#but let's ignore that shall we
ging-ler · 2 months
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donating blood for the first time
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cafecitoeddie · 5 months
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“Buck?” Eddie knows Buck wouldn’t leave just like that, without so much as a goodbye but— Maybe last night meant absolutely nothing and all he’s been left with is a broken heart. No, he can’t possibly believe that, but— Buck’s voice is sudden and muffled through the bathroom door. “Don’t worry, Eddie, I’ll be right there." Of course. Eddie smiles to himself as Buck opens the door. How could he ever think Buck would leave him after last night, after what they did, after everything they’ve been through? Eddie smiles, adjusting slightly, feeling the tug and pull of a very new, but welcome, pleasant ache. Buck smirks as he steps into Eddie’s bedroom, tugging his boxer briefs down as he goes. Every single thought evaporates from Eddie’s head at the sight. “Alright, baby. Ready for round two?”
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barbieaemond · 3 months
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@just-some-random-blogger i’m taking you down with me
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reisrain · 19 days
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Зима fied imbibitor lunae <3
i love Зима's 1.6 garment so much so why not
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you guys should totally play reverse 1999 btw
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minthological · 4 months
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Alfred: *uses emotional blackmail and guilt tripping against the Batfam*
That's exactly it! LMAO
What can he say? Guilt, and just becoming aware of how much you've missed of someone's life — someone who lived in the same house as you for years, and is supposed to be family no less — is an incredibly good motivator.
Just a few spare tapes being played at just the right moment, and couple of flyers being handed to them — well, he hardly had to do much at all. They did the rest of the work themselves, though to say that wasn't the point all along would be a lie.
All he had to do was plant the seeds, and give them a bit of water, before just sitting back and watching them grow. :]
He's just an old man, and someone very dedicated to his job. He can't just look for the reader by himself... not as efficiently or quickly as the rest of the Batfam can, anyway. So he might as well pull a few harmless tricks to at least get them searching.
After all, it's the least they could do, no?
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pestilentbrood · 10 months
VERY long Ramble incoming
honestly now that I'm looking at the auraboa lore situation, I'm just disappointed. There was such POTENTIAL in the idea of the Loop and the horror of a new generation inexplicably being disconnected from it, forcing the newly hatched children into a world totally separate from that perceived by their parents (I mean, hell, they perceive TIME differently!).... but then the writer(s?) just fell ass backwards into Icky Tropes.
I feel like I can see what the idea was, especially with the recent alterations to the Encyclopedia entry... It seems like staff fundamentally understands the true Horror potential here, but... Instead, through the short story, they proposed it through the lens of a condescending outsider character, turning the fears of the older generation into something trivial. And also weirdly demeaning the Auroboa's situation by portraying them as overreacting.
Why... why would you do that? Like, from a storytelling perspective? What's gained from that? Why not embrace the true horror and even Emotional significance of that disruption? Why instead go for "ohh we NEED outsider help we NEED to be saved because we are so helpless and it is so Silly that we, creatures who have never experienced such things, do not know what sleep is"????
And if they WANTED to have a condescending outsider, I feel like they COULD have done that, but it would have to have that character realize the horror at some point. And make it obvious that their attitude towards distressed parents and children facing Eldritch Shit and the Sudden Deconstruction of it was not cool!
(or at the very least be a bit more...idk. Consistent with said outsider character? Juniper just goes from "omg I am so honored that the fascinating creatures of the behemoth have chosen me to speak to" to "oh their wasting my time because they don't know what sleep is. I'd rather be sleeping!! 🙄" like girl... c'mon now. Why are we trivializing it like this. Do you want me as the reader to be invested in their plight or not.)
I mean come on. They're beings connected through one networked hivemind-like system, yet each still maintains a silver of individuality that allows them to move freely throughout the Behemoth that they care for. And they've got an eldritch understanding of time that no other dragon could understand. They're seeing the future, past, and present unfold simultaneously. They're witnessing the birth and death of the world at the same time, and have no way to communicate it to other dragons. The best they can do is maintain their home, and even then, they see its roots spread and decay all at once.
And then the newest generation is suddenly disconnected. An inherent link between parent and child and all dragons in-between, that has existed since the creation of their species, is just suddenly GONE for the newest births. With NO explanation for it. The children have no easy way of communicating with their parents. The children are experiencing time in a way that was not meant for their species. They've forcefully been shoved into a circadian rhythm that they are Not! Built for!
The only way a parent could communicate properly with their child would be when the latter is sleeping, something that is also completely foreign to this species. It would be terrifying for all involved!!!
They are literally experiencing eldritch horror from the perspective of the eldritch being forced into the mortal.
Like why WOULDN'T there be panic!!! And why would that panic be trivialized! Why are we only shown the perspective of an outsider who looks at this situation and goes "Oh the silly tree beasts are being so silly over nothing, it's no big deal!"
That and the way the auraboas talk to outsiders. Like. There was such potential there. Real opportunity to explore how ancient, time-bending beings would communicate to someone who couldn't even BEGIN to understand the intricacies of it.
Instead we got what feels more like baby talk (even described as though they were hatchlings enunciating their first words, which... I dunno man, maybe we don't want to compare them to children like That) and less like... Beings that experience all of time at once. I mean, the hatchlings and the adults speak the exact same way, and that doesn't make any sense given the literal time barrier going on.
I totally get why people thought there was just a language barrier and that auraboas had their own language, thus causing the disjointed speak, and not that it was because They Do Not Experience Time Like We Do. And I feel it would've been far easier to get it across by just... I dunno. Do anything else?? I saw someone on here suggest they speak in the "wrong" tenses, or using multiple tenses in the same sentence, which I think would've been far more clear.
Like, as opposed to "saplings wilt! saplings silent!" just "the saplings will wilt in silence, they've wilted in silence, they are wilting silently." Said all at once like all things are true simultaneously. And if we're going for hivemind, have each auraboa speak in a different tense, all at the same time, and have them switch it up every time. Have our outsider get confused and be like "which is it? are they wilting now, or have they already wilted?" and the cluster of auraboas respond in a cacophony of yes's, no's, and maybe's all at once.
Would've probably gotten across the "alien" vibe they were supposedly going for far better than wide-eyed desperation for an outsider's guidance conveyed through disjointed, in-world described as baby speech.
And also maybe would've had less accidental connotations. Because as it stands, I completely see why people have made the connections to the real world where they have. This doesn't read like eldritch timey-wimey intrigue, or even a respectful look at how younger generations can become detached from their families' cultures over time and the struggles that come with it. It reads like a culture being perceived by an ignorant outsider who (despite supposedly respecting these dragons) scoffs and rolls their eyes because the tree beasts with their funny words are being silly again, and that Hey, isn't it actually a great thing that the children are fundamentally different in all manners now? Because now they can join the rest of us in the "real world."
Yknow. Ick.
(I Personally think it would've been better to have the perspective be one of the Auraboas themselves, especially one of the children, to really understand what was going on here. Give us the full brunt of the mind of a creature experiencing all of time interwoven as one shape. The waters fall and the oceans crash with waves. They've now fallen to drought. The ocean has yet to be born. Caves have been carved out through the waters' currents. And when I break from this timeline, I open my eyes to see a child, the child not yet born, the child born now, the child born yesterday. Why can't I hear it? Why couldn't I hear it? Why won't I ever hear it?)
I dunno. People more qualified than me to speak on this matter have already torn the lore apart, I'm just... dropping my own two cents. Potential got weirdly squandered and we ended up instead with unfortunate implications and tropes that could be connected a liiiittle too awkwardly to irl situations.
*Also, before anyone points out: Yes, I know the hatchlings aren't COMPLETELY detached from the Loop and can join it when they sleep. But the fact is, these thangs never had to sleep before. That wasn't in their species' nature. So that's still weird and foreign for them on both sides. And since the hatchlings now have a circadian rhythm, they can't stay connected to the loop permanently. And also Also, seeing as the previous generations aren't experiencing time linearly, who's to say they even recognize when their child joins the loop? They'll speak with an echo of their child when that child was last asleep ages ago, not knowing that it's not them presently, because there is no 'present' for the older generations.
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s2 episode 7 thoughts
hmm. hmm. that is the sound if me pondering what i just watched.
(i understand that this episode was an analysis into mulder's self-destructive behaviors when faced with overwhelming grief, but. that does not mean i enjoyed vampire hookup time)
well. we shall start from the top!
i read that it was an episode about vampires which i thought was a weird narrative choice because. hello. scully still gone??? but then i remembered that i too ignored the main quest in skyrim to hunt some vampires and that i had no place to judge
(granted, my main quest wasn't finding scully though. might have given that a bit more priority than saving the whole world. because she IS my whole world)
we open with a guy that looks like joe biden meeting with an attractive young woman. they're making out in a hot tub and we just know someone is gonna get slurped upon. and woe, it be upon us! double vampire attack.
back in DC, mulder gets his old office back! it's covered in plastic. he takes some of it off. he adjusts his calendar from may to november, so we see how much time he and scully had been assigned to other tasks, which also has me wondering how she managed to get a new house that quick.
(also, this calendar is... scantily clad women posing next to tools such as hammers and saws. was this allowed? was this acceptable? was it normal? were the 90's a lawless wasteland and mulder an irreparable freak?)
well. scully is an x file now, and he puts her glasses and id into an evidence bag and closes the filing cabinet which was sooooo evil. but he can't bring himself to put her necklace away. oh man. oh he's gotta have it in case he finds her. he has to hold her close. i'm Fine this is Fine.
so. he goes out to california to deal with the joe biden looking fellow being murdered. and he is not wanted on the crime scene. we know this because someone greets him by saying "nobody called the bureau" and he says "well, they should have" and lifts up the tape to let himself in. because one thing about him is that he's gonna let himself into a place he isn't wanted.
he sees the writing of a bible verse in blood on the wall and says something about their grasp of biblical knowledge being "feeble and literal" and i was like okayyy need to have a theological discussion with him
he then scares the other guy who originally wanted to kick him out by reciting a LARGE amount of facts related to similar cases and it's very much giving photographic memory. got me thinking, have we ever seen this man forget something? (directions don't count. they're confusing. but everything else sticks in that man's brain)
he just needs one thing: a phone book. which he uses to call a blood bank and ask about a new guy. who must be the vampire who did this!
so he rolls up to the blood bank and i'm over here struggling because i do Not Do Blood, and i knew at this point this was gonna be a tough watch, but i didn't anticipate the non-blood related reasons why this would be true
anyway he's sniffing around the blood bank and he hears some slurping and wouldn't you know, this dude is tearing into a bag of the red stuff like it's a capri sun. somehow he gets him into custody, where the dude refuses to talk because the lights are on, and mulder comes in with a lamp he put a red filter over, because he was prepared for vampire interrogation.
the vampire is going on about how what he did isn't murder because it's not like animals hunting prey is murder which is. not the greatest approach in terms of legal defense. mulder tells the guard that the guy is delusional and it's best to play along, and he believed this to be true... until he, quite literally, burned to a crisp in the sunlight. and died.
he's talking to the coroner and rattling off a bunch of vampire facts and says he didn't believe in vampires which is so funny to me because like. why is that where you draw the line, my friend. not at bigfoot and definitely not at aliens. but man. vampires are just too out there for spooky mulder. until now!
the coroner has a very funny line: "you are really upsetting me... on several levels" which seems to be the general effect fox mulder has on people. and also because i felt the same way about his dumbass actions during this episode.
coroner finds a stamp on the dead body's hand, which seems to come from a nightclub. so naturally our fbi agent ends up there.
you often see posts saying that "(insert character here) should be at the club". i fear that this is not the case for fox mulder, but it's possible that it's his suit and tie that are throwing me off. he just doesn't seem like he belongs there. i ask myself, where should he be instead? perhaps some sort of star wars convention would suit him better. a book signing with some author he likes. idk, an interior decorating festival. not here.
i shall use my verbatim words to walk you through the next scene:
"pause. he's talking to a woman who was looking into a compact without a mirror. so. vampire suspect. and now why are they getting so close together. and getting a drink. okay now they're leaving to a new spot together? AFTER she admits to vampirism"
(here she did some stuff that required me to look away from my screen due to my Weak Constitution. but also it would have felt necessary to look away anyway because it was getting... charged)
she tries to get him to... suck on her finger... but he won't do it because aids. which is fair. i think that's a smart move, actually. it's just that getting flirty with a vampire he knows was involved with a ton of killings was such a stupid move, i don't know why it's now the braincells start to kick in.
that kills the vibe, though, so she gets another guy to take his place and things escalate.
mulder pulls in at a restaurant called ra. nice! the sun god! and he is... through a window, witnessing some more slurping action. he seems to want to intervene and save this poor soul being feasted upon...
but the poor soul is no poor soul at all! he comes out and decks mulder, and delivers this line with stunning conviction: "i don't know who you are, freak, but we're two consenting adults" and with this, he is forced to flee.
and yeah. it made me laugh. my expectations for the genre were subverted. he signed up for that shit! what he did not sign up for, however, was the next part, where he was killed by the other vampires.
cut to investigating the crime scene. mulder has brought along a forensic dentist, which is a job i had no idea you could go into. he needs to see about those bites, which are very human.
next they go to vampire woman's house. it's a very nice place. mulder... opens her oven. and sees a loaf of bread in there. and i'm thinking, man, i hope this doesn't go where i think it's going. baked goods... ovens... i never want a vampire pregnancy arc. but he cracks open the loaf and something red spills out and somehow, this to him means that she is gone and isn't coming back. he can read the signs of the bread. so add that to his resume. what did the bread tell you, my liege?
he seems to have stayed in her house, however, because he's there when she's back, and says he knows she was using the bread as a charm to ward off evil. because apparently that's an eastern european thing, blood bread to warn off evil. sound off if any eastern europeans in the chat wanna confirm or deny.
anyway. he's IN this woman he thinks is a vampire's HOUSE? what the hell. mulder seriously i need you to stop and think. like you should have stopped and done some thinking a while ago. honestly i'm not mad i'm just disappointed. and he's like "i want to save you come with me before they kill you" ohhh big tough man needs to save her huh. make him feel good inside. huh. certainly no ulterior motive here...
she's monologing about her horrible childhood and how sweet blood tastes. um girl. don't lie to him like that. i have busted my lip open before that stuff does NOT taste sweet and dangerous. it's like a penny with rust that you found in a parking lot.
it seems her vampiric origin story, if to be believed, is that things simply got too kinky. which is a new take on the genre.
(it's also about being caught in an abusive relationship and the damage that inflicts, but it seems abusive boyfriend came into vampirism at his kinky parties and things escalated from there. which. well. it blew the eyebrows clean off my head, to be fair)
at this point we see that he is WEARING SCULLY'S NECKLACE? he says something like "it's from someone i lost" and she says that she "hopes he finds her"
i did not like the undertones here and certainly not the overtones. because i knew where this was going. he was shaving in her bathroom. and let me tell you something: there is only ever a shaving scene in media because the writer needs a way to get some blood out of someone's body and into the real world. and man. i knew it was coming.
but what i didn't see coming was her SHAVING HIM??? girl. i am uncomfy. and she does, of course, cut him, and then they kiss. aggressively. terribly aggressively. can anyone answer what was going on in a satisfactory manner?
but the gag is: the original vampire- who burnt to a crisp in the jail cell, and was the abusive ex she spoke of- HE'S WATCHING THEM THROUGH THE WINDOW!
he breaks in and taunts the vampire woman about how he had to "wait for her to finish" and i was like cool. thank you SO much for that mental image i'm super happy with it. i definitely don't feel like i need a shower. but then he's going on about how he can't be killed.
here, at the tail end of the episode, we learn the rules of vampirism in this world: a vampire cannot be killed by a non-vampire. and a non-vampire BECOMES a vampire by consuming the blood of a believer and also taking a life. it is only here we realize that this woman is not an actual vampire yet, she just appropriates their culture by drinking blood unnecessarily.
mulder's still sleeping in her bed and she's like "you need to leave" and she stabs the wall to make her evil ex think she's killing him. but when they go to break out, mulder ties him up quite handily and he gets in the car to escape with vampire woman. until ANOTHER vampire woman jumps on the hood of their car. and main vampire woman knocks her out for a bit by running into her with said car, which is super effective.
mulder's leaving the place in shambles, his shirt still unbuttoned, wandering down the side of the hill. back at the house, now that we know the vampire rules, main vampire woman says she can finally kill the evil vampire ex. and he's like how!! you haven't had the blood of a believer or taken a life. so. she licks the blood off her hands (unclear if it's hers or mulders tbh) and says she'll take her own life. and drops a match after pouring gasoline.
so. that brings that to an end. and shabby looking mulder sits on a hill as he learns all four in the house died.
the episode ends with him playing with scully's necklace. which i don't even sort of feel like unpacking right now but maybe another time.
probably not, though, because i just didn't like this episode. and yeah, a lot of it comes down to me not wanting to see mulder hook up with people who aren't scully. can you blame me? is it so wrong to have preferences in this world?
but also, narrative wise- do you honestly see the guy fucking off to cali while scully's still missing to deal with an unrelated problem instead of devoting every hour of his life to finding her, like we saw him do in the last episode? you expect me to think he just puts it off for a lil while? the guy who, just last episode, pulled his gun on the ski lift operator to get to the top where she might be a little faster, and then choked his one and only suspect out of fury? you're thinking this is the guy that's gonna go soak up some west coast rays?
and yeah, he was obviously not himself through the episode- very cold and analytical- but c'mon. we all want to bang a vampire. he's not special. i just personally wouldn't do that if my friend were gone. like how is that gonna help the situation. be so for real. time and place!
and also the whole only learning the rules of being a vampire about 5 minutes before they need it to be plot relevant. that annoyed me too.
overall, mulder, like i said, i'm not mad, just disappointed.
let me know what you thought on this episode- i try to not be a hater, but i also understand that hating in small doses can be good for the soul. if it's a widely beloathed episode i'll feel better in my judgement as i join a long tradition of haters who have come before me.
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diazly · 2 years
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it was simple, it was sweetness, it was good to know
we'll never have sex -leith ross
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sabrinaacarpenters · 2 years
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They gave me a pig! They said they found a dragon for me. But it was a pig. They all laughed.
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sometimes looking at like Self Help Strategies lists for the symptoms I'm having is always just like:
thing that I already do
thing I have tried 10 times
thing I already do
thing that I don't have the money to do
thing I already do
thing I've been doing since I was 10yrs old to no avail
thing that is impossible given my situation
thing that doesn't apply to me
thing that I already do
thing I have already tried
hrmm, oh wait, maybe finally- OH, yeah.. okay. thing that I already do but it was just phrased slightly differently
thing I have already done
#I think maybe productivity tips help less if the reason you're unproductive is partially like.. physcial health and other extenral things#out of your control. rather than just like having trouble paying attention or spending too much time on tiktok or whatever#all the strategic to do lists in the world are not going to somehow prevent me from waking up with a debilitating migraine or whatever#or having external stressors or lacking resources and connections or other Productivity Essentials etc.#especially many tips involve stuff like 'cut off from social media' since thats the modern day time waster for so many poeple#and it's like.. lol.. i can hardly even maintain a blog even thuogh i actively WANT TO DO SO. 'shut off your smart phone!' already#done babey i fucking hate smart phones i shall never use an app unless i am forced to. 'delete tiktok' yep. already covered. tiktok and#all of those thinsg are my enemies. 'save money by cancelling some of your services' cool. already ahead of you.#who the fuck is out here paying for like 10 different subscription services. pirated videos uploaded to google drive and youtube to mp3#my beloved. etc. etc. and so on. 'socialize less' .........LOL.. if only you knew.. mr.writer of the article. i can barely muster#talking to friends more than once a month and even less if I'm actively sick (often occurence) etc. etc. ... hewoo#I think maybe instead of generic productivity tips I need more like.. how to refocus and be productive anyway even if you have a headache#or are nauseous or etc. Not that those are always things to ignore. and of course you should let your body rest and etc. But plenty of peop#e have mild physical symptoms and just work through them. Ithink something about the way my body/mind is SOO hyper attuned to all#sensory information just makes it like... constantly 'GRR well I cant focus on WRITING right now because my lef#t ear feels weird and my socks are too itchy and my back has a strange pressure and I'm vaguely warm and my eye feels some ssort of#way it doesnt normally feel and I'm hyperaware of my breathing and also nauseous for no reason' and like half of those things I#think '''normal''' people wouldnt even notice or at least would be able to just live through. but for me it's like.. nealry impossible to i#gnore and soooo distracting always. like 'wahh.. nooo we can't draw or get anything done.. my legs feel slightly heavy or something!!'#like............. ok......... who cares. thats not even a PAIN sensation it's just something weird. but it's just like.. NO. constant#mental alerts about the 'heaviness' of your legs be upon ye. Though Imean like.. yes.. 70% of the time I am in genuine pain#or having some sort of actual ailment with trackable physical symptoms. but sometimes it's just like... we could totally be working right#now and ignoring this silly thing but my brain is fixated on it for no reason uncontrollably. etc. etc. I guess it's the same way that like#most people can go to a grocery store without the whole experience being so overwhelming and so much stuff going on at once#that they have to rest afterwards but like.. in my own HOME doing NOTHING i feel like I should be able to not get overwhelmed lol. ANYWAY#Rolling my bastard little rock up a dumbass hill and so on and so forth
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yourdarlingwarrior · 4 days
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hellolovers13 · 1 year
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His and Hers
by hellolovers13
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | T | 1.8k
tags: trans Harry, canon compliant, fluff, tiny bit of angst
It's just a blanket, it shouldn't make Harry freak out like this
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rustytrident · 2 years
cw: sleepless brain physically rotting on a keyboard, reader isn't christian, references to persephone!mc but if u squint really really hard like if u put ur entire soul into the squint.
"you don't have to do all this, yknow"
you patiently watched as your boyfriend perched himself up on a ladder, trying to tie a garland around a christmas tree twice his size.
"i wanna," he murmured "don't talk t'me i'm concentrating". mammon frowned, trying his best not to fall. would it be easier for him to fly there in his demon form? yes, sure! but some things are done better in the good ol' traditional way. or, at least, in the way people do it in the human world.
"okay then, baby. do your thing," you turned back to your phone, pretending to ignore your boyfriend.
with the corner of your eye, you watched as he turned to face you, a slight pout evident on his face "you're not gonna help me? i thought we had something special, babe. i thought i was your number one demon but no! was it was all a lie? you only wanted me for my body and my money, didn't ya? i trusted yo-"
you stood up with a sigh, pocketing your phone and moving closer to him, standing in front of his legs on the ladder "are you done being dramatic, baby?"
"nuh-uh don't call me baby, you've lost baby privileges. i come all the way here from literal hell to help you decorate for christmas and all you do is ruin this relationship! do you have no heart in you, human?"
he was barely keeping his smile contained at this point, his happiness evident. he hadn't seen you in such a long time, after all (three weeks, five days, eight hours and forty three minutes, but who's counting?), and he was practically vibrating with joy. mammon was a clingy demon, he knew that, but even the most independent ones wouldn't be able to handle being away from their partner for that long.
"i don't even celebrate christmas, 'mmoney, what would the purpose of me decorating be? i'm not christian"
"yeah but are you a capitalist?"
you snorted, "what does that have to do with anything?"
"i dunno," he shrugged, "satan was talking about how christmas nowadays in the human world is a capitalist's dream. thought if you aren't the one u could be the other; 's how i convinced lucifer to come"
baffled, you took a step back to look at him better "you convinced lucifer to let you randomly show up at my home in the human world with a christmas tree that folds at the top cause it's taller than my ceiling, decorations and–" you started counting, "– eight packs of lights because you convinced him i was a capitalist?" you thought if your tone wouldn't give away your shock and amusement, your face would. mammon has never seen anyone's eyebrows go so far up their forehead.
"oh i dunno if i convinced him. i just wrote him a letter and went to lord diavolo for permission to open a portal. he said yes so..."
"oh jesus–"
"ya just said yer not christian!"
"this isn't the point!?" you started laughing, "mammon do you know what capitalism is?"
"human world stuff i don't care about? why would i care for anything else but you up here?"
smiling, you hugged his legs and rested your chin on his stomach, looking up at him. "oh, so you care about me that much huh?"
mammon sighed, turning to the side to hide his blush "what gave you that idea? now shut up and help me decorate this tree"
still smiling, you silently obliged, grabbing the garland from where it flowed down from your demon's hands and helping him get to the parts of the tree he couldn't reach. after a couple minutes of the light christmas music being the only sound in the room – proof of mammon's concentration – you peaked your head from behind the tree to get a look at his face.
little pieces of hair trailed down his forehead, some falling into his eyes, dilated and focused. you had decided that even with a gun to your head you wouldn't be able to choose which part of him you liked most, internally melting at how perfect his skin looked, and how soft his lips felt (if you were asked to swear on what you deem as holy, you would whisper mammon's name like a prayer so ancient it rivals the mystery of the linear a).
yet, you don't say anything, and you continue looking, engraving the smallest of his eyelashes into your memory.
"quit starin' at me, human," he cut your appreciation segment short – damn him and his bird sight.
you huffed, lovesick smile turning mischievous as a light bulb lit up in your head. "can i ask you something?"
"shoot," he hung up a ball – yellow, golden – on the lower branches.
"why are we really decorating a christmas tree?"
mammon's eyes widened slightly, before a sigh escaped his lips. of course you would notice, of course it wasn't like him to show up with an excuse like that. of course, he isn't stupid, and he knows you aren't either. if he wanted to see you he could have, without all the extra effort and time spent preparing. of course, he knew it wasn't worth lying. he was talking to you, after all.
"we still decorate back home. the lights of the tree make you feel less lonely after your fourth hour of being strung up from the ceiling," he picked up another ball – blue, electric, "guess i wanted ya to feel less lonely when 'm not here too".
a bittersweet feeling erupted in your chest, but before you managed to say anything, he continued.
"it ain't anything deep so don't worry about it. just felt like doin' something domestic with ya and that was the first thing to come to mind," mammon peaked to your side of the tree, its white colour blending in with his hair, "are ya done over there? i want us to make the gingerbread house before lucifer roundhouses my ass into the next century after he finds out i snuck out"
"yup, all done, babe," you got up at the same time as him, kissing his shoulder as you moved to the kitchen first. "you want some hot chocolate? i also got some qurabiya i made the other day," you muttered while opening up your cupboards to see if you had anything else you could offer your guest, "oh! a ferrero rocher, maybe?"
he hugged your waist, his chest flush against your back, "whatever's easiest". mammon kissed your head and moved onto setting up the materials you would need for your debut as bobs the builders.
after a couple minutes of eating whatever sweets you had on hand and sipping on hot chocolate, he turned to you, the side of his mouth coated with powdered sugar "oh, by the way, you got a balcony, right?"
"well where else were we going go put the 10 Ft Lighted Christmas Inflatable Archway, Inflatable Santa Claus And Snowman Arch Indoor And Outdoor Holiday Decorations, Built-in Led Lights, Large?"
oh no.
this can't be good, you know it can't, yet you already feel a laugh bubbling up in your chest "yeah, why?"
"ten feet?? mammon that's too big!"
"hahaha! that's what she said!"
that night, mammon did the walk of shame back to the hol with a wounded pride and a half inflated 10 Ft Lighted Christmas Inflatable Archway, Inflatable Santa Claus And Snowman Arch Indoor And Outdoor Holiday Decorations, Built-in Led Lights, Large under his armpit.
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gazellig · 2 years
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So, whose locker is this? ☺️
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estelle-skully · 3 months
Can you please draw the “We Bare Bears” on top of each other, please?
stack stack stack
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