#but reading rio's story and epilogue lightened me up so much
ythmir-writes · 1 year
accurate depiction of me reading Rio's anniversary story hehehe
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artificialqueens · 8 years
A Head, A Heart, & A Crown {Biadore} Chapter 17 -C*NT
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A/N: This is the final chapter guys! I really can’t believe how much love this story has gotten so thank you so much. I’m going to be completley honest, I never pictured this story going on for so many chapters, but after awhile I became determined to finish it. So here we are at the end. I have gotten so much encouragment from the people of this community, and it’s really helped me out in real life as well so thank you. Thank you to trixies-padding for betaing, Splatt & Taurus for the kind words and encouragement, everyone who has messaged me on my side blog with praise and encouragment, and all of the others who have loved and enjoyed this story from begining to end. I dedicate this final chapter and epilogue to you ALL. I’m like getting emotional, this chapter has been done for a few days now and I’ve been holding off on posting because that means it’ll really be over. No real TW as far as I know, just fluff and a tiny bit of angst. Thank you so much again and please, without further aideu, enjoy the FINAL CHAPTER! ❤️ xoxo C*NT
Danny and Roy laid in bed intertwined in each other as they stared at the sunlight pouring in through the blinds. They were both avoiding the elephant in the room, lost in their thoughts.
“Danny…” Roy started.
Danny sighed and squeezed Roy closer to him.
“No.” Danny said into his chest.
Roy’s lips twitched in amusement.
“No?” Roy asked incredulously.
“I know what you’re going to ask.” Danny groaned.
“Do you? I could just be asking you what you want for breakfast.” Roy grinned.
Danny groaned again as he flipped over to face the other direction. He knew Roy was just trying his best to lighten the mood, before things had to go back to reality.
“I know you better than that.” Danny smiled.
The honeymoon is over, Roy thought grimly. It was now or never though, and he needed an answer now. He was too old to be wasting his time walking on eggshells around the obvious.
“What are we?” Roy asked, hesitantly. He didn’t want to ask the question, but he knew it was necessary, especially after last night’s show. Both of their phones had been blowing up with tweets all night long. Roy was afraid to even look at them, knowing he’d have to address everyone soon enough.
“I want to be with you…” Danny trailed off. He flipped back over to look at Roy and smiled faintly. He stared off into the distance, his green eyes still fogged over with fatigue.
“But…?” Roy asked, holding his breath.
“It’s so soon after Jaremi.”
“It is.” Roy nodded, agreeing.
He didn’t want to force Danny to be with him, but at the same time he didn’t want to waste any more time waiting either.
“I want to be with you though. I just need to take it slow. I think we can still be public about it, as long as you want to be anyway. I feel like everyone knows how I feel about you by now.” Danny shrugged.
Roy smiled wide and pulled him in for a soft kiss. He pulled Danny closer and propped his chin onto his hand, staring at him.
“Of course I want that Danny. We don’t have to jump into anything serious right away though. Let’s take it slow.”
“I’m okay with slow.” Danny winked.
Roy rolled his eyes playfully and slapped the younger man’s ass. It was tight and round, just the way he liked it, and boy did he like it…
However, it was 2:00 pm and he was in dire need of some food.
“Come on. Let’s get up.”
One Week Later
“Promise you’ll call me as soon as you find out?”
“I promise.” Adore smiled.
“Okay, I’ll see you later. If you aren’t the winner I’m going to raise hell.” Roy grumbled.
Adore blushed and rolled her eyes. Roy was incredibly biased, but it was still very sweet how much he was rooting for her.
“Bye baby.”
Adore hung up the phone and took her seat in between Katya and Alyssa. They were all dressed up for their gig immediately following the episode.
Adore had worn something simple, a black leotard thong with a sheer tulle dress layered over it and belted in the middle. Alyssa was in a short sequin cocktail dress, and Katya was wearing a long sleeve mini dress with a paisley pattern.
This was it. The day Adore would find out if she was America’s Next Drag Superstar or not.
It had felt like forever since this whole process had begun again. It had already been a year and some odd months since she had filmed the show with her drag race sisters.
She had realized that she had grown so much throughout the last year. She had gone from helping Roy get out of his toxic relationship, to being with him, to being without him and then ended up with Jaremi. Then she got engaged and now, here she was again with Roy.
She was grateful for everything that had happened to her, and would be happy no matter who won tonight.
But of course she wanted to win. She wanted to win so bad, just as much as the first time. But would it be the end of the world if she didn’t? Not necessarily.
“What are you gonna do with the money mama?” Alyssa asked as they watched the finale. It had just gotten to the part where Ru was asking the top 3 questions. Katya laughed as Adore struggled with the necklace Bianca had given her. It had gotten tangled in her hair all night while they were filming. Adore smiled at the memory and then thought about what she would do with the $100,000.
She had already thought about two possibilities: one would be to donate the majority of it and use the rest for another album. The other option was to buy a nice house in Seattle. When she had performed her show there, she had fallen in love with everything about it. The city was different than any other she had been to, a big city with more of a hipster vibe. Completely the opposite of LA where everyone was trying to be someone and impress each other.
“If I win, I’m most likely going to donate the money to like a youth charity. Maybe use the rest on an album. What about you guys?” Adore asked.
She decided that telling the queens about Seattle was too personal, especially since it most likely wouldn’t happen.
“I’d put it into my dance studio baby.” Alyssa replied.
“I’d invest in a new wig.” Katya shrugged. “I’m pretty sure the crown is yours though Adore.”
Adore smiled and shook her head.
“Don’t count yourself out just yet girl. It really could be any of us.”
It really, really could be. Alyssa and Adore were the fan favorites due to all of their catchphrases, but Adore had been sent home.
Katya had won a lot of challenges but didn’t get sent home at all. The final decision was Ru’s to make though, and she really could pick any one of them out of the three.
“Shh guys, it’s time!” Alyssa exclaimed grabbing Adore’s hand.
“The winner of All Stars 2, earning a spot in the coveted hall of fame and $100,000-”
“Bitch is the world about to see Bianca Del Rio crying or what?” Alyssa cackled. Adore smirked and rolled her eyes. Twitter would explode if Adore was the winner, the fans seeing Bianca cry would be the most shocking part of the finale to them.
“You bitch!” Katya laughed as they all squeezed each other’s hands.
“Katya!” Ru boomed through the TV.
Adore’s ears rang as she processed what Ru had said. She smiled
encouragingly at Katya, clapping her hands excitedly for her. This time, losing didn’t hurt as bad; but it still stung as she glanced at Violet and Chad crown Katya on TV. The room had gone from stunned silence, to screaming, to crying within 30 seconds. Phones were blaring and cameras were in their faces as Alyssa and Adore hugged and congratulated Katya. Adore had completely forgotten about the camera crew in the room with them.
“I can’t believe this.” Katya wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.
“Believe it bitch, and fix your makeup ‘cause we got to go.” Alyssa said as she attempted to wipe the smeared eyeliner off of Katya’s cheek.
Adore laughed and they all walked out of the hotel room, down the stairs towards the ballroom where Katya would be presented with the $100,000. Fans had lined up screaming as they watched them walk across the hotel, yelling congrats to Katya.
Adore glanced down at her phone and grinned.
BDR: I’m causing a riot this is BULLSHIT!
BDR: At least America will never know I have a soft spot.
BDR: I hope you’re okay. Call me when you get home.
Adore smiled and typed out a message.
Adore: I’m fine. Katya deserved it, I’ll call you when I get home- promise.
That wasn’t a lie, Adore really did feel fine. Of course she was disappointed, but it wasn’t a let down. She was just grateful she even had the oppurtunity to begin with.
They made their appearance and Katya was crowned again, this time just by Chad. The crowd was insane, the energy in the room was so happy and cheerful which made it easier on everyone involved.
After that, the three of them performed ‘Read U Wrote U’ and Alyssa and Adore were able to go home afterwards. They were about to leave the stage when Katya stopped them both.
“Adore, before you go.” Katya called.
“What is it?” Adore asked confused.
“Thank you for being so sweet to me tonight. I know how bad you wanted to win. So I’m dedicating my winning speech to you. Party!” Katya laughed and hugged Adore. The crowd applauded and laughed as Adore and Alyssa left the stage.
“You did good girl. Now you better keep in touch, because I adore you Adore.” Alyssa squeezed her close to her as they walked to her dressing room.
“Of course! Next time I’m in Texas I’ll text you.” Adore smiled and hugged her, walking to the end of the hallway after they finished saying their goodbyes.
Adore stepped into to her dressing room to get her things and she smiled to herself. She didn’t realize how much of an impact she had on Katya, and was touched that she was dedicating her speech to her.
Despite losing, she still felt like a winner.
Adore turned the key into her apartment door and gasped when she saw her living room. There were big silver balloons spelling out Adore All Stars 2, and candles decorated the coffee table and bookshelves around the living room.
But then there was Roy, who was standing in the middle of the room with something behind his back, smiling ear to ear.
“I really did think you were going to win.” Roy blushed. “Is this too much?”
“No,” Adore breathed. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much.”
God for losing $100,000 for the second time now, Adore really wasn’t feeling like a loser. Was that wrong?
“I need to ask you for a favor.” Roy said, stepping closer. He was looking exceptionally handsome tonight, wearing all black with his dark hair done up nicer than normal.
“What’s going on?” Adore asked nervously stepping backwards as she dropped her bag of things.
“I need you to close your eyes and follow me.” Roy held out one hand with a devilish grin. Adore looked down at his hand puzzled, and grabbed it hesitantly.
Adore closed her eyes, and after a few steps she realized she was being lead into the bathroom.
“You’re going to feel something on your head, just go with it.” Roy instructed.
Adore cocked an eyebrow but kept her eyes shut as Roy placed the mystery item on her head. Whatever it was, it was heavy as fuck. Once it was secure, he put his hands on her shoulders and gave them a squeeze.
“Okay, open them.”
Adore opened her eyes and realized she was facing the wall of her bathroom. She felt her head trying to figure out what it was and spun around towards the mirror, gasping as she caught sight of her reflection.
“Roy, I can’t wear this-”
“Stop it. It was supposed to be ours 3 years ago and it was supposed to be yours tonight as far as I’m concerned. .” Roy snapped.
Adore knew how protective he was over his crown. Courtney tried it on one time and he had it sealed in glass after that happened. So for him to unseal it just for her was a huge gesture, especially when he wouldn’t even let Courtney wear it.
“Why am I wearing this?” Adore asked.
“Because, you need to know how I feel about you and well, about us. We share an empire now, even if we are just barely getting back together. Even if you decide that we are nothing, I believe we always shared that crown. You are my one and only queen, you need to see that you are worthy of wearing it and you were worthy of winning it, twice now. You were robbed.”
“No Roy. You deserved your win, and Katya deserved hers tonight. Don’t invalidate your win like that baby.” Adore looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. “But I really do love that you did this for me.”
“You really don’t feel like you need the crown? You’re not upset?” Roy asked bewildered.
“I’m a little upset.” Adore admitted. But I don’t need a crown to know that I’m special. You’ve shown me that it’s just a formality, the crown is something inside of you.“
“It is. Not everyone is a queen. But Adore, you were a winner both times and you didn’t even win.”
“I know that now.” Adore smiled at Roy.
“So tell me, what is it that I can do for my queen?” Roy asked.
“You can validate your win first off, because not one winner has been able to do what you did on our season. You can learn all about me all over again and support me no matter what. I love peanut butter sandwiches, and love, and helping the youth. But most of all, I love what we’ve created together Roy. I love that despite our crazy relationship with each other over the last few years we can pick up exactly where we left off and still be the same people.”
“What we have is so special Adore. I know it’s still so early, and we’re taking it slow but I wanted to play you a song.”
“A song?” Adore asked confused.
“Yes, a song. Since I’m not good with words I figured one of your favorite bands could do the honors. So we need to go, like now.” Roy checked his phone.
“Where are we going?” Adore asked confused, holding onto the heavy crown as Roy dragged her to her small patio.
“Look across the street.” Roy pointed.
On top of an old hotel building, was what appeared to be a band. Adore couldn’t see who it was, but she knew it must’ve cost Roy a fortune to get the band to perform on top of a roof.
The acoustics started and the singer began the song.
Love of mine, some day you will die
But I’ll be close behind
I’ll follow you into the dark
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight
Waiting for the hint of a spark
“Oh my god, you fucking got Death Cab For Cutie?!” Adore exclaimed. Roy smiled excitedly and nodded, holding her in his arms.
If Heaven and Hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the No’s on their vacancy signs
If there’s no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I’ll follow you into the dark
“This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” Adore said, wiping a tear from her eye.
“You’re a queen baby. You deserve the world.” Roy murmured.
In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule
I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black
And I held my tongue as she told me,
“Son, fear is the heart of love.”
So I never went back
Adore smiled as Roy pulled her closer to his chest.
“So do you get what I’m trying to say?” Roy asked.
“I do. I really do.” Adore whimpered.
If Heaven and Hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the No’s on their vacancy signs
If there’s no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I’ll follow you into the dark
You and me have seen everything to see
From Bangkok to Calgary
And the soles of your shoes are all worn down
The time for sleep is now
It’s nothing to cry about
‘Cause we’ll hold each other soon
In the blackest of rooms
If Heaven and Hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the No’s on their vacancy signs
If there’s no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I’ll follow you into the dark
Then I’ll follow you into the dark
“Roy?” Adore asked.
“Yes baby?” Roy smiled as he held her hand.
“I know it’s early and all, but I feel like we’ve been through so much throughout the years. I’m just gonna say it back; I love you too.”
“I love you, Danny.” Roy grabbed the back of the younger queen’s neck and pulled her in for a deep kiss. The moonlight danced on Adore’s pale skin as they embraced each other, Roy holding up the crown so it wouldn’t fall onto the ground.
The band started playing another song and the two finally parted, holding each other as they watched them sing underneath the stars.
Adore may not have won the crown, but she won in all of the ways that mattered. Now she had the love of her life by her side and there was absolutley nothing that could ruin this perfect moment.
For the first time in both of their lives, Roy and Danny were utterly and completely filled with happiness.
No matter what happened between them, Danny knew that he would never forget the way he felt about Roy tonight.
Together they shared an empire and a crown, one of which no drag race couple would ever match. No matter what happened between them, they would always share that experience.
Adore kissed Roy one last time before they decided to go inside.
“Adore, you look beautiful.”
“Only because you made me feel this way.” Adore smiled. “Thank you Roy.”
“For what?”
“For making my head and heart become in sync again.”
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