#but later on I will make a more advanced conlang with the skeksis titles and greetings and such
crystalsundered · 5 years
Skexish translations ;; 
Kekkon, Kekkon, Yazakaide, Akura, Kasdaw. -- Obviously we weren’t given subtitles in the original film, so this is all guessing based on pragmatics/context-clues on my part, but the Ritual-Master says this during skekSo’s funeral. Words that are repeated in chants are usually done so for a reason, and comparing this to the urRu funeral for urSu, I think a good translation would be: Rise, Rise, Conquer, Subdue, Rule. Skeksis place less emphasis on eternity/spirituality than their mystic counterparts, but in AOR, we do see skekSo place importance on eternal power when he displays skekMal in the throne room so that he could rule by their side forever. 
Hokkvatta skaun Kherron. -- First of all, the capitalization pattern is interesting. In languages like German, all nouns are capitalized regardless on whether they are common or proper. I think the same can be said of skexish, although skexish includes imperatives as seen above. Furthermore, Based on the context-clues, this can be directly translated to: Foreign(hokk)-worlds(vatta) (conjugated to be-- will be) Master. In English, this would be: You will be master of foreign worlds, but I will later demonstrate that skexish has a OVS (object-verb-subject) order. Judging by the Chamberlain’s syntax, which I headcanon closely mirrors skexish, there are no articles or minor prepositions (the, a, an, of, etc.) or pronouns given the skeksis, and urskek’s, lack of gender or sex. When addressing another, titles or names are used, or the addressee is implied given eye contact/context. 
Kekkon, Kekkon, Yazakaide, Akura, Teedkhug. -- Rise, Rise, Conquer, Subdue, Crush-Enemy (a word that we would understand as Victory). 
Haakhaon -- Forever/Eternally. 
Haakskeekah-- Stone(Haak)-Trial(skeekah) or Trial-by-Stone. 
Kakoi-- breaking/shattering, verb. Used most often in reference to Emperor skekSo cracking the Crystal of Truth. 
Pih Tabrokh!-- Begin now! 
Khrokon-- All(Khro)-ruler(kon) or Emperor. 
Rakhash-- Life(rak)-chamber(hash). 
Vliya-- gelfling essence; a perversion of the gelfling word ‘vliyaya’ or magic. 
Mala-- No/Stop. 
Khai-- Kneel/Bow. 
Ekdideothone-- Release/Drop. 
Katakontidzeh-- Empty(Katakon)-head(tidzeh) or fool. 
Katakontidzeh tekka-- foolish bastard, roughly. “tekka,” like most skexish insults, are not rooted in urSkek morphology. Adding “tekka” to a sentence or using it on its own is basically akin to using any expletive.
Kataftheeressthou-- a kenning that roughly translates to prophecy(kataft)-failure(heeressthou), as in the prophecy will fail. 
Poostitoc?-- Location?
Howtee oo mee Kelffinks-- Gelflings (mee; conjugated to be-- are) not(oo) brought (implied they). Or, more generally, They did not bring gelflings. 
Svaleros ho Kelffinks-- Hide cannot Gelflings, or Gelflings cannot hide. 
Kelffink Krakweekah-- Gelfling destroy/murder, or Destroy the gelfling! 
Porroh klet!-- Fire loss, or loss due to a fire. 
Garthim na bullorkhskaunga!-- Garthim go barracks/soldier(bullorkh)-pit(skaunga), or (To the) Barracks go, Garthim.  
Kakofrontez-- another skeksis-constructed insult, roughly translated as shit(kako)-stain(frontez).
Kelffinks makhun kim-- Gelfling fly/rush forward rapid/quick, or (implied command to crystal bats) rapidly/quickly fly/rush forward (for) gelflings. Makhun is actually a verb explicitly tied to urskek pragmatics because they have wings, can float. Instead of saying “move forward,” the verb for flying is used. This explains why “makhun” is also used in the film when skekUng is commanding the other skeksis to attack the Chamberlain before he is banished. 
Kelffink na Rakhash-- Gelfling go Life-Chamber, or (To the) Life-Chamber go Gelfling. 
Kelffink cho tenkha. Vo olk Kelffink ulls?-- Gelfling now alone. To run gelfling where? (To where did the gelfling run?) 
Khavekh-- Sun(Kha)-meet(vekh) or the Great Conjunction. 
Orkhasstim-- Restore/Replenish, imperative verb. 
Teen Kelffinkim-- Capture/Take Gelflings. The -im is the proper/formal plural. -s/-es is informal. 
Klakk smaithh Skwee Kreh-- Continue if (implied you) tear apart (implied I). Or, I will tear you apart if you continue. 
And before I end this post, I just wanted to paste a bit of Chamberlain’s dialogue so that one can better see that skexish has no articles or pronouns. This isn’t to say that the Chamberlain never mentions pronouns or articles. Sentences like these are just more on parr with skexish morphology: “Stupid prohecy. But Skeksis afraid. Fear Kelffinks, yes. Little Kelffinks! Mistake, much mistake (actual gelfling translation of a skexish phrase that means large/many/continual mistakes). Stay, please. Am friend.” 
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