#but no. cat!adrien dog!felix. like what the fuck is up with that. bring it back it was so weird
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buggachat · 1 year ago
yes the peacock miraculous obviously needs to be felix's and is extremely significant to him and there's so much poetry about the fact that he is the holder of the very miraculous that created him and him being the holder of it is deeply entrenched into the plot. HOWEVER.
sometimes i miss the cat!adrien vs dog!felix dynamic. because it was really fucking funny
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sugarshackpeasant · 3 years ago
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okay so let’s break this down
so i’m assuming the names of the episodes are based off of the order they get the miraculous back
evolution that’s the rabbit miraculous and in my opinion that’s the most dangerous for hawkmoth to have so then getting that back first makes sense
multiplication is the mouse
but wtf does destruction mean??? 😅😅😅
is that a chat noir based episode???
does the akuma have the power of destruction???
i don’t think hawkmoth will get the cat miraculous but then wth does the title mean????
i’m losing it over here 😭😭😭😭
jubilation is the pig miraculous
illusion is the fox (so if we do get volpina we won’t have her for very long which makes sense bc lila’s a pretty big threat when she’s volpina)
determination is the ox
passion is the goat miraculous
reunion is a wild card
someone’s meeting up or something
or is ladynoir going to bring back some of the hero team now that they have some of the miraculous back
so maybe alix gets her miraculous, pollymouse comes back, pigella comes back, rena rouge comes back, minotaurox comes back, and caprikid comes back??
or it could be amelie and felix coming back to visit and stir the pot a little
or master fu comes back for some reason/comes to visit
exaltation is the tiger miraculous
transmission is the butterfly and it’s a two parter called the kwami’s choice
so maybe the kwamis have to choose to escape
or nooroo chooses to do something???
idk about this one it just kind of leaves me with more questions
deflagration is a word
and i have no idea what this episode could be
perfection is the dragon
migration could be another word for transportation so maybe ladynoir gets the horse miraculous back???
derision is the monkey miraculous
intuition is the snake
protection is the turtle
adoration is the dog
emotion is the peacock miraculous
so maybe ladynoir gets it back from felix???
or felix comes back and causes trouble?
or gabriel gets it back from felix (i doubt that but idk)
pretension is the rooster
revelation could be where ladynoir reveals their identites or they find out each other’s identities
or maybe they find out hawkmoth’s identity?
or at the very least adrien finds out hawkmoth’s identity?
confrontation could be idk
do they confront hawkmoth?
does su-han confront ladynoir???
idk what the fuck is going on 😭😭😭😭
collusion means conspiracy and stuff like that and i have no fucking clue what this episode could be??
revolution is i don’t fucking know
representation could be fucking anything i have no guesses 😭😭😭😭
conformation is an episode that’s for sure 😅 (look i’m a clueless bitch i have no guesses left at this point)
re-creation is something how the fuck do i guess for this episode??? the titles are just getting more vague 😭
action maybe ladynoir gets the last miraculous back or they finally defeat hawkmoth
also i don’t see an episode title that could be subjection so where the fuck is the bee miraculous??
correct me if i’m wrong i’m not the best at vocab and finding synonyms
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goldensmilingbird · 1 year ago
tags because I feel they're important:
#also like. if you listed out the personalities of adrien and felix to an unbiased third party #and asked them to assign one as dog and the other as cat #it would absolutely be dog!adrien and cat!felix. right? like it would. #adrien is like a little golden retriever who follows you around. felix knocks shit off your counters just to get a reaction out of you. #but no. cat!adrien dog!felix. like what the fuck is up with that. bring it back it was so weird #ladybug: aw darn :/ i gave the dog miraculous to the cat-coded guy by accident! i meant to give it to adrien. HE'S the dog guy #chat noir: excuse me? #also the fact they were fucking pet-coded?????? AND THEYRE SENTIMONSTERS??? FUCKED UP TBH. BRING IT BACK
yes the peacock miraculous obviously needs to be felix's and is extremely significant to him and there's so much poetry about the fact that he is the holder of the very miraculous that created him and him being the holder of it is deeply entrenched into the plot. HOWEVER.
sometimes i miss the cat!adrien vs dog!felix dynamic. because it was really fucking funny
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