#but other people knowing that the Vulcan is drunk and actively trying to take advantage of the situation?
I got two thoughts tonight:
Vulcans who’ve become so good at regulating their emotions that they still have a pretty good hold on them even when compromised, like under the influence of chocolate, and being quietly happy about that fact
Human partners/friends/coworkers/etc, not just other Vulcans, understanding how important it is to the Vulcans they know to not show emotion outwardly, and how humiliating it must be to not only show emotion in public but to have that choice + control ripped away from them, so whenever a situation where their control slips, like chocolate/weird plant pollen/emotionally compromising event/etc happens, they focus on helping that Vulcan get away from people and into some privacy (even from them) instead of using it as an opportunity to “find out how that Vulcan really feels about them”
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