composeregg · 17 days ago
edit (10/23/2024) now that the poll is over: Original version, with 10 questions, from April 2023 here
And, given that the original is from April 2023, that means I can very easily say:
No, this was not an ISAT reference!
Just because I use parentheses and 2nd person pov and love the same concepts of what a time loop can do to a person doesn't mean it's ISAT
(Yes, I like ISAT, the original poll is why I was recommended the game! But if you look at the original, you can see all the origins of the options to choose from, including what spurred me on with the moss option from the replies)
If I were going to make something for ISAT, I would never be so vague, you can simply look at my ao3 for proof of that
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enlighten3d · 5 days ago
Hi sorry I know this might be really personal and you obviously don't have to answer if you don't want to but you post a lot about being aroace and I've been thinking about that for myself kind of a lot lately and was just wondering how you know for sure that that's what you are as opposed to not having found the right person yet kind of thing that people always tell you.
Again sorry personal absolutely don't feel pressured.
mmmm okay so! idm answering this, im happy to help (: but for claritys sake: i am asexual by definition, but i dont indentify as such! i only id as aromantic bcs thats the only indentity that actually feels important and like a part of me. might not make any sense but whatever lol
how i knew that im aro? i just. found the label, and was like, 'sure, why not.' and it stuck. its... for the difference between being aro and not having found the right person yet, its that, well. okay, so what if youre not actually aro? you do meet someone you love romantically even after youve ided as aro for years? cool, whatever, you can keep the aro label, or change it. or you never do fall in love romantically, and dont need to do anth abt the label.
what im saying is... mm okay label is a misnomer. i once heard someone say that labels are more akin to fridge magnets - you stick them on, and maybe they stay and you like how they look and make you happy. or maybe you stick them on and they look bad and you dont like them so you take them down. or maybe you stick them on and you like them for a while, but it starts feeling wrong eventually, so you take them down. labels - like magnets - arent permanent.
its impossible to really, truly, make a mistake in finding a label that explains your experiences. even if its wrong, there was smth that felt right abt it at that time. its a part of your journey. we, as people, are ever-changing - its literally impossible to know what will happen tomorrow, nevermind in a few years (sorry the isat reference is mostly unintentional).
so how did i know? i stuck the aro magnet on. and i like how it looks for now, maybe forever. maybe ill find the 'right one' or whatever, or maybe i wont. if i do, then whatever, down goes the magnet. if i dont (and i dont think i will, for the record! i dont have any Reasoning, its just... okay ill explain this next paragraph), then up there it stays. youre free to say youre aro for now and then change it if it ever changes. theres nothing stopping you, nonnie
as for yeah, whatever vague wording i can give to my reasoning, its... standard stuff, sorry. ive never understood romance? i think its completely fucking unnecessary and overrated. stupid, even. i straightup Do Not Get It. i forced myself to say i have a crush on a guy in gr4 bcs everyone else was talking abt crushes. decided i was romantically attracted to this girl in dance class bcs i liked her vibes. trying to conform to actually wanting romance when i just dont. dated this girl in gr8, and then when we broke up (i am bad at communication and unfortunately incredibly fucking clingy), i was like... 'huh, i didnt really feel that different about her than i did abt any of my other friends'. i just really really cared abt her and wanted to be close w her, and the only way i knew how to do that was 'romance'. but that wasnt it. found out abt aro ppl (forget how; memory is Trash), and was like 'oh damn, thats... that makes sense'. i definitely had a crisis and Logic but i do not remember that, sorry. all of this is pieced together from old text messages and half-remembered memories hajdjdzkzos
imo the concept of a 'right one' is pretty damn fucking stupid (/nay; at Society). 8 billion ppl on earth. im not going to find this hypothetical right one who can change absolutely everything about me and my identity. ive got the ppl around me that i already love. im happy w that. chasing after some hypothetical infinitesimal chance of a person whos Perfect for oneself is just a damn waste of time
so just... these decisions dont have to be permanent, nonnie. youre allowed to be wrong and realise that you werent actually aroace. youre allowed to be wrong. so if you want my advice? say youre aroace. stick the magnet on, see if it falls off or not. its still a valid and valuable part of your journey. youre allowed to be wrong. youre always allowed to be wrong.
i mean, afterall, how can one be sure that they ARE allo? that they WILL find that 'right one'? through experience. so fuck around, find out. stick that magnet on.
good luck (: i rly rly hope this is helpful and not just me repeating what youve already heard, sry for yapping so much LMAO. i have a lot to say
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vaugarde · 4 months ago
15 & 19?
15. Do any of your ocs use neopronouns? Which ones?
Currently there's just Kiran, my GTI partner OC! Xe uses Xe/They pronouns. I'd like to do more though
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19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
If you asked me a few years ago, it'd have been a hard no for everything, especially fandom stuff. But now, I've written a creative college project about that exact thing, so... yeah. I'm still trying to break out of my "overcorrective" mindset where I was so paranoid about doing things "right" in my stories that I felt terrible for including anything about bigotry because of all those posts like "oh, you're a terrible awful person for recreating homophobia in fantasy!!" that circulated a while back.
I'm still sorta thinking on it for my oc projects- in the short stories I wrote for my video game story for college, one of the characters had a homophobic mom, so once I go and flesh that verse out, I'd like to elaborate on that, like how representation affects queer people irl.
Buuut for Sordid Souls and all my PMD ocs, I wanna follow the idea that societal norms and terminology are different because of the separate histories and whatnot. No clue what I'm doing in Sordid Souls yet, but for PMD I have some stuff down that I'd like to elaborate on ^^ Mostly regarding transgender issues.
Basically it's much more normalized and the concept of "coming out" isn't really a thing most of the time. I kinda wanna nab Eve's thing where once you figure out you're trans, your aura reflects that and other Pokemon just naturally pick up on that. The neutral pronoun is changed from "they" to "it" (to reference the first PMD game where that was the case), and "it" is also used to refer to legendaries, so rather than being derogatory, it's actually a pretty honorable pronoun! Some might even see you as a bit full of yourself for using it..... (As an aside, I know that creates inconsistencies, but for now I'm excusing it as like... these Pokemon don't really speak English? They're doing pokespeak. So there are some untranslatable elements, is what I'm going with.
Since evolution is so encouraged and celebrated in this world, that means change is too, in a way (insert ISAT joke), so really changing your gender and pronouns is seen as another faucet of that, especially since aura reflects it. Hell, names are treated differently too, some Pokemon have different names depending on which town they're in, some don't give theirs out at all, so even name changes are just kinda like "alrighty, so anyways," It's just something some Pokemon do, and some Pokemon don't.
That being said, I still imagine that in certain groups and parts of the world, there's some weirdness and transphobia. They usually get dismissed or even made fun of because usually these Pokemon also align with Pokemon that like... think evolution is bad, actually. But in certain isolated instances, it can be damaging to trans Pokemon they know.
There's currently only two instances of this in canon and I'm gonna keep quiet about one because I'm off and on about it and worried about the reception.
But the other instance is Odin. TBH he's an isolated incident where he's literally just transphobic to Maya. Because "oh, my son's not smart enough to figure that out. That Scizor must have confused him (Maya adjusted her aura years before she met Cheri)." He's also just clinging to the father and son branding he used when he was her manager, and how dare she try and confuse people by changing it to father and DAUGHTER?
Actually now that I think about it, both cases I'm thinking of are also crossed with the perpetrators being ableist and trying to take agency away from their disabled kids. Which tracks. Ableism on the other hand is something that comes up a lot so it makes sense that it'd intersect with transphobia sometimes.
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