#but rinnie .. oh my god i am INSANE
itoshi-s · 2 years
ZARI ZARI ZARIIIIII we are one step closer to seeing rin animated and that motivates me everyday SOBBB I BEG PLSSS I NEED TO HEAR HIS VOICE whew anyways pls take this <333
KAYLAAAAA MY LOVE <3 eeeeeeeeeek i am SOOOOOO excited the way im literally havin butterflies right now !!!! i feel like a lovesick puppy ajfhka i NEEEEEEED to see him ! HEAR HIM ! @_@ i will eat my laptop whole when he comes on akjfhsalk i will go RABID !
plsssssss the way they animated their eyes .. SO PRETTY !!!!!! i am PRAYING they do rin's eyelashes well this ep </3 cause look at him !! ughhhhhhh kayla u are KILLING MEEEEE
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-12)
Word count: 5.4K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: Feels, pining, fluff ;)
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: I am so excited to see what you think of this chapter! I haven’t made a secret of the fact that this is one of my absolute favorite chapters. I had a lot of fun writing it <3
The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​​. You are a goddess. I love you <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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Sam regretted it the moment he stepped into the bar. The lights were dim, the music was hip and it was too full of people. What was more, a lot of those faces seemed familiar. Maybe he had seen them around the campus?
Sam found a corner booth, away from the bar counter and the pool table. It was isolated and about as quiet as any table was going to get. He drew out his phone and texted Jody.
“I’m here. Where are you?”
Sighing, he locked the screen on his phone. Sam was beyond exhausted. He had stayed up the night, driven for close to twelve hours in total to and fro from LA, and went cut to cut with one of the fiercest attorneys he had ever met. At least, James was out for good. The look on his face at the sight of Sam had been worth everything. Sam had been so scared that he wouldn’t be able to get the kid out. Now that he had, all he wanted to do was fall in bed and not wake up till Sunday. 
Even as that thought took shape, he knew he was lying to himself. More than anything, he wanted to find Y/N and thank her for her help last night, let her know how the hearing went. If someone at Acton Gris had helped him, he would have taken them along for the hearing because the effort deserved it. A part of him had wanted to ask Y/N. She would be allowed, since she was a law student accompanying the attorney, but Sam didn’t think he could handle being in her presence for so long. Besides, she’d had classes in the morning. Either way, she deserved to know the verdict. He had contemplated emailing her, then thought better of it. Maybe he would drop by at the library to see if it was her shift. It was only 12. The library would be open for at least two more hours.
He banished the thought as quickly as it appeared, though, physically shaking his head. He needed to factor in the consideration that she probably didn’t want to keep running into him all the time.
His phone pinged. It was Jody letting him know that Alex was yet to get home from some party of her own and that she would be late, if she came at all. 
Fantastic. Simply fantastic.
He should have just gone to bed. Being in bars at midnight? He was too old for this. It had been Jody’s idea to begin with! She was the one who had made plans for the weekend and was standing him up now.
“Professor Winchester?”
Sam groaned internally before seeing who had called him. It was a glimmeringly clad freshman from his class. 
Could the evening get any worse? He had to run into his students.
“Ohmygosh! I can’t believe you’re here,” gushed the girl. Sam vaguely remembered that her name was Staten.
The other girl whose name Sam didn’t know at all nodded vigorously. “You’re so cool!”
Both of them were bright eyed and obviously tipsy. That was a combination for trouble if Sam had ever seen one. 
He got up. “Nice to see you ladies,” he said sliding out of the booth. “I’m going to step out for just a second. Y’all have fun.”
“Mr. Winchester,” one of them called, but Sam was out the back door. Few years of teaching had taught him enough in that department. During his early days, years ago, when he first started as a visiting faculty, he would insist that the class call him by his first name. He had been ignorant about how it came across and only after a couple of students had made a pass at him had he grown wary and stuck to being addressed by his last name. It never got less weird, having people address him as ‘Mr. Winchester,’ but he was used to it now.
Stepping outside, Sam breathed in the cold air, wondering again what the hell he was doing here.
He pulled out his phone and dialed Jody.
She picked up on the second ring. “I’m so sorry, Sam!” She apologised profusely. “Alex’s tyre gave out and she’s stranded a couple miles out.”
“Shit. Do you want me to pick her up?”
“No, it’s alright,” she reassured. “She’ll feel awful about you driving out to get her. I’m heading out now. Please just wait a little longer. I feel horrible about keeping you waiting, especially since it was my idea.”
He looked at the watch. It was quarter past twelve. “Jody…” he sighed.
“Okay, wait for just fifteen more minutes,” she bargained. “If I’m not there by then, you can go home and I’ll owe you drinks for the rest of the year.”
“Rest of your life, and we have a deal,” Sam smiled despite himself. “Okay. Fifteen minutes.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” She said, clearly amused. “That’s how you become a good lawyer. Okay, Fine.”
Sam laughed.
“You know I love you, Winchester.”
“I know you do!”
Sam put the phone back in his pocket. He wouldn’t have known what to do with his life if Jody hadn’t stepped in and taught him how to look after another person who was solely dependent on him. She was the best friend and mentor he could have asked for.
He slid back inside the bar, determined to avoid any and each student he saw. Especially the drunk ones. Luck was on his side. The whole freshman gang had moved to the pool table, removed from the main area. This late he would have expected the crowd to thin out, but hoards of people were on the dance floor moving their bodies to the rhythm of the song. Taking advantage of the crowd, Sam went over to the bar counter.
“Jack. Neat!” He asked the woman behind the counter. She had long dark hair and a mischievous smile.
“Coming right up, handsome!” She winked.
Sam smiled awkwardly as she slid the glass.
“Hey, Mister! Repeat this one!”
Sam’s head snapped in the direction of the voice. It was loud and bossy and Y/N’s.
“Y/N?” The bartender in front of him squinted at the girl two benches from him, clearly surprised.
Sam would have moved sooner, but he was awestruck at the sight of her. Y/N was wearing a silky, satiny top that was cut low and clung to her body like a second skin over tight jeans and heeled boots. Her hair cascaded over her bare shoulders like a nymph’s. Sam’s throat went dry.
The bartender rushed over to her. “Christ, Y/N!” she said. “What’re you doing here?”
Y/N looked at her with wide, surprised eyes. “Pam! OH MY GOD, PAM! It’s you! 
“Yes, I work here,” the bartender, whose name was apparently Pam, said. “Rob, how much has she had to drink?”
The guy shrugged. “One vodka, three tequillas. I don’t know about before.”
“Y/N?” Pam patted Y/N’s face. “Are you by yourself?”
“Kinda!” Y/N giggled, tossing her hair back in a smooth flip. Sam’s heartbeat spiked at the sight. He absolutely couldn’t wrench his eyes away.
Y/N bent over the counter, then jerked her thumb at the freshman gang and whispered conspiratorially. “I’m with those guys over there, but I don’t think they care if I wander off. Can I tell you a secret? Most of them are douchebags anyway.”
“Rob!” Pam barked. “Do we have a standby? Rinny? Or just anyone else?”
“It’s just us tonight.”
“Well, fuck!” Pam swore.
“Y/N, honey,” she tried to get Y/N to listen to her, but Y/N was already trying to sit up on the bar, blowing kisses at Pam. “You’re the best, Pam. Just the absolute best and I love how much you love my cookies.”
“Everyone loves your cookies, honey, but you need to get down.”
“Okay… Okay,” Y/N winked. She slipped as she tried to get down from the counter. Reflexively Sam moved, catching her before she crashed to the ground.
“I got you, don’t worry,” he said in a low voice only to her and she looked up at him with wide confused eyes. 
“Hey, get your hands off of her, Mister.” Pam hissed, looking scarily angry. “I said, let go of her. Right now.”
Sam did so immediately, but Y/N didn’t let go of his shirt. “I know her,” he tried to explain to Pam, who looked like she was on the verge of calling the bouncers.
“Yeah, that’s right, you know her,” Pam grimaced. “Very believable.”
“I swear, I know her,” Sam said, wildly trying to explain. “Her name’s Y/N Y/L/N. She’s a law student at the university. First year, hails from Kansas and feels insanely cold.” Sam started spewing random facts he could think of. “Her favourite book is To kill a mockingbird. She bakes amazing muffins-”
She likes her coffee with very little milk, is scared of ducks and has a birthmark in the middle of her lower back. She likes listening to classical music and waking up early…
Meanwhile, Y/N was still looking at him in wonderment, shushing herself.
“How do you know all that about her?” Pam looked at him with suspicion and mingled curiosity.
“I’m her-” it hurt to say- “ her friend.”
She still didn’t look completely convinced.
“Y/N?” Pam asked the girl in Sam’s arms. “You know this man?”
Don’t be that far gone, Sam prayed internally. Please don’t be that far gone.
“Pfftt,” Y/N scoffed, with such force that she lost her footing again. “It’s Sam! I’d sooner forget myself than not know him! What sort of dumb question is this?”
She had said his name. It had caressed her lips. Was it even possible to be jealous of your own name?
Pam  raised her eyebrows.
“Look,” she said, “I can’t leave my shift to drop her home and no one I can call will be up this late. Y/N clearly knows you. Do you think you can drop her home?”
“I-I don’t know where she stays!”
Pam quickly wrote down an address. “It’s just a couple blocks away. I’m going to call her cell in a while, so you better not try anything funny.”
Sam wanted to roll his eyes, but he was too terrified at the prospect of being left alone with Y/N. He glanced around to see a couple of looks coming their way.
“Yeah, I’ll take her,” he said finally. “The hangover will hit her hard in a while, it’s better that she’s home then. Trust me, I know.”
Pam took one look from his face to Y/N wrapped around his torso. “Thanks, man.”
He nodded and then slowly guided Y/N out. “C’mon. Let’s get you home.”
“You know where I live?” She asked, tilting her head to one side.
“I do now.” Fortunately or unfortunately it was right next to Sam’s street. 
He adjusted her so that she was tucked under his side. Her fingers were still boldly clutching at his undershirt, sending shocks of sensation throughout his body. 
“This way, c’mon,” He guided her forward.
“Stop pushing me. I. Can’t. Walk. Any. Faster!” She whined. “These shoes suck.”
“Okay, let’s just sit for a while.” He slowly steered her to a bench on the street. It wasn’t right outside the bar, hence, out of clear view. Sam lowered her onto the bench and she promptly pulled her feet up, trying to slide the zipper on her shoes. They honestly looked like a death trap of sorts. The zipper stuck out adamantly as she yanked at it with all her might.
Hands trembling, he caught hold of hers. “Wait. Let me.”
Slowly, with a steadier hand, Sam dragged down the zippers on both her shoes- carefully, to not touch her skin- freeing her feet. She drew into herself, massaging the reddened skin on the arch and the back of her heel. 
“Stupid Meg,” she muttered. “Shouldn’t have let her put me in these.” 
She massaged her toes. “It hurts.”
“Will you let me take a look at it?” He asked hesitantly. Y/N twisted her body and put both her feet straight into his lap. 
“Here! Look all you want.”
Her hair was fluttering lightly in the wind and despite the chill, she wasn’t reaching for the leather jacket. Looking at her was like looking at the sun. He wanted to, but couldn’t, because it hurt at the same time. The satin of her blouse was kissing her soft skin in all the right places.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Y/N teased collusively. She scooted closer, almost sitting completely in his lap now. “Can I tell you a secret? I think about it, too.”
Sam pushed her away lightly and God it hurt to do it, but she wasn’t in her senses right now. Sober, she wouldn’t have wanted any of this.
“We should get you home!” He said in a tight voice.
“No!” She was adamant. “Why are you in such a hurry to get away from me?”
Oh the irony. “You were the one who left me, Y/N.” 
Y/N not having heard a word of it was scooting closer to him again. She laid her head on his shoulder, and snaked her arms around his waist. Sam stilled, not even daring to breathe.
“Let’s just stay here forever. You and me.” She laughed all of a sudden. “This is literally the best dream I’ve ever had. I can actually feel you.” She hugged him tighter to prove her point. “See?”
“Is this what your dreams are made up of?” 
“The good ones, yeah,” she sighed tiredly. “But mostly they’re just bad and I’m cold and there’s so much water, Sam. There was so much water.”
Suddenly she started shivering and Sam pulled the jacket over her shoulders.
She looked up with tears in her eyes. “Sam, the water! And there’s so much glass. It hurts.”
A deep pain and grief that he hadn’t felt in years threatened to swallow Sam whole. “Oh, baby,” he said, at last throwing his arms around her. “It’s not real. It happened a long time ago.”
“I can’t breathe. There’s too much water.” Her words were slow and slurred. Despite that, the picture she painted was horrifying.
The memories all flashed before his eyes like it had happened yesterday. But he refused to go under. Not now.
Sam allowed himself to comfort her and be comforted by her. In this one thing, they were together. He held her as close as he had dreamed for years, yet not truly believing that this was actually happening. She smelled just the same, and the way her body curved into his hadn’t changed at all.
Sam held her like that for an immeasurable time. It felt both like an eternity and mere seconds all at once. A crazed traveller wouldn’t be more desperate for an Oasis than Sam felt for her touch. And knowing that this would end soon, that these were stolen moments made it heaven and hell at the same time.
“Y/N,” he tried again. “We need to get you home.” I need to get you home.
She didn’t reply.
“Are you asleep?”
“Yes!” She muttered and in spite everything Sam had to stifle a laugh. 
She had no footwear on, after getting herself out of those insane shoes. Sam removed his flip flops and slid them under her feet. They were way too big, but it was better than nothing. 
“Up you come.” He hoisted her slowly to her feet.
“Whoa!” She said, “everything is spinning so fast.”
“Just hold on to me. The spinning will go away.” He guided her slowly. “This way now.”
Her grasp on his shoulder slipped, pulling his shirt down with him.
“Oooohhh fancy,” she snickered, trying to touch the thin chain around his neck.
Sam fixed his shirt with the other hand so it wasn’t visible. She didn’t need to know.
It must look absurd, the two of them walking down the street. Sam, barefoot, carrying a pair of her heels in one hand and holding her by the waist with the other. Meanwhile, Y/N was humming lightly to herself, giggling at silly things, slipping and sliding in his flip flops.
At long last, they reached the address that Pam had given. Sam knew the building, he walked past it everyday to get home. The building had a solid, high compound wall, covered in vines. Keeping a tight hold on Y/N, he pushed the wrought iron gate. It creaked as it opened, leaving Sam staring at a beautiful front yard. There was curving shrubbery around the small circular garden and a mermaid shaped fountain flowing water in a circular basin with seating around it.
“Hahahaaa Judgy Judy isn’t too pleased with us,” Y/N told him sagely. “She hates people who drink even more than people who turn up late.”
“Why did you drink anyway?” He asked. “You don’t even like doing it.”
Y/N broke off, stumbling into the path. She glared at him. “Oh, so it’s okay for you to go out on dates with other people but it’s not okay for me to drink?”
That’s what she thought? That he had been in the bar for a date? Was that why she had drank?
Sam’s mind was reeling. If what she was saying was true, it meant that it mattered to her what Sam did or didn’t do with his life. Unless she still cared.
“You really think I would do that?” Abruptly, he was angry. If she cared enough to be mad with him, why had she left him to begin with?
Y/N had already moved on from the conversation. She was staring up at the mermaid’s face.
“Sam? You remember that time we went to the fair and rode the ferris wheel?”
He did remember. “You fainted immediately after.”
“Yeah, this feels exactly like that…” Y/N staggered on the spot and Sam rushed to catch her. The minute his hands found her arm, she threw up spectacularly on the front of his shirt, retching till there wasn’t anything left. Then, she promptly passed out in his arms.
He stood there for a second, looking about him, but no help was going to arrive at 2 in the night.
This was bad, very very bad. He had hoped to drop her home and then go back to his own place to wallow about how unfair the world was. What was he supposed to do now?
He had no clue if she stayed by herself. He couldn’t just leave her by herself when she was sick.
Slowly, he led her to the seating around the fountain. She laid down on it, groaning lightly.  
Sam removed his shirt, bundled it up and using some of the water from the fountain, wiped the puke from his jeans and Y/N’s feet along with his flip flops. Then he bent down and swooped her in his arms, carrying her inside the building. Getting into the lift and to her apartment was easy enough. Wrestling the key out of the purse and then unlocking the door all the while supporting her wasn’t so much.
It was pretty clear to Sam that there was no one else in the apartment when he entered. All that noise would have brought someone out by now. He barely looked at the living room, before laying Y/N down on the sofa there. There was a kitchenette to the right side. Sam poured a glass of water, added a spoon of sugar and a pinch of salt after looking through the jars. He walked back to where Y/N was curled up on the sofa and coaxed her to drink it.
She made a face, refusing to take a sip.
“Trust me, you’ll thank me tomorrow.”
She was so stubborn sometimes. “Please? For me?”
“For you?” Her expression was guileless, it was almost his undoing, but Sam pushed on. “Yes, for me.”
She took the glass from him and downed it in one go, distaste clear on her expression.
The phone started ringing right when she put the glass down. Sam had to fish it from her purse. The caller ID read ‘Pamela Barnes.’
“Here,” Sam handed the phone to Y/N. “It’s for you.”
“Hello!” She sang. “Yeah, yeah… I’m home…”
Sam didn’t hang around for the rest of the conversation. He returned the glass to the kitchen and made more of the Sugar-salt solution in a bottle.
Y/N was idly playing with a lock of her hair.
“Can we go to bed now? Please?” She mumbled drowsily.
“You,” Sam stressed “are going to bed. Which one is your room?”
Sleepily, she pointed towards the door next to the kitchenette. He lifted her once more in his arm, thinking how bizarre all of this was as he walked towards the room. It felt nothing short of euphoric to hold her like this, like he was on some sort of wild once in a lifetime adventure, even if touching her like this used to be normal for him once upon a time. He gently laid her down on the bed. She stretched out on the sheets immediately, a smile on her lips.
He could have stared and stared. Sam decided to take one long look at her, memorising the exact color of her hair, the fullness of her lips and the rhythm of her breaths. Just as he turned to leave, Y/N’s hand shot out to grab the hem of his T-shirt.
“Why? Why did it happen to us?” She said, her face drawn in lines of anguish. “We were good people. You still are. Then, why?”
Sam took a deep breath. “Because life isn’t fair. You of all people should know that by this point. And I’ve hardly been a good person since.” 
“Shhhhh….” She put a finger to her lip. “You’re the best, Sam. You always have been.”
“Then why did you leave me? Why couldn’t you trust me enough to stay? Have enough faith in me to know that I could make it okay for us? I loved you more than anything, Y/N. And you left me anyway.” He knew full well that she wouldn’t remember a thing in the morning, she was barely even listening now. So how did it matter what he said?
“Don’t go,” she moaned. 
“Y/N… you know I can’t stay.”
“Please… Nothing’s right when you’re not here.”
In an odd twisted way, it was the truth. Nothing was right when she wasn’t with him.
“Please, Sam,” she sighed. “Don’t leave me. Promise me.”
He gave in. How could he not? “I promise,” he said finally. “I’ll stay tonight.” 
She smiled contentedly and her breathing evened out soon after.
Slowly, Sam disentangled his t-shirt from his grip.
In the bathroom, he washed his bundled up shirt, cleaning it completely, then used it to wash off whatever was left on his jeans and t-shirt. Thankfully, Y/N’s clothes hadn’t been spoilt and didn’t need any cleaning. The apartment had a beautiful balcony that overlooked the garden below. He hung his shirt on the railing to dry it in the breeze. 
Sam checked on Y/N once more under the guise of placing the water bottle next to her bed. She was splayed wildly now. The straps of her blouse had slid further down her arm, revealing the tops of her breasts. He looked away. As lightly as he could, Sam freed the covers from beneath her and drew them over her, tucking her comfortably underneath them. Then he made his way to the living room sofa, closing Y/N’s bedroom door after her. 
The sofa was much too small to accommodate him, but Sam managed to lie on his back, legs folded and body wedged between the two armrests. After a while of twisting and turning, he rested his head on one armrest and threw his legs over the other, staring at the apartment walls and decorations. Most of it was too delicate, like the filigree on the curtains and the carved screens dividing part of the kitchenette from the rest of the living room. That certainly wasn’t Y/N’s taste. Either it came with the apartment or her room mate had put it there. There were some things, however, that were distinctly Y/N- the flowers and plants in the balcony, the solid wood coffee stand and the classy oven. The little China decorating the kitchen bar must’ve been her grandmothers. Nothing… absolutely nothing in the house proved that he had ever played a part in her life. Sam decidedly curbed the disappointment and bitterness he felt.
So, she had moved on from him. Hadn’t the past month taught him as much? 
A month ago he wouldn’t have believed that he’d end up a room away from a very drunk Y/N. So close, yet so far. He closed his eyes, recalling how it felt to have her arms around his waist, feel the press of her body against his as he lifted her in his arms. He could live out the rest of his life holding onto those memories, even if it never happened again, even if she never remembered it…
“Who the fuck are you?”
Sam’s eyes snapped open. A girl was standing over him with a ferocious expression.
He sat up groggily, disoriented about his surroundings. Who was this girl?
“I asked who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my apartment?”
Sam groaned, blinking his eyes in the still dark room. “I’m Sam. I helped Y/N home last night.”
“Where’s she? Is she okay?” 
The shift in her tone was sudden, from angry to concerned.
“Yeah, she’s fine,” Sam yawned. “She just had too much to drink.”
“And how do you know her?”
“I’m her- “ It physically ached to not say it. “I’m her… friend.”
The girl, who Sam assumed was her roommate, Meg, raised an eyebrow. “Friend, huh? How come she’s never talked about you before?”
Because she doesn’t care anymore.
Suddenly Sam was very tired. “Look, I’ve known her since a long time. We lost touch a while ago. I met her at college.”
Meg didn’t seem very convinced. She harrumphed and crossed her arms.
“I’m going to head out, now that you’re back,” he said, standing up and straightening his back. It was completely screwed. He walked over to the balcony and retrieved his now dried shirt. Meg eyed it dubiously.
“You didn’t try anything with her, did you?”
Again, the irony of someone else being concerned that he of all people would try to harm Y/N twisted his mouth into a bitter smirk.
“Look, mister…” Meg started and Sam put his hands up. He was too exhausted to hold this argument. 
“I just put her to bed. That’s all,” he said. “Heads up, she has terrible hangovers. You might want to keep the bathroom accessible and the Advil ready.”
With that he stalked out of the room. 
It wasn’t a long walk to his home from there, barely even five minutes, but Sam’s head was buzzing with thoughts. Last night everything had been so hurried and he was the only one who could have helped her out. But what now?
He and Y/N had barely started talking. He still didn’t know what was going on in her head. Last night had changed all of that, at least for him. If it had been hard to not think about her before, it was damn well impossible now. She was consuming his every thought, shadowing every emotion. What if she remembered everything she had said last night? What if she’d actually meant those things?
“Don’t go” 
“Please… Nothing’s right when you’re not here.”
“Please, Sam, Don’t leave me. Promise me.”
Each time his name had fallen off her lips, it was like she was resurrecting his long dead heartbeat. He wanted to dare, he wanted to hope and believe that there was some chance.
But what if she didn’t remember anything at all? Sam knew that he would die inside if that happened. It was one thing to not feel hope, and another altogether to kill it with one's own hands. 
His mind was a cacophony of noises and emotions all warring against each other as he reached his house. On the door steps, sat a solitary figure, waiting for him.
The sky was just starting to lighten. What was she doing here?
He frowned at her, wondering what on earth could have brought her here this early in the morning. She stared back evenly; there was none of the usual warmth in her eyes, instead they were full of distrust and disappointment.
“Jody, is everything okay?” 
“You tell me, Winchester,” she said, coming to stand right next to him, her stature severe.
“I-I don’t know what you mean.”
“Really?” She spat. “Don’t you think you’ve been acting differently? At first I thought, being by yourself was getting to you.”
“Jody, I seriously don’t understand.”
“Fine I’ll cut to the chase. Where were you last night?”
It was the last thing Sam had expected. He couldn't tell her the truth. Where would he even start with the truth? “I was-”
She raised her hand and Sam flinched at the hostile expression on her face. “Save it, Sam. I know exactly what you were doing last night. I saw you sitting on the bench outside the bar with that girl.”
Sam jerked upright.
“I’ve known you for years, Sam. Years. I taught you everything I knew. I’ve never been prouder of any student I’ve had and this is what you do with all that trust? This is how you abuse your power?”
Her words rang louder than they should have in Sam’s ears. “Jody-”
“Don’t even try to make excuses. At first, when I saw her in your office, I didn’t think anything of it. Sure, she looked close to tears, but a lot of freshmen are always anxious. But then I saw you in the library with her. The way you looked at Y/N? That’s not how a teacher looks at their student!” Jody looked disgusted. “And tonight? Y/N was clearly drunk, for Christ’s sake! How can you possibly justify the way you were holding her?”
“Because she’s my WIFE!” He shouted, breathing hard, feeling the heat coming off of his face. “I married her and I love her!” 
It was beyond cathartic to finally say those words out loud. Up until this point Sam hadn’t realised that since he had seen Y/N in his class, those very words had been strangling him, poisoning him. Now that he had finally said them, the strength in his legs gave away. He sat down on the steps with a thud.
Jody’s face had gone very white. “Sam…”
“Tonight was nothing more than me helping a girl who needed it. Nothing more than that,” he said through gritted teeth, blinking rapidly at the wetness on his lashes. “You know I respect you, Jody, but even you don’t get to tell me if I can hold my own wife.”
She sat down next to him, now at a complete loss of words. “Is this the same girl…?”
Sam nodded, unable to form words.
“Sam, I’m so sorry,” she said, drawing him close. “I didn’t know. You should have said something.”
“Said what?” He said through a thick throat, angry with himself for showing weakness now when he had held it together for so long. “That my wife who walked out on me years ago because she didn't trust me to save our marriage is suddenly back? As my student after six years? Is that what I should have declared when I didn’t even know if she wanted to see my face? Is that what I should’ve said?”
“Oh, you sweet boy. I’m so sorry,” Jody ran her hands over his shoulders. “Sorry that you’ve been suffering and sorry that I doubted you at all. You don’t need to say anything now. C’mere.”
Firmly she drew him towards her and threw her arms around his neck. Sam hugged back, closing his eyes tightly so that the tears rolled over into the cotton of her shirt.
“Shhhh…” she said. “It’s going to be alright.”
Sam didn’t know if there was any truth in her words, but he allowed himself to be comforted, allowed himself to draw some warmth from his oldest friend here. Allowed himself to start healing.
A/N 2: *Wiggles eyebrows* Who all saw it coming? ;)
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GIF Credit (It wouldn’t let me put it before the cut :/)
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itoshi-s · 2 years
girlie you are the most correct rin runs oh so warm. count your prayers this winter that you can cut back on heating costs bc your boyfie is a walking furnace no joke. poor baby has to wear loose muscle tanks and shorts at home so he can be comfy and not sweat up a storm tragic :((( but you are most definitely not complaining at the free eye candy, especially not when he pries his shirt off (all sexy and smooth in one motion tugging it down from his back) and you’re rewarded with the sight of his well defined pecs and washboard abs glistening with a thin sheen of sweat i am going insane…. 😋 he most definitely only sleeps in boxers and you take the opportunity to latch onto him every night like a koala to soak in his warmth<333 (he pretends to grumble about it but secretly loves it)
on the other hand sae is a REPTILE his body is just naturally cold. keeps him cool in the summer but when the temperature starts to drop he’s immediately back to wearing his trusty thermal compression fits (half his wardrobe is just those lmfao) the team in madrid definitely made fun of him for wearing gloves when it’s barely even autumn until he kicks their ass what a show off. but that means he def gravitates towards your natural body heat!! always has his hands on you in some way, tucked in your pocket, caressing your waist or hips under your shirt (or cupping your ass and resting it on your titties 👀🤭) one night where he was especially exhausted from practice and just fricking cold he silently crawled under your oversized sweater until his head was resting on your chest and he was fully body straddling you, the hair at the top of his head tickling your chin stop im making myself cry :(((( you immediately stock up on more oversized hoodies afterwards sigh I WANT THEEMMMMMM
OOOHH my god riv !!! :,( YOUR BRAIN IS SO BIG I CANNOT DEAL W TJIS !!!!! it’s 100000% canon kaneshiro told me himself !
yep rinnie poor baby !!:( he’s always so warm, going absolutely crazy when the heatwaves strike !!!! takes his showers icy cold bc 1) they’re good for ur health and help him wake up in the morning 2) it cools him down at least a bit ! he DEFINITELY parades around the house nearly naked alsnskks gives u a whole show with the way his muscles flex with the tiniest movements !</3 his hugs feel SOOOOO good though because he’s just so incredibly warm …..large hands rubbing up n down your back and it feels so heavenly @_@
SAEEEEEEE OH GAWD he’s so cute !!!!!! whenever the temp drops he immediately gets the cutest reddened cheeks !! </3 AND HIS LIL NOSE PLS ! you tease him a lot abt it but you ain’t laughing no more when he slides his ICY cold hands under your shirt !!!!! also yep he def gets veryyy handsy! he just needs to warm them up a bit :( but his touch feels so nice, you don’t mind at all ! he’s def a bit self conscious about it at first, though - cuz his hands are always freezing and feel WAAYYYY too cold, he doesn’t want it to feel uncomfortable :( but he notices you don’t pay it any attention, only shiver a bit then give him the sweetest smile - cause you love feeling his hands on you <3 HES SUCH A BIG BABY…….. curls up on top of u like a lil cat ! hums into your chest abt how you’re so warm and feel so good !!!!!
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