#but people who come to revise careers don't know all that
im-getting-help · 4 months
me: im so tired, im not going to do shit this year, just bare minimum and that's it.
also me: "heeeyy [name of the coordinator of my career]!! i have a proposal. I was thinking we could do more for the stand of the career on the festival week. I would like to work with some professors to create games or presentations so we can interact with potential alumni..."
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astroyongie · 4 months
BTS May Reading 2024
note: please take the readings with a grain of salt
love: His love situation is complicated at the moment. The couple is traveling into troubled waters. I think this is just a passing thing and that it will eventually stop. but at the moment things are complicated, there’s some tension and the contact isn't much. 
career: I truly believe that RM doesn't want to stay in the situationship that he is currently in (when it comes to his career). he probably doesn't want to continue in that company and he might want to revise his contracts. although they didn't news for him, i believe it reached a point were the toxicity is too much for him
self: he doesn't know what he should do with his life at the moment, either it is with his family matters, with his investments, with his career or his relationship, he is walking into a troubled period where choices need to be made. but he doesn't have his head focused on these which is making things complicated for him. 
love: I feel like his relationship with his person is equally going through a troubled period, although this is mostly due to Jin’s current situationship (military) which is not allowing him to take care of things. His partner probably wants him to focus on the relationship but jin has a hard time letting go of his career
career: talking about his career, there’s a lot coming for Jin the moment he comes out of his service. I believe that he will release a single and an album a few months after he comes back to active idol status. 
self: he is fine overall, his ehealth is doing well and he isn't troubled with much things other than his love relationship. he is happy and healthy
love: I believe that he is currently dating someone. This doesn't feel like an idol but with someone that works inside the music/media industry and who has a very high/important status. I feel like they are close (they probably participated a lot on Suga’s latest projects). 
career: he is super happy with everything that is happening on his life. his life in the military is going super well, better than what he was expecting (he ain't doing much to be honest) and he is also eager to come back because he has many projects that need to be concluded as soon as he finishes his service. 
self: Despite all, i think he is also the type that struggles a lot with his mental health and he sometimes has high and lows that can be quite extreme. at the moment it feels like he is coming out of a low period and slowly shifting to his higher self 
love: still dating the same person as ever and the relationship seems to be going particularly well. jhope and his partner are moving with their couple, they have a god relationship and a great connection as well 
career: things are  a little complicated when it comes to his career situations. I believe that ever since he got into the military, he has lost a few friends inside the industry. Furthermore, I believe that he also probably wants to change something about his career (the group? the company? that a question without answer) 
self: he has been a little bit bitchy or at least people around him might find that he has been low in energy and in a foul mood lately. this is probably because he has a lot on his mind or also because he can give the energy of being slightly arrogant with certain people 
love: like i said on the podcast, he isn’t dating anyone however, Jimin has a lot of people he sees in an non official way. He has several people interested in him, either idols or non idols and honestly he is just having fun with whatever comes his way 
career: i see something shifting for him as well. I don't think that Jimin is aware of the consequences or the changes that are happening behind the scenes, on his contract. there’s the chances that a lot of things will change once he gets out of the military 
self: his mental health hasn’t been good lately. his head feels in the clouds, he probably has a lot of sleeping troubles and he doesn't find much peace once the sun sets down. he needs to take care more of his inner self 
love: V is currently dating. Everything seems to be going well, since his relationship with his partner is strong and reliable. They don't see each other much due to their own schedules, but despite that things seem to be doing well. 
career: he is super disappointed with the things he has learned about the industry but at the same time he isn't surprised. He is probably pondering what he should do next, once his service is finished. a lot on his mind concerning his career 
self: there’s a lot going on inside his mind. He often feels overwhelmed with emotions or with the things that happened in his life overall. He has had a hard time managing his inner feelings but it's not something one should worry too much about. 
love: i honestly can’t understand his current situation. there's two possibilities. Either he is with someone but he has no feelings for them and he is completely uninterested by them. Or, he isn't in a relationship but he sees this person often. He has feelings for them but doesn't want to commit due to his status. 
career: just like the rest of the members, i feel like there’s a big shift that is going to happen when it comes to their contract or their career in general. For Jungkook, I see his name being used in either  scandal or a rumor, or just something happening involving him directly. 
self: his energy is a little bit chaotic. Lately he has been using a lot of his influence and of his power to get his way through the military. He needs to be careful because people can see him as rude.
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luxuourr · 16 days
how to manifest for others FASTER
this post is dedicated to all of those ppl that dm me for helping their family friends or partner/ individuals
this one is really simple and as fun as normal manifesting!
many people say that you cannot manifest for others, LOA is personal, void is personal and I believe whatever you assume becomes true so that's not true, it's another limiting beliefs but whatever you think, suits you?
in my opinion, I'll tell you how my boyfriend manifests me food, wifi and stuff whenever I need it. Stating off this thing I'd like to say that you can use subs, affirmations and void state or whatever but do you know what matters the most? your intentions behind manifesting and how persistent/ firm you are
someone could easily assume for someone else despite seeing their friend in a poor condition financially, god damn she is over flowing with money, sure it's okay to spiral when she messages how she's worried her job hasn't paid her and the date has passed and she has bills to pay, but remember that 4D is the real reality, in every single circumstances, you should only listen to what you created
Do you know why you're eating a breakfast, sleeping and waking up, you manifested this in your life. Believe me you don't even need sleep if you were 100% consciously active in manifesting to manifest this away. Same way, easy as it is, your intentions and your persistence encourages faster results when you're detached and not spiraling.
coming from someone whose been a people pleaser and realized how damaging it is, loa and subs aren't meant to be shared, if they find it themselves it's meant for them because you never know who can bite you back ( might be another limiting belief but still ) you can manifest for this sp / friend instead
you can manifest anything from the looks you want them to have , to their dream life , car , career, financial situation, health
this could be your mom , dad , brother, sister , friend , cousin just ANYONE
if you assume long enough not caring about results, your specific person has a chance to get the job they got fired from, or you want your bestie to be in the same uni as you, but for some reason she could not score well enough, well you can revise and reaffirm , literally decide her life for the better, just change self concept, heal these limiting beliefs they make no sense and you're done 💖
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kittiecode · 11 months
Things I wish I knew when I found the Law Of Assumption..
1. Time is entirely irrelevant
If you stay awake for 48 hours, the sun setting and rising doesn't take away from your continued experience of being awake for 2 days straight.
Sleep creates an illusion of separation between moments in "time", but life is all just one huge experience.
Watch where you are putting yourself at all times. Time isn't real, you are constantly creating.
2. There's no off button
This doesn't only get put to work when you choose to remember to use it. This is how life works. Try to not see it as some kind of life hack, or a human version of an additional Google chrome extension.
This is life, this is how you play it. The sooner you keep yourself in check, the quicker life will change for you.
3. Everything is possible, you're just too familiar with bad states
And that's why things don't seem to change. Revision is great, but too often forgotten. Changing how you feel about previous situations, changes how you get to experience similar situations linked to the previous ones. For anything. SP, friends, money, career.
Change how you feel about things. And yes, that can take a bit more deliberate monitoring of how you see things.
Not everyone comes from stable homes with parents who have decent amounts of money where you've been given iPhone after iPhone after shopping spree after new furniture after vacation after new family car. So yes, that takes changing beliefs and emotional reactions to things for a good amount of people. And yes, that takes as long as you need to in order to start feeling yourself changing how you feel about things.
We are forgetting that we have beliefs that have roots as deep as early childhood. Not everyone has had the same experiences, and so you cannot tell everyone that feelings don't matter.
You tell that to someone who's experienced stress in their home from their mom not being able to pay for electricity and so on that has created pretty strong beliefs surrounding money and stability that has gotten to the point where they think of money and their body goes into panic mode, and they'll struggle to manifest the way you manifest when you've had a pretty stable good foundation to grow up on.
If you have had a rough life and you're still able to easily detach from the bad and accept that everything is possible for you and you can have anything, that's amazing and I mean that. But a lot of people who find out about conscious manifesting are seeking entire life changes, and the old story can come with some baggage
A journey of creation is a personal one. It's for you. Other people can help, that's why I'm on this blog. But remember that what we teach others is what we've experienced movement and success with. I've studied this for years now. I've changed my family's life for the better, from poverty to a significant change to our current standard of living. I've used this enough to know it's the truth, and now I'm here to help others too!
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literaticat · 9 months
I know no author HAS to be on social media. But it seems like the most tenacious ones are active online in some way. If I'm a painfully shy person who is socially awkward-- could that be a potential roadblock for an author career? 
First off: LOTS and LOTS of authors are "painfully shy and socially awkward." That's OK. Don't borrow trouble. Having a career as an author is already hard. There are LOTS of potential roadblocks out there. I'd suggest you not look for extra roadblocks to put in your own way. :-)
You don't need to worry about promoting your book if you don't even have a book. So if you want to get to a place where that's even a concern you MIGHT have, you start by doing the actually most important part: Write a great book. Then revise and polish it. Then look for an agent, or whatever your next step is. Etc. Just go step by step.
By the time you actually have a publisher and know that your book is really really coming out, a couple of things might have happened: The social media landscape might be totally different than it is today. And, more crucially, YOU might be different. I'm willing to bet that during this long process, where you wrote and then dug into this great book and got to craft and know everything about it, going step by step, you will have then had to talk to agents, then editors, then sales people, booksellers, other authors, etc about it. You will have interacted with increasing numbers of scary strangers lovely new people in a safe way, and realized that actually, book people are pretty much uniformly nice, they all LIKE you and your book, and you will at least feel pretty confident when you are talking about books, and your own work. You're probably never going to become an extrovert, or suddenly want to take on Open Mic nights at the Comedy Store -- but you'll be able to get through a normal business phone call or zoom, or quick back-and-forth email/text convo about book stuff, without really even thinking about it. You just WILL. I promise.
So then, at some stage, before your book comes out, whatever "social media" looks like at that time, you get a little account, and follow some of these folks. Follow your publisher and agent, as applicable, and authors you admire, and booksellers and librarians you meet along the way, and people who are interesting to you. Participate a little. If your friend is having a book launch, you can post about it. If you read a great book, post about it. If somebody says something funny or cool, like it. If somebody you like posts great news or an awesome review of their book, congratulate them. Take a cute picture of your pets. Then when YOUR book is coming out, you can add in talking about that as well, a little, and your buddies will like and post about that, too, because you are nice, and they are nice, and they like your book. And when YOU have good news or a book launch or a nice review, other people will congratulate YOU.
Aim for 15 minutes a day, just dip in and out. Think of it like the water cooler at work. When you work hard, it's NICE to take a break and catch up with your writerly colleagues for a few minutes here and there. You're not looking to be a Social Media Superstar or Influencer. The water cooler is NOT your job. But, just like when you work at an office, it's nice to be able to take a break, have a little corner of the internet where you can feel comfortable enough to wander over from time to time, share fun news or things that are interesting to you, briefly see what's up with your colleagues that day, share a laugh, or whatever, then go back to your desk to work. No stress.
If you can manage that (and I suspect you'll be able to!) -- well, you'll be in the top 50% of authors on social media without even trying too hard. And if you really can't manage it -- well, hey, you tried, it's not for you, at least make sure your website stays updated.
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sunisglowing · 2 years
🌕 Full Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra- PICK A CARD🌕
(sidereal gemini)
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This Full moon asks you to revisit your career, finances or business. See of your goals have a practical plans and that you aren't just dreaming things all the way. If had started something new, like a career or a business, see if that's what you enjoy and if it's working for you . You need to take a look at your work environment and see if it supports your mental health and your peace. Take a look back at all your missed opportunities and accordingly create more priorities. Assess your foundations and your skillset. See all the missed and the achieved targets.
Go back to your roots. If you have been getting delays in achieving your goals or not achieving your desired goals, then you may need to change your approach. Set realistic standards with yourself in terms of achieving your goals. This can also be applied if you are in college.
Work with others and take their help and their advices. You can't do everything by yourself. You will need to plan, organize your resources, make schedules and you can't do that all by your self. Prepare yourself before hand and work in a group. A group works well only when you everyone puts effort for it to work. It can be in work or in school.
For others, you may want to reassess you long term goals. Where we think about the legacy we want to create. If you have doing things the same old way, change your methods. Take the support and help of your family and closed ones. See if the path you have been walking on will support you in the long term.
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This Full Moon asks you to revisit your friendships. If you had a pattern of friendships who didn't treat you the way you deserved, you need to reassess how you should keep your boundaries and saying no to those people. Of you have been the one nor respecting your friends boundaries or treating them the way they need, please change your ways and make things right.
Deep down you know when you or someone does wrong. Intuitively you know if the friend you have is treating you well or not. Trust your intuition when it comes to the people close to you and your friends. This can also be applied to siblings. If they are jealous of you, are you still keeping them around??
You need to see the value you bring into a relationship and if you are matching others on that frequency. You need to consciously have a balance to whom you give your energy to. If you have a pattern of being overly generos to the people how YOU KNOW don't deserve it please try changing that. You are the one is responsible for those actions, when you the likely outcome.
Stop ignoring the signs and your gut feelings when it comes to friendships, siblings or your close relationships. Be conscious of who you allow in your inner circle. I also see karma playing big role in your friendships right now.
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This Full Moon asks you to reassess yourself contrary to your relationships. It feels like you have been overthinking too much because of the multiple options available in front of you. You have been overthinking about your love life a lot and if you will choose the right person. Listen to me, you need to calm down. I'm sensing a lot of anxious energy from here. I think it's the fear of making the wrong choice in your love life.
You are way too focused on it that out of desperation, you might actually choose something that doesn't deserve you. Ground yourself. Relax. This is not a test or a race. You won't be rewarded if you find the your soulmate soon. You need to learn to have patience. When you are patient, you realize the value of your and other people's time. Desperation is not good for your heart too.
I see that you are a dreamy person who fantasizes about relationships a lot. You may jump on relationships if you get a chance. It's not healthy everytime, or I shall say, in the coming time. Have patience and most importantly have FAITH that you will find the right one in the right time. Don't settle for the bare minimum. Please.
You need to assess if you are secure within yourself first. Start healing issues around codependency. Reassess your past relationships and see what made you insecure. What is it because of the partner or something else? Become the person you want to be with. Selflove is key.
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This Full Moon is see that you need to assess your family dynamics and your relationships with them. A phase of your life is coming to an end. You may be go through a massive transformation around your home life. Maybe you are moving out and changing places. I'm sorry but I do see a sad or painful ending.
this maybe a sign too that you should reassess your relationship with your family and your community. There are some relationship/s in your life that is broken and you should consider taking the first step of walking away. it could be anyone who considered or regarded as family.
You need to look back at the people who took unfair advantage of you. You might have a fear of being the failure in your relationships which is unfair honestly. These people might have affected your confidence and underestimated your potential. You need to assess your role in those relationships and the efforts you put out.
You doubt yourself a lot but this time you should see things as they were without any filter. You are not selfish for choosing yourself over your family or community. If they don't treat you as you should be treated, you should walk away. Although I'm seeing you walking away, bit this phase has taken a toll on your mental health. Please take care.
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orangecookiewhagt · 1 month
once again talking about lemon demon and Babel
this time it’s lifetime achievement award and more general about Babel as an institute and having more focus on Robin
beware spoilers and long
Die-hard fans adored your hands/They loved your throat and quote-unquote, "You"
About how Babel uses kids from different countries to translate texts
Babel acts like they love them (the people), but they only value their languages because they benefit the empire
Hey, remember Michael Jackson?/Michael Jackson really happened/Delta, Echo, Alpha, Delta/walking on the moon forever
Talking about how even when babblers die their translations will still be used even if they aren’t remembered 
For example Evie and Anthony’s silver work (we definitely see a bias from professor Playfair when he’s adamant about not touching Evie’s desk, while he barely acknowledges Anthony’s “death”)
You are dead and buried, you are dead (oh, no)/That's being revised/Even as we speak, we're synthesizing blood and organs/Synthesizing heart and soul
About how people like professor Lovell will take children from other countries, erase almost all of their connection with it so that the kids will turn into translation machines
Think of it like how professor Lovell called Robin different from other Chinese people because he was raised “properly” (isolated from any sort of contact with his culture)
When we get your heart to start tomorrow/When you see the chart tomorrow, you'll be number one
Professor Lovell (attempted) raising Griffin and Robin to be perfect, smart kids that don’t break the rules 
Basically he tried to mold them to become his ideal translator but failed terribly twice
Bro, you look amazing/Really put together/It's like you haven't aged a day, oh/It's like we know what we're doing or something
About Robin trying to act like everything is normal while he’s working for Hermes at Babel 
Even though sometimes he doesn’t even understand what he’s doing or what impact it has
You've been gone for way too long/Like half a year, an entire career for some
About Robin, Ramy, Victoire and Letty running away from Babel during their fourth year
And Robin and Victoire coming back to take it over
Good luck getting into Heaven/if you live past 27/Listen to the radiation/Put you back in circulation, oh, no
Griffin telling Robin that students like them have to fake their death to get away from Babel 
Ain't no cemetary you can't shed (oh, no)/Ain't nowhere you can hide/Don't be frightened of us/Soon enough you're gonna love us, just remember
People like professor Lovell make it so that kids like Robin have no choice but to become babblers because they’ve been so isolated from their home they have no where else to go
Babel is their only source of livelihood 
This is your last ride/ever, forever/Fill up your lungs/Feel better?/Look, it's you/good as new
About Robins character change after he saw what opium was doing to the people in Canton and after he killed professor Lovell 
Robin turning into a different person who sees violence as a necessity 
New hands, new throat/new living tissue/You earned this new purpose/Lifetime achievement award
About how Babel is constantly finding new translators and how it is a “great honour” to work for them
Don't be nervous, baby/We put a billion eyes back on you/From the grave to the stage/You're a natural, babe
About Hermes always watching Babel 
More specifically Griffin watching Robin
And Robin acting like a normal student while he’s secretly working for Hermes 
Due to my strong personal convictions (Due to my strong personal convictions)/I wish to stress (I wish to stress)/That this record (that this record)/In no way endorses (in no way endorses)/A belief in the occult (a belief in the occult)
Griffin making Robin swear that he won’t tell anyone about his Hermes activities 
also just the general vibe of the song is just Yeah
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sliebman10 · 6 months
Hiya, Aunty Sliebman!
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
Have fun!
Hello my favorite eldest nephew...thanks of the ask!
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
Hmmm....I don't know that I've written that many plot twists tbh. Though people have been surprised that Harry and George apparated back to their hotel in Highland Fling.
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
Right now, it's on my downstairs couch with two pillows, a throw blanket and my laptop while my daughters are otherwise occupied.
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
Moonless Nights, a role reversal fic inspired by a prompt from @udaberriwrites, got a lot more love than I expected in terms of pretty much all the metrics. I didn't think no one would like it, but it definitely did better than I originally thought it would. People wanted to see Sirius get Remus out of Azkaban XD.
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
Family Vacation - this is really my most popular fic. Summary: Sirius is skeptical that a family resort is where he wants to spend his first summer vacation with Harry there, but he comes to see its merits when he meets Remus and his family.
Architect's Anonymous - my collaboration with @soloorganaas that we wrote for @mixed-up-writer-fest . Summary: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are both passionate, professional architects by day, and argumentative fandom enthusiasts by night. After a chance meeting at an architecture conference, they hit it off over their shared professional interest. Both are hiding, however, their after-hours love for a fandom that keeps them both locked in a dispute with their respective anonymous enemies. Life couldn't be better as they're swept up into a charming romance with each other. Neither of them know, however, that their online enemy is standing right in front of them.
Scripted and Revised - my Hollywood AU written during Wolfstar Bingo. Summary: After Remus's screenplay gets rejected again, Mary introduces him to the up and coming director, Sirius Black, who is looking for a new project. Sirius reads the script and is enthusiastic about making this project happen. Remus is excited for this opportunity to jump start his career. And they are both quite taken with each other.
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colubrina · 2 years
Hey I'm someone who follows you from back when I still read HP fanfic. I saw your response to the ask about inspiration and how you are lacking it. Firstly, I wanna say that I don't mean the following as a slight to the person who asked the question- its a good question, and it can be helpful/neat to hear the various places people draw inspiration from. But tbh I always thought inspiration is a bit over-rated and really fickle. Like I think most people are uninspired most of the time. (part 1)
(part 2) I think its important, that inspiration is often times just, not around. And generally, even when people are uninspired, they still gotta go do the things anyway. An artist friend who does commissions and such told me that. So I think its reassuring, kinda, that you do much the same things others do- get uninspired, shake up the schedule, try new things. Of course it sucks that you're struggling and I hope the inspiration comes back, but its still an important thing to acknowledge.
(super fast tacked on part 3) Sorry if that was all a weird thing to interject and obviously you know all that stuff already. I just wanted to say I have admired your writing for a long while now, and I hope you keep on doing what you do, and that I hope you do know that your experiences are normal, even if it doesn't help with feeling disappointed or tired in the moment.
Ah, thank you Anon! I agree with you that inspiration sounds nice, but it doesn't really work if what you want is a career and not a hobby. You just have to keep showing up even when things aren't easy. And it's not the most fun, but fake-dating-in-space will be revised by the end of January and off to the last round of beta readers. And I'm simply not going to trunk books anymore. If the several dozen New York publishing gatekeepers don't want them, well, I'll throw them up on Amazon. That helps with the sense of futility :) (and it's not weird to interject! It's nice!)
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ificouldflyhome369 · 1 year
I'm sorry for coming here with my doubts but I just can't help it. I was trying to ignore this whole scenario but now I'm leaning more and more towards it. So the thing is, that we prefectly know that Louis is still bitter about the whole hiatus situation. He just didn't wanted hiatus and he was not ready for it plus he genuinely thought that they all will reunite shortly. So I was thinking that how could Larry be real when Louis actually had no certain idea about hiatus till 2015 and Harry was ready to go solo since 2013?? We know that Harry became super close with Azoffs in 2013 and by 2014 Jeff became his unofficial manager. We can see him every pap walk with Harry in 2014. And in 2015 there was clear solo Harry push. Jeff even introduced his team for Harry even befor he went solo. Many people started working for exclusively Harry when he was in 1D in 2015. Harry Lambert and Xander being two of them. And Harry himself said that he was the first one to suggest hiatus in 2014 because he didn't wanted to exhaust his fanbase. So it's very very clear that Harry was super ready for hiatus since Azoffs made him their mission in 2013. So if Harry had such a clear idea of hiatus and his future for this long now, then why Louis was entirely lost even in 2015. Louis said he was furious when hiatus was brought up in 2015. Louis still kind of holds a grudge with how hiatus happened and it was clear in the documentary. And i don't think Louis is lying about his feelings. He said that he was lost and had no idea what to do after hiatus and it's understandable because Harry had azoffs to rely on. He had no such problem.
So if they were actually together and they were a couple then how is it possible that they were standing on polar opposite sides of this situation? How is it possible that Louis had a misleading idea of hiatus even in 2015 when Harry was damn clear about it since 2013? If they were in love then how is it possible that Louis was screaming about not being ready for hiatus and as he said he was furious about it in 2015 and Harry walked on his pre laid path by azoffs?? Did Louis even had any idea about what Harry was planning for his solo career since 2013? Were they actually even together? Or was it just my dilution till now?
I love a good harry the bad guy who broke up 1D and threw everyone under the bus story arc. Liam has quite literally said that if he had stayed in 1d, he would be dead now. Think about that for a second. If they all didn't stop he'd be dead. Niall was forced to perform after knee surgery which fucked up his knee so bad he already has a knee replacement. You don't do that to young people unless it's absolutely necessary. You can only revise it 2 or 3 more times and they only last 15 years. So long story short, he's fucked. Louis was forced to have a fake baby which i cant even imagine what kind of nonsense went behind the scenes to make that happen. And if you believe that Freddie is not his son, then right off the bat you know he's lying which means what he's sharing publicly isn't going to be the complete truth. But this still doesn't mean he's lying about being blindsided. Feelings are complicated and is possible that he both knew the hiatus was coming but still been shocked by it. And let's not kid ourselves that zayn leaving didn't open up the discussion for their break. So no, Louis wasn't blindsided by harry and the azoffs. And if anything, they should be thanked for helping harry from getting out from under Simon's thumb. Jeff is not a bad guy.
Here's one of my favorite tiktoks and none of it has anything to do with this ask except one bit where James asks them to rethink the hiatus and Louis says it was time. Does that sound like someone who's upset and surprised by it. He was done too. And your doubting they were together because of what supposedly harry did to Louis. But why can't it be that he sacrificed himself FOR harry when he resigned with syco after the hiatus. That was probably some sort of a sacrifice he did to allow them all to take a break and for harry to start his career.
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ucancallmegina · 1 month
When Donnie said "After you've done all you can....
JUST STAND!... well I've been standing and I just can't get my balance together which is ironic because I am a Libra and that's what Im suppose to be about... is balance. Its been a little over 2 weeks now since I was let go from my job and 2 years since the malarkey with the job that brought me to Durham in the first place and the one thing that I have been trying to avoid is having to move back home. I have been in Durham for 7 years and although I don't get out much like I may want to I really like it here. I have been applying for jobs even before I knew my contract was gonna be up but at the same time, in the back of my mind and from co workers, 2 years-- I would be a shoe in! I was constantly getting told the " I started as a contractor as well, and look at me now" stories....which in some way, I have a glimpse of hope that maybe I would get hired-- too bad that wasn't the case. Every opportunity I applied for, comes back like that 'return to sender' mail that someone sent back that doesn't want to hear from you. "We appreciate you applying, but we have decided to go with a 'stronger candidate' ".... Stronger Candidate-- I don't know about ya'll but that can make anyone feel inadequate. Although I'm sure that is not the intention however it doesn't take away how it feels. I'm not really sure what is up next as there are so many things that run through my mind on daily basis regarding my current situation and how to get things back to a certain state to things I want pursue and revise but has to be put on hold. The motto is "Never let them see you sweat"... which has been in process more than ever. I have just gotten to a point where, I just don't respond. Not to be rude but, if I know I can't do anything, what's the point in entertaining the idea. Maybe that's not the right thing to do but at the same time, its a way for me to avoid questions and having to explain, as some of it I can't explain. Lately, if I'm being honest, feel out of my element, out of place and just behind. Certain aspects of my life, I am super selective on who I talk to about thing that go on with me as I just have this constant thing that I will get judged or looked at a certain way, lectured even vs being guided in sense. Ultimately, it scares me-- I feel like once I get in a vulnerable space, and express what is bothering me or my current issues it'll be something that I will regret speaking about. I honestly, don't know where it comes from to be real-- but I guess that just what some people would say "That's what therapy is for".... and I would say "hey, you may be right about that! " It's been YEARS since I have been in this situation. What is ironic about this is, the previous job I was let go from is the job that started me in this career back in 2015/2016 with the same employer. When that contract was coming to an end, I applied to the opportunity in Durham. 5 years in, and it all came crashing down-- back to figuring out what's next, how to make ends meet, making a plan and back to the drawing board. Within a week, an opportunity came up for the same position back in 2015/2016 for the same company. At that time, I applied for a full term position then, and was passed up and this go round, nothing was offered b/c nothing was available. Being back in this spot just brings back the stress, anxiety and the 'do what you need to/gotta do' mentality. I am constantly trying to stay optimistic and in prayer that things are gonna work out for the better, but like any other person, I have moments of 'what the fuck' ... tears and doubts set in and at times there are glimmers of okay, somethings are looking up but at this point in the game, I have to start making sacrifices/decisions in order to either remain where I am or make moves that are better accommodated for me in this current time.
I know this is stuff that I shouldn't hold on to, keeping to myself but again, there's that fear-- judgement, having to ask for help, which is something I'm not a fan of... I don't if that's a Libra thing or just a me thing or something else, Im not deep diving about it but its definitely something. It sucks to be in a situation where there are things you can't do unless is free, unable to splurge a bit like I use to-- it was nothing fancy to begin with but it was comfortable for me. Not being able to solidify being able to do things, go places is frustrating as you never want to be the one where you have to depend or ask ppl to look out for you. Even writing this, my mind is training my heart to be optimistic, believe and trust the process. Donnie said, "after you've done all you can, you just stand" ... I'm working on it and that's what I want to continue to do, stand on my own two as I have been doing since I was 19/20 years old.
I moved out at that age with no car and manage to make it to work, pay rent.. when I finally got a car, I had two jobs and built from there. Had some of the same issue I have now, then but not like this-- being in another city, having to come up with a plan to stay afloat without moving backwards. At this point, I am just hoping that something changes for the better but prepare for the change... and that's folks, has been August lately...
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destinygoldenstar · 3 months
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So, we're about down to the one month time mark for the audition deadline.
First off, I would have NEVER expected ANYONE to care for this project, especially from my experience that I've been honest about. So thank you all so, so much for your auditions. I've loved what I've heard.
Okay, so, as we are approaching this deadline I am going to continue to be as honest as possible going in.
I have been working on the scripts while these auditions are going on, as well as a few storyboards for artists and promotional art. I wanted to get ahead of that so I have some of it ready to go when people are officially casted.
So far, I have a draft for the Prologue script done. And Chapter 1 is in progress of writing. (Outline for the entire fangan is done) This doesn't mean the scripts are done, as they will be edited and revised, (co-writer will help with this), but I do have a narrative plan.
And yes, before you ask, the death order is also locked in. I decided NOT to reveal what each character's role was (Victim, Killer, Survivor, etc.) aside from the non-spoiler stuff, and people who do get chosen are just gonna have to find out in the scripts when they come.
So, VA's, if you get chosen as a character that is an early death or something, I tried my best to make every character relevant to the plot in some way, so... you get what you get.
Speaking of VA's, I actually have written down in my phone notes who I am considering picking for each role. And when I'm in a more comfortable position, I'll DM my choices on Casting Call to see if they are still interested in the role I'm considering, or if they want to drop out.
That said, NONE of these are official lock ins on casting choices. Someone could come in and be a better fit in my eyes. And I do NOT have a voice I am 100% sure about for all of the characters.
Rose Nicholas and Kiyoshi Aiko (Maybe Katie Sharma & Miki Peridot as well) are definitely characters I don't have a concrete voice for yet. So if anyone comes in to this late looking for the best chances at getting a VA role, there you go.
Animators are DEFINATLEY a major interest for anyone still willing to try. I can work with one animator if there's truly no one else that tries and help with that aspect, but uh... my animations kinda suck. XD
Everyone else (Artists, Editors, Composers), I'm very happy with what I am seeing so far. Y'all are talented. And I'm going to factor these choices on what exactly I am looking for. So none of it is personal.
Seriously, I know absolutely none of you, so you can't accuse me of such even if you try.
Okay, now the biggest thing and by far my biggest concern for this entire project:
So... I'm not exactly the richest person in the world. I've said that multiple times by now. As of right now, I am officially starting up a new semester of college classes, so I'm doing this project as my spare time.
That and my parents recently took advantage of my bank and cut my savings in half. So yeah, I'm actually with even less money than I did before when I started this because of them.
I won't be surprised if someone in my family, who is not supportive of stuff like this btw, find out about this project and force me to cancel it. But that has not happened yet.
Right now, and I KNOW this is not how it works in most industries, but I wanted to make it concrete and clear:
This is NOT meant to be a full time job. PLEASE do not treat it as such. If you do, and are in it for big bucks, you are in the wrong place. That is the truth. You can't get mad at me if I am telling the truth and explaining the exact situation before you even get in it.
This was designed to be a reputation booster for myself and others for people trying to make an art-centric career in the future. And if this project worked and people liked it, I could safely move on to other projects with original ties and could potentially be monetized.
But this project will absolutely NOT be monetized in any way. So I am going off my own finances for this entire thing.
For EVERYONE that has a role, of ANY kind, I am paying $10 to everyone per-chapter. What I mean by that is the Prologue, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 would mean a VA would get $70 total if they are a surviving character. (There are Interludes. That counts as it's own whole chapter in terms of payment) For artists of any kind, this would guarantee at least $70. Same with animators. Same with composers. Any promotional scripts or bonus episodes are unpaid. (As in VA Trailers, Trailers in general, and Free Time centric episodes that, while canon, aren't necessary for the main story)
That is what payment looks like. You can do the math like I did.
I wish it could be different. But it just can't be.
That is why I am being as honest as possible before anyone goes into this blindly and then gets upset with me.
All I ask is that no one is treating this like a full time gig to bank from. That's not what this is.
Okay. Now that all of this is said, July 31st is still the deadline where casting will be official. Thank you all for your auditions so far.
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tgbsmumbai · 4 months
Why Are Entrance Exams Important Before PGDM Admissions?
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Are entrance exams really important? Does it really help students? Yes and Yes; they are important, and they really help students. While you may score well in your universities, your entrance exams hold greater weightage than your exam grades during your PGDM admissions.
If you have graduated with at least 50%, you are eligible for PGDM admissions, considering you cleared your entrance exams. In this blog, we will look at entrance exams from the perspective of both institutions and students.
Why B-schools Conduct Entrance Exams
Any institute, may it be an MBA college or AICTE approved PGDM college, wants to give its seats to the best and most deserving students. That’s where entrance exams come into action. There might be many applicants with similar university grades. For example, it will be impossible for an institute to choose between two students who have the same percentages in university exams.
Entrance exams are also more challenging, especially with a negative marking system. These exams help to assess applicants' ability, aptitude, and academic readiness. By using these tests as a standardised way to evaluate applicants' knowledge, skills, and abilities, universities are able to choose the people who will be most successful in their academic programmes.
Benefits of Entrance Exams for Students
Inclusive Opportunity: Regardless of a student's educational background or socioeconomic status, entrance exams offer an equal opportunity for all students to showcase their skills. This promotes diversity and ensures the recognition and appreciation of skills based on their merit.
Preparation for Real-World Challenges: Goal-setting, efficient time management, and conquering hurdles are all aspects of real-world preparation that are mirrored in the entrance exam process. Through these experiences, kids can gain important life skills that they can use outside of the classroom.
Prospects for Progression: Passing entrance examinations grants entry to elite universities, specialisation courses, and scholarship programmes, among other educational prospects. Achieving high test scores can provide opportunities for career and academic advancement.
Expanded Knowledge Base: Entrance test syllabuses frequently encompass a wide range of subjects, motivating students to learn more than just what is taught in the classroom. This deeper comprehension can improve their educational process and promote intellectual development.
Increased Confidence: Have you ever hit the first ball for a six or cleaned bowled someone on the very first ball? If yes, you know the amount of confidence it gives you. The same happens when you clear your entrance exams. It gives you the confidence necessary to overcome challenges during your 2-year PGDM course.
Common Entrance Exams for PGDM Admission
PGDM colleges in Mumbai usually need applicants to clear one of these entrance exams:
These exams hold up to 35% of weightage during your PGDM admission process. If you are interested in pursuing a PGDM course, make sure you are prepared for these exams. Here are a few tips that will be helpful for successfully clearing these entrance exams.
4 Effective Tips to Clear PGDM Entrance Exams
Know the Exam: Understand the exam format and syllabus. Check whether the exams have MCQs or if you need to write long answers. Check whether the exams have a negative marking system.
Plan Your Study: Create a structured study plan. Don't forget to save time for revision.
Practice Regularly: Solve past papers and take mock tests. You can find past papers on the exam's official website.
Stay Calm: Maintain confidence and manage your time effectively. Spend more time on topics that you are confident about.
Entrance exams, whether you like it or not, are an integral part of your admission process, especially for PGDM courses in Mumbai. They hold the highest weightage and are not to be taken lightly. Like math problems and formulas that are hardly applicable in our real lives, yet they teach us and develop our brains to solve real-life problems, PGDM entrance exams, even though they don't teach us a lot about the actual PGDM course, prepare us for challenges that are to come.
If you are exploring colleges offering PGDM courses in Mumbai, you must check out Thakur Global Business School. They are considered one of the best emerging business schools in Mumbai and Maharashtra. Their admissions process includes:
At least 50% in university exams.
35% weightage is given to the entrance exams mentioned above.
Group discussions.
Personal interview.
You can check out their website to learn more about their PGDM curriculum, faculty members, fee structure, and hostel facilities.
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wakuseicloset · 8 months
ranting about everything post 😶 i will spare you all unless you would like to opt into my suffering
Sorry this shit is literally so embarrassingly #long omg i feel fucking wacko but i had to get it out so here is my unhinged rant
I kinda feel like i'm only now recovering from this weird burnout/depression slump i've been in for the past year and i'm glad i'm getting motivation back before i have to do my QE or whatever but man
I just have so much to do every day and like i feel like there aren't enough hours in the day 😭 like technically if i was willing to do work for 12 hours or whatever i could be ahead of schedule... But like i'm literally not capable of doing that. I can be on campus from like 10-5 and then go home and squeeze another 1-2 hours of productivity from my body and then i literally just cannot do anything else like i can't focus
It's just like... Man i know that's a completely normal way to feel as a human being but like there is just so much going on right now that it's hard to keep up... Like i gotta write my qualifying paper, start my dissertation proposal... Teach 2 discussion sections every week... Grade 70 homeworks every week... Revise this paper for this journal... Contact my committee members... Meet with people... Hold office hours... (that last one is a joke nobody comes) and at the same time i haven't even been thinking about my career after graduating and transitioning into industry and i barely have attended any conferences and i'm so behindddd
I just have this weird resentment towards some other people in my cohort sometimes like why are you guys on top of your shit. It's not fair lol. And sometimes i literally am just lazy or too anxious to do basic things i need to do but . YALL... STOP WORKING SO MUCH PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE
Never mind the fact that whenever i see certain ppl from home theyre like "So when are you done" and none of them even know what i do or care at all 😭😭😭😭😭 like oh my god and when i try to explain it's like "im too stupid to understand" no you just don't give a fuck! you want me to move back home asap and don't care to learn anything about what my actual life is like down here!!!!!!!!!! bro!!!!!!!!!!!!
i swear like they'll be like "so are you gonna move back here when you're done" and im like "idk it depends on where i get a job! i might stay in CA!" and theyre just like "well im sure you can find something in seattle" idk it's well meaning but i havent lived up there for 7 years and i honestly just don't have the attachment to being there beyond it being where my mom family and grandma lives. like i got friends everywhere. im the friend master. i could live anywhere. im like a geography chameleon. im sorry i just have other things to prioritize
Idk it just all boils down to doing a phd is really hard and nobody knows how hard it is except people who are doing it or have done it. That's not to say it's objectively harder than other types of work it's just its own special brand of hard that is not relatable and nobody cares about. AND IT SUCKS!!!! CARE HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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elenajohansenreads · 11 months
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Books I Read in 2023
#99 - Zen in the Art of Writing, by Ray Bradbury
Rating: 4/5 stars
I've read quite a few books on writing by this point, mostly by authors I respect--Stephen King and Ursula K. Le Guin come to mind as the best of the bunch, though the works are vastly different. I read a fair bit of Bradbury as a teenager, reread The Martian Chronicles recently and found it's still a favorite years later, and mean to read much more of his catalog that I didn't get to on my first pass, reading my mother's original, tattered paperbacks.
That includes this book, which I did not realize before starting was a collection of essays Bradbury had written on the subject of writing over the course of his long career. The format led to some repetition, as anyone telling stories about their life will tell them multiple times over the years to different people--several essays prominently featured the Buck Rogers comic-strip incident, for example. But on the whole, reading essays by the same author that spanned such a long career and breadth of experience was enlightening. Some of the practical advice that worked for him is less practical now, as pumping out a short story a week to send to "the magazines" isn't necessarily as viable a road to potential success as he enjoyed; but the advice pertaining to the craft of writing itself, I found inspiring.
I especially liked his list: the ongoing collection of nouns he kept around for inspiration, which seemed like a particularly useful way to springboard from a simple object, like a jar, to some sort of fantastical horror or science fiction tale about that object. I immediately wanted to start my own list (and I have) but as I didn't feel like a list of object-nouns would be as useful to me as a romance writer, I've started a list of character concepts: a few of my entries so far are "the penny pincher" and "the flower hunter." The first one is inspired by a character in an anime I'm currently watching, because his obsession with the bottom line in his business defines his role, but the broader concept is applicable to so many more situations than the office money man. The second is simply a phrase I liked from a recent read (On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous) that, in context, did not literally mean a person who hunted for flowers, but could mean that in something I wrote--in a real-world setting that would probably mean a scientist searching for the flower for some reason, and in a fantasy setting it could be a full-blown occupation itself to supply your inevitable potion-makers with their reagents.
Since I haven't started a new project with this list to hand, I don't yet know how successful it will be as a tool for my writing, but lists appeal to my brain, and this is a long-term sort of thing, not necessarily meant to have immediate effects. (At least, if I'm not trying to write a short story in one sitting on Monday, to revise three times from Tuesday to Thursday, and to finally edit and send out on Friday, as Bradbury apparently did weekly for years.)
Beyond the irritation of the repetitious stories, though, my other gripe with this work is that it's very much a reflection of a man writing in a man's world; he mentions his wife typing his stories, he uses "man" and male pronouns as the default for referring to hypothetical people including the reader, and the authors he name-drops are overwhelmingly male. (The only two women I remember him mentioning are Sara Teasdale and Le Guin. Which are great choices, but they were the only ones.)
I admit that I'm personally bitter about the wife-typing thing, not just because of the massive history of the unacknowledged labor of women supporting male authors, but because my hateful, backwards grandmother assumed I was typing up all of my future-husband's papers while we were in college together. Of course he had to write the papers, because they were his classwork, but I was supposed to be typing them, while I was also doing all of my own work too.
She was absolutely shocked that I let him type his own papers, and did not seem to understand, even after my explanations, that on computers, writing is typing--he wasn't drafting longhand on paper first; and that it was massively unfair and sexist to expect a woman to take time away from her own schoolwork to help her boyfriend with his with no expectation of reciprocity.
Yes, I told her, we often (but not always) asked each other to proofread each other's papers, because we were both good writers; but she was flabbergasted that he helped me with my work.
So, yeah, Bradbury's writing memoir perpetuates some outdated sexist attitudes reflective of his time that happen to also personally piss me off. But setting that aside, it's still got useful things to say about the craft, and about his personal experiences, and even a little about the history and development of science fiction as a genre, so this definitely isn't a "cancel the book" situation. It just raised my hackles sometimes.
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literaticat · 3 months
Hi Jenn. I mostly write adult fiction but one of my novels fits into the YA or YA crossover space so I sent it to some children’s publishers, one of whom has expressed strong interesting publishing it. If it ends up being published by them it does have series potential and I’m not sure what happens then. How do I keep querying agents and publishers with my adult fiction? Do I mention the children’s novel (potential series) or not? Do I use different names to avoid confusion? And when do I start with that if so, with the children’s book or with subsequent adult queries? I wasn’t really expecting to ever potentially have a kidlit deal, and I might be jumping the gun here as I still might not end up with one, but if I do, it’s made me feel excited yet confused. I’m just wondering how to try to progress a potential career with adult novels if this takes off? It might not lead to anything but I want to feel prepared just in case it does.
I say this with all the love in the world: you're getting ahead of yourself friend. There's no reason to worry about any of this RIGHT NOW. It will all be fine. There are plenty of people who write YA and grownup books. It's really not a problem. Relax.
You build a career like you build a Lego set - one brick at a time. Let's say your goal is a Lego Castle. Now, there is no reason you can't do ALL the things you want to do and add as many turrets as you want eventually, but you start with the base layer. The foundation is all the work you've done to be a great writer -- learn about revision -- the time you've taken practicing your craft, research you've done, etc. (I'm sorry to say that without a solid foundation, it's likely your castle won't be too stable, but you can add layers during construction, so...)
Assuming you are not yet published at all -- you just have to start with SOMETHING and build from there. Let's say they buy this YA and want to publish it in Spring 2026, and it's a one-book deal. Great. Now you have a floor. And the parameters of the floor will inform where the walls go.
(After all: It's too early to start worrying about where the pictures will be hung when you haven't even got WALLS yet.)
If you are querying agents later with whatever the next book is, you tell them "I have a YA novel coming out in Spring 2026" -- they won't think that's weird. If you are submitting to publishers, same. If one wants to publish one of your adult novellas or whatever it is -- they should try and NOT make it be during that Spring 26 timeframe because you want to be able to adequately promote both, give each its time to shine, etc. That's fine, they will appreciate knowing that. There's no reason you can't publish, say, the YA novel in Spring 26 (floor!) then different adult novellas or novels or short stories or *whatever* at other times. (walls! windows!) Then if they want to do a sequel to the YA novel, great, same thing again (wow another wall!).
Now, as you build, you don't want to add things that will disrupt or BREAK what you already have going. Ideally, as you are adding elements, you are making the whole stronger, or at least more interesting!
re the pen name of it all:
If you WANT to do "kids books" and adult books under different names you can. But you certainly don't have to. Especially given the fact that you are calling this a "YA Crossover" -- what do you think YA is crossing over INTO? That's right, adult books. Both teens and adults read upper YA/crossover. So it's probably not a big deal. This can all be part of the same castle.
If the books are VERY different thematically, or you DO think there's a chance of confusion, you can just style your name differently. (Like V.E. Schwab writes adult SF/F, Victoria Schwab writes MG/YA -- they are obviously the same person, she's not hiding that fact, it just makes it a little clearer for the audience.) Still the same castle.
If at some point you want to add something that is totally out of left field -- a space ship! -- OK, then you either figure out how to integrate it into your castle in a way that makes some kind of sense (special launch pad on the roof?) -- OR, if you truly cannot make the two work together without breaking the castle, THEN that would be the time to worry about taking on a whole other identity and starting a space station build under another name.
There are already a ton of pen-name posts on here so I really don't think I need to get further into it, go look at those if you still have questions!
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