#but like oh my god. you understand. he. him. him babey.
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iswateredibletho · 3 days ago
You know what I need to correct myself bc Enemy of my Enemy is my #2 favorite episode, Family on the Edge is my #1 and the one that lead to my hyperfixating on Dagur ever since it came out 😭
2) IK????????????????
so rtte...............
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jacenotjason · 7 months ago
OK this will be an extremely long ask i am sorry. i love radford
i havent sent an ask to people in years but i am one of the radford fans of all time and demonic possession is a fun concept to me, so the idea of gadreel possessing him specifically makes me INSANE
i just think itd work extremely well. radford doesnt take anything seriously and doesnt understand boundaries, but he always puts his concern for others first and his well-being last. he annoys father gregor and compares him to priests hes seen in the movies, and he does spray holy water + offer free candy against kevins wishes, but he also warns rick about the trouble he could get himself into when not giving the right movie tickets, and helps kevin with his job with no pay in mind. hes annoying, but his heart is in the right place
but gadreel is the Ultimate Prankster. him trying to imitate radford would backfire Hard, because gadreels idea of fun is,, More Extreme. he allows kids to enter adult films, he steals candy and says its fine since hes friends with kevin, he tells his friends and brother to break the rules and disrespect authority, etc etc. im unsure what gadreels motives are other than to ruin everyones day, but hes doing a damn good job at it. all the blame is going to radford, and honestly, its just So Easy to blame him for it
i imagine it takes a while for most people to figure out that somethings wrong with radford. he does what he wants freely, wherever and whenever, so these mistakes could be rationalized by him having an off-day. i assume rad would look extremely tired after a days long session of gadreel torturing him (because he loves pushing the human body. bill cipher behavior). but i think what makes everyone truly concerned is when "radford" starts involving Others in his antics
it isnt like rad to encourage bad behavior. he would never tell rick to swap the prices of two items at his new job, or tell robert the best blind spots to steal from stores, or forcing kevin to take his anger out on someones property. the radford everyone knows is ditzy, but kindhearted. if theres trouble, radford would be the only perpetrator
and god, imagine how much worse it gets if "radford" gets in trouble with the police. john would be frustrated seeing his own nephew be so careless and cruel all of a sudden. itd probably even make him spiral and assume the cult had something to do with it, and that john and his family arent safe like he thought. and i think gadreel relishes in that knowledge
im also so curious as to how gadreel and radford met and how long the possession lasted, maybe it was a week? in my head, he came to radford in the form of a snake before revealing his true self and attacking, leaving no time for rad to fully process it and run away. i also assume skid and pump will have some involvement, and pumps eyes turning blue will be a clear sign that "radford" is associated with a demonic entity, or Is one. either way i love gadreels character being a "twisted" version of radfords if that makes sense
so um ya sorry for the longest ask ever. heres a drawing
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Unlike Moloch whose possessions are more brutal and obvious, Gadreel hides and youre so right! Hes here for the long haul babey!!
yes i imagine the possession lasted about a week, week and a half. Gadreel can't feel pain (at least Radfords pain i mean, he has a higher pain tolerance, as a demon yknow) so he could very well accidentally snap a bone as Radford and not even notice. What im saying is Rad is hospitalized afterwards
AUGHHH the police thing. Gadreel sees the cops and WANTS to get caught by them, just for goofs. in a "Oh what would happen if i did this :)" way.
Instead of possessing Patty in the morgue, Gadreel took the form of a snake and.... left lmao. or got noticed and thrown out bc oh my god a snake
he ended up near the candyclub and radford was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gadreel saw Radford as a hiding place and a means to have fun.
I imagine Moloch doesnt care about what his vessels look like, meanwhile Gadreel won't possess someone if he thinks theyre lame. like yeah he couldve possessed patty but then he would've had to.... do stuff. eugh. This guy looked WAY more fun.
im actually vibrating yourel iterally the coolest dawg.
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doomed-era · 24 days ago
for that ship ask game: mipha x link and midna x zelda?
YAYYY I love miphlink and midzel!!!
ok this is a long one so yay we get a cut.
yeeeesss I think these two are cute as hell. I think there's some exploration to be had with their relationship being explicitly romantic. enough that i've written a fic about them, so. yeah I like it. I don't remember exactly when I got into it, it's been in the back of my mind for a long time since I've always liked Mipha. sidon saying Link looks upset after the Mipha memory still gets me
As for why I like them? I've gone over how I interpret Mipha's character a couple of times before but I'll try to sum it up: Mipha and Link are frightfully similar characters in more ways than one. They are quiet warriors who are willing to sacrifice everything for Hyrule (and, in a way, the status quo), and are treated as larger-than-life heroes before and after their deaths. It's difficult to know what they thought about this, because not only do they not talk about their motivations, Breath of the Wild doesn't really want to dwell on them and instead is happy to just see them as their roles. Link is the brave knight who is faithful to his duty and royalty (barf), and Mipha is the. girl version of this which is basically saying she's treated as saintly and passive and self-sacrificial (barf). I want something better for them!! grabs them both like this!!!
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WITH ALL THAT ASIDE. I think the whole unrequited love thing Mipha has going with Link is boring unless Mipha and Link's psyches are explored respectfully (heaven knows Some People think she's better off dead and "lustful and creepy." somehow???? putting them in a relationship filters out a lot of that sentiment/I think pining like that can get obnoxious if it's stretched out.) so. I prefer them being in a relationship and exploring how that affects them. because BOY do I think it would. their similar natures would absolutely make their lives hard because they are AWFUL communicators and are constantly throwing themselves in front of each other. mipha keeps trying to figure out what link's doing and what happened to him while. not actually saying this sentiment out loud. and link's just in knight mode, being his. knightly selfless self while that's not what mipha wants! she KNOWS it's just a facade! meanwhile she's trying to keep up her OWN facade of unconditional gentleness while also being under so much pressure and not wanting to have anyone to lean on because everyone ELSE is under pressure too and link won't confide in her because vulnerability is for suckers and mid-afternoon snacktime. YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!! maybe in a better world they'd figure that out. in a world that accepted them for who they are instead of forcing them to perform. in a world that allowed them to be selfish. and maybe, together, they can learn to be selfish for each other.
also I think sidon being link's brother in law is funny
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hot take mipha isn't creepy for liking link now that he's older it's like an aragorn/arwen thing. I understand that it's kind of unusual for someone to think that way about a childhood friend, but I don't think it's morally wrong. leave her alone for god's sake the amount of hate i've seen in the miphlink tag makes my blood boil. I've read fics treating her like some sort of byword. you don't have to like her, and criticizing a female character is okay. mipha's writing isn't the greatest (I mean, no female character in BOTW/TOTK is really written adequately, especially if they get slotted into a love interest role) but I think you all are just being sexist and trying to convince yourselves you're morally correct for it by covering it up with puritanism. you're not slick.
OH I SHIP THEM BABEY!!!! mostly bc of some lovely art I've seen on tumblr and rotating the "your heart and mine were one" line in my head (I am paraphrasing i don't think that's the actual line but MIDNAS FACE WHEN ZELDA SAID THAT. AUGH) also their general familiarity with each other/Midna's quips towards her.
why I ship them? uhh well as mentioned. the lines/their chemistry although not really dwelt upon is good. and also I like both of them a lot and TP Zelda is a lesbian midna is bisexual 100% ok byebye
hot takes? idk I really don't have any. I just kinda like them they're pretty
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sakumira-agashi · 1 month ago
ok so i knoe i commented about this awhile ago but i need you to understand the amout of SHOCK i accidentially put myself through with Francis
so when i read anything, i have a sort of 'default' look for characters in my head until they get described, usually based on assumptions and basic character info, and usually i see the chefs in fics depicted as either 'grizzled dad like callous-handed chef whos been doing this for 27 years' and 'little baybe just-fresh-out-of-culinary-school is sweating all the time cuz of vincents pure aura'
so when i started reading bwb for the first time and Francis was introduced as experienced, i went with the first one. here we go. i imagined him as 1: older & grizzled 2: with stuble 3: with DARK LONG HAIR (with my second read through i am realizing that he was litterally described as blond idk how i came to this conclusion) and 4:, SOMEHOW, short.
im talking LOOKING UP TO VINCENT short.
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i was flabbergobsted to say the least
(btw dont get it twisted i love him i wanna run my fingers through his hair its probably softer then silk like wth)
You have no idea how much this made my day LMAOOOOOO, that was such a hilarious read, I was laughing the whole time XD
But no I totally get the thing where you materialize the characters in your head based on the given info, and tbh two of my characters are based on the dynamics you described (Denis as the grumpy experienced chef and Pierre as the lil babey who just graduated culinary school, except he hasn't graduated yet but end up doing so after the end of the story lol), so I can't say I'm not guilty of having those types of characters.
To be fair to you, Francis's appearance wasn't set in stone at first. Yes he's always been blond but I felt I didn't start going into more details with them so it's completely understandable you didn't see it, as they all started off as placeholders who are just there to gossip about Vince and Rody lmao, and also cuz I don't wanna write "chef 1", "chef 2"... every time they're mentioned.
He didn't even LOOK like that in his first version, the only difference between him and other characters is that he's blond and has long hair, I only started to flesh out his appearance more to match his "hot charming guy who's always so collected for some odd reasons" shtick of his lol
Regardless, I'm really happy to see that people enjoy seeing him! (a bit too much sometimes, yes if you know what I mean, I'm looking at you freaks (talking as a fellow freak myself)). I myself also like how he looks now :D Amongst all the characters I've ever made, he's one of my fav
He serves cunt looks cuz that used to be his full-time job lol He was a full-time model and would've continued doing so if baking wasn't his passion, but he still loves taking care of his looks, especially his hair
Also he'd let you stroke his hair if you ask nicely :3 And per Pierre's words, yes, it's confirmed Francis's hair is softer than silk
(Oh also side note, hope the bookbinding stuff is going well! :D)
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horsetailcurlers2 · 11 months ago
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (S19 bc i’m finally caught up, babey!!!! (phew))
-i hope this new class of residents isn’t as one dimensional as the last one
-“you say please to bhokee!” hell yeah you do schmitt. (i love that she did say please he was just so ready to jump down her throat about it lmoa)
-DEREK’S NEPHEW ?????!!! WHICH SISTER? my money is on nancy bc i always thought she was the oldest so she would have the son old enough to be out of med school
-okay i’m too curious (for some reason i’ve always just been curious about the shepherds) so i’ve gone back to S15E21 (good shepherd) to see if i could get a better look at nancy’s wall of family photos. i see one of nancy with a young curly haired girl, kathleen with a light haired child, and two photos that are just groups of kids. my assumption is that these two are all of nancy’s kids because if she had photos of her nieces and nephews i feel like they would include their parents. both photos show two boys and two girls. it looks like the same four kids just at two different ages. the oldest (or at least the tallest) in both photos is a boy with dark hair. this may support my theory that nancy is lucas’s mother. the rest of the photos aren’t very clear. the only thing is that all of the kids look very fair and lucas is not. they also clearly wrote this episode way after they shot the scene with amelia looking at the photos so they may have not even bothered with details that were meant to be sort of irrelevant at the time.
-okay this is a very tragic story with (griffin??? griffith??) and makes her lateness and weirdness understandable but am i the only one who thinks it’s insanely bizarre to be sharing your tragic life story to your superior on your first day?
-idk about this season yet. i feel them trying to sort of mirror season one in some ways, focusing more on the interns (which i think i like), trying to connect back to old characters, but it feels a *little* forced so far
-i like mean and snappy teddy
-have we ever seen this library before?
-“i tried to implement similar changes at various times and was always met with resistance” ???? when did bailey try to implement those changes to the residency program? she implemented changes but they for sure weren’t these ones
-why is it better for them to think he’s sleeping with her????? jfc lucas
-ADDISON LOOKS SO HOT. i like this costuming for her. very reminiscent of her private practice wardrobe
-i really like baileys braids this season btw. and i like that she has a special scrub cap that can cover them all
-lucas’s dad is from barbados. idk what to do with that but it is another clue lmao. if nothing else, i’m hooked on this season just to find out who his mother is
-no comment on the dancing
-helm looks really cute as a bartender
-owen when teddy isn’t super happy and content with him after he fucked them over and put their children’s well-beings at risk: 😯
-addison and tom should have met
-oh my god just tell them you’re a nepo baby!! they think you’re fucking your aunt!
-it made complete sense to bring addison back for this storyline. i hope they explore it a little more and keep bringing her back.
-i’m so confused about lucas’s whole complex. wouldn’t he have grown up with his dad’s last name anyway? why has this been an issue “all his life”??? and until he went to med school i doubt anybody even knew the significance of him being a shepherd
-what planet is owen living on where he thinks they would let him be chief again rn
-i can see myself shipping mike chang and mary queen of scots once they develop their characters a bit more. simone and lucas i like in theory but idk about the chemistry
-“i am not going to beg you to love me” good meredith bc that didn’t work out so well the first time u did it
-intern house is back!!! i really like that actually
-a full time administrative assistant is completely reasonable. richard had patricia when he was chief
-looking very hot for having just been hit by a car
-winston definitely had a point at first but at this point he’s pissing me off. it’s reminding me of that big meredith and cristina fight in the sense that it feels like he’s deliberately taking everything she’s doing and saying in the worst possible way.
-richard and addison’s dynamic is so underrated
-this is incredibly random but it just popped into my head. it’s so weird that amelia has never brought up her friend michelle on greys. you know, her friend from pp that committed suicide bc she had huntingtons which ultimately kickstarted amelia’s relapse. i feel like it could have been relevant to a few cases
-pru is so fucking cute
-so many people keep leaving i don’t really have a reaction to it anymore. but i will very much miss maggie. ik a lot of people don’t like maggie (prob bc they thought she was trying to fill the spaces that lexi and cristina left behind) but i really liked her. i think i found her very relatable in a lot of ways. even/especially when she was a little annoying lol
-why is this guy specifically requesting bailey? (not that she’s not great at her job it just has suspicious vibes) is he one of the anti choice harassers? nervous for that especially since addison is here so i feel like it will be about that storyline
-jesus christ i knew it. bc it’s so “pro life” to threaten a child!!!!!! go kwan though. and teddy!
-yasuda x helm <3
-cristina mention !!!!
-i really like that there’s no intern/attending relationships lately
-i’m doubling down on thinking lucas is nancy’s bc i think if he has adhd, kathleen likely would have noticed bc she’s a psychologist. obviously it’s possible she wouldn’t have, everyone has blind spots but i think this makes the most sense still. and ik he could still be liz’s but i’m still unsure on if the ages work out and i think they were banking on which actress would be more likely to make an appearance later on and neve campbell is less likely to come back than the others.
-uggh why do i HATE simone’s wedding dress.
-omg i’m a terrible person i didn’t realize it was her late mother’s. i’m so sorry the fit of it just looks off
-i wonder how they’re going to ruin/derail this wedding? they’ve already done leaving at the altar, objections, elopements. maybe the twist is that she actually goes through with it?? or they’ll just be boring and so the same thing they’ve done before
-i like that they still call it “joe’s” even though we never see joe anymore
-winston is getting on my nerves. he always starts off having a point and then he gets all immature and petty about it
-dude that is not how a DNR works
-aww yay for bailey
-side note amelia looks great
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Oh I can’t not do this, even though only two of my OCs are in an era where ABBA even exists
So…Dr. Shaw, basically every pretentious college science professor dialed up to eleven. Has delusions of grandeur and no qualms about using other people to get there. Is smarter than you and will look down on you for it. Totally willing to perform experiments on people “because science demands it!” That guy who turns every conversation into a scientific debate and gets mad when he loses. Extremely boring outside of his work. Would not be fun to hang out with.
And Chris, my sweet space boy. Semi-immortal alien who’s somewhere over a thousand years old. Loves math and the ocean and eating sour things. Does not understand a lot about Earth but is trying to figure it out. Has gotten fairly used to getting cut open by now but would still prefer it didn’t happen. Very chill, very quiet, doesn’t have much of a sense of humor but would probably laugh at your jokes just to be nice.
Despite liking ABBA myself I actually do not know a lot of their songs, so I’m very curious about this!
Oh it doesn’t matter if they’re in the right world! ABBA transcends all 😌
Dr. Shaw - lol this was hard. Cause ABBA is so fun it’s hard to pick one for someone who sounds so unfun. Like I can’t imagine this guy listening to music… like ever lol. But I’m gonna go with “name of the game” because of 1, it’s literally saying “tell me the rules so I can win the game” and 2, the like the bass line reminds me of like. A cartoon bad guy sneaking around lol.
And oh my god Chris sounds like such a sweet babey I just wanted to straight up give him Mama Mia. But, to highlight another ABBA song I’m going with Don’t Shut Me Down. Because that boy deserves REAL disco! (But I was tempted by The Day Before You Came because it has a little Extra Terrestrial Vibe lol)
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chryzuree · 2 years ago
i’m on a huge horror movie kick rn soooo… top 3 chryzure horror AUs? :3
TOP THREE???????????? this is so difficult for me…….
well, my izombie au has slowly shifted to be something more canonical, but that in between stage still counts? i wound up taking insp from the possession of hannah grace and the mortuary assistant, along with general other horror elements from various shows/movies—but essentially, azure is killed by his ex and brought back Wrong ((i’ve since rewritten this to be chrysi bringing him back wrong, but it’s an expression of love frm her instead of an expression of obsession <3)) and morwyn requests chrysi take azure in to work in the morgue w her… demonic possession of dead bodies ensue, and unfortunately for everyone involved, azure is also technically a dead body!!! VERY unfortunate situation!!!! but i also include more of a “monster of the week” format when thinking on this au, so :)) it rules!!! i think abt it a lot!!!
my conjuring au is jst so romantic…. less abt the horror and more abt how chrysi and azure protect each other despite dealing w hauntings and possessions as their career…… i love thinking abt that second movie, where azure throws himself into danger (as opposed to chrysi normally doing it) and chrysi’s forced to reckon with how much heartache she’s caused azure by doing that exact same thing. OH, and that third movie were azure’s being controlled. but instead of their love breaking the curse, chrysi jst led him to the altar and made his super-possessed-magic-strength destroy it. azures both offended and impressed by her solution. and yes, azure has a locket w a photo of chrysi in it 🫶🏻 romance!!! ((added bonus of bg simeonluna in these aus!!!!!!!))
OH GOD, MY CHRYZUREJACKS ZOMBIE AU WHERE THEY ALL WERE PART OF THIS GROUP THAT WOULD GO INTO INFECTED DEAD ZONES AND CLEAR THEM OUT/GRAB VALUABLES FOR PPL….. it’s more of chrysi’s job, but jacks tagged along because he didn’t rlly know what else to do w his life after the zombie apocalypse came knocking, and azure joins up in order to document their exploits as a photojournalist!! but then there’s an outbreak in one of the towns they’re staying at (well, more like a small city… i looooove playing w zombie apocalypses post-everyone finding a “new normal”…. yes, i got super into zombies during the pandemic, what makes you ask that?) & meredith gets infected.. since she’s a witch & she knows azure’s a witch, she bites him (before she turns entirely) and claims him as her own. they become a new breed, babey!!!! azure fakes like he hasn’t been infected until he’s made sure chrysi and jacks have gotten to a safe zone, then he locks them in and leaves to go succumb to the illness <//3 years down the line, chrysi and jacks get together because, like. what other option do they have… they’re missing azure so much and only they understand the pain of that…. UNTIL ON ANOTHER RUN, CHRYSI GETS KNOCKED INTO AN INFECTION ZONE & jacks is terrified he’ll lose her again!! but no worries…. a zombified azure still has control over himself and he saves chrysi :)) also he’s the only one that can tell them that meredith (also zombified) is planning on putting their outpost under siege. problem is, azure can’t remember anything from his life and he can barely speak. ruh roh!!!!
^ clearly i go insane over this au, so maybe this should b my top au…..
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castle-dominion · 2 years ago
castle 5x16 hunt
Part two of this plot heavy pair of episodes!
These two ppl look the same
castle chill they are also worried I RECOGNIZE HIM I WATCHED THE EPISODE IN SEASON SIX BABEY! at the MOST castle
you were THERE for her castle. you couldn't be there physically but seeing you helped her
Anwar my man!
Why zoom in like that? you should view the whole scene if u can the glitch effects lol the music noooooo were the el masris in on it or smth..?
Thats right she has TWO murders to solve, well actually the driver who killed the bodygraurd already got shot & caught but now roger henson is also killed
Especkett Kate These two are such a good pair
OH NO CASTLE HIS PASSPORT RC: I’m at the precinct with Beckett. Why? Beckett: *in the loft looking for castle*
Lol greenscreen or smth but it looks good
WHAT is with the LIGHTING rn?
KB: Look, in the state that he’s who knows what he’s capable of. But he says that he knows someone that can help. ryan narc cop
I speak french you bastards! BUT I'M FRICKING DEAF. IF HEARING FROGS CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BEING SAID, THEN I WANT THAT ABILITY TOO. thank you. transcript: Merci, Colette. Et si jamais vous quittez votre petit ami – (he turns around) – Richard! Thanks collette, & if u ever quit your boyfriend ; )
The unofficial man... Yeah you don't want to get involved with this sort of person, but as a father you need to do this... Rich novelist
Two young women awaiting organ transplant? sus
The place where the hostage exchange took place hhhh love the angle castle don't site beside someone, they will find you weird to me how he doesn't genuflect Jaque Henri: “Vengeance is mine”, sayeth the Lord. “I will repay.” Sometimes the Lord needs a little help, huh? Castle are you not hiring him to also,, rescue (or recover) her? My man knows things, he has his sources, esp when vetting his clients JH: And then you thank God I’m not the FBI. at least THIS man genuflects oooOOOOOOOHH thre MUSIC I LOVE IT
All these wires & stuff Ah my man is blind. You know, I would have a pretty good ear if I wasn't hard of hearing & suffering from adhd's auditory processing issues. Tendu actually means held or tense, like you're tied up with ropes & can't move or you are holding your shoulders high & your body in suspension.
JH: We call him la taupe – the mole. T/M: Il est tendu, eh? JH: Pas mal, eh.
Nothing for YOU to hear. T/M: Ah, you listen with your eyes. Shh. Me: Uh yeah,,, *uses lipreading to supplement my listening* *watches my fiddle teacher's fingers* *looks around for context clues when I miss what someone said to see if I can deduce what they said* *watches mouths to see who is talking* *turns captions on for most things* *however I listen to audiobooks rather than read myself these days except for fanfic bc podfics aren't as common* Love this mole's soundboard btw I love the music over the top of this Taupe: Hear that? Us: I can hear a lot of stuff but I can't tell what you're talking about THIS MAN CAN TELL WHICH CHURCH BELLS THEY ARE? Lik e my grampa, he used to be able to tell what car smth was based on the sound of the engine Bro go to sleep TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES I love love love this, I wish wish wish my ears were better bc this is the kind of stuff I like
Good for her but my friend's daughter is missing I NEED TO CLIP THIS MOMENT WHEN SHE KICKS THE CHAIR
ryan looks at beckett almost like he's scared Ryan tech man computer
JH: Maybe. Acoustic tiles, office space, close to a rooftop. Might fit the bill. RC, standing: I’m coming. JH: No, no, no. It might not be the place. RC: I don’t care. JH: It might be the place. gives castle a long look
Reminds me of the colonoscopy camera lol How is castle not packing a gun? THIS IS THE ROOM
Castle follow Henri's lead HER HAIR HER LONG ORANGE HAIR
Why is nobody here? Oh bc they left no trace they already left (except for alexis' hair ig) lmao wallpaper like that tbh I thought it was a bullet Why is he speaking english? Also this guy has a really nice chin btw, he is very french & THE PHONE RINGS IMMEDIATELY I LOVE IT JH: Ouai? // Yeah? Phone: [?????], tout en seul, sans le pere // I can't tell, all alone, without the father
you ARE emotionally compromised... This is what you pay me for! (I think last time I watched this I thought maybe he would do exactly what he does but I was also too invested in the story I don't think I realized)
I KNOW WHO THIS IS HEHEHEH Man found his way back to the mole cave & le taupe can still hear! btw how do they split the payment from castle? Ooh today's paper, smart! A forest? Crazy
I think you can tell it is a hard drive u just need to label it with henson Ew pics of alexis creepy (What if this tech one was in on it?) But they just told henri that it was the wrong place wrong time
Woah lots of money scary forest oh dear
I feel like you SHOULD answer except don't want the ransom guys to see u on the phone
Does his phone plan still work in paris???
Safety was off already? bc my man just cocked the gun
Il est voici, comme nous convenu I value my life more than my word Valid Who are these people? Not egyptian radicals?
Attendez! Mon paiement?
Henri un-double-crossed him? Or not. Beckett then?
American accent At least castle went for his gun Yeah castle I don't trust this guy *Shoots his phone* How do I know you're the good guy? Altho ig yeah you ARE still alive Sus man: Given how you’re feeling so bad about your $200 buck phone you might want to pick up that 3 million dollar briefcase. With those gloves I'd be scared of leaving fingerprints RC: Sounds made-up Jackson Hunt: it is
Why do they have lights on her like that? Alexis took french class
What is this guy's accent?
So dramatic I loooove it OH THIS IS HOW THE RUSSIAN JET WAS INVOLVED Volkov: It’s you. After all these years, it’s finally you. & who ARE you?
THIS IS CASTLE'S DAD? I can see the resemblance but he could be lying that is SO castle. it could totally be him appealing to castle's romantic side, the story
All these years? That's sad but valid WOAH THAT IS ACTUALLY SO SWEET HHHH that book & james bonde SOPHIA WAS RIGHT, HE DID GREASE WHEEL IN THE CIA
Oof, poor anna. that's why they chose paris Ah that makes sense
direct assault with only two of you? (Also, u want to call beckett?) all these sexy blueprints play spy shfdkjhj
Ooh undergrounds third one FROM the bottom or...? Ok castle now run
say "je suis un electricien, pour-quoi vous avez les pistolets?"
Yes they get to see each other!!! He came to get her! All the way in paris! This is the bestest episode everest! Volkov: When a man doubles his wealth, why should he give half of it away? it's ok, castle says, he KNOWS it is ok Dad's dad: Because you’ll be dead.
wdym "don't let them"? Castle just threw the guy with the gun to the ground they RAN all the way to the us embassy? Cover story? sus Probs best to keep away from contact with him after this castle, to prevent this situation again "son" hhh always sdkjfkldjf
You two SHOULD talk, for like trauma purposes Welcome home sign!
I could clip the escape if u want
are you ALLOWED to tell her?
jasdkfhasdjlfhjasdfk this was super good but also now we know castle's dad is not the inventor of whipped cream
this was a great pair of episodes. Super intense. & I spent the full hour & a half on it too
0 notes
godzexperiment · 2 years ago
*finger guns in oh this is tragic thoughts regarding nix* ~this one is not light in the slightest/pretty fucked up and heavy~
(mostly his like non watered down/main background but sure trickles in other verses etc)
-okay but the weight? of how he has to listen, even if he is actively tuning it out... it'll still tuck away into his brain and him being able to understand his maker's disjointed rants/rambles just means absorbing it all endlessly even if there is no intent for him to soak it up.
-which also the way it affects him for the rest of forever (here is your purpose, you never asked for and will affect you hearby for the rest of forever) remembering cruel words, kind words those last sounds of dying breathes stick forever or the laughter of somebody who can't stand him *the voice of his maker, spoken words of an long gone being*
-imagine your sole purpose being to listen to the entity who created all of creation; constantly critique it and grumble about your siblings yet it makes you so quick to defend even at the cost of your own being+possible erasure out of existence
-the way he was created to be pretty unfeeling more or less; only to be so emotional? especially when his maker has weaponized/tested emotional things on him? 'what would it be like to give an angel intense heartbreak' -nix in agony clawing at the floor just kind of like we didn't need to test this theory this way- so very caring in contrast to his maker's growing apathy
-watch me punish the humans, my angels for mild annoyances and nix just like :( watch me get my ripped out heart handed to me for suggesting maybe we don't go damaging creation in That Way for such minor nothing little things
-getting sent down to handle the "antichrist" mainly as another morbid lesson/an 'well i cant destroy you or i'd be down an punching bag+obligated listener so i'll break your soul another way' and nix just so rebellious hearted but being given the space to fail or succeed (maybe he manages- but then comes the death of some nature and god just yanking him back+erasing it all only leaving pieces of the suffering behind)
-knowing the darker aspects/side, the Wrath and far less of the nature his siblings associate with their maker yet not resenting any of them for it. as he sure knows they've got other issues like having to carry out their orders. go through horrors sometimes entirely avoidable. so it's not like anybody is thriving; just so much hurt and dragging out an abandonment inevitable.
-the way he is like 'yeah no what really haunts me is his apathy; that I might have soaked that and all the other horrors right up' because he sees so much beauty in everything (is it evil to see so much beauty in mortals sustaining the earth when they're gone or not blink at death sometimes etc)
-seeing so much beauty, so much love only for so much horror+damage to exist inside him and still be possible (new pains in actual heartbreak, in possible rejection by siblings or them fighting- in not being mind wiped after loving somebody only to lose their inevitable mortal soul) how wounds on Earth, hurt different than wounds in Heaven etc
-and if gets tossed the 'here creation is yours to look after' the labor of such an weight on him? the way it very much would feel like an punishment some parting 'okay so you care so much- meddle as you wish' *doesnt send him to earth either just thoughtlessly or to put lemon juice in the cut*
how of course nix would willingly do so/promise to regardless (even though he is very much not suited for the task+believes strongly in letting people make their own dumb choices etc so it's all so odd and draining is so many ways)
-perpetually exhausted, forever haunted and scarred in every meaning of the word seeming to collect even more babey boy who could desperately use love+kindness and being cared about would 100% sob hysterically if anybody were to go 'its not all on you' in especially the direct way
0 notes
sepublic · 2 years ago
         Luz just wanted to be understood… SHE WANTED TO BE UNDERSTOOD!!!!!!! That’s all she wanted and it’s so SIMPLE, it’s not about a specific life goal or agenda, just something you genuinely want! Everything she did, the antics, her weirdness, was just an attempt to show herself so people could see and UNDERSTAND!
         And Camila! The way she told Luz that life is about mess-ups. A-And she told Luz that she’s also messed up, and messed up when she didn’t stand up for Luz… And LUZ REALIZED!!! I CAN’T THIS WRITING AND ARC IS TOO DAMN GOOD!!!
         Willow my babey girl this was lowkey YOUR episode too, I’d honestly tag her as the deuteragonist of For the Future! The way she tries and carries so much, has an enormous burden on what she can do, about showing weakness, about denial! THE CALLBACKS TO BOSCHA! THE PARALLELS! The way they ended off! Willow’s biggest threat being herself, this was a WILLOW episode! And how she’s allowed to show weakness because yes, her dream of wanting to protect others, and needing to be flawed, are not mutually exclusive!
         And like damn. This episode was about, for Luz and Willow, coming to terms with their flaws. Their mistakes. Their imperfections. And ultimately idealizing and accepting those parts of themselves!
         And Hunter can now teleport… Does he have all magic or just his teleportation? Or does he have other magic and only uses teleportation lol? The way he’s so deadset on trying to get back at Belos…
         He’s SO twisted, literally melting and falling apart and OH GOD NOT RAINE WHYYYY!!!! The fact that the crew actually played around with Belos trying to possess a grimwalker, only for it to not be ready… Dear god, that poor kid that could’ve been! Could’ve been a twin brother for Hunter to bond with… AND CALEB AND THE GRIMWALKER GHOSTS!!! The one Golden Guard with BIG poofy hair!
         AND KING!!! AND EDA AND LILITH!!! He saved them, he managed to make it work, he’s so clever! And his character development, the recognition that he and the Collector are the same. The Collector afraid of being judged for what his people did, but King doesn’t! But…
         WHO WAS THE WINGED PERSON IN THE VOID?!?! The Collector’s dad?! The voice we heard when Luz last visited?
         And Belos… GOD, it’s twisted seeing Belos still managing to manipulate, KNOW this kid, recoup and turn his thoughts against himself! I was afraid it’d happen and it did! Say what you will but this man may fail but he TRIES and he’s competent, terrifyingly so! Also dammit was imagining he’d possess Odalia… Imagine Amity just nuking two enemies in one blow! Willow and Amity’s friendship too…
         AND BOSCHA BOSCHA BOSCHA!!! BOSCHA ARC!!! It’s everything I’ve read and wanted, her being so desperate to be back with Amity again, needing people, so obsessed with not showing weakness and being at the top and having control! And in the end, Amity confronts that past version of herself, and also the joke about her wanting a student council but being ‘obsessed’! I loved seeing all these kids and it’s neat that Mary’s name was mentioned in the subtitles! The way they acknowledged the Eyeball girl’s past with Gus too, MWAH! And how he knew about Hunter being a Grimwalker, but wanted to give him space!
         And Hunter AND Luz recognizing the nerdery of Camila, and geeking out over it! Luz realizing her mom DOES understand…
         EDA PLAYING WITH RAINE BECAUSE SHE LIKES TO SEE THEM! God she’s so cheeky, Raine leaves her hanging at the Coven Day Parade but that doesn’t stop Eda from pestering them over Penstagram. She’s so great y’all.
         And the Collector, god I saw it coming. The fact that they’d misunderstand and realize King DID lie to them, and wants to go against them! King realizing they don’t deserve it, the fact they were so CERTAIN and trusting! And they keep being lied to and manipulated, this poor kid… God, and the setup for Belos to possess him! To take his power in a vulnerable moment and kill all witches with it!
         Belos also canonically is haunted by visions of the past… That knife had BLOOD, y’all!
         Willow worrying about her parents, and Odalia… That was surprisingly brief, but I feel that’s gonna come back to play next episode! And Kikimora and ‘Roka’, which is what I’ll call it now lol. So desperate for power she’s lording over literal children and able to hide herself as one, that’s hilarious. And the Mat Tholomule twist… But also ambiguity. And also Matt is canonically into robots.
         AND THE TWINS REUNITING!!! Edric in a full-body cast was hilarious. Also I saw Amelia and Cat and that was very deliberate as part of Boscha’s arc, I’m so happy!!!
         This was… what an AMAZING episode, it felt LONG but right! I love the focus on resolving and bringing back characters! Love Kikimora was remembered and the end credits of Boscha being lonely… She’s so messed up I love her!!! What happened to Kikimora’s dragon Princess, anyhow? At this point I’m genuinely starting to think Terra killed her as punishment for attempted defection. And RIP Terra… lol.
         STILL NO EDA KING LUZ REUNION!!! But we’re getting there, we are!!! Soon…
        Damn. Only one episode left. The LAST episode. I’m… I’m gonna miss this guys. But it’s been one hell of a ride and I don’t regret a second of it! Thanks, and see you for the finale…! Peace out!
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sebsxphia · 2 years ago
Then he was all but pounding into you, hard and fast and unforgiving, and you couldn't hold it in anymore. A scream bubbled up in your throat, and you let it free, filling the room with the shrill sound. That's when your lover stopped, going still as could be. When you opened your eyes, he was looking right at you. And that ocean blue you loved so much? It had gone nearly black. / He grabbed your face roughly, forcing you to keep eye contact. "What was that?" / "I-I-I'm sorry Daddy!" You began to sob, body undulating beneath him. "I c-couldn't help it!" / "That's not good enough." He pulled out of you, immediately climbing off of the bed. / "No, wait!" You gasped, "Daddy, please, I'm sorry, it just slipped out, I-" / But then, his hand was clamped over your mouth, eyes staring down at you so intensely you thought you would burst into flames right then and there. / "Shut your mouth, you brat," he snapped. "You are going to lay here, completely silent, until I come back. Do you understand me?"
LEAH LEAH LEAH, LEAAAAAAAAH 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 IM YOWLING LIKE A CAT IN HEAT AT 9 AM, OH MY GODDDDD!!!!! (i read this at 9 am waiting for my bus)
is it bad my pussy could feel the pounding? anyway. he is so, so fucking mean, but god would i let him do this to me, so willingly, it hurts. the lead up to this was so dizzying and so delicious, i’m reeling! i just absolutely adore the way you paint such a beautiful and pleasure binding picture. robert floyd is ruthless! hear hear! but then the softer moment after of asking for your safe word? and his check ins the whole time? 🥹🥹🥹 he’s so perfect. i’m so deeply in love with this man, and you, and your writing!
You were his good little plaything, and he made a mental note to reward you tenfold after he was finished with you. You were handling this all better than he thought you would.
"Mm, you're doing so well, sweet baby. Hold on just a little longer and Daddy will let you come."
“Poor lil thing. Need me so bad, don’t ya?”
“Guess I’ll give the baby what it wants.”
"Beg for it, m’love." / With what little energy you had left, you spoke, voice wavering. "P-please...I need to come so bad, it hurts. Please let me come, Daddy. I’ll do anything."
"Oh," Bob breathlessly sighed, "I can feel you tightenin' around me. You gonna come for me, sweet baby?"
THESE PARTS GOT ME SO FUCKING GOOOOOOD 🤤 bob using all of these sweet pet names?! whilst doing the meanest things to you?! and then coaxing it out of you so sweetly?! the, “i’ll give the baby” part sent me into orbit!!!!!!!!! i am in fact just a needy baby who’ll do anything he wants 😵‍💫
He grasped your face in his hand then, staring you down. You were trembling something awful at that point, sweaty, exhausted, nearly there. He placed his mouth against yours, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth before releasing. "Open your mouth," he hissed. / Obediently, you did so, and as your lips parted, Bob didn't miss a single beat, spitting into your open mouth before pushing it shut promptly after. "Swallow." Yet again, you obediently did so, always willing to do what he asked. The whole eroticism of it all was what pushed you over the edge, and with a desperate howl, you plummeted over that precipice, shaking violently beneath your lover.
and then all of the aftercare after?! oh leah, you know how much i adore your aftercare 🥹🥹🥹 the feeding you and brushing your teeth part?! my heart! 🥹🥹 i loved, loved, loved this! mean dom, loving, bobby is so personal to me!!!! 💗🫶🏼
the ties that bind | bob floyd
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description: in which your lover unravels you completely
warnings: 18+ only, bondage, orgasm denial, vibrators, daddy kink, light pussy slapping, some begging, spitting, aftercare
pairing: bob floyd x afab!reader
Robert Floyd was ruthless. 
No one expected that of him just by looking at him. He was a quiet, passive person. He preferred to blend in, to watch from afar. No one expected him to have a mean bone in his body. And, really, he was sweet as pie. The greatest lover you’d ever known. 
But, unbeknownst to all the friends who claimed he was “passive” and “timid”, he was also wicked, and he quite enjoyed having you entirely at his mercy, willing to do whatever he asked of you. And that was precisely the position you found yourself in at that very moment.
Bound to his bed, unable to escape, skin buzzing hot with anticipation, wondering what he was going to do to you next, and thinking that maybe, just maybe, you had bitten off more than you could chew when you had agreed to do this.
In the beginning, it had sounded like such fun. Wicked, sinful fun. You had been the one to bring it up, after all. You'd gone to your lover and proposed the idea. And he, ever the sinner, had eagerly agreed. The decision was mutual, and when he had asked you if he could do anything he desired to you, within reason and boundary, you had told him yes.
But now here you were, naked, writhing, trembling. He was above you, a devious smile on his sweet, handsome face. And at that moment, with his pale blue eyes burning right into your own, you were beginning to slightly regret even suggesting this whole thing. He was punishing you in the most wonderfully painful way imaginable, and you weren't sure how much longer you could handle it.
He had you stretched out across the mattress, arms tied to the headboard, legs bound and held apart so he could easily access the very center of you. Your skin was slick with sweat, eyes squeezed shut as you put every ounce of energy you had into holding on to what little control over yourself you had left.
You could feel that all too familiar burn in your lower abdomen, threatening to engulf you in searing pleasure. But you couldn't let go, not yet. You just had to hold out a little while longer, and you would finally get your reward. But goddammit, it was hard.
Maybe it would be a little easier if you could make noise, let out your frustration through cries and moans. But you weren't allowed to make a sound, though, per his rules. If you so much as let out a whimper, you would be denied your orgasm and endure whatever punishment he deemed fit.
When he'd told you this, you had underestimated just how hard it would be. Sure, I can be quiet, you thought. Now, you were wishing you had never let him make the rule, because all you wanted to do was scream at the top of your lungs.
You'd lost track of time. Had it been minutes? Hours? He'd had that damned vibrator against your cunt for ages, on high, a setting you rarely used together because it was so intense. But he was feeling ruthless today, and was quite enjoying the sight of you squirming uncomfortably, pulling at your restraints. You looked up at him with wide eyes, silently begging him to offer some relief from the intense vibration, but he refused to oblige.
Bob knew your body well, had you memorized like the back of his hand. He knew how you moved when you were about to tip over the edge, knew the look on your face, the tense in your muscles. And whenever he saw those telltale signs, he pulled the vibrator away promptly, leaving you to buck your hips into the air and bite your lip hard in bitter frustration.
He was enjoying this, really. He'd never seen you so desperate before, he had to admit. It had his head spinning, body warm with desire. All he wanted was to be inside you, feel your slick warmth envelop him. But he was exercising every ounce of self-control he possessed. He would be inside you all in due time. Right now, his priority was getting you to the edge again, give you just the slightest taste of release before pulling away just when your body was nearly at its peak.
He watched you bite the inside of your cheek, surely hard enough to draw blood. You were trying your best to respect his wishes, to follow his command. And for that, he loved you. You were his good little plaything, and he made a mental note to reward you tenfold after he was finished with you. You were handling this all better than he thought you would.
He ran his free hand down your bare stomach, leaning down to press a kiss to your glistening forehead. "Mm, you're doing so well, sweet baby. Hold on just a little longer and Daddy will let you come."
I have been holding on! You wanted to shout at him. But you bit your tongue - literally. If you yelled, it would surely earn you a bruised bottom and a denied orgasm. You could feel it, though. Searing through you like molten lava, threatening to burn you alive. Your chest began to heave, and as Bob looked at you, he saw the slightly panicked expression on your face.
Instantly, he turned off the vibrator, partly because he couldn't handle waiting any longer, and partly because he knew you were nearing the end of your rope, and he didn’t want to push you there quite yet. He set the handheld wand aside, reaching up to gently stroke the side of your face, praising you yet again. "You're being so good for me."
You nuzzled your warm face against his large palm before his touch was gone, leaving only a soft rush of air in its wake. The sound of him unzipping his pants had your cunt clenching around nothing, knowing that in a few short moments, you would be filled to the brim.
When he came back into view, he was completely bare, and you watched through hazy eyes as he reached down, lazily tugging that thick, heavy cock before he situated himself between your spread, trembling legs. In that moment, he wanted to tell you to beg for it, as he often did. But he wanted to see just how long you could stay silent.
Leaning down, he pressed an open-mouthed kiss to your lips, tongue ever so slowly sliding over your bottom lip. Then he went lower, hungry mouth suckling at your soft breasts. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin and you huffed, bucking your hips up in search of him. He held you down with his hand against your pelvis. “Uh-uh, be patient,” he scolded.
Deft fingers danced along the front of your body before he caressed your spasming pussy, so swollen and hot to the touch. “Poor lil thing. Need me so bad, don’t ya?” He hummed with mock sympathy. You looked up at him with wide eyes, frantically nodding. 
“Guess I’ll give the baby what it wants.” Then, he guided his cock toward the place where you needed him most, and he began to nudge into you. 
At the initial stretch, you let out a gasp, trying so hard not to whimper. How on earth were you meant to stay silent when that gorgeous cock of his was currently beginning to split you right open? Your own arousal provided more than enough lubricant for him. "Look at you," he murmured, "soaked and ready for my cock."
You pulled at your restraints again, leaning up, hoping he'd kiss you again. But he ignored your silent plea, placing his hands on either side of your arms, holding himself up as he began to slowly thrust into you.
He couldn't help but groan deeply at the feeling of you, so snug and warm around him. He knew it wouldn't take long for him to reach his end, and he was glad that he'd edged you so much, because that meant you'd finish right along with him.
He brought his mouth down to your breasts again, sucking and biting as he picked up his pace, fucking into you more deliberately. Beneath him, you were trying desperately to keep your mouth shut, to remain silent as he carried on. But he was making it damn near impossible. He felt so good, filling you deliciously, each ridge and vein brushing against every last inch of you.
You closed your eyes, the sensations bubbling up within you growing too intense, enough to draw tears. They began sliding down the sides of your face and into your hairline, hot and wet. You moved in tandem with him, rolling your hips, wanting and needing more. You were getting close, simply from the stimulation of his pubic bone against your swollen clit, the gathering of sandy curls around the base of his cock only heightening those sensations with each brush against you.
If you stayed quiet just a little longer, you knew that he would let you come soon enough. In the beginning, he'd told you that you would only be allowed to come while he was inside you, and now, your sweet release was so close you could almost taste it on your tongue.
Bob was growing a little rougher, a little faster, a little deeper. He was making noise freely, groaning and growling, filthy words swimming through your head, telling you how good you felt, how wet you were, how you were made to take his cock. You wanted to scream, cry, wail. It was becoming so overwhelming that you weren't sure how much longer you could hold out. You were biting your cheek so hard you could taste copper in your mouth.
Then he was all but pounding into you, hard and fast and unforgiving, and you couldn't hold it in anymore. A scream bubbled up in your throat, and you let it free, filling the room with the shrill sound. That's when your lover stopped, going still as could be. When you opened your eyes, he was looking right at you. And that ocean blue you loved so much? It had gone nearly black.
He grabbed your face roughly, forcing you to keep eye contact. "What was that?"
"I-I-I'm sorry Daddy!" You began to sob, body undulating beneath him. "I c-couldn't help it!"
"That's not good enough." He pulled out of you, immediately climbing off of the bed.
"No, wait!" You gasped, "Daddy, please, I'm sorry, it just slipped out, I-"
But then, his hand was clamped over your mouth, eyes staring down at you so intensely you thought you would burst into flames right then and there.
"Shut your mouth, you brat," he snapped. "You are going to lay here, completely silent, until I come back. Do you understand me?"
You nodded, and he lifted his hand from your mouth. Tears were still streaming down your face, due to frustration, anger (mostly at yourself), and desperation. You sniffled, coughing and sputtering as you watched Bob stop to pull his sweatpants on. He only turned back to you to speak once more. “What word do you say if you need me to come back and untie you?” His face had gone gentle.
“Palomino,” you breathlessly replied.
“Atta girl.” He left a sweet kiss to your sweaty forehead. When he straightened, he was back to that strict persona. "You're staying like this until I come back into the room." 
And then he was gone, leaving you stretched out and humiliated on the bed. It took you a long while to calm down, for the tears to stop and for your breathing to return to normal.
Meanwhile, Bob had made his way into the kitchen. Dinner time was approaching, and he wanted to have a meal prepared for when he was finished with you, because he knew your energy would be depleted, and that you would be starving.
He also knew this was torture for you, laying there, suspended and unable to do a single thing about it. He could only imagine how pliant you would be once he returned, willing to do absolutely anything he asked of you, just so you could get a release. And if he was being honest, that was what he wanted, because he, too, needed a release. He was still achingly hard within the confines of his pants, and he knew it wouldn't go away so easily.
To distract himself, he put on some music - classical, Tchaikovsky's 4th - and then proceeded to gather the ingredients he'd need. Pasta, of course. Something hearty and comforting, because he knew you'd need it after all the exertion he'd put you through.
He let himself slip into the process of preparing the meal. Cooking had always been therapeutic for him. Especially cooking for his lover. He put his whole heart into the meals he made, and you always swore you could taste the love in each bite.
In the bedroom, you could hear everything. The music, the clang of pots and pans. You could smell garlic cooking, and you knew he would take his sweet time preparing everything, just to further punish you. Damn him, the bastard.
Your shoulders were becoming quite sore from your predicament, and so were your legs. It was rather uncomfortable. It always was, but normally, Bob removed the ropes from you the moment he was finished. But not tonight, because he was far from finished with you.
It felt like hours had passed, even though it couldn’t have been more than twenty-five minutes. You were growing restless. So, in order to occupy yourself, you closed your eyes, attempting to create an elaborate story in your head. It did little to distract you fully, but it did help some. So you continued on. Eyes closed. Waiting, waiting, waiting. 
And there was Bob, entirely at ease and unbothered in the kitchen, draining the pasta and moving over to stir the sauce. He tasted it, deciding it needed a little more basil leaf before pausing to chop one and tossing it into the deep red liquid. He knew you’d love the sauce, he’d outdone himself this time with it.
But you were not thinking about food. You were thinking about him. And you were beginning to grow angry at that point. Your patience was wearing thin. You knew this was what you deserved for disobeying his one rule, no sounds, but you couldn't be bothered to care. You just wanted him to come back and untie you. You thought about shouting for him, maybe eve safewording, but decided against it. You were nowhere near needing to use that word just yet. Bob’s intention was never to push you to have to use it, either. The word was merely there as a safeguard, and you didn’t find it necessary to use at the moment.
So, you remained silent, just as you'd been doing for the past thirty minutes. And finally, after what felt like eternity, you could hear his footsteps coming down the hall. An odd mix of both relief and anxiety swirled through you at once. Relief because you knew he would soon release you, and anxiety because you had no idea what was coming after.
A glass of water was perched in his hand, and a smirk was spread across his handsome face. "Look at my pretty little angel," he murmured, strolling towards the bed. "Still spread out for me, just the way I left you."
The clink of the glass being set on the nightstand reached your ears, but you didn't dare take your eyes off him to look at it. Bob's hand came to rest against your cheek, before traveling downwards, skimming over your breasts, stomach, and finally landing between your legs. Those beautiful fingers slid along your wetness, and you shifted your hips, only to be shocked entirely by a light slap to your pussy.
Even so, Bob had mercy on you. He'd punished you long enough, it was time to reward you. So, he reached up, taking the liberty to untie the bonds on your wrists. When your arms fell, you let out an audible sigh of relief, slowly lengthening your arms beside you as Bob moved to untie your legs. His fingers massaged over the marks the rope had left indented on your skin, and he moved down to press a kiss to each one.
For a moment, his eyes softened as he gazed at you. "You okay?"
You mustered a weak, but genuine, smile, and nodded. “I’m fine.”
Satisfied with that, Bob set the jute rope aside, and climbed onto the bed. He hovered over you, seamlessly moving to leave a deep kiss against your lips. His warm hands cupped your face, and he broke the kiss to look at you. "You can make noise this time around," he granted, and yet another flood of relief washed over you.
Bob made quick work of removing his pants then, tossing them to the floor below before settling between your legs yet again. You let your eyes flutter shut as you felt his heavy cock pressing against your soft, wet center again. His voice, sweet and low, floated through your head then.
"Beg for it, m’love."
With what little energy you had left, you spoke, voice wavering. "P-please...I need to come so bad, it hurts. Please let me come, Daddy. I’ll do anything."
If he was feeling spiteful, he would have demanded more from you. But in that moment, he needed his release as much as you did. So he took your plea with satisfaction, kissing you yet again as he slipped into you for the second time that night. The feeling made you whine, and you grabbed at his shoulders for purchase.
His movements were slow at first, gradually building. He covered you with his entire body, engulfing you in the safety of his big arms as he fucked you. He soon had you trembling, gasping, moaning. The ability to let out sounds felt so wonderful, and you were sure to let out plenty.
You were so painfully close. A full hour of stimulation still had you sensitive, even thirty minutes later. When Bob brought his hand down to the place where your bodies met, fingers pressing into your nub of nerves, you were keening beneath him, tears springing to your eyes all over again.
"Oh," Bob breathlessly sighed, "I can feel you tightenin' around me. You gonna come for me, sweet baby?"
"Y-yes," you squeaked, pathetically so.
So, Bob went a little faster, a little harder. And soon, he was fucking you right into the mattress, hitting all those wonderful spots inside of you at a steady pace, sending shocks of delicious pleasure surging through you, like electricity through a live wire.
He grunted and growled above you, trying his hardest to stave off his own orgasm. You were going to come before him, he was determined to make it happen. You’d been so good for him and you deserved it.
He was slamming into you at that point, the sound of skin on skin growing almost deafening. You cried out, clutching him hard enough to leave bruises. With your mouth parted, he couldn’t help but lean down to capture your lips with his own again.
"Come on," he gritted out, "I know you want to come for Daddy. Do it, come all over my cock."
You could only moan and whimper, writhing and thrashing against the mattress. Bob had a look of determination twisted into his features, a curl of sandy hair falling against his sweaty forehead. He wasn't going to let up until you were completely overwhelmed.
He grasped your face in his hand then, staring you down. You were trembling something awful at that point, sweaty, exhausted, nearly there. He placed his mouth against yours, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth before releasing. "Open your mouth," he hissed.
Obediently, you did so, and as your lips parted, Bob didn't miss a single beat, spitting into your open mouth before pushing it shut promptly after. "Swallow." Yet again, you obediently did so, always willing to do what he asked. The whole eroticism of it all was what pushed you over the edge, and with a desperate howl, you plummeted over that precipice, shaking violently beneath your lover.
Bubbly warmth engulfed you from head to toe, rushing through you in a surge so powerful you swore you blacked out. All you felt was utter euphoria, blanketing you like an intensely warm hug.
Above you, he watched it all unfold. He leaned back so he could watch the way your pussy clamped tightly around him, pulsing and contracting, milking him. As your body began to flutter down from the mind-numbing high, he soon reached his own.
With a low, open-mouthed moan, he fell apart, hips sporadically jolting into you as his spend seeped into you, claiming you as his own. If you weren’t so out of it you might’ve been able to admire that gorgeous face contorted in painful pleasure.
Soon enough, he fell against you, sweaty, spent, a complete mess. You held onto him, trying to calm down, though you were still trembling. "So good for me,” Bob sighed, “such a sweet pussy.”
He slowly and reluctantly moved to pull out of you, shushing your whine of protest. He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander, glancing down to watch the pearly white essence that had begun to drip out of your pulsing cunt. Then he gazed back up at you, brushing away strands of hair that stuck to your forehead from the sweat. "How’s my baby?"
The initial intensity of it all had worn off, and you were now left feeling sore and utterly drained. "I'm...I'm tired," you whispered, unable to utilize your energy to say anything else.
“Yeah? Is it okay if I move you? I wanna clean you up a bit.”
Ever so gently, he helped you climb out of bed, and he guided you into the bathroom, letting you lean on him when your legs threatened to give out.
He had you sit on the counter and spread your legs, where he carefully used a soft, damp cloth to wipe your center clean. He soothed you when you whimpered from the sensitivity. “I know. I’ll be quick,” he assured you.
He used another cool rag to carefully wipe your sweaty face. “Think you can handle a bath right now? Or is that too much?”
You considered this for a moment, your eyes heavy with exhaustion. “Too tired. Jus’ want to be wiped down.”
That was all he needed. He lovingly kissed your lips before he helped you climb down from the counter. After a quick full body wipe down, he then led you back into the bedroom, where he helped you change into one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. He dressed in his own pair of sweatpants once he had you settled.
Then, as you sat on the edge of the bed, he reached over to the nightstand to grab a bottle of water. He cracked open the lid and held the bottle up to your mouth for you to drink. It was cool, and did wonders to soothe your parched throat.
“You feelin’ up to eating anything? I made your favorite pasta,” he calmly suggested. As if on cue, your stomach rumbled eagerly.
You shared a look, and you giggled at each other. “Guess I’m hungry,” you said.
Bob nuzzled his nose against yours before he helped you stand, wrapping a strong arm around you. He took you down to the kitchen and guided you into a chair. However, it didn’t last long, because as soon as he sat down, you were climbing into his lap, craving physical contact.
“Wan’ me to feed you too?” He teased.
“Actually…I wouldn’t mind that,” you whispered in reply.
He kissed your temple. “Anything for my baby.” 
Then your sweet Bobby began to feed you your dinner, purely out of love for you. It made your heart sing and tears of appreciation well in your eyes. You kissed his neck and thanked him. He told you he was happy to do it.
Once dinner was finished, Bob had an important question to ask you. "What do you want to do, sweet baby?" He asked. This was how it always was. After you allowed him the privilege of using your body, he always allowed you to choose how you wanted to be cared for.
"I wanna cuddle and watch something," you replied, to which he nodded.
"Coming right up," he said, yet again lifting you up. He left the dinner dishes, deciding he'd do them tomorrow. For now, his sole focus was taking care of you. You ended up in the bathroom again, where he placed you to stand on the floor. He kissed your forehead before pulling your toothbrush from the cup on the sink and squeezing toothpaste onto it.
Gently grabbing your face, he said, "Open."
You did so, and he placed the brush in your mouth, beginning the project of brushing your teeth for you. The gesture made you feel so deeply cared for. “There ya go. Go ahead and spit,” he finally instructed once he was certain he’d done a thorough job.
After the toothbrush and toothpaste were put away, it was time for bed. He helped you under the covers, and you curled up against the mattress as as you watched Bob search for a movie in your expansive DVD collection. Finally, he decided on something with Fred Astaire, one of his favorites, and popped it into the player before climbing into bed alongside you.
You curled up against his side, letting him engulf you in comfort and softness. Such a stark contrast to the rough, dominant man who'd just ruined you. You smiled to yourself, knowing just how much you loved him, and how much you always would.
"You were so good for me today," he praised, just as the opening credits of the movie began to roll, "how did I get so lucky?"
You shook your head, nuzzling against his neck. “I should be asking myself the same thing. I love you so much, Bobby. Take such good care of me"
"And I love you, sweet baby. Forever and always."
@xoxabs88xox @alexandra8484 @kmc1989 @elusive-honeydew @vallyb @cdauni @happyrebelruins @bobfloydsbabe @myfandomchangesalot @mikpieboo @krys-orion @petersunderoos96 @eighthwvnder @mastercontrol123 @powerlvr25 @audri-janis @yanna-banana @bradshawsbaby @seitmai @chieflawyerpastatoad @roosters-girl @wkndwlff @acatwriteshere @backupcasmitchell @marchingicenotes7 @percysaidnever @cherrycola27 @diorrfairy @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @milesmillergf @damrlova @thedroneranger @bobfloyds @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @withahappyrefrain @up-thereinthesky @peachystenbrough @lovinglyeternal @laracrofted @callsign-magnolia @gigisimsonmars
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bitsandbobsofwriting · 3 years ago
Headcannon idea: who swears the most and who never swears or makes up other words like fudge
(Masterlist) (Headcanon Masterlist)
This is gonna be a hoot, so stay with me!
SO!!! The Nobles, Arthur and Leon, don't EVER swear. They cuss like religious Victorian grandmas and it's hilarious. Swearing is not proper, nor educated, nor eloquent, and it's just not in their natural vocabulary, even after they've spent years surrounded by the likes of Elyan and Gwaine and Merlin. You know in Age of Ultron when Steve says "Language!" and the others never let him forget it? Yeah. Gwaine cusses once, it's even a pretty mild swear in the grand scheme of things, and Arthur just says "Language!" on automatic, as if he were speaking to a rebellious teenager; everyone loses it on the spot and NEVER lets him live it down. The two of them (Arthur and Leon) are constantly horrified by the imaginative insults and curses that the others come up with, but they know they can never say anything in fear of the bullying they'll face for it.
Whilst Gwaine used to be a Noble, he's been travelling and... crime-ing for a very long time, he now curses the most. It's less scandalous when he does because it's just normal for him, and definitely expected. Though he is for sure the one who says things like "This just dills my pickle!" and "Slap me mama and call me Uther!" when Leon tries to enforce a no swearing rule. The rule is quickly dropped.
Elyan swears fairly often, and fairly colourfully. It's never anything super ear-bleeding or graphic, but he does have good timing and imagination so it's always funny when he lets slip a quiet "Shut the fuck up you rat-faced turd.". Even Arthur has had to hold in a snort or two when Elyan decides that the best way to relieve tension is to quietly curse.
I feel like Morgana will swear maybe once a year (in other's presence) at most and it's always so surprising and out of left field that everyone laughs.
Lancelot and Percival never swear, and never use replacement swears. The closest they'll come is Goddamn, if they're very surprised or stressed. Guinevere is the same, but she uses replacements like Gosh or flippin' or heck. EXCEPT imagine one day, she's very tired, very frustrated, has had a very long week, and Arthur is being his normal pratty self, and she just turns to him and yells "Oh FUCK off would you?!". She IMMEDIATELY clamps a hand over her mouth and blushes the deepest she's ever blushed. Whoever is with them at the time bursts into hysterics whilst she desperately apologises and Arthur is like... kinda scared and doesn't really know how to react because it was just so unexpected. She becomes a bit of a legend for it.
Mordred has never sworn in his life and never will because he is babey. He doesn't even need replacements, because he's so articulate and sweet he never finds himself saying anything that requires any sort of cursing.
Gaius swears to himself under his breath when things go wrong in his Physician-ing, and it always catches people off guard if they happen to hear him, but he doesn't swear at people or in conversation, not ever. He's spent the majority of his life in court, and it's just not the done thing.
Now. Merlin. He doesn't swear at first, and everyone thinks it's because he's young and sweet and naïve and innocent, but it's actually because he knows that these posh city folks won't understand what he's trying to say. He's also not stupid enough to think that swearing in front of, or God forbid at, the Crown Prince is a good idea, so he manages to hold it all in for a while. Until one day he stubs a toe on the training field or something and he just lets rip. "For FUCKS' sake!! All these stupid fucking racks and none of you goddamn knights can EVER put your shit away!!". Arthur, Leon, and whichever of Uther's knights are out there at the time are just...completely flabbergasted. Arthur is now ALWAYS on guard, waiting for it to happen again, but it doesn't, not until Merlin meets Elyan and Gwaine years later. And then all hell breaks loose. He's smart enough to never do it in front of outsiders or the court, but now it's just... all the time, really imaginative, country, weird curses. "Fuck me sideways with an axe." and "Motherfucker, that hurt like an asscheek on a switch." and "Goddamn, you absolute fuckwit, you nutter, you fucking headcase.". Arthur has yet to come up with a response that isn't just staring incredulously.
Keep 'em coming lads!!
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nat-20s · 4 years ago
8 for jmart?
#8- constantly cheacking their messages for words from the other
what else was I gonna do? here's some classic ol' season 3 pining babey
Hello Martin. This is Jon. I have gotten a new phone after losing my last one, please put in the new number.
It's a simple message. Straightforward, factual, and utilitarian. There is no reason that pressing send should make his heart race. There's especially no reason that the second he sends it off, he's tempted to lie on the deeply uncomfortable, likely bedbug infested motel mattress staring at his screen until he gets a response. Sure, he's sick of being overseas, and he's sick of being so isolated, and he's sick of running, but he's not...desperate for what little companionship can even be provided by words on a screen.
He does miss Martin, though. He misses Tim as well, but in a manner that's significantly more complex and knotted than the simple desire to be around him.
God, when did he start wanting to just be around Martin? He started being aware of that want when he was at Georgie's, but he has no idea when the want itself actually started. That was probably something he should examine. Technically speaking, that is something that he has time to examine, but he doesn't want to examine right now. Right now, he wants the comfort of perhaps one of the only people out there that doesn't want to kill him, or use him, or both.
Martin, whether through somehow sensing Jon's discontent from nearly 4000 miles away or, more likely, through a general dutifulness inherent to his character, only takes a few minutes to reply. Oh good! it'd been a little bit since hearing from you, we were somewhat worried. putting you in my contacts as we speak :)!
Saying that "we" were worried is almost certainly generous on Martin's part, but Jon feels no need to point that out. Instead he turns on his side and stares at the phone. He particularly focuses on the smiley face, ridiculously charmed by the fact that, despite everything, Martin hasn't lost his predilection for emojis. Two years ago, he would've rolled his eyes, maybe thought something snide about professionalism. It wouldn't have been fair, as Tim used to do the same thing and he thought nothing of it, but he wasn't fair back then. Now, he simply wonders if he can get away with sending one back.
Before he can respond, Martin sends another message. Are you actually alright? I realized I was kind of assuming that losing your phone was the only reason you were MIA, but is anything else going on?
Damn. He tends to forget how perceptive Martin can be. What, exactly, Martin had perceived in that first message, Jon couldn't be sure, but apparently there was something that tipped him off to the..eventful last week he'd had. He really, really doesn't feel like getting into all of that right now, especially not over text, so instead he replies a mostly truthful I'm fine.
Then, squinting at the screen and realizing that might come across as a dismissal, he adds, Well, other than trying not to contemplate the general sanitation practices of a motel that clearly hasn't updated it's decor since the 70s. I'm suspecting the sheets are much the same.
He doesn't know how Martin will react to the message. He can't see the face he'll make, won't know the tone of his voice. However, he likes to imagine that Martin will at least smile. Maybe he'll even give that breath of a laugh, the one that sometimes happens when Jon's being lightly acerbic and it's not directed at him. He doesn't know, but he does hope for it. Martin texts back Oof. Maybe sleep on top of the covers tonight, yeah?, and Jon thinks that he might have guessed Martin's reaction correctly.
Christ, who knew all it took was a combination of jetlag and threats to turn him into a sap. He needs to sleep. He really needs a deep, proper, uninterrupted sleep, one lasting a minimum of eight hours and ideally closer to fifteen. Checking the time, it would be a fairly reasonable time to sleep, especially with the early start he has tomorrow. He considers sending off a quick good night message, but then has the realization that as reasonable as it is for him to be asleep right now, it's just as unreasonable for Martin to be awake. Are you alright? Good lord, Martin, it's almost 4am over there. Did I wake you?
Barely 30 seconds pass before he gets back no, you're good!
A beat, then a follow up message. I've had a irregular sleep schedule since I was like 16. A lot of evening and night shifts had a lasting impact u know? Working at the institute made it a bit more consistent but it's still p rare that i sleep the same eight hours night to night.
Jon's starts to text back something sympathetic; he's had his own struggles with both in- and hyper- somnia, but his phone buzzes in his hand before he can finish it.
Sorry! That was uh probably more information than you wanted.
Well, that just won't do. Even if there wasn't a part of his brain that had recently started collecting facts about Martin like they were precious jewels instead of mostly mundane stories, he doesn't want Martin to think he can't talk to him about things outside of the standard bounds of coworkers. Not at all. We're friends, Martin, I enjoy learning about you.
His brain wants to catastrophize the second he presses send. For the first minute that Martin doesn't reply, he doesn't let it. After the second minute, he allows the minor worry to become more severe. Had it been too much? Were they friends? Jon certainly thought so, but what if Martin wasn't in the same boat? Their interactions had been entirely friendly for months now, but what if that was just Martin being polite? God, what if Martin still thought of Jon as his boss, nothing more?
Ten minutes. It takes ten minutes for Martin to finally respond, and Jon has almost called him four times to explain himself. Ten minutes, and the first response is only Oh!
Then: Cool
Well, that's not a "piss off and die", but it's not exactly comforting. Jon doesn't know how to reply, staring at the words on his screen and not entirely sure if he's fucked up or not. Fortunately, Martin's not done responding, and the next message is much, much better.
Hey uh. Feel free to say no I know it's getting late over there but. Im not getting back to sleep for the rest of the day and itd be nice to actually hear you. Would you be okay with a call?
Without a moment's hesitation, he texts back Yes!, exclamation and all, because he's become someone he barely recognizes. The phone rings just as immediately, and he feels his entire body relax at Martin's first "Hello?"
Things are difficult right now. Things have been difficult ever since the promotion that was a curse in disguise. The world is filled with monsters he barely understands. He wishes he was home despite the fact that he barely recognizes it, as filled with tension and strife as it is. There's so much to discuss, so many things they should be hammering out. But right now, the threats are not pressing. Right now, he can hear about the bad true crime documentary Martin half-watched before he got Jon's texts, and Jon can bitch about the three different "pip pip cheerio" comments he's gotten since coming over seas. Right now, and for the hour before Jon drifts off, breathing slow and deep, he can pretend that this is an ordinary phone call, in an ordinary world, between two people who simply miss each other an extraordinary amount.
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sortasirius · 4 years ago
“Unity” and the Broken Boys
This is....one of the best episodes in the show.  Yeah, in all 325 of them, this is hands down one of the best.
First of all, stan Amara for clear skin.
That silent treatment babey, right out the gate with the Angst.  Tbh Dean deserves it.
“Like I said, killing Amara, Jack dying...that’s the only way.”
“The only way.  Our one shot.  Our Last chance.  You ever get tired of saying stuff like that?”
“We don’t have to like it, alright?  But you and me, we gotta get it done.”
Amara is such a welcome energy in this whole episode.  She’s warm and understanding, whip-smart and probably more powerful than Chuck.  I love her.
Sam is a wonderful, understanding, loving dad.  I love him eternally.  He loves Jack so much, he’s trying so desperately to do what’s right for Jack but also what’s right for the world.  Jack made this choice, but he can’t live with it.  How do you support your child when their life is at stake?
“Come on man.  Blindly following orders, lying to Amara, sending her to her death. Does any of this feel right to you??”
“It doesn’t matter how we feel!  You know what?  Stay.  Stay.  Someone has to be the grown up here.”
“Yeah well someone has to keep fighting for Jack!”
“He knows what he signed up for!”
“Last I checked, we don’t give up on family.”
“Jack’s not family.”
Y’all should have heard the noise I made.  What a fucking line.
“I know how you feel about the kid, I care for him too, I do, but he’s not like you.  He’s not like Cas.  He’s just not.”
“I’m- I’m ready.”
You can see the regret, the heartbreak in Dean’s eyes.  You can see how he wants to take those words back the moment he said them, and for Jack to hear them?  It’s unthinkable.
Sam and Cas I’m just so fucking emo dude.
“Sam, you stayed behind to find another way huh?  I woulda done the same.”
First of all, LOVE this structure.
Amara and Chuck have such a fascinating dynamic.  Rob and Emily do a great job (as they have all along) by clearly being siblings but...heightened.  You can just tell they both exude power, and the other is the only one they consider an equal.
“You and Dean had that whole weird...thing.”
“That wasn’t you writing?”
“Ugh, not that part.  Gross.”
What I took away from this is what I’ve suspected all along.  They HAVE free will, just not total free will.  Dean and Amara’s connection wasn’t Chuck, there are parts of the story he didn’t write.  Obviously, this comes into play later. 
I also have a hunch that Chuck doesn’t write romance.  I also think that in particular will come into play.
“Balance.  Something we’ve never tried before.  Creation and destruction, light and dark, brother and sister united again, but on behalf of one world, this world.  True balance.  The way it was always meant to be.  But you can’t.  You only care about your pleasure, your story.  Well, I guess that makes you the villain.”
“Villains get all the best lines.”
We see again and again this season, Chuck is irredeemable.  He doesn’t care about the angels, he doesn’t care about the world, he doesn’t care about anything.  He is a petulant toddler who has broken his toys. And when he realizes he’s trapped, he gets angry, he shouts and screams, completely at odds with Amara’s peace.
“You can’t hold me here forever.”
“I can hold you long enough.”
Pain is the name of the game in this section homies.  Because not only are we dealing with Dean’s pain, we’re also dealing with Jack’s.  Jack says he understands why Cas and Sam mean more to Dean, but Dean clearly doesn’t, he, once again, wants to say more, but is stopped, still stopped by his fear: his fear of not beating Chuck.
Alright guys, gals, and non-binary pals.  Let’s talk about Adam and Seraphina.
Adam.  The first man.  And Seraphina.  The angel.
“My old lady.  She’s the only one who could put up with me all these years.”
Yeah okay.  Volume at 100 I get it lmao.
But also: Adam wants God dead not because he and Eve were kicked out of the Garden, but because he went after their sons.  The theme of protecting the children strikes again.
“Killing God is your plan?”
“Yeah, Billie’s been giving us a hand but Sera and me, this is our baby.”
This juxtaposed directly with Dean’s own pain at what he has to do to kill Chuck, to gain his free will: the cost of his child.
Adam’s rib.
And who else might get his ribs hurt, only to be likely healed by an angel?
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It’s fine, that’s fine.  I’m fine with that.
“Jack, I don’t know how to explain it but, when I found out about Chuck, it’s like I wasn’t alive.  Not really.  You know like my whole life I’ve never been free, but like really free.  But now?  Now me and Sam, we got a shot at living a life, without all this crap on our backs.  And that’s, that’s because of you.  So, I want to say, I need to say...thank you, Jack.  Thank you.”
I’m gonna have to do a separate post about just Dean in this episode, because there is so fucking much to talk about, but there are a couple of things that I think are important:  Dean realizes how wrong he was, to say what he said.  He knows that it’s not true, this is the way he’s always coped with loss, by pushing the person to be lost away, but for Jack to hear it?  He can’t stand for that.
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Dean has finally pushed through the barrier.  He won’t be quiet in the face of his doubts anymore.  This is a breakthrough for him, and, of course, there are more to come.
Sam and Cas, my chaos duo.
The box, the inscription, the door.
Death’s library, filled with dead reapers.
And there it is.  The Empty.
It tells Sam the plan, the plan for Billie to take God’s place.  For everything to go back to the way it’s “supposed to be.”
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This has always been the game, since season 13.  This is the longest of long games.
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Sam fuckin Winchester, lying his way out of a confrontation with the Empty like the legend that he is.
He comes back with a new purpose: to stop Billie’s plan, and here’s where we get to the heart of the episode and maybe the heart of the season.
“You hear that?  Dean, brought to the edge of doubt.  His sense of duty, his rage winning out in the end.  And poor Sam, always gotta know everything.  Can’t leave well enough alone.  This is my ending, my real ending.”
The gun comes out, pointed at Sam.
Hmm...what did I say during 15x05?  Oh yeah, this.
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Dean would never survive killing Sam, but he’s willing to do anything, anything to earn his freedom.  His ending, where one brother kills the other and then kill himself.
Why, you might ask, did Sam not mention that the angels would be sent back to Heaven, why does he not mention Cas?  I’ll tell you why, or rather, Becky will.
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Plus, Dean looks back at Cas IMMEDIATELY when Sam says that, when he mentions Eileen, and THAT’S the first time he hesitates.  He can’t lose Cas.  But at the same time, he’s willing to do anything to have his freedom.
“Sam we don’t have a choice, Jack’s about to blow!”
“We always have a choice!”
You know me, just sitting here thinking about choice, the ability to choose, and how that translates to their free will.
And Sam...I don’t think there will ever be characters I love as much as these.
“I don’t care if Billie gets what she wants!  I don’t man, I’d trade it all, I’d trade em all for Chuck.  In a heartbeat!”
“What about me?”
“You’d trade me?”
“Chuck has to die.  He has to!  Otherwise he’ll keep us tap dancing forever, and I can’t live like that man, I can’t live like that, I won’t!”
“I know you feel like that right now, okay? I know you do, but you gotta trust me.  My entire life, you’ve protected me.  From Dad, from Lucifer, from everything.  I didn’t always like it, you know?  But it’s the one thing in the whole world that I could always count on.  It’s the only thing I’ve ever known that was true.  So please, put the gun away.  Just put it away.  We’ll figure it out, Dean, we’ll find another way, you and me.  We always do.”
Okay I feel like this is going to be one of those scenes that I cry watching for years to come.  Because fuck.  After fifteen years they finally admit that not only did Dean protect Sam from Lucifer, but he protected him from John.  John.  On a par with Lucifer.
Dean and Sam have, for so many years, sacrificed themselves for the other.  Dean’s demon deal, Sam and the trials, every season they have fought to see who can die the quickest for the other.  But this?  This is them fighting to stop the violence, to stop from killing the big bad.  This is them growing, in our eyes, in real time.  Sam has always been able to get through to Dean when no one else had a prayer, but for Dean to listen, for Dean to take his words to heart, to stop the hunt for Sam, for their family, that’s how you know they do have free will.
(Btw Chuck’s eye effect when he dusted Amara was sick as fuck but I’m emo for my boys so.)
Chuck knows it’s a loss, he knows that his story has, once again, been thwarted by the boys making their own choices.  And he’s pissed, but in his anger, we get a bomb dropped on us.
“Spare me your contempt Castiel, the self-hating angel of Thursday.  You know what every other version of you did after “gripping him tight and raising him from perdition”?  They did what they were told.  But not you.  Not the one off the line with a crack in his chassis.”
Are you fucking kidding me?
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Also, just worth bringing up this one as well:
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Every Castiel pulled Dean out of Hell.  Every one told him the same thing.  And yet, immediately, with this Cas and this Dean, something was different.  Because what has everyone seen about Cas, from the moment he met Dean?
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And there’s our endgame people.  Laid out on the line.
But we ain’t done yet, fam.
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We’ve talked about the handprint, but you know:
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So there you have it, our prep into the “monumental” 15x18.  I have spec on that, of course, but I think a novel is long enough for this.
What to take away: Dean’s rage was always Chuck’s plan, they do have free will, their love for each other, for their family, is what will stop Chuck’s control, Death is about to come back with a vengeance, Cas’ deal is at play, and, most importantly, Castiel and Dean Winchester are a blind spot for Chuck, something he has never, not once, controlled.
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mxddyhero · 2 years ago
i bring you some batmankai thoughts:
1) Dami sparring with Guy-san
2) Juza using the batfam as inspiration for Fallen Blood reruns (also just Juza respecting the fuck out of the fam)
3) Tim and Banri unable to stand each other because recognition through one another (derogatory)
4) Sakoda meeting Jason "Crime Boss" Todd
Cam your mind... >>>
Also I saw you've been thinking about this since 2019 holy shit,, please share any more thoughts/ideas/drabbles/anything you have,, I am desperate and in love with this idea so !!!
I adore the heck out of this one... both of them having been raised as a fighter solely for someone else.. trying to find their own place in the world after having been told their feelings and thoughts didn't matter... I think Guy could really help Damian understand himself better while understanding that the fighting that has been such a fundamental part of his life isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's still a skill to have, and it keeps him sharp and connected to his family before the one he has now. Also can you imagine the league having taught damian Zafran,, and it helps the both of them feel just a little more at home... 🥺 also can you imagine Citron introducing Damian to Juliano... he would love that so much...
GOD YEAH,, the batfam definitely fit Blood as a hero much more than the others and he would for sure be able to use that to really flesh out Blood's emotions. Imagine Juza just being sat in the lounge brooding and everyone is like 😶 They definitely can't leave Juza alone in his own head too long, for sure BUT Sakyo does commend him for taking the reruns seriously and if he gets him a slice of cake from a local bakery on closing night, no one in autumn says anything. AND AAAHH YEAH,, he really would!! Mans knows how hard it is to push away family for the sake of sparing them from being targeted so he just feels bad they're all so distant from one another. I can imagine him trying to tell them that since they're all in the same line of work, it makes them just as likely to be targeted anyway so there's no harm in just. Trying to listen to and understand one another better. Alfred would also love Juza I just know in my heart this is true.
QHSVSJSVJ GOD,, YOU'RE SO RIGHT- Even if Banri isn't quite as showboaty as he was at the beginning, I can see it still being so fucking grating on Tim. I feel like Dick would encourage Banri at first, giving him praise when he can immediately do super hard parkour stunts, but after seeing how much it's effecting Tim, he kinda drops it out of respect. But imagine Banri and Tim just being sat in the lounge together in dead silence as Banri tries to ignore Tim and play a rhythm game and Tim doing WE work and Tim just suddenly is like, "So when are you gonna tell Juza that you like him?" And Banri immediately loses his streak, drops his phone and gets on the defensive and Tim's just like, "sweaty palms, elevated heart rate, flushed cheeks and ears. You're a dead giveaway, dude. You really should just tell him since your life is ultra easy mode, right?" And banri just stomps away, and Tim just grabs another coffee before returning to work- I think they would aggravate the hell out of each other and you know what? Good for them.
Oh tm god.. og my gjfhdhdv no because okay. I'm not sure if we know the extent of Sakyo's willingness to commit/past history of crimes with the yakuza (I'm en only so I only got as far as autumn2) but. Since at the beginning of the game, he propositioned Izumi to pay the debt back with something other than money, I will just assume he has also murdered men ahscdhdhb (/lh I love sakyo a lot he is my beautiful blond babey and I love him so,, anyway.)
Sakyo overhearing Jason on the phone to someone, clearly managing whatever he has going on back home while he's away. But then he hears "Do I really need to do the thing with the heads in the duffel bag again? That was a good bag, yknow. It took me weeks to find a decent replacement because I couldn't just go back to the warehouse and pick it back up. Even if I couldda, the bloodstains definitely wouldda clashed with my sweats. Whatever, just do what you need to let these guys know we mean business." Before he can turn around, Jason has hung up and is like, "oh hey, S. Sorry 'bout that, you know how it is."
Jason definitely doesn't like taking business calls when he's out of town for obvious reasons, but it turns out, some of Two Face's guys had been trying to recruit children while they knew he was gone and Roy knew he would wanna hear about it. Sakyo can respect that, having wanted the Ginsenkai to leave Azami out of their business operations and the two just end up chatting on intimidation tactics and business streamlining. Jason is delighted that Sakyo agrees on his take of "you can't eradicate crime, you have to control it", and offers to make him an honorary member of the outlaws. Sakyo politely declines of course, if word got out, it might damage Mankai's reputation immensely and Jason gets it.
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Anyway uhm also imagine them getting onto the topic of acting again and Jason telling him he always wanted to be in a play, but couldn't on account of the crime-fighting-vigilante-teen-then-dying-and-planning-his-familys-downfall thing, which really left little to no time for hobbies and Sakyo is just like. You're gonna be lead for our next play, I will train you myself and you're gonna be the best actor Gotham has ever seen. Cue akigumi plus Jason training montage (because cmon, mans would have to be in an action play with the stunts he can pull) and him and juza having a lead together... okay this is just very self-indulgent ahsvdjdbj
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loth-wolffe · 4 years ago
“name told me you're in love with me. tell me it isn't true. tell me this is all just a huge misunderstanding. “ “i can't. “
And also
“you don't get it, do you? “ “get what? “ “that i don't want to spend even as much as a second without you by my side. “
With my Sergeant Hunter, please 😁😁
AHHHH baby anything for you (i AM working in that other hunter request you sent i just need to,,,,,,,,,,, get inspired)
Pairing: Hunter x reader (no y/n)
Word count: 869. not proofread we die like men.
Warnings: a lil bit of good ol angstey babey.
ps. i changed the second prompt a tiny bit, hope you don't mind eheheheh. hope you like this bubs. mwah.
ps2. the song has nothing to do with the fic but i was listening to it while making the last arrangements and i have no idea what other title this should have. enJoy.
Hunter quickens his pace as his heart skips a beat, he's getting closer and closer to find you, because there's a chance that you might love him back.
He has never seen anything that indicates you could, or maybe it's because he's too caught up in trying you don't notice him loving you.
Trying to ease his beating heart when you rest your head on his shoulder, to suppress the butterflies from fluttering when you laugh, to seem like he wasn't already looking your way when your eyes meet.
Maybe he took too much time hiding his own hints that he never took a moment to see if you gave him any signals.
But how could you? When he's just... him.
He finds you in your office. You look stressed, tired eyes running through some words and you mumble something under your breath, sighing as you write your signature. When you look up, you look relieved, and as your lips ease with a smile and your eyes soften for him, he thinks you have never looked more beautiful.
"Hey Sarge, you're lost?" you joke, pushing the papers further into your desk before your hands go to rest on your stomach, leaning back on your chair and it's your way of telling him you're taking a break.
For him.
He sits on the chair in front, looking stiff, feeling stiff. Eyes scanning his surrounds like he has never been in your office before in hopes you don't find the nervousness they hide.
"Tech told me something."
You crook an eyebrow, snorting.
"Yeah? what was it?" You don't comment on his serious face, nor on how tense he seemed, it must've been something that pissed him off.
He meets your eyes, and there's something in them you can't quite pinpoint. Hunter waits before he says it, memorizing the way you look now, to compare it with your reaction later.
"He told me you were in love with me."
Hunter doesn't know what's worse, the way you stood unmoving, looking at him, he's sure you haven't even blinked once, mouth agape and he can hear your heart beat racing, or maybe the silence that follows, thick and heavy on his shoulders.
He can't stand it.
"Say something." He's never been one to plead but now he's begging, he's begging you, to do something, to say something, anything that pulls him out of his misery. "Tell me this isn't true," even if it hurts, but that's better than nothing. "Tell me this is just a big misunderstanding, and I'll go."
But it's not only an "and", there's a threat behind his words, it's a tell me or I'll leave, a softness that wraps an ugliness he's not sure he wants you to see just yet.
Hunter can be a patient man, but right now his patience is wearing thin. No answer means no, he supposes as he stands.
"I can't."
He stops.
"Can't what?"
Because there are too many answers to that, you can't love him, you can't admit it, you can't tell him that–
"He's right," you pause, "Tech. He–" you run a hand through your eye, exasperated, "I should've known better than to tell him."
You sound tired, defeated, and Hunter doesn't understand why.
"It's okay if you don't wanna– I mean..." You look at the ceiling for a second, searching for words, for strength. "I understand if you don't feel the same or–" you find him with teary eyes, already looking a bit red from how hard you're retaining the tears. "I get it if you don't want anything to do with me after this." Your voice is a whisper, eyes flickering from him to your hands.
Hunter has never seen you looking so small, so sad, hanging on a thread he willingly put you on and ready to fall into a place so different from the one he had made for you.
He shakes his head, coming to your side of the desk, leaning down to cup your cheek and he's inches away, breath brushing your skin along with his thumb, holding you with such delicacy, afraid you might break, or disappear, or flinch away from his touch, but you don't.
If anything, you move closer, his whiskey eyes try to find your soul somewhere between yours, but he doesn't know he has seen it before, when you tend his wounds, when he holds you close, when you say goodbye.
He could laugh, at how ridiculous it all was, how ridiculous love was.
"You don't get it, do you?" he whispers, staring at every little detail of your face he has missed before.
He could spend his time like this, counting every mole, memorizing the way your eyelashes kiss your skin with every blink, trace the outline of your jaw and nose and cheeks, and all of you.
You frown slightly, confused, taking in a shaky breath before you asking,
"Get what?" in the same hushed voice, not wanting to speak any louder.
He smiles, lightly, tenderly, and right before he connects his lips with yours, he says,
"I'm in love with you too."
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