#but right now I'm obsessed with a 9 year old video game
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brionysea · 4 months ago
getting a new obsession with a piece of media is the best because suddenly every song in the world is about some beautiful deranged fictional woman who has consumed you mind and soul
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harborpointeblvd · 2 years ago
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
No one's ever asked me this before! I only came up with 9. It's hard to think of many that have stood the test of time, because my ADHD brain tends to become super obsessed with a piece of media for three months and then lose interest. But here goes. This is mostly gonna be stuff I have never talked about on this blog.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series) - I can't tell you why I like Buffy. I generally don't like vampire shows or any kind of "sexy monster" shows. When I'm looking for webcomics, I automatically skip over anything that has vampires in the description. And I don't like any other Joss Whedon shows. There's just something special about Buffy, I guess?
The Twilight Zone (1960s TV series) - When I was a kid, we used to watch the Twilight Zone marathon on the Scifi channel every New Years. I remember the first episode I ever watched was "Third From the Sun", and my little 8-year-old brain was blown away by the twist ending. A lot of it is super cheesy, but the series is just really nostalgic for me.
Forensic Files - I used to make fun of my sister for her "murder porn" and then I sat down and watched with her one time, and I got sucked into this story about a woman who was wrongly imprisoned for poisoning her baby (who actually died from a rare blood disease), and since my ADHD brain can't just like things a normal amount, I ended up binge watching the whole series. Now I just put it on for background noise. I'm still most interested in wrongful conviction stories.
Community (TV series) - Not much to say here. It's just really funny and I love the characters.
A Series of Unfortunate Events (Book series) - I read them as a kid and re-read them as an adult. It's wonderful world-building - a somewhat simple story that feels like it's part of a much bigger story.
Haikyuu (Anime) - Right around the time season 3 came out, Tumblr kept recommending it to me. I didn't think I would be interested, because I don't like sports, but obviously I was on the edge of my seat the entire time because Haikyuu is amazing. I've started reading the manga too, but I'm only five volumes in.
Someone Else's BL Manhua - I started reading a lot of webcomics during the pandemic. This was the first one I read, and still the one I return to the most. I don't know if I love it because it's good or it's good because I love it. I loved that my first time reading it, I genuinely didn't know what the pairings would be.
Monkey Island (PC game series) - So, like, super random, but it's this old school point-and-click adventure game series about pirates that you play by solving really out-of-the-box puzzles. I play a lot of point-and-click puzzle games, but none are as delightfully weird as Monkey Island.
Legend of Zelda (Video game series) - I feel like I don't really need to explain. They're just really well-constructed video games, and each game has its own gimmick that it makes the very most of.
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oddgreyhound · 1 year ago
1. according to Spotify Wrapped I listened to one song 1041 times, and that was Just A Man by Jorge Rivera-Herrans.
2. I have a hard time choosing lol. The one I've listened to the most intently though, was probably Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever) by Noah Khan.
3. I can't keep track of when I've found people, so I'll just put in my newest obsession; Phillip Labes, especially Reasons To Never Date Again and Jeff Found A Genie.
4. I can't keep track of movies either lol. I'm honestly not even sure what movies I've watched.. But Across the Spider-Verse is from 2023, right? that one then, I think.
5. tv show.. hmmm.. I mostly rewatch old shows or get to them late.. but I did watch Good Omens and have been obsessed since. best ineffable husbands ever.
6. i am not sure how to answer this lol. don't think I understand the question.
7. nope, can't do it. can't choose a favorite. I can't even choose 1 favorite from a series, let alone the entity world. just no.
8. hmmm.. I honestly haven't played a lot of video games this year.. But probably Dave the Diver.. I enjoyed that immensely, at least until I f'ed up. now we're on a break lol
9. Idk.. they're all flowing together. Maybe August because I got to go to Copenhagen pride and to a bar with some friends. And it was hot out so I felt better about the world.
10. Man, there's been a lot. Books, tv shows, movies, roleplays, art, tiny inconveniences.. idk, crying comes easy to me.
11. Go to pride!!
12. Started talking to @justthislazy mostly about fandom stuff, but also about random stuff, and she is just fantastic!!
13. It was okay. Brought cake with me to work, then went to my parents place after work and just had a chill day.
14. So many.. I can't choose just one. One series has to be All For The Game by Nora Sakavic. Read that in January and am still obsessed. Another has to be pretty much K J Charles entire catalogue though especially the Will Darling Adventures and The Doomsday Books. Also The Last Binding by Freya Marske. Magic and love. The Simon Snow books by Rainbow Rowell. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. Love Lessons by Heidi Cullinan. Idk if you guys can see the running theme, but I can lol. I've read more than 150 books this year though, so.. I can't just choose and you can't make me lol.
15. Idk, I think I had them all already lol.
16. idk what kind of image you want, so you get an art. This is from January and was a Secret Santa piece.
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17. Same as above, this time my latest piece, finished yesterday on the 11th of December. Very experimental.
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18. We eat out on a fancy restaurant every year on my dad's birthday.. And even so, the best meal I've had this year was with @alienaiver eating pork tenderloin and potatoes haha
19. I'm excited to get some peace into my life, now that I'll have more time for myself. Hopefully I'll be able to get a new apartment, maybe a car and possibly a dog.. That would be really neat. I also want to keep improving my art, especially the feel of it and the stories I can tell.
20. Hmmm.. I've learned something about how I need to take care of myself, especially in work situations. I need clear instructions or the task will simply overwhelm me and I'll end up in decision paralysis. I've also learned that when I'm on my ADHD meds, I can actually have a fun time going out to parties or concerts, so I wanna do that more in the new year too.
21. My old bed broke (too much weight on it is the suspicion) so I got a new one! the new one is way taller than I'm used to, and it's amazing haha
22. Oh man.. I haven't really been far from home much this year, only in books and such.. I think it might've been Copenhagen Pride. It's not far from home, and it's not a place that's always around, but I felt welcome there, even at night, and nobody looked at me weird, so it just felt.. right. I wish we could have Pride every day haha
23. Keep working for the goal, we got there. People might not see that you're struggling to stay afloat, but I know you are, and you're doing well!!
24. No, but that's mostly cuz i didn't make any. They're just an endless source of disappointment in myself, and I don't need more of those lol.
25. I did!! Several actually. I finished my Fursona Odd after having worked on it for like 18 months lol.. But that's just a silly character I can get art for. The more interesting characters are my DotW ones.
First off I made this lil kiddo, who turned out to be somewhat hard to write, so I'll be retiring it again, until the day I feel like I can connect again. It is a new iteration of an old character I have held dear to my heart for years, but it turned out too jaded for me to write. It's hard to get a connection to others when your character is slightly mono-syllabic and hates other people..
So Kelly is going on a break: 💔
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And then there's my blue tired wet man Harakh. He's an adopted character I made, so the overarching parts of his story and personality had been chosen already, but I still got to give him my own twists, and he has a full story coming for him, that I'm really excited to share, though I don't know how much you guys here on Tumblr will get to see haha
He's the father of one of the other characters, and was born half blind and sickly, so he has learned the trade of storyteller in order to stay fed and have company and he hopes to be able to do so, even with the tragedy that happened to him.
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Idk if anyone will actually read this wall of text, but I enjoyed writing it lol
End of the year Asks
Song of the year?
Album of the year?
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Movie of the year?
TV show of the year?
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Favorite actor of the year?
Game of the year?
Best month for you this year?
Something that made you cry this year?
Something you want to do again next year?
Talk about a new friend you made this year
How was your birthday this year?
Favorite book you read this year?
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
Post a picture from the beginning of the year
Post a picture from the end of the year
A memorable meal this year?
What’re you excited about for next year?
What’s something you learned this year?
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Favorite place you visited this year?
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
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ratsalad · 6 years ago
would you mind doing 1-60? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
oh wow sure, thanks! i'm on mobile so i can't add a read more, sowwy to everyone whose dash this shows up on :/
1. selfie: no :(
2. what would you name your future kids? i don't think i'd have kids, but i have some names picked out for any cats i raise in the future: achilles, circe, pan and andromache
3. do you miss anyone? pretty much all my friends! they're all away for college or work and i don't get to see them that often anymore
4. what are you looking forward to? tomorrow, when i get to see @kthemarsian!!!!!
5. is it hard for you to get over someone? i've only had to do this once and it wasn't that hard, so i'm guessing no.
6. is there anyone who can always make you smile? yes - i was great friends with this person a few years ago, but we drifted apart and don't talk much anymore, but whenever i got to see her or speak to her i wouldn't be able to stop smiling lmao. it'll probably be like this any time i get to see her in the future as well
7. what was your life like last year? a hot bubbling cauldron of a mess... last year went away in a blur of 'i did nothing of import so 2018 feels like a void year' but i think it was emotionally my most stable year
8. have your ever cried because you were so annoyed? annoyed no, but frustrated yes. usually when i get into arguments with my dad lol
9. who did you last see in person? my grandma...? i live with my family lol this question is so funny
10. are you good at hiding your feelings? i think so yeah
11. are you listening to music right now? no, but i was listening to abba a few minutes ago
12. what is something you want right now? self discipline :(
13. how do you feel right now? like i have all the time in the world (procrastination stage 1)
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? my dad hugged me like 10 minutes ago
15. personality description? bsnfnsjs these kinda questions always trip me up... i've been described as cheerful and friendly, i'd say i'm an optimist, and i'd like to think i'm quite down to earth
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn't? lots of times. i'm not great at confrontation but i'm working on it
17. opinion on insecurities? i don't really have an opinion...? i'll just say that universal acceptance is unachievable, so go forth knowing that personal acceptance is sufficient and the rest is unnecessary
18. do you miss how things were a year ago? not at all lmao i'm considerably more inspired now to be productive
19. have you ever been to new york? i wish ;;;;
20. what is your favorite song at the moment? a moment of clarity by death!
21. age & birthday? 20; 2nd may
22. description of crush: i don't have one right now
23. fears: OH BOY. i'm very afraid of unsecured heights (like open terraces with no walls or railings, open clifftops, etc). i think i'm just afraid of falling from a height, no matter how small - i remember walking on a bridge made of planks and being scared shitless because the planks were wobbly; one wrong step and i could fall through (but the fall would've only been like 5 feet lmao). even like... floating rocks that you have to jump onto in video games scare me lol
24. height: 153cm (5 feet)
25. role model: i don't really have one
26. idols: lol right now probably chuck schuldiner. it changes a lot depending on what band i'm obsessed with at the moment
27. things i hate: institutionalized education, tomatoes, discrimination, beauty standards, soup most of the time, unkind people, a lack of humility, the color turquoise, the concept of being born into a religion, coke/pepsi/anything that's supposed to taste like it
28. i'll love you if...: you take an interest in the stuff i like and allow me to do the same for you. literally that's all it takes lol
29. favorite films: (exhales) boyyyyyyyyyyyy... brokeback mountain, no country for old men, west side story, donnie darko, ferris bueller's day off
30. favorite tv shows: already answered!
31. 3 random facts: already answered
32. are you friends mainly girls or guys: girls
33. something you want to learn: GUITAR. kickboxing. math. to sing properly. electronics and mechanics.  i want to learn lots about wildlife biology (mainly herpetology), geology, agriculture, forestry and safe+ethical animal husbandry practices. i really need to learn how to drive better lmao and i'd love to learn to ride a motorcycle. a bunch of languages: tamil (i can speak but can't read/write well), hindi, swedish (and then norwegian and icelandic), french, spanish, japanese, malayalam. i want to learn to draw better, and then animate. i just want to learn a lot dude lol
34. most embarrassing moment: i was playing keyboards at this talent show in school (i think i was 13) but i got so nervous i couldn't remember how the song went and i started crying and then left the stage like a drama queen lmao
35. favorite subject: from school, probably geography
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? write a sick fantasy novel, make music, get swole af
37. favorite actors: jake gyllenhaal, kristen stewart, jeff goldblum, laura dern, anne hathaway
38. favorite comedians: honestly i don't watch a lot of stand-up
39. favorite sports: i like watching volleyball, i want to play someday
40. favorite memory: probably the sheer awe i felt the first time i watched the hobbit (i know now it wasn't that great a movie but that was the first time tolkien had touched my life)
41. relationship status: single
42. favorite books: the hobbit/lotr, lord of the flies, the song of achilles, and a lot of the books i ended up having to read for college: cry the beloved country, things fall apart, train to pakistan. and of course the pjo series will always be in my heart
43. favorite song ever: i don't have such a song but i guess you could say miklagard overture holds this title
44. age you get mistaken for: 15-17 :///// i'm short
45. how you found out of about your idol: it's kind of impossible to be a part of the metal scene and not know about chuck schuldiner because of his near-legend status, so i've kind of always known about him since 2014, used to listen to just the symbolic album and a few other songs here and there but only Really got into death this year
46. what my last text message says: "why"
47. turn ons: already answered!
48. turn offs: when people raise their voices to prove a point/when they get angry it IMMEDIATELY turns me off, no joke. rudeness (especially to other people), zero humility, entitlement, pessimism/cynicism, self pity, being overly critical of everything - ugh just people who don't know how to be happy or have fun, you know? don't like that. poor hygiene is ofc another big turn off
49. where i want to be right now: tucson ://///
50. favorite picture of your idol: i have THREE:
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51. star sign: taurus sun, sagittarius moon!
52. something i'm talented at: i like to think i write well
53. 5 things that make me happy: band t-shirts, when my hair behaves, strawberry ice cream, when a clutch of garden lizard eggs have hatched somewhere and there are little baby lizards jumping all over my plants, aaaaand i guess little beetles and when they walk over your hands
54. something that's worrying me at the moment: my posture lol my shoulders are killing me
55. tumblr friends: @tozier-the-trashmouth, @little-murmaider, @spaceviking, @yuhlanyeter - you guys are Rad TM - and others i haven't talked to in a while since i'm not here much
56. favorite foods: chili fries, bbq nachos and super greasy, really spicy cheeseburgers
57. favorite animals: i! love! reptiles!!!!!!!!!! crocodilians especially. i also love cats
59. why i joined tumblr: for the metallica gifs!
60. ask me anything you want: ?????
@firebonbon thank you you're lovely and i hope you have a superb day 💗
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smol-grey-tea · 5 years ago
Can I reblog it too? :0
1. I don't really have a concept of time so this'll only be a guess but depending on how much detail ypu wanna go into...a veryyyy longgggg timeee
2. I'm kinda confused on the meaning of para and also there are a few of my paras who count as one person but for the sake of this question I'll count them as separate people: I think it'd be 9? I'm not sure tho, probably more
3. I have 2 different dream worlds/paracosms but I have one main paracosm that's been with me for years, I'd say just a bit younger than how long I've been a Doctor Who fan but I can't remember how old I was then, maybe 10? My other one is I'd say at most 3 years old but I think it you can definitely see that since this younger one has paras that are more original than the older one which is basically ALL from other media sources.
4. Again, I have no concept of time so I don't know, but I'd say probably almost a full day. I usually do daydream for this long if its a Sunday since I go out on Saturdays and go to school for the rest of the week, bit I'd usually take tiny tiny tint breaks to look at YouTube or smth
5. Yes! 3 teachers, a nurse, a counsellor, 6 friends (1 fell asleep, 2 dont remember and 1 is a lying dickhead asshole who didn't take it seriously in hindsight so idk if it counts) and half a parent (he didn't listen and doesnt remember)
6. Most people were accepting yeah! My counsellor is going to help me get a doctors appointment so I can possibly get medication for it!
7. The majority of the paras I've created are definitely female presenting while most that I've taken from fiction are male presenting (but recently I've been thinking of having Lance be a trana girl shh)
8. Right now :((( I am sad. I don't think they happen that often (since ive gotten a better control of them lately so i dont feel that bad about them) but when they do they really break me :(
9. I think definitely social life. That's what's affected by my MaDD the most but now that I think about it thats what saves me from it... I should talk to people more! And I also think I should open up to more people about my MaDd too!
10. Eh, when I'm in school I'm not as attached to and obsessed with them if that counts? But I'd really love to have more of a control over the story - for some reason I can't really get it to move? I think its because there are lots of possibilities for where it could go so my brain doesn't know which direction it wants to take it, its not daydream crash since this aspect of my MaDD has been around for years
11. I'm kinda scared that I'll abandon my old paracosm and move on to this new one and that makes me sad. Idk if that answers the question but idk what else to say about it :( I really have loved these people for years, idk how many, but its felt like my whole life
12. I think its generally pop or video game/TV show/movie music? Idk about anything else that triggers me, a lot of things do I think
13. Oh yeah definitely! Jen!! The name of both a robot and a part of North
14. I think I may have ADHD and that may have causes it in some way? Idk if this is a real memory (since sometimes your brain creates fake memories to explain stuff you don't understand) but I specifically remember when I was very tiny, complaining to my dad about how bored I was and then starting to pace.
15. Some of them are similar, I can definitely see a kind of pattern. There's the smart but tortured one, the careless one, the fabulous one and the cute one - I think that's usually it. I think I am similar to North in some ways personality wise but I think she would proudly say what I would only quietly think...
16. Sometimes? I have a lot of fun picking out names though, looking at the meanings, the gender, the origin...I think I do it way too often! 😂
17. Funny story but I found it on a weird little questionnaire thing, idek why someone would make a questionnaire/quiz about this? I was very young at the time so I just kind of thought it was just a nice little explanation for that weird thing I do and didn't question it.
18. Downstairs! The hallway! Pacing! But its kind of weird though...does anyone else obly daydream certain things in a certain place? Like, when I'm daydreaming something that's basically just my paras screaming and crying into the void, I have to do it in bed, with my eyes open, at night time. And its hard to do it when I'm standing up or pacing. And vice versa! Its difficult to daydream about anything else when I'm in bed! What the heck is that all about??
19. Pacing! I hate it, I wish I was tapping my fingers or something instead. Does anyone else HATE HATE H A T E seeing yourself in the mirror when daydreaming and pacing? Its not just that but whenever I see anything in the MaDD community picturing it in some way...I don't know, I just hate it so much
20. ALL of my original(ish) paras are singers! And on top of that, I changed Lance and now he's obsessed with music, dancing, singing, musicals...hmm.
21. Definitely mentally around my own age! Even if North is in her uhmmmmm 70s?
22. I have literally no idea how I would do that.
23. I want to be a psychologist and when I'm old I'll be a writer and foster carer! I have literally no idea how much my MaDD has influenced my desired careers!
24. There is a less than 0.0002% chance that I would ever daydream about myself!
25. My violent ones probably wouldn't ever go into the details of it and would mainly just focus on how it makes my paras feel emotionally, but yeah they do go into torture and rape etc.
That was fun, that actually made me feel better! :)
MD/MaDD Questionnaire...
This is kind of like a “get to know you” except geared towards the topic of MD. I love to get to know others in the community and how my MD and yours compare/contrast. Leave comments to answer questions or send me asks/submissions! I allow anonymous asks too. (Please put the number of the specific question(s) you are answering with your responses). Also, if you want to know my answer to a question just send me an ask with the question you are curious about. (For the questions I have already somewhat answered, I can expand on the answer/give more of an explanation if you want) 
Warning: This post may contain daydream triggers as it is asking questions specific to your daydreams. It also may include personal questions. You do not and should not answer any questions you don’t feel comfortable answering. :) 
For those of you whose daydreams occur in chronological order: How long do you think it’d take to run through the entire thing? A day? A week? A month? Longer?
How many paras do you have currently? Can you even count them? 
Do you have one main dreamworld or several dreamworlds, all equally important, existing at once? 
What is the longest amount of time you’ve spent daydreaming? Do you normally daydream this long? Did it happen accidentally or was it planned?
Have you told anyone (besides the online community) about your MD? Friends, family, therapists, etc.? 
If you have told someone in your life about your MD, how did they take it? Were they understanding and interested or did they brush it off like it was nothing? Did they downplay your MD or ask you if you wanted help? 
Are the majority of your paras a specific gender? 
Have you ever had a daydream crash? If so, what happened? Do you have daydream crashes often?
What aspect of your life does your MD affect the most? Social life? Grades? Relations with family?
Have you learned to control your daydreams? If so, how? If not, do you want to or why haven’t you?
Have you had the same paras and dreamworlds since you were young (or started daydreaming) or have you moved on to different paras/dreamworlds?
What kind of music triggers your daydreams the most? Country? Pop? Rock? Rap? Classical? All genres? What other kinds of things trigger you? Events? People? Art? Etc.?
If you’ve had several different paras over the years: Have you ever reused para names? (Eg. I had a childhood para named Benjamin and a few years ago I had a para named Benjamin but they were two totally different paras. They just happened to have the same name).
Have you identified reasons why you may have maladaptive daydreaming? Childhood abuse? Emotional negligence? Loneliness? Boredom? If not… do you want to know?
Do your paras have similar personalities or very contrasting personalities? What about your own personality compared to your para’s? Do you and your paras have similar personalities?
Do you have any paras that are nameless? (Eg. For some reason the bad guys in my dreamworlds don’t actually have names…weird right?).
How did you find out about your MD? Was it difficult or embarrassing coming to terms with it? How long have you known about your MD?
Do you have favourite places to daydream? Your room? Outside? Childhood playhouse? Shower?
What’s the main thing you do while daydreaming? Pacing? Rocking back and forth? Spinning? Dancing? Swinging? Etc? Or are you more of the sit still/trance-like kind of daydreamer?
Do some of your paras have similar roles/occupations? (Eg. Many of my paras are doctors for some strange reason… maybe because my paras get hurt a lot!)
Are your paras the same age as you or are they younger/older?
If you are trying to control your daydreams: do you schedule specific times to daydream? (Eg. While on the bus to school/work, before bed, in the shower, while cutting the lawn, etc.?).
What career do you want/have and why? Is your (desired) career choice based mainly on your MD or not? (Eg. I want to go through to be a writer because I channel/control my MD by writing).
Do you daydream about yourself? Or do your daydreams include characters from TV shows/books/characters of your own creation?
What content do your most violent daydreams feature?Torture? Rape? Etc. (If you choose to answer this question I would really appreciate if you avoid going into too much detail just to stay on the safe side.Thanks!) 
Annnndddd… that’s it! At least, those are all the questions I could think of right now. Plus, I didn’t want to make this post too long. :P Once again: Thanks to everyone who participates and shares with the MD community.
Side note: Sorry if I’ve posted questions from other MD/MaDD blogs. If I have copied your question, it was completely unintentional and accidental.
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