#but like i havent gotten symptoms yet soooooo
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#vent time....#honestly dont even pay attention to this its fine#just gotta get it off my vhest#anyway#i think i have an ****** ********#and i think ive had it for like 4 years AHAH#anyway im not gonna get any help#because i want this to run its course#i want to look sick#yknow??#rn its making progress finally but you cant really see#once it gets bad bad ill see if anyone notices and if they do ill get help#but like i havent gotten symptoms yet soooooo#is it wrong to wish i was getting them? i know ill get them soon if i stay on track but i hate waiting#i feel so weird bc i know this is wrong#theres something in me telling me to stop#but i cant#it gives me a sense of content#it makes me feel ECSTATIC when i **** ****** like#the best i ever felt#but also i have a absolutely terrible relationship with ****#like i have a lot of fears so like thats great#im just trying to stay social its hard to go out with friends when you are terrified of **** **** and just **** in general lol#but like im making progress...#and i dont want to stop...i want to reach the goal#anyways thats it dont worry about me ill be fine:))#also im being purposely vague i dont want this to be stopped :)))))#love you guys thanks for reading ig LOL#auds talks
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1.1. File Asgore
No ones POV
It's a brand new year now and Livie was had more free time then she was used to having. Although she didnt mind having it, it's just feels weird for her as for eveyone else, well they just seemed to be having a peacefull life. So Livie thought that since this is a new year she would change her own dayley routine to keep herself busy if she is not working, though she never really has a dull moment if someone visits her as she loves helping others. But she could have never predicted what was in store for her next.
It was another early morning for Livie as she just woken up by a nightmare, even though it was a very short nightmare it still left her wondering why after all these years this particular nightmare came back to haunt her. She gotten dressed and gotten a coffee as she didnt see the point to continiue sleeping while she could use the time she's awake to do something else. By the time she gotten herself a coffee was when her doorbell rang 'this better not be glenn again' she thought to herself as Glenn was pretty well known to show up at her doorstep to fix a problem he had caused. But when she opend the door, she was greeted by Asgore out off all living beeings. This was odd even for him,because when he lived inside her mansion he would wake up hours later then she would. "eum goodmorning asgore, is there a particular reason you came to my house?" she ask while trying her best to sound inviting when she infact was a little puzzled by his presence "why goodmorning livie, i just eum wanted to come and visit" Asgore sais but his posture and face told a whole different story "you dont say...come in, come in" she then replies letting him go inside. Now she has never done a session with her own kind before and she knew this would be a great experience for her "do you want something to drink? something cold or warm?" Asgore kept smilling as he follows her to her livingroom where she honestly did all her sessions with her customers, since it's the only place they woud feel comfortable at. "warm please" Asgore sais before he sat down onto the couch "do you want tea or coffee?" she asks once again "tea will be fine" he sais while Livie nodded and left to prepare some tea for him. While Asgore sat there alone for only a few moments he started to think about very bad thoughts before Livie returned and snapped him out of it "here is your tea asgore" he smiled and gently took the cup in his hands "why thank you dear" and there it was again, the fake smile and happyness. Livie knew these symptomes all too well, they hide something that troubles him deeply and she knew he has to talk about it before it eats him up on the inside. So she sat down on the single couch infront of him as she uses her magic to levitate her pen and clipboard "as much as i love to have you over at my house, we both know that this isnt the reall reason you came over" she sais as Asgore sighs "was it that obvious?" "well to an untrained eye perhaps, but i have done this line of work for years now and know when to spot sertain hints" she sais proudly as Asgore chuckles softly. "remember asgore that everything you tell me inside this room will not leave this room, this will stay between you and me" she sais to make him drop his guard a little around her "i-i see, i have never done this before nor were there any psychiatrists in the underground" he replied, the fact that he remembered made her so happy on the inside "well you dont have to worry about how it works, you'll find out soon enough or atleest how i do it. but i want to know what ails such a great leader such as yourself this early in the morning?" she asks while Asgore sighed deeply while looking at the tea. "that is the problem, for many years i have ruled monster and i have taken some questionable actions" he explains as Livie listens to him while using her magic to write this all down "well you did take these actions with the mindset it would improve monster kinds future right?" Asgore looks up at her "well ofcours but because of me some of them took drastic mesures and-" "i need to stop you right there" she cuts him off before proceeding to say "you might have taken a sertain action but those who took drastic mesures is not your fault" "but-" "i know you were their ruler but even you have to know that those who take actions that might be drastic or even wrong in some eyes, are not your fault. you know it and yet you still blame this on yourself, you need to let go of that mindset in order to move on. but i dont think that's the only issue is it now?" Livie sais as this suprised Asgore, it was something he never expected to hear nor did he know he needed it but still his hands tremble as she finishes her sentence "i...i killed thos humans without showing them any mercy..." Livie sighs and looks him straight in the eyes "i cant say that it was a good action you took, but you did this in order to free everyone and yess it's a bad thing. but i think if you erected a statue or even just put their graves in the graveyard here in this town, that even they would forgive you" Asgore started to cry as Livie smiles kindly at him "and dont forget, it's because of your leadership that monster kind didnt go insane from beeing underground for so long". Asgore kept crying while thanking Livie, she sighs happily as she gave him a tissue box "there there asgore, it's all fine now. also i heard from frisk that you are struggeling to find a job correct?" he nods "i also heard that you tried several flower plantations or flower shops but they didnt like the advice you gave them correct?" he nods once again as she thinks for a bit "you know, old pete has a flower and flower farm in one, plus he is seeking for someone to take care of it since he wants to go in retirement soooooo" Asgore blows his nose as he then sais "well i-i would love to take over his job but are you sure he will accept me?" Livie giggles softly "oh trust me, he will gladly have you, besides you two are more alike when it comes to flowers" this confuses Asgore as he asks "how so?" "you'll see" she sais before she snaps her fingers to teleport the clipboard and pen to her office before taking out her phone "now pete is an early bird, even in is old age so he's probably already awake, taking care of his precious plants".
~A call and walk later~
Livie and Asgore were inside the flower shop as she had already explained everything to old Pete "so yer saying that this big fella can take care of my flowers?" "yess indeed he can and he's as passionate about it as you pete" Livie replied as old Pete looks at Asgore "what's yer name sun?" "o-oh eum my name is asgore sir" Asgore replied "aw shucks no need to call me sir, ya can call me pete. now normally i would've taken care of my plants already but my back is actin' up again." he sais as Asgore perks up "well if you allow me, i can take care of them" "why that would be mighty kind of ya big fella" Pete replied as they made their way to the back as it was connected to the flower farm "you can call me asgore, pete" Asgore replied before he went to work. Pete and Livie watched from a distance as Pete was already pleased to see how Asgore worked at his own pace but a very efficient one at that. "your back was never acting up was it" Livie states as old Pete chuckles "absolutely not, but i atleest i got'ta see the lad go to work" "and what do you think so far?" livie replied "yer right, he is ta one to take over my bussiness. why i havent seen anyone work this passionate with flowers in years" Pete sais as he chuckles even more afterwards. It was safe to say that Pete handed over his keys and bussines to Asgore as he proven himself worthy of beeing a good caretaker to his plants. Pete's familly however were against it but old Pete was a stubborn one and knew that his kids or grandkids never cared for him or his bussines, all they ever cared about was money. But old Pete was a clever man and made sure his familly knew where they stood in terms of who it was that gave them a luxurious life. But he kept Livie as a back-up solution if they ever tried something and they knew very well not to mess around with her, expecially since she's their only spychiatrist that has sessions with them for a low price. But things worked out fine and Pete's familly even forgot about it after a short period of time. Livie was happy that she could give Asgore a new life, one where he can heal over time and even share with those close to him.
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