impoverished... who is she?
ああ、でも私の方が、可哀想ずっと。 ずっと……
Alas ― I am still more pitiful. I am much more pitiful...
路地裏の凶行は、ものの数分で終わった。 殺し屋の少女の周りにはチンピラヤクザの死体が重なっている。
Several minutes passed, and the carnage in the alley drew to a close. The corpses of numerous thugs littered the young assassin's surroundings.
けれど、少女も血まみれで。 殴られて腫れあがった白い頬。 噛み切った唇。 苦しげに体を折り曲げて、赤い血の混じった痰を吐く。 そんな、ぼろ雑巾のような少女を見て。
However, she did not escape unharmed. Her pale cheeks were swollen and bruised. Bite marks peppered her lips. Her body contorts in agony as she spits blood and phlegm. The woman bore witness to the reddened rag that the girl had become.
"Still... I am more pitiful..."
The woman departed with staggering steps.
#story mode#little mermaid#little mermaid story#red riding hood#red riding hood story#chapter 3#sinoalice#translation#spoilers#book 3
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Shiori 24/100
I met Shiori randomly at a cafe in Tokyo one afternoon and had a fun and honest conversation with her. Turns out she is an avid traveler, who has been to different countries across the globe, and loves to explore new places and cultures. What I remember about her most from the short time I was with her was her laugh.
Where were you born and where did you grow up? (出身地はどこですか)
“I was born and grew up in Nagoya until I moved to this area(Kanto) to work. I currently work at the airport.” (名古屋出身で、就職でこの地域(関東)に来るまで名古屋で育ちました。今は空港で働いています。)
What are you going through in your life right now? (今現在は人生のどのような時期ですか?)
“I think I need to do everything hard, both work and play.” (今は全てを一生懸命頑張る時だと思っています。仕事も遊ぶのも。)
If you could go back in time and tell your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? (もし過去に戻って自分にアドバイスするなら、何を伝えますか?)
“If I could go back ten years ago I would tell myself, ‘Please have more fun.’ Enjoy a lot of things like what you want to do, or what I’m interested in because when I was around twenty, I think I was quite a boring person. I just studied and followed what my parents told me. Never jumped into the new culture. So if I can advise myself, around eighteen of twenty years old, just "do what you want and try new things”. That’s my advice to myself.“ (もし10年前に戻れるなら、「もっと遊べ」と伝えるでしょうね。やりたいことや興味のあることを楽しんでと。20歳くらいの頃の私は本当につまらない人間だったと思うんです。ただ何となく勉強して、親の言うことを聞いて。新しい文化に飛び込むなんて絶対にしなかったです。だからもし、18歳とか20歳くらいの自分にアドバイス出来るなら、やりたいことや新しいことに挑戦しなさいって言いたいです。それ��今の私からのアドバイスです。)
What are you passionate about? (今何に熱中していますか?)
"I love traveling. I actually met this friend(referring to here male friend across the table) in France. I was an exchange student and I traveled a lot, could meet a lot of people and could see many places, that changed me a lot. So I think I should continue to travel to see new things and people to make my life more fruitful one.” (旅行が大好きです。実はこの友達(目の前の男性を見て)とはフランスで知り合ったんです。交換留学中にたくさん旅行をして、いろんな人に会って、たくさんの場所をみて、私の人生はすごく変わりました。だから私は人生をより充実させるために、旅行を続けてもっと新しいものを見たり新しい友達と会うことを続けるべきだと思います。)
What do you want to do before you die? (死ぬ前にしたいことは?)
“I want have my own family. ” (自分の家族を作ること。)
Daughter or son first?(息子と娘だったらどっちが先?)
“Son first, then the second a daughter. I want to have two kids.” (男の子が先で、2人目に女の子。2人子供が欲しいです。)
Was there a time you felt scared and what did you do about it? (恐怖や不安を感じた時はありますか?その時どのように対応しましたか?)
“When I started to study in France. I was exciting but scared a lot for my new life. I had a language barrier, no experience to live alone and no Japanese friends around me at very first. It was really scared, actually stressful and tired, to live a life with some difficulties alone. However, I got friends who has similar fear and we could overcome the scared time together. My family in Japan also supported me a lot. I couldn’t get over the time alone.” (フランス留学を始めた時に。すごいワクワクしたけれど、同時に新しい生活に不安もたくさんありました。最初は言語の壁があって、私は一人暮らしもしたこともなく、日本人の友達も周りにいませんでした。実際はストレスだらけで疲れたし、1人で問題を抱えながら過ごすのは本当に怖かったです。でも周りには同じような悩みを抱える友達がいて一緒に乗り越えることが出来ました。日本にいる家族もすごい支えてくれましたし。1人では乗り越えられませんでした。)
What’s your favorite quote in Japanese?(日本語で好きな名言はありますか?)
“'Action before words.' I’ll do what I want, before worrying about failure which may not happen. I can seek solutions after it happen.” (不言実行。起こるかもわからないことを心配するのではなく、まずやりたいことをやる。解決策は後でいくらでも探せますし。)
76 stories to go.
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