#but kari always get embarrassed and goes and hides in her room for a little bit
alduinsbanes · 4 years
kari has accidentally called severa mom at least twice she got really embarrassed about it both times
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imaginedigimon · 4 years
What will it be like if Taiora (Tai and Sora), Mimato (Matt and Mimi), Takari (T.K. and Kari), and Daiyako (Davis and Yolei) are canon shippings?
I assume you mean at the same time? I’m also not terribly sure how to do “what if this ship was canon” because canon is such a weird concept to everyone, but I can try my best ^^” also out of those I’m only really hardcore about Takari, so---
Taiora + Mimato + Takari + Daiyako (At the Same Time)
Tai and Matt suggested a double date but it didn’t work because they argued over the movie
(Tai wanted to see the Lego one and Matt said no, obviously the movie about opposing dance teams was better)
The girls wondered whatever happened to chick flicks
Sora and Mimi sometimes interrupt T.K. and Kari’s bonding moments to ask advice on how to deal with their brothers
T.K. and Kari keep having to find new hiding places so they can hold hands in peace
At first, Yolei was embarrassed to tell everyone that she’s dating Davis, mostly because he had just gotten banned from Joe’s apartment (but then, so was she) and she hadn’t FULLY come to terms with her own feelings
But then Davis gave her one of his dumb smiles and she just melted
Davis became such a yes man--ever seen the meme where the BF goes to get stuff for when a girl’s on her period and there’s the “it’s uterUS” option? Yes. That’s Davis. He is so supportive and god, do I love him for it. What a good egg.
Frankly, T.K. and Tai are also very “uterUS” but that’s not surprising. Matt is just trying his best. Also he keeps eating all the chocolate.
Like the older ones, T.K./Kari tried a double date with Davis/Yolei, but T.K. and Davis ended up arguing (it was very one-sided because T.K.’s great at comebacks) so they never did it again
Tai and Matt keep coming to T.K. to ask how to be cool boyfriends like he is, because as I’ve said numerous times, T.K. can speak Girl much better than I can
Tai and Sora are pretty openly affectionate, but that’s mostly on Tai’s side. He just likes hugging her with one arm when she passes by or giving her a huge grin, and it always works on her. She’s very open about the fact that they’re together and pretends not to notice when that one classmate who has a crush on him keeps bursting into tears when she sees them together. (It’s me. I’m classmate. LMAO.)
Matt is a bit quieter about it, despite Mimi telling ANYONE who will listen (and those who won’t) that she’s with a major hottie--a distinction that makes him blush and suppress a smirk. He’s not much for PDA, but he does slip her little notes with song lyrics on them to make sure she knows he cares. Then she hugs him in the hallway and he’s blushing all over again. He’s still a little scared that it won’t work out, so he really tries his best to make her happy.
Everyone knows that T.K. and Kari are together because, well... it’s them. They don’t even need to be open about it. T.K. still winks at her from across the room or will, occasionally, magnanimously give her a flower in a very princely manner (just for kicks and giggles), but Kari doesn’t mind. Much. They’re more openly affectionate on dates more than anything. And they try to pretend they don’t notice their brothers out on dates at the same time as them by “coincidence.”
Davis and Yolei are a handful. They’re always arguing, and then they’re seen holding hands while blushing, and then he’s hugging her. Someone asked him once what he’s doing with a nerd (because people are dumb) and he went, “Um, have you seen her? She’s literally the coolest girl in the world.” Yolei nearly cried but didn’t and just kissed his cheek. Blushing Davis is adorable, by the way.
Oh, and this seems important: Joe was the one to threaten Tai to be good to Sora because he’s Dad and she’s Mom (DigiParent solidarity); Kari very quietly told Sora not to break Tai’s heart (rip canon Sora in that case LMAO); T.K. told Matt not to mess up with Mimi; nobody talked to Mimi because it was very clear she’s loyal to Matt; the brothers of course talked to T.K. and Kari together (because the last thing they need is more feuding over something); everyone told Davis to think before he acts; and Ken gently told Yolei to be careful with Davis’s heart
The others are quite happy for the four couples, although Cody occasionally suffers from earsplitting screams because Davis or Yolei is always raving about how adorable the other one is to him
Izzy suffers the same fate but with Tai, and he really only puts up with it because Tai’s willing to water the plants while babbling
Again, not entirely sure if this is what you wanted? But there you are!
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batgirl-87 · 6 years
Your Jacob Character
I was tagged in @hufflepunk-asfrick ‘s Jacob challenge by @cptaincarswell and  @dahlwyn - I am so excited to do this! I saw this going around and really wanted to be tagged so thank you so much! 
I tag @arnyan @wilhelminafujita (I’ll leave you to tag blueroses 😉) @missnight0wl and @gryffinpuffthunderbird if you haven’t already and want to and anyone else who wants to because this is so much fun!
Make a collage of characters that summarize your version of Jacob (Okay so I followed cptain’s way because there were certain quotes and gifs I thought captured my view of Jacob in addition to making a photo collage because I’m an overachiever [or just bored] - Also, I mainly focused on big brother characters and sibling relationships because that’s how I view my Jacob, he’s the big brother! So really it’s just a lot of big brother characters =p)
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Alec Lightwood - Shadowhunters
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Besides being a great face claim for my Jacob, but with different eye colour, I also think the relationship between Alec and Isabelle is a great representative for my Jacob and MC.
Brave, caring, compassionate, and protective older brother. His more quiet and stoic, somewhat withdrawn, demeanor may intimidate others, especially when he can be a bit distrustful towards others, and cause them believe he’s “too cool” for them but honestly he’s very humble and possibly even insecure. He also is caring and even affectionate towards those close to him, quite observant to when something is bothering them and will do whatever he can to be there for them. Sarcastic especially towards those he does not like, unable to hide his dislike for others. And clearly Alec has to be physically fit and athletic, as is Jacob since he has goals of playing Quidditch professionally and is quite the Keeper 😉 (noted since some of these other character representatives are not all that athletic =p)
Mainly it’s about his relationship with his sister, Isabelle. Fiercely protective over those he cares about and loyal to them, particularly his sister. He assumes responsibility as the eldest as serves as a protector and healer while having no second thoughts or hesitation of putting himself in danger to keep them safe. He and his sister are very close, both always watching out for the other. He watches out for her safety and she concerned over his emotional well-being (especially because he seems to internalize a lot and never really talk about it). If one is suffering, physically or emotionally, the other is also greatly affected by it.
It’s not her fight, or his fight, it’s their fight - they have each other’s backs, they’re there for each other, they’re partners - it’s them against the world because they’re really all each other has especially after their mum’s death and their father’s side of the family wanting nothing to do with them. But together they can face anything. And yeah he can be a badass and will punch someone in the face especially for his sister.
And in the sync eye roll - classic Jacob and Keira =p Often sharing looks and knowing exactly what the other is thinking and it may normally be shady about someone else in the room =p They may love teasing each other but they love joining forces to judge others more =p
Sebastian Hastings - She’s The Man
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Brother who takes off to follow his dreams and leaves his sister to deal with the responsibilities he left behind... sound familiar? =p
While that is true, I like this quote from him because I feel like this is something Jacob tries to consistently get across to his little sister - follow your dreams no matter what, even if you have to break some rules.
Plus he’s musical like my Jacob, who plays guitar and can sing, but while Sebastian may not be the greatest soccer player, Jacob is a great Quidditch Keeper with goals to play professionally.
However, would Jacob strip off his pants in the middle of a game to prove he is who he says he is? Yeah, he would. And the immediately realize there’s a whole audience of people watching and probably turn completely red and quickly pull his pants back up but he still wouldn’t run off in embarrassment and act cool and stick around like Sebastian who remains “Present!” even after exposing himself to everyone =p Because Jacob truly is pretty chill and doesn’t let much faze him and he’s able to laugh at himself.
Taichi “Tai” Kamiya - Digimon
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This is it. Everyone else can go home =p
I will somehow refrain from delving into my nostalgic emotions and do my best to focus on the task at hand -
Tai for me has always been big brother goals and I love his relationship with Kari (who, yes is my fav) - when she got super sick OMG
Classic older brother sometimes gets annoyed with his little sister and puts his wants and desires over her health (we’re playing soccer even if you don’t feel well suck it up! =p - oh look, an athletic older brother! - Seriously though, Jacob probably would make Keira help him practice for Quidditch even if she wasn’t feeling well and then if she got horribly sick and had to go to the hospital he would feel terrible!)
BUT he loves his sister probably more than anything and anyone and is super protective, especially after almost killing her - he felt awful about doing that and Jacob better feel awful about putting his sister through all this Vault drama. 
Also when they’re little adorable (SO CUTE) and he’s always taking care of her, making her dinner because they’re parents are busy - Jacob did primarily take care of her - they took care of each other - especially after their mom died despite having guardians to take care of them. And then they embark on adventures together! =p He’s brave, he’s a leader, he’s also a bit of a dork but he’ll do whatever he needs to protect those he cares about. (seriously I can’t get into it a lot or I’ll cry from all the feels!)
Max Dennison - Hocus Pocus
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Somewhat dramatic Jacob moment above =p
Other older brother goals? Bickering and teasing older brother and little sister but they love each other and when she is in danger her brother does anything to keep her safe. And another sibling adventure! Plus, he may try to act cool (nah, it’s all just hocus pocus, why believe in this legend... but I’m still going to go along anyway! Probably also how he dealt with the Vaults, pretended to doubt their existence to be ‘cool’ but what if they are real!? Could be... should check it out...just to be sure!) but he’s really a dork and probably humiliates himself a lot... Fortunately Jacob has a good sense of humor and can laugh at himself. Also can he be bit of a dramatic little shit? Yes, yes he can.
Dwayne Hoover - Little Miss Sunshine
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My favorite character in this movie...
Dwayne is very determined and focused on his goals, as is Jacob. I mean taking a vow of silence to show how disciplined he is and how determined and focused he is on his goals - like Jacob making sacrifices for his determination concerning the Vaults.
In also classic teenage angst-ness, Dwayne hates his family and wants nothing to do with them; with Jacob and Keira’s tense relationship with the Black side of the family Jacob has very much the same attitude - he’s going to do what he wants, fuck them, and they can just leave him alone, he wants nothing to do with them. He takes the Black last name because he’s done being a “shameful secret” to them but that doesn’t mean he wants to be a part of this family and be embraced by them - he couldn’t care less about them. It’s more out of spite. 
Despite all this, Dwayne also loved his little sister and was supportive of her. She was also the only one who managed to calm him down and ground him after he realized his colour blindness (also my Jacob is red/green colourblind!). Dwayne bestows some wisdom to his sister much like Jacob would about not caring about what others think, playing into bs beauty standards when life is one big beauty pageant, just be yourself, do what you love, and fuck the rest. 
And again, can he be a bit of a dramatic little shit? Yes, we’re Blacks, we are very dramatic =p Going from this chill, apathetic, ‘whatever, I don’t care’ demeanor to suddenly freaking out in a dramatic rage - classic Jacob =p While he may be more laid back than his sister he still has a fiery Irish rage.
Also that dancing at the end...
Cliff Pantone - Bring It On
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Oh hey, another fantastic representation of Jacob and my MC’s relationship =p
First off, look at this dork playing guitar and jumping around his room, thinking he’s so cool when he’s, again, a huge dork - that’s Jacob =p Also possibly another good face claim for my Jacob that I never thought of before...
His relationship with his sister is perfect because they kind of are like best friends. There’s teasing and making faces at each other but there’s love and support (I know he has a thing for Torrence but I still think he goes to support his sister as a cheerleader as well and he totally went to all her gymnastic meets and probably classes too). He’s clearly musical (plays guitar like my Jacob), and although I don’t believe he’s ever shown participating in any athletics or mentions it (I haven’t seen this movie in awhile) he appears to be pretty athletic and fit (look at him! =p) which Jacob is as a Quidditch player with goals to become a professional. 
Despite being a dork, he also manages to be pretty cool, doesn’t let idiot bullies get to him, he’s above all that kind of crap, and that infamous toothbrushing scene - classic Jacob who’s subtle (and okay still a bit dorky) but it works (maybe he teaches Bill a thing or two =p)
All in all, Jacob is the classic big brother who manages to be a chill, cool dork who’s quiet and sarcastic, with fortunately a great sense of humor to laugh at himself. He’s athletic, musical, ambitious, a bit rebellious, but like a true Gryffindor will leap in the line of fire to protect those he cares about without any hesitation while also being a caring and affectionate friend and brother who will punch you in the face, especially for his sister. He and his sister may bicker and tease each other and play fight but they care so much for each other, always have each other’s backs, take care of each other, protect each other, be there for each other no matter what - its them against the world.
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