#but lets ganba for keito……..
banqanas · 7 months
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ryoosukeyamada · 7 years
Hey! Say! 7 Ultra JUMP 28/7/2017 translation
Hi! Somebody suggested to translate HS7′s radio show when all 4 members were on, it was really funny and cute so I decided to translate it! You should definitely listen to it while reading the translation it’ll make it 10 times more fun with their voices, hope you guys enjoy! - humming-yay (translator)
Hey! Say! 7 Ultra JUMP!
Y: Good evening I’m Yamada Ryosuke from Hey! Say! 7
C: Good evening I’m Chinen Yuri
N: Good evening I’m Nakajima Yuto
O: Good evening I’m Okamoto Keito. Tonight’s Hey! Say! 7 Ultra JUMP, best album Hey! Say! 7’s… Hey! Say! JUMP’s 2007-2017
Y: Alright you’re out
O: input and output release commemoration, we will broadcast with 4 people!
Y: Hey you… my part…
N: that part said Yamada, it’s okay that you read it all out on one go but you made a mistake
O: yeah I made a mistake
N: you can’t make a mistake there
C: you can’t do that
Y: you can’t make a mistake
O: I didn’t make a mistake right?
Y: do you want to talk long today?
O: what do you mean?
Y: so Keito how long do you talk here normally?
O: I talk for over an hour
Y: you talk for an hour for a 15 mins radio show
O: yes yes yes
N: that’s just a person who can’t calculate
C: wait does that mean you can’t create enough content for 15 mins without talking for an hour or you just like to talk a lot
N: that’s so bad
O: It’s probably what you said before
N: that’s bad
C: you can decide the length of the radio show yourself
Y: let’s talk longer then usual firstly let’s go with Keito’s pace
O: I like to have fun while doing it
C: let’s go with Keito’s pace
Y: the best album was released, has everyone listened to it?
N: yeah maybe they might have bought it
O: they’ve probably not listened to it yet
Y: Well yeah there will be people who haven’t listened to it yet
O: I want them to listen to it now
Y: if they listen to it now… it’ll be amazing they’ll be like Shotoku Taishi (famous Japanese historical figure who was very intelligent)
O: yeah that would be right listening to the radio at the same time…
Y: they’ll be listening to various people talking.
N: I think it has a lot of meaning to it since we released it at our 10th anniversary
Y: yes I agree our kouhai’s have released a best album at a timing faster than us so we were feeling a bit in a hurry, but I think there’s a lot of meaning releasing it in our 10th anniversary and there are a lot of songs in it that the fans voted so we would like you to buy it. It is an album made with everyone, so please listen to it.
C: so that means… that we’re going to air all the album songs here right now?
Y: no no today we’re not doing that
O: let’s broadcast all of it as a commemoration
C: oh we’re not?
O: let’s just broadcast the intro’s of all the songs
C: all 23 songs?
Y: the melody that Chinen and Keito are ringing is a discord, but there is no conductor
O: aside that we’ve been doing this show since 2008!
Y: yeah from September 29th
Y: we were 15?
N: that means it’s been 9 years?
O: we’ve been doing it for 9 years
C: no we haven’t been doing it for 9 years!
Y: no we have been
N: we have been!
Y: where were you?
C: we have?
Y: yes we have
C: for that long?
N: wait a minute are we going to talk about how we’re doing this radio with all 4 of us? Let’s talk about that first
Y: it’s the first time right
O: yes the first time
N: it’s a first
Y: the first time after 9 years
N: yeah!
Y: what is this?
C: when it was first broadcasted…
N: it was two and two
C: we did it with two people.
N: and from then we do it by ourselves and now all 4 of us are here. What is this specialness?
YOC: what? yeah
Y: it has a 10th year-ness
N: it is!
N: Surprisingly this is the first time
O: surprisingly it’s the first time~
Y: indeed~
N: it’s really fun though
O: It’s really fun
Y: it’s barely started though, it’s just started
Y: are you guys lonely? How do you guys do it regularly?
N: yes so we started doing it ourselves and then I thought that it’s very lonely, it’ll be nice to have another person and then sometimes BEST brothers came here as guests, there were those times right?
C: yeah there were
N: from then I thought isn’t about time we do it with all 4 of us? And were here right now so it’s really fun
C: Yutti are you the producer?
N: yes actually I’m the producer. Even with all the corners there are individuals ones made so I’m excited what corner we’re doing today
Y: indeed
C: yeah! Now we’re only doing the opening
O: it’s still the opening?
Y: we need to start it!
N: if we talk too much now
Y: let’s keep going there going to cut a lot of it anyway
Y: so broadcasting from the 4 of us the special Hey! Say! 7 Ultra Jump please enjoy it until the end!
  N: JUMP history~
C: woo!
N: so us HSJ in 2007 September our group was formed and in November we debuted our first single, and now we have released our best album too. Since we are right in the middle of our 10th anniversary year, we would like to discuss many highlights of our history though concerts, TV shows and magazines.
C: there has been a lot of highlights
YO: very many
N: so today what kind of highlight will we discuss…
O: this corner is really fun right? Because we get to know
C: if someone suddenly asked to say a highlight it will be like um…
N: so this time we’re not alone so it has a lot of meaning doing it with all 4 of us
C: yeah
N: honestly there has been times where I couldn’t recall that moment but today let’s all work hard and squeeze it out
O: yes
Y: ok Yutti let’s read the mail!
C: let’s go!
N: so this is from…
O: ok Yutti let’s go!
N: I’m already talking
Y: he’s saying it now! You’re so loud! You’re forever so bad at it!
N: so this is from…
O: okay~
N: let’s really be focused. Let’s really be focused Keito
Y: when Yutti talks like this he’s really serious
O: I was scolded at for real
Y: he’s not joking he’s really serious, you’re getting scolded for real
C: no he isn’t serious when he is he’s even more scarier
N: stop it! Stop it!
Y: I know
C: revealing it
N: it’s not ‘I know’! don’t know about it please
O: okay highlight highlight
N: yes from Hokkaido radio name pikarinparurinrin
O: pikarinparurinrin
N: I am a wife that thinks Yamada is an angel!
Y: yes thank you very much!
N: Yama even captivates wives
O: he’s an angel?
N: The highlight that I remember is in 2012 when HS7 were a supporter in the Harukou volley ball and the ‘Ganba let’s go’ at the Kokuritsu Yoyogi-jyou
OY: ohh~
Y: I remember it
N: you do?
Y: yeah
N: this time Yamada-kun had a big black thing that looked like a microphone on his lower back, the machine fell off from him. He turned and utilised the centrifugal force to bring it up and whilst dancing put the machine back in position elegantly
O: wow~
N: this is really detailed but when I looked at him I thought wow and I love the song now even more
N: the reason why she likes Ganba let’s go is this. This is so funny
Y: I do remember it
O: then let’s go to the next one
Y: why?
N: he does remember it and our Yamada does these things a lot
O: oh really
N: no matter what he always puts the microphone transceiver on his back
C: and drops it
Y: I need to be more careful
N: how does everyone else put the mic transceiver on your back? Everyone puts it on differently
O: yeah now you say it
Y: I put it inside the belt
N: I put it inside, there’s the pants and the belt right? I put it in between the belt and the pants
Y: me too!
N: I squeeze it in there and clip it on facing outwards
C: I see
N: so the hook is facing outside, I think that this is perfect so I’ve been doing it for a while. Yama do you do that too?
Y: yes I do that too
N: but it still falls out
O: I had a time period where I did that too
N: how do you do it now?
C: you have time periods when you do that?
O: yeah I have time periods, now I just put it in a pocket
N: ohh the pocket
C: I put it in the pocket too
O: I put it in the back pocket and sometimes there’s a button on the pocket right? I leave it a bit open and poke out the antenna of the transceiver a bit
N: that’s a good technique
O: so it never falls out
Y: Chinen and Keito use a pocket
C: on the other hand when we want to sit down like during rehearsals you can’t  
O: yeah that’s true
C: because it’s in our pokke (short term for pocket)
O: yeah that’s the only problem
N: wait a minute Chinen calls a pocket pokke that’s so cute
O: so cute
C: the four of us have it like that but I wonder how everyone who is listening to this does it
N: noo they wouldn’t put it on there’s no opportunity for them to
C: they don’t put one on?
O: everyone probably puts it on normally
N: they wouldn’t have a personal microphone
O: they might be the type to hook it on properly
C: but you know they might have a part time job at a drive through
O: and they go ‘Irashaimase!’ (welcome!)
N: ohhh how do they work?
C: isn’t it the same system?
Y: no no no you don’t need to go that deep into it
O: I wonder how drive through people do it
N: I always move on to what Chinen is saying
~ Song intermission ~
N: so continuing on I would like to read the 2nd mail. We have received it from Ehime prefecture her pen name is Mari-san. Konbannu everyone from 7! (Konnbannu is the special way of saying good evening on 7’s radio I think Yuto made it up?)
7: nu!
N: she’s saying Konnbanu so you would think she’s a fan of me right?
OY: yeah
N: I am a girl that loves Yamada-kun!
Y: YAAAAAAY Justice! (impersonation of Japanese comedian Sunshine Ikezaki)
N: you’re so hyper!
Y: justice!
N: Yama you’re so hyper today
O: is he like this when he’s by himself?
Y: no no
N: I think he’s definitely not
Y: the staff look confused
N: did someone good happen to you today?
C: no he’s pushing himself
Y: I’m working hard because all 4 of us are here
N: I heard that all 4 people from 7 are doing the radio so I am filled with happiness!
O: ohh she knows!
N: for today’s JUMP history it’s about the 7 gathering, the 7 gathering was first on on Chinen’s birthday, everyone has turned 20 so everyone’s drinking alcohol and Yamada-kun and Yuto-kun expressed their feelings and thought for each other and it’s an episode that I love. From then on it has been around 4 years
O: we’re 24 now
Y: so fast
N: I would like to know everyone’s impression from that time, I will support you guys forever let’s make many fun memories for the 10th anniversary year.
Y: ok I got it so let’s recreate that scene right here
N: can we do it?
Y: our memory is a bit hazy but let’s try it
N: can we do it??
Y: so we go into the shop
N: wait wait I need to think about my acting role
Y: ok then Yutti is me and I’m…
O: what?
C: it’s so hard~
N: wait how was it?
Y: how was it again?
N: it was like normal saying good work today guys
Y: I think at first we we’re pretty quiet
N: I think so too
Y: we were like we’re finally able to do it now, the 7 gathering
N: yeah we’re finally able to do it
C: we’re finally able to do it
N: whilst wiping our face with the wet towel
O: like an old man
N: anyway Chinen happy birthday
C: thank you~
Y: everyone has turned 20 now, we’re all adults
N: 20 wow~
Y: yeah let’s discuss things we feel for each other
N: yes let’s discuss
C: Ryosuke please give me money
Y: that’s too real
C: it was kinda like that
Y: we talked about our favourite types in girls
N: yeah we did! Being very boyish
YC: yeah~
N: when I think about it don’t you feel that we haven’t done a 7 gathering recently?
C: yeah~
O: that might be right
N: it might be because all of us have gotten busier but making that as an excuse is frustrating
O: yeah
N: we should do it again, like the last time we went to Hakone
Y: we did do that we went to Hakone!
N: don’t we want to go somewhere?
O: we did go to Hakone
C: we did go there
N: don’t you want to go somewhere again?
C: I do
Y: becoming adults, I want to go somewhere for over a night
N: yeah I want to stay over night, a trip as an adult is that we can stay over somewhere!
O: like a ryokan
N: a ryokan is good!
O: isn’t a ryokan good?
N: ryokan is good~
C: but we’ve raised the expectation too much now and we’re making it harder considering our schedule so for now we should just go out for dinner once
Y: yeah you’re so realistic
Y: talking about dreams…
C: if we keep talking about dreams in the end, we won’t go when we actually really want to go
Y: but we really do want to go!
N: yes I want to go too
Y: for now let’s first go eat together
N: yes let’s go
C: then tonight
Y: are you my girlfriend? First let’s go eat together… Then we go to the ryokan… it’s the feelings before dating.
~ song intermission ~
C: already it is time to say farewell
O: It felt so fast
C: you might have realised already but the thing that I am really into right now, we haven’t had JUMP top 3 yet!
O: yes we haven’t done it
C: so on that note, next week we will be just doing JUMP top 3!
N: really? How much do you want the Rekomen t-shirt??
C: I already have it
NY: you have it!
Y: yeah yeah that’s right
N: I really wanted it but I couldn’t get the answer right
C: are we going to all work together? Well there’s many ways to play but let’s all do it next week and have fun
N: we’re actually only going to do that?
C: yeah
N: okay
C: for this time I was so surprised that we talked so much just with history
N: yes well we have all 4 of us here…
Y: it can’t be helped!
N: if we’re going to do it with 4 people they need to make the show a bit longer…
OYC: yeah
N: let’s work hard so we can be a group like that
OYC: yes
Y: let’s work hard
C: let’s spread our name more
Y: If anyone wants to send a mail please send it to the address I am about to say now
OC: oh!
Y: so unique (yama’s voice)
O: what is this? I want to send one!
Y: here it goes (says postal address) and  email address is [email protected], have you remembered it?
N: I remembered!
O: you said it in a way to make us want to listen
Y: then lastly let’s go to this corner, “words you can gain energy from, Hey! Say! Words!”
O: yay~
C: let’s make everyone happy Ryosuke
Y: this is the part I am most bad at
N: same with me
O: Suddenly this corner came back on again
Y: we have received sayings that make people feel like ‘I can work hard for this week!’ and we say them here
O: are we starting from Yama-chan?
N: it’s like a stimulation experience
Y: today Keito will do it
N: gentle man!
O: Isn’t it totally better if it’s not me?
Y: no no no
C: It’s the most popular part
O: it’s pretty long
C: I want to hear it even more
Y: it doesn’t matter
O: it’s pretty long
N: we just want to hear it
O: I’m so bad at acting
Y: Keito all your part from before has been cut
O: that’s true
Y: yeah yeah
O: they can finally hear me
N: please go ahead
C: it’s the first time meeting Keito
O: nice meeting you for the first time, this is from Momou-san from Yamanashi prefecture, I would be happy if you say this slowly and relaxed yoroshiku onegaishimasu
O: what’s wrong? Did something happen? I’m always here to listen to you, you can depend on me, and cry in front of me. I will receive it all, okay?
Y: you are really bad at it, you’re monotone
O: really? I thought I put a lot of effort into it, I want to hear it from Yuto who is good at acting
N: no no that’s okay
O: because I don’t know! I want to hear the proper one…
N: no no there are other people here like Yama
Y: no not me
N: Yama is better at this!
Y: no no
O: can’t you do it today Yama-chan?
Y: I can’t
O: yes you can
Y: no I have a stomach ache
N: you’re stomach hurts? Are you a primary school student pretending to be sick?
O: ‘are you a primary school student pretending to be sick?’ what it that sort of comment
N: in primary school didn’t you pretend to have stomach ache?
Y: so nostalgic!
O: suddenly I have memories of primary school days in my head
Y: isn’t it okay with Keito-san? They wanted to hear a voice that is very Keito
C: I can work hard for the week
N: there are people who can work hard for a week because of this, if you think about it isn’t this corner so cool?
O: wow it is
N: right?
O: yeah, wow I can be happy from Yuto’s follow up comment
C: that’s good
N: let’s keep this corner going again
Y: yes well the time has gone past so quickly today but next week all 4 of us from HS7 will broadcast so please be excited for next week!
N: see you next week!
O: good bye!
C: bye bye!
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