#but like. in the psp game ophelia's parents 'canonically' own what appears to be a literal church
simstationdance · 2 years
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Olive decided to put aside her (admittedly petty) grievances with her brother-in-law in an effort to appease Willow.
But as she went to sit beside him on the couch, she couldn’t help but feel a little... unwelcome. He didn’t greet her, nor did he tell her to stay away. He just sat there in silence, watching the TV.
Olive tried to do the same, but her eyes kept drifting to a particular fixture on the wall.
Olive: Doesn’t it get... exhausting? Creon, earnest: Huh? What do you mean? Olive, uncomfortably: ...Being watched all the time. Isn’t that tiring?
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Creon: Well... no. The Eye helps keep us safe. Nothing bad will happen as long as the Watcher looks after us. Olive, muttering: Hm... if you say so. Creon: Did you say something? Olive: No. Well, nothing important. So... how, uh... how have you two been?
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Creon: We’ve been doing great, all things considered.  Olive: So... no accidents or anything? No fires, or burglaries, or electrical incidents, or-- Creon: No! Not that I can remember, anyway. Why do you ask? Olive: I just want to know what you think. How can you be sure that your continued safety is a result of divine providence? Creon: Well, there haven’t been any accidents, or break-ins, or really anything that would cause alarm ever since we moved in and put it up. And as long as we have faith, I’m certain it’ll stay that way. Olive: Forgive me, but I can’t help but doubt that a fixture on your wall is enough to stave off misfortune. Creon: I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree, then. We invited you over for dinner, not a debate - remember? Olive: ...Ah, you’re right. Where are my manners? I... apologize.
Olive may have been more than a little blunt, but her questioning was born solely out of concern. Regardless, she took his reaction to mean that she ought to drop the topic and put it out of her mind.
If only they knew who was truly keeping them safe.
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