#but oh my gosh how many troubles i've came through with this one
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thebarrows · 8 months ago
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put them in a room together and no one will come out alive (●'◡'●)
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hanzier · 7 months ago
Hello! I've just read your story and I'm sorta curious about Mary and Marlenes character. I wanted to ask if Mary is queer since obviously Sirius as a love interest is out of the picture.... but I think thats too big of a spoiler for the series :3 so instead can I ask If her characters has a secret the Marauders dont know about and what it is without spoiling?
P.s your wolfstar is sooo good!
Oh and what was your inspiration for Marlenes fishy and her character arc?
sorry these questions are lengthy If they are.... whats your favorite sapphic ship in the marauders?
Hi! Oh my gosh thank you for asking I love to ramble ab Hallowed Halls to anyone who will listen.
On Mary: To me she’s not queer, at least not in this story. She does have some interesting self reflection on her relationships w her friends at certain points though. She’s very much a jealous and insecure teenager going through a heartbreak and she has some fleeting ‘do I want to be her or be with her’ kind of vibes around Marlene but more in a Girl Crush by Little Big Town way than a real Girl Crush^tm. On her secrets you’ll just have to read to find out bc those are definitely bigger spoilers than her sexuality ;) I adore her though she’s my bitchy and shy and lovely little sugar blossom that is the glue to the girls. There will be plenty of depth to her that doesn’t just surround boy drama (though there’s loads of that) so stay tuned!
On Marlene: Fishy! I love Fishy! I first got the idea because I work with a child who has fine motor impairment and it’s difficult for them to grip things. It got me thinking on how a character would hold their wand if they couldn’t do it ‘the right way’ and eventually I came up with they’d just use their other hand if they’re like Marlene and only impaired on one side. But then it spiraled into how could that possibly work well enough if it’s your non dominant hand and I came back to the conclusion that it just doesn’t! It’s hard. Marlene struggles with her magic because her movements aren’t right and she feels like her body is fighting it. I have so much stuff coming with that and it’s big on empowerment and embracing your true self which also ties into her emotional struggles and so on. Marlene has been fleshed out to me since I was like 13 years old, though Fishy didn’t make an appearance until around two years ago. I love her she’s my selfish and kind and complicated little child.
And on my favorite sapphic ship: Dorlene! I’ve been in the fandom for a very long time (lurking in the shadows) and there was never many options so I latched onto the first one that I saw like the greedy little closeted high school lesbian that I was and drank up any content I could get. I love them in any context, because I feel like Dorcas’s characterization changes quite a lot but somehow it always fits beautifully with Marlene’s. I’ve had a bit of trouble finding sapphic fics that aren’t secondary to Jegulus (which I’m very sorry no one kill me but I don’t like it) or Wolfstar but i have read some lovely snippets of Marylily that I’ve really really liked. Best friends to lovers is my thing for them. Mostly I’m just glad that there’s sapphic fics at all in the fandom now because it was really tough in the trenches of 2016 let me tell ya.
Anyway thank you for the ask! Sorry for the blabbery response but I got excited. New chapter is coming very very soon!!
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batstorm93672 · 2 years ago
Damian sat up from his bed, a good nap did him good a--
"Timothy. What are you doing in my room?"
Tim was watching T.V. and turned around "Hiding out"
"...I thought Jason's helmet was my leftovers from the chicken place and put it in the microwave"
Damian blinked a few times, wondering if what he heard was real or a dream.
"Then the helmet exploded... and so did the microwave"
"I'm going back to sleep. Maybe I'll be lulled to sleep through your screams of agony when Jason finds you"
Before Damian could lie back down, another door opening and closing came. Sitting back up to see Dick looking frantic. "Hey! Timmy, you crashing here?" "Come to join the fun?" "Haha yep" Damian rubbed his eyes, no more sleep it seems "And what did you do Richard?" "...I was swinging on the chandelier in the living room and it crashed..." Tim looked stunned "Bruce might kill you" "I know! That's why I'm hiding"
"Ugh fine, someone pass me my sketchbook and pencils so I can at least keep myself entertained"
Damian sketched many cats, it was fun playing around with their regal elegance on paper-- ...He made a dark line out of where he was drawing from another sound of opening of the door.
Jason walked in and Tim almost leaped up, he managed to compose himself enough "Hey Jaybird! What are you in for?" "I broke a vase" "Which one?" "...yes...one..." "How did you manage that?" "...I thought I saw a rat..." "...and?" "I tried shooting it" Everyone but Jason and Damian (though he was snickering a bit) bust out in laughter. "A RAT!?" "OH MY GOSH THAT'S HYSTERICAL" "I'm disappointed you were planning to shoot such a defenseless rodent whom didn't harm you" "Yeah... I know"
"Now to my real question, why is everyone in my room!"
In unison as if it was a choir.
"It's the last place anyone would look"
Damian groaned and shook his head "Fine, do as you please. Don't come crying back when you all get in trouble"
A few moments of a cheesy 80s rom-com and footsteps stormed close. "DICK, TIM, JASON!"
Dick looked at the others in fear "Scatter!"
The three in a blink were gone and Bruce opened the door "Damian. Forgive me for barging in" "Do as you please, I've heard enough amounts of excuses"
Bruce cleared his throat "Dick get out of the dresser. Tim out from under the bed. Jason get back inside and stop hanging from the window" Dick opened the dresser and stepped out, Tim crawled out from the bed and Jason who dangled out from the window climbed back in.
The three got out and looked embarrassed, Bruce crossed his arms "Who did what and what happened?" It became silent and Damian sighed.
"Timothy took Jason's helmet and put it in the microwave thinking it was his meal packaged thus exploding the helmet and the microwave. Richard broke the chandelier climbing on it like a moron. Jason shot numerous vases thinking it was a rodent"
"TIM WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY HELMET!?" "ME!? WHAT ABOUT DICK HANGING AROUND FURNITURE EVEN THOUGH THE RULES STATE NOT TO" "YEAH WELL JASON IS AFRAID OF RATS" Tim, Jason, Bruce and Damian looked at Dick. Dick couldn't contain his snickering "I know it doesn't count into this, but that fact is hysterical"
"Okay. So here's what's gonna happen. I'm not going to ground any of you"
The three looked surprised "You see, I'm not going to because soon Alfred will be back from his visit" They gasped in horror and Damian smirked "This seems fun" "Why did you tattle on us Demon!?" "...You all barged into my room, I couldn't go back to sleep and then my art was messed up. If anything it was only a matter of time before father found out" They all murmured in subtle agreement as Bruce grinned devilishly "Yes. Now you three can just wait for Alfred"
"We're gonna die"
"Jason I'm sorry for accidentally blowing up your helmet"
"It's okay Replacment, I forgive you"
"As the first Robin, I commend you all a great job on making it this far past our issues"
"As the second Robin, I share the sentiment. May we all find peace in the fury of Alfred"
"As the third Robin, I'd like to say that it's been an honor with you all. Let us think fondly on our moments together in joy"
Damian shook his head as Bruce sat down beside him "They are not dramatic at all" "I believe we've obtained it from you and Richard" "Hah I suppose you all did. That's a nice drawing" "It was slightly ruined when Jason opened the door, but I think I can make do. I wonder what Pennyworth will do to them all when he arrives" "3...2...1..." Bruce pointed at the door, right on cue.
Everyone jumped up, the three looking terrified and pale.
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wovenstarlight · 3 years ago
Hi! I just finished your role swap AU, where Yoohyun is the F-rank and Yoojin is the S-rank.
It was amazing, my gosh, the little 8th chapter that explained everything in more detail was so nice. It’s such an interesting idea, and I think you executed it really well! There were funny moments, silly moments, and gut punching moments all wrapped up in one! In particular I love how everyone is able to use sign language, and how it just shows their love for each other.
Yerim being pissed that she’s 15 again is so funny, who would ever want to go back to highschool/middle school after being an adult? Certainly not her! Also the way that the guild members didn’t know her, and Soyoung also didn’t know her was so sad! Because most of the others don’t really form close friendships outside of the group, it’s always fun to remember just how outgoing Yerim is and how many friends she makes!
Also, not to be ship-y on your interesting and well thought out AU, but I am curious as to how exactly the relationship between Sung Hyunjae and Han Yoojin has changed? What is the dynamic between them post-regression? How about pre-regression? Was shj just another person going hunting with Yoohyun back then?did Han Yoojin have any feelings about him at all?
Also also, is Song Taewon a little less repressed in this AU? Because he is a low grade, meaning there’s less chance of him viewing himself as a monster, or does he still have atrociously low self esteem? And I love how you brought back his younger brother, he was such an interesting side note in canon so I’m glad he has a name now! and is alive!
WAHAAA THANK YOU VERY MUCH.... im glad you liked it!! also lol your mention of the sign language thing reminded me of a fun fact i didn't get to work into the fics, which is that while the F-ranks and Dodam high-rankers picked up some sign through exposure by being around the (fluent) Han brothers, they routinely get annoyed with Yoohyun. that's because he's developed a habit of turning away or signing answers where they can't see him--it's because he's used to Yoojin being able to "see" his movements through skin no matter what angle he's facing. lmao.
i did answer the rest of your questions but <- guy who has a terminal need to ramble on and on. answers are under the cut
ALSO i'm adding all the stuff i've talked about here, and any other rankswap stuff i talk about in the future, to the last AO3 chapter as well! they'll all go under the "answered questions/additional thoughts (WORK IN PROGRESS)" heading :3 you can check back to that for any further info!
ok time to get to the rest of it!!
Yerim being pissed that she’s 15 again is so funny, who would ever want to go back to highschool/middle school after being an adult? Certainly not her!
YEAH Yerim was really sad about redoing school... she had a hard time of it for a while but having her family back was definitely worth the trouble. the F-ranks actually discussed how far back to go for a while there, though we didn't see it. they all knew they had to go back far enough to undo Yoojin's death, but that wasn't so far, a day at most so they could call off the raid--but hey, while we're at it, why not reverse far enough back to resurrect Yerim's parents? that's a lot further back, but we can use that extra time to help with other stuff... and let's save Chief Song's brother and MHA's teammates, too! and so it turned into a much bigger regression than first anticipated, and the kids were so caught up in all the things they'd get back that they didn't realize the other stuff that came along with it :P
I am curious as to how exactly the relationship between Sung Hyunjae and Han Yoojin has changed? What is the dynamic between them post-regression? How about pre-regression? Was shj just another person going hunting with Yoohyun back then?did Han Yoojin have any feelings about him at all?
oh feel free to be shippy! i will put as a disclaimer that even my canon thoughts on SHJ have him being demisexual or generally aro/acespec, so i'm still somewhat handwavey on whether he and HYJ have a romantic thing going or if it's more of a QPP situation in any given storyline.
as for in this AU, specifically... well, pre-regression, SHJ was just another one of the hunters accompanying Yoohyun from HYJ's POV. not much more interest in him than that, though he did enjoy their back-and-forths, as did SHJ. (i thought i had a line in their post-reg reunion where Yerim thought it must be killing SHJ not to pick up on their usual banter, but I must have deleted it in the final draft...) SHJ, meanwhile, definitely had some sort of crush on him in that platonic/romantic gray area, but he sort of... never followed up on that? he was happy with their dynamic as is.
post-regression, their dynamic gets a little more intense. MHA has her raid team and STW has his security work at Dodam. that makes SHJ the adult with the most free time on his hands, and he also has one of the best memories for stuff pre-reg--as such, SHJ spends a lot of time with HYJ working out the pre-reg timeline and identifying useful information. they definitely get a lot friendlier over that time, and hey, even if i ditched the idea of making it a formal skill, maybe SHJ figures out how to act as a mana battery anyway, making him a significant asset for HYJ in battle and endearing him further to HYJ.
Also also, is Song Taewon a little less repressed in this AU? Because he is a low grade, meaning there’s less chance of him viewing himself as a monster, or does he still have atrociously low self esteem?
ahahah... well, STW is definitely not repressed for the same reasons as in canon? but he is still. going through it. all that canon self-loathing didn't come from nowhere, and if i had to guess then the Monster aspect was added after the Awakenings, but the root of it was there even before that. so he doesn't think of himself as a monster and inhuman, no, but he's definitely very hard on himself. that flawless track record throughout school and university and work would have taken a lot of effort, which means he must hold himself to exacting standards of perfection, and then when his parents and his brother died, he took that really badly. pre-regression, he was stern and serious and quiet just as he is in canon, particularly touchy about the subject of risk-taking and particularly so when it regarded dungeons/monsters. but he softened and opened up with time as he grew closer to the other F-ranks, and he'll do so in earnest now that he has his family back :D
and yes!! little brother is back with a vengeance!! i like to think of Song Cheolmin as an upbeat balancing force to STW's more serious attitude. he's just about the only person who can coax STW into really breaking free of that seriousness, and has gotten him to aid and abet more than one childhood prank or chocolate thievery. if we get a canon name for him and i have to change all my fics/headcanons AGAIN i will be so so angry <3 love and light
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rendevousz · 4 years ago
not a secret anymore
natasha romanoff x fem!teen!reader
summary: nat reveals a secret to the public when your class takes a learning journey to the tower.
requested: yes
warnings: might come off as half assed writing because this probably is one of my worst works i'm so sorry 😭😭
word count: 1681
notes: i'm so sorry i haven't been writing much, i've recently just gotten extremely busy so i had no time to sit down and write (this one was literally written between all the short breaks i had 😫) and i have a few requests piling up so i hope you guys can understand if they come later <3
"hi, y/n!" ally, an agent, greeted you as you, along with your classmates, walked through the east wing hallway of the tower. your classmates—except for peter, ned and mj— turned to look at you with confused looks.
your class was having a learning journey at the avengers tower and you had contemplated on calling in sick to avoid people who worked in the tower acknowledging you around your classmates.
you were actually an avenger—yeah, crazy—, having been rescued during one of the many avengers' hostage rescue missions few years ago. you were able to single-handedly take down a few of your captors, hence why the team took interest in you then.
now, though you had been trained enough, they decided to keep you a secret in order to protect you. lord knows how many people would try hurt you if they ever found out the avengers had a new, teenage recruit. peter was technically still safe as his alter-ego is masked so you had no choice but to only go on missions that weren't in the public eye.
you also lived in the tower so the agents and staff were undoubtedly familiar with you, some even friends with you, just like ally, who had just passed by with a wave of her hand at you before turning the corner.
"did that lady just acknowledge you?" an annoying voice spoke from beside you in a mocking tone. you gulped, not wanting to respond to flash's irrelevant question.
"hey, loser, i'm talking to you," he nudged your arm with his elbow and you held the urge to grab it and flip his whole body upside down. it's not like you couldn't—you had the skills, obviously— but it's the fact that you didn't want to get in trouble for that.
you ended up keeping quiet, like you always did whenever the boy taunted you. peter taught you to do just that. if it were up to you, flash's stupid face wouldn't even dare to show itself in front of you anymore.
speaking of peter, he was nowhere to be seen by now. you internally rolled your eyes. it had only been two minutes and they were already gone. peter was probably showing them around the place. you had no idea how your teacher didn't notice the three of them missing from your group. you were so going to kill them for ditching you and leaving you alone when they knew they were your only friends. they were also the reason why flash still had his head to this day because they'd stop you from doing anything rash. now you weren't sure if flash would be safe from your fury.
"you probably work here as a cleaner on the weekends or something, huh? that's the only way people here would know you," flash jeered. you let out a breath, trying to control your anger towards the boy.
you rolled your eyes, opting to deliberately ignore his insults and walk away instead, hoping you'll bump into those three idiots of friends of yours.
"did you just ignore me?" flash asked incredulously, as if it was a crime to ignore his annoying ass. he pulled you back by your back collar, effectively halting you in your spot.
by instinct, you grabbed his hand that was on your collar, twisting it and turning his whole body around, pinning him against the wall with his twisted arm pressed against his back. it happened in just two seconds which totally caught flash off guard, the boy groaning in pain as he begged you to let him free.
you could hear a series of gasps from all around you and you internally groaned. this is why you always ignored flash's taunting. you didn't want to attract attention to yourself and have people wonder how you could defend yourself so well. but flash just had to provoke you. especially here, out of all places.
"what's going on here?" you heard a familiar voice ask and you sighed.
"oh my gosh! it's the black widow!"
"miss romanoff!"
"oh my gosh, i'm gonna need to get a picture for my mum later, she's gonna freak out!"
you stepped away from flash, releasing him as he dramatically kept rubbing at his arm. as if you even put that much pressure. flash smirked, seeing this as a chance to complain about you to an official avenger.
"this girl right here," flash points an accusing finger at you with a glare, like he wasn't just practically begging for his life twenty seconds ago. "attacked me."
you rolled your eyes, unamused. "i hardly attacked him." you told nat. the woman turned to you, an eyebrow raised as she gave you a knowing look. "this...?" she trailed off and you nodded, knowing what she was insinuating. you'd told her about flash one too many times for her not to immediately figure out who he is from a crowd of students.
"flash thompson. heard a lot about you," she turned to the boy. flash's face lit up, thinking he must've made a name for himself or something that even the black widow knew him. little did he know he did, but not for good reasons.
"i would prefer if you stop messing with y/n/n." nat gave him a sharp look and that grin was immediately wiped off his face. "i– y/n/n?" he stuttered, confused that the natasha romanoff is calling you by a nickname.
"you do know she can kick your ass if she wanted to, right? she's been silent all this while because she didn't want to hurt you but you just never seem to learn, huh?" nat took slow, calculated steps towards him until she was towering over him.
"she doesn't need anyone to protect her because she's fully capable of that but i'm just here to warn you, kid, that she, is not to be meddled with. i'm saying this for your own good, flash thompson. she's capable of much worse than whatever she just did to you. so if i hear you messing around with her or any of her friends," she pauses before continuing with a whisper. "i'll close one eye on whatever she wants to do with you."
you wished you could've taken a picture of the dead scared look on flash's face; it was priceless. you turned to nat once she stepped away from him and she put an arm around your shoulder, leading you both away from the watching crowd.
"i–i'm sorry, miss romanoff," you could hear one of your teachers say and nat stopped, effectively stopping you too as she had you in her hold. "but miss y/l/n is on a learning journey with us and she'll miss the tour of the tower if she leaves with you. we'll be discussing a lot regarding this trip in class and she won't understand what we talk about if she misses this tour. i hope you understand." he spoke nervously.
"with all due respect, y/n's seen the whole tower already," she smiles at him but you could tell it was fake. "even the avengers' residential floors which are closed to the public and most employees of the tower."
your teacher looked at her wide-eyed, mouth open but nothing coming out. nat smiles a fake one once again. "now if you'll excuse us, the both of us have avenger duties to attend to."
gasps could be heard all around you and in the midst of it all, your best friends came back and you made eye contact with them, all of them having the same shocked look on their face.
"avenger duties?! nat, what are you doing?!" you whisper-yelled at the woman who seemed to be enjoying the reactions of your classmates and teachers.
"y/n!" peter ran over to you, your other friends following suit. "oh, um hi miss romanoff," he greets shyly. "thanks a lot, guys, look what happened." you spoke sarcastically, rolling your eyes at them. nat proceeded to drag you away from your friends and the last thing you saw was them mouthing apologies and you half-heartedly mouthing to them back that it was fine.
"relax, y/n/n, the public were about to find out soon anyways." nat said nonchalantly. "what?!" you exclaimed once you two were in a different hallway.
"yeah, you're gonna have press this weekend for this. we're gonna officially announce you to the world as an avenger." she once again says nonchalantly, as if this wasn't the first time you were hearing this. "wait, wait, wait, seriously?" you asked in disbelief. no one had told you anything.
"yeah, i—ohh yeah, you don't know yet," nat remembers and you give her an unimpressed look. she wasn't usually this dumb; she only showed this side of her to you. "sorry, i uh, yeah.. i was supposed to come get you for this. meeting with fury and the rest, yknow?" she tells you and you nodded slowly, taking in the information.
"but tell me it didn't feel good that you got to do that to flash," the woman states excitedly and you playfully rolled your eyes at her. "you got to do something. i'm practically an empty threat to him," you stated matter-of-factly.
"not after this weekend you're not. he'll be afraid of you after. that's what you get for being a smelly bully." you couldn't help the little smile on your face. she really sounded like a child right now and it was adorable.
"alright, natty, whatever you say. let's go before fury releases his fury." you look at her hopefully, waiting for her to laugh at your joke which she responded with an unimpressed look. that of course didn't work as you two burst out laughing looking at each other's faces.
you walked alongside her, the woman resting an arm around your shoulder. you smiled up at her as she talked about her day.
god, you couldn't wait to be able to finally walk out in public with these people you considered family.
taglist <3
@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg @andreasworlsboring101 @cay-writes-fan-fiction514 @teenwonder @sevenmorningstars @fleurlovesbucky @marauvdersfate
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kate-m-art · 3 years ago
I'm disappointed in meself for not finding your amazing art sooner! I'm most curious about your AU and who Maggie is, perchance coulda infodump? *readies pen and notebook*
Oh my gosh this ask made me so happy you have no idea TvT Im happy you enjoy my silly drawings, and I'm always super happy to talk about AUs. I apologize in advance if this get super long and rambley though 😅
So Legacy AU is an AU my friend @scarin-aaarin and I are working on (please go check them out and support their work if you havent already, they're an amazingly skilled writer and come up with the majority of stories, plots and characters for most of the AU drawings I share. They're a freaking talented person and a great friend and I wouldn't be able to share any of this without them.) We kind of decided to go with the name "legacy" because it follows the Hero of Legend (the hero from Link to the past, the Oracle games and Link's Awakening) and explores the legacy he leaves behind; in this story that's his family.
I suppose there are kind of two different branches to the story we've been exploring. The first follows the Hero of Legend himself post adventure and how his life went, while the other follows his descendant (also named Link, although we nicknamed him Autumn) who has also been called into the role of the hero. Autumn is pretty grossly under-prepared though so he ends up getting some help from someone's who been through it many times before.
In this AU Legend kind of gave up the hero title and hid all his items away after he had kids. It was way more important to him that his family stay safe from those that wished the hero harm than that he had any lasting recognition or glory for his adventures. He only wanted to be remembered as husband and father, with all traces of connection to the triforce or Ganon as hidden as possible. Even his family didn't get to know where the crown laid him to rest after he passed,,,
Magnolia (Maggie for short) is the Hero of Legends wife and Autumn's great great great (many more greats) grandmother. She's a great fairy who wanted more out of life than to be tied to a fountain for eternity and gave that all up to explore the world and find her own path. She ran into Link a few times during his travels, saved his life on at least one occasion with her healing and I suppose the rest is history 😅 (gosh there's so much more I could get into with these two, for now I'll link to different times I rambles about the two of them here and here)
We were inspired to make Maggie a fairy because it says in Hyrule Historia that the Hero of Hyrule from LoZ 1 and 2 is thought to be a descendant of the Hero of Legend. Since Hyrule can use a spell that turns him into a fairy in Zelda 2 and has very strong raw magical capabilities, I've always liked the idea that he had fairy blood in him. And how interesting would it be if that came from the same line as the hero's blood?
And uh yeah! They have three kids, all of whom inherited some kind of magical ability from their mama. (My gosh Legend thought he had seen everything life could throw at him traveling the world but marrying a fairy and having three half fairy half hylian kiddos? askdkdk surprises never stop akdk). Eileen and Gayle are twins and the oldest two. Eileen is a hyper bundle of energy and a free spirit, and she inherited her mama's love of sweets and her ability to fly (without the wings though.) Gayle is a bit quieter than his sister and has healing magic (although he's also a bit squeamish and doesn't like seeing people and creatures hurt so it's a bit of a struggle sometimes.) Also! Both Autumn and the Hero of Hyrule would be descended from Gayle ♡
Then little Lir, I adore her so much. She's a sweetheart with water magic that she has some trouble controlling. I just learned a few days ago and still have to incorporate it into some sketches but Lir is deaf and only speaks through sign. Her parents call her their "little" both cause she's the youngest and cause she inherited her mama's small stature TvT
Aahhh there's so much more but I think that's the basics so I'll stop there for now! But yeah, I care this family so so much. That his family was happy and loved him, that's really the only legacy Link wanted <333
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eremiie · 4 years ago
not too bad a dad;
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❥ eren babysitting ipad kids falco & gabi, i have had this thought on my mind bc i think their interactions would be so funny, so here this is. (bonus if you get the title referene)
❥ eren x reader | 2.1k words | pure fluff
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the first time eren had to babysit was quite questionable.
actually, quite worrying if that's a good way to describe it.
you had falco sit on the couch and watch some television to keep himself entertained for the time being, while you sat in your room leaving eren to stay in the living room as well— that is until he slowly opened the door to your shared bedroom. "yes, eren?" you mumbled turning around to see him just standing, head cracked through the door.
"baby, why isn't he doing anything?"
"eren, he's just watching t.v... what do you want him to do?"
"i don't know... he's just... sitting there. he's so quiet, and just..."
you raised an eyebrow at eren watching him finally coming over to massage your shoulders while looking at your computer screen where you were typing away. "okay... that's a good thing eren, let him sit there."
so eren left, still clearly somewhat unnerved by the little boy for whatever reason, but you shrugged it off, continuing to do your work on the device in front of you.
you weren't sure how much time had passed, but you finally removed your eyes from your screen when you heard the clatter of a large object hit the floor. your eyes darted to the clock in front of you to see that it had been maybe an hour since you last saw both eren and falco, so with a sigh you got up and left the room.
the slight shuffling of objects moving around from the kitchen had caused you to turn towards it, to see falco in the middle of the kitchen floor holding a large baking pan with half baked cinammon rolls, some seemingly flattened, oven mitts on both of his hands, and when he turned around to face you the expression on his face was immediate worry and remorse— not to mention the large flour stains on both his shirt and pants.
it was only then you noticed eren beside him on the floor picking up another flattened roll and placing it back on the pan you assumed it fell off of, flour coating him as well as what you could only assume was other miscellaneous baking products.
"i'm— i'm sorry, i was, i wasn't— he— he," falco stumbled over his words causing eren to look up at you with an innocent boyish smile.
"eren...what in the world." you ignored falco, as you figured he wasn't the root of the issue, seemingly coerced by eren into their dilemma.
"oh hey babe, falco and i were making some cinnamon rolls. i thought it'd be fun." you weren't sure if this was fun for falco, the timid boy practically shaking in his socks.
"he asked me to! i— i—"
"it's okay falco... i know. i know." you shook your head at eren and screamed a look that said ‘clean this up right now.’ eren only giving both you and falco a confused expression before you walked back to your room.
you could only pray colt would trust you enough to let falco come back a second time.
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there were other times where you wondered if having your own child with eren was even plausible.
you weren't sure if it was news that spread that you were a "great babysitter" or maybe it was eren who was the great sitter, but somehow you were in the brief possession of another kid, although eren almost refused to take care of her in all. of course, he was in no position to refuse, as you sat him down on the couch opposite while you did your own thing in the kitchen, preparing a meal for the three of you.
eren stared at gabi, eyes narrowed at her as if she was a threat to him, her ipad sitting on her chest as she looked up at eren time to time while she layed on the couch away from him. "what? why do you keep staring at me? weirdo..." gabi rolled her eyes swiping away at the device in front of her.
"baby, she just called me weird! did you hear that?" eren immediately complained hands flailing at his sides and you shook your head even though he couldn't see and even though you did hear. if anything, you weren’t sure if you were taking care of one or two kids.
"seriously?" he huffed as gabi began to laugh at him causing him to grimace at her and buck at her somewhat playfully causing her to flinch.
"stop! i can beat you up you know." she gave eren a stink face, putting down her device on her stomach and crossing her arms from where she laid.
"eren, don't." you warned, knowing that despite him being a grown man, he'd bicker back and forth with anybody.
"i wasn't even gonna do anything." eren said back to you, still side eyeing gabi.
"yeah, cause you can't." she taunted as you placed the lid over the pot of rice and slinked your way over to your room to grab your phone, only being gone for maybe two minutes as you checked your notifications in your room, standing at the edge of the bed for a bit.
the minute you stepped back out gabi was on top of eren, pulling at his hair as he struggled to get her off of him, pulling at her hands as his face was scrunched up showing his efforts. he picked her up and threw her down onto the couch, and you slapped your hand to your forehead at his childish antics. "oh my gosh— eren stop acting like a child!" you came over and slapped his shoulder.
"what? we were just playing around!" you tugged eren's ear and pulled him to the couch gabi sat at previously with a stern look. gabi stuck her tongue out at eren as you scolded him from the sofa across from her.
"well you might actually hurt her—"
"he can't hurt me!" you turned around and gave gabi a fake smile.
"i don't want to get in trouble with your parents gabi." you said before looking back to eren. "watch it, eren."
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sometimes, eren seemed more knowledgable about kids than you.
"look, see how they got to the other side? that used to symbolize the freedom that they thought they gained, and of course their friend still thinks it represents that but he—"
"falco?" eren interrupted you coming over to sit on the other side of falco, swinging his arm over the backside of the couch, causing you to glare at him.
"eren, i'm trying to explain the show to him."
"baby, he's clearly bored," you looked down at falco and he did seem less enthusiastic than you, but when he looked up at eren, then to you he immediately shook his head.
"he probably would rather play ball with me or something. i wanted to earlier but then you made him watch this documentary with you." eren motioned to the tv screen as if it was clearly the most boring thing on earth.
"eren, the documentary isn't boring... he hasn't complained yet." you rolled your eyes, falco's flitting between you and eren as he sat between the two of you. at least you didn’t think it was boring, you couldn’t even count how many times you had seen it. all you knew it that it intrigued you every time, and you could explain it ten times over.
"because you know he doesn't like to complain." eren wrapped his arms around falco's shoulder and pulled him closer,  a smirk on his face. "falco, would you rather watch this documentary with ______, or play baseball with me outside?"
falco seemed uncomfortable, and you took notice shoving eren's arm off of him. "eren, if you won't watch it with me then let me watch with falco."
"i've watched it with you like four times baby!"
"no you haven't..." the more you thought about it, falco was pretty quiet the whole first twenty minutes of the documentary you were showing him. as interesting as you thought it was; you weren't sure falco was enjoying it as much as you. "falco... you can go play baseball or catch or whatever with eren. i have some stuff to do anyways." you shrugged, eren pumping his fist and dragging falco to his feet, falco's eyes lighting up a little.
you couldn't help but give a small smile at his eagerness to hang out with eren. "c'mon falco, i used to play with my brother all the time, i'm gonna show you how to pitch really good."
you chuckled to yourself. maybe eren wasn't as bad as an influence as you thought.
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of course there were times that eren surprised you, like this one.
"gabi, c'mon let's go eat." your arms were crossed as you leaned against the doorframe watching gabi's hands fiddle with the controller while her eyes darted on the screen in front of her. both her and eren were leaned forwards as he guided her to victory, babbling some game nonsense to her.
"let her play one more round babe, she's has one point on falco." eren held a hand up without looking back at you, murmuring a couple "c'mon," to gabi as she leaned forward even more.
"she has to eat, eren, i gave you guys an extra thirty minutes already."
"please!" gabi said also without looking at you.
you sighed, raising an eyebrow at the pleas of gabi. "i didn't know you guys got along now."
"we've always gotten along." eren replied as if it was the obvious thing in the world, causing your to scoff as he pointed at the screen while gabi spoke into the mic headset on her head.
gabi’s face scrunched up as she stared at the screen more intensely, her eyes suddenly going dark, eyelids dropping. "hey... falco, when did you get that skin?" gabi murmured, bringing her hand up to bring the mic closer to her lips.
"eren bought it for me last time i came over." falco said from the other side of the mic as the sound finally translated over. eren's body went slightly rigid as he side eyed gabi as she slowly turned to him, her eye twitching.
"what?! that's not fair! eren buy me a skin too!" she exclaimed loudly, hands flailing, and you were scared eren’s controller would fly out of her hand.
eren pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing the question was going to come sooner or later. "no, i don't have any money." there they went, bickering again, only proving your earlier point.
"then how did you get falco that skin, and why did you get falco it and not me? i been wanted it before him!" you could only imagine falco rubbing his face from the other side of the screen.
"gabi i'll buy you a skin," you said, shifting on your feet as you watched gabi's character die on screen as she argued back and forth with eren. she smiled at your comment then glared at eren as she began to turn around to face the screen fully, jaw dropping at the 'defeat' sign now on display in front of her. "now come, eat—"
"one more round!" both eren and gabi said at the same time, your eyes widening in slight shock.
"okay, okay... one more round."
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and lastly, there were times you were sure you wanted to have kids with eren.
"eren are y'all okay?" you spoke through the phone as you drove down the street, on your way back to the apartment you and eren shared. "i got all of us some food too, so we don't have to eat leftovers today. also, get their bags, colt is coming to pick both of them up today, he says thanks for letting him leave them with us this morning."
eren groaned from the other side as he pushed gabi off of him and you heard some yelling before he shuffled around and spoke again. "yeah, yeah, i'll see you soon, i love you." his voice sounded muffled through the phone.
eren was a bit hasty to end the call, you only able to get out an "i love," before the dial tone beeped, and you furrowed your eyebrows, placing your phone in the cupholder and continuing on the road home.
it had been maybe fifteen minutes before you arrived, unbuckling your seat belt and turning off the car. you didn't forget to grab the takeout sitting on the passengers seat as well as your bag before walking up the steps to your apartment. you unlocked the door and stepped inside, locking it back. "eren, baby, i'm home." you said loud enough for him to hear, but no response was returned as you shrugged your shoes off. "don't tell me he took them outside... i just said colt was coming soon." you mumbled to yourself as you made your way to the living room.
the sight caught you off guard, eren sprawled on the floor knocked out from what you assume was sleep, gabi laying down on the couch, falco at her legs sleeping as well, using them as a headrest. both of their bags were laid beside the couch and you let out a laugh. how quick did they fall asleep? it hadn't been long since you were on the phone with eren.
you set down the takeout bags on the kitchen and sauntered over to eren on the floor, his hair framing his face and his brows furrowed together as if he was in deep thought in his sleep. it didn't take much to wake him up, only a couple "baby," and some shakes of his shoulder before he jolted awake.
"huh?" he rubbed his eyes and sat up, head whipping back to the two kids on the couch. "shit, i'm sorry baby..." he immediately apologized, letting out another groan.
you couldn't help but smile and bring eren in for a short kiss on the lips. "you're fine baby, you got their bags and everything, you can go to the room and sleep if they tired you out."
eren pulled you in for a hug as he stood up, you standing with him, and then kissing your forehead. "alright... i love you."
"i love you too."
yeah, you might be sure kids with eren won't be too bad.
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ladyfeldspar · 2 years ago
3, 12, and 18 if'n you please! :333
#3: What work are you most proud of? Oooooh. Oh my gosh. I have so many. I have to pick just one?? Umm. I keep coming back to Do I Know You? for a few reasons. It was an exchange gift for @tweekwearingcraigshat which already automatically meant that I was going to put in a bananas amount of effort on it cause I don't like skimping out on exchange gifts. It's also a fic where I had a much bigger cast of characters than I usually work, so finding a balance between all of them was tricky. It's also a parody of a game show, which is ALSO something I'm not a well-versed in as other things. But I really love it, and I think it all came together really well. #12: How many WIP's do you have in your docs for next year? Oh. God. Okay, hang on. I'm going to leave collabs out of this because...just because. But first, going through my AO3, I have... You're My Number One, Right Intentions, Count Your Blessings, Written in the Stars, Road to Creektopia, Gravity, If You Could Only See, technically Echoes of World Left Behind but I have no idea if and when I'll get there cause that one is from forever and a half ago, Guess Who, and Can't Get You Out of My Head. I also have a bunch of half-started things in my Google docs so let me go count those. 28. Okay. Plus the 8 Spotify meme challenges I have to do still. So that would be...Jesus Christ. 36. Why does anyone let me write anything? #18: The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Kyle, believe it or not! Though that might be because I just had to write a little Cryle thing for the Spotify meme and I've never done it before. Plus it's been a long time since I've tried to write, like, a substantialish amount of Kyle. A certain couple of people in Right Intentions are also a little tricky right now at the moment but that's more because of where the plot is going than anything else.
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ilyasorokinn · 3 years ago
WAVES , erik johnson (chapter two)
note, this is part of the waves series which is part of the heartbreak season series. here's the masterlist if you're interested. kat and erik's relationship is heavily based on jo and alex's relationship from grey's antomy. just if anyone's curious. another note, i've decided to drop updates weekly on wednesdays. thanks :) pair, erik johnson x oc (kat foley) summary, the epic love story of kat foley and erik johnson. warnings, a few curse words, mentions of alcohol. mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, mentions of childhood abandonment word count, 1317 words
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(gif not mine)
"So...?" Aurora began.
"So... what?" You asked.
"How are things with you and Erik?" She asked.
You sighed, "They're fine."
"That's all I get? Not even a crumb?" Kat could see Aurora pouting from the other end.
"There's not much to tell. We're just friends." Kat sighed.
"No, there's something else going on."
"All right, fine." Kat relented, "While I was waiting for Erik to text back for that month, I met a guy in a coffee shop, and he was pretty kind. He accidentally grabbed my drink, and then offered to pay for my drink."
"Oh, my gosh, Kat, you have two boyfriends!" Aurora squealed.
"Okay, stop. No, I don't. I don't even have one. Erik isn't my boyfriend, he's just a friend, and the guy I met at the coffee shop isn't my boyfriend. We haven't even gone on a date. We're just talking." Kat told her best friend.
"Uh-huh." Aurora sounded unconvinced, "Well, I'll be in Denver Saturday, and you can tell me all about your two not-boyfriends then."
"Can't wait." Kat smiled.
"I love you," Aurora told her, sincerity dripping from her voice.
"I love you, too, Rory." Kat smiled.
Saturday came, and Erik found himself waiting at the airport, waiting to pick up Rory. Kat had an errand, so she asked Erik to do it. Aurora shot Kat a text, telling her she was waiting by the bag carousel, so Kat let Erik where Aurora was.
Erik walked over to the bag carousel and looked around for the person Kat had explicitly described. He eventually found Aurora standing off to the side, "Aurora, right? I'm Erik."
"Ah, you're Erik." Aurora smiled, shaking his hand. Erik made a face, "Kat has told me a lot about you. She even read me the letter your boss wrote up."
"Ahh." Erik nodded, scratching the back of his neck, "What'd you think?"
"You want the truth?" Erik nodded, "Kat's been through some shit, and that's not my story to tell, but she doesn't open up to many people is my point, so if she opens up, just be there for her. She trusts you, Erik. She let you into her world, and now that you're here, if you leave, gosh—I don't even know, it might ruin her." Aurora told him.
"I'll do that, be there for her." Erik nodded his head. Aurora could hear the determination.
"Good." She nodded, handing him her rolly suitcase, and following him out of the airport to his car.
Erik was in trouble.
His friends were getting married and he was dateless. He, of course, didn't need to go with a date, but going with someone would ease the tension and get people off his back when they asked why he was still single.
So, he called up his new best friend, Kat. A few months had gone by since their second conversation at the bar where Kat gave him a second chance, but they weren't yet at the same level of friendship as Kat and Aurora or Erik and Gabe.
Erik would go over to Kat's apartment and they would drink beer and watch movies. Kat would go over to Erik's place and they would sit on his couch eating pizza and watching trashy reality TV.
"So, let me get this straight; your friends are getting married and you want me to go with you?" Kat asked.
"Yeah, pretty much." Erik nodded.
"Well, I'm sure you have other... female friends." She winced at the wording.
"Well, I don't really want to take any of them. I wanted to take you because you're my friend and it won't be awkward." Erik told her honestly.
"When is this wedding?" Kat asked.
"Two weeks from Saturday."
Kat was silent as she contemplated the proposal, "I'll think about it. Give me two days." She told him and hung up, giving him no time to respond. Erik smiled and pocketed his phone.
Kat fidgeted with her necklace as she waited for Erik to pick her up, "You can do this." She repeatedly whispered to herself.
Her phone rang from the table, causing her to jump. She calmed her heartbeat before answering the phone, "Hello?"
"Hey, I'm waiting outside, come out whenever you're ready," Erik told her.
"Okay, I'll be down in a sec." She told him, then hung up, setting her phone in her bag and giving her outfit one last look in the mirror. She took a deep breath before making her way outside.
Erik got out of the car, ready to open her door, but stopped for a moment when he saw her, "What? Is there something wrong with this dress? I haven't worn it in a while and I think it might be too small." Kat winced.
"No, no, it's perfect. You look... perfect." He was shell-shocked.
"You think so?" She stopped fidgeting with her dress and looked up at him.
"Yeah, I do." He nodded, a smile on his face. She hummed with a smile. The two of them stood there, admiring each other before Erik realized why he was there in the first place, "We should get going."
"Yeah, right, of course. Going." She nodded, breaking from her fantasy world, and speed-walking to his car.
Erik and Kat were sitting at a table at the wedding, sipping their drinks and talking. The wedding was still going on, but the two of you were having a good conversation.
Kat was a little drunker than Erik since she wasn't DD and there was an open bar, "I'm really happy you came tonight." Erik told her.
"I'm happy too. I've never been to a wedding." She admitted.
"Really? Never?" He asked.
"Didn't really have any relatives willing to invite the infamous Foley family." She told him, her eyes glazed over due to the alcohol in her system.
"What do you mean?" Erik's brows furrowed together in confusion.
"My parents were either drunk or high. No one wanted that at their weddings." She told him, taking another sip of her drink.
"Wow, I'm really sorry, Kat." Erik was speechless.
"It's fine, I got out of there, I'm never going back." She shrugged, slowly beginning to sober up because of the heaviness of the conversation.
Erik kept his eyes on her, trying to gauge a reaction, "Since we're already halfway there, let's keep going." She joked, "I moved here from Maine when I was 18 and barely graduated high school. I almost didn't get the job at the bar because I was 18. The owner, Ralph, took pity on me and hired me to work in the back office."
"I've been working my ass off since I was 15. The only person I've ever had that's consistent in my life is Aurora. She left for Dallas when we were 19 to start taking classes. She had been taking online classes for me, but she moved to Dallas and I almost died, not gonna lie."
Erik listened the entire time, a little sliver of sadness in his heart. He finally understood what Aurora meant by "be there for her."
"I never went to college, I wanted to but never had enough money to even pay for a textbook let alone a class, so I worked my ass off to get that apartment." She told him, spinning one of the rings on her fingers.
"And that's pretty much the story of Kat Foley." She shrugged, "I'm the daughter of two high alcoholics from Maine. There's not much to know."
"If it makes you feel any better, I never went to college either." He told her, trying to diffuse the awkwardness.
Her lips curved up but she tried to hide it, "Okay," She nodded, "That does make me feel a little better."
"I'm glad." He smiled, reaching for his glass and holding it out for her. She picked up her cup from the table and clinked it against his.
my taglist: @2manytabsopen @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @stars-canucks @particularnarry @2kidcrew @mrspowers @sports-queer @joelsfarabees @calgarycanuck @juuuuuse @paintedbleue @punkharts @ejsbootycall @dreamsndior @radiantroope @fallinallincurls
add yourself to the taglist!
i really hope you enjoyed. not gonna lie, kinda nervous and i really hope people enjoyed it <3.
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sproutsgcrden · 4 years ago
when the seafoam floats | chapter one
the entrance exam
summary: Aizawa Michi isn't sure of a lot of things in her life, but she is sure that Midoriya Izuku is going to be a great hero. Following him from Aldera Middle School to Yuuei High only cements that fact, even if he does have a strange new quirk.
author's note: this is a longtime coming! i've been planning Michi's story for over a year now, and i'm so excited to finally be able to share it! keep in mind that this a retelling of canon with an oc-- some things will be different, some things will be the same. i update every monday on ao3.
masterlist | read on ao3 | next chapter
want to be tagged? send in an ask and let me know!
art done by emmythetaciturn!
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father | sent 06:48
good luck. don’t die. i’ll get you a kit-kat later
loudmouth | sent 07:03
nem | sent 07:06
You’re going to do amazing today, my little mimichan 💕💕
Missed Call | izukun💚 | 07:49
izukun💚 | sent 07:49
Hey! I’m here! Call me when you’re close? 😊
Michi clicked the call back button, bringing the phone up to her ear as the familiar dial tone rang. The black skirt of her middle school uniform swayed gently in the wind as she continued her trek up the path that led to Yuuei High School. Her seafoam green hair, wavy as it was, was pulled back into her usual half-bun. Even if it was completely down, it would barely reach her shoulders. Her narrowed brown eyes began to search for the familiar green hair of her friend among the throng of middle school students in her way.
A click sound through the phone, and through the static and background noise Michi could make out a meek voice. Her lips formed a small grin, and her pace sped up. If she bumped into anyone, well, she could apologize later.
“Hello? Micchan?”
Michi excused herself past a couple who were walking extremely slow for her tastes, and tightened her bag to her shoulder with her free hand. “Hey Izukun! I’m about to pass the gates, so I’ll probably see you within a minute or two. Where are you at?” The golden gates seemed to dazzle in the sun. The young girl had been here many times with her father, but for some reason the entrance seemed especially intimidating today.
“Oh, I’m on the left side of the walkway, right by a pillar…” Michi could hear Izuku’s hesitance through the phone. “Are uh, are you nervous at all?”
“Nervous? Izukun, of course I’m nervous. This is the biggest entrance exam in the entire country. I doubt my quirk will be useful during the physical- but hey, that’s why we trained, yeah? If anyone can pull this off, it’s us!” Just then, Michi passed through the gate. She saw a glimpse of green hair behind one of the pillars, and changed her direction. “Anyways, I’m right behind you.”
A muffled and surprised screech sounded through her phone’s speaker, causing Michi to look up at the source of the noise. Izuku had turned around so quickly that he tripped, but luckily a nearby girl helped him. After hanging up her phone and putting it in her bag, Michi quickly ran towards the duo before her.
“Are you okay?” The cheerful voice of the brunette standing in front of Izuku carried through the open air. “Sorry for using my quirk on you without asking first! I know that some people may not like that, but I figured it would be better than falling!” The girl helped Izuku stand straight and released her quirk just as Michi caught up to them.
Leaning over, Michi gave Izuku a once over, just to make sure he didn’t actually hit anything before he was caught. When she didn’t see anything wrong, she nodded and turned to the brunette standing beside her. “Thanks for catching him. He can be a little clumsy- nerves aren’t really helping today.”
“Oh, it’s no problem! This whole thing is way nerve-wracking!” The two turned to Izuku, who was too busy staring off into space to be aware of anything around them. “Anyways- my name is Uraraka Ochako! Good luck in the exam!”
Michi bowed respectfully..“Aizawa Michi. And this is Midoriya Izuku. Good luck to you as well.” Uraraka nodded, and walked into the building, brown hair bouncing gracefully. Michi watched her walk inside before she turned her attention to her friend, who was muttering too quietly for her to catch on to what he was saying.
With a huff of amusement, she slapped his shoulder and began to guide him into the building. “Izukun, I know you don’t have much experience with girls, but you could at least try to introduce yourself to the one who saved you from eating the sidewalk.” Michi laughed as Izuku’s face went from shocked to embarrassed.
“Oh gosh, you’re right. I was too busy trying to figure out her quirk to even say anything! Do you think she noticed?” Their shoes scruffed against the paved stairs as they continued their walk, eventually reaching the door and going inside. “I mean, what do you think it was? I think it could be some sort of gravity manipulation based on how I floated- that’s perfect for rescue work! She would be an amazing hero, I really hope she makes it in- is that- Thirteen?!”
Thirteen was stationed at a long table at the end of the entrance hall, clearly meant to be a check-in. They pointed directions for the potential students in front of Izuku and Michi as they handed out pamphlets. Izuku began to shake, from nerves or excitement Michi couldn’t tell. She assumed a mixture of both. It wasn’t everyday you got to meet such influential heroes in person- at least for the normal civilian.
As the duo eventually made their way to the front of the line, Thirteen greeted them enthusiastically. “Welcome to Yuuei, Hero Hopefuls! Can you please give me your school I.D.s so we can get you checked in and ready to go?” Michi and Izuku, of course, already had their identification available. Thirteen quickly took them, and checked the two of them into the system. After handing a freshly printed packet to each of them, along with their I.D.s, Thirteen pointed them down the hall.
“Those packets include the booklets you will use in the written exam, along with information regarding the physical you’ll take after. Your proctor will explain everything in more detail once they’re ready to start the exam. Aizawa-san, you’ll be in room 1-E, right down the hall after taking the first left. Midoriya-san, you’ll be in room 1-G, just a few doors further down. Good luck to the both of you!”
Michi led the way to their respective rooms, clearly having some knowledge on where to go. Izuku followed her lead, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Uh, Micchan?” The girl in question absentmindedly nodded her head, gesturing for Izuku to continue his question. “Well, I was just thinking, isn’t it a bit strange that we haven’t seen Kacchan yet?”
“Why would you want him to see you today of all days?”
“I don’t! I just-” Izuku sighed, causing Michi to pause and pull him to the side of the hall. “If he does see me, I’d rather it be before everything starts? At least it wouldn’t be so embarrassing if he yelled at me in an empty hallway versus a classroom.”
Michi nodded in understanding, waiting a moment before speaking. “I don’t think he’d go too overboard today, Izuku. At least, not on campus? Yuuei is very strict in their policies, so he’d likely be barred from taking the exam if he started screaming at you for nothing.” She gave him a reassuring grin. “And if he did, I’d punch him in the face. Again.”
“Micchan! You can’t just talk about how you punched Kacchan!”
“Why not? The asshole deserved it for what he said. And you know it.”
“I mean, maybe he did. But I’m sure you’ll be barred from taking the exam for talking about how you assaulted another student so openly!”
“Yeah... But I could still make it into general studies, probably. Besides, my old man already knows I cracked open Bakugou’s nose.”
“Micchan!” Izuku’s eyes were wide, but he couldn’t mask the giggles leaving his mouth quite fast enough. Michi smiled in response- a large, open-mouthed smile that rarely came from the normally stoic girl. Once Izuku calmed down, he began to talk once more. “Oh yeah. I forgot you mentioned your dad taught here. I’m still upset you won’t tell me which hero he is.”
Michi huffed, a small ounce of suppressed laughter. “Dad doesn’t like me sharing his hero identity, Izukun. But, to give you a clue…”
Izuku leaned in closely, ready to hear whatever could possibly clue him in on the mysterious hero.
“You have a few pages dedicated to him in one of your notebooks! I think number eleven?”
Green eyes widened comically as Izuku took in the implications of his friend’s words. “You mean I already wrote about your dad and you won’t tell me which hero he is?!”
“I thought it was funny.” Michi shrugged with a small grin. “Plus, like I said, dad doesn’t like people knowing his hero identity.”
“I still- I wrote about your dad and you never said anything!”
“I would’ve corrected you on your analysis had you been wrong, but you actually broke down his abilities quite well! I wanted to take a picture and show it to him, but that would’ve been too on the nose.”
Michi slapped her shell-shocked friend on the shoulder, trying to snap him out of his stupor. “We have a test to take, remember? Let’s focus on that!”
Izuku, getting over his shock and embarrassment, shook his head clear of his thoughts and nodded towards his friend. Michi walked a little further with him to make sure that he made it to the correct room before hurrying to her own. It was time for the exam to get started.
Michi groaned as she tightened the seafoam-colored half bun sitting on top of her head, turning her back quickly to pop it as she made her way towards the large auditorium Snipe had pointed her group in. The written test hadn’t been as difficult as she thought it could’ve been. Thanks to the endless nights she and Izuku spent studying every subject they could get their grubby little hands on, she didn’t have nearly the amount of trouble she expected to have on the math section. It really wasn’t one of her strong suits. Quirk Science and Quirks Laws, however, were a speciality of hers. Her father debated the laws with his coworkers frequently enough for her to pick up on, and Quirk Science definitely helped explain her own quirks’ functions. Sparing a quick glance down to her pamphlet, Michi took the stairs near the entrance to find her seat.
The row her seat was in wasn’t hard to find, but Michi did a double take once she found it. With narrowed eyes, she slammed her bag on the table with a bit more force than necessary. Of course they would sit her near him. She only hoped that Izuku got placed on her side instead of the empty seat on his side.
“Real mature, guard dog.” the grating voice of Bakugou Katsuki sounded from her right. She barely spared him a look of contempt before setting her gaze on the stage below. His ashen blond hair was as explosive as ever, red eyes set in the permanent glare she was used to seeing from him. The sight of his crooked nose was enough to almost make her lose her cool, letting out a short cackle.
“Yeah, as if you know anything about maturity. Want a reminder of how your nose got permanently tilted to the side?”
Bakugou snarled, turning away from Michi to face the stage once more.
It was the first day of their third year, and of course Izuku was the first one assigned to classroom cleanup. Michi offered to stay behind with him, but she ran to the restroom right after class was dismissed. She knew she should’ve waited until Bakugou and his cronies left for the day, a fact she cursed herself for months after the event.
Her shoes tapped against the linoleum floor as she hurried back to their class, knowing the sooner they got the cleaning done, the sooner they could go get some katsudon and celebrate their first day being over. She didn’t expect her vision to turn red in rage the moment she entered the room.
“If you really want to be a hero so bad- maybe you should take a swan dawn off the roof of the building and pray for a quirk in the next life!”
Fingers and the chain smoker had already turned towards the door, eyes widened in fear. Not knowing of the danger that awaited him, Bakugou turned towards the exit with a smug smirk. And that’s when he was met with a sharp crack against his nose. Blood leaked through the torn skin on the bridge, as well as one of his nostrils. He spluttered, hand moving up to catch the blood and cover his nose as his shocked eyes met Michi’s glowing red ones. Her seafoam hair, normally tied back in a half bun, floated towards the ceiling.
“If you ever say anything like that again, I won’t stop at your nose.”
The feeling of someone tapping her left shoulder brought her out of the flashback, and she turned to see Izuku smiling down at her. He set his bag down beside his chair softly, scooting his chair closer to hers as he sat down. His documents were placed on the table in a neat stack. He was about to say something to the girl beside him, when he seemed to realize that Bakugou was only two seats over. Michi knew he’d probably start freaking out, so she turned to face him completely, blocking out his view of Bakugou.
“How do you think you did on the written portion, Izukun?” The lights dimmed before going back to their original brightness, signalling that the presentation was about to begin.
The young boy fiddled with his papers, shaking his head slightly. “I think I did okay? There were a few questions on the beginnings of quirks that I had a bit of trouble with, but other than that it seemed easier than expected?”
“Yeah. Good thing we studied for the math section. I totally would’ve failed if we hadn’t gone over a majority of it.” Michi flicked her eyes towards the stage once more, seeing the silhouette of a man with very large hair walk up to the podium.
Izuku, Michi, and the rest of the participants crowded into the room focused their attention to the newcomer as the lights dimmed. His bright yellow hair, gelled up to the high heavens, was only accented by the artificial lights beaming down on him. Headphones covered his ears, and the collar of his leather jacket did little to hide the speaker connected around the man’s neck. Michi chuckled as she heard her green-haired friend let out a squeak in surprise.
“YOOOOO YUUEI HOPEFULS! HOW ARE WE FEELING TODAY?” The man certainly didn’t need the mic connected to the podium as his voice echoed clearly throughout the entire auditorium.
“That’s Present Mic! His quirk control is absolutely incredible- his rescue stats as well! I listen to his radio show every morning! I can’t believe he’s a teacher here! It’s totally crazy that all the teachers here are pros- guess that’s Yuuei for you!” Izuku was nearly bouncing in his seat, gushing over the Voice Hero with the quietest voice he could possibly muster.
“Will you stop nerding out, freak?”
Michi glared at Bakugou. “You really want me to mess up your nose again, sweaty hands?”
“Micchan! Kacchan!”
The two stopped glaring at each other and turned forwards again, paying attention to Present Mic, much to Izuku’s relief.
If Michi had been paying attention to detail, she would’ve realized that no one in their position would ever reply. Tension and nerves were extremely palpable in the air; everyone was too scared to even say anything at this point in the exam. All except Michi- who was used to the loud, booming calls made by her father’s best friend. So when she replied with a decent-volume, she lifted her head, surprised to see over a thousand faces staring back at her.
Blood immediately rushed to her cheeks as she realized that she was the only one in the entire room to reply to the loudmouthed hero. She felt Izuku’s concerned gaze as she tried to block out the obnoxious sound of Bakugou trying (and failing) to hold in laughter.
“THANK YOU EXAMINEE 8978!” If Michi were any closer, she would be able to see the wink he sent her way, but from the distance she was at, she could barely see his exaggerated movements. “I’M HERE TO PRESENT THE GUIDELINES OF YOUR PRACTICAL! ARE YOU READY?!”
Bakugou shuffled beside Michi, taking a quick glance at the paperwork laid out in front of each of them. “That’s so kids from the same middle school can’t help each other out, yeah?”
“Yeah. It makes sense, too. Especially considering that each consecutive I.D. number is assigned to a different location!”
“Get your eyes off of my paper, nerd!” Izuku shuddered as Bakugou whisper-screamed at him. The ashen blond grunted as he looked away. “I’ll crush all these losers. Fortunately for you, you’ll get to live another day.”
Michi felt a sinister grin form on her face as she spoke through clenched teeth. “Broken. Nose.”
They grew silent once more as Present Mic continued to speak.
“Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains! Points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels!!! Use your quirks to disable these villains, and earn your points! That’s your goal, listeners!!” There was a short pause before the hero continued. “Of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!”
Michi elbowed Bakugou at the reminder, making him scowl at her.
“Excuse me! May I ask a question!”A voice sounded from below, nearly right in front of the stage. A figure was lit up by a stage light: a tall student with dark blue hair and glasses. He didn’t pause to let the hero reply before he continued on with his question. “There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villains on this handout! Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for Yuuei! Japan’s top academy! We’re all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes!”
“And you! With the curly hair!” His finger pointed towards Izuku, making the green haired boy cower behind Michi. “You’ve been muttering this whole time! It’s distracting!! If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!”
Izuku let out an embarrassed “Sorry,” in reply, making Michi glare down at the kid who singled her friend out. If it wasn’t going to create even more of a scene and cause Izuku to become even more of a nervous wreck, she’d totally give this guy a piece of her mind. Just who did he think he was?!
“Alright! Examinee 7111! Great catch, thank you!” Present Mic increased his volume, trying to lead the attention back to himself. “But the fourth villain variety gets you zero points! He’s more of an obstacle! There’s only one at each site! A gimmick of sorts that’ll rampage around in close quarters.”
“Thank you, sir! I apologize for the interruption!”
The presenting hero nodded, gesturing to the entire room with his hands. “That’s all from me, folks!” He went on to describe a quote from Napoleon, of all people. Michi knew this was the school of schools, but she also knew Mic was being forced to spew the random educational fact to them all. “PLUS ULTRA!!! Break a leg, listeners!”
With that, the main lights turned back on and the other potential students began to shuffle their way to their respective buses. The small shuttles would take them to and from campus to their testing sites. Bakugou, bag already slung across his shoulder and papers in his grasp, sped past Izuku and Michi as soon as the lights turned back on. The two shrugged as they gathered their things and made their way down and out to the buses.
The shuttles, while as large as they could be, were still completely cramped. Michi found herself wishing that the battle centers were closer so that they could just walk to where they needed to be. She wasn’t much of a people person in the first place, even more-so when she was surrounded by random people with no room to herself. Luckily, she was able to grab a window seat near the back. The kid that sat immediately next to her didn’t seem too awful, either.
“Hey! Name’s Sero Hanta!” His deep black hair reached just above his shoulders, and his smile was so obviously genuine. Michi nodded, eyes flickering down to the round shape of his elbows before meeting his own. “This is totally crazy, right?”
“Aizawa Michi.” She sat up a bit straighter to provide more room for the both of them as she nodded. “Tell me about it. Didn’t know we were fighting robots… I’m going to have to be creative.”
Sero lifted his arms to give her a better view of his elbows. “I get ya! My quirk’s called Tape! I produce organic tape from my elbows.” He dropped his arms once she had gotten a good look. “What’s yours?”
“It’s called Erasure.” Michi held up her hands for Sero to see. “If I touch someone with all five fingers, I can erase their quirk. Or, I make them unable to use it? It’s not very effective on those with mutations, however.”
“Oh no shit?” Sero turned to face Michi fully, lifting his elbow to her still raised hand. “Try it on me! I wanna see what happens with my quirk!”
The young girl nodded, and placed her entire hand on the boy’s elbows. Michi felt her hair begin to float upwards, and she could tell by the look on Sero’s face that her normally brown eyes had begun to glow red. “You can move your elbow. I can still have my quirk activated if I let go.”
Sero tilted his arm away from her, moving it back and forth with furrowed brows. He shook his arm a few times, in an attempt to try to use his quirk. “It’s so weird. I know my quirk’s still here, it just feels like I forgot how to use it.” He knocked his knuckles against his elbow. “Yeah, I can’t get anything to come out.”
Michi nodded and deactivated her quirk; the feeling of her hair floating back down to normal tickled the back of her neck. In an instant, tape shot out of Sero’s elbows in a similar fashion to a grenade getting launched. He quickly grabbed the end before it could get far, and retracted it. She sheepishly scratched the back of her neck, turning her gaze to the floor.
“Sorry. I should’ve warned you before I let it go.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it!!” The shuttle came to a stop in front of their battle center, and the two of them stood as they waited their turn to make their way to the gate. “That’s a pretty great quirk though. It sucks that you don’t have a way to use it against the robots.”
Michi shrugged, following Sero as he began to walk through the aisle. “I have a few ideas of what I can do. Either way, if I don’t manage to bag enough villain points, I’m confident I’ll make it into general education. I can just fight my way into the hero course from there.”
The duo had made their way to the gate by the time Michi finished her short speech, and started to stretch while they waited for the countdown to begin. It wasn’t a long wait before a loud buzzer sounded through the area, and as soon as the gates opened up, Michi sprinted her way through it. She barely acknowledged Present Mic’s voice as she surpassed those in her group, heading straight for the nearest one-pointer.
The one-pointers were the smallest of the bunch, and therefore the easiest ones to test her theory on. Logically, these robots had to have a manual shut-off. Michi had no doubt that the exam proctors were controlling these things from a central room somewhere on campus, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t other ways to make sure they were running properly.
Thanking her dad for the parkour lessons, Michi narrowly dodged the robot’s fist before hopping onto it. Using its arm as a leverage point, she swung herself towards its neck. It didn’t take long for her to maneuver herself so she was able to look down at its back. Taking a moment to look around, her eyes lit up as soon as she glanced at a small switch between the neck piece and the back of the robot. Dodging another hit from the bot, she swung herself around once more. Hanging one arm around its neck from the back, Michi was able to stick her hand down far enough to toggle the switch. She heard a small click and immediately did a backflip off the bot and ran to find a new enemy to take on.
The other examinees were beginning to catch up to her, but she did her best to ignore them and keep to the plan she had. Now that she knew for sure that the robots had a toggle for power, Michi felt much more comfortable going after the two and three pointers. She would just have to make sure to dodge their attacks as well as she could. Without any quirk enhancements, taking a hit from one of the bigger bots was sure to at least crack a rib or two.
As Michi kicked off the two-pointer she just eliminated to land on the arm of a nearby three-pointer, she found herself regretful that she hadn’t practiced more with a capture weapon. Her father’s capture scarf, while useful, was extraordinarily complicated to learn how to handle. Even after practicing with a smaller version for about two years now, she still didn’t feel confident in handling it. At least, not confident enough to take it along for the most important exam she would probably ever take.
The three-pointer shut down with a flick of a button, and Michi jumped down to the ground as it collapsed in on itself. The ten-minutes they were allowed were quickly running out, and the examinees had fully taken advantage of every second. The young girl ran down the back alleyways of the mock city in hopes of finding a straggler or two, but it seemed to be in vain. She was sure that there were probably some more targets near the open streets, but quite frankly it was a bloodbath between the others and she really didn’t want any part of it.
Just as she was about to enter another alley, the ground began to rumble. Something big was approaching, and approaching fast. Looking out onto the main road, she spotted the biggest robot she had ever seen in her life. It easily doubled the largest buildings in the area, and the insane amount of weapons situated on its arms made it a terrifying sight to behold. That’s the zero-pointer?
Michi stared at the giant, watching it move closer and closer as other examinees rushed past her to get to safety. No wonder Present Mic said to avoid that thing! There’s no stopping it unless you want to break yourself! Michi set her foot back, hesitantly getting ready to make an escape, before she heard a terrified scream break out in front of her. A kid with strange looking balls on top of his head was cowered underneath a few pieces of rubble. It didn’t seem to be crushing him, but Michi knew sooner or later that the zero-pointer would.
With a sigh, Michi forced herself forward, running towards the other examinee as fast as she could. She came to a stop right beside the boy, eyes flickering between him and the zero-pointer. As she took a closer look, she noticed that similar balls to what he had as hair were wedged in between the wall and the pieces of rubble about to fall on him. She also noticed that his pant leg was caught in between the street and the piece of rubble as well.
“Hey!” The kid met her calm gaze with watery eyes and snot dripping down his nose. She tried not to grimace at the sight. “Those ball things are your quirk, right? Can you get them to unstick? I’d reach around to rip off the part of your pants that are stuck but I can’t reach and we really don’t have the time to mess around here.”
“I- I can’t!!” The kid was pretty much inconsolable. “I made sure they’d be super sticky for the exam today!”
Michi gritted her teeth, looking around for something she could use to help push the heavy rubble away, at least to the point where he was able to get his pant leg out of there. A metal pipe glinted in the alleyway she came from, and she made sure to tell the crying boy that she’d be back soon. Pushing herself up once more, Michi sprinted to the alleyway and bent down to pick up the pipe. A ripping sound came from above her, and she looked up to see Sero grinning down at her with a sweaty face.
“Need help?” Sero dropped down from the roof to stand beside Michi as she stood to face him, gripping the pipe tight between her hands.
“Actually, yeah.” She gestured for him to follow her as she turned to run back to the boy in trouble. “We need to move this rubble so he can move but his quirk got caught up in the mess. So we need to separate this main piece from those balls attached to the wall.”
Sero nodded, taking a furtive glance to the approaching zero-pointer which was only getting closer. Tape from both of his elbows shot out, attaching to the flat side of the rubble. “I’ll pull; you can stick that pipe up at the top and push it my way.”
Michi did as he said, jamming the pipe as far as she could between the wall and the debris. As soon as Sero called out, Michi began to push the pipe. The young girl relied more on her speed than her strength, so she wasn’t very used to dealing with this much weight. Sweat dripped down her face as she pushed harder, finally beginning to see the rubble move in the direction they wanted it to. After a minute or so of this, she felt the trapped boy grab onto her leg and pull himself out of the hole he had essentially dug for himself. Once he was a safe distance away, Sero and Michi both stopped their efforts.
The duo sent small smiles to one another, grateful that they were able to help. Unfortunately, that feeling didn’t last that long. Michi, about to ask the other boy if he was okay, suddenly froze as she felt a hand travel up her thigh.
“Oi, what the fuck!” She kicked the boy away from her, which wasn’t hard to do as he was still gripping onto her leg. Sero, who saw what had just occurred, came to stand by Michi’s side. Their glares combined sent the kid into another crying fit.
“I just wanted to say thank you!”
“Yeah, that came across real well when you tried to cop a feel.”
The boy, mouth open and ready to respond with some pathetic excuse, suddenly stopped as a loud sonic boom echoed around them. Almost immediately after, Present Mic’s obnoxious yelling sounded through the area.
The shuttles had taken them back to the main campus rather quickly. Those who had minor injuries were informed to wait for Recovery Girl to come back- apparently somebody had majorly hurt themselves in one of the other battle centers. Michi suspected it had to do with whatever caused that explosion at the very end of the test.
Michi walked through the crowded group of waiting students, searching for a glimpse of familiar green hair. Her brows furrowed as she saw no sight of him, and she pulled out her phone to see if he had texted her. The lock screen lit up, showing a photo of herself and Izuku on their first day of their third year. She was barely smiling, and he was red-faced and sweating buckets. The picture always did make her grin, but when she saw that there weren’t any notifications, she pulled up her messaging app. She was in the midst of typing up something to send to Izukun when she felt a hand land on her shoulder.
“Examinee 8978!” Present Mic stood beside her, shooting her a wink through his orange-tinted glasses. “Someone’s looking for you. Lemme take you to them, ya dig?!”
Michi nodded, following the tall hero as he led the way towards the less crowded hallway. As soon as they were out of earshot from most of the other examinees, Present Mic grinned down at her.
“Nothin’. I’m just so proud of you! Saving people already!” The hero wiped a fake tear from under his eye, cackling when Michi groaned. They made another turn, and Michi grew more concerned when she realized they were heading in the direction of Recovery Girl’s office.
The young girl adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “It would’ve been better had that loser not tried to grab my ass.”
“And Mineta Minorou will face consequences for those actions. If I have anything to say about it, he won’t step foot in the school again.” A deep, exhausted voice sounded from in front of them as Eraserhead turned the corner they were approaching. His eyebags were very pronounced today, only seeming more prominent from the shadows his long, unkempt hair cast upon his face.
As Michi and Present Mic walked closer, he stopped them to hand Michi a kit-kat bar and pat her head. “Good job, kid.” All Michi did was nod her head, trying to hide her forming grin.
Of course, the moment was ruined once Mic opened his mouth. “Why can’t you two act like a normal father and daughter for once?! Give her a hug, cry! Show some emotion!”
Both Aizawas felt their eyes twitch, turning towards Mic with matching glares.
“Okay, okay!” Mic began waving his hands and backing up. “I’ll shut up! I gotta go check on the other listeners anyways since this case may take Chiyo a while!” With that, Mic sped away back towards the lobby where a majority of students were still waiting, leaving Michi and Eraserhead alone before the nurse’s office.
Michi blinked, turning to her dad in hopes of hearing an explanation. He sighed, eyes closing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Your friend. I thought he was quirkless.”
“He is, though?” Michi crinkled her nose in confusion, “He has the extra toe joint and the special shoes and everything.”
“Then how did he level an entire zero-pointer with one punch?”
“What did you say?!”
All her father did was sigh again, and open the door to Recovery Girl’s office. Immediately, Michi rushed in, ignoring the elder woman’s protests. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Izuku laying on the stretcher with a nervous smile.
“H-Hey, Micchan! How did your test go?”
She was going to kill him.
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willymywonkers · 4 years ago
Summary: A flashback to when Wonka first opened up his factory, and his relationship with his partner and close friend, Maude, were all the rage. A new guy pulls into town and has his sights set on Maude. Drama ensues.
A/N: Oof, I apologize if the ending feels a little rushed. I should say this fic does have a bittersweet feel to it, but that's how I like it lol. I am working on rewriting one of my other fics because honestly I think I've gotten better at writing Wonka, lol
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Willy Wonka made headlines around the world when he opened the largest chocolate factory ever in history. He stood proudly in front of the looming building as the press went wild.
People stood all around the factory, celebrating such a momentous occasion. Especially, Maude Figgle, who stood right in front of the crowd, chewing on a piece of gum.
While chocolate was Willy's main passion, Maude helped out in crafting different kinds of gum. She even invented a kind of gum that would never loss its flavor. The press never seemed to care much about her, even though she was the brains behind most of his famous candies.
"Hello, and thank you for coming." Willy began to speak on a podium. He began adjusting the microphone. He took out several notecards, flipping through each of them.
Finally, he spoke again. "It is with great honor that I, Willy Wonka, have finally opened the largest chocolate factory in the world. Candy has always been my passion since I was a little boy, and I couldn't have done it alone. Maude Figgle, my very good friend and partner, has done so many things to help me on this incredible journey that I could never imagined of doing it on my own. Now, without a further ado, Wonka's factory is now opened!"
The crowd cheered as Willy stood up and cut the rope of his shiny new factory.
Maude ran up the steps, waving to the crowd. She hugged Willy, tightly.
Will was a bit surprised at the hug. He chuckled nervously, hugging Maude back.
It was the happiest day of their lives.
Will sat in his office, admiring all the workers below. After just a few months, people already seemed to enjoy working at the factory. Will would go down from his office sometimes, and test the different samples that people had made.
Maude was usually in the experiment room, where she made most of her breakthroughs. She was currently testing out a type of rock candy that projected different kinds of emotions.
"Maude, if you keep chewing that gum, your jaw will close shut, haha." Will said, jokingly.
"Yeah, says who, Smartypants?" Maude chuckled, and continued chewing.
Gum seemed to be the only thing that keep her focus. Ever since she was a little girl, she had a habit of chewing gum. She would chew faster if she was nervous or extremely focused. When she didn't have gum to chew, Maude would chew on her hair, pencils, or anything to keep her mind to focus.
Willy's stance on gum was obvious. He hated the stuff, but when it came to Maude, he seemed to tolerate it a lot more.
"Whatcha working on?" Will asked, leaning over Maude's shoulder.
"None of your business." Maude scoffed.
Will pouted, crossing his arms. "Haha, jokes on you. This factory is my business."
"Oh, of course, Mr. International Hotshot." Maude pushed Will gently to the side, and grabbed a few chemicals from behind him.
"You better believe it, missy." Willy looked to the experimentation table. There seemed to be a rock that was glowing pink.
"What does that mean?" Will asked, looking to Maude.
"It's emotional rock candy. You just touch it, and it'll glow whatever color you're feeling." Maude said, excited at her new invention. "It's like a mood ring."
"Uh-huh, and what does pink mean?" Will asked, again, placing his gloved hand on the rock.
Maude blushed, slightly. "Um, it's usually referred to the feeling of love or well happiness. It's kinda not really completed yet."
The rock candy began to shake as well as turn several different colors.
Maude gulped, grabbing Will to the ground. The rock exploded and bits of rock candy seemed to blow everywhere.
Luckily, there wasn't any other workers nearby, but Maude and Willy.
Willy grabbed his cane, and started laughing. "That was magnificent! We should do that again, but next time we should add different labels on the colors."
Maude chuckled as well. "Hehe, of course."
"Yes, we should definitely do that when I get back from India."
Maude's smiled quickly faded. "Leaving? To India?"
"Prince Pondicherry asked me to build him a palace entirely made out of chocolate." Willy chuckled. "It's really a strange request, is it not?"
"Yes, but, who will be in charge when you're gone?"
"You will, of course."
Maude's eyes widened as Willy headed out the door. "But, wait, why me?"
"Why not you? You're the only gosh darn person I'd trust to run this entire factory."
Maude smiled, slightly. She seemed a little troubled. "I'll do my best, Will."
He smiled back at her, pulling her into a hug.
Maude hesitantly hugged back. She looked up at the chocolateir's face. He looked young and bright. His lips were almost kissable. His hair was all short and crooked.
Maude pulled out of the hug and looked away. The very words "I love you" hung to her tongue, as Willy walked out of the factory.
"Good luck, Will."
A few weeks later, the press were hounding the factory, curious to where the chocolateir went off to.
Maude tried to maintain her composure without him, but it was no use to the press. They liked to dismiss her like she was some secretary. It annoyed her at times.
Even some of the workers in the factory didn't seem to care that she was in charge. They would say revolting things behind her back. Soon she didn't show up to the break room anymore. She started chewing her gum a lot faster.
"Um, excuse me, miss." A man said, knocking on the door of Wonka's office.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Wonka isn't here right now. Is there anything I can help you with?" Maude asked, opening the door for the man.
"No, actually. I was just looking for you." The man stammered.
The man seemed to have red hair, with captivating green eyes.
"Well, is there anything that you need help with, sir?" Maude repeated.
"Um, I apologize if this comes off as a bit dodgy, but I wanted to ask if you'd get drinks with me later?"
Maude crossed her arms at the offer. "I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to decline, because I've got lots of work to catch up on."
The man still insisted. "The drinks would be on me."
"Uh-huh. Another thing is I don't even know your name." Maude said, rolling her eyes.
"It's Ron, Ron Duncan." The man stuck out his hand.
She looked at his hand, and raised an eyebrow. "Maude Figgle. Now, I'm really swamped with work, if you'll excuse me."
"Look, I get that you're busy, but, I really admire your since I was a kid. In my opinion, you'd be better off without Wonka." The man turned to leave.
Maude stopped whatever she was doing and looked at him. "That's very kind of you. You know what, sure, I'll go."
"Great, then it's a date." Ron smiled at her and walked off.
From that first meeting, Maude didn't expect to be in a relationship with him. Ron seemed so nice and caring, but there was something off about him. She didn't exactly know what, but she did have a feeling that his intentions were cloudy.
When Willy got back from India, he was greeted by a tight hug from Maude.
"Ah, it's good to be back after such a long time. India is scolding hot, you know." Willy said, as he hugged Maude back.
"There's someone I want you to meet." She smiled at Will, bringing him over to Ron.
Willy's smile faltered, when she gave Ron a kiss on the cheek. "Heh, hi."
"This is Ron. He's my boyfriend." Maude said, holding onto Ron's hand.
Ron stuck out his hand for Will to shake it. Will hesitantly shook it with a disgusted look on his face.
"I find it extraordinary that after all this time you guys held up your friendship." Ron smiled. It seemed to have a sour connotation to it.
Will smiled back, just as sourly. "Uh-huh, yeah. We've had the same dream since we were kids."
Ron's smile disappeared, slightly. He gave Maude another kiss before heading off. It made Will grimace slightly, as Ron walked off.
Will didn't know how to describe it, but he didn't like Ron. In fact, he grew to despise him, but he just didn't know why.
Whenever he would see Maude all lovey dovey with Ron, it just made Will sick to his stomach. Soon, candy sales began to drop. His chocolate just wasn't tasting as good as it used to.
It started getting worse when spies began stealing his life's work. The only thing that kept him afloat was Maude.
One day, Maude announced that she was getting engaged. However, she didn't seem too thrilled about it.
Willy picked up on it right away. She didn't seem to want anything to do with him anymore.
Maude began to distance herself from Will more and more. He felt more hollow without her.
During the wedding, Will showed up to walk Maude down the aisle.
"H-hey, Maude." He began.
"Yes?" She answered.
Will couldn't get over how she looked in her wedding dress. Her hair was done up all nice, and her lips looked almost kissable. He placed his gloved hand on her cheek, as the words "I love you" hung on the tip of his tongue.
"Good luck." He said, as he walked her down the aisle.
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 5 years ago
Phoning Home
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The idea for this fic came to me after I called an old friend of mine on the phone. Let's just say I felt a little vulnerable and got emotional, but they're a good friend, so I didn't mind. For my other fics check out my Masterpost.
In this fic the reader and Rick get a bit honest over the phone
The funny thing about cell phone reception was that if you stepped into certain parts of your house, you'd lose a bar or two. Though, for whatever reason, it seemed Zeta-7 always had perfect, steady reception; which you thought could've been attributed to the 4 slot chip holder behind his phone battery. Well, with that kind of reliability, you never had trouble understanding him on the other end of a call unless there was background noises like laughing or something blowing up; usually the latter. So, for the most part, it was like having him right there, but not really, and you stressed that when you heard it in his voice; you stressed how important he was to you and how much you missed him. "It's so nice to hear your voice. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you."
"I-I know." he agreed, light exhaustion coloring his voice. "It's been a-a-a busy couple of weeks hasn't it?"
"You're telling me." you sighed as you glanced at the photo the two of you had taken a few months ago; taken on the night he had assumed you two were about to break up, and you had tried to be mature; all of which you did just to impress him; how silly it was of you, but how lovely an evening it had been. "It seems as though this is all we can do anymore; just talk on the phone and hope that the other person isn't lonely."
"Are you lonely?" he inquired; his voice taking on that particular soft, sweetness which would have almost been alluring if other words had been used instead.
"I want to say I'm not," you started because you wanted to be better than that; to prove that you could be more mature than your years, "but usually I can't. I guess I am." 
"I'm s-sorry mi corazón."
"I mean," you tried to reason, "I try to tell myself that it's only temporary and that the work you're doing is much more important than my own feelings, but I feel as though we're on two different worlds, on different planes, and are destined to be apart. I know how silly that sounds, but it's how I feel sometimes. Goodness is it…am I wrong to feel this way?"
"No, you're not. Boy," he confessed, guilt laced in his words. "I - I feel as though I've neglected you."
"No, that's not true at all. You've taken very good care of me."
"Have I? I allowed you to get lonely, and I don't know how I-I-I can forgive myself? Y-you're everything to me."
"As you are to me." you softened; tears biting the back of your eyes. "You're so important to me, that it's like I'm missing a part of myself when you're not here."
"Gosh," Zeta-7 sniffled, pausing for a moment to collect himself before he continued. "y-y-y-y-you don't know how hard it's - how I-I really want to be there with you. All I see all day are lab specimens and m-my own face…that is the faces other Ricks. How I've lasted this long is beyond me, but I believe it's - it's because I think about you."
You sat up on your couch, ready to listen. "What do you mean?"
You heard as he set down something heavy; maybe a book or a beaker full of some concoction. "Do you remember when I said that I sometimes wish I could carry you in my pocket, and have you look after me all the time? Well, I um - I like to imagine that I really do. Th-that you're so small and precious that I can't let you out of my sight or else…"
"Or else what?" you wondered, being both intrigued and warmed by his thoughts.
"Or else someone better suited might take you away from me."
You couldn't have thought of anyone better suited than him. Over all these years, there had been a few guys including an old friend from high school, but they had never been enough. You had other interests in mind, but when Rick came along, it's as though something inside you woke up. In the beginning, Zeta-7 was so shy and easily hurt, and even now he thought you could've had anyone when all you ever wanted was him. "What would you do if someone tried to take me away? Whether in your imagination or in real life, what would you do?" 
"I wouldn't let them, unless - unless you wanted to go, but I wouldn't want you to go, not after how long I've waited f-for you. I know I'm being selfish, and I-I should stop rambling but you make me so happy; the happiest I've ever been. How can I not think of you?"
His earnest, sincere nature wasn't lost on you. You had to pause, and take a moment to find your words, let alone a steady train of thought. He truly was lovely; what a shame that he thought so lowly of himself. "I mean, there are a plethora of things to think about."
"Gosh, it's neat to think about experiments and all, but I'd rather - it's mighty swell to think about you."
You placed a hand over your heart, realizing that you didn't feel so bad anymore. In fact, amidst the conversation you found that you had done something similar to cheer yourself up; imagine that he would be somewhere about the house; cooking, cleaning, tinkering, or napping on your couch; ready to greet you with smiles and kind words whenever you were in the room. "I see. I think...no," you blushed, "I do understand what you mean. I think about you all the time too. I'm sorry for worrying you. I should probably let you go now."
"Wait, b-before you go, there's something I wanted to tell you."
"I read something not that long ago and I thought it was fitting. It goes like this: 'Si nadie sabe ni p-por qué reímos,'" he softened, "'ni por qué lloramos; si nadie sabe ni por qué v-vivimos, ni por qué nos vamos; si en un mar de tinieblas nos movemos, si t-todo es noche en derredor y arcano, a lo menos, amemos; quizá no sea en vano.'"
"Rick, that sounded lovely, but while I've been trying to learn a little Spanish, I don't understand. What does that mean?"
You heard a familiar sound, and behind you, a portal opened, and he stepped through; from head to toe, he was covered in a hazmat suit. With a lighthearted chuckle, he cleared his throat and you swore you could hear his blush, through his mask. "It - it means in more or less words that despite whatever happens or might happen, th-that I love you."
Those words which he always meant, but rarely said struck you with such a force that you couldn't help but be relieved and the burble of laughter which escaped your throat was not contained. And as much as you wanted to hold him, you knew that if he was wearing all this gear, it was for a good reason. "Oh Ricky, I would kiss you if I could."
"I-I'm not supposed t-to have left and might get in trouble," he confessed, "but I had t-t-to come here in person to tell you that. How else could I prove my worth as y-your boyfriend? As a man?"
Standing as close as you could, you smiled up at him; unaware of his own struggle in wanting to hold you, but not being in a condition to do so. "You prove it to me all the time as you had just now. Why I couldn't ask for anyone better. Thank you, dear, really thank you for being with me."
He stretched out his arm, nearly touching your cheek with his gloved hand, but stopped and allowed it to drop to his side. "I'm - I'm sorry, but I hav-"
"To go? It's okay, I understand."
Rubbing his arm, he informed you, "I'll be back soon."
As always, like a ghost, he would go away; not knowing when he should return, but knew that he was never far whether you wished it or not. "Alright."
He turned around, unhappy that he'd have to leave you alone again, but before stepping through the portal, he mentioned. "After this assignment is done, I'll take an extended vacation, and w-we'll go wherever you want."
There were a great many places which you thought of and wished to go, but if anything else, one thing proved true. "As long as you're with me," you confessed, with a hand pressed over your heart. "then I'll be happy because when I'm with you, it's like coming home."
"Me too. More than you'll ever know."
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sylusfruitss · 5 years ago
I'm interested in your dating idea! My name is Sakura. I'm smol and have often been nicknamed Snow White for the way I look. I'm quite lady-like as far as appearances and manners go, but my interests are rather geeky--I'm obsessed with videogames and anime. I'm working towards a career in art; I do illustrations. My grandmother wants me to pursue a culinary career though, since I've always been good at cooking and baking. I like traveling but I also like just lazing at home, hahah. 🤭
I'm thinking....
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Let's start off by saying these boys will do anything in their power to make you laugh at least every single day
But as you would joke about your nickname, the boys would be rather confused on why that seemed to be a joke
Later as you would explain the purpose of the nickname, both of the boys would see why you are nicknamed snow white
They would laugh along with you as any joke you made which made them laugh so many times
Both of the boys would notice your lady like behavior around other people as of appearance that is
Yet once you felt comfortable, you would tend to show your geeky side once your favorite topic was brought up, these boys would be laughing it off
Later they would get comfortable as well, knowing that they should show their true selves around other people instead of being manner like
These boys would also love the fact you would tend to play video games and anime more
They would recommend you any anime show that deemed you into interest
These boys would want you to recommend a anime show to them as well, just in case if they had no other thing to watch on television
Same goes with video games as well
But Jungkook would want to play any horror game with you, while Jin would want to play a adventurous game
Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention, if you ever felt scared or get scared by a jump scare, you would hide in one of the boys chest, not even wanting to look at the screen
Yet, they would give out a light chuckle seeing you in fear
Yet if you were not scares of any horror game, they would be quite surprised at first
But later as you grew closer to them, they would try to have a day were you guys would play horror games
At night!
But they would sometimes notice that you would want to get into any career that would consist in art
They would help you in any way the can to fulfill your dream
However, if you were to be stressed out from it, they would come rushing to your aid
Jin would make your favorite food to help you eat again, since you would not eat as much while you were working
As of Jungkook, he would grab your arm and bring you up to your bedroom, lay down, cuddle, and tall about your troubles that you would have been on your mind
Or would take your mind off of your work and discuss random things or tell stories about your relationship with the two of them
Will let you sleep
You will be laying in the middle of the tow of them, one member would be back hugging you as the other would face you
However they had also heard you talking with your grandmother on the phone, her explaining that you would be better at a cooking career
These boys would want you to choose any career that you wanted and would not want someone to choose your career for you, it's your own decision
Jin would teach you his own way of how to cook
So far, you seemed to do a way better job than him
But Jin wouldnt mind, all he cared about was your happiness
As of Jungkook, he tried to cook as a expert like you, but he decided to be a regular person to cook regular food instead
Either way, these boys would be totally goofballs with you
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Oh gosh, sex would be amazing with these two!
I'm not going to determine who could be the most dom, but I'm going to say it could equally be the both of them!
Would only want to have sex as if there was something special happened on that day
Jungkook would the little tease
He would bite your bottom lip as you would kiss him
Jin would slowly trail his hand up your leg, making his fingers graze your skin
Jungkook would quickly slip his tongue inside of your mouth
Jin would look to see of you were distracted as he would slip his hand inside of your panties, using two fingers as he pushed his fingers inside your pussy
Hearing you moan out as Jin pushed in and out of your pussy, Jungkook would quickly remove his clothes, nothing more than to feel you clench around his cock
Jin would remove his hands out of your pussy, using one of his fingers to rub your clothes as Jungkook would slide into you slowly
As they would continue with their actions, you would instantly start to palm Jin's buldge through his boxers, earning a moan in return
Jim would quickly remove his boxers as he saw your hand instantly grab his length, rubbing the tip with your thumb
He would thrust his own hips up into your hand, wanting you to stroke his length faster
All of you would be a moaning mess
Jungkook would pull out of you as he was coming, hitting his come on your pussy, seeing you leak some of his come out as well
As for Jin, he came last
He would come all over your hand, seeing you as you would lick it or seeing you have it on your hand
Jin would pass out instantly, unable to move from the effects of it
As of Jungkook, he would be running to give you a shower
He would carry you to the bathroom, telling nyou he would be waiting in the bedroom
Of course, when you would return, both of the boys would be naked
As you came to bed, you would instantly curl up and relax, shutting your eyelids
As of the next day, Jungkook and Jin would wake you up as of kissing you neck, creating hickeys on your neck
You would be a moaning mess
Jin and Jungkook would grab each of your hands, pulling it down toward their crotches, instantly knowing what they wanted
You probably know what would happen next....
(I hope you like it sunshine! Sorry it took so long as well, but still I'm thinking this would be the best ship for you. Again thank you for choosing me for your ship request. As of know, they are still open! So if anyone wants a ship request, please do send one in! )
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the-firebird69 · 3 years ago
This is a very important part of the story my daddy didn't know about as far as I can tell and I don't think he did did my clan emptied Europe out of assholes during world War II but it started in the purchase completely emptied them out and they refilled and there were pockets of them but not many and they came from other areas and Claudia and her husband were very angry with me and studied it and silently and we're in fear real fear of my people not my people but my clan a solid fear too and suspected bja of being one of us the whole time not out of mistake but out of testing now I happen to know that what they did was miraculous and extremely dangerous for us and stopped it would have been a potential massive disaster for us and I believe what they did is actually something that happened if you listen to the sound and you see what you're doing it looks like the same thing and it seems that mac daddy says he's doing it because he thinks he'll have the ships and the tower ships and other things but he's not out there matter of fact nobody's out there or is my clan out there and they put clone brains into the bodies
My clan too and kind of sitting there sneering it just about everybody he can't stand anyone he says you're going to pay for it we have a plan and it's enacted and you don't even know about it then he says this today just now I mean it does we're in trouble I figured out what he's saying because it could be actually true there's a couple of glitches and things that you missed one is you don't have the AI at all too is you're not going after it and you're laying three is you going after tons of other stuff and killing each other in the head and for it's kind of a waste of time if you're dead meat isn't it and you're lame very lame here we have to take over to get him anything and we proven it many times there's no way to get anything in here except by doing that I'm tired of frustrating everybody we're going to come up with a system that says this is how you do it here or nothing happens if you don't believe yourself us knock yourself out and it keeps happening too even people have been here and have done it need to blow through them and need to flatten them and get him stuff that's how you do it by toll and got his wife you flatten them that's how it's done here and I know it is cuz I've seen it and I've seen you do it everyday grocery shopping we can do that on it so often I said well you got excuses everywhere you look and I understand that too and it's happening off and on too with big armies are coming here looking for trouble so I'm going to use it it's ridiculous these people are assholes and we have to pop the AI out for them and I'm back you have to pop it out for them because they're going to sit there looking at and they do have a plan and it is running we can't afford it
You see they know their clan is deadly each one of them and it is true and we've had trouble with him for a long time I'm going to have to take steps because you're not what you're doing is ridiculous and it's not impressive it's more or less massive and fast it's fascinatingly annoying fascinatingly annoying mincing words too incredibly annoying and we react to it and they knew we would
Thor Freya
Oh my God you're right we're sitting here and we don't have anything to do with those ships up there anymore and we're happy as clams gosh we must be on some kind of glue
I think you're addicted to the pain reliever medicine to give you in the hospital
Zues Hera
It's angering but boy is it true we're a bunch of Winston hateful pieces of s*** compared to his clan we can't get out of our own way his clan ran the world it took it all away from me and was they were doing the other job too taking over cage you what are we doing but nothing
0 notes
forkanna · 7 years ago
NOTE: NaNoWriMo is in full swing! I told you I would try my best to update while it's going on and I will, even though it's obviously not as frequent as other months. Enjoy!
Yeah, I have no idea what went on over at the Chau residence. They took a few pictures of me on their phones to at least have examples ready, but it would have been pretty annoying to stick me in the back of the car — and besides, Stephen made a really good point that I might shatter if they dropped me, so after that nobody much wanted to take responsibility for schlepping the stone girl around.
But I got the general synopsis of what I missed from listening to their chatter. And thank GOD I finally had some entertainment, because lying around in an empty house all by yourself when you can't move is just about the most boring fucking thing ever.
Knives had her mom translate for her, since she can't speak Chinese, and asked her father if he knew any way to undo a spell, or curse, or mutation, or whatever the fuck this was that made people turn into rock-people. At first he said something a teensy bit racist that nobody would repeat, and then he asked for how the symptoms started. When they explained that it started from a feeling, and showed him the pic of my stomach, he kind of figured out what she would need.
Apparently, the house was quiet for so long because they had to go back to that place where Scott got the Soft and head to "Giant World", whatever that means. When they came back, they had another potion that was supposed to do something else. All I got was its name, not what it was supposed to do.
"So once Knives takes the Micron, we'll all stand watch," Steph was saying. Being a little older than everybody but Wallace — when did he show up? — she had kind of elected herself in charge. Also, nobody else wanted to be in charge, anyway. "Take turns. Like, I'm not sure what we can do, but we have to be ready just in case…"
"How long do we think this is gonna take?" Wallace asked, glancing at his trendy chronometer. "I'm supposed to meet up with Mobile at the new club where the Rockit used to be. Supposed to be a lot more catered toward our particular tastes now."
Knives's bottom lip quivered. "You don't care what happens to Kim, do you?"
"In an overall sense? Sure I do… but you guys didn't even remember my birthday. Tit for tat, you know."
"Hopeless," Stephen sighed. "No wonder Joseph hates you."
His trim eyebrow went up very slightly. "That catty bitch hates everyone. Can we get down to business? Kim's life hangs in the balance, just like my punctuality. They're both pretty important. Besides, I'm the only one here who can feed Knives any chi once she's through the gates; you need me as an E Tank."
"Fine!" Huffing, Knives grabbed the potion and downed it in one gulp. There were a few gasps, and Steph said something about "but we weren't through planning!" but it was too late; she had taken the plunge. And I was kinda glad, because at least now I would get to find out what the hell they were talking about, since they were leaving out so many details due to not bothering to include me in their conversation.
Not that I could talk back, anyway. But I could hear.
At first, we thought nothing had happened. Then I could tell something was weird. Everybody in the room was getting taller! Wait, that wasn't it… Knives was getting shorter. And shorter… she was shrinking right in front of my eyes.
"Hurry!" Stephen hissed, and Steph picked her up and sat her on my stomach once she was about toddler-sized. She kept going, slipping down my stomach when she was about the size of a Lego figurine, and then I couldn't see her anymore on the other side of my boobs.
At first, I thought that was it; that she had disappeared, and I felt a panic that I couldn't properly express while held suspended in this pavemential state of being. What the fuck had they done to my girlfriend?! But then I saw Steph bend down and do something else, holding her hand against my stomach.
"Hurry up… oh God, I hope Wallace knows how to use that thing."
WHAT thing?
"Me, too," he sighed as he pulled on the red fingerless glove. "Seems simple enough."
Shit. That thing. And I couldn't even scream as he slapped me in the forehead.
                                                          ~ o ~
When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I mean, I was definitely nowhere I had ever been before, and I kind of accepted that much… but still, why was the sky all pink? Why was the ground day-glow blue? Why was the path leading into the far distance so gold and shiny? Why was everything moving a little, like I was actually living inside a heat haze? Just freaking psycho crap.
And there she was.
"Knives!" At first she didn't turn around, but when I shouted again, she finally did — and took a huge leap backward.
"A what?" Looking down, I saw that I was half-invisible, and my legs disappeared into a wispy thingy. Reminded me of an actual cartoon ghost, but the tops of my legs were still pretty distinct. "Oh. Well, that's annoying."
Her hand reached out, drew back again, and then reached forward to touch my legs… and she passed right through. She shivered as she whispered, "Whoa."
"Yeah, um, don't do that again."
"Okay. Oh, Kim! I'm so glad you're okay! Kind of!" She moved to hug me, then remembered and drew back again. "Oh, oops. Sorry."
"It's okay. God… I'm such a mess, I didn't mean to make everybody… well, anyway, it's too late now. What are we doing here?"
"Huh? Oh, right! You know, that whole thing you told me about? We have to fix that or we can't reverse this, since we didn't get to it in time. So I took the Micron because I'm the one with the most training, and my dad has this thing in Brazil he has to take care of so he can't."
"What? I mean… damn, how long do you think we might be in here?"
Looking apologetic, she whispered, "He said… maybe a couple years?"
"Or not! It could only take a few hours, if we don't get hung up on the Rubik's Cube."
"Rubik's-" Only then did I catch on. My eyes narrowed in utter disbelief, waiting for her to yell "PSYCH" or something, but she didn't. "Wait. You're talking about all that bullshit I spewed at you when we first started hanging out again, aren't you?"
"Yeah! I mean, I'm ready for the rhino and the warthog, I'm pretty sure, but the rest I'll… have to… what is it, Kim?" she asked when she could tell I was even paler than a spirit already would be.
"It was all a lie. I mean… a joke, but I didn't expect you to actually believe me, and I never got the chance to tell you any differently because you ran off." Sighing, I turned away slightly, not wanting to look at her right then. "If this isn't some kind of crazy fever dream, or rock-dream or ghost-dream or whatever, and you're actually trying to fight your way through my body… then I think you're wasting your time. I have no idea what's about to happen to you in here."
"Well, that's okay," she said instantly. "We'll just figure out what the challenges are if they're different. I'm even stronger than I was before, you know; I kept up my training since all that happened at the Chaos Theater. Knives Chau is buff and knows her stuff!"
Gritting my ghostly teeth, I hissed, "Don't you get it? I want you to leave. Stop trying to help me, I'm obviously more trouble than I'm worth. Just… just go."
For a few seconds, everything was quiet. Then I saw her walking down the road into the distance. I was relieved for just a second; relieved and sad. At least Knives would be okay.
Then she called back to me, "You coming, or are you just gonna hang around here in the middle of your stomach?"
Once I caught up, trying not to let my pleased smile be seen by anyone, I asked her, "Stomach?"
"Sure. The portal is in your belly button; the only way in past the stone. Well, we could have tried your ears or nose, but the journey to your heart would have been a little longer, and we couldn't be sure of the path. This seems like a straight shot."
"Oh. Well… I mean, um… I don't really get this. Why are you trying so hard for me? I suck as a girlfriend, and I suck as a friend. All I did was kind of… hang around you and be grumpy all the time. Then statue-ified myself. "
That got her to stop walking and blink at me a few times. "You really think that's all you gave me, Kim?"
"Well… yeah."
"Don't be dumb. You were so sweet."
"Yes, you," she giggled as she resumed, setting a swift pace. Not that I minded, since floating alongside her didn't seem to make me any more or less tired. "Sure, you tried to bury it under like, your whole 'cool' attitude, but I've… never had anybody make me dinner before besides my mom. And you were always there to talk to and you really listened to my babble, and we could always play games or watch TV, and you were so awesome about not rushing me with sex stuff… held my hand. Kissed my cheeks. Made me feel important to you, even though I could tell it was really hard for you to do that. Gosh, Kim, who wouldn't love you?"
For a few minutes, all I could do was float alongside her. Something about this inner-spirit state I was in prevented me from crying, but I definitely wanted to be. Was kind of frustrating, actually, needing that emotional release and being unable to have it. But I certainly had no words to follow up hers with.
When we got to the outer gates, it looked like a giant walled city, and the multiple colours of the doorframe reminded me of Fruit Stripe gum for some reason. Anyway, as I had been worrying about… there were the guards. Giant mutant animals that just barely weren't copies of villains from an old cartoon I loved when I was little.
"Oh wow, okay," she breathed, whipping out a couple of her huge daggers. "Do you know their weaknesses? Because like, if I can stand on that piece of wall and stab down with my weapon continually-"
"Did you say… you love me?"
"What? Oh, um… yeah, I think I did? Is that okay?"
My noncorporeal eyes nearly bugged out of their invisible sockets. She started to look even less sure of herself, glancing back and forth between me and the enemies. So I quickly said, "Yeah, yeah. It's great. I mean, uh… sorry. Just never had anyone… say that to me before. Damn."
"Hmmm. Didn't know a ghost could blush."
"Kidding," she giggled just as my hands went up toward my face. "Come on, let's get this done. I want to help you."
Humming to myself, I tilted my head up in their direction. "No idea. But I have this vague feeling that if we kick one of their asses, they'll both go down. Well, if you do. Not sure I'll be much help like this."
"Might as well try it!" Then she started sprinting for them. "HEY YOU GUYS!"
That… was not how I would have handled it.
                                                          To Be Continued…
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amethystblack · 8 years ago
I've got a question, I messaged you quite awhile ago telling you that you were an inspiration to me as a closeted trans girl. I was curious as to how you started on your journey for all of it, it seems quite overwhelming at first. You don't have to answer this publicly if you don't want to ^.^
well, I don't mind... of course there's always that veil of anxiety in talking about this kind of thing, but i don't really believe in keeping quiet about that kind of thing, especially if it could help someone else.
so... how i started on a journey. well, i wonder...
to tell the truth, i wasn't really responsible about it at first. i was already in university by the time i realized this was something i needed to do. i'd done enough research to understand that it's hard to reverse many effects of T-- so i felt like the younger i started the better. i was always getting older, and therefore i felt like, i was always getting worse (as in, more masculine). the pressure was on. i had been very lucky to be able to pass, in terms of both appearance and voice, even before treatment, but i was worried the longer i waited the more of that i would lose (and i think i wasn't wrong. the last year before i started felt... especially harsh).
of course to start hrt you gotta get approved by a therapist, and gosh, that can take forever, you know? if it happened at all. the process was certainly daunting, and i'm historically not the best at talking about myself anyway. plus money... i really wasn't keen on the matter. i didn't think i had that kind of time. so, i was referred to a certain website of questionable legality where i could order hormones for myself. rather impulsively, i went for it.
i didn't want to tell my parents. i didn't want to tell my family. i didnt think they'd understand. if it meant being happier with myself, i'd resolved to just cut them off entirely anyway. i'd find a place to move out to, i thought, by the time that effects started showing. i'd make it work. this was naive.
and in the first place, it never had a chance because my mom actually intercepted the package i ordered when it arrived-- apparently a box from new zealand is out the ordinary??? nonsense. anyway i was super evasive about it and made up some lie to cover it and she made me send it back and i was a Sad. in retrospect, this was probably a good thing. the friend who had referred me to that site got in some trouble for it later on and wasn't able to transition fully... i sincerely think that that is a major component of why she chose to take her own life.
my girlfriend at the time was pretty critical in the matter. i had actually told her some time in the past-- which lead to her breaking up with me. eventually we got back together and she was an irreplacable support for me. especially as i was first transitioning, she lent me a lot of clothes and helped me shop for other ones, which was huge for the sake of getting me started.
eventually i had to accept the fact that i'd have to at least tell my mom if i wanted things to work out. she had always told me she'd support me if i was gay-- but this was a bit different. i didnt think she'd be ready for it. i wasn't wrong. when i finally came out to her i was able to in no small part because my girlfriend was there with me. my mother didn't really take it well at first. she started crying-- and saying some less than helpful things. but it became clear that she was mostly concerned for my safety above all else... in the weeks following she did some reading on the matter and came around to it fairly well. i was surprised.
my girlfriend and i eventually broke up. the bottom line was i was way too uncomfortable with myself to continue being intimate, and that didn't work for her. it was a nasty break, but the harsh end encouraged me to just go full time. i'd seen that i wasn't going to be happy with myself otherwise. but i had a year and so of classes in uni left, and i was -all- kinds of nervous about it. the advantage that i had was that for the past 2-3 years, i had talked to barely anyone on campus at all. i had been really uncomfortable with myself, so i just avoided everyone... meaning nobody knew me. i wouldn't have to worry about being recognized at all.
... except for by those from my on-campus job. although i knew my employers were the type who would have supported me, our clients were the type who absolutely would not have-- so i made the choice to withdraw. i found a job at a tea shoppe in my neighborhood instead. it was family owned and i made sure the owner supported me beforehand. i often felt out of place there-- but it may have just been the dysphoria (and my boss, despite being supportive, was a very Intense person which totally didnt help at all)... nevertheless, it got me through.
thanks to that, i was able to afford therapy. i found therapists known specifically for gender therapy just so i could get the letter to a physician to approve HRT. i picked the closest one and started meeting with her ASAP. i was really more interested in the letter than actual treatment there, but even so for the most part, i found that i just needed to answer honestly and it worked out fine. the therapist had some key points to ensure before approving me-- first, that i had experience living full time. check. second, that i could come out to my family-- not so check.
she and my mom eventually convinced me to come out to my grandmother, and my father. i felt the rest of the family would be fairly "sure, whatever" about it, but those were the two i was most worried about. i came out to them both by email. my grandmother is a classic right wing christian-born trump-supporting ol' gal, and she is also very particular about how she prefers people and matters of the family to be. ...but defying all expectation, she accepted it without any hesitation, and expressed some amount of disappointment that I didn't feel like I could trust or rely on her for that kind of thing in the first place. So okay, point taken. To this day she still struggles with remembering to use the correct pronouns, but we have kind of a running joke with it... at one point she messed up and she was just like "oh! shucks, just call me Harold." misgender for misgender i guess. still awkward when it's in public-- but kind of funny, and i know she means well.
then there was my father. his initial response to my email was basically a brief paragraph refuting the reasons i'd justified being trans with, and telling me why, in psychological terms, they probably were not actually the case. but frankly that was about what i expected. he and i have been rather distant, and he was not the most accepting or open kind of person in the first place. later that summer we met for the usually one time per year we typically get to see each other. he asked me what i wanted for my birthday. i told him that the only thing i wanted was for him accept me for who i was. he got me a 3DS instead.
but he eventually quietly came around though, i think. to tell the truth intimate discussions are not something we really have so it's hard for me to know his true feelings-- but at the least he goes along with it.
then there were just classes. i hadn't changed my legal name yet so i was still on the roster with some wrong information. so on the first day of class, i pulled each teacher aside and explained my situation to them. the campus policies were in my favor, so they had to oblige when i asked them to refer to me appropriately. fortunately they all seemed very understanding about the matter. i'm lucky to live in a city like this after all. i was able to reach out to other students a little more that year. at the least, i had a few people i could have considered friends, even if i never saw them out of class. but avoidant habits are hard to break. in the end, i graduated without making any lasting connections from university. i would chose not to walk at my graduation ceremony, for the obvious reason.
at some point during that school year my therapist finally approved me to transition. god bless. after reviweing the options i decided to get my hormones from planned parenthood. did you know planned parenthood offers transitioning hormones??? i sure didn't. anyway pls no defunderino thx.
and then i found something out-- i was under the impression that, of course, i wouldn't be able to have biological kids after surgery, but i had not known that HRT would rule that out as well. i wasn't really sure if i wanted to-- and even now i'm ambivalent. but i figured i should leave the door open for it. so despite being approved, i paused everything and took some time and a lot of money dear god what, to store cells for the future in case i ever do decide i want kids. that ended up taking frankly way too long. when it was over with i jumped back on that HRTrain ASAP.
the process of changing names was... tedious, and drawn out, but ultimately unremarkable. there were various forms to fill out and turn in and state regulations, fees, gotta visit this office except jk that's the wrong one try this one except jk that's the wrong one too try this one except jk does this office even actually exist???? and eventually i had to stand in front of a judge and hope he approved it. he took one look at the forms and approved it without even announcing the reason (as i saw him do for other people there) so that was really considerate of him. i was ready with like a full essay in defense, but in the end it was totally okay.
as for the HRT... i mentioned before i felt like i was always getting worse, you know, right? of course due to the nature of hormones, after i started taking them it would be a couple weeks before they kicked in... but it was an immediate improvement for me. from the first night, it completely turned around. everything was getting worse-- no. from then on, it was always going to get better.
oh... and there was one more place i forgot i had to come out to... reborn. people online always "mistook" me for a girl anyway, and that was always a huge compliment to me. so i think a lot of people weren't really surprised. the most awkward thing was actually... my in-game character. the game was already four episodes in or so and i had just used my generic custom trainer sprite from the site generator before for the intro... haha, it's a little silly, but for a long time i had just been editing it a little bit by bit to make it more feminine. it was a little too long before i actually completely replaced it.
...anyway, that was the start of things. beyond long-winded, but hopefully some of it can help somehow. honestly before and after transitioning is really like night and day, so hang in there. i promise it'll be worth it, and you'll surprise yourself in ways you'd never expect.
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