#but mostly just chinhands'd over how cute the ask is ;u;
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byanyan · 2 years ago
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@apexulansis sent:ㅤ“I found this while I was out.” In his claws, a hooded leather jacket. It was mostly black, but held a subtle violet undertone that shifted into a warmer hue in different lights. It was adorned with silver bolts around the sleeves and shoulders; patterns of pink-purple decorated its surface, seemingly starting at the back in the shape of a pair of wings or flames (or some other abstract shapes) that reached along the arms. Its surface was scuffed with age and it clearly wasn't something picked off a store shelf, but it was in good condition, free of any rips or tears. It looked comfy, too. Most of all, it was clearly much too small for Ardaka, who was now holding it out with intent in Byan's direction. “I thought you may like it. Might be a bit big for you, but…”
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ㅤmouth taking on an 'o' shape as they glanced over at the sound of ardaka's voice and their eyes found the jacket, byan was immediately shuffling closer to get a better look. scanning over all the accents, taking in all the little details, they were riveted. they'd seen a lot of leather jackets over the years, and owned a decent collection already, but never had they seen one quite like this. it was so... them.
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gaze flitting upward when ardaka confirmed it was brought with them in mind, then back down as he held it out, the teen all but snatched it out of his hands eagerly.
ㅤㅤ" oversized clothes're fashionable, "ㅤthey replied with a wave of their hand, not remotely bothered if it was a little big. it sure hadn't stopped them from stealing an adult-sized pink leather jacket back when they were eleven, and that thing hadn't come close to fitting until years later, so why would it stop them now? holding the jacket in their hands, byan leaned in closer, eyeing the way the colour shifted slightly when they turned it in the light.
ㅤㅤ" this thing is sick. "ㅤalmost entranced with the purple-ish undertone, they continued to shift the material around, fascinated. they'd never seen someone pull off such an effect with leather... then again, they were still more accustomed to earth leathers — this was probably made from a different animal, which might allow for different treatments and thus different possibilities for the end product... interesting.
turning it over to take a proper look at the back, byan's eyes traced over the pattern with interest. from the colours to the design, it all suited their style so well. it spoke to them instantly, and already some part of their brain was formulating the best outfit they could wear with it. noting how perfect it was for them, however, they couldn't help but realize that ardaka must have thought the same thing. he'd seen it, thought of them, and brought it back for them, which was... nice. while it would never cease to surprise them every time he handed them something he'd seen and thought they'd like, there was no denying that it was nice to be thought of. nice to be known too, to some degree, given how the items he'd bring them were only becoming more and more accurate to their tastes. a bit daunting, to think about how well he was getting to know them, but... not bad. hopefully.
ㅤㅤ" only way this thing could be more perfect for me is if you stole it. "ㅤbreaking themself out of thoughts too deep to be having over a coat, byan lifted their head to grin up at the kariian while they shoved one arm into the jacket's sleeve to try it on. pulling it over their shoulders and slipping their other arm inside, they raised an eyebrow questioningly.ㅤ" so... did you steal it? "ㅤdropping their gaze once more to see how everything fit, they pulled the front of the jacket open and scrutinized the lining.ㅤ" i'm not seein' any blood, so i'm guessin' you didn't take it off one'a your targets. ...mighta been cooler if there was a little blood on it, though. "
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