#but like agdgdgdgdgd man i assure you at least a majority of autistic people know at some level that they're different and try at some level
bunnyb34r ยท 9 days
AHSGDGDGDGDG my mom just said she didn't know that autistic people knew they were different ๐Ÿ˜ญ ma'am....
We were talking ab masking and how my cousin thinks we BOTH have a nervous laughter tic, but it's just that my brain mirrors people in social interactions and that I'm like "oh she's laughing, smile and laugh too" internally bc I have a hard time reading when something is actually supposed to be funny opposed to me THINKING it's funny and being WRONG.
Like agdgdgdgdgdg yes we KNOW we're different. Obviously not every single autistic person will know/knows yet, but yeah finding that out is a common experience for autistic kids especially. Might not know WHY they're "different" from their peers, but generally it's known that shit isnt lining up the way it should.
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