#but mainly its about portraying themes... like it's truly a form of communication for me
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deoidesign · 2 years ago
the ask from tellih had me thinking... what are your thoughts on a kid au? i bet steve and adam were really cute as kids and i wonder just how different they were then compared to now
I think that's the kind of thing I'd like other people to think about rather than put my own thoughts on the table ^^
There's a million different ways they could have been as kids, and a million different ways they could have grown to be who they are now. So I don't want to put anything into too heavy a canon :)
I also haven't really thought about it too much! since it's not really relevant to the story I'm trying to tell, I'd think about it if it came up but otherwise I like to prioritize the things I think are important to building my story.
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hysteriium · 5 years ago
Ledger!Joker x JP!Joker headcanons 👀 ??
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(Edit isn’t mine, made by Anarchy Graphics! They have really cool edits you should check them out!)
(A/n): 👀 HEY THERE DEAR ANON! Your wish is my command ;)) sorry I kinda added some smut hope that’s okie! HEHEH also @pennyship​ and I are writing a massive fucking one-shot about the duo! We’re thinking of turning this into a series if anyone’s interested?
Pairing: JP! Joker x reader x Heath!Joker
Warnings: NSFW, BDSM themes, swearing.
Okay first things first, they will have a hard time ‘sharing’ you. They’re both really assertive characters and their personalities would for sure clash. 
They’re very competitive. 
What’s probably even weirder is how they resolve their arguments. If you expect them to sit down and shake it out b o i you’re dead wrong.
Honestly, if you catch them in the middle of doing some stupid shit, don’t be surprised.
More often than not, you feel like the mediator between them. You kind of keep them balanced – stop them from going overboard, though admittedly, it’s rare when they reach such a point. 
Their unspoken contest keeps them on their toes and that’s just how they like it.  
They also really appreciate how you spare them the psychoanalysis – they get enough of it when they’re thrown into Arkham and treated like odd spectacles. 
They’re really possessive/protective. If someone even so much as thinks of threatening you, or, even more idiotic, makes it known they ARE, best believe they’re bringing out the big guns. They’ll rain hellfire upon them. This is perhaps the only time where the dynamic duo can work together. 
A lot of the times they take their frustration out in other activities. If something doesn’t go as ‘planned,’ you’re gonna have a hard time walking tomorrow.  
(Coming back to their ‘rivalry’), they’ll leave hickeys on your neck – VISIBLE ONES MIGHT I ADD – just so the other can see. This often leads to more hickeys from the other. 
Threesomes. Sorry, not sorry. (Will go into detail in an upcoming fic hehe). 
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Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker
This. Man. Is. Touch-starved. 
You heard me, folks. He loves touching you. This isn’t exclusive to sex either, honestly, he’s happy with even the smallest displays of affection. 
He’s also much kinder than Heath’s Joker AND WHAT I MEAN BY THAT is that he’s more open with his affections (see Heath’s section for deetz). 
Loves loves loves your smile and your laugh! Every time he snatches a laugh roused by one of his puns or jokes, he’s ecstatic! “You should laugh more,” “you have a pretty smile.” His compliments aren’t always worded the greatest, but you know he means well, his sincerity shining through. 
Coupled with the soft smile which almost always follows your joy, it’s enough on its own to convey his thoughts. 
The man is incredibly playful and is a relentless flirt. He doesn’t CARE who’s around, he will make it known what nasty things he’s thinking about AND what nasty things he wants to do to you. If it wasn’t for your own protests which are occasionally worn down, he’d take you in front of others. He literally does not care.
Example: when you least expect it, you’ll feel a firm slap against your ass, or sometimes less overt, a grab. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who it is. 
To reiterate, he absolutely has no shame. 
Arthur is big on aftercare. He’ll make sure you know how much he loves you. He gets really attached, and his actions communicate this more than his words. Aftercare manifests itself in many forms: cuddling, bubble baths, making sure he hasn’t harmed you in any way, offering sweets.
“Doll.” (Heath’s Joker also uses this). 
“Sugar.” He often uses this when he’s mad, for example, “okay, listen, sugar.”
Depending on how Arthur’s feeling, funky time can either be really rough or, if he’s feeling a lil extra sentimental, very you-oriented. 
He’s a passionate man and seeing how his touch leads to your unravelling is truly one of the highlights for him. 
Above all, Arthur’s favourite thing is hearing the way his name spills from your lips – feeling the way you cling onto him as he plunges into you. Your expression of euphoria’s something that’s etched into his brain, like fine glass.   
An added bonus for him is thinking about how antsy your loud moans make Heath’s Joker. 
Gunplay → Arthur’s slender fingers indent your thighs as he spreads them apart, a sudden metallic chill brushing up against the flesh. Prodding at your entrance with the barrel and slowly pushing in, his slow teasing thrusts morph into a steady pace when you’re practically pleading him to let you cum. 
Orgasm Denial → Arthur, being the mischievous boi he is, will damn well make sure he drags everything out. He loves to hear you beg, every time you do it fills him with swirling bursts of pride. 
Body worship → sort of ties in with orgasm denial. Arthur will take his sweet ass time caressing your skin, planting kisses against your stomach – against your hips. Honestly anywhere he has access to he will make it known how much he appreciates your body. This can sometimes appear during sex – he’ll slow his pace and utter sweet whispers of praise against you, rendering you even more of a flustered mess.
Hair pulling → works both ways. This would mainly be exhibited during oral than anything else. If he’s going down on you and your trembling fingers jerk his green curls, the vibrations of his moans would tip you over the edge. 
He’s more flexible than Heath’s Joker, meaning if you want to top, he’ll let you do so, though he still maintains a cocky air. Giving you one of his killer smirks, his eyebrows flicking in amusement, he’ll relinquish his hold on your hips and recline back into the couch. The way he leans back and places his hands behind his head screams ‘go ahead,’ ‘impress me.’ You always do.
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Heath Ledger’s Joker
Will do shit just to spite Arthur; this isn’t because he has a personal vendetta against him, it’s just because of the person he is (a little shit).
Takes a bit longer to open up than Arthur, emotionally. He’s very closed off and is used to his little bubble. It takes patience but eventually you’ll get there.
Acts like the biggest hardass → he likes to portray there’s nothing more to his image other than the ‘agent of chaos,’ but you come to realise this is definitely not the case. 
In the dead of night, when he returns from whatever havoc he’s stirred, he crawls into your bed and pulls you against him, arms embracing you loosely.
This is when he’s at his most affectionate. His exhaustion most likely adds to those falling walls. 
Most of the time he thinks you’re asleep when this occurs but, spoiler, you’re not; the gentle upturn of your lips the only indication of such. You don’t think you’d ever give the fact away either, fearful of him receding back into his shell to the point where affection is null. Either way, you’re happy with him.
By the morning, he’s gone, already making plans (or executing them).
He seldom shows you his actual face, behind all the makeup. In all honesty, you don’t know the reasoning behind this, and you don’t think you ever will. While he’s blunt, he’s just as secretive; there’s always something going on in the back of his mind. 
Perhaps it’s insecurity, discomfort, or, more simply, the ‘persona’ of ‘Joker’ is just what resonates with him. The man underneath is someone he no longer identifies with. The man he’s become – who he’s worked so hard to manifest – is his true self. 
Okay but he’s a very sexual guy, not even gonna lie.
ALSO HAS NO EMBARRASSMENT. When it comes to sex, this man’s just as open about it as Arthur. 
Hair pulling kink → this goes without saying. Unlike Arthur, this kink is one-sided, and he most definitely is the one doing the pulling. Those large hands will lose themselves within your strands and if you’re giving him head, he’s most likely going to guide you by said strands. 
Glove kink → he’ll set you on his lap, your back against his chest as his hands hold your wriggling thighs. With your breath hitching in anticipation, one of his gloved hands will slip down your inner thigh, rubbing slow circles against your clit. He tries his best to be patient but lets be honest, he has a really short fuse when it comes to sex; he’ll be dipping one – two – and if he’s feeling particularly torturous – three fingers inside of you before you know it, curling his fingers.
Praise kink → not particularly what you’d expect. He’s also very big into humiliation and mockery, so this kind of ties in with the two. For example, if you do something he’s pleased with, he’ll throw around teasing/sarcastic nicknames like there’s no tomorrow:
“Good girl.”
Loves your brattiness, literally lives for it. He’s always been drawn to a bit of fire – it keeps things interesting. 
Has a thing for emotions – for your expressions, both micro and macro. The main three: fear, pain, pleasure. 
He’s very erratic. So, when he is praising you, he may tug at your hair the next, choke you or, if he deems necessary, spank you. 
Your squeaks of pain get him off – the motherfucker’s sadistic.
Goes through topdrop, and you’d most certain go through subdrop. He’s so used to control and regaining it when lost, in both an everyday context and a sexual one. So, once those feelings develop into something more (which you’ll have trouble differentiating, or sometimes picking up on at all), he’ll become more reserved, no longer displaying his usual vigour until this issue is sorted. (More details in a future drabble/fic). 
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communisticrevolution · 6 years ago
I wrote another essay about homoeroticism - this one’s on The Great Gatsby
I’m not sure if anyone cares about this because I can’t envision The Great Gatsby fandom being as desperate for such content as the Lord of the Flies one, but I hope that anyone who can be bothered to read enjoys it! Thank you for all the positive feedback, and check out The Great Gatsby if you haven’t already :))
Although on a purely superficial level, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a blatantly obvious examination of the American Dream, the shallowness of the upper classes, and the underlying corruption and hedonism perpetually underpinning affluent 1920s society, an alternative and previously analysed reading of the novel lies partially below the surface, yet evident enough to possess a significant critical following. This theme is, undeniably, homoeroticism, perhaps hidden and coded implicitly within the text to disguise still criminalised components, but crucially important, particularly from the perspective of understanding Nick Carraway’s narration, and the nature of his conspicuous bias towards Jay Gatsby which skews his reliability significantly when recognised by the reader. Despite his proclamation at the end of Chapter 3 stating that his ‘cardinal virtue’ is that he is ‘one of the few honest people that I have (he has) ever known,’ from the beginning of his subjective account of events, his descriptions of others suggest that his statement of being ‘inclined to reserve all judgments’ on the first page is contradicted by his profiling of others, both physically and in regards to their personalities. This is almost relentless and lacking in exclusive scrutiny, offering an insight which appears to be detached, consequently lulling the reader into believing Carraway’s points surrounding his allegedly objectively accurate retelling of the summer – however, even before this, Nick admits the one major and vital fault of his perception, which is Gatsby. Even as it becomes clear to all parties that Gatsby is, in many ways, extremely morally flawed (he is an illegal bootlegger by profession, he is obsessive and somewhat manipulative of Daisy, he facilitates and encourages her infidelity, he is fixated on materialistic wealth, and he frequently lacks consideration for others if it ensures his ability to pursue his ambitions), to Nick, he represents ‘everything for which I have (he has) unaffected scorn.’ For our narrator, this character is symbolic of hope, success, and romance, and when the inherently decaying American Dream inevitably collapses, as exhibited by Gatsby’s murder towards the end of the plot, Nick’s portrayal in hindsight is not altered by Jay’s faults, but by his positive attributes. Prior to a genuine introduction with a scene involving the two, Nick writes that ‘there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life,’ and this permeates all. Regardless of whether or not the assumption is made that Nick is describing merely Gatsby’s metaphorical and figurative role in the story, it is clear since the book commences that his perception of the titular man could, in many ways, be interpreted as one of intense passion and attraction, far beyond the platonic relationships he has with other individuals, and later extending to him conveying the physical beauty that is highly appealing to him concerning Gatsby. Even Nick’s love interest, Jordan Baker, is not exempt from his reproval, and is, in fact, articulated to be ‘dishonest,’ with negative and emotionally lacklustre depictions that prompt questions surrounding the easily debatable strength and plausibility of his romantic interest in her.
One major scene that is consistently referenced and considered to be majorly indicative of Nick’s sexual orientation occurs very early on into the novel towards the end of Chapter 2 – it is incredibly subtle and often overlooked especially by first time readers due to the cryptic nature of its language and the seemingly comparatively unimportant series of events that ensue. In fact, one could argue that there is generally very little need to include such a scene, and thus contemplate why Fitzgerald decides to do so regardless. Usually, from a literary perspective, for something to be rendered worthy of inclusion, it must serve to develop plot, characters, or a specific setting and atmosphere in adherence to overriding themes, and the focus upon Nick, still as a relatively submissive bystander who is simultaneously immersed enough to offer a narrative insight, indicates that the only feasible value available must be revolving around his character development. The plot is not advanced as the occurrences are entirely overlooked and left with no true contextual repercussions, and the setting at this point is not focal nor enhanced with adjectives and figurative language that would suggest a distinct relationship between the whole surrounding set of dates and the West and East Egg regions which become recurring areas with allocated symbolic values, and ergo this being the reason.
Here, most notably, Fitzgerald must be attempting to prove or infer something about Nick Carraway, which I believe, largely due to substantial implicit evidence within the text, to be referring primarily to one of the many factors culminating to formulate his broad unreliability; a sense of sexual ambiguity, and the blatantly apparent evasion and withholding of information, but still without avoidance of the subject in its entirety, implied by the use of ellipses to signify both time passing and suppressed detailing of the true events. In regards to homoerotic subtext, this component potentially begins with the description of Mr McKee, the character that Nick purportedly has an affair with, as ‘pale’ and ‘feminine’ upon first encounter, two adjectives directly referencing a lack of masculinity and, in turn, the stereotype of effeminate fragility typically associated with homosexual men. His involvement in the ‘’artistic game’’ has, again, subtextual connotations with homosexual and, possibly to a lesser extent, bisexual males, as the following of artistic pursuits was perceived to be more traditionally feminine, and perhaps later adhering to forms of aestheticism and the almost synonymously analogous and prominent figure of Oscar Wilde, who was and still is renowned for both aesthetic and philosophical reasons and his historical persecution for gross indecency. With this evocation of Mr McKee in mind, suggesting his lack of conformity to societal norms through sexual deviation, at around 10 o’clock, Nick wipes ‘from his cheek the spot of dried lather’ that had ‘been bothering him’ over the course of the evening, a remarkably intimate gesture, and an otherwise broadly inexplicable fixation within the context of this man’s likely homosexuality. Later, Mr McKee proceeds to leave the room, and Nick follows without hesitation, implying almost a non-verbal communication which results in the scene in the elevator, laden with highly euphemistic linguistic choices. Mr McKee uses the command ‘Come to lunch with me some day’ in a manner reminiscent of an individual asking another out in a cryptically heteronormative tone, coupled with the pair ‘groaning’ down the elevator, a verb synonymous with overtly sexual onomatopoeia. Nick agrees, saying he’ll ‘be glad to,’ perhaps an admission to both the reader and Mr McKee that the feeling implied by the latter is to some extent reciprocated, indicating that Nick himself is not heterosexual. Just before this, a ‘lever’ is incorporated which Mr McKee is shunned for allegedly touching, seemingly a clear phallic symbol due to its vague resemblance of a penis, reinforcing the layers of homoerotism and the ambiance leading up to a romantic or sexual encounter involving the two characters that have distanced themselves from the overwhelming group, potentially a metaphor for the exclusion and separation of the LGBT community necessary for protection in an intolerant outside world. This scenario, abruptly led and finished with a series of ellipses, concludes with Nick, our narrator, ‘standing beside his (Mr McKee’s) bed,’ as Mr McKee is ‘sitting up between the sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands.’ Nick ends up at a train station waiting for the ‘four o’ clock train,’ leaving what truly happened with Mr McKee largely a mystery, but the aforementioned’s nakedness and the presence of a bed, as well as the feasibly metaphorical ‘portfolio,’ all indicate that a sexual encounter took place between the two, as little other explanation is given for the passing of six hours shown to have been almost exclusively in each other’s company. As always, Nick’s bystander-esque lack of involvement even in situations centring predominantly around him leaves room for plausible deniability; maybe the scene is exclusively a reflection on Mr McKee’s sexual orientation and subsequent moral perversion, or, more significantly, Nick’s willingness to go along with anything without reaffirming his own beliefs or desires, painting him as a fully submissive and detached narrator. Regardless, this relatively brief passage is undeniably dense in highly homoerotic content, portraying Nick largely as a closeted homosexual (or simply a heterosexual man who had a short and sexually intimate relationship with someone of the same gender, but this is far more difficult to believe in the surrounding circumstances), with this conveying an image of both and unreliable narrator and one who could conceivably be infatuated with the protagonist (Gatsby).
Nick’s relationship with Gatsby is vital throughout the novel, in both plot and in how Nick chooses and is capable of narrating a story focusing mainly upon the latter – one which is, evidently, biased invariably in his favour, even amidst ethical decay and his eventual death, which appears to influence Nick far more profoundly than the others, all of whom decide to abandon Gatsby by not attending his funeral as the book comes to a close. Despite the brevity of the period in which they interact and become extremely close, Nick organises the majority of Gatsby’s funeral, as previously mentioned, is loyal to him throughout with consistently lacking personal gain, offers him advice and support, and after his death, decides to write a memoir framing him in an overwhelmingly positive and complimentary manner, one which is likely far from the reality of his existence and impact upon others. Physically, Nick is evidently immensely attracted to Gatsby; when his love interest is given an unenthusiastic paragraph with phrases including ‘I enjoyed looking at her’ and emphasis upon her more masculine features and attributes (‘small-breasted,’ and ‘like a young cadet’), Gatsby’s intrigue is delivered impactfully, with several sentences dedicated to his smile alone, which is stated to have had ‘a quality of eternal reassurance in it.’ The last interaction between Nick and Jay consists of a long and emotional confession delivered by the latter, involving the true history of his origins, a story which he escapes explicitly mentioning, denies, and formulates lies to detract from right up until the end of the text, signifying that the bond established between both men may even be greater than the romanticised superficiality of Gatsby’s infatuation and fixation with Daisy. Whether or not Gatsby ever truly loved her is easy to speculate, with the most common theory being that he was simply enamoured with an idea that he had attached to her for his own sanity and aspirations – in a more uncommon homosexual reading of Gatsby, perhaps he ascribes an idea of the American Dream, wealth, success, and integration with the ‘old-money’ elite to her as a means of distracting from his real sexual and romantic interests, although this is admittedly far from substantiated. Nick finishes the dialogue with allegedly the ‘only compliment I (he) ever gave him,’ which is stated as written: ‘’They’re a rotten crowd,’ I shouted across the lawn. ‘You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.’ Gatsby responds to this with his ‘radiant and understanding smile,’ one glimpse of a world in which Nick’s love for him may have not been so apparently unrequited, and potentially a revelation into the growing mutuality of what could have been a romance in different circumstances. Nick’s description of Gatsby and his actions is close to being perpetually complimentary, and usually resumes to this position quickly when it falters, so this reinforces his unreliability and a degree of obliviousness to his own feelings and emotions, whilst simultaneously demonstrating to the reader what is already salient at most levels of observance – that Nick views Gatsby and his worth above all others, including his friend of many years, Tom, his cousin, Daisy, and his romantic interest, Jordan. This level of attraction and love is usually reserved to forms outside of what is known to be platonic, suggesting that what Nick feels for Gatsby also transcends friendship. In Tom and Nick’s last interaction, Tom states that Gatsby ‘threw dust into your (Nick’s) eyes just like he did in Daisy’s,’ conveying that he might himself have deemed Nick and Gatsby’s relationship to be of a similar nature to Daisy and Gatsby’s. Gatsby ‘throwing dust’ into her eyes was a way of performing a romantic illusion that caused her to fall in love with him, implying that Nick also fell in love with Gatsby as he became similarly enchanted by his hope, dedication, and beauty, leading into his romanticised retelling of the man himself.
Ultimately, I personally believe that homoeroticism is definitely existing and, at times, prevalent within The Great Gatsby, and that above all, it is critical to Nick’s characterisation and generating an acceptable explanation of his behaviour and actions, as well as his identity as a character. Many of his attributes, such as his submission and tendency to behave as a bystander in his own life and social interactions, could be found as possessing origins in both a desire to fit in as a social chameleon and avoid extreme scrutiny under the masculine ideal, and also in the repressed identity exhibited by a vast number of sexual minorities in communities and historical contexts of heightened intolerance, where it would be necessary for non-heterosexual individuals to conform to norms and avoid confrontation. In Chapter 7, as Nick remembers that it is his birthday, he reflects on ‘the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know,’ a poignant evaluation to finish this essay with – adhering to his consistent writing style and internal monologue, Nick focuses on men here, not women, avoiding the topic of getting a wife and settling down into the rhythm of 1920s America, and instead accentuating his declining list of opportunities in romantic prospects, as well as concentrating on the ‘promise of loneliness’ that homosexuality undoubtedly was prior to at the very least decriminalisation. He will remain incapable of finding love and fulfilment in the sense that others can with relative ease, and he will continue to restrict his personal identity and expression for safety in the aftermath of the death of arguably his only true friend (and genuine romantic interest), with even Gatsby failing to treat him with equal respect and admiration. Some argue that the true tragedy of The Great Gatsby lies in the story of unrequited love detailed by the narrator, and I would not fully dispute this; this great American novel is, on the surface, a story surrounding the corruption of the American Dream, capitalism, disillusionment, and the ethically abhorrent upper classes, but more obscurely, it could potentially be interpreted as an enlightened representation of closeted sexual identity, genuine love (not concerning Daisy and Gatsby), and unreliability in narration.
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Depending on the way a word is used, distinguishes its meaning. Representation is a word that could have many different meanings. In the english dictionary representation is defined as “ the action of speaking or acting on the behalf of someone or the state of being so represented”. This definition is what comes to many people's mind when they hear or see the word representation. There are many different concepts that are associated with representation, the word has transformed past its generic meaning. In this reading “Meaning and Language” by Hall Stuart he defines representation as the study of culture and it being a system. The system consist of two processes that explains the systems of representation. The first system of representation deals with the concept of mental representation meaning that all sorts of objects, people and events are correlated. The second system deals with the theory of representation which has three themes, reflective approach, intentional approach and constructionist approach.
The first system of representation breaks down the influence of culture and its association with representation. Culture is truly the essential component when it comes to defining representation. I say this because without culture how can something or someone be represented? Societies, ethnic groups, tribes and religions are all connected through common themes, belief, and language. People identify themselves through these aspects because it is a representation of who they are. In the article Hall states “representation connects meaning and language to culture” (pg. 15). I agree with this statement because language is a form of communication that is used to explain something but language is also how people are grouped together. When a person speaks their language the first thing comes to mind is where the person is from and what their nationality might be. Meaning if I was to speak spanish someone might not know what country I am specifically from but the assumption would be that I come from a spanish speaking country. In this situation language is representing who I am because it is allowing others to assume where I’m from which helps identify who I am. Language cannot always be an accurate standard that represents people, however it is a good start. In today's generation the why language is very important. In a country like the United States, English is seen as the native language. Being that this country is diverse with people that come from all sorts of backgrounds, one can distinguish someone's culture through the many different languages we speak as a whole. Without language people can not speak on behalf of a group, people can not differentiate themselves from others, and people would not be able to represent themselves as well. For several cultures language is a common theme that brings people together. An example would be the Islamic religion. Although there are many different people from different backgrounds that practice islam, one key aspect they all have in common is the language. Their holy scripture the Quran is written in Arabic and the language they recite while praying is also Arabic. Arabic is the barrier thats brings them together and unifies them while representing their religion.
Besides language in the article Hall explains that representation could be broken up into three theories hence the name the theory of representation. The three theories are the reflective approach, intentional approach and constructionist approach.  According to Hall reflective approach can be defined as “ Meaning is thought to lie in the object, person, idea or event in the real world and language functions like mirror, to reflect the true meaning as it already exist in the world,” (pg 10) In other words, language is the barrier that is able to communicate the true meaning of what people are trying to get across to others and to the world. When it comes to language it is easy for people to imitate what they see and hear. The action that one portrays is not what makes culture but its the rationale behind the language that develops a new culture. If people deem a action as being acceptable to be them, most of the time that action would be imitated by others. Representation plays a role in this because the actions that are being passed on throughout generations by cultural groups and tribes is because they believe the actions would be a good representation of who they are and how they want the world to perceive them.
Although reflective theory shows how actions and language are able to reflect the lives of people and how it can use to represent a whole there is also the second the theme of the theory which is intentional approach. Intentional approach is a bit different from reflective approach because it deals mainly with the person who speaking, writing or communiticating to world through language. The mean according to the article is “ Words mean what the author intends they should mean” (pg 10). It means that representation can in be influenced by people in sense that people communicate to the world how they want to represented. Culture is something that represents people it represents their beliefs and can often translate in the way people think and the actions that they take. With this approach it explains that most things that exist in society can often not represent a whole a group of people but it representation of how one person may have felt and through communication was able to passed down their belief to represent people as a whole. This approach gets me to think about my own beliefs meaning does my culture really represent who I am, or does it reflect the belief of my different ancestors and how they wanted to represent the people of my country. In order for this approach to be a good base as a form representation that means that beliefs and practices of group can be based on one person’s action but on the actions of a whole.
The final approach that Hall discusses in the article is the constructionist approach which is meant to be combinations of both reflective and intentional approach. The constructionist approach means “ Things don’t mean: we construct meaning, using representational systems-concepts and signs “ besides the definition Hall goes and states “ according to this approach we must not confuse the material world, where things    people exist, and the symbolic practices and processes through which representation, meaning and language operate” (pg 11)
Meaning that when it comes things that represent people the meaning of it is constructed by the people not by the person who is creating these beliefs. This to me is more accurate approach of what representation is and how it should be in the world. Meaning that something can not be a representation of others if the people who are being representation by this belief do not agree with, because it creates false prejudices and negative stigmas of others.
As one could see there different forms of representation, it can come many different such as language or even the presence of person or group of people is often described representation because the action being performed is the language that is voiced out to others. Representation is something that could do lots of good and also damage to society. Without representation there would not be explanation for things in world. With representation it could the voice of an entire community or even an entire race which why it important to world.
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chicago-marlena · 5 years ago
Trip III: Exploring Pilsen
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Hello everyone and welcome back!
For this week’s adventure, a small group of my classmates and I ventured to the very colorful and culturally rich neighborhood of Pilsen. Similarly to what happened on my last trip, this was unfortunately adventure was a rainy one, but nevertheless the excitement of the art and Latinx culture was enough to get me out of the house (and there thanks to Uber. whoo!) As someone who grew up in Aurora, IL, in a primarily Latinx community, I was deeply excited for this trip. This trip my first to the area, and I was specifically enthused by the neighborhood's artwork/outdoor murals, cultural foods, language differences, and decorations for the upcoming dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a traditional Mexican holiday dedicated to memorializing the dead. If you’re unfamiliar with Pilsen, allow me to provide some quick insight into the neighborhood itself.
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A banner depicting the saying “Brown is beautiful, Beloved Asheville”. The term Brown refers to the Latinx community in Pilsen, as the banner serves to empower its members. This message helps combat negative stereotypes and unite the Latinx community from all walks of life, as evident in the varying caricatures. | Original photo
Statistically speaking, according to the Statistical Atlas, the neighborhood of Pilsen is predominantly Hispanic, as they make up 70.7% of the population. While observing the area this stat was proven true from the abundance in Latinx businesses, restaurants, and other amenities. While this statistic accounts for a majority of the population today, Pilsen’s neighborhoods had not always been this way. It was not until the 1960s that Pilsen transformed into what we know as the primarily Latinx neighborhood that we see today. Prior to this time period, the area was mainly populated by “Central and Eastern European descendants - including the Bohemians” and referred to as Plzeň, named after a city in today’s Czech Republic (Mitchell, 2014). According to the same source, the neighborhood shift in demographics can be best explained by Chicago’s massive city projects during the 1950s, including expressways, public housing developments, and a university campus (the University of Illinois in Chicago, interestingly enough!); these editions ultimately caused the ethic shift, as Mexican residents to move from the Near West Side into what is now Pilsen.  
I decided to begin my trip venturing down W. 18th Street, starting around the corner of West 18th Street and South Carpenter Street. As I began walking, I took note that the area was characterized by an abundance of community resources including restaurants, salons, independent shops, insurance businesses, churches, and even laundromats. The area was a mix of both family-owned businesses, franchises, and independently-owned stores unique to Pilsen. 
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A street vendor’s fruit stand, full of variety. | Original photo
As I began exploring the area, the first thing that instantly caught my eye was surprisingly a Vietnamese Cafe/Restaurant, titled HaiSous Vietnamese Kitchen located on the corner of W 18th St and S Carpenter Street. On one hand, as a person who identifies as half Vietnamese, I was very excited to see this place (as Vietnamese cuisine is only usually available in the Chinatown area) but on the other hand, I was genuinely surprised to see this in the area. After reading Pilsen’s neighborhood history, I was anticipating seeing mostly Latinx and European-themed businesses, so this was a pleasant surprise to begin my trip on, and later ended up foreshadowing the neighborhood’s abundant cultural diversity. 
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Vietnamese cafe and restaurant, ‘HaiSous’ located on the corner W 18th Street and S Carpenter Street. | Original photo
While I was at the establishment, I ordered a small Lychee danish for breakfast. Lychee was one of my favorite snacks growing up and is a traditional fruit in my family. Overall the pastry was a 5 out of 5 stars, filled with nostalgia and the delicious lychee cream cheese spread; I definitely recommend it if you’re on the hunt for a small bite!
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Lychee danish.   | Original Photo 
As I continued my walk, the first church-related site I encountered was a shrine located on West 18th Street and South Allport Street, right next to the St. Procopius Catholic Church. Upon first glance, I was ecstatic to see this site, as the area was surrounded by foliage and colorful flowers, with the shrine in the center. (The area was extremely calming and well maintained. Beautiful.) While I wasn’t able to enter and explore the church itself, I took some time to learn more about the shrine itself and the significance to the area. 
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Shrine of the Virgin of San Juan de Los Lagos | Original photo
For Pilsen community members, the shrine serves as a site for completing promises or mandas (vows in traditional Mexican Catholicism) at one’s own pleasure. The woman depicted in the center of the shrine is known as Our Lady of Guadalupe (also the Virgin of Guadalupe) and is notably a powerful symbol of the Mexican identity and faith, commonly associated with attributes such as empowerment, motherhood, or resilience (Reyes, 2016). The figure is highly embedded into Mexican culture, particularly through religious influence, as best seen depicted on the site’s shrine. Catholicism itself has a large influence on Latinx culture, as I was able to best observe it through the many art murals in the neighborhood. Many of the murals I encountered were either in dedication or featured some form of the powerful symbol; for me, this showed the community’s importance in not only religious values but values that Our Lady of Guadalupe herself represents. 
With that in mind, the next few photos are some of my favorite art pieces I encountered while venturing through Pilsen. The community’s abundance in art and murals makes it comparable to a museum. Of all the trips I have taken so far, this trip was the first where I had experienced public art at this frequency; it is apparent that the neighborhood values its murals and the messages that they provide, topics including religion, love, history, or injustice. No other community I have seen so far does public art like Pilsen, making it my most vibrant trip so far.
Without further ado, here are some of my favorites: 
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Art mural of Our Lady of Guadelupe. The angelic figure at her feet displays red, white, and green, resembling colors of the Mexican flag, as the angel’s wings resemble those of the eagle in the flag’s center. These elements help portray the mural’s theme of freedom and pursuing the American Dream.  | Original photo
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Additional dedication to the Virgin of Guadelupe | Original photo
This depiction of the religious figure was particularly interesting to me. This piece of art was located on the exterior of a children’s youth center/school building and portrays the Virgin of Guadelupe with younger features mirroring the youth.  
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Hidden mural. This piece of art touched me emotionally, as I felt it best represented the American Dream for those migrating to the United States. | Original photo 
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Art depicting cards of the Mexican card game, “La Loteria” | Original photo
While further exploring the public art and murals on W 18th Street, one thing that struck my interest was the addition of art referencing a popular Mexican card game, coined by the name Loteria. The vibrant and colorful pieces were spread throughout the street, hidden on doors and wall corners, paying homage to traditional Mexican culture.
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La Sirena Loteria Card. The text in the upper right-hand corner reads “Con los cantos de sirena, no te vayas a marear” translating to “Don't get dizzy with the songs of the mermaid.” | Original photo
La Loteria is a traditional Mexican card game, typically played in family settings and holiday celebrations, and is often compared to being a “Mexican Bingo”. The visual depictions on the cards are imperative to playing the game; while an American Bingo announcer calls out sequences of letters and numbers, i.e., “B-4”, Loteria operates off the premise that an announcer describing general ideas or poems related to the images on the card, i.e., “the coat for the poor” referring to the Sun card (Villegas, 2019). The card game traditionally offers a select set of images and Pilsen’s interpretation of this can be seen in their customized depictions of the cards, unique to the community and the neighborhood. Seeing this was a small but mighty addition to the neighborhood art, ultimately reminding me of playing La Loteria in my hometown with family friends. Small additions like this show the neighborhood artists’ attention to detail when preserving culture; as Loteria is a game that has surpassed many generations and emulates values of family and unity.
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A traditional card in the game La Loteria, “El Corazon”, customized to pay homage to the neighborhood of Pilsen | Original photo
To conclude my trip to Pilsen, I stumbled upon the Pilsen Vintage & Thrift, located at 1430 W 18th Street. This shop was just as vibrant as the rest of the neighborhood, filled with vintage goods either sourced or inspired by Latinx culture. To commemorate my trip, I even purchased a couple of small souvenirs including a ring, earrings, and stickers as a way of supporting the community and thanking the shop owners for allowing in-store photography. 
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The initial view of Pilsen Vintage & Thrift when walking in | Original photo 
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Pilsen Vintage & Thrift store interior | Original photo 
Before leaving the shop, I actually sparked up a conversation with the store’s cashier, asking her about her experience working in Pilsen and her general thoughts about the area. She shared many stories of her early life growing up in Pilsen, but when discussing the state of the current day area she concluded gentrification was definitely happening, as she shared “my rent has almost doubled in the last year with all the newer businesses taking over previously family-owned ones” (she requested not to be named for the sake of this post). From my observations following my trip, I could see that neighborhood is known for being a cultural hub, both in its historical roots and today as well. With the neighborhood’s high frequency in the arts and culture, this opens up a large fiscal opportunity for businesses to capitalize on the neighborhood driving out native residents and family businesses replacing them with ones accommodating more toward middle-class customers and residents. This can best be understood through the context of Pilsen’s perceivably profitable identity, one that “market initiatives [are] now employed to ‘renew’ such neighborhoods [as] Pilsen itself can be packaged and sold as a site of culture” (Saclarides, 2009). Off first glance, the area just seems to be “balanced” in terms of offering both family-owned, culturally significant business and “affluent” style businesses or popular corporations, but when observing this through the lens of gentrification, I can’t help but wonder how native residents feel about the changes in the community.  Ultimately, while some may view this act of cultural commodification as a “beautification” of the city neighborhood, these driving forces of increasing consumerism and tourism tend to leave residents of ethnic neighborhoods feeling intruded on or out of place; as consumption and commerce don’t tend to follow with compassion and cultural preservation (Saclarides, 2009). Pilsen has come far from what once was viewed as an “overcrowded, decaying site of contagious social pathology, often [once] tagged as ‘ghettos’, ‘slums’ or ‘barrios’”, and continuing this development of the neighborhood needs to include the resident’s cultural values while still pushing for advancement (Saclarides, 2009).
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Flyer advertising a protest, advocating for children in border detention centers. Found at the register/check out area of Pilsen Village & Thrift. | Original photo
Ultimately, I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Pilsen, and hope to return to the area soon. While my one regret on this trip was not stopping for lunch, I still felt immersed in the culturally rich neighborhood, leaving with a new perspective on one of the many communities Chicago offers. I enjoyed reminiscing on aspects similar to my own hometown and particularly took great interest in the vibrant street art. With all this being said, for any of you even considering visiting the neighborhood: 100% go for it! Pilsen offered me a new perspective on cultural expression and community and left me ready to plan for my next trip back (and start practicing my Spanish again!).
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Mural of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, an important figure in Latinx culture. One of my favorite artists and favorite murals I saw. | Original photo
La Sirena. Mexican Figuritas. Loteria postcard. The Mermaid. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.changingworld.com/la-sirena-mexican-figuritas-loteria-postcard-the-mermaid.html.html.
Mitchell, C. (2019, May 1). The birth of a Latino community. Retrieved from https://www.wbez.org/shows/wbez-news/swept-from-their-homes-chicagos-latinos-built-new-community/331fcc5d-be0b-4b20-be9f-245a562a9310.
Race and Ethnicity in Pilsen, Chicago, Illinois (Neighborhood). (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2019, from https://statisticalatlas.com/neighborhood/Illinois/Chicago/Pilsen/Race-and-Ethnicity.
Reyes, R. A. (2016, December 12). Our Lady of Guadalupe Is a Powerful Symbol of Mexican Identity. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/our-lady-guadalupe-powerful-symbol-mexican-identity-n694216.
Saclarides, K. (2009). Selling Chicago as a Global City: Redevelopment and Ethnic Neighborhoods. On University of Chicago - SSA: Advocates' Forum.
Villegas, T. (n.d.). History of La Loteria. Retrieved October 17, 2019, from https://teresavillegas.com/history-of-la-loteria/.
0 notes
aish-rai · 8 years ago
Oscars 2017: In Review
Oscar time is here again!
Once again, I’ve watched all the films in the Best Picture, Best Director, and major acting categories. I’m not one for long reviews, so I’ve broken it down into mini reviews that will hopefully help you decide who to root for tonight...or not. Who cares. This is Trump’s America, we’re all on our way out anyway. Jkjk.
So, without further ado....
This is, by far, my favorite of all the Best Picture nominees. This year, the debate has been about the importance of certain films...the message a film sends, what place it holds in our society. On the surface, a film centered around an alien invasion doesn’t seem as though it would merit much surface importance. But in times of increasing globalism, followed by xenophobia and an overall intolerance for things and people we don’t understand, Arrival highlights the importance of communication, patience, mutual cooperation, and an open mind. At the heart of it, it’s an incredibly personal story about the relationships we form and the decisions we make: what choices would dictate your life if you knew what the outcome would be? What’s the value of the journey versus the destination? Arrival asks us all these questions, but protagonist Louise Banks (a linguist, which it turns out is a SUPER FUCKING COOL job) only answers for herself. The rest of the film is a reflection on humanity, and in times like these, I think that’s just as important as any other “message” film.
Don’t misunderstand me: this is a story for everybody. We can all get something out of it. But it’s a particularly important, incredibly personal story about black masculinity, sexuality, and identity in an environment of poverty and desperation. A queer black man will certainly connect more to this movie than me, a straight white woman. However, with that being said, I still consider this a near-perfect movie. It is in no way inaccessible to the rest of the audience. The way the film has been broken down into three stages of Chiron’s journey to self-discovery allows the story to unfold perfectly. The first third sends the message, “You don’t have to know who you are yet.” By the end, it asks, “Who are you? Have you figured it out yet?” And everything in between is beautiful. The three actors who play Chiron (Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, and Trevante Rhodes) are revelations. The fact that the kid from Manchester by the Sea pulled a nomination but Ashton Sanders didn’t is straight up offensive to my sensibilities, tbh. But Mahershala Ali is the real heart of the film as Juan, a local drug dealer who takes Chiron under his wing. His time in the film is brief, but he leaves an overwhelming impression. Also keep a look out for a magnificent performance by Naomie Harris as Chiron’s mother, as well as a color palette that quite frankly took my breath away. This is a film that sends a social message, yes, but it’s also a beautiful story of a personal journey and one that needed to be told.
La La Land
This film has been the frontrunner for quite awhile now, and as all frontrunners do, it has garnered quite a bit of criticism. Aside from just being the frontrunner, I feel like a lot of the criticism stems from the fact that it’s a happy, upbeat film in a year of otherwise somber stories. For some reason, we devalue the importance of joy in our films. I have to be grateful for the criticism, though, because the first time I saw LLL, I only “liked” it. Upon rewatching it, I’ve grown to love it. There’s so much more to it than “white man saves jazz”. That completely disregards the themes of nostalgia, the way the characters hold on to the past and hold themselves back. It’s very much a film that pays tribute to the American musical, while still managing to subvert many of its tropes and modernize the genre. The choice to have two lead actors who are neither singers nor dancers was a great one, in my opinion. Mia and Sebastian are two normal people, not extraordinarily talented but extraordinarily passionate about what they do. And without giving too much away, the ending, while polarizing, was perfect for me. The final montage alone makes it worthy of the praise it’s receiving. Ryan Gosling is good, but perhaps not Best Actor material here (I would have much rather he had been nominated for The Nice Guys). But he’s the perfect foil for Emma Stone, and it’s really her film. The Oscar is hers to lose at this point, and I know that bothers a lot of people, but again, they’re really devaluing the work that went into her character. Not everyone could have done what she did with this role. She nails the comedy, the melodrama, the understated moments, and the big musical ones as well. And really, the film itself is just a technical triumph (which, no shit Sherlock, is how it managed to get so many nominations...so stop whining). The cinematography and the production design are breathtaking, and something we haven’t seen on screen in a very long time. And honestly? Fuck it, we need some joy in this joyless time. Stop fighting it. Singing and dancing doesn’t make it frivolous, but it does reveal how short-sighted some people are when it comes to films.
First of all, if Sunny Pawar goes missing, don’t look at me. It’s not my fault he’s so goddamn adorable. He stars as young Saroo in the first half of Lion, which tracks a little boy who finds himself aboard a non-passenger train headed across India. He ends up in Calcutta, unable to speak the language or tell local authorities where he’s from. He’s eventually adopted by an Australian family, and grows up in a loving home. But as an adult, he struggles to piece together his journey and find his way back home. This movie will definitely reduce you to a puddle of tears, so keep some tissues handy. However, I did have some issues with it: mainly, the tonal difference between the first half (which I loved), and the second half, which felt weirdly cerebral, until it reverted back to tear-jerking melodrama at the very end. And when given the choice between the melodramatic and the cerebral, I will choose melodrama every time. Despite that, I will say Dev did a great job with portraying adult Saroo’s struggles, his wrestling with his identity and his privilege, his being torn between two lives and two families. Nicole Kidman is also spectacular as Saroo’s mother, and it’s a bit of a pity she wasn’t given more screen time. The scene where she tells Saroo the story of how and why he was adopted is a standout.
Hidden Figures
This is one of those films that tells you an important fact about history that you wouldn’t have otherwise known, and you’re grateful to have been introduced to the story, but when you break it down it’s a bit of a paint-by-numbers film. Don’t get me wrong, it’s one of my favorite films of the year, and it has infinite repeat value. It makes you feel good, and as I said, we can’t underestimate the importance of movies that manage to do that. And Taraji, Octavia, and Janelle are amazing, both individually and as a threesome. But this is a movie for the audience, not for the Oscars. The women were pathbreaking; the film isn’t. But that’s okay! If you watch it, you will undoubtedly love it to pieces, but it’s up against stiff competition this year.
Hacksaw Ridge
On paper, the story (a true one) is beautiful. It’s about Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who, despite refusing to take up arms or harm another man for religious reasons, becomes a WWII medic who saves countless lives. Andrew Garfield gives a lovely performance as Doss, who walks a fine line between goofiness, earnestness, and pure grit. The issue I had with this movie was a personal one: it’s obscenely gory, to the point where my stomach turned (and I’m not usually bothered by these things). The problem is that I can see why the gore was necessary...because hey, that’s war! People’s faces get blown off, they lose limbs, bodies are used as shields. You sort of have to see the graphic violence to understand how important it is that Doss never once picks up a rifle to defend himself. His commitment to peace and healing, juxtaposed against such a violent environment, is truly moving. But I just can’t deal with the level of gore, sorry. If you’re like me and you’re thinking about watching this film, I’d suggest fast-forwarding through the war scenes and focusing on the aftermath. It’s definitely worth watching, just...don’t be surprised if you have an urge to vomit at some point.
Manchester by the Sea
How many different adjectives are there for overrated? I’d heard so much about this film going into it, and perhaps expectation is the root of all disappointment, but all I could see were one-note performances slapped with the term “internalized” to justify them. Lucas Hedges is a serviceable young actor, but hardly the discovery of a lifetime. And then there’s Casey Affleck, who has one good scene in the whole film but is somehow still considered a frontrunner for the Best Actor Oscar. Michelle Williams as the protagonist’s ex-wife is good, but it’s certainly not her best and her competitors were better. The film is a misery fest, which would be fine if you didn’t spend the entirety of it waiting for one person to react to their situation like a normal human being instead of, you know, a sociopath. I think this is a case of confusing a very sad, very moving story with a good film/good performance. Casey’s character is extraordinary...his performance, however, is not.
Hell or High Water
I don’t have much to say about this movie. The premise is intriguing, it’s a bit of a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, and it does reflect upon the new American reality. But jfc, is it boring. Chris Pine gives a great performance, and I enjoyed the banter between Jeff Bridges and Gil Birmingham...but you can honestly skip this movie and lose out on nothing except the overwhelming feeling that you have dust in your shoes.
This movie could have been brilliant; it could have been the best of the year. It’s touching, it’s human, and it’s thought-provoking. Unfortunately, they forgot they were making a movie and chose to shoot it exactly like the play. That means that we pretty much never leave the characters’ backyard. It means that all Denzel Washington’s character does is TALK, and talk, and talk some more. And everyone knows that silences are just as important as dialogue. Denzel is fantastic here, but the choices he made as a director hurt the film. Thankfully, Viola Davis is here to save the day. Her confrontation scene alone is enough to warrant her the Oscar. It’s just a pity she’s in the wrong category.
Captain Fantastic
SO underrated! This movie gained no traction leading up to awards season, but it truly is something different onscreen, and you can rarely say that about any movie. Because you’ve probably never heard of it, I’ll quickly summarize: a radical father of six children living off the land is forced to return to society after his wife commits suicide and reflect upon the life he has built for his family. It sounds depressing, but it’s not at all. It’s genuinely moving, with moments of absolute hilarity. You will be laughing one minute, crying the next. Viggo Mortensen gives far and away the best performance among the male nominees, and it’s a shame that with the campaigning system, he’s not going to get any recognition for it.
I’m torn between wanting to rip this movie to fucking shreds, and not wanting to dignify it with too much ~discourse~. I’ll only say that it offended me deeply as a woman and as a sexual assault survivor, and it was not a story that needed to be told. The complexity of womanhood, of sexuality, and of responses to trauma are all worthy themes to explore...and Elle managed to do that it the worst way for it. Just because they’re speaking French and the story is edgy doesn’t make it any good. It’s absolute junk. and I love Isabelle Huppert, but she left me cold in this role and as much as I’d like to see her be recognized for her body of work, I’ll be really upset if this is the film that does it for her. This film deserves nothing. Au revoir, assholes.
This film tells a story we’re all vaguely familiar with, Loving vs. the State of Virginia, the landmark case that legalized interracial marriages on a federal level. What we don’t learn about is the people behind the case, the Lovings. Unfortunately, the execution of this film was a bit “Lifetime Movie of the Week” for my taste, but Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton give beautiful performances. If you want to see internalized done right, look to this film, not Manchester by the Sea. Ruth is luminescent onscreen, and is able to communicate so much with just her eyes and body language. The same goes for Joel, who was even more impressive and unfortunately got royally screwed out of an Oscar nomination. Watch it not because it’s pathbreaking cinema, but because it’s a piece of history that needed to be humanized.
Florence Foster Jenkins
Look, I am a sucker for movies about old people. I cried like a goddamn baby throughout this entire film, and I am not ashamed to admit it. There has been a lot of controversy over whether or not Meryl Streep deserved her nomination, and while I too would have liked to have seen Amy Adams get in for Arrival, I wouldn’t call Meryl undeserving. I think the truth is that every performance she gives is worthy, people just get a little tired of seeing her name on the nominations list. It’s become a case of, Well, how is she going to beat what she’s already done? And if you’re looking at it from that perspective, FFF isn’t going to be a cornerstone film in her cinematic journey. But she’s pretty amazing, as she is in everything she does, and I was really intrigued by her character (particularly her relationship with her husband, played by Hugh Grant). What I’m trying to say, I guess, is that people aren’t giving this movie a fair shake. It’s a bit silly at times, and a bit melodramatic, but it’s entertaining and it’s moving. I’d sit through FFF a hundred times before rewatching Hell or High Water, not sorry to say.
It’s a good movie, with good direction, good staging, and good acting. So what’s wrong with it? I think what we can surmise is that it’s time to put Jackie Kennedy to rest, literally and figuratively. She’s too singular a person to be portrayed onscreen without the portrayal coming off as a caricature. Natalie Portman (whom I don’t normally care for) gave her all to this role, and still came off looking like Natalie Portman playing dress up as Jackie Kennedy. Jackie was a strange looking beauty with a strange sounding accent. You can dress up as many Hollywood brunettes in her iconic pink suit as you want, but they’re still not going to capture what was so remarkable about Jackie Kennedy. And as much as I love the Kennedys and am intrigued by their story...enough. We’ve seen all this before, multiple times. If you’re going to make a film on them, at least focus it on other members of the family. This particular time in history has been covered onscreen in abundance, and as an audience....we get it. It was terrible, it was sad, it was the death of American royalty, it was a standout moment in our history. Time to move on.
Nocturnal Animals
I’m a bit upset that this movie didn’t make it to the list of Best Picture nominees. Tom Ford is such an interesting director, and this was a strong followup to his beautiful debut, A Single Man. Michael Shannon managed to score a Best Supporting Actor nom, but I truly feel Jake Gyllenhaal was snubbed for a Lead Actor nom. His performance, and the film in general really, walked a fine line between stylization and gritty, violent realism. And the ending of the film is so understated, but still manages to deliver a kick in the gut. Don’t let the lack of Academy love keep you from giving this movie a chance, because it really was under-appreciated this year.
My personal choices:
Best Picture: Arrival or Moonlight
Best Director: Damien Chazelle for La La Land
Best Actor: Viggo Mortensen for Captain Fantastic
Best Actress: Emma Stone for La La Land
Best Supporting Actor: Mahershala Ali for Moonlight
Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis for Fences
12 notes · View notes
nadinabbott · 7 years ago
The Left: What are the Attacks About
One of the markers of modern political discussion in the United States is a constant drumbeat about the left. This political force is the quisling, all powerful entity, ready to destroy Capitalism while being completely ineffectual at the same time. It wants nothing more than the end of the American empire, but cannot organize itself beyond the effectiveness of a wet paper bag. It is behind mass protests, that rarely affect everyday life. It is made up of young, ignorant dreamers, yet it is full of old people. This fundamental contradiction does not bother any of those who happily chirp the left s dangerous . It is not just far right Republicans doing this. Center-right conservative Democrats are playing this linguistic game as well. In-fact, Conservative Democrats are louder than Republicans these days.
What is this about? It comes to one word: Fear.
It is not fear of the left as a real entity mind you. I will state the obvious: There is no organized political left in the United States. Sure. There are some people who hold ideas that in another country could be considered left, or even...gasp, I know, socialist. But it is not because we have an actual, organized, polling well, with solid ideology and strategic thinking, left. That has not existed in the United States for decades. It died with the New Left, and was firmly buried in identity politics. Yet, the left is a constant boogeyman for both major parties.
It provides a safety valve. Both national parties are very much into keeping the status quo in place. This system hurts most Americans and has shut out working class Americans from having any influence in the corridors of power. The middle class is mostly shut out. Those who benefit from the system are those who have bought politicians on both sides of the theoretical aisle. They are the rich and the very rich. The last they need is for pitchforks to come out.
The left is a convenient safety valve that can be blamed every time something goes wrong. It is the equivalent of “the dog made me do it.” It is right up there with turning the word liberal into an insult. One that has been discarded and replaced with progressive by those with slightly different values. It betrays a weakness in the political system, and reveals what should be called controlled opposition.
When you have two mainly conservative parties that favor the powerful and well connected you need something to point to. Preferably something people have been trained to fear over generations.
But the parties are different...
We hear that refrain often. This comes in particular from center right Democrats who rail as much against the left as Republicans do. Yes, there are some differences between the two parties. Democrats are not as brash, and believe in giving some goodies to the middle class, not the working class mind you. They know though that their donors expect a return on investment, and in some cases, it is the same exact donors that fund political campaigns. While they are not as brash as the though protest too much Senator Bob Corker, who will make out like a bandit over the tax bill, they still have donors to protect. While they will vote no, and take to the airwaves, very few Democrats who are in power right now mean to fight for real change that would benefit most of the country.
The left will be the safety valve used in 2018 though. As the primaries progress, those in power will paint those even slightly more populist than them as dangerous leftists who must be avoided at all costs....the reds are coming.
As the deficit explodes, and the happy warriors in the far right destroy the safety net, the center right will fight (a losing) battle to save Social Security and Medicare. The left, or rather the specter of the left, will be raised. It will be used to push people into bidding their time, and keeping their powder dry, and voting against the far right. Elect us, we will fix it. Like we have yet to repeal Taft-Harley, passed in 1948...but we will get to it to keep the mythic left at bay, someday. In the meantime, let’s us blame the left for whatever is going wrong. The dog indeed ate my homework.
This, at its heart, is controlled opposition. The specter of the left is essential to it.
What Happeed to the left...
At one point the United States had an actual organized and effective left. We had vibrant communists and socialist organizations. The Second Bill of Rights and the New Deal were quintessential Social Democracy at work. Business opposed this with a passion. Just read the Powell memo to get a taste of it. But the government itself feared these forces, and a possible actual revolution.
The first seventy years of the 20th century were spent capturing and controlling those forces. These ranged from organized labor, to civil rights, to student movements. At times this work violated every principle in the United States Constitution.
The Palmer Raids were the first organized assault of the left. They came soon after the Russian Revolution of 1917. The raids established a pattern that would repeat in the coming decades. People were arrested for their writings and thinking. Many foreign born anarchists and communists were deported. It was the first red scare. It chilled speech and targeted many labor leaders, many were deported for simply having a foreign accent
The raids were meant to go against what was described as a fifth column. These people were also described as enemies of the state and portrayed as enemies of capitalism It was the first time these themes were used in the United States. They have not stopped and a hundred years on you will hear the left described as both anti-capitalist and Un-American.
The Second Red Scare was far more effective. It involved Senator Joseph McCarthy and the Senate Committee on un-American Activities. Those hearings essentially dragged people who were forced to resign their allegiance to communism in public. Loyalty oaths were common as well. The socialist party had been an important force during the 1930s and 40s and was the third largest party in the United States. In 1932 it polled well for a third party. Many openly communist people in the 1930s were also important labor and intellectual leaders.
While McCarthy went too far and went home in disgrace, it was mission accomplished. What was a vibrant organized left went into a death spiral. These days the left is a ghost. It is a convenient something to scare children in the night. But in reality it is as mythical as big foot.
What has replaced the left?
While there were efforts too bring some form of critique to be, what replaced the left was identity politics. This has created a fractured front to the center right. Incidentally, that right includes both parties. Granted, the center right Democrats are less bad than the racist-fascist Republicans. But just because you are the lesser of two evils does not mean you are necessarily good, or on the left for that matter.
Identity politics places my group, and my interests above those of the we, and us. This is dangerous thinking. It has also made any effective political education, or resistance, impossible. But what about the Resist movement? I get it. They are against Donald Trump and trumpism. That is marvelous. What are they for? This is not an idle question. Because the movement so far is truly an airing of grievances from multiple groups. There is no coherent critique, or ideology. This is a problem.
Now, let me make this extremely clear. While there is a global rejection of the status quo,, the collapse of the left is not just limited to the United States. The fall of the Soviet Union is part of that global pattern. However, pinning for socialism or communism is not precisely the way forward. There are complex reasons for that as well. But if we are to effectively fight what ails us we need to stop falling for the same traps. The first trap is to think that there is an actual organized left.
0 notes
gmatclassesinmumbai-blog · 8 years ago
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes
bbntaxiservices-blog · 8 years ago
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes
medicaltourismiraqdubai · 8 years ago
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes
troikatech-blog · 8 years ago
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes
troikamanagement · 8 years ago
Commercial Restaurant Website Development Company in Mumbai
Which is the Good Resort Website Designing Company in Mumbai
Restaurant Website Designing company designed for your business is just about standard practice nowadays and just having a website isn’t enough to actually generate new business now in Asvini . The reason being everybody is getting one so what you need to do is carve out a plan and hit this from a different angle!
Best Restaurant Website Developer
Restaurant Web Design is a must for your establishment as not only to give you a port of call and show your customers your business has moved with the times, but also to show potential diners that have never visited your restaurant before why they should come and visit! Why your food is the best in the area of Asvini ? What special nights you have on? How great a night out would be with you! A website can portray the lot for a fraction of the price a local Advertisement would be, and people nowadays prefer the net as its quick and easy! So a website is a must!
  Which is the Top Restaurant Website Designing Company in Mumbai?
The possibilities are endless, and if executed properly whether from an initial web promotion point or an existing point these can be brought in to any restaurants web Marketing strategies to get the most out of being online meaning “Restaurant Web Design” is a must for your establishment!
This is a single page website like I’ve never seen it before. Not only that, but it makes a ton of sense and isn’t bogged down with a bunch of nonsense. It’s straight and to the point with some great imagery and easy navigation. It’s great for a baker but could easily be used for many other things. This is just a great layout.
Which is the Top Resort Website Designing Company?
Restaurant owners can take advantage of a website in order to serve potential and regular patrons.What elements should a restaurant website include? Patrons of any restaurant will ask three key questions: Where is the restaurant located? What is the atmosphere? What is on the menu?A restaurant’s website should answer all three of those questions.
Remember that the website needs to answer the questions that patrons are asking. Patrons want to know what to expect when they walk in the front door. Imagine what a patron would feel like if after visiting the website to communicate clearly and serve your patrons.
Which is the Top Hotel Website Development Company?
Web designers seem to have developed a reputation based on their name. Many businesses are under the impression that all these professionals do is help design the page. They think that they will tell them the perfect font to make the page more aesthetically appealing and give them priceless advice about which color scheme will be best or which logo will help brand their company the best. While web designers do things of this nature, there is much more to these professionals than simply picking out colors and fonts.
Best Restaurant Website Development Company
These professionals do design, and they apply their skills to the entire page, from placing the perfect number of images to keep visitors entertained to placing call to action buttons in the ideal place to increase sales and engagement. They know exactly what to put in the side bar and how much white space a page needs. They make sure that the entire page is as aesthetically appealing as possible.
Many designers do this as they go about creating a site, but these services can also be used to increase traffic on sites that already exist.
Top Resort Website Designing Company
Web designers are a mixture of SEO experts, design specialists, developers and marketing professionals all rolled into one. While many of these professionals do specialize in the appearance and functional aspects of the sites that they are working on, they also tend to have experience and skill in a variety of other areas that businesses will find useful.
Best Resort Website Designing Company
Belise is a WordPress theme designed for food and drink spaces. It works both for physical commerce like restaurants or online blogs about the subject. It is however, inclined to actual spaces. Belise lets you show your menu with style through very potent plug-ins. It has WooCommerce integration for online purchase and table booking. You will get an events section to have regular customers be informed of your special days. Belise comes with a clean, modern looking concept and a one-click demo install. It pays attention to color and design personalizing with its featured live customizer.
Pirate Forms plug-in is featured for general feedback. Belise comes portfolio sections in which restaurants menus can be truly shown. Colors, headers, backgrounds and other layout aspects are customized. That is, thanks to its awesome live customizer integration. Belise is WPML compatible translation ready and optimized for speed. It also shares compatibility with many other WordPress premium plug-ins. Belise is Underscore based Bootstrap compatible. In front of you, there is a responsive, fast, all screens adapted and widget ready intuitive tool. Get all the help needed with its support team. Satiate your curiosity and hunger with this enjoyable website theme. Get Belise!
Often, these skills tend to vary among professionals. Companies that offer design services usually have quite a few professionals in different areas that work together on projects to include these services, but free lancers may still have the same knowledge and experience as well. Interviewing professionals before hiring one can guarantee that the web designer of choice has the perfect set of skills to meet a business’s needs.
Which is the Top Restaurant  Website Designing Company  in Mumbai?
  It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share.
So here's the deal.
You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional.
Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that.
Those are the ones that are indicators of the future.
Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis.
So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get.
That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get.
But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to.
From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place.
So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up.
So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction.
And you also have to have good quality reviews.
You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living.
But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything.
But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it.
Look up restaurants.
That's what the future is going to be.
That's what the future is there for them.
That's what the future is for you.
And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition.
Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly.
So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them.
It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself.
And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me.
How to Choose Best Restaurant Website Designing Company?
  8 Benefits of Engaging SEO Agencies to Boost Your Online Presence!
Advertising has transformed to one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of having to run a business. This ultimately means that the overall success of your business is going to depend mainly on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.
Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is also the reason why most businesses look to promote their products or services online. To do that, one needs to have a business website which will run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it's easy for a business website to get lost or rank so low in the SERPs, that the chances of searchers to find the website are seriously diminished.
Since, paying a search engine to place your business website at the top of its list doesn't come cheap, the next best thing one can do is to use search engine optimization or SEO techniques to increase the clicks to the website and help it work its way up the search engine's results page.
Why You Should Hire a SEO Agency?
Optimizing a website for a search engine can be not only a tough, but also costly process, mainly because there is just too many business websites competing for the coveted number one spot on the page rank, by using the exact same keywords.
While businesses can opt to do their own SEO, hiring a SEO agency that has experienced search engine optimizers will no doubt, help businesses reap ROI in the long run. One of the best ways in which businesses can do that is by outsourcing their SEO needs to qualified SEO agencies.
The growing demand for SEO services has lead to a mushrooming of many a great number of SEO agencies fulfilling their business objective, which has lead many businesses seeking SEO services asking the question, "how do we find the best SEO service provider?"
Cutting-Edge Tools
Keeping in mind the last point, SEO agencies are fluent in navigating through a wide range of online marketing tools that helps increase the value of your marketing strategy. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or conversion tools that monitor and report the usage of important keywords, SEO agencies know how and where to get the information they need to save time and reduce your in-house cost.
Comprehensive SEO Knowledge
As mentioned earlier, SEO agencies are usually the most qualified in dealing with various verticals of online marketing, mainly due to the nature of their work. Therefore, an SEO agency is able to solve a multitude of problems which a business simply cannot handle by itself. An SEO agency can work together with a business to provide an added perspective, when it comes to understanding and developing marketing strategies for different sectors and various types of business websites.
Bottom Line
Lastly, search engines like Google realize all too well that websites that don't add value to a searcher's experience on the internet are not worth a mention in their index. Furthermore, in some cases Google might also decide to drop your website from the SERPs altogether if you've used spam to get a higher page ranking.
The two main goals of SEO agencies who develop marketing strategies to push your product or service online, is to make sure online content is interesting and no techniques have been used for obtaining your goals. So, are SEO agencies worth it? Absolutely!
Some Important Websites:-
GMAT Classes
Mumbai Pune Taxi Services
Old Age Home in Mumbai
Astrologer in Mumbai
Ecommerce Website Development Company
Web Designing Company in Mumbai
NEET Coaching Classes in Mumbai
SSC Classes in Mumbai
Website Designing
Pune Mumbai Cool Cab
Pune to Shirdi Taxi
Packers and Movers Surat
Makeup Artists in Mumbai  
0 notes