#but like it’s ANNOYING when there isn’t a reason bc then i’m not in control >:(
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soodoonimin · 3 months ago
Wade Wilson and the self:
So I’ve stated before I’m not Deadpool’s #1 fan BUT I am reading some of his comics alongside Wolvie's so I thought I’d give a character analysis a shot. This is going to be shorter than my Logan one because unfortunately I’m just not as in tune with the character, I’m super sorry but I hope it’s still good! :)
Some imagines are kind of graphic and gross so beware.
Dear Wade Wilson,
Who are you? No really who are you? Because as you may already know you’ve had many writers over the years, your character has changed drastically in the 33 years you’ve been ink on a page. So who are you?
Deadpool is an enigma, except for the fact that he isn’t. He both is and isn’t a good person. He’s someone who keeps a blind elderly woman hostage in his apartment and someone who talks teenagers down from the literal ledge. He is actually a pretty smart person depsite the million different ways he acts like a complete dumbass.
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So here’s what I find kind of funny (sad) about Deadpool. He seems to also believe himself to be a monster (which is something we talked about with Logan) but the difference is between Logan and Deadpool is also where they’re the same and this little bit about him comes up a lot. See Deadpool had a little more of a fighting chance than Logan when it came to living a "normal" life but because of circumstances outside of his control he was walked down the path he currently finds himself on and when he actually realized where he was and what he was to people, he was utterly mortified by it.
People react to these kinds of things diffrently and that reaction isn't static, it can change over time. For Wade I think his general view on his situation is kind of mix of nihilistic and absurd. And he regularly toes the line between caring, not caring and doing whatever for the lols. (of course this depending on who writing him bc Wade does change a lot depending on the writing BUT I think that just fits so well with his character).
Wade uses humor to distract from his pain (both physical and emotional) but I also kind of think that him being annoying, him letting people hate him is just a way he punishes himself for just existing. It's easy and it requires very little work on his part and in a weird way it gives him an excuse to not care about the world.
Especially because he believes he's not really a person, because he believes he's a comic book character.
And so I have this HC about him and his 4th wall breaking abilities. See, I don't think the reason he's “crazy” is because of the torture of the Weapon X (or weapon plus or whatever) program or because of his cancer. I think Wade is crazy because when he finally "woke up" and saw what was had happened to his life, when he saw what he'd become and all the terrible things he did, I think that's what what broke him. Because I think that for all the terrible terrible things Wades does/has done he is still a good person to some extent, he still has a good heart and so imagine you're a kind person, who looks back one day and you see all the terrible things you've done. All the people killed. Everything. How do you cope with that exactly? Well if. you're Wade Wilson, I think first you start by adopting a world view that makes those realities easier to swallow and two I think you stop believing in reality.
I think him breaking the fourth wall is in a way him disassociating into our reality the same way many of us disassociate into his. That's how he's able to have that connections with us but because we're unable to respond to him and because he can't *actually* see us it does very little to comfort him.
What worse about this though is he doesn't really have much if any connection with the people around him. Like yes, he does have his daughter and his friends but the things is, its impossible for him to truly connect with those people in his life because he doesn't see himself as worth that love.
So specifically in the WW3 comic I think the reason he picks Logan as the person to help him is because he kind of already knows Logan doesn't like him BUT he can't help but feel this kind of kinship with the mutant and he know Logan is a genuinely good person and wouldn't just leave him to die. It's a little manipulative but he's desperate.
The thing is (especially in that comic) he doesn’t see how him and Logan are different.
See Logan’s “monster” is more or less, real and it's something he had no control over. His mutation (the very thing he fears) would have always come to disrupt his life, would have always made him a monster in the eyes of others if not himself and so in some ways, Logan was set up for failure at the start.
Wade on the other hand is different in that like all of us he made choices (that were yes heavily influenced by bad circumstance) and there is a possibility that had he his childhood been significantly better or not gotten diagnosed with cancer, he may have walked a less destructive path. The “monster” that he'd become might not haven't never existed because there isn't anything wrong with Wade and there isn't anything about Wade (that doesn't have to do with the Weapon X program) that people would have any reason to inherently hate.
As it stands though, he knows he’s done bad things and although he knows he can’t make up for them, he also doesn’t know how to forgive himself, I doubt he'd even want to if he knew how. In the WW3 comic he almost spells out that he feels like a lesser version of Wolverine because of how he got his abilities.
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To him every other hero, from his childhood hero (Captain American) to his current totally best friend (Spider Man) or his other best friend (Nate Summer) are all just a reminder to him of how inadequate he will always be. What's funny to me about the his relationship with all three of these people. (despite the fact that they all make him feel the same kind of inadequacy) is how he treats them.
W/ Cap he treats him the way you might treat your idol. Serious and with respect.
W/ Spidy, he literally fawns over him, is practically in love with him, he's constantly looking after him and in a weird way seeks to be like him.
W/ Cable is where it's interesting because Wade almost never misses an opportunity to mock Cable. Never misses an opportunity to try to a blow to his ego despite the fact that they are technically friends.
What the difference?
W/ Cap it’s because exactly as I said before, that’s his hero. The man he idolizes and will forever wish he could be.
W/ Spidy its more interesting bc I think his obsession w/ Spider-Man is more to do with the fact that he envies him. He envies his (for lack of a better work) innocence. He is envies his moral convictions and he in some respects envies the life he imagines spidy must live. But instead of letting that envy turn him green I think he unconsciously channels into that obsessive behavior.
And W/ Cable, I think it has a a lot to do with the fact that Cable (like many) does call Wade out on his shit, it isn’t necessarily about kill but it’s seems like when Wade and Cable butt heads, it’s less black and white philosophy on the ethics of killing and more the morality of actions and inaction and what that means for the people involved (we’ll get there don’t worry).
So here's kind of where I'm going to go into a soft rant about heroes in the Marvel universe. I think the no killing rule is fine. I understand the idea, especially for heroes like Spider Man, why "no killing" is a rule one is inclined to follow. What I do often find very frustrating is the moral superiority that certain heroes take on when following that rule and how they apply that to their fellow crime fighters. Yes I know Wade is a nitrous mercenary and so he isn't always killing for "moral" reasons but when he takes that skill set into the hero business I do feel like he gets shit on more than he deserves idk, maybe my hate for Spider-Man supersedes my (relative) disinterest in Deadpool that I’m willing to defend some murder if it means spiting the web head.
Back on track…
So in the WW3 comic, I think the real reasons Wade's 'becoming' (or his attempt to be human as he believed it to be) failed is because in some respects Delta was right. Wade put too much stock into the idea that he and Wolverine were one and the same and the issue is, he was wrong. Of course, not because Wolverine is a monster but because Logan and Wade face a similar challenge, just on a different plane of existence.
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Logan's challenges are all about accepting who he and seeing the good within himself, seeing that yes the monster he's scared of does exist and it does live under his skin but that monster isn’t him in any meaningful way.
Wade's problems are more in line that he can't see the good that already exists in himself. He can’t see that his will and desire to change puts him leagues ahead of where he thinks he is. See I think what some people tend to forget in the idea of healing is that you do need to be able to forgive yourself for whatever you did in the past. I think Wade doesn’t understand that just because the world may never see him as nothing more than a “overpriced mercenary” that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s all he is.
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I think Wade failed in the WW3 comic (and I think the reason his character struggles so much with himself) is because he underestimates his own humanity. And in the WW3 comic specifically he expected a quick fix to his perceived problem and when nothing changed he was faced with the reality that most of us have to face at some point or another. That there is nothing wrong with us. We might have flaws, yeah everyone does but in our core there’s nothing “wrong” and when Wade was faced with that reality I think he understood it (especially considering the ending of this comic) but I wonder if he was a real person, would he be able to apply that lesson to himself? Who knows…
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However I think for his character, a bit of his self-image struggles may also have to do with what he sees in the mirror (literally) and that means something because aside from adding to the tragedy of his character I think his scarred face says something about how the world sees him rather than how he sees himself.
Why do I think that? Well here’s this thing right. In the Spidey-Deadpool comics, Wade makes a deal with his love (Lady Death) and basically in order to save Spider Man he has to “pay a price” so here’s the thing. In the very next set of comics Wade’s scars are gone he looks normal and I’ve seen a lot of people interpret this normal look at his outside reflecting his inside and all that and like yes BUT. What I really don’t see most people talk about is that his wife (Shiklah) over the course of the comics stops finding his attractive and like yeah some of this is a result of him trying to be a good guy but there are also times when she directly tells him he looks disgusting even though he looks normal. So for one reason or another death made him look normal but as a direct result of this, he essentially sacrificed his marriage.
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This gets even more confusing because when he's forced to kill Itsy Bitsy, he basically immediately goes back to looking kind of gross again even though this was another sacrifice he had to make. I think maybe the way that he looks (at least in that Spider Man run is more of a reflection of his conscience) I think in a weird way Death cleared his guilt and thus gave him his face back but when he was forced to kill again (no matter how justified) that guilt overwhelmed him and boom his back to looking that way again.
I don't know if he would know this directly but I think its very fitting with his character that his outward appearance has less to do with his actual culpability and more about how he feels about that situation because again Deadpool does a lot of shitty things but more or less for the right reasons but regardless he never feels good about any of it.
This is also funny though, because of his lack of self esteem and desperate desire to be seen as a good guy, he’ll do things that would undoubtedly put in him on the wrong side of history for the express purpose of feeling better about his actions.
Take him being on the side of the Super Human Registration Act during Civil War. I don’t doubt that he justifies his actions to himself by saying “those kids that died could have been my daughter” (because he does say this) but during his fight with Cable (see told you we’d come back to him) it isn’t his ideals that are being challenged. No, actually what was being called into question was his morality and the very thing (at the time), that he’d put a lot of his self worth stock into was shown to be extremely corrupt (and by his best friend no less). Wade is looking for anything and everything to grasp onto that isn’t himself that will give his life meaning. Even if it is a corrupt system, he’s willing to look the other way if gives him the feeling of being more than he think that he is and yet I don't think he realizes that that thing he's been looking for has been right in front of him for a while now.
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Part of me wonders how Wade sees his relationship with Ellie. Because unlike Logan, his relationship with her isn’t strained because sees too much of himself in her, in fact from what I can tell they have a very loving relationship despite the fact that Wade doesn’t believe himself to be worthy of being Ellie’s dad. And kind of going back to the WW3 comic, what I find super interesting and very sad is how Logan and Wade are so similar in so many way but also so very different. Where Logan sees his (many) children and sees all the ways he's failed them , all the things wrong with himself, all the ways he fucked up and all the things that were taken from him, and thus he tries to distance himself from them in every way possible.
Wade sees Ellie and he see the one and only good thing about him and like a truly good parent he nurtures that brightness in her (not a diss on Logan's parenting btw but this about Wade lmao) and although he does keep his distance because of the nature of his work and the nature of himself he doesn’t alienate her from his life. In some weird way, I think the fact that Wade does keep his distance from Ellie in the way that he does actually makes their relationship stronger and I think it speaks deeply to the goodness of Wade that he tried to deny exists.
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The way I read Wade Wilson is a representation of, no matter how badly we may fuck up in life, no matter how many mistakes we might make or how many times we might make those same mistakes, we should never give up on being better even if it means losing people along the way. And we should recognize that “being better” is not only hard but also that it isn’t always contingent on what others think of you. You’re always going to be annoying, or rude, or obnoxious or whatever in someone’s eyes for whatever reasons (and sometimes they might be right) but at the end of the day if you are kind and you care and know that you did the best you could then what more could the world ask from you?
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phregnancy · 7 months ago
Sometimes I read bottom Dan fic from a few years ago and I'm like "who are these people?" lol. It's like people totally disregarded Phil's personality in order for him to fit the stereotypical mold they'd cast him in. It was the same for Dan tbh. Lbr the only reason why people thought Dan was the bottom is bc he's younger and more outwardly feminine than Phil. The idea that bottom= submissive and top= dominate is flawed anyway, but also...Dan is not submissive. He's quite bossy and controlling. In the past, I'd even say he could be domineering. I don't see their dynamic as even being Dom/sub tbh. It's more of a playful power struggle. Except Dan fights by asserting dominance and Phil fights by being cute and whining until Dan gives in or being an absolute menace and annoying Dan into submission lmao
rewriting this for the third time because my app keeps refreshing </3 but i agree with alllll of this. putting it under a cut because i got way off course and went on a tangent lol
someone recently said that they can tell who of us have been actively engaged in diverse irl queer communities (clubs, bars, sports leagues, activism groups, etc) vs who of us haven’t and i’ve been thinking about that a lot in regards to this. obviously nothing wrong with not engaging with your irl queer communities, some people don’t have access or don’t feel comfortable or simply don’t want to and all of that is fine - but you do have to work harder to unlearn a lot of heteronormative concepts like these and you have to familiarize yourself with queer culture and history (outside of social media). people’s outward presentations of masculinity and femininity have nothing to do with their sexual preferences, and dan has shared that exact sentiment in so many words (wondering if people think he’s a bottom because he’s slightly more feminine, and then discouraging that narrative as a whole). i also think there was a lot of hyperbolizing with their masculine and feminine presentations, because for a long time dan really was not that feminine and phil really was not that masculine. they were both emo nerd boys who played video games and drank too much soda. even now with personas like sister daniel, that really is not the height of femininity in queer culture or drag culture.
i think there’s also something to be said about people’s lack of familiarity with queer culture showing in people’s thoughts on them being in an open relationship and also 2009 bottom dan.
i don’t particularly care about the open relationship discourse one way or another, but a lot of mlm relationships are open. there are studies and statistics on this, gay men are the most comfortable and open to open relationships. if they hooked up with people when dan was touring or even just someone every now and then, it wouldn’t be as shocking as some people make it out to be. i also think there’s a problem with people conflating open relationships with polyamory, and those two things are often very different. people in open relationships tend to be committed to each other, but will sometimes want to have noncommittal sex with other people. polyamory is having multiple committed relationships (romantic or sexual). clingy phil and possessive dan having noncommittal sex with other people wouldn’t change that they’re still clingy x possessive. and if you’re actively engaged in irl queer communities vs online echo chambers you’ll learn this.
i’m getting way off course here lol but then in regards to people thinking 2009 dan was bottoming as a default, that’s been a pet peeve of mine since forever because it shows a lack of familiarity with mlm relationships. it’s extremely unlikely that dan’s first gay sexual experiences were being on the receiving end of anal sex, that takes time to get used to (with yourself and with a partner) and often isn’t most men’s first gay sexual position. they also weren’t together long enough until phil got his first apartment to have dan be familiar enough with anal to take phil’s dick every time he visited. i know everyone thinks little twink dan taking phil’s big dick is so hot, but big dicks can be painful and are something you work yourselves towards. and y’know, who knows what actually went on in that bedroom so much cherry everywhere, but i do think we should dispel some of these beliefs that again are playing into heteronormativity (little feminine dan taking big masculine emo phil)
dan has always been bossy and controlling and he was quite confident with the people he was comfortable around (phil + other youtubers + his audience) and then grew to be a confident person in general. i see them as a real brat x brat relationship with them being bratty in different ways (bossy/teasing vs whiney/pushing buttons).
here’s my last thing (thanks for reading this novel if you made it this far) - there is a difference between knowing all of this, and still just preferring bottom sub dan x top dom phil because you think it’s hot, vs believing there’s no other dynamics that could exist because of heteronormative stereotypes that you are actively playing into. like what you like and have fun! but please work on educating yourself and unlearning heteronormativity. sorry for the spiel!
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peachjagiya · 7 months ago
this is going to have some conjecture but it’s just my little theory lol. so we know since the solo era began, tae and jk were seeing eo and hanging out a lot. so much to the point that they missed eo after being separated for literally just a few days, resulting in jk hopping on a long ass flight just to see tae lol. they had no official cameras around them at all during the break period and were able to live pretty freely and however they wanted. jungkook even said himself that his break was the best and he had so much fun. i think bc he was able to freely be with tae whenever he wanted and however he wanted during that time, he got really used to that. it was quite a few months of jk going awol and when we finally heard from jk again, it was him accidentally being heard singing in the back of tae’s live. after this era of being used to being free/acting however he wanted w tae, i think coming back in front of official cameras w tae stressed jungkook out more than it used to. prior to solo era, they were used to dialing it back and hiding their relationship in front of cameras and other people. as frustrating as i’m sure it still must have been back then, they were accustomed to it and it was expected. however, after a long period of no longer having to do that, going back to smothering your relationship down is probably then ten times harder and more stressful. that is why during solo era i do feel like jk has treated tae ever so slightly differently and a bit “cold” from time to time when the official cameras are on them. i think he’s very on edge when tae is w him in front of bh cameras now since he’s not as used to having to control himself anymore. he seems to be overthinking a bit and being overly cautious to the point that it may come across as slightly blunt/cold. now i don’t think it’s as bad as some ppl make it out to be. some ppl think he’s being overtly rude or mean to taehyung and doesn’t want him there but i think that’s being very dramatic and ignorant of the clear love that jk has for tae. i think in some sense, yes, maybe it’s possible jk would rather taehyung not be there w him in front of official cameras. but i don’t think it stems from jk disliking tae or being annoyed by him at all. i think it stems from him being anxious about how his interactions w tae could come across if they’re not super careful and he’d rather not have to be overly careful. or have to have the staff cut out a million things if they can avoid it.
taehyung obviously seems to be much more comfortable and doesn’t really give a fuck anymore. and it’s totally fine/valid for both of them to feel different levels of comfort in front of the cameras. i don’t think taehyung sees it as jk being rude to him or anything like that. he surely knows jk better than any of us ever will and if taehyung ever felt mistreated i doubt he’d be so down bad for jk lol.
btw this isn’t a criticism on jk at all, i completely understand why he’d act like this. he doesn’t need to change how he acts to appease people. there is no doubt in my mind that he loves taehyung to pieces. and taehyung definitely knows that. it’s just a simple theory about why things have felt a bit different in solo era in official footage and the reasoning behind how i think that developed :)
I think you're right on the money, actually! The increased freedom created by months and months of no cameras had to feel good and had to strengthen their resolve to protect what they have.
I maintain his supposed coldness is just him being mischievous with Tae, energy matching with Tae's dry humour.
But I mentioned yesterday that even out couples, even heterosexual couples, who have no need to hide anything, want to keep their secrets about how they are in private. It's perfectly natural to lean into safer ways of communicating. So multiply that by ten with a lot riding on it and all this pressure and cameras? You're so right, I think!
It's kind of like... You spend years wanting to have a Twinkie and then you eat a Twinkie and you love twinkies so much, they're everything you ever dreamed they'd be...
Then someone says "you need to only eat lettuce right now" and takes your Twinkies away but they put this box of twinkies right there in front of you?!
You're gonna get irritated and maybe be like "fine I don't even want a Twinkie then. *irate lettuce munching*"
..... Know what I mean? Tae is the Twinkie. That's what I mean.
ANYWAY. AHEM. I suspect we're probably not going to see anything overly affectionate or lovey-dovey in Jeju. But also remember JK particularly is not always that good at keeping his poker face and their affection and love usually shines through in little actions. I bet there'll be some low key sweetness.
Thanks anon! 💜
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banana-pancake5 · 3 months ago
I’m here to talk business (It’s Talon and Megan, they’re the business)
Okay okay so they were childhood best friends. Knew each other for a few years at least and got really close. Megan was a bit of a loner who disliked crowds, so she would be on the outskirts of the yard during recess. Talon was a collector of loners to be friends with. So one day he started following her around, and she didn’t mind, so he stayed. It developed into playing games together, helping each other with each of their things, defending and comforting each other, all the good stuff.
Then one day, Megan just disappeared. After eavesdropping on the grown-ups Talon finds out that she had been kidnapped. Unfortunately there were no leads, and no progress on the case was made. Her family assumed she was dead and moved on. But not little 10-12 year old Talon! This kickstarted a true crime interest! He learned about as many stories as he could, hoping that someday he might find something that would point to where Megan had gone. He had a bunch of other interests that came and gone, but the true crime thing stuck with him. After the years and gone by, the thought of Megan was more subconscious, but he would never really forget.
Meanwhile, Megan had been kidnapped. She was yoinked and taken by the people in charge of the Orion Initiative. They needed human test subjects without much of a budget and the opportunity befell them so now they had a kid. Megan would be introduced to her new surroundings in the space ship and begin the experiment on her: the very first and most important one being to see if she was compatible with this magical alien thingy.
Spoiler alert, she was. This was good for experiments since she didn’t die and they could continue research. This was good for her bc she didn’t die, but then again… it lead to some stuff. It changed her DNA in ways that are vague and non-specific at the moment, but will amount to annoying yucky bad things (including keeping her tethered to the main magic source stored on the ship). This thing will also be harnessed for mild mind control and memory tampering. It’s very soon after she arrives that they wipe her previous memories. She thinks she’s been there her whole life and the director is her mother. And thus she grows up.
At this time, Talon is just chilling and making it through high school. He’s about to graduate, considering majoring in some sort of forensic field or maybe going to culinary school, when he witnesses something. I don’t know the exact set up details yet (it will be just a by chance occurrence, one lucky moment that will change everything) but this is what I do know: the Orion Initiative director and a group of higher ups will be attending a meeting to try to get funding. They’ve brought Megan, in case they need to show their success in experimenting. She’s hidden away in some way, but as the group is moving to and fro, Megan is in the open for a few moments. This is the same time Talon happens to glance over. He freezes, recognizing her and feeling his heart drop. He’s staring now, and she vaguely notices him, but doesn’t spare more than a glance. In her mind, however, she’s confused. He gives her an overwhelming sense of familiarity but with no reason to do so. She also gets snippets of random things (unbeknownst to her, they are parts of memories).
After this, Talon is more determined than ever. He researched and scours and borderline stalks but he finally figures out how to get involved in the Orion Initiative in some way (whether as a hunter or a guard or like a cook, idk yet) then this is where the “they first meet” would happen. From Megan’s perspective of course bc she doesn’t remember. Talon doesn’t realize and just starts rambling on and looks like a kicked puppy when she’s cold to him. Eventually they rekindle their friendship tho (the mind wiping isn’t super good so the past friendship feels are a big help) and since this is slightly after Megan meets the rest of the gang, Talon integrates slightly into the friend group.
Until he has to leave again bc he’s done something rebellious that the Orion Initiative is mad at him for and he has to flee. Megan is forced to rat him out for this actually so guilt guilt guilt. Talon never got the chance to say goodbye or anything so sad sad sad. Then Megan is mind wiped again and Talon is stuck on earth. He’s gonna be part of the group that comes to free all of them, but until then he just has to be upset.
There’s probably more on that but idk fhdjdjdj
Oh and also I’m gonna give Anik the “my brother went in this program and I’m gonna find him dead” thing while also making him older than the others by several years just for the heck of it. Zeniths role is gonna get diminished a bit and he’s gonna become more of a significant background character than main cast bc idk it was just eh for me in some spots.
Oh oh oh and also also I just wanna draw this idea but I haven’t yet so I shall just describe it for now: Megan’s gonna be more perfectionistic so whenever she makes the tiniest mistake, she will get punished severely. The specific punishment will be a transparent round room in the center of the whoooole spaceship with lots of traffic. She will be forced to stay in there, potentially with a strait jacket for if she’s distressed (just to make it worse), where everyone can see that she’s failed and is an awful person consequently. She also really wants people to take her seriously and if people see her in her most vulnerable and distressed moments, she thinks they won’t so that’s also really rough. Everyone is kind of aware of what the room is for and while she’s not there often, they won’t linger in the area if she is. They feel bad bc it’s obviously really excessive as it happens over literally nothing sometimes. She’s also not given food during this time and only given water if she absolutely has to have it in the timeframe she’s in there.
Oh and her actual name was Megan but I’m thinking Orion renamed her, perhaps something numbery or something related to the orion constellation or mythology (haven’t nailed it down yet).
(No pressure to read all this btw it’s a lot XD)
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH—cough cough— pardon me, now, let’s talk business.
*quoting studio C Scott sterling soccer vid* ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING
YES YES YES YES. Okay Megan being kidnapped is actually so scary to me help. Especially from Talon’s perspective oh no. I’ve heard my fair share of crime stories (honestly not many at all but they are so interesting) so THAT being the reason Talon got into is just cneduhndduhcdwbuhcdwbhucdwibhwcdbuhecuhbcdw I imagine there was a time where he was just horrified. He didn’t know WHAT happened and everyone else (including Megan’s FAMILY) all accepted she had DIED BAH THAT CONCEPT IS JUST KILLING ME
Anik’s story breaks me crhedrndierunfrei oh! hold up, does he find out his brother was one of the clone/failed experiment people? And poor Zenith (I get it tho lol)
SEE. THIS IS WHAT I MEAN JADE. THIS IS CRUEL AND AWFUL AND MEAN AND IT IS PERFECT. I DONT THINK YOU CSN UNDERSTAND HOE MUCN I LOVE THIS. Everyone knows. Everyone sees. Everyone is watching. Vhruhrevbeuhvrbvuhbverihbfijrw wrvijnvrejiverver. That is just horrifying. Please please please please @ me if you draw that I MUST SEE
And uhhhhh….. okay….. so I tried drawing something for it but I didn’t really have time and it wasn’t working out too well….. I don’t like how it turned out but maybe… perchance… you might find it cool or something? Idk I thought I might as well add it :|
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(It’s supposed to be her in a straight jacket with pressure of all the eyes watching her… I also didn’t look at a ref) I DO WANNA DRAW MORE FOR THIS IDEA THO. I LOVE IT. Hiuedwnihcwdnwcidundwcuinwiun
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rebelcharmings · 2 years ago
hello gummy !!!!
🪞 which character is most like you and why?
oh this is a tough one right off the bat…. i’m probably gonna go with lizzie not Just bc she’s my fav character but actually there’s probably a good reason for that . i also kinda have a temper i try to control. and also my fav colour is red. yea see we’re practically the same person. also i like to be dramatic just for the lols
🫶 otp?
ohhh if you’ve seen enough of my posts u already know this . DIZZIE. AKA DARING AND LIZZIE. AKA THE ONE CANON SHIP THAT HAD SOO MUCH POTENTIAL BUT DIDNT GO ANYWHERE!!! if you’ve read the wonderlandiful world book you’ll especially understand where i’m coming from. literally even a snippet of it is in my header. it’s just sooo!!! idk!! i like the drama of everyone expecting daring to be with apple or at the very least a “Proper Princess”.. but here comes this wonderlandian princess who threatens to chop people’s heads off and there is just . Hearts in his eyes (pun intended). he’s completely smitten. and lizzie is just like Ugh this guy again but secretly finds him intriguing and likes the fact he likes Her for Her. my fav ship dynamic. obviously not biased but i think it’s the best out of the daring ships mainly bc i cant personally imagine cerise being attracted to men and i already told my thoughts on darabella.. i have many more thoughts on dizzie i should probably make a post on that.
this ship is just so criminally underrated there’s rlly not enough fics on this. i have soo many unfinished dizzie fics that will hopefully one day see the light.. who knows
💕 any other character dynamics you like (family, friends, ships)?
oh u already know what i’m gonna say. CHARMING SIBLINGS!!!! the books especially portray their dynamics so well. which is why i have a bone to pick with fics or interpretations where dexter or darling, specifically dexter, get rlly annoyed at their brother or daring is rlly condescending bc while dexter mayy be a little tired of being in his shadow they all still love each other!!! daring and dexter playfully wrestle, daring laughs as darling swings on his arm like a monkey bar, daring is proud of “dexter” suddenly improving in hero class and reassures him later that he knows this isn’t his thing but he isn’t going to hurt him while jousting…. i also find it entertaining to read about dexter and daring shooing off all of darling’s suitors, it’s nice to see how protective they r of her. and that one diary entry of darling remembering a memory of the three playing in the mud and then running away into the forest, making fun of their mother. it’s so cute . so good.
i reckon my love for this sibling dynamics and most sibling dynamics in media is bc of me being an only child and projecting bc i’ve always wanted siblings like this but anyways…..
📍 favourite eah location?
ooh interesting question . is it weird to say the castleteria LOL. i’ve always wanted to be in those american school type cafeterias and the different levels in the castleteria just seem even more fun. so that or the study lounge bc i’m a Nerd and like to study in environments like that.. i liked to study in my high school’s yr 12 study room especially when it was quiet, but it was also Just as fun to just chat about anything with friends and other classmates
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years ago
Rabbit aka PhonyMangaka Debunks Hbomberguy’s “RWBY is Disappointing Video” and explains why the Critics are wrong about RWBY.  Part 2 of 2
Insert Monty Fight Here Spends a bit talking about how the animation and the writing of the show is set up between Monty, Miles, and Kerry.
Kind of hard to tell if he likes the general idea of it, because he's using an example of Ruby vs Roman and the Club thugs.
Seems positive
Alright so a problem he listed out was how disjointed the scene of the two teams getting the relics and "Running to live another day towards the cliffs"
But it just cuts to another fight were the teams have to engage with the Deathstalker and Nevermore.
And he got it very wrong
He claims it doesnt connect, but Ruby clearly says "make it back to the cliffs" and you can obviously see that's what they're going to do.
It's the deathstalker and the nevermore that are clearly chasing them that they are forced to fight. Just didnt pay attention?
"Character arcs tend to start and stop...  Weiss was annoyed at Ruby being made a leader...  During the test Weiss said she was going to be nicer."
I do agree with this somewhat.
The Weiss racism plot was mostly offscreen, and I would have liked for the friction between Ruby and Weiss to have lasted an extra episode, but I'm not too hung up on it.
However, this reading can be a bit surface level.
Yes, Weiss agreed to be nicer to Ruby however that was done bc SHE thought she'd be made leader bc she believes she is better than Ruby both bc of her age and her status as the heiress of the SDC.
So no, it makes perfect sense why she's annoyed, it's just dishonest of you to really paint that picture when all it takes is just watching episodes that aren't even 15 minutes long.
And another thing is. It's not that Prof Port told- her to just "stop it" as he puts it.
He basically dresses her down and shows her how childish and unreasonable she is.
Weiss does let her feeling's and headstrong way of thinking get in the way of her, but it's not like she WOULDN'T reconsider her ideals/values. This is the same- person that was okay with Blake being a former terrorist in the end despite the things that the White Fang did to her family and her social life growing up.
"All Weiss needed was a man in a position of authority to tell her off"
If Glynda did the same, the same thing happens??
Like yeah...
This is the same person that wanted to call the police and trusts them to do their jobs, of course Weiss listens to authorities and values their opinions moreso over her peers.
"Her character arc is about her dealing with her abusive and controlling father so it- comes across as gross that they would let this happen."
Are you seriously comparing Professor Port to her Father??
Is that what we're doing?
That makes literally 0 sense lol?
Miles and Kerry talk about how they view RWBY as cool kids and not just female- mcs.
And the reason why he brings up those clips is to basically... idk call them a hypocrite because they made jokes about Yang?
He mentions the time Miles tweeted the Yang vs Tifa fight and says "My money's on the hot one" and also Kerry saying "Yang is the happy joyful on  Everything you want in a girl."
So basically using those two instances were they
1. Promote a Deathbattle video so they can get more views.
2. Have to explain who each character is on the team RWBY
Also please credit who you use for fact checking!
That video was from  @NerdCaliber  from way back in 2013, not a bad interview and even if it was from way back then, i suggest giving it a like!
He now goes into Jaune and the Jaune arc. Which ok, once again I admit that a lot of people do have it's gripes with it. Gripes I can-
Very much understand.
If this volume was longer, and the episodes were too, I very much do believe that so many people wouldn't be so upset by it as they are.
The writing for Jaundice isn't bad either.
It's about a kid who gets bullied because he's weak but tries to deal with it on his own, despite the fact that he very much DOES need help.
We get to see his struggles and with the pep talk from Ruby and with him ACTUALLY standing up for himself in the end, it isn't as simple as "kill a monster that's threatening the bully and that's how you solve it"
As hbomberguy puts it.
"You have to find the inner strength within yourself to stop being a doormat and stand your ground."
Jaune stands his ground, he gains that confidence, and he tells Cardin to never mess with his friends ever again.
He was determined and the facial expressions really hammered home to Cardin that Jaune isn't going to fold to him or his team anymore.
For the last time, I agree that it's weird to put it in the middle of an already short volume with very small run time.
Honestly RWBY SHOULD have had more to do in this Volume-
That I think could have been spent with Weiss's racism and her preconceived notions about the White Fang and those in it as well as just Faunus in general be explored in seeing how she deals with it.
That WOULD have been better and I admit to that fully.
"Penny and Sun just appear... Nothing you could have cut to establish these characters."
Tbcf, Their introduction is fine.
Sun hopping off of a boat that he illegally boarded?
Just Sun things.
Penny getting knocked over for standing in the middle of an alleyway?
Just Penny things
Like he said. it's the last two episodes.
They can be built upon more in the next few volumes.
It's like saying "Why is Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury are in the last episode.
Surely you couldn't have cut an episode or two to introduce them" those are ACTUAL side characters.
JNPR actually has importance over any of the tertiary cast.
Says things I agree with, like production being disjointed.
Don't really agree with the sentiment that the show isn't cohesive.
If anything, I feel like the volume is just too short. If CRWBY were to redo it today Most of the complaints would be nonexistent, obviously of course.
But that's what happens when you have more than when you first started out with.
"Lets not assume this is author self insert wish fulfillment... It's just really weird you picked Neptune... gets into love-triangles with female characters that you write... Just feels weird."
Like... Just say you think it's author self insert wish fulfillment.
That's obviously the picture you're painting.
You're literally not doing ANY amount of nuance to even dictate that you think differently.
The pussyfooting is just lame.
Like also implying Kerry is a creep because "Neptune hangs out with Yang" going back to that old interview were he calls Yang "anything everybody would want in a girl" with then a cut of him saying "she's 17".
Bro just stand your ground and call him a creep.
Because that's LITERALLY what you're trying to get at, at worse or Calling in his behavior as questionable at best.
Both of which, is so demented.
Considering it was Monty (the guy you're dedicating this video too btw) told them which character they'd voice.
Raises points about naturalistic exposition in regards to the prom and how it's all about prom (ignoring the B plot with Yang and Blake too I might add).
Major complaint though is that he feels like there's no plot going on... Which is the actual point?
The "plot" is being halted because Yang basically getting Blake to stop overextending herself with the White Fang and to chill out.
They're still KIDS, much like how Ozpin told Glynda.
They can have a moment where they're embroiled in small scale drama of love triangles and prom.
Besides, the end of the episode is still a thing, where the CCT is broken into and Ruby discovers a certain shadowy figure in that room.
Things are still happening.
The prom was a great excuse for the protagonists to chill for ONE night before a mission and the antagoinsts-  to do some dastardly devious machinations.
Claims Ruby fell into the plot, ie Mount Glenn, but also conveniently ignoring the worldbuilding (the same thing he harps on about earlier in the video) that explains Elder Grimm and what happened to the people of the settlement.
And the narrative reasons is that it's an old decrepit settlement, so of course their would be sinkholes.
Though, it's moreso a flimsy defense so yeah I could see why he wouldn't like how that happens.
But it also bugs me that he never mentions what happens BEFORE Ruby fell.
I don't really see the need to really complain about "it has a working rail system?!?!?!"
I mean yeah?
We don't know how long they've been planning this sort of invasion, but with all the material they gathered and the helping hands around them.
It's not farfetched to think- They could get it working.
Especially since the railroads weren't really messed up.
It's just, a nothing complaint imo.
And it definitely is organic??
Like what's more natural than
"Hey uh theres a bunch of terrorists and Roman Torchwick getting on a train leading to Who knows where. How about we board it and try to stop them?"
I mean that's a pretty damn good reason to get on the train.
One thing I can say about hbomberguy.
He will praise the ever living fuck out of Monty and Shane's animation.
(deserved mind you).
But will leave no room- for Miles and Kerry to even BREATHE.
This man has his foot on both of their necks and just keeps applying pressure like, damn dude
"It's objectively an awful song."
Also, if we REALLY wanna talk about side casts...
CFVY, depsite how fucking cool they are, are the literal definition of a side cast.
They came in, kicked ass and took names like fucking bosses.
They didn't need a whole biography before they came and what is it with people- mainly critics and youtubers, who believe every single person in the universe needs whole entire episodes and dialogues to understand every single character in existence.
Like damn maybe we should give Tock a backstory too
"Who is this guy, what are his-"
Bruh it's not THAT deep
"That's the story????"
The... The story is that they "stopped" whatever plans that the White Fang and Roman have cooked up.
Like, this is all a set up for the end of Volume 3 where the complaints you're bringing up DO have consequences.
Because of the Grimm invasion- Atlas is allowed to bring in it's robots and even more of it's warships...
Know what happens next???
It's bread crumbs.
A domino effect.
Where things are leading up to the bigger picture.
"There is no build up for Velvet to put away her weapon at Coco's request bc-we haven't seen it".
No it's to keep the audience in suspense/garnering hype to what exactly Velvet's weapon could be. It's not supposed to be revealed just yet, but later on in the story.
It wasn't meant to be a joke or a play on OF a joke.
It's just a story beat/reveal.
"It doesn't feel right to speculate."
But spends a minute and a half speculating that Coco and Velvet were supposed to have bigger roles in the story because of how long and how much effort it took to rig her and fan submissions too.
Uhhh... Maybe that's just... How rigging- goes???
I'm pretty sure there were efforts similar that went into RWBY, JNPR, Sun and Neptune, Neo, etc.
Not everything has to be this big/large grandiose purpose you're trying to place on these characters.
And even if they were, ideas and plotlines DO get scrapped many times   Through production, either because it doesn't fit, or because they wanted to do something else entirely.
But this is ALL speculation.  You and me both are doing that.
He ends off this segment by saying that this was all production and execution angle and how the fights are great and everything else sucks and how it's mismanaged and poorly connected.
Even though I've gone through his "connections" and just found that he wasnt paying attention to most of the scenes and the dialouges is both funny and frustrating.
"Two full seasons of teething problems" yeah that's true.
I mean yeah lol, not gonna fight that there.
Are... We really comparing this too Jojo's??
Oh.. We are?? Aight then
And now we're comparing it to Cowboy Bebop.
just about the first robbery scene and characterization and things like that...
But... Have you ever considered that... maybe, just maybe, they were doing two different scene. If you're going to sit here and try to rag on- RWBY for "not understanding how the robbery scene works."
Then that sort of point can be used across every single piece of media that has a robbery scene in it. And even then you still were able to get basic things out of her "it's not much" and??
You still have about, 9-   volumes worth of content to get to know more about her.
"It's all coincidence driven story."
There isn't just one way to write a story bomber. literally, if you want to watch Cowboy Bebop so much then go rewatch it.
These shows set out two different types of vibes.
Not- Everything is 1 to 1. Just a lot of nitpicks mainly.
Nothing really substantial is said here besides just ranting about Ruby's lack of characterization. Blank Slate, making a stab at her for liking books.
Like, I dunno man, it's just cumbersome at this point.
So remember when I said it's going to be a 2 parter. I lied.
I only got through 27 minutes today and I'm already tired of this video.
SO part 3 tomorrow and that should be the end.
Goodnight Night City!!
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venture-through-the-mist · 7 months ago
Warframe Stuff…Because Why Not?
So, seeing as this page is definitely turning into a Warframe-specific blog (not that I hadn’t completely intended for that to happen, but that’s beside the point lol), I figured I’d post a little bit of a Warframe-specific introduction, to go along with my main one. I’ll probably try and update this somewhat frequently with any new links/posts/etc that I come up with, just so it’s easier for people to find things on my page.
Featured/Frequently Used Tags: warframe; lotus warframe; warframe spoilers; mist’s writing; mist’s personal rambles
For right now, I won’t be sharing my IGN, but that’s more because I don’t really tend to friend or chat with people that I don’t know well, so I don’t want an influx of random messages or requests lol.
Mastery Rank: I’m currently MR 17, though I’d probably be higher if I hadn’t spent my first 3-ish months as a Warframe player absolutely refusing to craft or use any Warframe other than my starter. Seriously…my second frame was Excalibur Umbra…I did not build a second frame until I played The Sacrifice quest, and at the time, if I could’ve avoided it, I would’ve.
Main Warframes: I’m a Mag and Saryn main at heart. Mag was the frame that I started out with, and I absolutely fell in love with her gameplay. I got into playing Saryn due to a friend’s recommendation for Steel Path, and honestly wasn’t expecting to enjoy her gameplay as much as I do, but I actually find her quite fun to play.
In general, I tend to enjoy the crowd-control frames or the ones that can do a ton of damage super quickly. I don’t usually enjoy support-type frames as much, but that’s just because my gameplay style tends to be more ‘Shoot/stab first, ask questions later’. Other frames that I like but aren’t my mains include: Gyre, Dante, and Revenant. Titania’s fun too, though I’m not nearly good enough to play her without bashing into every single wall on the map.
Although the frames listed above are ones that I like, I’ll never criticize or fault to someone for liking another frame. My view on the game is very much along the lines of “there’s a playstyle for everybody, and there’s no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ Warframe”.
Main Weapons: I absolutely love using the Nataruk. I really enjoy bows for whatever reason, and so this has been my go-to ever since I completed The New War. For melee weapons, I quite like the Harmony, but honestly as long as it isn’t a Glaive-type weapon, I’ll probably enjoy it (learning the Xoris was…more of a struggle than I’d care to admit). I never really care that much about my secondaries, so usually I use whatever.
Other Game-Related Info: I play on iOS! When I first started back in October or November of 2023 (I think, at least), I was genuinely shocked at the quality of the game and the fact that there’s so much content, with it still being free to play. The app is definitely still a little buggy, but that’s to be expected, and it still runs better than the vast majority of other mobile games I’ve played.
I tend to enjoy a little bit of everything the game has to offer. One week, I’ll be super into farming Duviri stuff, the next I’ll be focused on Railjack (as annoying as it is to me, I’m still trying to get Sevagoth). Or maybe one day I’ll be cracking relics nonstop and then switch to working through the Steel Path. I never really know what I’m going to do on any given day lol. I’ve been really enjoying running Netracells lately, not that I’m that good at them. I don’t usually play the Conclave, but that’s mostly because I can never figure out how it actually works (and…also partially bc I don’t like Teshin).
Now for the ‘fun’ stuff! I’ve been writing little things for my Operator since I started playing, and so sometimes I might post some things here relating to her or my Drifter. I also have an AO3 account, so I’ll post any fanfics on there as well.
Characters: Mag (Operator); Lēna (Drifter)
A lot of what I write has to do with exploring the relationship dynamics between Lotus and my Operator, Mag, especially as they—and the other Tenno by extension—become more of a ‘family’ after The New War, however, I have also written some more Lotus- or Mag-centric fics that don’t dive into that dynamic. I’ve also written a few that explore the dynamic between Lotus and my Drifter, Lēna (no, that does not involve shipping them, that’s just not my cup of tea lol). In general, I don’t tend to write a lot of shipping stuff, I like to focus on platonic/friend/familial relationships lol (I like to read that sort of stuff, I just don’t write it for whatever reason).
My Writing: AO3 or mist’s writing
Ongoing Series: Petals May Wilt (But We Can’t Let Them Wither)
My ask box is open for any questions/comments/etc, so feel free to send something in, and I’ll usually answer it as quickly as I’m able to!
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mskinkyafro · 7 months ago
THTH/LITG VENT…if I want to even call it that. Mostly about THTH. With LITG it’s whatever.
(Please don’t come at me with some bullshit, this is me just getting shit off my chest. If you don’t agree, just scroll pass. Pls and thank you).
There’s this strange sentiment that I’ve seen from the audience on mainly the subreddit (the cesspool I know 🥴🤷🏾‍♀️😭) and what why say about certain characters and how they perceive them. And I find the logic flawed and weird.
For some reason 👀 they pretty much “uplift” for lack of a better or almost excuse one characters more consistent and horrible treatment as “well they are upfront and you know who they are” vs “this other character is pretending or fake, and that’s the worst kind of person”.
But not the person who has been harmful….or insulting…since day one? Okay…
And I take it as the latter are not allowed to exist and can’t possibly be as multi dimensional vs their counterparts. Instead, nope they HAVE to be a liar and fake and that’s worst.
Which is…just strange.
I can at least scream this in a void and not be harassed or gaslit as if I’m always making this a race issues. Bc believe me as long as I’ve been playing, I realize it will always happen but damn it just hits harder this time around bc I feel like the black characters can relatively do minimal damage and they still find a way to twist it to them being public enemy number one.
And all it is, is “moving the goalposts” or just the upholding black characters to different higher standards.
And I’m sorry, I’m a black woman, I’m gonna always look at media with my own lens and is not always about intention. It’s still a matter of there’s bias that some have subconsciously that make it easier for you to perceive these characters a certain way.
Like with THTH, I have no problem being upset with Julian bc of his hypocrisy with spending the fund. That’s fine, I get.
But even before that, the something about him I can’t stand or his just so annoying (given) but it’s like, they latch onto one like thing and just salivate at the chance to pounce of the character when they do something “inherently” wrong. And then that’s all the are. Or they aren’t allowed to be more than just that.
But before Sean’s small moments of backstory are revealed if you even earn it, you got people talking about, “clearly he has Been through something, I can /want to fix him”.
But Julian has been adhering to Sean’s relentless attacks and bullying and when he gives it just as bad back. (Whether it’s right or wrong, that’s a consequence Julian should have to pay for. Just like Sean, however Sean hasn’t been held accountable for.) Or for his incessant spending, there’s no curiosity to his own trauma or why he is this way. No he isn’t afforded that empathy. And it’s literally just crazy.
And now we are seeing them slowly shift their sites for Gigi. And blame this black woman for the actions of two GROWN ASS men.
Why didn’t she get in between two grown ass men? Why didn’t she do more? Why is she not sticking up for Sean during this moment of vulnerability? Why is she not coddling Sean’s irrational insecurities or taking iniatice and controlling Julian’s crush on her. Why hasn’t she spoke up for her said, friend.
Like with her not telling Sean not to speak or treat Julian a certain way, at first I fell into a trap of, damn she ain’t being that great of a friend to let your man talk to your friend any kind of way but then I realize, she’s in the middle of her journey. She will get to that realization. But at this time in her plot or arc, she doesn’t see it.
And that’s the gag, we allow characters like Sean to maneuver their arcs and journeys and give boosters and understanding to their redemptions. (Which I’m firmly believe he is written to not have one. Just like Justin or even non romanced Antoine in S2. The realize too little too late)
But Gigi and Julian, nope. No grace, no wiggle room, and they are no dimension. And it’s just funny to watch over and over.
Idk I’m just over it.
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muskratcactus · 2 years ago
ok so little rant here
I really don’t understand the people that hate gina. I believe their reasons are that she is quote unquote: -selfish -stupid -annoying So I’m gonna delve into each of these things and debunk them because I’m fucking tired of people hating on her and she’s my comfort character so let’s get into it #1-SELFISH We’ve seen Gina on multiple occasions be generous and nice. I think that selfishness is a trait that everyone possesses as well so it’s very prevalent in other characters too. I also think that she has sort of a ‘persona’ she likes to play up, and this goes right into it. Gina, for example, at the beach house, fully could have just got Amy drunk and moved on, but she helped her and gave her various things, etc. #2-STUPID Again, with the persona. We can clearly see she isn’t stupid. She knows how to control her finances, takes advanced classes, and shows to be adept at cognitive thinking. I’m really fucking tired of people thinking she’s stupid. She is not. Stupid. She’s whimsical, not a lunatic. #3-ANNOYING PERSONA. You can clearly see that insults are things she does with her friends too, so I interpret it as a love language for her. Also she never goes too far and accepts when she does, apologizing.
ok so now you have no reasons to hate gina linetti you’re all just jealous bc she’s the Paris of people
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majoringinsarcasm · 11 months ago
Instagram comments are the worst but the amount of Americans who are so against trains bc
The government will control it (bitch did you forget where we live)
It would cost way too much money (that we do have they just say we don’t)
They personally live in the middle of nowhere (which means it’s a bad idea bc They can’t use it but also nobody said get rid of All cars)
And I’m. I’m so fucking depressed bc I can’t go anywhere without a car. I still haven’t learned to drive for several reason. And only being able to be at home or work has ruined my brain. If I had a train YES EVEN ONE I NEED TO BE DRIVEN TO THE STATION OF I could just travel. Visit ppl and places. In a safe way that isn’t costing me money for gas every other day.
“Imagine if a train gets stopped you’ll be there for hours” getting home from a busy airport has been a joke for years. You cut down on your own stress related to driving by having alternatives. Having more options to move independently is never a bad thing
“Public transport sucks so trains would suck” it’s bad bc it’s underfunded and managed poorly. Also not every city or neighborhood or town is built with public transport in mind. I would have to walk an hour away from my home just to get to a bus stop. At my old house it was right around the corner. Buses are not suddenly evil bc I don’t live close to one. The structure is bad bc we live in a CAR DEPENDENT SOCIETY
“If there’s traffic I can just take a side street or go an alternate route. If a train gets stopped you’ll be stuck for hours” and people who live in train heavy areas learn to deal with this. Also the subway exists in America which is already a form of train. Are you gonna tell New York and New Jersey to shut that shit down??
I would rather be able to relax and close my eyes or draw and watch the scenery go by than be stuck in a car I had to operate for a long time. Short trips to places yeah use a car. Nobody is saying get rid of them.
Or maybe these people see “we want trains all over America” the same way they see bike lanes as being annoying and in the way. Because god fucking forbid people want to travel safely. They sometimes have to ride in the street bc not every road has a sidewalk
Like. I feel so stupid reading those comments and it only makes me angrier when I’m reminded how helpless I am due to lack of transport that isn’t a FUCKING CAR THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY A NOTE ON BY THE WAY
“They would use your tax money to pay for the trains. Why would I pay for something I’m not using?” My tax money is already going to places I don’t want it to you stupid fucking moron. You idiot asshole. I would love for the money I’m not gonna get either way actually go toward SOMETHING GOOD
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nanawritesit · 2 years ago
Choi San Boyfriend Headcanons!
Tumblr media
listen, this man is my ultimate bias for a REASON. you are SO lucky if you have him as a boyfriend 😭
he’s a huge fan of PDA. holding hands, linking pinkies, having an arm around your waist, linking arms, hugging, and kissing are all things he’s comfortable doing in public (just pecks on the lips though, not full on making out LOL) he always has to be touching you in some way 🥰
he loves to play with your hair! no matter how long or short it is, he’ll always be running his fingers through it, twiddling with the ends, or ruffling it (if it’s long enough, he’ll even learn to braid it! it’s a very relaxing ritual that both of you love!)
and while kissing, his hands often end up tangled in your hair ;)
san isn’t really into big grand gestures of love… it’s the little things he does for you that let you know he loves you. he definitely has an “acts of service” love language!
he’ll wake you up when he notices your alarm doesn’t go off, brings you lunch while you’re at work, helps you with projects, carries your bag around for you while shopping… he does stuff like this without even thinking
i can’t imagine him yelling at you no matter how angry he might be. he’s very good at controlling his feelings so if he gets upset, he’ll just leave the room to give himself a moment to calm down before talking with you about the situation calmly and rationally
if you ever break a glass or plate of his, he’ll gently reassure you that it’s okay, it was just an accident, and first checks your hands for any injuries before helping you clean it up (cries in childhood trauma 😭)
you catch him just staring at you with a big dopey smile on his face ALL the time. and when you ask what’s wrong he goes “nothing, i just love looking at you.” 😊
he’s the best person to be around when you’re sad. (he is our comforting mountain after all!) he’ll never judge you, and instead just hold you tightly while you cry, whispering little reassurances and patting your back gently… after you calm down he’ll immediately offer to help you with whatever’s bothering you
he’s a big fan of the nickname “baby,” he uses it probably more than your actual name (i’m sorry if you hate it 😟)
“baby, come look at this!” “what’s wrong baby, do you need some help?” “i’m sorry you’re sad baby, everything will be okay.”
every once in a while he’ll let a “my love” slip, and when he’s begging for your attention he uses “honey” in a sickeningly sweet, whiny voice
he’ll never pass up an opportunity to tell you how beautiful you are. even when you’re bare-faced, have bed-head, and are wearing sweats, he thinks you’re absolutely stunning 🥰
you definitely don’t help with his plushy addiction… you buy him one like every week, and soon you both have to buy those nets that hold stuffed animals against the corner ceiling (oh god and if you ALSO love plushies??? your house will be DECKED OUT.)
that definitely wasn’t just a headcanon for me bc i have a squishmallow addiction ahahaha
he tries to act annoyed when you pester him while he’s reading, but he secretly thinks you’re super cute when you’re begging for his attention 🥺
wooyoung is so jealous of you for the longest time… you guys didn’t really get along until san locked you both in a room and told you to work out your differences 😀
which worked, surprisingly 😀 you both came out laughing up a storm and hanging off of each other
now you and wooyoung are besties. you even team up against san sometimes to bug him. he just corners you both and stares at you intensely, forcing you to look up at him to fluster you (he loves his little brats tho 💞)
we all know san needs to hold something to sleep… and i’m sorry if you like having room to yourself when you sleep, but that something is going to have to be you sometimes (cries in starfish sleeper)
maybe not every night, but at least once a week, he HAS to fall asleep with you in his arms
he always lets you lay your head on his shoulder while he does other tasks, in fact, he encourages you to!
like if you’re sitting next to him to relax, he’ll just reach over and push your head down to rest on his shoulder
he loves to paint your nails together 💅🏻 and do face masks!
when he’s away on tour, he’ll stay up all night talking to you if no one stops him (usually hongjoong has to lmaoooo)
speaking of which, he gets all flustered every time the members bring you up… he starts blushing and smiling like a fool 🥺
then he can’t stop himself from rambling on and on about how amazing you are ☺️
he also won’t stop flirting with you just because you’re dating
he’s constantly dropping pick up lines and hyping you up
like if you get all dressed up for a special event, his jaw will drop open and he’ll say something like “hey pretty lil thing, you come here often” 👀
and you’ll be like “san i’m literally your partner” 😑
he shares everything with you, without even thinking about it
snacks, drinks, hoodies… he’ll just hand them to you absentmindedly
at the end of the day, this boy would do literally anything just to see you smile. he thinks your smile is the prettiest sight in the world. he believes you deserve the world and wants nothing more than to give it to you 💞
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chirpsythismorning · 3 years ago
I despise how fans will end up tearing down the very thing they once really liked, solely bc the fandom annoys them??? They’ll highlight everything negative they can come up with as evidence, even use virtue signaling to manipulate and guilt other fans into feeling like they have no choice but to leave because the environment is so negative and toxic??
Twitter stans, I’m looking at y’all. The culture on there is known for being cultish, but actually seeing it in real time is pathological. The gross generalization, the hot takes that aren’t even hot. A lot of stans on there are just recycling through different fandoms on a daily basis. They act like they care about the real issues, like they’re speaking truth to power, but it’s clear after each monthly hit tweet, that the clicks was all they really cared about in the first place. That’s it. Because once the thrill is gone and their current obsession has been ruined, they gotta find a new victim to obsess over, and the cycle never ends.
But on Tiktok, I’m seeing a lot people shaming ST fans for being ‘cringy’ or whatever. And the posts are doing major numbers, specifically Tiktoks focused on Eddie stans.
I’m not an Eddie Anti by any means, but I’m also nowhere near as intrigued by Eddie’s character as a lot of Eddie stans seem to be, and yet that doesn’t bother me?! People like what they like. Who tf cares? What does that got to do with me?
Now a bunch of fans are jumping on the bandwagon to hate Eddie or even just the ST fandom in general, bc they’re ‘cringy’ or whatever the fuck…?? Like this isn’t at all new? Fandoms are cringy and weird. Where have you been?? Y’all going as far as to throw away all your merch (proving in real time that all anyone ever cared about was appearing cool, when really y’all are just sheeple who can’t think for yourselves) to the point where you can’t simply enjoy what you once enjoyed, at all anymore??
You’re giving strangers way too much power over you. Like it’s actually sad and slightly pathetic if you think about it.
The reality is, this inevitably happens in literally every fandom. And this isn’t to excuse problematic behavior in every situation. This is to say that this shit is unavoidable when you’re dealing with millions of fans. So when something goes down (bc it inevitably will) and suddenly everyone puts on their cult goggles and makes a big deal, I can’t help but feel bad for y’all.
Like I get people grow and move on and if you just genuinely don’t want to be a fan of something anymore, that’s fine and it’s your business.
But there’s a reason actors hate fandom behavior and it’s because fans are seriously unhinged when it comes to just liking something. I promise you, you don’t need to be different than the other girls, nor do you need to call out every single conflict you see in order to be a good person
So please, just like what you like and stop letting other peoples opinions/actions in the fandom have control over your ability to like something.
If you see shit that personally offends you or is wrong, of course call it out. But there’s no point in categorizing every fan out there as this or that when there are fucking millions of us.
I don’t want to hear that ST turned into this fandom or that fandom and so now it’s ruined for you. Y’all are seriously weak for letting 10 or 100 or 1,000 or even 100,000+ ‘cringy’ fans out of millions, dictate your ability to simply like something.
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dulcetscen · 3 years ago
May I please request HCs for Tanaka, Kyoutani, or Aone helping their really short [I’m talkin under 5’3”] & skinny fem!s/o who is insecure bc of being infantilized or not feeling curvy enough to be sexy??🥺🥺
Can be SFW, or NSFW, or both. Any is fine with me, thank you💖
No nsfw, so I hope that’s okay ♡ did a little for each character to hopefully make up for it 🙇🏽‍♀️ (also I love aone so much, just- gentle giants are my soft spot omg)
Tanaka Ryunosuke
- first off, Tanaka worships the ground that you walk on. There isn’t a thing about you that he would ever see as a con, and even the traits/habits that aren’t so good, he’s somehow able to turn into a positive
- So when he first hears you voice your insecurities with how you look, for a moment he’s at a loss for words
“Huh?? [y/n] you’re so perfect, are you kidding me?”
“What do I have to do to prove to you that you’re perfect the way you are?”
- He would then start to blame himself, somehow reasoning that he hasn’t been doing enough to make you feel attractive in your own eyes
- Cue the sudden shower of compliments and extra attention that he begins to pay you
- He’d make it a point that when the two of you are alone, he’d start giving you compliments that he wouldn’t dare say in front of anyone else
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are to me?”
“You’re perfect… everything about you is just perfect.”
- If he ever overhears someone degrading you or mocking you for your size, his self control (the little that he has) is completely thrown out of the window
“You want to say that again? I don’t take too kindly to you even looking at her in that way.”
- Expect a lot of out of the blue reassurance from now on
“You’re perfect, you know that right?”
“The perfect size for me.”
Kyoutani Kentaro
- Kyoutani would at first be just slightly annoyed with you, especially if he begins to hear you bring it up more and more
- He’d shoot you a look, albeit one a little meaner than he was intending, just to get the point across to you that he does not agree with what you think about yourself, and that every part of you seemed to have been made perfectly for him
“Why are you worried about that all of the sudden anyway?”
- When he finds out that someone put the thought in your head that you weren’t womanly enough, you suddenly don’t notice them picking fun at you soon after that. In fact, you didn’t really see them around as much at all but… that’s not really your problem now, is it?
“If anyone says anything like that to you again, let me know. Alright?”
- Kyoutani is always much softer with you when you’re in private, and it’s only then that you realize how much knowing about your insecurities hurts him
“Can’t you tell how much I like your body?” The tips of his ears would flush a deep pink, his hands just a bit clammy as he cupped yours in his. “Isn’t that enough for you, [y/n]?”
“You’re more than enough for me. Remember that.”
Aone Takanobu
- He knows what it’s like to be ridiculed for how you look - more than you know
- He’s silent when you finally open up to him about why you’ve suddenly become shy in his presence, no longer wanting his warm hands to freely roam your body as they used to whenever you were wrapped in his arms
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” His voice is quiet, almost a whisper as he cupped your cheek to lift your face so you’d look at him
“Can I show you how much I love your body?”
- As suggestive as that sounds, Aone somehow made it the sweetest experience you’ve experienced with him yet. His lips pressing soft kisses all along your body, hun whispering a reason why he liked this part and that
“I love this spot because of how soft your skin is here.”
“And here because of how ticklish you are.”
“And here because…”
- He knows that he’s not the best at expressing himself, and you’ve always wanted him to be more open with you, so he vowed that he’d do that as often as you needed him to - forever even, until you no longer worried about what you looked like or how tall you were
“You’re everything that you need to be, and so much more.”
Read a similar request for Iwaizumi here
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wasflypaw · 3 years ago
I’m going to try and explain why c!Dream fans like CC!Dream’s tweet.
“C!Dream liked the feeling of power and control that c!Tubbo exiling c!Tommy gave him”
Your argument is that this means c!Dream enjoyed abusing cTommy.
C!Dreamers view this as cDream being happy to finally be able to have power back Because c!Tommy, a person he views as the most disruptive to the peace of the server, is now away from the server. He’s separated clingyduo and now he will be the main person influencing c!Tommy. cc!Dream could’ve said “c!Dream liked the feeling of power and control killing c!Sam gave him” bc c!Sam had abused his power over c!Dream and the same sentiment would stand. Control over the server is one of c!Dream’s goals.
“He wanted c!Tommy to feel so isolated that he eventually viewed c!Dream as his only friend,”
This part is something c!Dreamers (at least those on tumblr, twt is a different monster) view as obvious. We knew this. It was in the text. No one was denying c!Dream was manipulative during exile. This isn’t new. What c!Dreamers always questioned was WHY. In response, we got “he was obviously doing it for fun” or “it doesn’t matter his motivations bc it’s still abuse!” C!Dreamers have always pushed back against the “for fun” argument bc they like analyzing c!Dream and know he always has his “logical in his head” reasons for doing things. The second argument is just a strawman bc no one was arguing he was right, we were arguing abt what his goals were. Which leads us to…
“And would help c!Dream’s goals”
THIS is the gold. Not only did we get confirmation that c!Dream DID have a goal in mind with the way he was treating c!tommy, but we got the goal. He wanted c!Tommy on his side to help him. THIS is now what c!Dreamers are analyzing bc of how interesting of a goal it is.
C!Dreamers don’t need confirmation that c!Dream did bad things. They know. C!Dream even said he’s a bad person. But he’s an interesting character and any insight into his motivations just reinforces his complexity and intrigue as an antagonist.
Of course it’s fair to interpret c!Dream’s tweet as “he enjoyed abusing a child.” If that’s your take more power to ya. But we as c!Dream fans find that boring and lacking analysis. Thanks for listening! Hope this helps you understand our POV.
I actually was not feeling too good 5 seconds before seeing this so I thank you for giving me a distraction and something to write (not sarcasm or anything)
Some of this may not be coherent I'm in Brain Fuzzy mode right now I'm trying my Best
1. You say my argument is saying he liked the feeling c!Tubbo exiling c!Tommy gave him means he enjoyed abusing him when this is Not what I said. There are Other reasons I think he enjoyed abusing c!Tommy, down to scenes of him literally laughing at him on screen as he's repeatedly pushing him around and mocking him and hitting him with weapons, while telling Lazar who they were with "it's so good, it's so good" in a giddy tone (referring to making Tommy put his items in the pit and blow them up)
I argue that c!Dream liking the power c!Tubbo exiling c!Tommy gives him is NOT at all a point in his defense, and is instead an argument against him just using the exile as an opportunity to jump on, which some people like to claim. (As in, claiming it's not orchestrated and c!Tommy's friends wouldve chose to exile him on their own without any of c!Dream's input) c!Tubbo exiling c!Tommy is exactly what c!Dream wanted, and he got a power trip from it.
c!Dream isnt interested in c!Tommy because he thinks he's "disruptive to the peace". We can see multiple times that c!Dream would encourage their wars, would enjoy annoying c!Tommy, would start (usually indirectly so he can shift blame) himself, and once teamed up with c!Tommy to burn shit down becuase he "likes destruction". He knows damn well c!Tommy isnt the one disrupting any peace, he just knows c!Tommy wont bow down to him. He wants control over c!Tommy because he wants control over people's attachments, not because he wants peace. He doesnt care about peace.
He cares about their little game, the Disc War. It's why he let L'Manberg have technical independence, cause c!Tommy gave him the discs to continue their game. It's why he traded over Spirit to c!Tommy in the first place, cause giving him the Discs would end their game. It's why c!Tommy had to give up the Presidency, because he knew c!Dream would want to continue their game. It's why, after his tantrum and blowing up all of c!Tommy's belongings after finding c!Tommy's secret chest, c!Dream let him keep one thing. A Jukebox.
People seem to believe that c!Dream having a goal in mind means either
1. The goal was ultimately a Good one, and cc!Dream confirming he has a goal is a win for c!Dream apologists
2. He cannot have enjoyed exile or tormenting c!Tommy at all. Having a goal and enjoying what you do to achieve it can go hand in hand
"We as c!Dream fans" I dont like the implication here considering c!Dream is quite literally the Only character I have spoken about in nearly a year now 😭 are you implying I'm Not?
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ootahime · 4 years ago
analyzing every gojohime moment in the manga 😈
this series will probably have more than one part because tumblr only lets me upload ten images per post </3
warning: there are disgustingly long paragraphs in here and delusions
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chapter 32
utahime’s first introduction!  akutami lets us know right off the bat that she thinks gojo is an idiot (so true).
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chapter 32
i love the contrast between miwa and utahime’s reaction to gojo’s appearance.  
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chapter 33
NAH BC TELL ME WHY HE WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO NOT GET HER ONE LMAOOOO!!  when he traveled overseas to meet with yuta, he picked up the tribal protection charms and thought to himself, “let’s get enough for the kyoto students as a gift since i am such a great and caring teacher, after all.  mmm, i should skip utahime to make her mad~”  this guy puts way too much effort into getting on her nerves.  his mind = utahime brainrot
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chapter 33
she’s laughing at him here because he’s getting disciplined for being a lil shit.  i wonder...what would he say if he saw her laughing at him like that?  
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chapter 33
this interaction between them is a little strange don’t you think?   i feel like over the years he’s learned how to pick up her mood based on the way she’s acting towards him.  you’re probably thinking, “well any person can figure out how a person’s feeling based on the way they’re talking or acting.”  yes, that’s absolutely true, but it’s kind of different with this.  she’s acting normal.  utahime has a rather indifferent expression on her face and what she says is spoken in a calm tone, but gojo still asks her if she’s mad at him.  it’s likely that he knows her well enough to be able to notice these subtle things.  even if she wasn’t actually mad at him, he was being considerate for a split second, then he went and said, “of course.  i didn’t do anything wrong and all.”  what a guy LOLOL.  to me, this implies that maybe he made her genuinely angry in the past to the point where he realized that he went too far, and thus decided to be more careful of her feelings.  she has definitely gotten annoyed at him so many times after that so whenever she seems angry, he probably asks himself if he took it too far.  i’m curious to see if he can pick up if she’s upset with something that’s not involving him.  would he console her?  how does gojo satoru console someone?  
despite him always annoying her, she’s still courteous and brings him a cup of tea during their talk.  she didn’t have to go out of her way to get tea for him but she did.  that’s the kind of person utahime is.  a kind and caring woman who would never put her students in danger.  in the anime they were sitting far away and not facing each other like they’re doing in the manga.  she also has her own tea cup.  i think that little panel of her placing the cup down on the table and him picking it up to take a sip is a nice little detail.  it just proves that her hating him most of the time isn’t actually pure hatred but annoyance because of his shenanigans and teasing.
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chapter 33
i touched upon this a little bit in my previous post, but i wish to go more in depth about this panel.  first of all, he ends the sentence with her name twice.  two times too many, mr. gojo.  i like how they can be serious with each other too LOL.  i wish we got to see them talk about the traitors because they did figure it out together after all.  does it always end in bickering?  can they interact with each other like adults all the way through?  somehow, i feel like that’s not possible when it comes to these two.  furthermore, notice how gojo confides in utahime about his suspicions.  from what we know, she is the first person he brought it up to.  i mean, i guess he has to start investigating the schools and would need extra assistance to save time, but he could have done it himself if he really wanted to.  by deciding to ask for her help we know that he thinks she’s trustworthy, smart, and strong enough to face whatever considerable risks this task may entail.  
i didn’t point this out in my other posts but see how he makes a hand sign in the last panel when she throws the cup at him?  gojo is manually activating his infinity.  why though?  about a year after the whole star plasma vessel incident happened, gojo develops the ability to keep his infinity up at all times by using the reversed curse technique to consistently heal himself to prevent exhaustion.  this means that it really makes no difference whether he leaves it on or off.  there are a few times where we can witness someone actually touching gojo.  for example, yuuji giving him a hug.  did he turn his infinity off, or was it able to deduce that yuuji was not a threat?  the erasers and pencils shoko and geto threw at him during his demonstration of his new ability aren’t dangerous normally, but is it the speed that makes them dangerous?  even if it did hit him, it wouldn’t hurt.  how does the infinity know when to allow an incoming object to touch gojo?  i believe it is up to gojo himself to let things touch him; his infinity restricts anything and anyone.  some people say it could just be the fact that water is not dangerous to him, so therefore, he has to manually put his infinity up.  i thought this was a reasonable explanation as to why he put up the hand sign when the tea was thrown at him, but then i realized that it couldn’t be.  remember the second opening?  it’s raining and everyone is carrying an umbrella, then it pans to gojo with a bouquet in his hand and rain drops slipping off his infinity.  if he DID manually put his infinity up to prevent getting soaked then that implies that he chose to turn his infinity off.  you can argue and say that jujutsu high is a safe place with students so there’s no need to have his infinity there, but do you remember when he stepped on the ants in front of gakuganji and yaga?  the ants were perfectly fine after which insinuates that his infinity prevented his shoes from crushing the ants.  he most likely had his infinity on during the baseball game even though he was in a safe environment.  how does this long tangent relate back to utahime?  well, it simply indicates that gojo trusts utahime so much to the point where he can be vulnerable around her.  turning off his infinity symbolizes completely letting down his guard  in a way.  
how about what happens next?  utahime throws the tea at him, he turns on his infinity to deflect it, and he responds with, “scary!  hysteric women aren’t popular, you know!”  why would he even say that LMAO??  utahime doesn’t even try to deny what he said either.  she just hits him with the good old, “i am your senpai!”  could it be that he’s trying to poke fun of her relationship status?  maybe, maybe not.  doesn’t he like people a lil crazy?  he did say that all jujutsu sorcerers have to be a little crazy because they’re willing to put themselves in danger constantly.  
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chapter 0 p.1
i wonder who he’s thinking of when he said that.  could it be utahime?  it seems like he’s reminiscing or thinking about someone.  he wears an amused expression on his face as he laughs - almost like he’s seen his fair share of how scary women can get :>>
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chapter 34
the pattern behind gojo and utahime is called yagasuri “fletching,” a traditional japanese design.  this design is inspired by arrow fletching.  it's a lucky charm for weddings and other celebrations since it's based on the Japanese belief that an arrow shot once never comes back.  brides were given kimonos with this pattern for good luck during the edo era (1603–1868) to ensure they would not have to return to their original family home.  this pattern can have numerous meanings such as steadfastness or determination to achieve a goal, or a wish for the happiness of the bride.  there is a belief that a bow and arrow represent the fight against evil.  honestly, this meaning fits the narrative of the story.  utahime and gojo are unearthing the traitors that are feeding intel to the curse users and cursed spirits.  they are in the middle while the kyoto students surround them, which could mean that it’s their job as adults to protect these children from the grasps of evil slowly making itself more prominent.  do you also notice that the arrows are pointed toward utahime from gojo?  from all the images i’ve seen, the arrows are usually pointed downward.  what could this mean?  is gojo trying to protect her (in the future (?)) or does he have a big fat crush smh...
i think it’s a good time to mention utahime’s clothing.  she’s wearing miko attire.  miko are shrine maidens who were once thought to be shamans (you connecting the dots?).  in their service to shrines, miko used to perform spirit possession and takusen (in which the possessed person acts as a "medium" (yorimashi) to communicate the divine will or message of that kami (god) or spirit; also included in the category of takusen is "dream revelation" (mukoku), in which a kami appears in a dream to communicate its will).  this was back in the old days, of course.  to become a miko back then (shaman), one needed to have potential.  neurosis, hallucinations, odd behavior, and hysteria (HYSTERIA HELLO???) are some of the signs that a person is being called to shamanism.  when a miko is communicating with a kami (god) or spirit by acting as a medium, she is in a trance-like state, and so she must learn techniques to control herself when this happens.  chanting and dancing were used to accomplish this, so the girl was taught melodies and intonations that were used in songs, prayers, and magical formulas.  all of this could give us insight about utahime’s technique and explains why she’s good at singing :)  maybe she can’t control herself when she uses her technique which is why she isn’t shown using it because it should be used for dire situations.  i imagine being possessed by a spirit or god must consume a lot of cursed energy.  it makes sense that utahime and gakuganji wear traditional clothing.  they’re the staff of jujutsu high’s kyoto branch.  in chapter 0, kyoto is known as the sacred land of jujutsu.  it’s more traditional compared to tokyo.  if you want to learn more about miko, you should check out the wikipedia page!  
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chapter 34
i swear he tries to annoy her every chance he gets.  i bet he sets a goal for himself to see how many times utahime lectures him about respecting his seniors every time he’s within the same vicinity as her.  at least he called her utahime-sensei!!!
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chapter 40
this isn’t even a gojohime moment tbh...i just wanted to share a pic of them sitting next to each other HEHE.  why are they sitting next to each other anyway?  it’s not like they have assigned seating.
that was so long and i apologize for the gargantuan paragraphs you guys had to read through.  i’m writing this at 4 in the morning and i’m feeling borderline delirious so i apologize if there are any errors.  i’ll edit this when i have time <3
the next part should come shortly.
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jisungsmochi · 4 years ago
nct dream reaction: them getting jealous when you are getting closer to another member
okay trust me, i’m writing some new fics, i just finished this first so here it is 
i feel like he is the type of have A LOT of trust in his partner - without trust, he wouldn’t even be in a relationship with someone
he wouldn’t mind you having other guy friends, just as long as you were clear about your relationship with them
he knew that you and renjun were friends prior to your relationship
so naturally, he was aware that you guys were already close
but whenever he saw renjun lean in closer towards you whenever you were talking
or whispering small inside jokes into your ear
he couldn’t help but feel annoyed?
of course he trusted you, and he trusted renjun
but the sight of you two being so close made him feel uneasy
so he would opt to leave the room, not wanting to do or say anything he would regret
as i mentioned, he has a lot of trust in his partner, he wouldn’t want them to not trust him in return
you would run after mark the moment you heard the door close behind him
you approached him cautiously, your fingers softly tapping his shoulder
“hey, are you okay? did i say something?”
“no you didn’t say or do anything at all. it’s just me” he shrugged, fuelling your concern
“what’s up? you know you can tell me” mark begins to feel slightly embarrassed at this point
“i-i was jealous of you and renjun, okay? i know it’s silly” it caught you off guard, you never really saw mark as the jealous type
but this only meant that he really liked you
you shook your head playfully, wrapping your arms around his torso, smiling into his chest
“it’s not silly, you can tell me how you feel. i actually prefer it, rather than you leaving and staying quiet, you know?” mark just nods, his hand rubbing your back softly
he was so lucky to have someone like you in his life, everything felt complete
hmm i have some mixed feelings about how he would react
i feel like he would go for someone who is independent and has their own strong personality
basically he would prefer a partner that isn’t too dependent on him, you know?
but when he sees how social / close you’ve become with jaemin, he’s about to lose it completely
jaemin was naturally flirty, and you were naturally enticing to be around
that mix was not a good look in renjun’s eyes
he wanted nothing more than to pry you away from his friend
but he didn’t want to be labelled as the ‘possessive’ or ‘overbearing’ boyfriend
you would always shift your eyes to make contact with renjun’s, assuring him that you were still paying attention to him
but it still wasn’t enough for him to stop feeling jealous
once jaemin laid his hand on your shoulder and moved closer to you (a little too close to comfort for renjun) — he snapped
renjun would excuse the both of you, pulling you along with him out of the room
“i-i don’t like jaemin touching you like that”
you found it slightly amusing that he was jealous. of course you took it as a friendly touch, but you understood how it looked to renjun
“that’s just how he is. you’re the only one i want to hold hands with” you link your hands with his tightly
he starts to go quiet
“and you’re the only one i want to kiss” you peck his cheek gently “like this”
renjun felt his cheeks heat up from the touch, immediately feeling shy infront of you
“o-okay, i just got jealous, that’s all” he pouted
“i know, and that’s okay! just remember that i’m all yours, and only yours, okay?”
very very protective
makes it clear that he can get jealous but you had never seen it first hand
so when he saw you laugh a bit too hard at one of haechan’s jokes, he felt his heart slightly ache
‘i’m not as funny as haechan’
‘they looks so much happier with him’ he would think to himself
despite his tough exterior, jeno had a lot of insecurities inside
he doesn’t think he has ever seen you laugh that hard at one of his jokes before
so he starts to get quiet, distracting himself with his phone
suddenly the laugher stops as you make you way to sit down next to your boyfriend
he honestly would be a bit petty at first, only responding with one word answers, until haechan calls him out
“dude, get off your phone and talk to your partner”
“dude, how about you stop flirting with my partner then?” jeno grunts, causing the whole room to go quiet.
you felt so embarrassed, apologising to haechan quietly before dragging jeno away from the group
“what was that? it wasn’t cool, you have to apologise to him!” you folded your arms, not comprehending how jeno was feeling
“what? i’m not apologising. you obviously enjoyed his flirting!”
“jeno, you’re being quite unreasonable right now. it was just some harmless jokes, nothing more” you tried to reassure him
he knew you were right, but he was stubborn at times
“look at me” you brought his face between your palms
“go and apologise to haechan, and then we can go home and cuddle, and also have a deep talk about all of this. sound good?” you suggested
jeno nodded, placing a soft kiss to your forehead
he was whipped for you, this only solidified how he truly felt
oh the pettiest of them all
would make it known he was NOT happy with you leaning in so close to mark
you were at a formal function for the celebration of their new album dropping
a lot of people attended, meaning you had to lean in closer than usual just to hear someone speak
haechan couldn’t hide his jealousy when you slapped mark’s shoulder playfully
“jeez, stop shooting holes into mark’s head!” jaemin joked, causing haechan to start glaring at him
renjun tried his best to call down the heated boy
“you know mark wouldn’t ever try anything, don’t get it all twisted in your head, alright?”  
haechan just nodded, he knew renjun was just speaking facts
you eventually went to seek out your boyfriend, catching him by the drinks table
“hey, where have you been? i was looking everywhere for you”
“clearly not everywhere”
that caught you off guard
“excuse me? what’s your deal?”
haechan sighs at you, knowing that he shouldn’t have been snappy towards you
“let’s just not make it a bigger deal than it is, i was just jealous of how close you and mark were tonight. you barely talked to me, that’s all” he tried to shrug it off, but you knew him better than that
you placed a firm squeeze to your boyfriend’s shoulder
“if it upset you so much, you know you could have just talked to me? i would never intentionally ignore you like that, i was just so excited for tonight”
haechan nods, pulling you to his side slowly, his arm latched to your waist
“i know and i’m sorry, would you care to dance?” he slightly bit the side of his lip as you nodded enthusiastically
“of course i would” you would drag him to the dance floor as you swayed along to a random ballad playing through the speakers
the rest of the night was full of laughter and smiles once haechan realised he was worried for no damn reason
i see him as someone who can get easily jealous
if another guy even looked at you the wrong way, jaemin has his eyes on them
i feel like he does have self control tho and would choose to not act upon his jealousy
but one day he just snapped
you were playing video games with jeno while you were waiting for jaemin to come home
it wasn’t unusual for you to do so
but one time you didn’t greet jaemin when he came through the door because you were too engrossed in the game
he wouldn’t say anything at first, understanding that you just wanted to beat jeno’s ass
so he makes himself a sandwich before sitting down on the couch with you, pulling you to his side
you slightly shrug him off,
“hey, let me finish this round” you don’t even look at him, which made jeno chuckle
jaemin glared at his friend, but was still in shock by your reaction
“jaem, they’re good at this game, have you been teaching them?” jeno nudges you gently as he continued to play
jaemin was beyond pissed at this point
not only was his significant other ignoring him but his friend was sitting a little too close for his liking
he tries to grab your attention again, tugging on the sleeve of your hoodie, pressing his cheek to your shoulder
“baby, i missed you” he whispered in your ear, distracting you from the game, making you lose the round
“jaem, look what you did now!” you pout, turning to face him
jeno sensed there was tension and quickly scurried off to his own room
“i’m sorry i ruined your SUPER fun game with jeno” he scoffed
“oh please, you know we are just friends. the ONE time i don’t give you an ounce of attention, you wanna act up huh?”
jaemin was now pouting, fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater
you let out a sigh before moving to sit closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder
“i’m sorry, i was just getting jealous of how close you guys are now, i want you to play games with me instead! i can teach you everything he can!”
you shook your head before linking your fingers with his
“i know you can, how about tomorrow? the whole day will be just for you and me!” jaemin’s eyes gleamed at the thought, attacking you with hugs and kisses
‘well that was easier than expected’ you thought to yourself
seems like the jealous type
idk i get them vibes ya know?
let’s say you invited jisung to go shopping with you while chenle had a different schedule
at first, he’d be like ‘oh yeah go for it!’ bc well, it was just jisung
he had nothing to be worried about
but once he saw you post multiple stories on instagram of yours and jisung’s day out, he couldn’t help but be filled with rage
from eating cute cafe desserts, to buying plushies and even going to the arcade together
chenle was upset to say the least
not only did he miss out on spending time with you, he felt you were slowly replacing him with his best friend
but of course that was the furthest thing from the truth
the tipping point was when jisung posted a mirror selfie of the two of you wearing matching bucket hats
chenle felt his heart ACHE
when you both returned to the dorms, chenle immediately snatched you away, refusing to even greet jisung
jisung stood there like 🧍🏻
anyways chenle would drag you to his room, shutting the door quickly
you were so mf confused
“be honest, do you like jisung more than me?”
you were flabbergasted, was he on crack?
“what? where is this coming from? of course i don’t like him more than you!”
chenle allowed himself to calm down before continuing, shouting wasn’t going to get him anywhere
“well then why did you do so many fun things with him today? you even got matching hats!” he frowned, folding his arms
“we were just hanging out as friends! i promise. and we actually bought you a hat too! i wanted us to all be matching, since we were like a trio. i didn’t know that upset you”
he felt like a complete idiot
“n-no i’m sorry i assumed things, please don’t hate me” chenle pulled you into his chest
“i could never hate you, even if i tried” you sighed, wrapping your arms around his torso
oh boy
he’s the silent type,, he would want to avoid any awkward confrontation at all costs
he would bottle up his jealousy until one day he just explodes
i feel like jisung needs a lot of reassurance if he was in a relationship
he didn’t like the sinking feeling in his stomach whenever he saw you and chenle together
things such as playful hits to the shoulder or chest, loud laughter and friendly compliments were seen as subtle flirtations to jisung
you would always try your best to include jisung in your inside jokes with chenle but he’d always shrug it off
“nah it’s just a thing between you two”
comments like those, rubbed you the wrong way and you could tell chenle was slightly bothered too
each time you tried to ask jisung about it, he’d brush it off
“i don’t know what you’re talking about”
“are you sure? because you were kind of being cold to us, don’t you think?”
“doesn’t feel nice when you’re excluded, does it?” you were beyond confused
“can you please talk to me about what’s going on? i don’t like seeing you like this” you pull jisung to across from you on his bed
he avoided your eyes at all costs, fiddling with his rabbit plushie
“i’m jealous” he mumbled
“come again?”
“IM JEALOUS OKAY?” he threw his hands in the air hysterically, catching you off guard
“sometimes i don’t like how close you are with chenle. it seems like you are closer to him than me! i want to make you laugh like that, and i want to buy you nice things. and i want you to hit me playfully”
you listened closely to each concern
you brought your hand to enclose his, placing a soft kiss to his knuckles
“jisung, you’re the only person in this world that makes me laugh so hard that my ribs hurt. buying me nice things won’t change how i already feel towards you. and we can definitely try to be more playful with eachother” you started running your hands through his hair as he slowly shuffled closer to you
“t-thankyou, it’s nice to get it off my chest”
“of course, you have nothing to worry about” you placed a kiss to his forehead as you both spent the night cuddling
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