#but poow widdle gamefweak is twying its bewst uwu yew just can have fun!!! uwuwuwu uwu uwu
threefeline · 5 years
thank you for the swsh venting because everyone criticizing it being called Toxic Terrible Fans is really awful. like, its not Horrible to be disappointed by shoddy work on your favorite series! the pokemon designs are pretty nice, sure, but its ridiculous to coddle a Million Dollar Company instead of holding them to task for probably overworking their employees for a strict deadline and pushing out an unfinished game.
like i dont expect to get my ass patted for expressing an opinion that a Lot Of Other People Have but its really fucking annoying to have every criticism of this game brushed off as “Oh lol you just hate FUN” like no!!! i hate having disappointment after disappointment on a game that i was really excited for in the first place!! 
i hate thinking to myself “well maybe it isn’t THAT bad” and then finding out through leaks that it IS that bad. The starter evos make me sad(but i guess Grookey is cool), the designs on some of the new pokemon(NOT ALL OF THEM YOU CLOWNS) look Bad, the graphics are shit even compared to earlier pokemon games and honestly what the FUCK is up with the weather in the open area??? They really couldnt have had the landscape be a LITTLE different for different weather patterns what the shit?? 
Like honestly I’m still holding out hope that the third installment of this will be better. please god, i want something to be excited for. 
And honestly yeah, people being like “well GF is trying it’s best” no it’s not, Game Freak is a fucking multi million dollar company and it’s higher ups are working its employees to the bone when they can EASILY afford to hire more people. 
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