#but lemme have my transformers brainrot first hehe
berryliciousjam · 1 year
Life Update 2: Chaotic Boogaloo
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Yeah so—the drawing speaks for itself, which is why I had to renew my Artist ID after being inactive for more than 2 weeks 💀.
In all seriousness, I am really thankful that all of you for still interacting with my posts despite my indefinite hiatus. I really wanna give back to you guys but since it is inevitable that I will fall into the downward spiral of art block and writer's block.
Importantly, Me and my boyfriend have been making our own Transformers AU/Continuity which takes place in the Philippines and we even created our OCs(both Transformers and humans) for this particular passion project. The thing is—I am unsure if I am ready to show it to the world, especially since there is so much work to do—and it's not even final. Sure, I can softly launch it through goofy or omnious artworks and writings, or maybe I'm just worried of what people think(It's not even that serious—I think???). I guess you all can just stay tuned for it as I plan on what or when to post. All I can say is that—the Decepticons took care of a human/cybertronian hybrid and chaos ensues.💗
The million dollar question—When will I start posting again? Honestly...whenever I feel like or when I have the free time. As mentioned, I just started college and the university is notorious for the heavy workload so my neurodivergent ass gotta keep up(hopefully). I hope all of you understand and not only that, I have to slowly get back to drawing so it will take time :'3
I know it's a long post but I know some of you guys are worried about me, so it is neccessary to tell what happened throughout the weeks. It is truly chaotic and upsetting because I missed the opportunities because of a damn viral infection—It is what it is.
Thank you so much again everyone! 🫶💗✨
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