#but now i’m sooooooooooooooooooo bored guys
inthewild-flowers · 2 years
bored out of my MIND what if i made a stupidly sappy playlist
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Shinkai Kaze no Shou Drama Translation - Shogunate Dogs and Puppies
last post of the month!  so as always, i’ll end by asking if you can please support through ko-fi, through paypal or patreon, the latter will give you early access to my stuff and blog translations (changed the tiers)…. also let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my looking for list  since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that i can share... 
also the 3rd and 5th sanan tsukikage chapters were re-posted so I saved them as pdfs this time (also kazama’s 7th chapter was taken down but i thankfully already had that saved as a pdf). if im lucky, that translator will repost the other chapters they took down... tho i’m likely not going to translate any of that since i still have a shit ton of stuff on my to-do list plus... ginsei no shou is what im interested in... and i really wanna find some saito stuff to translate lol. especially given the cgs. they’re sooooooooooooooooooo pretty!
lol. as always, final edits will be done on the video (will be delayed due to me being busy)... and since I translated this before I actually heard this cd, I just went with what the Mandarin pingyin reads as for several things in this drama translation. also, there’s a lot of barking not directly mentioned in my tl that i didn’t see in the original TL i used for this.
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Aside from the Shinsengumi Oni-tan drama, this is the 2nd drama I’ve always wanted to translate... with the 3rd being ???? xD. only translated track 6 of that one for some reason, and it’s a +30 min drama so i have no idea when it’ll get posted (the 4th would be the Thumb-sized samurai one cuz i’m still annoyed at how i only got tl for 4/7 tracks while the 5th would be the vita zuisouroku one”手紙” for the same reason since im missing tl for tracks 1-6 for that. T_T did find tl for the 妖刀始末记 drama cd i was missing translations for though i don’t have the audio for that). 
image from suruga-ya.
enjoy~!  do not repost this elsewhere!
Hakuoki Shinkai Kaze no Shou Drama CD “Shogunate Dogs and Puppies”
Translation by KumoriYami
Hijikata: ha.. really. I didn't expect to work so late. the sun's already gone down/set.
Yamazaki: Although we planned on getting back before dinner... it is unlikely that we'll make it.
Hijikata: Yeah.... now that dinner is over, i hope that those idiots haven't eaten everything.
Yamzaki: vice-commander, if you wish to hurry, we can take shortcuts/a shortcut.
Hijiakta: shortcuts? is there a shortcut nearby?
Yamazaki: Yes, it's not a well-known [??] shortcut, (and) could affect the vice-commander's safety, so I don't really recommend it....
Hijikata: No, it doesn't matter. Lead the way. If the Shinsengumi's vice-commander doesnt dare to go, it would be a problem.
Yamazaki: I understand. Then please, go this way.
Hijikata: So/Originally, as long as you passed this road we'd be near headquarters. But/However this shortcut feels a little creepy.
Yamazaki: There were reports of wild dog attacks here. I'll go first, also vice-commander please make yourself quieter----What was that noise/sound?!
[I assume that Yamazaki means for Hijikata to make quieter movements though I can't say that for certain. "也請副長多加小" literally word for word: also please vice-commander much/many add/plus small]
Hijikata: Yamazaki! Get ready! (sword gets drawn) It's in the grass over there!
Yamazaki: Wa! Wh-what... is that a wild dog?
hijikata: no, it's just a puppy. did it get separated from its parents?
puppy: wuwu.....
Yamazaki: Do-don't come (over)/cause trouble....go!
Hijikata: hey, when you meant wild dogs, did you mean this guy? Although it's a bit surprising, however isn't this cute? I thought it was a bandit/robber——
Kazama: hm, I was wondering what was making so much noise over here, it turns out it was the Shogunate's hunting dog/lackey playing around with a stray dog? What a funny display/an interesting sight to behold.
Yamazaki: You are Kazama Chikage....?!
Hijikata: Che! In a sense, this guy is [even] worse than a bandit/robber...... Why have you come here?!
Kazama: That's my line/what I should bee saying. Avoiding the main road, taking this shortcut to imitate a dog and steal a chicken [idiom], all I can see in my eyes/before me are people with no sense of shame.
Hijikata: Hey! Look at yourself before speaking of others! If you show up here, it also means that you're very suspicious.
Kazama: Hm, applying [accusing] what you saying to others/applying what you are doing to others is proof of how despicable you are. [As expected of the] Shogunate's hunting dog, truly how shameless. I originally had no business with you today, but I am not so forgiving as to ignore a bunch of bastard dogs who are always trying to pick a fight.
Hijikata: Interesting. Want to fight?
Kazama: Hmph, just watch how I cut you, and your sword covered in dog filth.
Hijikatta: That's what I was thinking/just what I want, I'll be able to rid myself of you!
Kazama: hmph, "the weaker dog will always bark/the weaker the dog is, the more it will bark" and that barking has been happening from the start.......This is only the start.... and I'm bored to death! What's wrong, I've been shouting since just now!
Yamazaki: C-calm down, dog! come on! come, sit down!
Hijikata: I think I've suddenly lost my will to fight.... Oi, Kazama! Is this dog yours? If it is, hurry up and take it with you [away]!
Kazama: How stupid! How could I have taken in such a filthy dog. Since you're all dogs, it should be a companion of you guys!
Hijikata: Who knows, we don't have a clue. But, what's to be done about this guy?
Yamazaki: The way it''s been barking, has ruined the atmosphere for a fight.
Kazama: Really...... it's no fun if you're saying that you were disturbed by a puppy barking as an excuse for losing. (sheathes blade). Hey, I'll wait. You guys get that dog to shut up now.
hijiktat: don't talk to yourself!
Kazama: Hurry up! Talking is a waste of time.
Hijikata: Che[? the definition of the TL here is 'to yawn' so i'm guessing that this might be more of a 'tsk' or 'che']! hey yamazaki, you think of a way to get the dog to shut up.
Yamazaki: M-me? If that's an order, I will comply...... but just now it didn't quiet down at all.
Kazama: Haha...... the Shogunate's hunting dog has been fooled by a wild dog? You indeed all resemble each other. 
Hijikata: You don't have the qualification to talk to us! Hey, have you gotten it to shut up yet?
Yamazaki: It apparently seems to be warning us, as long as we aren't hostile, it should be quiet.
Kazama: Oh.....then you've truly given up. It was probably barking because of how dreadful/awful/fearful/hideous your faces look. Do you want to cover up your faces?
Hijikata: What are you saying about our faces being dreadful? Your face looks more awful than ours, so it was probably barking at that? What do you think? Yamazaki.
Yamazaki:......Uh, ah! yes! I believe Kazama's face is extremely dreadful.
Hijikata: hey, wait...... why was that silence just now?
Yamazaki: It, it's nothing! It absolutely didn’t mean anything!
Kazama: Quit it with the senseless questions and answers. Quickly get that dog to be quiet!
Hijikata: damn it! When this is over, remember this (for me [will probably omit that])! Yamazaki, let's go! Hey, isn't it time [for you] to shut up now? If you don't calm down, don't you know what the consequences will be?........Damn, the barking is really difficult to deal with. Be good, don't worry, so stop barking.
Kazama: hey, just now were you guys trying to please [coax?] it?
Hijikata: ah? Don't bother me!!
Puppy: wanwanwanwan, wanwanwan!!!
Yamazaki: Vice-commander, this is counter-productive. it's rare for that guy to be a bit honest......
Kazama: One or two stray/wild dogs cannot be ordered into doing something, it seems that the dignity of the Shogunate's hunting dog is of no use.
Hijikata: You mouth speaks very well...... however in the end, this guy only started barking after you showed up.
Yamazaki: Indeed. That is to say, the reason for this barking isn't us, rather it is you!
Kazama: What? Being unable to get this dog to shut up, you decide to blame someone else? How unsightly.
Yamazaki: If you were unrelated as you say, why does this dog keep barking at you?!
Kazama: Apparently this lowly dog is unable to understand its position. Then I shall personally get it to shut its mouth.
Hijikata: What do you want to do?  Could it be you want to...!
Kazama: It'll only takes a moment to shut it up!
Hijikata: Hey! Stop.... Nn? What's that?
Kazama: ah, since it seems like you want to eat this dango [i’m assuming ‘dango’ is said here since the tl is ‘dumpling.’ usually whenever i see ‘dumpling the audio puts it as dango], I'll give it to you to eat. Dislikeable/ Disagreeable/ Annoying dog [kinda like 'what a disagreeable fellow' i guess? can't really say for certain since no audio].
Hijikata: I thought you were going to kill it!
Kazama: To always cut down those who hinder you........ is it because you normally do such a thing, that you can only think in this way?
Hijikata: There's no such thing! To use food instead of words/To actually say such a thing using food, you're so/truly despicable/mean!
Kazama: That is completely baseless, I only made the use of everything to stop this. Anyway, this guy is only a domestic animal, it's impossible to for it to not have an appetite. What's the matter? Now that it's satisfied, it's quiet so come——
puppy: wan! wanwan......!
Hijikata: What's wrong? It didn't quiet down/calm down at all.
Yamazaki: That seemed to have the opposite effect. It seems to be asking for more/for you to feed it again
Kazama: che, don't you know how to be grateful? what are you dissatisfied with?
HIjikata: Seeing you speak like that, it seems that you also aren't able to accomplish/do it?
Kazama: Let me first say, that it is barking for different reasons. It's barking at you guys because it think your faces are terrible while its barking at me is to ask me to give it more [feed it again... i think makes more sense].
Hijikata: Whatever you say, regardless/in the end, this problem still hasn't been resolved.
Yamazaki: It's as he says/He's right. What are you going to do this time/So what are you going to do with it......
Kazama: Leave it to me, I'll show you what I can do.
Yamazaki: Kazama! You're still trying to kill this dog---
Kazama: Insignificant and lowly dog that is barking! Shut up!!
puppy: wuwu......
Kazama: hmph, see? My majesty/prestige/dignity/authority [??? i guess something like 'behold my authority'?]
Yamazaki: You're just threatening it to keep/stay quiet....? Eh? (It's) Not barking?
Kazama: Okay, now that the annoying guy has shut up, we can continue.
Hijikata: So the outcome/result was like this..........Good grief. Are you ready?
Kazama: I'm up [assuming im ready/prepared].
puppy: wanwanwan! wanwan.......!
Kazama: You guys....! I ordered you to shut up, why are you yelling/barking again?!
Hijikata: What's wrong? You'll have to calm it down and show us.
Yamazaki: Kazama Chikage, what do you intend to do? You took charge of this dog/The dog is in your charge.  
Kazama: Hah....! (sheathes sword) Hmph, dogs and dogs really fit together, I truly am stupid for playing around with you guys. I'm going.
Puppy: wan! wanwan!
Yamazaki: Exactly what does this puppy want?
Hijikata: Is it trying to get between/obstruct/hinder us.... Maybe it's trying to stop us from fighting.
Yamazaki: This... how is that possible/how can this be?
Hijikata: Okay, we've wasted enough time, it's time to go.
Yamzaki: Yes. However/But, how should the dog be handled?
Hijkata: It's impossible to bring it back to headquarters, though it might be heartless... but/however, I believe dogs have their own world. Even if we don't worry about it, it'll survive.
Yamazaki: I understand.
Kazama Chikage, Tsuda Kenjirō Hijikata Toshizou, Miki Shinichiro Yamazaki Susumu, Suzuki Takayuki
....i wanna complain that ive had no motivation to do anything music related since the pandemic started... tho i’m guessing part of it’s owed to listening to increase of songs from TSFH and metal gear, the majority of which don’t really work on piano... maybe that’ll change if i start a certain switch game lol....
next month, i have various translated things from various mediums scheduled.
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omg WHAT Alfonse is a total sweetie and his route is literally the most well-written route in the whole game. You do you but SIS you’re majorly missing out. Elias is also another one of my faves, but I absolutely get not liking him bc there are a lot of times I wanted to hand his ass to to him in his main route and the whole knowing people like them IRL.  
Like my Thoughts on Klaus are like. I kinda feel like Klaus is an acquired taste for some people? Like everyone experiences characters differently and everything but for me, while most of the time I found my faves hella quickly, Klaus was one of those that like. it was a rollercoaster. I loved him, then I hated him, and now he’s grown on me and I’m lightly smitten. Especially since he’s gotten pretty good character development and DAT FAKE DATING IN ALFONSE’S ROUTE THO. Big Discourse and absolutely Full Fucking Offense but Klaus II should have been Fake Dating alongside Liz starting out as a Prefect and realizing her feelings for Klaus. And that’s the tea. 
I actually like Vincent as well, but he’s not a top fave of mine and even my friends who like him okay just complain he’s a bit boring, which valid but like. Idk I guess I’m going Full Discourse tonight I feel like Vincent’s probs one of the few WH dudes who’d you want to actually date IRL. Like I love Klaus and stuff but I know if he were real, our relationship would not last long or end well. But anyway, Vincent’s okay for me. I do have to admit tho I really only played his sequel for Tsukasa (and I do have a tendency to called his sequel Tsukasa’s Route (although honestly I have a lot of opinions on Vincent’s sequel but that’s a story for another day)).
okay like. i used to be scene/goth and hella into emo guys and like. i’d like to say now my type has changed but lord whenever i see a man with that 2008 emo haircut and eyeliner i am SHOOK and IN LOVE. although i love Azusa even tho he doesn’t have any of these (Sorta related fun fact: If you look at Tsukasa’s sprites, his nails are actually black. my sweet little emo bean).  But yeah like. Azusa’s one of my top faves and I could really write another whole essay on how much I love him and how good we’d be for each other and how his character development is SO GOOD. 
And I feel you on the last bit. I know someone who, personality-wise (and sort of job-wise, although he just does regular IT and not hacking), is EXACTLY like 707 from Mystic Messenger like. It’s down to a T. So every time people gush about 707 I’m like “??????????? No I do NOT want to kiss this boy I want to send him dumbass memes and stay friends, miss me with that romance shit.” Like tbh I was sooooooooooooooooooo uncomfy playing 707′s route bc it literally just felt. Like I was dating my friend and it was one of the worst experiences I had playing a dating sim. Not because the story sucked or anything. It was a good story, but it just felt like I was dating my friend and that was kinda squicky for me personally. 
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