#but my ND ass decided to fixate on three fandoms at once
galaxycrab · 1 year
Here's a lil snippet from a fic I'm working on,,, it's a Red Robin run AU where instead of fucking off with Ra's, Tim actually turns to Jason for help finding Bruce. Jason isn't really chill with the family yet as a preface. I'llllll post this full fic eventually when i finish it and edit it :) but for now here's a snippet
“Please,” Tim says again, forcing his tone level and letting none of that hysteria leak into his voice. It doesn’t stop the shake in his hands though, knowing if Jason turned him away- “he’s alive. I just need help. I just need-” 
“What? You just need what, Replacement?” Jason growls. 
“I just need someone to believe me,” he admits, and only then ducks his head. He’s waiting for it, for Jason’s sneer, the cruel words- but he’s met with silence. 
He looks up, only to be met with Jason’s blank expression. Then the gun lowers, and Jason opens his door wider. 
It’s enough of a shock that Tim just blinks at him, rooted in place.
Jason scowls, “Get the fuck in before I change my mind.”
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