#but practically all my mutuals came from that era so there's no point orphaning it it lives there now
oriocookie · 1 month
???? someone just??? commented on pom(h)s??? a) how did they find it b) why did they read it c) CHAPTER 18??? HOW DID THEY MAKE IT THROUGH THAT MANY CHAPTERS???
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carromeaway · 4 years
Dazai is a Sociopath
Dazai is a Sociopath
A Persuasive Essay About Why Dazai is a Sociopath
By @carromeaway
Dedicated to @/bsdthoughts on Twitter
Created to annoy said user
Also, I thought this would be a good way to practice how to write arguments
This may contain spoilers! Read at your own risk.
Also trigger warning! Mentions of suicide and self-harm!
Oh, also here’s a PDF version if you don’t wanna read it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aNYWMTb8wNEaoZGb9277_UcsUzNQjoHP/view
The definition of a sociopath, stated by the Oxford English Dictionary, is “a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.” In this essay, I will be explaining the personality disorder and how it correlates to Dazai Osamu’s character in Bungou Stray Dogs. I will be focusing on four key points for my argument; how Dazai fits the attributes of a sociopath, why I do not consider him a psychopath, how it affects his relationship with others, and how it may explain his past and his actions. Keep in mind that this is only a theory and I will be including both assumptions and speculations to support my argument. 
Let us begin with the point how Dazai fits the attributes of a sociopath. Common signs of a person with sociopathy, or an antisocial personality disorder, include lying or deceiving others for a goal, being charismatic and manipulative, criminal behavior, lack of empathy and/or remorse, struggles with forming good relationships, recklessness for his and others’ safety, and irresponsibility among other things. Dazai has exhibited behavior with all of these symptoms. I could give a variety of examples where Dazai has lied or manipulated someone for the sake of achieving his objective. For the sake of keeping this shorter, I’ll provide only a couple of situations.
    Dazai had been caught by the Port Mafia, albeit on purpose, and came across his old partner from his days in the mafia, Nakahara Chuuya. This happens in the tenth episode of the anime and the tenth chapter of the manga. During his interaction with Chuuya, Dazai manipulates Chuuya by blackmailing him using the fact that Chuuya was the one who released Dazai from his chains. He also blackmails the mafia by sending them a threatening letter containing a simple statement, warning the mafia that if he were to die, then all their secrets would be exposed. Another example of his manipulative behaviour would be when it is insinuated that Dazai deflates Sakaguchi Ango’s airbag in his car so he would sustain multiple injuries when another car rammed into theirs. This was to force Ango, a government agent, to cover up the 35 murders that Izumi Kyouka, an Armed Detective Agency member, had committed. This takes place in episode 19 (episode 7 of season 2) of the anime and chapter 26 and 33 of the manga.
    Dazai has also displayed recklessness, irresponsibility, and a lack of empathy and remorse. Using the same example as before, Dazai showed no remorse for Ango when he was severely injured by the car accident. Dazai is often irresponsible, pushing his work on to others and lazing about when he should have been productive. This is a repeated pattern throughout the entirety of the manga and anime, so I’m sure if you’re reading this, you have no need for any examples. Additionally, Dazai has always been very reckless with his actions, his plans often include someone being thrown to the sharks. You can see this in episode 21 (episode 9 of season 2) in the anime and chapters 30-31 in the manga when Chuuya is forced to use Corruption to defeat H.P. Lovecraft as planned by Dazai. 
    I could go on for a while about Dazai’s sociopathic traits, but that is not the focus of this essay, so let us move on to my second point. Dazai is not a psychopath. Psychopaths and sociopaths have many similar symptoms. Every trait I listed previously are ones that both types of people share. So, why would I not consider Dazai a psychopath? There is a very simple reason for that. One of the biggest differences between a psychopath and a sociopath is the ability to be attached to others. While psychopaths may be able to fake a relationship, whether it’s platonic or romantic, they are completely unable to form real bonds with other people. On the other hand, while it may be difficult for them, sociopaths can have genuine relationships with others. 
    My biggest piece of evidence for this section is the bond between Oda Sakunosuke and Dazai. Dazai in the Dark Era, when he is in the Port Mafia, and Dazai when he joins the Armed Detective Agency are two very different parts of the same whole. Dazai in the Port Mafia is quite a bit more serious and emotionless, while Dazai in the ADA is much more lighthearted compared to his former self. There is a huge fact to point out, though. Dazai with Odasaku was strikingly dissimilar to how he acted without Odasaku there. Dazai acted a lot more childish with Odasaku around, exhibiting their comfortability around each other. They had a close bond and Dazai was a lot more vulnerable around Odasaku than around anyone else. That was the reason Odasaku was able to understand Dazai better than anyone else.  
    In chapter 4 of the light novel, Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era, and in episode 16 (episode 4 of season 2) of the anime, Odasaku talked about Dazai during his fight with Mimic’s leader, André Gide. He stated, “I still have one unfinished matter. I didn’t say goodbye to my friend.” He later goes on to explain the difference between Gide and Dazai, who were both actively seeking death. This displays their closeness, and it is canon that only Odasaku was able to get that far into Dazai’s mind. Dazai also showed sorrow when Odasaku passed away, which is an emotion that is difficult for sociopaths to feel unless they have a bond with someone. As a side note, I would also like to point out that while there is no certain proof, Dazai does seem to feel a little remorse for some of his harmful actions. That is another trait unique to sociopaths in comparison to psychopaths.
    My third point is how Dazai’s possible antisocial personality disorder may affect his relationships with other people. While you may argue that Dazai can feel sympathy for others, especially when he is the one who saved Nakajima Atsushi from starvation, I believe that that was only for Odasaku. In episode 16 (episode 4 of season 2), Odasaku explicitly tells Dazai to “protect the weak and save the orphans.” It would make sense if Dazai only saved Atsushi because he felt as if he had to carry out his friend’s orders. 
I would also like to point out his relationship with Nakahara Chuuya. Before I begin explaining, I feel the need to mention that this is mainly speculation and is very likely to be proven wrong. Dazai and Chuuya seem to have a deep hatred for each other, as you can tell by the multiple times they have stated that they despise each other. An example would be episode 21 (episode 9 of season 2) in the anime and chapters 30-31 in the manga. While I do not want to put words into their mouths, I would like to point out that their actions contradict their statements. In the same episode, Chuuya expressed worry for Dazai when he is thrown into the tree and nearly loses his arm. In another scene, Dazai cleans up the blood on Chuuya’s face and neatly folds his clothes after Chuuya passes out from exhaustion as he had been using Corruption (or Tainted, whatever you prefer). While he does abandon him, it goes to show that Dazai has, at least, a little bit of a conscience. 
This may be a long shot and you are free to argue (respectfully) with me about this, but I believe that Dazai does not really hate Chuuya. There are three emotions that are the easiest for sociopaths to feel. Hatred, anger, and fear. I think Dazai has some conflicting feelings about Chuuya (I swear I’m not insinuating anything), but he resorts to hatred to define those feelings because it was simply the easiest emotion to feel. On a similar note, Dazai doesn’t really have any good relationships with the people he interacts with, like his coworkers at the ADA. While they may care about him and vice versa, the relationship with his coworkers doesn’t seem to go deeper than mutual respect and common decency. 
My fourth and final point in this essay is how Dazai’s sociopathy correlates with his actions and his past. Now, I warn you, there isn’t a lot of evidence for this theory, but I hope you can still hear me out about it. I think Dazai understands that he is a sociopath. You could argue with me that Dazai isn’t a sociopath, that he feels sympathy for the innocent people who get caught up in their business, but I don’t buy that. While this sounds quite harsh, I don’t believe that Dazai has a sense of empathy, especially when Dazai continues to inconvenience others despite knowing what he’s doing. But if Dazai knows he’s a sociopath, why doesn’t he change? Well, that’s simple. He can’t. There’s no way he can force himself to feel empathy and adjust his actions. His brain doesn’t work that way. He can pretend to be sympathetic, but what’s the point in that? 
Now, how does Dazai’s acknowledgement of his sociopathic tendencies affect him? Let’s begin with Dazai’s past and build from there. In episode 26 (episode one of season three) and in the light novel, Fifteen Years Old, when Dazai is asked why he wants to die, he replies, “Let me ask you, then. Do you think there is any value in the act of living?” Throughout this light novel and the light novel, Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era, Dazai continues to show a pattern of hopelessness. All he longs for is to view the world differently than he already does, but if he cannot achieve that, he would rather die. But I think, as he grows, Dazai’s mindset changes. His desperation for death becomes a joke, something he doesn’t take as seriously anymore. I believe Dazai realized his sociopathy, and while he couldn’t change how he experiences his emotions, he began to think differently. What if Dazai believes that he doesn’t deserve to live, that no one would want him around because of his sociopathic tendencies? But he wants to live. After Odasaku’s death and after he’s experienced the light, he begins to realize that there is something worth living for. He just doesn’t believe he deserves it. I do not have any solid evidence to prove this theory, but it was something interesting that I would want others to consider.
For anyone who has gotten this far, I congratulate you. It must have been difficult to read my scatter-brained thoughts. Before we end this, I would like to clarify something. I am not a medical professional. I do not have a degree in psychology, but I am studying it. Please take that into consideration if you decide to debate my theory with me. For anyone who didn’t feel like reading through this, I won’t even bother with a summary. Trust me, it’s not worth your time. Thank you for reading and thank you to my friend who has put up with my dumb theories. You can message me on Instagram @carromeaway if you would like to discuss my theory or the show in general. Also, ask me any questions in the comments, whether it’s to clarify something or to ask me to analyze another character or to even elaborate further on Dazai’s character. I could talk about this for hours.
Antisocial personality disorder. (2019, December 10). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353928
Bungo Stray Dogs Wiki. (2020, December 03). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://bungostraydogs.fandom.com/wiki/Bungo_Stray_Dogs_Wiki
Duignan, B. (n.d.). What's the Difference Between a Psychopath and a Sociopath? And How Do Both Differ from Narcissists? Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.britannica.com/story/whats-the-difference-between-a-psychopath-and-a-sociopath-and-how-do-both-differ-from-narcissists
Grohol, J. (2020, May 20). Differences Between a Psychopath vs Sociopath. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://psychcentral.com/blog/differences-between-a-psychopath-vs-sociopath/
Robinson, K. (2014, August 24). What's the Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath? Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/sociopath-psychopath-difference
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patrickstargang · 4 years
Forgotten Past, Hidden Future (Legend of Korra fic)
Chapter 1: Looking In The Wrong Places
Chapter 2: Lucky To Have You
Chapter 3: A Lot To Learn
Chapter 4: Kya’s Story
Chapter 5: A Tale of Miazu
Chapter 6: The Avatar’s Love
Final Chapter: The Mural
spoilers for Rise of Kyoshi in this chapter
“When I was a young girl, I worked as a servant for an estate up in what used to be Yokoya Port. Before then, I was just an orphan living on the streets. I had crossed paths with a bender who taught the Avatar before me, an Air Nomad named Kelsang. He took me in and cared for me while I was growing up. He didn’t know I was the Avatar then, but he still looked after me and I grew to see him as my father. When I was old enough, he helped me to find work and a place to stay. That place was the Avatar mansion.
“At the time, many thought that a boy named Yun was the Earth Avatar. Most of this was due to the Earth Kingdom’s somewhat archaic system for finding the Avatar, which led to desperate decision making. After I showed dedication in my work, I became a personal servant of Yun. I got to know him well and we became good friends. There were even times where I thought we would be more than that.
“I also met someone else. Someone who would be incredibly important in my life. A girl named Rangi. She came from the Fire Nation and was the Avatar’s bodyguard. She always said that she was ‘honor-bound to follow and protect the Avatar.’”
It was a brand new sight to see Kyoshi chuckle, Korra couldn’t believe it but she didn’t let it distract her.
“She was great at barking out orders, always bossing me around the mansion. But I could always sense a facade behind it all. Like the cold shoulder, she would give me now and then meant something else. But I grew to be close with the two. It seemed odd, being a mostly novice bender and having two friends who were masters of their craft. Sometimes it felt alienating. More than that, it was hard to come to terms with the fact that I had feelings for both of them. Being at a young age my mind was going in a million different directions.”
This reminded Korra of her own relationships, and the million different directions her mind went back when she was younger, going from Mako to Asami. “I definitely know what that feels like.”
“But, things started to change. The position of Avatar was being put into question as people began to slowly realize that Yun wasn’t the Avatar. Some thought I knew... that I was hiding this secret away. Rangi resented me at first, she thought it was some kind of sick joke. But it wasn’t, I’d never try to hurt her or Yun like that.”
There was a long pause after that last sentence, a long painful pause. There was a great deal of regret hanging on to those final words.
“That wasn’t the end. Someone I thought I could trust betrayed me, killed not just the only person I saw as a father but Yun as well. Or so I thought. But at that point, I felt alone. I was being hunted by one of the most powerful people in the Earth Kingdom. It felt like going back to the streets, I felt truly alone. But it didn’t last long. Rangi was there to help get out of Yokoya Port and find safety. She was by my side all the way through. At first, I just thought she was doing this because she knew I was the Avatar.
“Back when I was still a maid, there was a group of kids who would always try to pick on me. Some of them said that I was still just a poor girl just like them, which to an extent was true. But there were other things that they said about me, much more hurtful things. I’m not sure how they knew what those words meant, or if their parents told them, but every once in a while I would catch an insult from them. And Rangi, she would always scare them away. They knew they could pick on me, but they didn’t dare pick on Rangi. But she tried convincing me to stand up for myself, she was so adamant about it. It was hard for me to understand, mostly because it felt like she was mocking me. But later, I figured it out.
“While we were staying in a new city to get away from trouble, Rangi got into a fight that almost ended in her death. I felt completely helpless to stop it but she made it out before any permanent damage was done. I confronted her about the fight, I was so confused why someone would put themselves through all that suffering so recklessly. And that's when it hit me. She wanted me to know what it felt like, to see someone you love take a hit and not stand up for themselves. To just accept that suffering. She said that pained her to watch, to see me put myself through that suffering. Whether it was being picked on by some local kids or letting personal vendettas eat away at my humanity, she had enough of it. She told me that she cared about me, not as the Avatar but who I really was. She said that I deserved happiness.”
The grin on Kyoshi’s face from before returned, but it morphed into a truly affectionate smile.
“She said that she wanted to make me feel loved.
“I knew what I had to do after that. I opened myself up to her, let her know I truly felt. Ever since then, I knew that she truly meant what she said. Later on, she would become my firebending teacher. She was tough as nails but she always knew how to keep me motivated. Though I wasn’t a fan of all the horse stance practice.
“But something happened, a kidnapping took place. She was taken and a good friend was killed. I felt like I was back right where I started. But with some help, she returned and the man who killed Kelsang and Yun was gone for good. But something happened to Rangi, something that.... damaged her honor.”
Korra could tell the severity behind that statement. She wasn’t completely knowledgeable about Fire Nation culture but she knew that an attack on someone’s honor was a bigger deal than it sounded.
“Not only that, but her mother had gone fatally ill and she needed to take her to the Northern Water Tribe for proper healing. So at that point, we both had to go our separate ways for some time. I spent those days in the Southern Air Temple learning to airbend while I was on the opposite side of the world from where Rangi was. It felt like such a long time, even though it was only a few months.”
Korra recognized something familiar in what she said. She remembered Asami saying that the time she was away healing from the mercury poison felt like the longest two years of her life. She felt a knot in her stomach, realizing that despite their difference of eras that they shared many struggles outside of being the Avatar. There was a feeling of mutual sympathy.
“But eventually we found our way back to each other. From then on, we were practically inseparable. We were always out there for each other, even during the craziest missions. There was always a fear that something would happen, that this might be the last time I would ever see her. I had lost so many friends, so many people I cared about. I couldn’t bear to lose her but I had to grapple with the reality of it. But she always stayed, every step of the way.
“After we brought some semblance of momentary world peace, we decided to celebrate by finally getting married. We both wanted to do it in the Earth Kingdom, we spent so much of our lives there and it meant so much more to us. But because of the prejudice of the time, we did it in secret with only a few friends down in Maizu. Despite the secrecy, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. I still had that creeping suspicion in the back of my mind that this would all fall apart without a moment's warning, but it never did.
“That being said, we did eventually move to the Fire Nation. I didn’t want to keep my love in hiding for the rest of our lives and the Fire Nation was more accepting of us in that regard. We still got funny glances from others, but it wasn’t likely they weren’t going to say anything to the Avatar and her elite firebending bodyguard.
“After settling in the Fire Nation for some time, we both agreed that we wanted a child. We went to a local orphanage, it felt like writing the wrongs of when my parents left me as a kid. It was strangely cathartic, even healing. We found a girl named Koko. It didn’t take long before we knew she was the one. She had a lot of the same intensity that I saw in Rangi, it felt like I was seeing it again for the first time. We had our struggles raising her, as we both had our own responsibilities trying to help the world. But also, I feel we raised a really brilliant woman, and I couldn’t have done it without Rangi’s support, not just for me but for Koko.
Korra seemed fixated on this, she has considered a future with her and Asami but having a kid?! She thought it was out of the question, but this conversation gave her hope for a scenario she only considered just now. If Kyoshi could make it work hundreds of years ago, maybe she can too.
“But time went on. Everyone started getting older. Before I knew it my daughter was grown up and Rangi was reaching her final years. Having to see her go was painful, it really was, but at the same time I was content. For the longest time, we were having to suffer to help each other. Trying to help save the world. Always putting ourselves in constant danger. We went through so much, our only wish was to just grow old together. And we did. I always thought that Rangi would die in battle or be taken from me too soon. It was the greatest relief to know that she lived a good, long life and went peacefully among her friends and family.
“But I still remained.”
The coldness in her voice came back, it was as palpable as ever.
“The world was beginning to shift back into chaos and I still had to do my duty as the Avatar. To me, its what she would have wanted. In that time I took down Chin the Conqueror, created Kyoshi Island with Koko’s help and established peace in the Four Nations, for the time being.”
There was a question that was on Korra’s mind, but she didn’t know if she should touch on the subject. It felt wrong but part of her needed to know. “Did you ever find someone else?”
Kyoshi seemed confused by the vagueness of the question.
“I mean....did you ever remarry?”
Kyoshi slowly shook her head. “I couldn’t. I still felt so loyal to Rangi, even after all those years. But also because I knew that I would see her again.”
Now Korra was the one who was confused, but she continued to listen regardless.
“I kept growing older, seeing all my loved ones come and go with the ages was taxing but I still had that sense of duty that I had to uphold. Then, at the ripe old age of two hundred and thirty, I decided it was time for someone else to take over. Rangi wanted me to be honorable as an Avatar, but more than anything she didn’t want me to give up my own happiness for the sake of being the Avatar. Those last few years I started to remember that. I started hanging on to some of my biggest regrets, knowing it was pointless to do so. That was when I knew it was time for a new Avatar.
“I spent my last few days in Maizu. It felt therapeutic, with all the regret that I was holding onto, to see people that I was able to truly help. I saw how much it's changed since its inception, how happy everyone has been. It felt like a symbol to the spirit of these people, to see the village still standing even after hundreds of years. After a celebration was made by the villagers, I quietly passed on, leading Roku to fill my place as Avatar. And now, many many years later, two Avatars later…..here you are, Avatar Korra.”
It was hard to hide it any longer. Korra was overwhelmed with emotion, tears streaming down her face. She felt great sorrow for Kyoshi, having to live on without the love of her life, but still finding the courage to continue on. It felt unbearable. She also felt something else, a feeling of smallness in the face of the long legacy of the Avatar. Kyoshi’s journey defined a generation while Korra was still trying to make sense of her own. But most of all, she was confused. Confused at why Kyoshi was smiling.
The blue energy acting out the scene slowly faded away into the darkness. Korra had a burning question, a question that felt even more inappropriate than the last. But she needed to ask. “Why,” she spoke softly through sobs. “Why did you hold on to Rangi, even after all those years. Why did you say that you would see her again?! I-It just doesn’t make sense to me.”
Her confusion had given back to her sadness. It was hard for her to comprehend that level of unconditional love, a love that lasted through the eras. It was hard to see through the tears, but Korra could hear Kyoshi chuckling.
“Korra, Avatars aren’t the only ones that reside in the Spirit World.”
Before Korra could comprehend the statement, the blue aura appeared again. Taking shape, it seemed to resemble a person, somewhat shorter than Kyoshi. Then it began to fill in the details, a woman with black hair, probably in her 30s, and Fire Nation armor standing by Kyoshi’s side. It was Rangi. Korra, with watery eyes, stared in absolute amazement, beginning to smile again.
Rangi bowed slightly in her presence. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you Avatar Korra.”
Korra, trying to hold herself together, bowed back. “It's a pleasure to meet you too.”
Korra stayed in that position for longer than she needed. Once she rose back up, she was still overcome with emotion but was still smiling. “Thank you….. for everything.”
“Korra, always remember what I said to you. You're still young but you’ve done so much already.” Kyoshi let her words simmer in the moment. “Already you’ve done a great service to the world, take the time that you have to let yourself be happy. You’ve spent so much of it becoming a good Avatar, now's the time to appreciate those that truly love you.”
Kyoshi gave a cheeky smirk. “But I think you’ve already got part of that taken care of with your girlfriend.” Rangi rolled her eyes at Kyoshi.
Korra blushed profusely. “Wait, how did you know about that?”
Kyoshi stared at Korra ominously. “I see everything.” She paused for dramatic effect before Rangi gave her an elbow to the side. “I’m just kidding, I’m just kidding!”
Seeing these little interactions, the mannerisms between the two were healing to Korra. Knowing that even after years of separation and many more years of being back together, they still had playful banter with one another. It was obvious that they still loved each other. It didn’t help her already tear-filled attempt at staying collected.
“But do take her words seriously,” said Rangi. “You won’t always know when your time with the ones you love might come to an end. Take advantage of the time you have now. I may not know this girl, but I can tell from that look in your eyes that she truly loves you.”
The certainty in her tone was shocking but comforting at the same time.
“That's special, not everyone can find a love that special. Never take it for granted Korra.”
Korra rubbed her eyes, continuing to smile in admiration. She felt relieved, not just about her search coming to end, but for everything. It was starting to dawn on her that maybe she has found happiness, maybe she hasn’t fully accepted it yet. After everything, after the world continuously falling into chaos, after what was her lowest point, she really was finding true happiness. And they could tell, just from a look on her face.
“Thank you both,” Korra said over light sniffles. “I’ll never forget this, I promise.”
“We know,” Kyoshi interjected. She gave Korra one last approving face, a true sign of admiration. “Until we meet again…….”
Both Kyoshi and Rangi bowed before they dissipated into the blue aura, which itself vanished. Korra bowed back to the empty ethereal plains. The white lights around the dark began to burn brighter, becoming an all-consuming pure white. The sound of chimes started to ring in Korra’s ears.
Korra’s eyes sprung open. She was still pouring with tears, but her breathing was slow. She glanced to see Asami and Kya, still by her side. They also opened their eyes when they heard her breathing change. Asami noticed the tears coming down her face, she looked at Korra with concern. She put a hand to her cheek just like she did at the dining hall, with the same amount of tenderness. Korra realized that this might be the first Asami has seen her cry.
“Korra,” Asami spoke softly.
“I did it, I finally did it.” Korra’s smile was massive, an affectionate look back at Asami which she also gave to Kya. She didn’t try to hide the tears, she just let them flow out like a river.
Asami returned the smile and hugged Korra. They both held on tight to one another with Kya joining in. Feeling the love around her at that present moment, it felt good, like a genuine release for what seemed like the first time in a while.
Korra chuckled, “I haven’t cried this much in months.”
They all chuckled with her, as Korra felt the collective warmth of being with those she loved. She didn’t want to ever let go of this feeling. As they all sat there together, Asami leaned into her ear and whispered...
“I knew you could do it. I’m so proud of you.”
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