#but roy has enough troubles in his life he doesnt need more angst from me
softfuzzyships ยท 4 years
roy ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ” ?? (or whoever strikes u most rn)
OH MY GOD THE LONGEST REMAINING MAN HIMSELF I still love that guy. Really. Thank u sm I'm gonna do my best, go off my....13 year old s/i but w some modifications
it's an easy set up, I'm a state alchemist who works under him. not much deeper than that at the time, I just loved the cool anime man and honestly, that was enough for me. I was a lightning alchemist cause I'm Creative and I kinda took riza's spot? even tho I do ship them also
now though, I'm a big fan of protective partners and roy would definitely be that kind. this is always the case with me, but I love running into the fray and getting my ass kicked cause I dont know any better. And I know roy would.....hate that. Most because he would be worried around the clock that I'd walk into traffic and die
But after Hughes hes despairing so bad.... which is a totally different side to him and honestly I just wanna be there to comfort him. it's kind of a shock seeing him cry and be vulnerable, but....I also love that about him. He does have a soft heart underneath all that shell and/or dumbassery. And I think thatd be a nice way to prove myself, too, that I can take things seriously, I can be there for him if he needs it. After that we're a lot closer, more trusting for sure
I havent seen the show in years so the only other major part with roy I remember is....hes fighting one of the homunculi and hes gravely wounded and doesnt have his glove, so he cant use his flames. And he winds up....cutting the alchemy circle onto his hand and using a lighter. And holy SHIT that had me shook as a kid.
I know I'd be hysterical when he came back like that, literally bleeding out on the pavement. I'd be distraught over roy, but also riza. Seeing him almost lose, as in die, is so frightening, I hoped I would never see it happen. And I'd stay upset even after hes feeling better and back on his feet, just cause losing him would have broken my heart.... I'd be clingy, admittedly, probably ask to go with him on work business even though he would be fine. But I think he might humor me also... he would like being doted on, not being the knight for once.
I think that.....this is another balancing act deal. Like roy is mostly serious, he has his goofy moments, but he does his job and does it well. Hes a good leader, he takes care of his friends and comrades, he does care even if it's a little hard to tell. At the beginning, I'd be afraid of him. Hes an authority and I'm a fool, so....you can see how that goes. But as the respect grows I think he would at least see me as someone who can hold their own in battle and who he can trust to have his back
I'm also a very affectionate person to him though, and hes....more reserved. I love to snuggle and hug and hold hands, hes probably more like, cheek kisses or just holding hands to walk down the street. But with time I could definitely see him being warmer, he would be okay being dorky and loving in front of others. It's all about time, here. It's a slow burn relationship
At the end of the day it's the fact that you get to come home to someone you love that really matters here. Roy is so tired, he works hard, hes been through a lot. And he needs someone who understands and wont ask questions, who will just be there to keep him warm and safe for a little while. And on the flip side, he doesnt mind being the protector, really, since he already is with his squad. But having someone he loves is something different to fight for, and that counts for a lot
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