#but my bf and I have been living alone for 4 months and it’s bliss 💖
gwendolinechristie · 10 days
there was a large portion of my life where I couldn’t conceptualize living with a partner, I didn’t want to share my space or be touched or sleep next to someone.
now we run into each others arms when we get home, we cook dinner and do the dishes together, we share everything from clothes and food, to thoughts and feelings. I want to wake up to that sweet face for the rest of my life.
It just takes the right kind of love 💖
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Y'all, I've been glued to this saga because L and R are so similar to what I went thru with my ex, like down to the sleeping on the couch thing, only reversed, that I don't know whether to laugh or cry. A and S don't know what they're in for.
Storytime: My ex's Rory is called Mike and they met playing a sport in college when X was a freshman and M was a super senior, so he's ~4 years older. M took X under his wing and they became bros for life I guess. M is super nice and goofy but a hot mess as a person, can't be trusted with the simplest of tasks but gets by by being beloved by everyone. X has consistently thrown him bones, brought him on to projects and recommended him for gigs at the expense of his own career and reputation. You can't make this shit up.
X and I were long distance for the first ~year of the relationship, I moved out to him to a small ass town an hour away from anywhere because of his job and because it was cheap. We were in a 1bd apartment and the first little while was bliss, hot and heavy, amazing. It was my first time living with a partner. Maybe a few months in, M calls X - he got a job in the city an hour away and he's moving down. X gets the brilliant idea to invite him to stay on our couch until he finds a place. I was fine with it at first because he was a super nice guy but I had no idea what I was getting into. Ladies, when I tell you I became the 3rd wheel in my own relationship and a ghost in my own home, I'm not being dramatic.
I was working from home so I was alone all day in a town where I knew no one who wasn't connected to X in some way and when the two of them would get home, they'd bro out with each other and I basically had to compete for my bf's attention. We stopped doing anything that didn't include him and constantly had to be mindful about how loud we were in the bedroom because he was on the fucking couch. I couldn't relax in my own home that I was paying rent and bills for. Mind you, M at this point was further along in his career than X and making way more money. Two months pass, he still hasn't found a place and instead commutes an hour each way to work. Then the fucking pandemic hits. I was the only one working initially and I was at home with the two of them playing video games, working out, watching TV, yelling, laughing, on TT, on Zoom with their other buddies 24/7 while I was trying to work. We'd constantly end up doing whatever they wanted to do. Dude stayed on our couch for like 10 1/2 months, only paying for groceries, takeout and activities here and there. I kinda snapped during the holidays, I drove across the country alone to be with my family and didn't go back, my dad then made a round trip to go get my stuff because I just couldn't even look at X. Only then did it occur to X and M that maybe M should move out. But you know what the narrative in his friend group is about me? That I'm a cold bitch who broke his heart.
I look back on it now and I'm angry at myself for being such a dummy, I was a total pushover. My X wasn't a bad dude, he was just too much of a bro to know how to be a bf. He always felt a need to include everyone but that cut into the little time we had together. In my defense, he was really hot lol.
It's crazy to think how different my life is now with my fiance, we just bought a house earlier this spring, which wouldn't have been possible with my X because he spends all his money on his hobbies. X literally did the same HBS thing L did after I dumped him, hit the gym like crazy, he follows like a thousand half naked girls on IG, likes all their posts and thirsts in the comments, it's beyond cringe. This is also on his fully public IG account that he also uses for work. He hasn't been in a serious relationship since, I'm told he's become quite the fboy, but he's collected a seemingly infinite amount of new bros judging by his posts. M is still in the picture, of course, although he has his own place and a serious gf now, while my ex has a new roommate who he plays an expensive, niche equipment sport with that he spends every penny he earns on. My ex was a Leo, so I'm not surprised L has it prominently in his chart.
This stuff is not uncommon among younger Millennial men. My now fiance is 5 years older and he is a Man. He shows up for me the way I show up for him, he doesn't make plans without considering me and he's on top of his finances. He's a serious person. I never knew I could be at peace like this. I know what I'm building towards with him. A and S are just sidepieces to the main love story that is L and R and if/when one of them gets dumped, the other one will as well. They're there because they go along with what L and R want. It'll come back to bite them in the ass but they'll learn an invaluable lesson the way that I did - don't date a manchild who won't prioritize you over his friends.
some good advice for the youngins
thank you for sharing 💜🥃
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taekookismylifeline · 4 years
Title: Collateral (of love and bullets) Pairing: Yoongi/Hoseok Synopsis: Jung Hoseok may not be as successful as he wished to be when he was younger. Instead of being a dance instructor in his own dance studio, he worked full-time at a local supermarket – but at least he is happy, living with his boyfriend of two years, Min Yoongi, in a not-so-crappy apartment in the city. However, when he gets caught up in a robbery at his bank and his boyfriend disappears, his happiness is challenged, along with everything he thought he knew about the people he holds dear.
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Chapter Eight - i swallow your heart and it crawls right out of my mouth.
They hung around the park the next day, just the two of them. Hoseok steered clear of the shopping centre in case he ran into Chinhae, who he had messaged saying he couldn’t meet today since something had come up. He wanted to spend the day with Yoongi, although he was definitely going to invite Chinhae over to meet Yoongi sometime. He was sure that the two would have loads in common considering the fact he and Chinhae had gotten along well.
But that would be another time. Hoseok simply wanted to spend every moment in the bliss that he received from Yoongi every time Yoongi slipped his hand in his, or teased him affectionately by threatening to push him into the duck pond, or kissed him on the cheek despite anyone watching. Yoongi, who used to despise PDA, now seemed to be the most laidback person in the world. Hoseok didn’t think he could be happier than he was now, in the little paradise he and Yoongi had built in his hometown.
But eventually, they had to return to reality. Hoseok needed to head back to work and Yoongi fancied he did too in order to pay the bills and rent for the upcoming month. They wanted to see their friends too; Jimin was planning on coming down in a few weeks. Hoseok had remained evasive on the topic of Seokjin, remembering all too vividly the conversation that had taken place a few days ago. Seokjin hadn’t messaged him since, although Jungkook had asked if there had been any updates. He hadn’t replied.
Although it was nice to see Yoongi bonding with his parents, washing up with his mother whilst she dried the dishes, and chatting with his father about some programme on TV and stories from his dad’s youth deep into the night, it was going to be even better to return back to the apartment and fall back into the routine of domesticity. He was also looking forward to kissing Yoongi senseless, hearing him whine as loudly as he could without the irate childish fear of his parents overhearing.
They decided to leave on Monday after the weekend, and it was on Saturday that Hoseok decided to introduce Chinhae to Yoongi. If it went well, which Hoseok desperately wanted, then they could hang out the rest of the weekend.
“So,” Hoseok said when Yoongi slid onto the chair opposite him in the kitchen. “You know my friend I’ve been telling you about? I was thinking, if you wanted, we could meet up with him today?”
Yoongi, who had just woken up, blinked at him blearily. He was wearing one of Hoseok’s oversized shirts, and if Hoseok wasn’t so set on having his new friend and boyfriend meet, he would be incredibly distracted by Yoongi’s collarbones. “Is this the music guy?”
“Chinhae, yeah. He works at a music store. I promise he’s really cool, I think you two would get along. I was thinking we could meet him for lunch?”
Yoongi shrugged, loading his chopsticks with rice. “Sure. We’ve got nothing else planned.”
It wasn’t the ecstatic response Hoseok had hoped for, but Hoseok easily forgave it. Yoongi was always a little grumpy in the morning, always slow to wake up, and he had never really told Yoongi much about Chinhae in an effort to conceal his excitement of making a friend in a town he felt somewhat disconnected to, despite it being his birthplace.
“I’ll tell him we’ll meet him for noodles. Unless you want something else?” Hoseok said, pulling out his phone.
Yoongi shrugged, chewing absentmindedly. “I don’t mind. Anywhere will be nice.”
Hoseok hoped so; he knew he would be happy at least, with good company. He only hoped that said company would get along. He didn’t see why not, he was sure once he began talking about music, Yoongi’s interest would perk up.
He asked Chinhae if he was free to meet at one for lunch in their usual noodle bar, to which Chinhae quickly replied he would be all for that.
hae-hae <3: how u been man? This week’s gone so slow
User: sorry :’( my bf came down to meet me, was hoping I could introduce you two today
hae-hae <3: oh that sounds good, glad to hear he came to see you, see you two later!
Hoseok smiled at Chinhae’s sincerity. He could be extremely tactful at times, which he was grateful for when it came to broaching sensitive topics.
“What’re you smiling at?” Yoongi asked, his voice low and laden with sleep.
Hoseok pocketed his phone. “Nothing. Hae will meet us at one.”
Yoongi rose his eyebrows, dropping his eyes to his bowl of rice. “Smiling at his texts? Do I have competition?”
Hoseok laughed, leaning back in his chair and nudging Yoongi’s shin underneath the table. “You really must be tired. That’s ridiculous; you’re the only one for me.”
Yoongi didn’t say anything, and Hoseok found he couldn’t either. It had been harder expressing his emotions when Yoongi finally returned to him, wanting to properly make up. He had been desperate, and it had been a strain to convey how much Yoongi meant to him, but now in his parents’ kitchen, sunlight pouring through the window, those words seemed to hold a different weight to them.
He and Yoongi had talked about marriage before, but only fleetingly and always in reference to the future. In fact, the subject was only brought up whenever they talked about kids, which Hoseok wanted, but Yoongi was dubious about. He never stated his reason why clearly, but Hoseok could now guess that it had everything to do with his childhood and how his own parents treated him. Due to this, Hoseok supposed they never truly talked about their plans for the future, only that the other would be included in them.
But did that mean marriage? Moving into a stable home, buying off the mortgage, having careers and raising a family?
Would Yoongi even want to get married? He never had received a proper answer, and he knew that getting into it when they had only recently made up was not a very smart idea.
They had time, Hoseok decided, filing it away in his brain. He could ask about it another day. He didn’t need to think about his own answer for even a second, it had been obvious to him ever since moving in with Yoongi, ever since falling in love with him.
Hoseok stayed silent, sipping his coffee in companionship with Yoongi’s munching. The peace was nice. Something to be relished.
They arrived at the noodle bar early. Except that it was exactly one, so maybe it was Chinhae who was late. It didn’t really matter; Yoongi was understanding, more than happy to look at the menu whilst they waited.
Chinhae rocked up around ten minutes later after messaging Hoseok that he was on his way and that they should order instead of waiting. Yoongi had offered to order for the both of them, so when Chinhae spotted Hoseok sitting alone in a corner booth he raised an eyebrow.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” he grinned, slotting himself on the bench opposite.
“He’s ordering. We would have waited if someone hadn’t taken so long,” Hoseok teased.
“I’m sorry about that, one of my neighbour’s held me up. Something about kids and graffiti? I wasn’t really listening.”
“Too busy thinking about food?”
“You know it. Oh, I should ask, what’s your boyfriend’s name? I can’t keep calling him: Hoseok’s boyfriend,” Chinhae said sheepishly.
Hoseok smiled. “It’s Kim Yoongi. I suppose I should have told you. He’s kinda shy at first, but he’s really sweet-”
“What’s sweet?” Yoongi asked, emerging out of nowhere and successfully startling Hoseok.
“Don’t do that!” Hoseok exclaimed, grinning up at Yoongi – who wasn’t looking at him, rather at the person opposite him.
“Oh, Yoon, this is the friend I was telling you about.” Hoseok looked at Chinhae, who was staring back at Yoongi rather blankly. It all suddenly felt rather awkward, but Hoseok was convinced he was imagining it.
“Lee Chinhae,” Chinhae introduced after a pause. “Hoseok was just telling me about you, …?”
“Kim Yoongi,” Yoongi stated. There was another pause, it stretched on, so much so that Hoseok could feel himself running out of breath. And then it was over.
Read the rest on AO3!
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