#but see dahyun takes care of chaengie too its just love all around
twicearoundthesun · 2 years
[roommates au]
Chaeyoung adjusted her shirt as she stepped into the nightclub; it was unbuttoned a little far, but she looked too good to care. It’d been a very long time since she’d been able to do anything like this, between work and the stress of the past few months, and she was going to enjoy it.
She scanned the crowd for a familiar face but found none. She couldn’t have been the first one here, she was almost forty-five minutes (fashionably) late. She pulled out her phone.
“A little lost?” A sweet voice interrupted her text. Chaeyoung turned.
And was nearly stunned speechless. She cleared her throat and tried not to make a fool out of herself in front of the beautiful woman sizing her up from against the bar.
“Meeting a couple friends here.” She replied, quickly getting her feet back under her. She felt a surge of confidence as the woman’s eyes traced the tattoos up her arm, settled on the one under her collarbone for a second and then met her gaze again. Chaeyoung smirked. “You like them?”
The woman let out a laugh that both stomped any confidence she’d just built up out of existence and became her new favorite sound in the universe. “I do, yeah. Nice to meet you, Chaeyoung.”
Chaeyoung tilted her head. Was she dreaming? She had to be. She’d never met this woman in her life – she sure as hell would remember a face like that. Was she about to get abducted? Murdered?
The woman’s eyes went wide as she seemed to realize how creepy she’d sounded.
“Oh! Oh my god, no, I swear I’m not a stalker. Minari told me you had a tattoo of a penguin that looks like this little penguin she draws and – I mean, that looks almost exactly like a Miguin, the one on your forearm, and what are the odds two people would have an almost-Miguin, unless Mina actually stole it from somewhere – not that I think she’d do that on purpose! And-”
“Sana, you’ve just met the poor girl and you’re talking her ear off already.” Nayeon suddenly appeared, an arm around Sana’s shoulders, swaying a bit. Chaeyoung was grateful for the interruption. “Did you order another round? I’ll help you carry them. Hello, Chaeyoung, this is our friend Sana Minatozaki. She’s exactly this cute all of the time. We’re all sitting at that corner booth, over there. Go put your jacket down. I’ll get you a shot.”
“Uhm- cool, thank you.” She reached for her wallet, but Nayeon pushed her arm back.  
“No, no. My treat. To new friends. Go sit, Jihyo’s been worrying you got lost for the past thirty minutes. She nags when she’s drunk.”
Chaeyoung just nodded, actively fighting to wipe the confused look off of her face on the walk over. She couldn’t help her smile as the table cheered upon noticing her.
“Chaeyoung!” Jihyo beamed. “You made it! See, Mina, she’s fine! Why’d you worry so much?”
“You’re a mess, my love.” Mina laughed, making the table erupt into laughter again.
Chaeyoung could tell they’d all certainly had a few drinks by now, but everyone seemed to be having a great time. Jihyo sat leaning against Mina, poking at Jeongyeon who nodded at her with a tight-lipped smile but seemed preoccupied, gaze quickly moving elsewhere. At the other end of the booth, a girl she hadn’t met before with dark hair, perfect cheekbones and a breathtaking smile was pinching Tzuyu’s cheeks.
“Aw, no Dubs?” Tzuyu sat up straighter, shrugging the woman off.
“Am I not good enough!?”
Tzuyu blushed. “I just - I thought you two were a package deal-”
“I’m kidding, Tzu.” She laughed. “Dahyun needed a night in. Clubs aren’t really her scene, and she needed a good recharge.” She noticed she had Jeongyeon’s full attention, now.
“She’s feeling okay, though?” Mina spoke up. Jihyo seemed to sober up a little waiting on her answer.
“She’s feeling okay, yeah.” She confirmed.
“And you’re feeling okay?”
Again, Chaeyoung couldn’t hold back a smile. Here they were in a club, music blasting louder than their thoughts, people packed in from wall to wall, and Mina was making her feel like she was one of the only people on earth that mattered. No one at the table bat an eyelash at it; it was a normal occurrence to check in on each other.
“The only way I’d feel any better is with a few shots in me.”
Mina laughed. “Careful what you wish for. Nayeon is awfully good at peer pressure.” She then nodded at the woman who sat next to Tzuyu. “This is Momo, a friend of ours that went to school with Nayeon. Sana is here too, I think you met her on the way in.”
The beautiful woman stuck a hand out, sleeve sliding up her arm enough for Chaeyoung to tell she had a tattoo that she couldn’t quite make it out. She shook it – of course it was a firm handshake – and offered a smile.
“Nice to meet you, Chaeyoung. I’ve heard your name a lot.”
“Everyone keeps saying that. Should I be worried?”
“Eh, it’s been a while since we’ve had anyone new to talk about. We all know each other’s business too well. Talking about Tzuyu got old fast.”
“Hey!” Tzuyu whined. Momo smiled and pulled the girl back into a side-hug. Tzuyu was definitely a few drinks in, she didn’t shy away from the affection like she normally would. She just squeezed her eyes shut with a smile and rested her head on Momo’s shoulder. It was kind of cute. Chaeyoung briefly wondered if there was more there than met the eye, but reminded herself it was Tzuyu. She’d tell Dahyun and herself if she had any romantic prospects.
That being said, she’d have to corner Tzuyu at some point later to ask whether Sana or Momo had any romantic prospects at the moment.
As the night went on, Chaeyoung realized Mina wasn’t kidding; Nayeon was quite the life of the party. Any trace of awkwardness went down the hatch when Nayeon handed her shot number four, and before long she was being pulled onto the dance floor with some of the most beautiful women she’d ever met, trying hard not to stare. Tzuyu, Jeongyeon and Mina opted to stay back at the table, but Nayeon assured her they were more than content to avoid the dance floor.
Jihyo was more of a party animal than Chaeyoung would have given her credit for, and especially when her and Nayeon egged each other on – there’d been a lot of teasing about who needed to ‘catch up’, and who could handle more shots, who was ‘getting old’ and couldn’t hang. Realistically, Chaeyoung was the one who couldn’t keep up and, further, couldn’t believe they were still standing. But they danced along to the music like they hadn’t been at it for hours, not a trace of fatigue showing through bright smiles, and their laughter was infectious.
Sana and Momo made conscious effort to involve her, too, even though they didn’t know her. Sana was all smiles, ready to dance with anyone that’d give her the time of day. Momo was a bit more shy but would share an amused smile with Chaeyoung any time one of the others did something embarrassing, as if they were sharing a secret as the most sober of the bunch. She tried to ignore the butterflies.
She didn’t have to for long. Sana and Momo were, as she found out, both very much not single. Chaeyoung had to stop her eyes from bulging out of her head at one point when she turned to find them grinding on each other, lost in the music. She quickly turned back to Nayeon, who rolled her eyes and told her it was ‘a miracle they kept their hands off each other this long,’ and she ‘guessed they had been on their best behavior because you’re new’. The next time Chaeyoung met eyes with Sana, the woman winked at her before bursting into laughter at the blush that crept up her neck.
Mina, the angel that she is, wrapped up the festivities at two a.m. when Jihyo started asking when they could get married. She organized Ubers home and double-checked designated drivers, and took Chaeyoung back to the apartment in her car. Chaeyoung was grateful Mina drove there; she hadn’t been out that late for fun since she’d dropped out and she was admittedly too drunk to navigate the busses.
She thanked Mina profusely at the door and told her the night had been just what she needed and she was happy she agreed to go. Mina helped her get the key in the door (maybe she was a little more than tipsy) and reminded her to eat some carbs before going to sleep.
Once the door was locked, she shrugged off her pants and shirt, pulled on a T-shirt she was only half sure was hers, and plopped down into the bed.
Right onto her intended target.
“Chaeng. Why are you in my bed?” Dahyun’s gravelly, tired voice whined.
“Because I’m lovestruck, Dahyunnie.” She sighed dramatically. She bit a huge chunk out of a slice of bread she’d picked up on her ay through the kitchen. “I’m lovestruck and I’m heartbroken.”
“I’m flattered.”
“Gross. Not you.” She wrinkled her nose. She turned and pushed Dahyun further towards the wall. “Move over.”
“You woke me up. And you’re making my bed smell like tequila. Why would I move over for you?” She mumbled, moving over.
“You weren’t asleep.”
“How would you know?”
“I can sense these things.”
Dahyun let out a long sigh.
“Fine. What was your problem?”
“I’m in love, once again.” She sighed. “With women who aren’t in love with me.”
“Women? Plural?”
“Sana Minatozaki and… Momo.” She realized she’d never gotten her full name.
“What is it with you and unavailable Japanese women lately?”
“I guess I have a type.” She mumbled, eyelids heavy. “They’re Mihyo’s friends.”
Dahyun giggled. “You’ll get over it.” There was a bit of shuffling. Chaeyoung squeezed her eyes shut as Dahyun clicked her reading lamp on and leaned over her to dig through her dresser.  “And how are Mihyo and squad?”
“They’re good. They asked about you.” She mumbled. She jumped as something cold touched her eyelid, but realized it was just Dahyun with a makeup wipe. She smiled. “Jeongyeon was there, too. I think she missed you.”
“I’m serious.”
“Good. I missed everyone too.”
“You missed her especially.”
“I think she’s cute, Chaeyoung, I’m not… what did you call it? Lovestruck and heartbroken, like you get. You’re just dramatic.”
“I’m serious.”
Chaeyoung hummed. Dahyun finished wiping at her eyes. She heard the light click off and the bed dipped a little as she settled back down. Dahyun gently ran her fingers through Chaeyoung’s hair a few times, putting Chaeyoung right on the edge of sleep.
“There’s a water bottle on my nightstand. When you wake up, drink a little, if you can.”
“And if you puke in my bed, I’m moving out.”
Chaeyoung didn’t remember responding to that one. She just fell asleep.
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twicearoundthesun · 3 years
“You can’t be mad.” Momo’s back was against the door, barring them from entering the apartment. She seemed to be stalling.
Nayeon stiffened. She felt Jihyo do the same, next to her.
“The kids are fine.” Momo added, quickly.
They relaxed – marginally.
“Momo, what did you do?” Jihyo said from beside her, obviously anxious to get inside their shared apartment.
“I didn’t do anything. Nothing bad.” Nayeon trusted Momo to take care of the kids wholeheartedly, but the girl was making her nervous. “I did something good. Very good, and you’ll love it. Eventually.”
She turned back towards the apartment, poking her head in to check something before walking inside. Jihyo and her followed.
“Momo, if you dyed my three-year-old sister’s hair bright pink, our mother will haunt you.”
“I like to think Mrs. Im would have found pink hair unique and exciting. Especially if it came from me, her favorite friend of her daughter’s.” Nayeon glared. Jihyo rolled her eyes. “But Chaeyoung’s hair is the same color you left it, I promise.” They finished pulling off their shoes in the entrance hallway and followed Momo into the living room.
The apartment wasn’t on fire, there wasn’t paint on the walls, and everything – including the kids - seemed to be in one piece. In fact, it might have actually been cleaner than before, the girls’ toys no longer littering the carpet. Sana stood in front of the couches, bouncing a fast-asleep Dahyun on her hip and watching lovingly as Chaeyoung and Tzuyu pet Boo, who was laying on his side in front of them. The girl’s backs were to them, and Nayeon could see everyone’s hair was the correct color. She breathed a sigh of relief.
At the realization new people had entered the apartment, Boo rolled over and barked. Everyone turned to look at them.
This was followed by a small yip.
Nayeon froze. Squirming out of Chaeyoung’s arms was – oh no.
“Oh god, Momo, did you bring home a rat?”
“You don’t have the right to call any animal a rat if you own a Pomeranian.” Momo said, quickly moving from her side and lifting a tiny, tiny puppy out of Chaeyoung’s grasp. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, in turn, stood and ran to hug Nayeon and Jihyo.
“UNNIE! LOOK AT THE PUPPY!” Chaeyoung held onto Nayeon’s pants and shook her leg.
“Inside voice, Chaeyoung –” She glanced up at Sana. It was too late, Dahyun was stirring.
“Unnielookatthepuppy!” Chaeyoung pulled at Nayeon again and pointed.
“I see him, Chaengie-”
“HIS NAME IS DOBBY!” Tzuyu yelled, arms around Jihyo, and everyone was too shocked to correct her ‘outside voice’. Dahyun mumbled incoherently, awake now. “We please keep him!”
Nayeon’s mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. She finally got a better look at the dog as Momo brought it over to them and – oh, god, he was cute. He couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old; he looked similar to how Boo did when Momo had first brought him home. Maybe a little younger. Fit in Momo’s arms, laying back like a tiny baby. She looked up at Momo incredulously.
“You bought another dog?!” Jihyo’s voice cut through her thoughts like a knife.
“Rescued!” Momo corrected. She glanced at Sana for support, who had just walked over to join them but looked guilty as anything. “Someone abandoned him and he… he really needed a home.”
“So you thought, I don’t know, three three year olds and two dogs wasn’t enough excitement for our home!?” Jihyo was trying to keep her voice low. She was beyond angry. Even the kids could tell - Tzuyu moved from hugging her legs to hugging Nayeon’s, and Nayeon put a hand on her back.
“Technically all the kids and one of the dogs lives with Nayeon.” Momo countered.
Nayeon could have sworn steam came out of Jihyo’s ears.
“I have an idea.” Nayeon tried to sound cheery. “Why don’t we have a little nap time?”
“Nooooo I wan’a pet Dobby!” Chaeyoung frowned. Nayeon turned to Momo, who kneeled down so she was eye level with Tzuyu and Chaeng. The two girls reached out to pet Dobby delicately.
“Babygirl. I think Dobby needs a nap, too. Remember, he’s just a baby.” Momo explained. “Say goodnight to Dobby and you three can take nice nap in mine and Sana-unnie’s bed.”
“Dobby can come nap with us! Like Boo does!” Chaeyoung beamed. Dahyun let out a little whine from Sana’s arms, who was quick to shush her and kiss her head. Nayeon guessed the same fear Dahyun had towards Boo applied to Dobby, which just about made everything worse.
Momo had heard it, too, and Nayeon caught the frown that passed her features for a second. “No, baby, Dobby has to stay out here.”
The two gave her a big pout. Dahyun hid her face in Sana, the only one clearly ready for a nap. That being said, with the excitement of the day, it took only a few minutes to get them settled. Momo looked terrified as they walked back to the living room couches, still clutching the dog to herself. Sana shifted uncomfortably, but sat with an arm around Momo’s waist.
“Jihyo, he was alone. In an alley. Look at this face.” She held Dobby up. He yawned.
Jihyo just sighed and put her head in her hands. She was clearly at a loss for words.
“Momo, you can’t- these are big decisions.” Nayeon said softly. “I know.. you have a big heart and you can’t stand to see anything suffering, but… We’ve all got a lot on our plate. Maybe he should go to the shelter? He’s a puppy, he’ll definitely get adopted quick…” The betrayed look on Momo’s face and the obvious tears in her eyes made her trail off.
They were interrupted by the sound of the doorknob turning. Dahyun came wandering out, looking about as determined as three-year-olds could get.
“Unnie.” She’d said as soon as she marched up to Momo.
“Hi, baby, everything okay?” Nayeon answered for her, as Momo was trying to discretely wipe tears from her eyes.
Dahyun knit her brows, staring at the dog.
“… Can pet?” Dahyun asked in the smallest voice. “Pet Dobby?”
Nayeon’s confusion was mirrored on everyone’s face. The last time Dahyun had tried to pet a dog that wasn’t Kookeu there’d been tears for almost an hour.
“Of... Of course you can, sweet girl.” Momo whispered.
Sana met eyes with Nayeon, before picking her up and placing her in her lap, within arm’s reach of Dobby.
“Dahyunnie, remember Dobby’s just a baby.” Jihyo seemed to finally get her words back. “So he could be a little, uh, excited.”
Dahyun just nodded. Took a deep breath and stared at the dog. Sana kissed her head. Dobby was sleepy, calm in Momo’s arms, but Momo still held him a little tighter so he’d be still. Dahyun reached a little finger out and slowly ran it over the top of his back paw a few times. The dog seemed unbothered, if he felt it at all.
“Great job Dahyunnie!” Sana cooed, rubbing her back.
A smile spread on Dahyun’s face. “Soft.”
“Yes, very soft.” Momo whispered. Nayeon noted the adoration in her eyes, watching Dahyun face her fears.
Dahyun switched from essentially poking his leg to very hesitantly reaching her hand over and patting his tummy once. The dog picked its head up and looked at her curiously, and the whole room tensed as she pulled her hand back quickly. But Dahyun just mirrored the curious look and tried it again, this time rubbing his belly for a second before pulling back. She beamed up at Momo.
“I like Dobby.”
“Mmh.” She nodded, leaning her head to the side against Sana and taking a deep breath. That was enough excitement for the time being, it seemed. “Happy he’s here.”
This seemed to fill Momo with joy and sadness at the same time. Nayeon’s chest ached. She broke. There was no way they’d send this dog to the shelter now, was there? She spared a sideways glance at Jihyo, who looked deep in thought.
“Dobby is –ah. Dobby’s going to get really big. Maybe bigger than Boo.” When Dahyun didn’t react, Momo continued. “We.. Might not, uh-”
“You won’t be too afraid of Dobby once he’s bigger than Boo, right Dahyun-ah?” Jihyo interrupted her.
Dahyun shook her head. “Dobby is nice.”
“Good. It’s going to be crazy with two puppies. But it seems like we collect strays in this house.” She looked at Momo pointedly. “Dobby will be the last one for a very long time.”
Momo’s face lit up. Nayeon let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Of course! Yes!”
Jihyo just shook her head and stood. Dahyun stuck her arms out and Jihyo obliged, lifting her out of Sana’s lap and onto her hip. “But now it’s naptime. You can pet Dobby more once you’ve napped, okay?”
Dahyun nodded, hiding her face in Jihyo’s neck. As Jihyo walked her towards the bedroom, Nayeon heard the kid ask if she saw her pet Dobby. She laughed.
“You’re lucky our three-year-old just saved your ass.” Nayeon chuckled. Momo just beamed down at the puppy, now asleep in her arms.
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