#but my default mode is Seeing The Best In Everyone d'awww hahaha
queenlua · 10 months
i tend to do a thing, when i'm reading for fun, when i kind of like... selectively remember only what parts are good? what aspects work for me? etc?
this is basically fine and good, right, it's for FUN, whatever
but it sometimes leads to this thing where i give someone a book rec and they come back a few weeks later and are like "lua. lua what the fuck." and mention some MASSIVE issue the book had that... sure is real, now that they mention it! a better recommender than me would probably at least forewarn that! but my honest justification is "oh i just sort of. edited that out. while i was reading it. enjoying the ride you know" and they're kind of tilting their head like wtf do you mean just EDIT OUT SOLIDLY 50% OF THE CONTENTS MENTALLY AS YOU GO
i know for a fact that i inherited this trait from my mother, who once recommended "the sculptor's funeral" to my father, and when he came back like "wow that was a good story but boy it's so sad" my mom simply did not understand what he was talking about. and when she went back to reread it she realized, oh, the ending was sad so she just made up a better ending. in her head. and did such a good job she completely forgot Willa Cather's actual canon and that sound is poor Willa rolling around in her grave
but yeah i feel like i should add this disclaimer around all my book recs in the future lol
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