#but n-n-nyot weawwy cuz is jus da mod x3
gowod nyite, evewyone!11 ^w^
I'm gyoing to bed, I'm eepy :³
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guys, I u-uwuified aww my tyags :³
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@thee0ne-with-covid bit me and nyow I have an uwu viwus so nyow it’s ur tuwn u’we onye of us nyow fwend *bites you*
wait, what're you- ACK-!
...oh nyo...how wong d-does dis wast!!11 Am I gonnya be u-uwuified fowevew?!?! Cuz, wike, I got UwU styuff to do, I gotta be abwe to pwonyounce my 'awh's and my 'ewh's…ÓmÒ
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awwight...I shouwd pwobabwy go to bed... I'm getting tiwed...QwQ
g'night everybody!!1!111 >w<
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otay, I'ww come byack watew, I'm gonna go back to wistening to da Mamma Mia musicaw soundtwack nyow :³ (I awweady wistened to aww of da soundtwack fow Weagawwy Bwonde >w<)
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well hey there, darlin! s'pose I should introduce myself, I'm the state of Georgia official tumblr page! (For legal reasons, this is a joke)
i hope to see y'all stickin' around, and if there's anythin on your mind, just ask away, darlin, alright?
lemme know if I can get y'all anything to eat or drink and I'll see ya around!!
oh yeah also I'll edit for tags as I make em, but so far I think
• #ask georgia for asks
• #georgia speaks for just regular text posts
• #it's alright‚ flor‚ honey‚ i'm just teasin for teasing Florida
• #favorite siblings for my favorite siblings (so far, Virginia/@virginia-state-official, Florida/@state-of-florida-official, Indiana/@definitely-indiana, and Illinois/@unofficial-illinois)
• #siblings say things for reblogs from other US states (and the US Navy I think)
• #reblogs from dad are things I reblog from my dad, @official-the-united-states
• #children of georgia for reblogs from my children (currently just @atlanta-unofficial and @atlanta-official as far as I know)
• #new friend? for befriending other blogs and gimmick blogs
• #but not really cuz it's just the mod ooc tag for when the mod speaks
• #friends of georgia for other blogs and gimmick blogs I'm friends with (Ireland/ @definitelytherepublicofireland, Sanrio/ @its-sanrio-official, @pigeonlikesbread, Cape Breton/ @cape-breton-island-itself, BJs/ @def-bjs-guys,
KFC/ @k-f-c-official, @i-bless-your-heart, Australia/ @true-blue-straya, Russia/ @russia-totallyofficial, @onceinalifetimexperiencebuttwice,
the actual Catholic church [/silly]/ @the-real-catholic-church, the British Antarctic Territories/ @real-britishantarcticterritories, Gmail/ @the-real-gmail, and Kroger/ @kroger-fr)
• #speaking about siblings for when other blogs or gimmick blogs mention my siblings
• #family of georgia not siblings, not dad, but a secret third thing (other family members in our family tree like @non-tyrannical-usa/my aunt and @100percent-shell-oil/my stepdad)
• #and georgia says bing sucks‚ use duckduckgo instead for the war against Bing because L Bing...and also just in general for reblogging stuff from Bing
• #and georgia says FUCK THE TRANSPHOBES for tagging things about bigots of any kind. Transphobes, homophobes, ableists, terfs, aphobes, etc. Fuck bigots, all my homies hate bigots.
• #a house divided against itself cannot stand‚ but somehow this one is managing- for tagging state feuds (I'm looking at you, @maryland-officially and @ohio-thestate /lhsilly)
• #fellow Georgian 🫵 /lhsillyy is for when I meet/find fellow Georgians...just came up with that today (8/16) tho, so sorry if you're a Georgian and I haven't tagged your previous asks or posts as such...I'll do that next time though ^^
• #georgia polls the people of tumblr for the rare occasion I decide to post a poll
• #I love you a bushel‚ and a peck‚ and a hug around the neck for reblogs from my in character twin, @washington-offical
• #unhinged posts wheel for asks to add to a wheel to spin when I'm bored for unhinged things to post on this blog
• #uwu owo so siwwayy for that time I got uwuified
...wait, now I gotta uwuify all my usual tags- *sigh* hold on...
• #ask geowgia an uwuified version of my usual ask tag
• #but n-n-nyot weawwy cuz is jus da mod x3 an uwuified version of my usual ooc tag
• #geowgia speaks OwO an uwuified version of my usual regular text post tag
• #speaking abyout sibwings ÚwÚ an uwuified version of my usual tag for when other blogs or gimmick blogs mention my siblings (other state blogs and also the US Navy I think...usually for in character stuff)
• #f-fwiens of geowgia uwu an uwuified version of my usual tag for other blogs and gimmick blogs I'm friends with
• #sibwings say fings an uwuified version of my usual tag for reblogging things from other state blogs (and the US Navy)
• #new fwend? OwO an uwuified version of my usual tag for befriending other blogs and gimmick blogs
• #famiwy of geowgia ^w^ an uwuified version of my usual family tag
• #fuck‚ it's memory loss time... for that time @anonymous-thief-of-memories deleted my memories...look, I'm sORRY FOR TURNING YOU INTO A GECKO, BRUH, OK- TT TT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT-
• #nature is healing~ for any posts related to the aftermath of the memory wipe incident
• #what in the freaky friday is going on here /sillyj for that one time an anon turned me into my six year old self...no I'm not kidding and YES I know that's not what freaky friday is about, but I couldn't think of a better analogy
Also my playlist in case it gets lost in the reblogs:
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