#but rn everything is just a jumble of conspiracies lol
the-crimson · 1 year
ok I am cooking a very interesting pattern is being revealed with Pomme and Ramon’s reversed deaths. This is 100% tin foil hat conspiracy territory and lmao
This got long so under a cut it goes :P
Both of these deaths were recalled because the admin controlling the entity “broke the rules” and both times, no streamer was able to see the entity. In Ramon’s case, no one was present. In Pomme’s case, the entity was invisible.
It... seems very odd to me that the rules that were broken were broken. Do not enter egg’s reinforced room and don’t use god killing weapon are pretty straight forward. In Ramon’s case, I can see it being an accident as the code admin could have teleported to Ramon not thinking he’d be in the room only to find that he was and Ramon’s admin instinctively went “ah monster time to flee” and ran outside where he was fair game. But the admin actively choosing to use a god killing weapon that they knew was off limits does not seem like an accident.
Pomme’s death was planned to a degree. The quests were designed to separate the players and potentially leave the eggs vulnerable. There were many times where Pomme would be alone and vulnerable to attack be it her and one of her parents during the boat race, separated from everyone else while racing, or the water drop where everyone had to climb up a precarious ladder to the height limit and jump down. There are plenty of opportunities for Pomme to be alone and vulnerable during that time. The entity just got lucky when Pomme went through the teleporter alone and took that opportunity.
Additional evidence that Ramon and Pomme’s deaths are linked. The entity attacked when the eggs were alone/separated from their parents. The eggs had no chance of surviving the encounter: in ramon’s case, he was truly alone; in Pomme’s case, god weapon + Invis. No additional monsters were spawned during the attack. These felt much more like assassinations than attacks meant to instill fear.
The Binary Entity’s motive has been very clear for a while, and was even more blatant with the ARG being solved. One of the first things it ever said was “LEAVE” it said in the chat to BBH and Maximus when attacking Dapper ages ago. The ARG revealed a message from the Binary Entities that they do not want death but will not stop until the players leave the island. Their actions have a clear motive even if the why is unknown for now. They want to instill fear in the players so they leave the island.
Every time it has attacked in the past has felt like a reminder for the players that they are not safe. It targets the eggs while they are with their parents so their parents can watch helplessly as their child is slaughtered. Plus, the Binary Entities only start targeting the eggs when the players start getting complacent. No one is actively trying to find a way off the island (BBH is the exception but he keeps getting distracted with other lore lol). The Binary Entities have a clear pattern. Take an egg’s life. Wait a few days to a week to see if the players are going to try to leave. They do not, so it attacks again, reminding them again. It is sending a clear message.
The message Ramon and Pomme’s deaths tell is different. There is nothing the players could have done to save Ramon or Pomme, not at the time. (with their current strategies, they could have saved Ramon but at the time there was nothing they could do) This isn’t a reminder of, hey you need to get off the island, its a statement that nothing they can do will save their children.
Additionally, it is VERY interesting that the entity that killed Pomme waited to attack until she wasn’t alone. According to Phil, Pomme was alone when he came through the teleport. The entity could have attacked Pomme then, when there were no witnesses, but there is an important story telling thing here. If no streamer was present, we would not know that entity’s attack patterns were ENTIRELY different from the Binary Entity. That feels very intentional.
Whether there were players present or not, Pomme would have died. There was nothing anyone could have done to prevent that. Why wait, then. From a story telling pov, the admin waited until other players were present so they could observe how different the attack played out. Even without the god killing sword, the entity did not change the day/night cycle, it didn’t summon any additional mobs, and it was invisible. Under those circumstances, Pomme was pretty much fucked regardless of the op weapon. The entity needed a witness because it is NOT the binary entity.
Then we have Cucorucho’s message to Phil “WHAT DID YOU SEE TODAY :)” and I feel like that almost confirms it. Cucorucho has shown in the past that it wants the players to figure out the Federation’s shenanigans to a degree. It encouraged BBH to ask questions and allowed Cellbit to infiltrate the Federation and get word to Richas. It wants them to figure things out. Cucorucho asking this question to Philza, the sole witness of the attack, feels incredibly important. Cucorucho is pointing out that there is more to this attack then meets the eye. Or it is just mocking him I don’t know lol.
Also, it seems evident the Federation has some say on which deaths are cannon or not and this comes from Bobby’s death and farewell. They were the ones to reveal that Bobby was really gone. They were the ones with the power to “resurrect” dead eggs for a short time and - in Juanfillipa’s case - for good.
Ok, bringing this all back around to Pomme’s assassination. The admin playing the entity chose to use a banned weapon, meaning the death would be reversed regardless of the outcome. The death completely blind sided the players present because there was no warning and nothing they could do to prevent it. The Federation has control over which egg deaths are “real”. That day, Cucorucho suddenly started showing interest in keeping the eggs “safe” via its agreement with Jaiden.
The Federation knew the binary entities are targeting Pomme to make the players leave the island, which they do not want. The Federation doesn’t want the players to leave and starts showing interest in helping them directly protect the eggs on the same day something assassinated Pomme in a manor that could not have been prevented by almost any means. The message is clear.
“The Binary Entity has evolved and you cannot defend against it alone. You need us.”
From a meta pov, I do not think using the op weapon was an accident. I think it was used so that this death would be reversed. This death was a threat and a warning to the players from the Federation, using their fear and hatred of the Binary Entity to push them closer to the Federation’s clutches.
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artlessictoan · 7 years
so.. wanted was pretty damn great wasn’t it? it actually got me wanting to write out some thoughts on the whole Pink Diamond thing!
(under the cut bc wanted spoilers)
okokok so obviously there’s something more going on with PD’s death than what we’ve seen so far, there’re a lot of holes in the story we’ve been told, but I honestly think that this is more of a misdirection than a revelation. after having so much focus and conflict on this one event, after everything Steven’s gone through with trying to accept that Rose was a flawed being with a dark past… idk maybe it’s just me but it’d feel really cheap if after all that the writers just pulled a “lol nOPE!” and relieved her of all guilt, so at this point in time I still wanna believe that, yes Rose did shatter PD, though I could definitely see a larger conspiracy going on with the other Diamonds/Pink Pearl/PD’s court (not that I have any idea who or how deep it goes rn, I kinda like the idea that maybe there were some other members of PD’s court who helped Rose slip past guards and looked the other way, with Pink Pearl ((our Pearl??)) playing a big role)
as for the “how could a quartz shatter a diamond?” thing….. like it’s pretty common knowledge that irl diamonds are really brittle, yeah they’re the hardest known natural mineral, but you can easily break one with a regular hammer. sure this is a cartoon and they already take a lot of liberties with real physics and such, but idk I just think it’d be pretty cool if it’s actually pretty easy to shatter a diamond, it’s just that no one had ever thought to try it before, bc Diamonds are perfect flawless beings so how could they ever be so easy to kill, why would you even bother trying (and if this is the case it’d be interesting to find out more of Rose’s thought process, was she as shocked as everyone else when PD shattered, or did she suspect it might work beforehand? do the Diamonds themselves know how fragile they are? how much chaos would this knowledge cause on HW?)
idk this is less a theory than some jumbled thoughts but I’d love to hear what other people think might’ve happened!
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