#but n-n-nyot weawwy cuz is jus da mod x3
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gowod nyite, evewyone!11 ^w^
I'm gyoing to bed, I'm eepy :³
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oouh dees aww sound so fun :3
ok so there’s a game me and my friends play called “don’t get me started” and basically someone gives another person a random topic and they have to go on an angry rant about it and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us at parties and car rides so I highly recommend playing sometimes with your friends
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guys, I u-uwuified aww my tyags :³
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@thee0ne-with-covid bit me and nyow I have an uwu viwus so nyow it’s ur tuwn u’we onye of us nyow fwend *bites you*
wait, what're you- ACK-!
...oh nyo...how wong d-does dis wast!!11 Am I gonnya be u-uwuified fowevew?!?! Cuz, wike, I got UwU styuff to do, I gotta be abwe to pwonyounce my 'awh's and my 'ewh's…ÓmÒ
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awwight...I shouwd pwobabwy go to bed... I'm getting tiwed...QwQ
g'night everybody!!1!111 >w<
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the High Geowogist is gonna give me a coow, shiny wock? OwO Yippee! >w<
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otay, I'ww come byack watew, I'm gonna go back to wistening to da Mamma Mia musicaw soundtwack nyow :³ (I awweady wistened to aww of da soundtwack fow Weagawwy Bwonde >w<)
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well hey there, darlin! s'pose I should introduce myself, I'm the state of Georgia official tumblr page! (For legal reasons, this is a joke)
i hope to see y'all stickin' around, and if there's anythin on your mind, just ask away, darlin, alright?
lemme know if I can get y'all anything to eat or drink and I'll see ya around!!
oh yeah also I'll edit for tags as I make em, but so far I think
• #ask georgia for asks
• #georgia speaks for just regular text posts
• #it's alright‚ flor‚ honey‚ i'm just teasin for teasing Florida
• #favorite siblings for my favorite siblings (so far, Virginia/ @virginia-state-official, Florida/ @state-of-florida-official, Indiana/ @definitely-indiana, Illinois/ @unofficial-illinois, and Rhode Island/ @official-rhode-island)
• #siblings say things for reblogs from other US states (and the US Navy I think)
• #reblogs from dad are things I reblog from my dad, @official-the-united-states
• #children of georgia for reblogs from my children (currently just @atlanta-unofficial , @atlanta-official , @atlanta-city-official , and @thatoneacerobot as far as I know)
• #new friend? for befriending other blogs and gimmick blogs
• #but not really cuz it's just the mod ooc tag for when the mod speaks
• #friends of georgia for other blogs and gimmick blogs I'm friends with (Ireland/ @definitelytherepublicofireland, Sanrio/ @its-sanrio-official, @pigeonlikesbread, Cape Breton/ @cape-breton-island-itself, BJs/ @def-bjs-guys,
KFC/ @k-f-c-official, @i-bless-your-heart, Australia/ @true-blue-straya, Russia/ @russia-totallyofficial, @onceinalifetimexperiencebuttwice,
the actual Catholic church [/silly]/ @the-real-catholic-church, the British Antarctic Territories/ @real-britishantarcticterritories, Gmail/ @the-real-gmail, Kroger/ @kroger-fr,
@irishfry , Medford Oregon/ @medford-oregoppenheimer, Germany/ @germany-official for their based opinions on candy corn, and Raleigh North Carolina/ @raleigh-nc-official-totally-real)
• #speaking about siblings for when other blogs or gimmick blogs mention my siblings
• #family of georgia not siblings, not dad, but a secret third thing (other family members in our family tree like @non-tyrannical-usa/my aunt and @100percent-shell-oil/my stepdad)
• #and georgia says bing sucks‚ use duckduckgo instead for the war against Bing because L Bing...and also just in general for reblogging stuff from Bing
• #and georgia says FUCK THE TRANSPHOBES for tagging things about bigots of any kind. Transphobes, homophobes, ableists, terfs, aphobes, etc. Fuck bigots, all my homies hate bigots.
• #a house divided against itself cannot stand‚ but somehow this one is managing- for tagging state feuds (I'm looking at you, @maryland-officially and @ohio-thestate /lhsilly)
• #fellow Georgian 🫵 /lhsillyy is for when I meet/find fellow Georgians...just came up with that today (8/16) tho, so sorry if you're a Georgian and I haven't tagged your previous asks or posts as such...I'll do that next time though ^^
• #georgia polls the people of tumblr for the rare occasion I decide to post a poll
• #I love you a bushel‚ and a peck‚ and a hug around the neck for reblogs from my in character twin, @washington-offical / @washington-offical-2
• #unhinged posts wheel for asks to add to a wheel to spin when I'm bored for unhinged things to post on this blog
• #uwu owo so siwwayy for that time I got uwuified
...wait, now I gotta uwuify all my usual tags- *sigh* hold on...
• #ask geowgia an uwuified version of my usual ask tag
• #but n-n-nyot weawwy cuz is jus da mod x3 an uwuified version of my usual ooc tag
• #geowgia speaks OwO an uwuified version of my usual regular text post tag
• #speaking abyout sibwings ÚwÚ an uwuified version of my usual tag for when other blogs or gimmick blogs mention my siblings (other state blogs and also the US Navy I think...usually for in character stuff)
• #f-fwiens of geowgia uwu an uwuified version of my usual tag for other blogs and gimmick blogs I'm friends with
• #sibwings say fings an uwuified version of my usual tag for reblogging things from other state blogs (and the US Navy)
• #new fwend? OwO an uwuified version of my usual tag for befriending other blogs and gimmick blogs
• #famiwy of geowgia ^w^ an uwuified version of my usual family tag
• #fuck‚ it's memory loss time... for that time @anonymous-thief-of-memories deleted my memories...look, I'm sORRY FOR TURNING YOU INTO A GECKO, BRUH, OK- TT TT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT-
• #nature is healing~ for any posts related to the aftermath of the memory wipe incident
• #what in the freaky friday is going on here /sillyj for that one time an anon turned me into my six year old self...no I'm not kidding and YES I know that's not what freaky friday is about, but I couldn't think of a better analogy
• #High off my gourd-gia for that time I accidentally got high off paint fumes...it's happened before, so chances are it'll happen again-
• #anon hates peaches for the anon hate saga. I wanna keep it in case I wanna look back and giggle at my responses :3 ...or cry if it's anon anti-hate BC y'all are so nice to me- 🥺🥹
Also my playlist in case it gets lost in the reblogs:
Adding this to the end for shits n giggles...if you scrolled down this far, hi lmao-
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heww yah! Badass axe fiweman!
get da chiwd insuwin!!
based fiweman fow weaw fow weaw
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ah...I fink I watched a video once vewy bwiefwy an had to stawp cuz dere wus so muych wong wif evewyfing I wus heawing...3:
I mean wike...my dad has one in his office fow some weason (I fink someone who came to da doow gave it to him owo)
So wike...technicawwy I COUWD
...I just don wanna...
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honestwy? Yah...da wowd basicawwy did end in 2019 wif aww da weiwd stuff das happened since
wike infwation an incweased waw an viowence...
wike, I WOUWD say I'd wike to go bayck to 2019, but den I wouwdn't be abwe to do a wot of fings I can do now...weww otay except I couwd pwobabwy pwan bettew fow da futuwe and savings and stuff...
I swear the world ended in 2019.
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I knyew it?!?! >w<
ahehem OwO h-h-hem…
I knyow, you see Somehow uwu the wowwd wiww change fow me And be so wondewfuw
Wive wife, bweathe aiw x3 I knyow somehow we'we gonnya get dewe And f-feew so wondewfuw ^w^
It's aww fow weaw ^-^ I'm tewwing you just how I f-f-feew (・`ω´・)
So wake up da membews of my nyation x3 It's youw time OwO to be Dewe's nyo chance unwess you take onye And da time to see Da bwightew side of evewy situation ÚwÚ Some fings awe meant to be so give youw best and weave da west to me uwu
Weave it aww to me >w< Weave it aww to me ^-^ Just weave it aww to me OwO
thewe's mowe, but da mowe is da fuww v-vewsion owo x3
Live life, breathe air, and
- @scromble
ffkfkfkfnffnfdjekf what should I open a window or something?
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congwats on da u-aweh-ewh change ^w^
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I'm cuwious hyow much wowse it couwd possibwy get, but honestwy, I'm too afwaid to ask... ÓnÒ
Y'knyow...cuwiosity kiwwed da cat n aww dat...can't have dat since I gowt tuwned into a cat...pwobabwy'd end vewy poowwy...owo
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Hewwo, Maws! ^w^
gowod nyite, evewyone!11 ^w^
I'm gyoing to bed, I'm eepy :³
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otay actuawwy nyow doe...
awwight...I shouwd pwobabwy go to bed... I'm getting tiwed...QwQ
g'night everybody!!1!111 >w<
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