#but maybe that'll be more enjoyable for your future reading haha
theherowrites · 8 years
Hi! I'm that anon who asked for a summary ^^ thanks for replying and all the translations. I will read the manga but can you still give me the spoilers please?
Very well then, you have been warned!
Sorry for the late reply, it turns out I’m terrible at being concise. >> I tried cutting/shortening a lot of parts and it still turned out this long…
And since it got this long, I decided to only do as far as the end of Part 2 because that’s where Part 1 (the anime) and Part 2 form the most cohesive story. Parts 3-4 are more like further backstory but they’re not as strongly connected. If you’d like the summaries for Parts 3-4 too, please let me know.
This is assuming you left off right where the anime ended.
And goes without saying for everyone else, Senyuu spoilers!!!
Part 1
The anime left out a few characters near the end of the anime, but they’re pretty important to part 2. Mainly the introduction of two demons, August (the one who attacked Rudolf), and Neun September, a demon who looks like a young boy and has magic that allows him to manipulate people like puppets.
Part 2
A year after Ros disappeared, Alba, who’s been training the whole time, is traveling around with Ruki on the king’s orders to exterminate monsters, but really they’re looking for a way to save Ros. After saving another hero-soldier pair, they meet up with Alles and Hime and go back to the castle to make a report. Rudolf and Mii-chan go to meet up with Alba as well, and on the way bump into Foyfoy, who’s been working at the castle for the past year as a butler because the salary was better than being a hero.
Abruptly, Foyfoy slashes Rudolf and sets off an explosion, startling everyone in the castle. Hime-chan is the first one to find Foyfoy in the treasure room. She confesses her love in an attempt to stop him, and when that fails, tries to fight him in her armor, but loses in the end.
A day or so later, to cheer Hime-chan up, Alles organizes a soccer match. Ruki runs after a stray ball and bumps into Neun September, who’s here to kill her, but she’s saved by Samejima. In a flashback, it’s revealed what happened to Ruki’s parents, the second Rchimedes and her mother Honey. The Demon Lord castle was invaded by Dezember’s group, who wanted to revive the first Rchimedes. Rchi2 almost defeats them all but is tricked by Elf November, who transformed into Honey. Honey leaves Ruki, Honey leaves Ruki, telling her that she’s the new Demon Lord now, and attempts to seal everyone, herself and her husband included, with Creasion’s sealing magic. But Elf, having transformed into Rchi2 and using the power of the gates, allowed Dezember’s group to escape, bringing along Rchi2′s unconscious body in the process. What happened to Honey is unknown.
Back in the present, while everyone at the castle has now heard the commotion and Alba goes to find Ruki, Neun reveals that he’s been using Ruki’s father’s body as a puppet to carry out their (Dezember’s group) plans to revive the first Rchimedes. After a brief battle where Neun is almost defeated and we get a fake-out ending of Part 2 being over, one of Dezember’s cores shows up to rescue him. In a last ditch attempt, Neun uses Rchi2′s body to open up a huge gate, and Alba abruptly finds himself alone in a forest he doesn’t recognize.
Realizing just how far he’s been teleported by the number of cracked ribs he has, Alba wanders and bumps into a cow and an old man, who allow him to stay the night in Creasionland, a town called Originia which Alba realizes is Ros’s birthplace. It turns out the old man has a magic that allows him to show people dreams of the past, and he allows Alba to see Originia’s past.
In the dream, Alba witnesses the daily interactions of a boy who looks like Ros and is called Shii-tan by his brown-haired, blue-eyed best friend and his father. To Alba’s surprise, the brown-haired boy is the one referred to as Ros, and the father’s name is Rchimedes. Rchimedes asks the brown-haired boy and Ros (Alba’s Ros) to go on an errand to find something. Once they arrive, Rchimedes abruptly stabs the brown-haired boy and calls his son by his name, “Sion”, stating that they’ve helped him complete magic. Sion attempts to attack Rchimedes with a knife, but can’t bring himself to do it, and Rchimedes blows half his body to bits, then wanders off to destroy a village. Staring in horror at the scene, Alba wonders who “soldier Ros” and “Hero Creasion” really was. Meanwhile, the brown-haired boy wakes up, with a certain mark on his left arm.
The brown-haired boy feels magic flowing in him, and decides to use it. Cut to a scene of Sion waking up, confused as to what happened but with his body intact. There is a strange mark on his left arm. He hears an explosion and goes to it, to find his father’s body lifeless and his brown-haired friend who looks at him with red eyes and calls him “Sion” instead of Shii-tan. Sion realizes that his father has taken over his friend’s body and resolves to kill him, but Rchimedes reveals that his friend, Crea, is still alive. Stunned, Sion can only ask Rchimedes what he means, and Rchimedes tells him farewell.
Alba wakes up at the end of the dream, realizing the reason for which Ros couldn’t kill the Demon Lord a year ago. Ruki and Janua suddenly arrive in Originia, having been searching for Albal, and while Alba and Ruki are talking, Janua is suddenly proposed to by the cow. Samejima arrives, and after some stuff happens, there’s suddenly the Demon World’s Strongest tournament in which Janua will defend his honor or something. It’s just as random in the manga, don’t worry. Janua beats the cow, and Alba reflects on the many different types of magic he saw, wondering if there’s a magic that can take out people’s souls.
The scene suddenly cuts to Ros in the dimensional rift, at the same exact moment he was sealing Rchimedes and Elf interrupted him. After a brief battle, Ros is kicked out of the dimensional rift without his magic. Absolutely coincidentally, he’s near the tournament site. Meanwhile, Rchimedes and Elf have an exchange, which leads to Rchimedes being kicked out too.
Very long story short, Alba and Ros reunite, but since they’re in the Demon World, Alba is thrown in prison for being a hero. Ros and Ruki (and Janua) wander around and bump into Rchimedes. Meanwhile, Alba is rescued by Guilty Justice. There’s a battle, Dezember arrives, Alba and Guilty Justice show up, Rchimedes escapes, and Alba and Ros decide to go after Rchimedes.
Meanwhile, Hime-chan has found Teufel Diabolos, one of the castle’s laziest butlers, and is looking for Foyfoy. They find him bringing food for a demon named April who has promised to help his sister, who’s been in a coma. After a series of developments, Foyfoy’s sister is rescued and woken up and Teufel is revealed to have a magic that can take out people’s souls.
Alba, Ros, most the castle group, and some demons meet up to plan a final battle strategy to fight Rchimedes, except almost everyone is immediately defeated. Alba, having stayed behind in the first attack because he didn’t have a sword, finds one and easily takes down most of the demons, much to Ros’s surprise. But Rchimedes appears to suddenly burn him to ashes, enraging Ros and causing him to rush out. Rchimedes reveals that all he’s done is send Alba to the dimensional rift, and even he doesn’t know where.
In the dimensional rift, Alba happens to meet Ruki’s mother, Honey, who was trapped there ever since her sealing magic backfired. She shoves a magic container into Alba’s body, causing him to gain magic and be able to get them both out.
Alba rescues everyone and the plan to have Teufel remove Rchimedes’s soul from his body succeeds. Happy end. Ros buries his father’s soul.
Ros and the newly freed Crea decide to travel around the world, while Alba decides to stay behind since it’s his duty as a hero. (But he just ends up getting thrown in prison because he can’t control his new magic).
The stinger is Elf seemingly digging up Rchimedes’s soul and lighting it up.
Onwards to Part 3!
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