#but now count fwhip is living in my head rent free like her sister did a couple months back
tinapaysmp ยท 10 months
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@orinberry Watch me do the Elmo meme again until my laptop battery dies. So this all started around a month ago when I was cramming and making plans for mcyt yuri week. Needless to say I already have my list of characters to swap (somehow I'll figure out how I can make Jimmy the King of Pixandria while Lizzy's the Queen of Mazelea and still be siblings) and I've made that KathGem fanart as well. (You'd want to look into that fanart since there's a few hcs there.)
However, with Scott and fWhip there's still a lot for me to workshop on since I'm not done with both povs and I'm the type to be obsessed with worldbuilding.
So far this is what I got:
Important to note that how I want to handle this swap au is that they have their "core personality" but they have to react and be affected by their environment like how I discussed Pearl on this post (and by extension Sausage in the tags).
Elven fWhip, much like his OG counterpart, wasn't meant to be heir of Rivendell due to their uncle not liking him but ended up as heir anyways after Gem got shipped off to the Overgrown.
Scott meanwhile is a human who was raised as the only heir of the Grimlands and his father's gunpowder industry. He's still suppose to be Aeor's champion, having Alinar as his past life.
You could imagine the kind of crisis the both would have finding that out, with fWhip learning that his boyfriend is his god's chosen one.
I could imagine a lot of teasing coming from fWhip eventually though. Like he'd joke about Scott being destined to be his hero or something.
Scott would've asked so many questions to fWhip all because of his predicament. He's the count of the Grimland's, he wasn't meant to be an elven chosen one. He's not even an elf.
As for the WRA, Scott's approach is in-line with most of his allies of trying to have better PR and generally trying to do what's best for his people. Pearl wants a better look for Mythland, Wizard Katherine wants to avoid war, idk about Sausage I'm still trying to figure him out but we'll see.
But, Scott would be the type to mess with people a lot in this AU. Being the Count he doesn't mind playing into the intimidation of his empire, but he can be really nice.
fWhip on the other hand, his reign is heavily focused on developing much of Rivendell's infrastructure and connections to other empires.
He's forced to keep out of any conflict by the council for the sake of Rivendell's image. Even Gem scolds him to not drag Rivendell to any unwarranted conflict.
He's still the type of guy to jump from one interest to another, and at one point his interest swung to redstone and gunpowder and what other nation does it better than the Grimlands?
Scott was the first one to try flirting with fWhip, although very casual, and wasn't expecting fWhip to flirt back. Elves have a reputation in the Grimlands to be a bit stuck up.
Either way this led to a lot of talking between the two of them and Scott was lucky that fWhip was a very unconventional elf who didn't mind dating mortals like him.
They became lovers in secret without any of their councils knowing.
fWhip thought that Gem would've scolded him for going after a mortal, nobility or not. But after confessing that to her, it only led to him learning that his sister have eyes for a certain Head Wizard.
Rivendell and the Grimlands were generally in good relations centuries after Gilded Helianthia's independence (read here for reference, ignore any inaccuracies). But one day fWhip signed in joining the WRA. This outraged some people in the elven council due to the Alliance's reputation throughout history. But fWhip assured everybody that the mortals ruling these nations are to be trusted.
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